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After passing the commission, recruits receive a personal electronic card (PEC). This document can be issued only if citizens agree to its registration. The order of the Ministry of Defense has already entered into force. The registration number is issued to military personnel, soldiers, officers.

What is a personal electronic card of a serviceman (PEC)?

Personal cards began to be issued after the introduction of the military reform in 2015.It can be used as a military registration document.

The card contains information about the conscript: Last name, First name, Patronymic, education, military specialty, results medical examination military commission.

As the service progresses, information about the military rank, appointment to a military position, and so on, is entered into the certificate. PEC - an analogue of a military ticket, but contains more information.

The certificate is under reliable protection. It cannot be faked. The card can also be used when providing medical services people of retirement age.

Why do I need a personal electronic recruiter card?

The card is retained by the demobilized from service and upon dismissal. Paper may be needed for employment.

The card is similar to a driver's license, there is a photo of the owner. It contains a chip that contains all the necessary information about a citizen.

In order to register, it will take a few seconds, the military registration and enlistment office will immediately receive all the information about the person. All work with conscripts will noticeably accelerate.

What does an account number contain?

  • Year of birth.
  • Extract from a personal file.
  • The results of combat readiness.
  • Military specialty.
  • The results of physical training.
  • Family status.
  • Education.

The back contains information about the military registration and enlistment office that issued the document. In total, the chip can hold up to 64 kilobytes. This volume is to protect the chip from hacking.
An electronic chip with information is embedded in the card. The registration number will simplify the work of registering the military and speed up the recruitment process.

Why was this form introduced?

  1. To simplify the system of military service.
  2. The certificate is a pass to the unit and to the dining room.
  3. If you lose your account, the information is easy to recover. The information is stored in a common database.
  4. The document is valid for ten years.

PEK is received not only by military personnel, but also by students at military departments. If a citizen is 27 years old, and he did not serve, then the document is still issued to him. All parts are equipped with reading devices. It is planned to replace all paper media with electronic ones.

How to get PEK?

The issuance of personal documents is established by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

You need to use the card in military units, departmental, educational organizations.

All data is encrypted and protected by applicable law. The electronic card can withstand any temperature.

All young men of draft and pre-conscription age, soldiers, officers, sergeants are liable for military service. The document can only be obtained at the military commissariats. After the conscript arrives at the unit, he is given a document.

The conscript has access to information, in addition, with an electronic card, soldiers receive bank card to which funds are transferred. The authorities plan to combine all transactions into a common document.

Required documents

The card stores all the necessary data about a person, electronic signature, weight and height information. In addition to the declared functions, in addition to the combination of combining all documents, there is also an access control system and power accounting.

  • The passport.
  • Military ID.
  • Medical card.
  • Military ID.

Employees will be registered with electronic system"The passport". All information about the citizen will be recorded on electronic media. There are 60 parameters in total.
The system is automated and functions autonomously.

It is possible to transfer data about a soldier to other programs. In the process of passing the service, the parameters can be increased up to 200 indicators.

Will an electronic military card replace a military ID?

The PEK replaces the military ID and the identity card of conscripts. The chip can be sewn into any part of the human body. A personal card is issued only with consent to data processing. If the citizen refuses, then the production of the card is impossible.

The PEC contains the same information as in the military ticket. The document contains information about appointment to a position, awarding titles, obtaining a specialty.

After that dismissal, the card remains with the citizen, it must also be submitted to the military unit for registration.

In the units there is special equipment with which you can find out personal data about the military.

The electronic certificate is strictly protected from forgery and cannot be used by third parties. If the thing is lost, then it can be restored, since the information is contained on the service of the Ministry of Defense. In the military registration and enlistment office, you can also find out information about the employee.

Should I return a personal card after the expiration date?

You don't need to submit a card. The document must be kept by the citizen.

Sometimes a PEK can come in handy when applying for a job. For damage to documents, a fine of one hundred to five hundred rubles is charged.

The document was developed at the initiative of the State Duma. The project was created to simplify and improve the military accounting system.

