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The main goal of the project is to identify the largest agricultural companies and food processing enterprises that have a serious impact on the development of the country's agro-industrial complex, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of their work.

Data collection was carried out in three stages. At the first - preparatory - based on the study of open sources, a list of 300 applicant companies was formed. At the second stage, they were surveyed. At the third stage, missing information was filled in by analyzing statistics, corporate reporting, assessments of sectoral ministries and research organizations, as well as data from the SPARK-Interfax system.

The main ranking criterion is the amount of sales revenue. Subsidiaries, whose indicators are consolidated in the statements of parent holdings, were not included in the main list in order to avoid "double counting".

Additional criteria for compiling sub-ratings were labor productivity and dynamic development. Under the productivity of enterprises in the field of animal husbandry and processing of agricultural products, one should understand the proceeds from sales per employee. Under the productivity of enterprises in the field of crop production - sales revenue per 1 hectare of land. Companies with a positive net profit for 2014 and a land fund area of ​​more than 80,000 hectares were selected.

List of ten dynamically developing companies ranked in descending order of growth rate. Companies with positive net profit for 2014 were selected.

The "Big Seven" of the agro-industrial complex showed a 25.1% increase in revenue in 2015. On the first lines of the rating are holdings engaged in crop production and processing of vegetable raw materials, as well as producers of beef and pork meat. In 2016, the leaders of the agricultural sector increased the volume of production and continue to develop investment projects.


The action of the food embargo maintains favorable conditions for the development of the Russian agro-industrial sector. The locomotive is large agricultural holdings that have access to state subsidies and are confidently attracting additional investment.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, in 2015, in all categories of farms, including personal subsidiary plots, the average index of agricultural production was 103%. At the same time, the revenue of the first "seven" for the same year increased by a quarter, and the operating results of the companies for 2016 indicate the continued growth of the industry leaders.

GC Agro-Belogorye

Registration region: Belgorod.

Owners: the main share of the holding (72.5%) is owned by Vladimir Zotov, Deputy Chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma, included in the Forbes rating "200 richest businessmen in Russia 2016".

Specialization: pig breeding, dairy farming, plant growing, feed production.

Source: Expert AC

In 2016, the holding launched an investment project for 9.7 billion rubles. for the construction of new pig complexes and auxiliary production (the direction is considered one of the most promising in terms of import substitution in the Russian Federation). Exit to full power planned for 2018. Pork production in live weight will increase to 217 thousand tons (+35% to current volumes).


Registration region: Efremov, Tula region; Cargill Inc. - USA, Minnesota.

Owners: Cargill is owned by the Cargill and MacMillan families (88% according to Forbes), the dynasty is ranked 4th in the Forbes "Wealthiest Families in the USA 2016" ranking.

Specialization: production of starch and starch products, animal feed, sugars and sugar syrups, trade in grain and oilseeds.

Source: RBC

Cargill Inc. in 2015 fiscal year received $120.393 billion in revenue and net profit$1.58 billion, showing sales and profit declines of 11% and 19%. However, in Russia the holding continues to invest in a growing market: in 2016 it launched new project for feed concentrates (planned capacity of 50 thousand tons per year by the end of 2017), the volume of investments is 1.74 billion rubles. The company announced plans to invest in 2017-2018. USD 10 million in the development of oil products


Registration region: Moscow city.

Owners: the head structure of Ros Agro Plc (Cyprus), the main beneficiary Vadim Moshkovich, owns 70.7% of the holding's shares.

Specialization: cultivation of sugar beet, cereals and other agricultural crops, breeding of pigs, production of sugar from sugar beet, production and processing of vegetable oil.

Source: RBC

Cherkizovo Group

Registration region: Moscow.

Owners: MB Capital Partners Ltd - 61.01%, Norges Bank - 4.89%; beneficiaries: the Babaev-Mikhailov family (controlled by MB Capital Partners Ltd).

Specialization: production of meat products (chicken and pork meat, meat processing products) and animal feed.

Source: RBC

Efko group of companies

Registration region: Voronezh; Moscow.

Owners: information about the beneficiaries of the group is not disclosed; according to various sources, the largest share belongs to Valery Kustov (at the beginning of 2016 - 34.4%), the chairman of the board of directors of the holding.

Specialization: animal husbandry, crop production, processing.

Agriculture- a branch of the country's economy, which not only produces the most necessary products for a person, but is also a kind of catalyst indicating the economic development of the state. high share the agricultural sector in the country's GDP, as a rule, is characteristic of developing and industrially backward countries. The share of agriculture in Liberia's GDP is 76.9%, in Ethiopia - 44.9%, in Guinea-Bissau - 62%.

In economically developed countries, the share of the agricultural industry in GDP is a few percent. But this does not mean that these countries are experiencing food problems. Quite the contrary, modern technologies, used in agriculture by developed countries, allow you to get excellent results with relatively little investment.

AT Russian Federation agriculture occupies a little more than 4% in the structure of gross value added. At the end of 2014, the volume of agricultural production amounted to 4,225.6 billion rubles. Today, more than 4.54 million people work in the country's agrarian sector, which is 6.7% of all Russian workers.

