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Various media are now actively advertising the benefits and benefits of military service. At the same time, it is especially emphasized that the army has a stable salary and the availability of a full social package, which includes a military mortgage for one's own housing, the provision of service housing, guaranteed insurance of both life and health, decent contributions to the Pension Fund, as well as other preferences, for example , in the form of providing sanitary-resort treatment. Many are wondering what the salary of the military will be in 2017, last news on this occasion, arouse significant interest not only among regular military personnel, but also among those who are thinking about concluding a military contract.

There are no denials in the news feed yet with references to government offices that the revision of salaries of military personnel planned for February next year will be revised or adjusted in the direction of their significant increase. However, with an eye to the negative experience of the previous few years about unfulfilled salary increases for the military, many are trying not to talk about whether there will be a salary increase for military personnel in 2017, so as not to jinx it. Moreover, everyone is aware of the consequences of the economic crisis.

Military salaries in 2017

The average salary of a contract soldier of the Armed Forces is currently in the range of 32 thousand rubles. This indicator of the income of military personnel is the result of the implementation of the reform of the army, when the salaries of the military increased three times. But in 2011, at the time of the completion of the reform, it was quite a competitive salary. However, since 2013, due to the crisis in the economy, the government did not increase military salaries.

This year, the salaries of military personnel have not increased either, along with maternity capital, all types of benefits, in terms of the amount of funded contributions of military personnel under mortgage programs. The country's leadership explains this as a forced measure due to the deteriorating situation in the economy, which required unpopular measures to reduce budget expenditures.

Therefore, the appearance of such news as the salary of the military in 2017 is quite expected and, moreover, it is expected only in the positive sense of its increase.

Indexation of military salaries 2017

Federal legislation establishes the norm for annual indexation wages. Subject to indexation, both basic salaries and additional types monetary allowance in the form of bonuses and various compensations. And although the budget for the next three years has recently been submitted to the State Duma for consideration, which includes finances for a significant increase in national defense measures, specific figures on the indexation of salaries or data reflecting the increase in military salaries in 2017 have not yet been announced.

The only thing that is known for sure is that in February next year it is planned to index wages, including those for the military, based on the actual inflation rate at the end of 2016.

Salary increase for the military in 2017

Changes in the salary of 2017 for military personnel, in terms of their increase, have become an urgent need. And this will have to be done also because the Russian military, in the light of negative global trends, which are caused by the tense situation both in the Middle East and in neighboring Ukraine, are becoming a stabilizing force that prevents the development of Islamic terrorism and Ukrainian nationalism. Without reliable and decent financial support, it is impossible to imagine a strong and strong Russian army. After all, Russia, as you know, has only two reliable and ready for anything allies - these are its Army and Navy.

What will be the salary of military personnel in 2017, it is worth thinking logically and sorting it out. As already noted, on average, the military receive a little more than 30 thousand rubles every month. According to experts, and the central authorities agree with them that the salary of military personnel in 2017 should consist of a military salary of at least fifty thousand rubles, in addition, there should be all kinds of allowances, bonuses and other material incentives.

Monetary allowance of the military in 2018, salaries by positions and ranks, bonus on order 1010 in December 2017, allowances for an increased level of physio, the abolition of income tax for military personnel, 25 years for minimum service and an increase in military pensions in 2018

In general, I must say, the end of 2017 became very eventful and rich in events directly related to their material well-being for active military personnel and military pensioners.

In this article, we have tried to put together all the changes, both already documented and changes that are still only "on hearing". Of course, it is not respectable for a publication that gives only facts, which is our site, BETWEEN US, to publish information about those events that are only talked about. But, after thinking, weighing all the pros and cons, we still decided to talk about what is still at the level of "talks".

In our country, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and all servicemen need to be informed about possible changes in legislation and departmental regulatory documents. This, in particular, will make it possible to make decisions on, for example, the further signing of a new contract. Yes, and in general, forewarned is forearmed.

Monetary allowance of military personnel in 2018 and the amount of new salaries

The monetary allowance of military personnel in 2018 will increase by 4%. Salaries for military positions and military ranks will increase by 4%

Military pensions from January 1, 2018

From January 1, 2018, military pensions will increase by 4% due to an increase in the monetary allowance of military personnel - their salaries for military positions and military ranks.