Some citizens are concerned about the safety of data, but the connection is strictly protected from hacking.

It is worth remembering that the PEC is a replacement for a military ID, but its presence does not cancel. The soldier has the right to independently choose which document he wants to receive. There are already advantages from the program, firstly, the card is easy to restore, since all the information is in the database, and secondly, the process of recruiting by combat arms has become faster and easier.

If a conscript moves to another part or region, then it will take a couple of minutes to register him. The legislation established that one of the documents can be issued to a conscript: a military ID, a certificate, a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription.

In addition to these documents, an electronic card is issued, but only with the consent of the serviceman.

The Ministry of Defense is moving to work with military personnel through personal electronic cards (PEC). As Alexei Bocharov, general director of the NPO Angstrem joint-stock company, told Izvestia, the company has already manufactured 651,000 such devices, 89,000 of which have been personalized and are being tested by the troops. With the advent of electronic maps in the military department, they are counting on improving personnel and financial work, as well as to strengthen security measures in the handling of documents, weapons and permits to secret objects. In fact, as noted in Angstrem, this is the beginning of testing "electronic passports", in the future, suitable for all citizens of Russia.

Experimental design work "Passport" is completed, - Alexei Bocharov told Izvestia. “Now the system is being tested, and in September we will be ready to launch it in full. The transition to electronic cards will allow the military to fully control access to protected objects and information resources, record and confirm the rights to receive social, financial and other services, as well as control their actual provision to military personnel.

As Aleksey Bocharov noted, PEK makes it possible to store personal data of a person, electronic keys access, electronic signature, and biometric data. The card will be issued in military commissariats, and will be used already in military units, in departmental medical and educational institutions. Among the main useful functions are a system for controlling access to facilities, accounting for food, accounting for academic performance and access to a single information environment.

The infrastructure of the project covers the entire country. At the first stage, in 2016, almost 500 objects will be included in it. During 2017–2019, several thousand more objects will enter the system.

The editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, Viktor Murakhovsky, told Izvestia that the appearance of personal electronic cards of a serviceman marks a transition to a new technological level in working with personal information.

The current paper identity card or a metal token worn around the neck has the sole purpose of identifying the identity of a serviceman, Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - At the same time, when introducing an automated command and control system, from the level of the Defense Control Center to the tactical level, there are a number of complex tasks of access authorization and, in general, the rights of a serviceman to make decisions and give orders when conducting combat operations in a site-centric war, when the entire command and control of the army is tied to digital signal transmission systems.

The description of the electronic personal badge of a serviceman was registered in the patent bank under No. 133630 " Automated system control of the identification of military personnel using a personal electronic token ”back in 2013. The patent owner is the Federal State Treasury Institution "27th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense". The description says it's personal. electronic device, which has a module for receiving, synchronizing and transmitting information by scanning. According to Izvestia, the introduction of electronic tokens was planned to begin in the spring call of 2014. However, this did not happen due to the unavailability of domestic microchips. The prototype used a French chip.

Replacing a personal metal token with a smart card will allow you to combine a number of documents required by a soldier in one chip, - explained Ilya Korobov, CEO of INPAS, a Russian supplier of equipment for banks and retail. - For example, an identity card, a pass to an object, an appropriate access to classified information, work with the relevant equipment. This will become his automatic classification when you need to confirm or be sure that a given soldier has undergone some training with this or that equipment, has a permit to work with some kind of equipment. Modern technologies allow you to make this card a multifunctional tool: an identity identifier, a repository of certificates, permissions and other service information.

According to Ilya Korobov, almost any amount of information can be recorded on a token card. Modern smart cards are 64-kilobyte.

In fact, more is not needed, - the expert noted. - Even from the point of view of providing protection against hacking, creating crypto-protection algorithms, including information protection at the request of GOST for law enforcement agencies, this amount of memory is redundant.

In the case of the introduction of the PEK, the Russian defense department keeps pace with the most technologically advanced armies in the world. Not so long ago, information on the development of electronic tokens was made public by the command of the Israeli army. The US Army has already implemented a system similar to PEC, it is called RAPIDS. The system maintains an extensive database with information about military personnel.