2014 was one of the most successful years for Russian farmers in recent history. A record harvest of vegetables was obtained - 15.5 million tons. In addition, the second time, after the collapse Soviet Union managed to harvest grain crops, more than 100 million tons. Last year, this figure was 105.3 million tons, which is almost 14% more than in 2013 and 9% more than the target State program"Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets for 2013 - 2020".

The structure of Russian agriculture includes two main segments: crop production and animal husbandry. Moreover, their share in the money turnover is almost the same - crop products account for 51%, livestock products - 49%. In addition, there are three main categories of farms:

  • Agricultural organizations;
  • Households of the population;
  • Farms.

The main share of production falls on agricultural organizations and households, but recently there has been a rapid growth of farms. Compared to 2000, the turnover of farms in the Russian Federation has increased almost 20 times. And in 2014 it amounted to 422.7 billion rubles.

In the field of crop production, agricultural organizations and households have equal indicators of cash turnover, but in animal husbandry, agricultural organizations have an advantage, which is achieved by reducing the share of farms.

Enterprises of the agricultural sector, according to the results of 2014, had good financial indicators. Out of 4,800 enterprises in the agricultural sector, 3,800 organizations have completed reporting year with a profit. In percentage terms, this amounted to 80.7%. The total profit received amounted to 249.7 billion rubles. This amount is almost double what it was in 2013.

If we evaluate the activities of agricultural enterprises with the help of sustainability coefficients, then there is a picture close to ideal. So coefficient current liquidity, which is the ratio of the actual cost of the organizations available current assets to the most urgent obligations of organizations, the average for the industry is 180.1, with an ideal value of 200. The autonomy coefficient, which indicates the share of own funds in the total value of the organization's sources of funds, is 44.2%, with an ideal value of 50%.

crop production

Today, the Russian Federation has about 10% of all arable land in the world. The total sown area of ​​fields in Russia is 78,525 thousand hectares. At the same time, in relation to 1992, the total area of ​​arable land in Russia decreased by 32%.

70.4% of all arable land is owned by agricultural organizations. In numerical terms, this is 55,285 thousand hectares. Farms account for 19,727 thousand hectares, which is 25.1% of the total. The national economy owns only 3,513 thousand hectares, which is equal to 4.5% in percentage terms.

All crops grown in Russia are divided into the following categories:

  • Cereals and legumes (wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, millet, buckwheat, rice, sorghum, triticale);
  • Industrial crops (fiber flax, sugar beet);
  • Oilseeds (sunflower, soybeans, mustard, rapeseed);
  • Vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, table beets, carrots, onions, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, etc.);
  • Potato
  • Forage crops (forage root crops, fodder corn, annual and perennial grasses)

The largest sown areas in 2014 were allocated for cereals and leguminous crops. In percentage terms, the sown area of ​​these crops was 58.8%. The second place in terms of area under crops is forage crops - 21.8%, and oilseeds close the top three, their share in the total amount was - 14.2%.

If we consider statistics by categories of farms, then the trend remains only for agricultural organizations and farms. The share of sown cereals and legumes was 58.18% and 66%, respectively. In the national economy, the share of cereal crops accounted for only 16.6% of the sown areas. And the potato was the leader in sowing, it accounted for more than 71% of all arable land of the national economy.

The main areas of crop production in Russia are the Volga region, North Caucasus, Ural and Western Siberia. About 4/5 of all arable land in the country is located here. If we consider the percentage of enterprises engaged in the field of crop production to the total number of agricultural enterprises, then the following data will be available for the federal districts:

  • Southern Federal District - 67.1%
  • Far Eastern Federal District - 61.9%
  • North Caucasian Federal District - 53.2%
  • Central Federal District - 50.7%
  • Volga Federal District - 48.3%
  • Crimean Federal District - 45.9%
  • Siberian Federal District - 42.7%
  • Ural Federal District - 41.5%
  • Northwestern Federal District - 37.4%

Among the regions, the largest percentage of crop enterprises to the total number is in the Jewish Autonomous Region - 80.2%, while the main regions for growing crops have an average ratio of 70%.

  • Krasnodar Territory - 71.9%
  • Amur region - 71.7%
  • Primorsky Krai - 71.5%
  • Stavropol Territory - 69%
  • Volgograd region - 68.6%
  • Rostov region - 68.4%

The cultivation of grain and leguminous crops occupies a leading role not only in the crop production of the Russian Federation, but in everything agro-industrial complex countries. Wheat and meslin (a mixture of wheat and rye in proportions of 2 to 1) are the main agricultural commodities exported by Russia. In addition, grain crops wheat, rye, barley, corn, rice are exchange goods and are traded on commodity exchanges.

At the end of 2014, grain and leguminous crops were sown on a total area of ​​46,220 thousand hectares. The total harvest amounted to 105,315 thousand tons. The average yield per hectare was 24.1 centners.