The size of the reduction factor for calculating military pensions in 2018

The reduction factor for calculating military pensions in 2018 will not change compared to 2017. The law on freezing the reduction factor at the level of 72.23% was adopted in the third and final reading by the State Duma. That is, there are no options.

Indexation of payments to veterans of military operations and labor, disabled people and Chernobyl victims is provided from February 1, 2018, based on the inflation of the previous year, at the level of 3.2%.

Government Russian Federation‎d e c e t:

1. Establish from February 1, 2018 the indexation rate of 1.032 for payments, benefits and compensations provided for by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation specified in Articles 1 - 11 federal law dated December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part of Changing the Procedure for Indexing Payments, Benefits and Compensations Established by the Legislation of the Russian Federation and Suspension of Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law.

PHYSICAL surcharge

In accordance with order No. 500, military personnel for qualification level physical fitness, performance (confirmation of sports categories in military applied sports and the presence of sports titles in any sport, a monthly allowance is paid in the following amounts:

Those who completed (confirmed) the second qualification level of physical fitness -15% of the salary for a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the first qualification level of physical fitness - 30% of the salary for a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the highest qualification level of physical fitness - 70% of the salary for a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the first sports category in one of the military-applied sports - 80% of the salary for a military position;
who completed (confirmed) the sports category of a candidate for master of sports in one of the military-applied sports - 90% of the salary for a military position.

To what do we give the size of these allowances? The fact is that they are talking about the abolition of allowances for FIZO in 2018. Allegedly, instead of paying bonuses for passing physical training to higher levels, they can cancel the mandatory withholding of income tax from the monetary allowance of military personnel as compensation.


Cash bonus for military and civilian personnel under order 1010 in 2017

The cash bonus for military and civilian personnel under Order 1010 in 2017 is a replacement for the so-called thirteenth salary, and civilian personnel are paid quarterly. It is accrued to military personnel in December, and the data is prepared in advance, so that by December, the month of closing fiscal year and by the time of payment all controversial issues were clarified and closed. Moreover, the amounts of these payments are very significant.

Payments are made in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 N 1010 "On additional measures to improve the efficiency of the use of monetary allowance funds for military personnel and remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The amount that a soldier will receive depends on the determination of the estimated amount for each year, the military rank and military position of the soldier.

The amount of additional material incentives for military personnel and civilian personnel (with the exception of commanders (chiefs, leaders) and their deputies with a full-time military rank in their military position from lieutenant general, vice admiral and above) cannot exceed five times the estimated amount based on the volume released cash for the quarter and the number of personnel.

For additional material incentives commanders (chiefs, leaders) and their deputies use the funds of the monetary allowance fund (wage fund) allocated for additional material incentives for military personnel - depending on the full-time military rank for the military position held, using the following coefficients to the estimated amount:

Junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, lieutenant commander - up to 3;
major, captain of the 3rd rank, lieutenant colonel, captain of the 2nd rank - up to 4;
colonel, captain of the 1st rank, major general, rear admiral - up to 5;
from lieutenant general, vice admiral and above - up to 10.
The estimated amount for December 2017 is planned in the amount of 40,000 rubles

For civilian personnel in the amount of 4,000 rubles

The issue of raising the minimum length of service for acquiring the right to a military pension from 20 to 25 years

In the communities of active military personnel and military pensioners, information continues to be discussed, which many sources say, and which is the issue of raising the minimum length of service for acquiring the right to a military pension from 20 to 25 years.

Sources say that a decision in principle on raising the minimum threshold for qualifying for a seniority pension has already been made. This is very similar to the truth, because the document was developed in the Ministry of Defense and the heads of the Committees of the State Duma and the Federation Council know about them and even spoke about this.

No one will deny the constant relevance of the issue of prosperity, which depends on the level of income. This is especially true for military personnel of the power unit of law enforcement officers, as well as for members of their families. They are currently concerned about one single topic of news, will there be an increase in the salary of the Russian Guard in 2018?

More recently, namely, a little over a year ago, such a structure as Rosvardia was created, the purpose of which is to counter emerging threats from criminal groups, terrorism, as well as such “isms” as extremism and separatism. As conceived by the Russian leadership, this structure should consist of military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as representatives of other law enforcement agencies, and therefore, in order to motivate the transition of professionals to such a prestigious structure as the Russian Guard, the salary of employees should correspond to their professional qualities and their income should be higher than where they previously served.