Now there are at least two Russian companies declare that they are completely ready for the production of domestic microchips, - said Ilya Korobov. - These are Angstrem and Mikron - absolutely Russian companies, which, in addition, prepare chips for the national payment system"World". I am sure that in the case of individual token cards of military personnel, there should be no problems. They will be fully based on domestic technologies, microprocesses and software, which guarantees the necessary level of security for the information stored on them. Judging by the fact that the Ministry of Defense placed an order for the manufacture of a large batch, which covers almost the entire personnel of combat units, the problem with the chips has been resolved.

11/21/2018, Wed, 14:34, Moscow time, Text: Elyas Kasmi

The State Duma in the third reading adopted a law on the introduction of the so-called "electronic military ID". The special card will become a full-fledged military registration document, but there is no talk of the exchange of traditional military tickets yet.

To each person liable for military service with an electronic military ID

In the third and final reading, the State Duma adopted a bill on the introduction of a personal electronic military registration card, according to the official website of the State Duma. The document implies amendments to the law "On military duty and military service."

The electronic card will become a full-fledged replacement for the traditional military ID, but at the same time it will not completely cancel it. The issuance of classic "warriors" will continue, moreover, obtaining the card itself will not be mandatory. The decision to receive an electronic military ticket will be made by the person liable for military service.

A treasure trove of personal data

A special chip embedded in an electronic military ID will store the same personal data of a person liable for military service that is written in a classic paper document. According to the chairman of the Duma Defense Committee Vladimir Shamanov, they will write in the chip: full name; place of residence; date of birth; education and place of work; suitability or unfitness for military service for health reasons; the presence of military registration and civilian specialties and the sports category of a candidate for master of sports.

At the same time, biometric data and, in general, all the information provided for by the Regulations on military registration can be entered into the memory of the card: marital status; basic anthropometric data; the presence of a reservation for a military service officer state power, body local government or organization for periods of mobilization, martial law and in war time; the presence of a deferment from conscription for military service for a conscript.

The State Duma in the third reading adopted a law on the introduction of "electronic military ID"

In other words, the electronic card will become a storehouse of personal information about a person, which can attract the attention of third parties. Vladimir Shamanov stressed that the issue of data security will definitely be resolved: the card will receive a high degree cyber defense.

The purpose of the innovation, deadlines and implementation costs

Transition to electronic military tickets, approved in explanatory note to the draft law, “will contribute to regulatory certainty in the implementation of military registration of conscripts, military personnel and citizens in reserve, increase the efficiency of the military registration system, as well as optimize processes related to the preparation of citizens for military service, their military service, the stay of citizens in reserve , holding events for mobilization training and mobilization"

The terms of the transition to electronic military tickets are not considered by the bill. The document has been sent to the Federation Council. In the conclusion of the government on the bill, it is said that no additional funding will be required for its implementation.

Financial and technical components of the project

The development of the technical component of the project has already been completed, and it only remained to wait for the adoption of the relevant amendments to the law. At the end of 2014, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Angstrem research and production association signed a contract for the development of the Passport system, which is, in fact, a system of electronic "warriors". The contract provided for work in the amount of 2.07 billion rubles. and tight deadlines - no later than December 31, 2015.

As a result, the consolidated act of acceptance and transfer of goods was signed by the parties two years later - on December 28, 2017. The postponement is associated with many factors, the responsibility for which is borne by both parties - both Angstrem and the Ministry of Defense.

The Passport system uses the developments of the Central Research Institute of Economics, Informatics and Control Systems (TsNII EISU, part of Rostec). These include the Zarya secure OS on the Linux kernel, released in 2015, in the version for DPCs and Zarya DBMS. The DBMS is based on the PostgreSQL kernel and includes the Pgpool-ll load balancer.

Initially, the launch of the Passport system was to take place in September 2016 upon completion trial operation. By that time, Angstrem had already produced 651,000 electronic cards, 89,000 of which were personalized and tested by the troops. However, at that time, the concept of a “personal electronic card” was not enshrined in regulations - there was no legislative framework.