The most important grain crop is wheat. About 700 million tons of wheat are consumed annually in the world. Most wheat is consumed by the EU countries - about 120 million tons, China is in second place - about 100 million tons, and India is in third place - about 75 million tons.

Russia is among the top five wheat producers in the world. In 2014, 59,711 thousand tons of this cereal were grown in Russia. This is the third indicator in the world after China and India. The average wheat yield in 2014 was 25 centners per hectare. This is the highest figure in recent history. Even in 2008, when a record harvest was harvested, the yield per hectare was 24.5 centners.

The second most important cereal for the Russian Federation is barley. It is used in large quantities in the brewing industry and in the production of pearl barley and barley groats. More than 70% of barley is used for feed purposes.

In 2014, 20,444 thousand tons of barley were grown in the Russian Federation, the average yield per hectare was 22.7 centners.

Corn is the most consumed cereal in the world. In recent years, about 950 million tons of corn have been used in the world. The main producer is the United States of America, they account for about 1/3 of the corn grown in the world. In total there are 6 species of this plant, but only one is cultivated - sweet corn.

At the end of 2014, 11,332 thousand tons of corn for grain and 21,600 thousand tons for feed purposes were harvested in Russia. The yield of this cereal was 43.6 centners per hectare.

Rice is the most fertile cereal. Its average yield is about 60 centners per hectare. About 480 million tons of rice are consumed annually in the world, and the main consumers are the countries of Southeast Asia. China is in the lead, the Chinese consume about 220 million tons of rice per year, India is in second place, with a significant margin, about 140 million tons, and Indonesia is in third place - about 70 million tons.

In 2014, rice yields were below the world average, but for Russia, 53.6 centners per hectare is one of the best in post-Soviet history. In total, 1,049 thousand tons of rice were harvested last year.

Other grain cereals, following the results of the 2014 agricultural year, had the following indicators:

  • Rye - 3,281 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 17.7 centners per hectare;
  • Oats - 5,274 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 17.1 centners per hectare;
  • Millet - 493 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 12.3 centners per hectare;
  • Buckwheat - 662 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 9.3 centners per hectare;
  • Sorghum - 220 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 12.4 centners per hectare;
  • Triticale (a hybrid of wheat and rye) - 654 thousand tons were harvested with a yield of 26.4 centners per hectare.

The leaders in grain harvesting in 2014 are the southern regions of the country: Krasnodar Territory - 13,161 thousand tons, Rostov Region - 9,363 thousand tons and Stavropol Territory - 8,746 thousand tons.

Oilseeds - as their name implies, are used to produce various vegetable oils. Three oilseeds are cultivated in Russia - sunflower, soybean and mustard. In addition, oilseeds include rapeseed, which is used in the production of biodiesel.

In 2014, oilseeds were sown in Russia on an area of ​​11,204 thousand hectares. The total crop yield was 13,839 thousand tons, the average yield was 13.4 centners per hectare. Most of all sunflower seeds were sown and harvested. 6,907 thousand hectares were allocated for this crop, and the harvest amounted to 9,034 thousand tons.

Oilseed or annual sunflower is a type of sunflower that is grown to produce vegetable oil. Sunflower oil is the most popular type of vegetable oil in Russia and Ukraine. These two countries are the world leaders in the production of this product. In total, about 12 million tons are produced in the world sunflower oil annually and more than 60% of this amount falls on these two countries. Sunflower oil ranks fourth in world consumption, accounting for 8.7% of the world production of vegetable oils.

Soybean oil - ranks second in the world in terms of production. And in Russia, this crop is the second most important oilseed after sunflower. Of all vegetable oil produced in the world, soybean oil makes up 27.7%. In 2014, 2,597 thousand tons of soybeans were grown in the Russian Federation, the average yield was 13.6 centners per hectare. 10 years ago, soybean cultivation volumes were 8 times less than today, and the yield was lower by an average of 25-30%.

In 2014, the largest mustard crop was harvested in Russia - 103 thousand tons. This culture is used to make mustard oil, which is widely used in medicine, cooking, and perfumery. Compared to other oilseeds, mustard has a low yield. In 2014, it amounted to 6.6 centners per hectare.

Rapeseed is a herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family. It gained great popularity after the invention of biofuels. Rapeseed oil is used to make this energy carrier. In Russia, the volume of rapeseed grown over the past 10 years has increased more than 10 times from 135 thousand tons in 1999 to 1,464 thousand tons in 2014. The yield of this crop last year amounted to 17.6 centners per hectare of winter rapeseed and 12.5 centners from hectares - spring.

2014 was the most productive year for vegetables, in total, 15,458 thousand tons of vegetable crops were harvested. Also this year, a record number of cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, garlic and pumpkins were harvested. The total number of harvested vegetables for each type:

  • Cabbage - 3,499 thousand tons;
  • Tomatoes - 2,300 thousand tons;
  • Bulb onion - 1,994 thousand tons;
  • Carrot - 1,662 thousand tons;
  • Cucumbers - 1,111 thousand tons;
  • Table beet - 1,070 thousand tons;
  • Table pumpkin - 713 thousand tons;
  • Zucchini - 519 thousand tons;
  • Garlic - 256 thousand tons;
  • Other vegetables - 979 thousand tons

The average yield of vegetable crops in 2014 was 218 centners per hectare.