Now the second stage of the formation of this special service is being completed, which provides for the adoption normative documents, the formation of specific goals and objectives of the new service, the staffing of qualified personnel. This stage is planned to be completed by the end of August 2017, while the final, third stage is scheduled for the end of January 2018.

As for the tasks of the third stage, this is the completion of the staffing of both the numerical and operational staff of the new structure, as well as the transfer of personnel of special services in the form of SOBR and OMON to the contract. Therefore, it is likely that in such structures as the Russian Guard 2018, the salaries of employees should be increased.

Salary of the Russian Guard in 2018

The demand for a particular structure is determined by the level of remuneration of its employees. As for the National Guard, there is no doubt its role in protecting the sovereignty of the country and ensuring the safety of its citizens, especially in the face of rampant, both international and domestic terrorism. And this means that service in this structure is promising, although it is associated with a risk to life and over time will be more highly paid than at present. As for whether there will be an increase in the salary of the National Guard in 2018, you first need to know the current state of cash payments to their employees.

Now the allowance of ordinary employees is in the range of 25 to 35 thousand rubles, while officers have salaries of up to 50-60 thousand rubles. Moreover, the amount of payment depends both on the length of service and qualifications of the employee, and on the region where he serves. Members of the National Guard who have transferred to this formation from other structures retain their ranks and length of service.

In addition, their salary is formed depending on: - position; - bonus payments, which can be up to 25 percent of the salary; - various allowances for difficult service conditions; - merit payments. For example, if there are awards or special merit, they can be up to 40 percent of the salary.

Salary of the National Guard in 2018

Despite the promises of managers and commanders for increased payments, the employees were initially transferred to the National Guard with the preservation of their previous salaries, which were far from sufficient, since there was a limit on increasing payments to the military. The limitation period expires next year, and therefore it is likely that the indexation of the salaries of the National Guard will be carried out in 2018 and the size of this indexation should be at least 150 percent.

However, we have to talk about this with caution, since military structures, such as the Russian Guard, may not wait for a salary increase for employees in 2018, of course, this can happen not through their fault, but for economic reasons and the state of the state treasury.

Such fears are confirmed by the fact that although even at the time of the beginning of the creation of this special formation the Ministry of Finance planned an increase in the salary of the Russian Guard for 2017/2018, but the equator of 2017 has already passed, but such an increase did not happen.

Salary increase in the Russian Guard 2018

Despite the privileged position that employees of this service can receive public housing, nevertheless, the salary of the Russian Guard is important when they increase 2018, and whether it will be increased next year at all. Yes, and the ambiguity staffing makes its own adjustments to the alarming state of both employees and their families.

Although the management is trying to cheer up subordinates with promises that the bulk of salaries will be in direct proportion to the regions of service, as well as other more optimistic promises, such as the fact that ordinary employees will soon receive from 100 thousand rubles, and officers - at least 150 thousand .rubles

In addition to a decent salary, the employees of this structure, according to the plan of the initiators of its creation, will have other previously inaccessible, in particular, for those who served in the police, privileges in the form of the opportunity to be participants in the housing savings system, and may also receive housing subsidies.

The leadership’s plans for what the National Guard will receive in the near future: an increase in salaries for employees in 2017/2018, and in the long term to provide everyone with housing, are still quite real given the new threats from terrorism, and recent events in European countries confirm these fears. However, such a prospect is quite a weighty motivation for those professionals who will move to this structure.

However, the general level of prices in the country during the time when the salaries of military personnel were not indexed rose by 46%, the cost of the minimum set of food products increased by almost 60%, the defense committee calculated. In order for the salaries of military personnel to remain no lower than the average salaries in the leading sectors of the economy, the Ministry of Defense, in the course of preparing the draft federal budget, developed and sent to the Ministry of Finance two options for calculating the indexation of the monetary allowance of military personnel, the authors of the conclusion say, but these proposals "were not reflected" in final draft budget. How much it was proposed to index the salaries of the military of the Ministry of Defense, the document does not say (RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Finance).

Given the “importance of the tasks performed by military personnel,” it is necessary to look for opportunities to redistribute money in the budget for indexing the allowances of military personnel, members of the Shamanov committee believe and indicate that this can be done by the second reading of the draft budget in the Duma.