Forage crops are grown for the needs of animal husbandry, and in the Russian Federation this type of crop is sown in large volumes. In 2014, 17,127 thousand hectares were allocated for fodder crops. This is the second indicator after grain crops. Over the past year, about 62,000 thousand tons of various feeds were collected.

Most of the agricultural land was given over to perennial grasses. In 2014, 10,80 thousand hectares were sown with them. The resulting crop - 39,133 thousand tons was used as green fodder - 30,388 thousand tons (77.6%), and 8,745 thousand tons (22.4%) was harvested for hay.

Annual grasses were sown on an area of ​​4,582 thousand hectares. The harvest of 2014 - 21,650 thousand tons was distributed as follows: 10.6% was used for hay, and the remaining 89.4%, that is, 19,356 tons were used for making haylage - grass dried to a moisture content of 50%, preserved in special hermetic containers.

Sugar beet is the most important industrial crop for Russia. It is one of the two main world crops that are used to produce sugar. On average, the world produces about 170 million tons of sugar per year. At the same time, about 37% of all sugar is produced from sugar beets. The leaders in growing this crop are China, Ukraine, Russia and France.

In order to produce 1 kg. Sugar needs a little less than 5 kg. sugar beets. In 2014, 33,513 thousand tons of beets were harvested in Russia. The yield was 370 centners per hectare. It should be noted that this indicator is 16.2% lower than last year, when a record yield was recorded.

Another industrial crop - fiber flax is used for the production of natural fiber. Linen fiber is 2 times stronger than cotton and is the basis of the Russian textile industry. In addition, flax seeds are used to produce linseed oil. In 2014, 37 thousand tons of fiber flax fiber and 7 thousand tons of seeds of this plant were harvested in the Russian Federation.

The potato is the most common edible root vegetable in the world. More than 350 million tons of potatoes are grown annually in all countries. The leaders in potato production are China, India, Russia, Ukraine and the USA. On average, every year there are about 50 kg per inhabitant of the earth. this product. And the leader in potato consumption is Belarus - 181 kg. per year per capita.

Potato is the most popular crop grown in households. In 2014, 31,501 thousand tons were harvested in the Russian Federation, while 80.3% - 25,300 thousand tons were grown in households. Last year was also marked by the highest potato yield, on average it amounted to 150 centners per hectare.

animal husbandry

Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that supplies the country's food and light industry with raw materials. The main activity of animal husbandry is raising livestock for slaughter. About 260,000 tons of meat are consumed annually in the world. In developed countries, the consumption rate is on average 70 - 90 kg. meat per person per year, and in developing countries this figure barely reaches 40 kg. in year. The United States is the leader in meat consumption - about 120 kg. per person per year.

In Russia, meat consumption averages about 70 kg. per person per year. Although Russians prefer pork of all types of meat, they eat poultry meat (mainly chicken) most of all. This is primarily due to the high cost of pork.

As for the consumption of eggs, Russia is on the same level with countries such as Germany and Italy. On average, the inhabitants of these countries consume about 220-230 eggs per year. But in terms of consumption of milk and dairy products, Russians are significantly inferior to residents of European countries and the United States. In Russia, the annual consumption of these products is about 220 kg. per year, while in France and Germany, which occupy the first places in the list, the consumption of dairy products is at the level of 425 kg. per person per year.

Animal husbandry in Russia is represented by 4 main industries:

  • Cattle breeding - growing large cattle for the purpose of obtaining meat and milk;
  • Sheep breeding - raising livestock for meat and wool;
  • Pig breeding;
  • Poultry farming - raising poultry for meat and eggs.

The main part of the livestock is grown in large agricultural organizations. Parity is maintained only in cattle breeding. The number of heads of cattle in households and agricultural organizations is approximately the same - 8,672 and 8,521 thousand heads, respectively. At the same time, more cows are kept in the households of the population - 4,026 thousand heads, while agricultural organizations have a livestock of 3,431 thousand heads. In poultry farming, the share of agricultural organizations accounts for 81% of the livestock, and in pig farming - 79.9%.

Cattle breeding is the most important branch of Russian animal husbandry, it accounts for 60% of the gross turnover. Dairy, meat and meat and dairy breeds of cattle are bred on the territory of the country. The breeding of a particular breed depends on the feeding conditions, therefore, in different regions of the Russian Federation, animals are grown that are most adapted to local conditions.

Dairy breeds of cows are bred in areas located in the forest and forest-steppe zone. First of all, these are the Northern, Northwestern, Volga-Vyatka and Ural regions. The Vologda region is a region where dairy cattle breeding is most developed, it is not for nothing that this region is famous throughout Russia for its dairy products. Dairy cattle breeding accounts for more than 70% of all agricultural products in the region.

Meat and meat-and-milk breeds of cows are bred in the steppe regions and adjacent semi-deserts. The main breeding centers are the Central Black Earth region, the North Caucasus region, the south of the Urals and Siberia.

The total number of cattle at the end of 2014 amounted to 19,293 thousand heads. This is 2.2% less than in 2013 and 3.3% less than in 2012. Since 1990, the number of cattle in Russia has been decreasing; over 25 years, the number of heads has decreased by 2.5 times. First of all, this is due to the reluctance to invest in this industry, since they pay off in 8-10 years. For comparison, in poultry farming, investments pay off in 1-2 years, and in pig farming in 3-4.

But despite the reduction in livestock, Russia continues to be among the leading countries in this indicator. True, the Russian cattle population is only 5.91% of the Indian one.

Sheep breeding is a livestock industry that has become widespread in the mountainous and arid regions of the Russian Federation. The centers of sheep breeding are the North Caucasus and the semi-desert regions of the Southern Urals.

Unlike cattle breeding, the breeding of small cattle in Russia is gradually gaining momentum. Compared to 2000, the number of sheep increased by 10 million heads and at the end of 2014 amounted to 22.246 million heads.

Pig breeding is most common in the Central Black Earth, Volga-Vyatka and Volga regions of the country. That is, in areas where cereal crop production and the cultivation of fodder crops are developed. The leader in the production of pork in the Russian Federation is the Belgorod region - about 26% of the product of the total Russian volume is produced here. In Russia, 4 types of pigs are bred:

  • sebaceous;
  • Meat;
  • Ham;
  • Bacon.

The total number of pigs in the Russian Federation at the end of 2014 amounted to 19.575 thousand heads. And in total, the pig population in the world has more than 2 billion heads. About half of the livestock is in the countries of Southeast Asia (China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar), about 1/3 in the EU and CIS countries, and the US accounts for about 10%.

Poultry farming is the most dynamically developing branch of Russian animal husbandry. The increase in livestock began at the beginning of the 2000s and increased by 1.5 times over 14 years. Today, poultry meat is the most popular in Russia. And the livestock reaches 529 million heads.

But besides Russia, poultry meat is the most consumed in Australia, Northern and South America. For example, in the United States, the level of consumption of poultry meat is almost 55 kg. per person per year, which is more than 3.5 times the world average consumption.

In addition to meat, poultry farming provides the population with eggs. The average productivity of one laying hen in 2014 was 308 eggs per year. And in general, 41.8 billion eggs were produced in Russia over the past year. This performance has been maintained for several years.

Export and import of agricultural products

Compared to 2013, the export of Russian agricultural products increased by 14% and amounted to 19.1 billion US dollars. But, despite such a significant growth, the amount of imports in this sector of the economy exceeds the level of exports by more than 2 times. At the end of 2014, the export of agricultural products amounted to 40.9 billion dollars, which is 9.1% less than in the previous year.

The main share of Russian exports are crop products. About 2/3 of exports are cereals. In 2014, Russia exported over 22 million tons of wheat. This is the third world indicator after the US and the European Union.

The overall increase in wheat exports from Russia increased by 60% compared to 2013. The main grain deliveries took place sea ​​transport, and the ranking of Russian grain exporters is as follows:

  • OOO International grain company". Share in export - 12.79%, port of shipment - Temryuk.
  • Trading house "RIF". Share in export - 7.78%, ports of shipment - Azov (61.33%), Rostov-on-Don (38.67%).
  • Outspan International. Share in export - 7.24%, ports of shipment - Novorossiysk (51.58%), Azov (26.26%), Rostov-on-Don (13.96%).
  • Cargill. Share in export - 6.96%, ports of shipment - Novorossiysk (66.71%), Rostov-on-Don (21.91%), Tuapse (11.28%).
  • Aston Company. Share in export - 5.46%, ports of shipment - Rostov-on-Don (76.38%), Novorossiysk (16.26%).

In addition to grains, Russia exports a large amount of sunflower oil. About 25% of the produced product, that is, about 1 million tons, is exported. Russia also exports exclusive goods: black and red caviar, honey, mushrooms, berries.

Most of the imported food products are meat and meat products, fruits, vegetables, fish and fish products. The decrease in imports in 2014 was due to sanctions, as well as the import substitution program. True, not all products can be replaced with domestic ones, since due to climatic conditions it is impossible to grow them in Russia. Basically, import substitution affected livestock products. In general, imports in this sector were reduced by 10%.

In 2015, it is planned to further reduce food imports. For these purposes, production facilities were put into operation in the state, specializing in the production of products that are not typical for Russia. Now Parmesan cheese is produced in Tatarstan, Camembert and mascarpone cheeses are produced in Altai, and in Sverdlovsk region launched the production of a meat delicacy - jamon.

Prospects for the development of the industry

Despite the excellent harvest in 2014, Russian farmers should not flatter themselves. The agricultural sector has always been one of the most difficult to develop, and given the vast territory and diverse climatic conditions, a lot of effort will have to be made to improve the agricultural sector in Russia.