Can't wait to index

Unlike data on average salaries, separate statistics on the average military salary in Russia are not published. In 2014, the average level of pay for servicemen was 10% higher than the average salary in the field of oil and gas production and amounted to 62 thousand rubles, Deputy Defense Minister Tatyana Shevtsova reported. In 2015, the average level of allowance amounted to 62.2 thousand rubles, Shevtsova told the Krasnaya Zvezda publication.

In 2012, President Vladimir Putin, in one of his May decrees, decided that the monetary allowance of military personnel should not be lower than the average salaries in the "leading sectors of the economy", to which Rosstat attributed the fuel and energy complex and financial sector. In 2016, according to Rosstat, the average salary in the energy production sector was 77.6 thousand rubles, and in finance - 80.3 thousand.​

Despite the absence of indexation for five years, the servicemen themselves do not complain about their income, a RBC source in the military department notes. For them, various allowances are constantly introduced, the interlocutor of RBC explained. “For example, there is a monthly bonus for commanding military units and units, and there is also a good bonus for physical training. If you pass physical training with excellent marks, then about 80% of your salary is due to you every month. Plus an annual bonus due to budgetary savings. The money saved is distributed to military personnel at the end of the year. You can get a good bonus - from several tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of rubles, ”a RBC source said.

In October, the government will increase defense spending - by reducing spending on social policy, education and medicine. If the amendments for 2017 are approved by the Duma, the military budget will exceed 3 trillion rubles for the third year in a row. and will amount to 3.3% of GDP. The planned increase for 2017 falls on the closed part. In the next three years, the Ministry of Finance expects to limit spending on national defense to a level of about 2.8 trillion rubles.

At the end of November 2017 in order to regularly monitor salaries in the IT industry. Salaries are left by the specialists themselves, we collect them and provide them in an aggregated and anonymous form to everyone in the public domain.

During December, we collected about 7,500 salaries, and today we can show what salaries looked like at the end of 2017. Let's go through all the main IT specialties and take a deeper look at developer salaries software. Let's see how salaries differ in this field of activity by city, qualification and programming language. In conclusion, we will show the salaries of ten companies for which users have left enough data.

There will be many diagrams, all prepared with the service. In the publication, the diagrams will be pictures, if desired, you can use them interactively. Anyone can get more detailed information on salaries directly on the My Circle salary service by playing with its filter.

A few more words about how to read diagrams correctly. All salaries are indicated in rubles. Dots indicate specific salaries. That is, the more points, the more such salaries were indicated. A group of points for each sample is visualized using a "box with a mustache" (box-and-whiskers, or box plot). The box shows the median salary (median; half of the salaries are above and half are below this point, we can consider this average salary by sample), lower and upper quartiles (q1 and q3; dividing the top half and bottom half of salaries in half, as a result, half of all salaries lie between them).

Summary of the report:

Part 1. Salaries for the main IT specialties

Software developer salaries

Operator salaries

Quality assurance specialists salaries

Designer salaries

Analyst salaries

Salaries for content, marketing and HR specialists

Executive salaries

Part 2. Developer salaries by city

In general, if we compare the median, the salaries of developers in Moscow are higher than the salaries of developers in St. Petersburg by 10-50% and higher than the salaries of developers in other cities by 50-200%.

Mobile developer salaries

Backend developer salaries

Full stack developer salaries

frontend developer salaries

desktop developer salaries

Part 3. Developer Salaries by Programming Languages ​​and Skills

In general, when comparing medians, the maximum gap between the highest and lowest salaries in programming languages ​​for each relevant qualification is 35-40%. With the exception of the Junior qualification - here the gap reaches 60%. On average, the highest paid language is Go, the lowest paid is PHP.

Regardless of the programming language, the salary for the middle qualification is higher than the salary for the junior qualification by about 200%. In terms of qualifications, senior compared to middle - by 60-70%. In terms of lead qualification compared to senior - by 10-30%.

All programming languages

Go developer salaries

Salaries of Objective-C and Swift developers

Kotlin developer salaries

Ruby developer salaries

C++ developer salaries

Java developer salaries

Python developer salaries

JavaScript developer salaries

C#, .NET developers salaries

PHP developer salaries

Part 4. Salaries by company

On the this moment Enough salaries have been collected from the following companies. If you want to know what the salaries are in the company where you work, leave your salary on the service and call your colleagues.

Thank you for your attention, we plan to release the next report in six months, at the end of June. Then we can look at salaries in dynamics. If you think that the report lacks any data that is interesting in your opinion, write in the comments, we will be very grateful to you.


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