First of all, it is necessary to attract investments in the agricultural sector. Now, due to the lack of equipment, a significant part of arable land is not cultivated. In some regions, there are only 2 tractors per 100 hectares of arable land. Due to low profitability, livestock breeders are forced to reduce the number of cattle, which leads to an increase in meat imports.

Another factor hindering the growth of the Russian agro-industrial complex is the high price of fuels and lubricants and problems with transportation. After all, the crop must not only be grown, but also harvested, delivered to the place of storage and stored. Depending on the type of crops, more than 40% of products deteriorate during transportation and storage.

In addition, due to the large territory of Russia, very often there are problems with the redistribution of agricultural products. For example, in the Far East in 2014, a large soybean crop was harvested, but what to do with it is not yet clear. After all, the region has only two large factories for its processing, and it is not profitable to transport the product to the European part of the country, since it is cheaper to bring soybeans from Brazil here.

The problem of highly qualified personnel is still relevant. low wage and difficult working conditions, increase the outflow of workers from this industry. There is also a lack of scientific support for this segment of the economy.

But, despite all the difficulties, the government of the Russian Federation for 2015 set the task for farmers to improve the results of 2014. To provide the country with its own agricultural products, it is necessary to increase the number of cattle by 2.3 million heads, poultry - by 11 million heads, and collect grain by 3 million tons more than was collected in 2014.

Briefly and on the case of the agricultural market, read on Answr

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Received positive results, which were obtained in most sectors of the agro-industrial complex. Thus, the gross grain harvest increased by 15.6%, the production of livestock and poultry meat - by 4.7%, the catch of aquatic biological resources - by 5%. In the production of vegetables, sugar beets and scarce greenhouses are in the lead, at the end of the year they showed an increase of 34% and 25%, respectively. Also, for the first time, the production of domestic apples was marked by a 6% increase.

It is expected that by the end of 2016, the growth in Russian agriculture will be at least 4 percent.

crop production

The total grain yield showed a 13% increase. Record figures for wheat - it was harvested by 17% more than last year, for corn - plus 7.1%, for rice - plus 6.5% compared to last year. However, the most noticeable increase is observed in legumes - by 28.2% compared to last year's level.

Record results were also obtained for oilseeds. Thus, only the soybean crop grew by 14%, updating the achievements of the latest Russian history of agriculture.

animal husbandry

By the end of 2016, the meat market stabilized and grew again. Meat production this year as a whole increased by 5.1%, in particular pork - by 9.7%, poultry meat - by 3.5%. For the first time, production advantages were recorded in the beef market - the increase in production amounted to 0.6%.

At the same time, meat imports fell by 17.5%, including pork - by 14.3%, poultry - by 21.6%, beef - by 17.5%.

Imports of raw meat and offal to Russia in 2016, according to IKAR, will range from 1 to 1.05 million tons - 10% of the market. In the structure of imports, the largest share, or 50%, will fall on beef, 30% - on pork, offal and lard, the rest - on poultry meat. The countries will remain the largest suppliers of meat to Russia Latin America(Brazil - 50% of total supplies, Paraguay - 9%, Argentina - 6%) and Belarus (28%). In general, these four countries will account for 92% of all supplies.

The export of Russian meat increased by a record 55.8%: for poultry and beef - by 42.9%, for pork - 2 times.

The export of Russian meat in 2016 may reach 170,000 tons, according to the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies. This is double the level of 2015. The largest share in the structure of export deliveries will be occupied by poultry meat and by-products (65%). They are mainly bought by the EAEU countries (40%), the eastern regions of Ukraine (30-33%), Hong Kong and Vietnam (20%). Exports of pork and pork by-products may more than double by the end of the year - up to 50,000 tons. The main markets for domestic pork will be Ukraine and Belarus, and offal - Hong Kong and Vietnam.

The active development of the pig industry has allowed Russian agriculture this year to take the 5th place in the world in terms of pork production.

Experts predict the emergence of new brands in the chilled meat segment, as well as a decrease in average wholesale meat prices in the first half of 2017. Also, this year will be successful for livestock breeders in terms of compound feed, for the main components of which - grain and oilseeds - record harvests have been collected.

Dairy farming and milk production

One of the failures of the year. The market stagnation continues.

There are contradictory processes going on in the industry. On the one hand, the number of dairy herds again fell (to 8.2 million heads, or by 1.8%). The launch of dozens of dairy complexes in 2016 has not yet been able to compensate for the closure of old inefficient farms.

On the other hand, milk yields rose again. It is expected that the milk productivity of cows in 2016 will increase by 4% and will reach a record 5800 kg per year.

As a result, the production of raw milk in all categories of farms decreased to 30.6 million tons. But the shipment of milk for industrial processing, on the contrary, increased by 2% - up to 14.2 million tons.

The volume of production of butter and milk powder, according to analysts, will be reduced by 4.5-5% - to 245 and 118 thousand tons, respectively. Cheese will be produced by 2% more - 594 thousand tons.

Bye Russian agriculture still remains one of the largest countries importing dairy products: in terms of raw milk, the ratio of imports to the volume of marketable milk is about 40%. Belarus remains the main exporter of dairy products to the Russian Federation. The share of this mill in the total volume of imports of butter in the Russian Federation accounted for 82%, cheese - 87%, powdered milk and whey powder - 85%, whole milk products - 99%.

Undoubtedly, 2017 will not be an easy year for the dairy industry. It is not known whether purchasing and commodity interventions will be launched in the market of milk and dairy products, and if they are launched, then what effect it will give.

On the other hand, high prices for raw milk, if they persist in the foreseeable future, increase the attractiveness of investing in dairy farming. The already launched large dairy complexes and the projects announced for 2017 should stabilize the number of dairy herds and raise milk yields again.


The catch of Russian fishermen this year increased by 4.7% and exceeded 4.4 million tons. The Far East (+8%), Baltic (+12.3%) and Azov-Black Sea (+7%) basins were noted for significant catches. At the level of last year, the catch remained in the Northern basin (+1.4) and slightly decreased in the Caspian (-0.1%). Plus, 200 thousand tons to the record catch of 2015 was provided not only by traditional fishery objects - pollock, herring, cod, haddock, but also sardines, wasvasi and mackerel, which returned to Russian waters. Also successful was the salmon season with a 15% weight gain in the nets.

vegetable growing

Despite the fact that, in general, almost the same amount of vegetables was produced in the country as last year (-0.52%), the crop harvested in protected ground (+25%) was considerably “heavier”. Imports, in turn, fell by a quarter.

In 2016, 160 hectares of modern greenhouses were built in Russia. This is plus 100 thousand tons of cucumbers and tomatoes in the all-Russian basket. It is stable margins and unsatisfied demand that have added acceleration to the greenhouse industry this season.


With investments in fruit production, it is more difficult: it takes at least 10-12 years to promote a business. However, this year the production of apples in Russia has grown by 6%, as well as the harvest of all pome fruits in general. At the same time, imports of apples decreased by a record 49%.

It is clear that in 2017 Russian sphere The agro-industrial complex already has several strong axes of rotation - export, investment, non-primary. Choosing the right speed and direction is the task of the new season.

On the territory of the Moscow region, agriculture is carried out, represented by both crop production and animal husbandry. About 40% of the territory of the Moscow region is used in agriculture; the northern, eastern and western outlying areas are the least developed by agriculture. In the southern part of the region, especially south of the Oka, more than 50% of the land is used for agriculture. Agriculture has a predominantly suburban specialization. Plant growing is typical mainly for the southern part of the region. Most of the sown area (over 3/5) is occupied by fodder crops. Large areas are allocated for grain crops: (wheat, barley, oats, rye). Potato growing plays a significant role in the crop production of the region. Greenhouse vegetable growing is widespread, for example, in the city of Moscow there is the largest greenhouse complex in Europe. Flowers, mushrooms (champignons, etc.) are also grown. Animal husbandry prevails over crop production; and is mainly focused on the production of milk and meat. In addition to cattle, pigs and chickens are bred everywhere.

The crisis of the 1990s dealt a painful blow to agriculture, from which the region still cannot get out. Many lands previously occupied by crops and pastures are now out of circulation. The volume of production in the agricultural sector has declined sharply. In particular, in the 2000s, compared with the 1970-80s, grain production fell by more than 3 times, potatoes - by 2.5 times, vegetables - by a third, livestock and poultry for slaughter - by 30%. , milk - 2 times, eggs - 4 times.

Fish farming is widespread in the reservoirs of the region, the largest farms are located in the Yegoryevsky district on Tsninskiye ponds, on Biserovsky ponds in the Noginsk district, Narskiye ponds in Odintsovsky, and in the Dmitrovsky district in the village of Rybnoye there is a fishery institute breeding both fish and live eggs and larvae.

The region's agriculture is characterized by the volume and index of agricultural production.

The volume of agricultural products produced by the region shows the level of development of agriculture. The presence of a large volume of agricultural products in comparison with the volume of industrial production indicates the low development of the region and the relatively low standard of living in the region.

The output of agricultural products in the Moscow region by all agricultural producers (agricultural enterprises, households, farmers) in 2004 amounted to 20 billion rubles, which is 5.3% of the volume of industrial production in the region.

In terms of agricultural production, the region ranks 5th in Russia and 1st among the regions of the Central Federal District.

Agriculture in the Moscow region has a suburban specialization. Animal husbandry is the leading branch of agriculture, and includes dairy and dairy-beef cattle breeding, pig breeding, and poultry farming. In the total volume of potato production, the share of private households of citizens is 80%, for milk - 46%, for vegetables - 35%, for meat - 31%.

The index of agricultural production determines the dynamics of the income of the population employed in agriculture. Since the needs of this population group are still quite undeveloped, with the growth of the income of this population group, there is great potential for the development of needs, and accordingly, for the growth of markets that meet these needs.

The volume of agricultural production in the Moscow region in 2004 amounted to 97.5% of the previous year. In 2003, the growth rate of agricultural production amounted to 99.5% compared to the same period in 2002. The decline in the growth rate of agricultural production in 2004 compared to 2003 was caused by a significant decrease in the volume of production for the main types of agricultural products (decrease in crop production - by 7.5%, livestock - by 0.1%).

The decrease in the volume of agricultural production in 2004 compared to 2003 also means a decrease in the incomes of people employed in agriculture.

Moscow region continues to be the largest potato producer. The industry is designed to provide products to about 18 million people - residents of the Moscow region and the city of Moscow. 25 specialized potato growing organizations supply 90% of the potatoes produced in the region. The most advanced technologies are currently used in the potato complex. The availability of high-performance machinery makes it possible to fully mechanize the cultivation of this crop.

In 2008, 710 thousand tons of potatoes were produced in all categories of farms, including 327 thousand tons in personal subsidiary farms, 36 thousand tons in peasant (farm) farms and 347 thousand tons in agricultural organizations. Significant results obtained in potato growing were facilitated by the creation of integrated entities - agricultural holdings ("Dmitrovsky vegetables", "Malino", "Dashkovka", etc.), where the entire technological chain is concentrated, from planting a crop to supplying washed, packaged products to the trading network. .

The Moscow region stands out not only for its production, but also for its powerful processing of potatoes.

The first plant in Russia for the production of popular chips "Lays" and "Cheetos" was built in our region. And Frito-Lay Manufacturing, part of the PepsiCo, Inc. group, is known for its strict quality standards.

An important aspect of successful potato production is the provision of agricultural enterprises with modern equipment. And here we also have good positions, which is largely facilitated by the presence of domestic production plant CJSC "Kolnag" (Kolomna), and the Russian representative office of the world leader in the production of equipment for potatoes - LLC "Grimme-Rus" (Dmitrovsky district). agro-industrial productivity profitability

Efficient production of quality potatoes is impossible without providing quality shifts. Seven elite seed-growing agricultural organizations of the region annually produce more than 7 thousand tons of elite seed potatoes.

About 3 thousand tons are sold outside the region. For carrying out variety change and variety renewal, 3,000 tons of elite seed potatoes of new promising varieties are purchased. It is in the Moscow region that the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming named after A.G. Lorkh has been working for many years - the largest scientific and methodological center in Russia on potato growing problems. The creation of new, highly productive varieties of potatoes for various household purposes, resistant to common diseases and pests, the production of super-elite and elite seed material for the public and private sectors of potato growing - this is not a complete list of activities of the leading research institute of the potato industry.

An analysis of the work of agricultural enterprises in potato growing in 2008 shows that a high level of agricultural technology, well-organized treatments against diseases, pests and weeds, as well as timely irrigation gave positive results. Yields and production of potatoes were at high level. The total area of ​​potato cultivation in agricultural enterprises amounted to 14,715 hectares, the yield was 236 centners per hectare, and the gross harvest was 347,000 tons. More than half of the volume of potatoes (183.8 thousand tons) was produced in Dmitrovsky and Kolomensky districts, and about two thirds of the volume (234.6 thousand tons) is concentrated in five districts: Dmitrovsky, Kolomensky, Ozersky, Zaraisky and Kashirsky.

What has been achieved in recent years in the potato industry:

The yield of potatoes from the harvested area in the last four years has increased significantly and reached the level of 213.9-252 c/ha. For comparison: in 1996-2000, the average yield was at the level of 117.7 c/ha. The profitability of potatoes over the past four years has varied from 29 to 42.5%;

Specialized farms have been preserved;

The process of formation of large agricultural holdings in the field of production, storage and sale of potatoes continues;

The creation of our own storage base in the places of production continues. Manufacturers become wholesalers at the same time;

Commodity refinement and pre-sale preparation of products sold (washing, packaging, branded packaging, labeling, etc.) continue to be introduced. This allows manufacturers to enter the prestigious market - hyper- and supermarkets.

Long term target program"Development of agriculture in the Moscow region for the period 2009-2012" provides for the achievement of the target indicators in the potato industry for all categories of farms (Table 2).

Challenges facing the potato industry:

Flaw labor resources. In this regard, the need to address issues of attracting work force from other regions.

Feeding the market by importing potatoes from other regions at dumping prices.

The selling price is unstable, and in some years it is quite low, which negatively affects the development of production.


Farmland in farms of all categories, according to the All-Russian Agricultural Census as of July 1, 2006, amounted to 1357 thousand hectares, or 30% of all land in the region, arable land - 908 thousand hectares, or 20%. Leading areas of agriculture: crop production with a predominance of the production of vegetables, potatoes, dairy and meat livestock; developed pig and poultry farming.

In 2010, the volume of agricultural production will reach 73.5-73.7 billion. rubles, which will exceed the level of 2009 by 11.6 - 11.9 percent. In the structure of the gross regional product, crop production occupies 53.0%, the share of livestock production is 47.0 percent.


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