In March 2016, the corresponding document was submitted to the State Duma by a Just Russia deputy Igor Zotov, but it was returned after a month.

In November of the same year, by order of the Ministry of Defense, the list of accounting documents for the Armed Forces was supplemented with an electronic card. The matter remained with the relevant amendments to the law “On military duty and military service” - they were submitted to the State Duma for consideration only in March 2018, and only today they were adopted in the final, third reading.

Since this year, the General Staff has begun to introduce personal electronic cards among military personnel. Encrypted on a chip card detailed information about a soldier or officer - biometric data, state of health, length of service. All conscripts received such cards during this spring draft. In the future, the Ministry of Defense plans to replace the military IDs of all servicemen with similar electronic media.

The spring draft, which ended on July 15, according to the deputy chief of the General Staff - head of the main organizational and mobilization department of the Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Vasily Tonkoshkurov, was generally successful. 154 thousand young guys were sent to the troops. The call was not held in the Komi Republic and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where young people are called up only once a year - in the fall, as well as in the Crimea, where there is a transitional period and the call will begin only in 2015.

General Tonkoshkurov stressed that during the call, everyone praised the innovation of the Ministry of Defense - parents and relatives were given the opportunity to accompany their son to the place of service, where they could meet his commanders and inspect living conditions. Also, parents could attend meetings of draft commissions, where the issue of the troops, position and place of service of the recruit was decided.

The main innovation of the spring conscription - 2014 was the issuance of electronic cards to all conscripts, similar to passes that are issued to office workers in business centers.

"We divided the provision of such cards into 2 stages. At the first stage, all conscripts and graduates of military universities received them. At the second stage, all other military personnel and civilian personnel will receive them," the deputy chief of the General Staff explained.

The new document is a plastic card made of wear-resistant polycarbonate with a built-in microcontroller with a capacity of 160 kb. Maps are made at Goznak. At the collection point, the full name of the conscript is applied by laser to the surface of the card, all other personal data are entered into in electronic format. At the moment, about 60 parameters are entered on the card - the social-democratic and biometric data of the conscript, information about his health. In the process of service, their number can be reached up to 280.

In the future, according to the generals, all military personnel, including reserve officers, will receive such cards. Gradually, the electronic document will completely replace the military ID.

The main problem of the past draft was recognized as insufficiently qualified work of civilian doctors. Many conscripts had to be re-examined.

"In a number of cases, young people learned about their diseases for the first time only during the draft campaign," said Alexander Chaplyuk, chief military medical expert of the Defense Ministry.

From the Ryazan region, for example, local doctors sent a whole group of guys recommended for service in the Airborne Forces. They were rechecked at the assembly point - the guys turned out to be healthy, but they were not suitable for serious loads, namely parachuting, according to medical indicators. As a result, they were sent to the ground units.

Similar shortcomings in the medical and preventive work of doctors were noted by the military in the Kursk and Pskov regions, as well as in the Stavropol Territory.

To a clarifying question about where the draft went "without a hitch," General Tonkoshkurov replied that, if we take the Western Military District, then in the Bryansk, Belgorod and Voronezh regions. It should be noted that all these three regions border on Ukraine, and the call came at a time of maximum instability in the neighboring state.

The number of dodgers has dropped significantly this year. If last spring draft 5228 people did not arrive at assembly points, then this year only 4334. Deputy Chief of the General Staff Tonkoshkurov connected this trend with the growing prestige of military service among young people.

And only 325 people asked for alternative service and were sent.

Russians liable for military service during the registration commission will receive a personal electronic card (PEK). True, it will be issued only with the consent of the citizen himself. The corresponding order has been prepared by the Ministry of Defense. Now PEK is issued only to military personnel. Outwardly, it resembles a driver's license with a photo of the owner. The chip, sewn into plastic, contains all the necessary information about the soldier. For example, year of birth, extracts from a personal file, military specialty, results of combat and physical training. A chip with similar information will also be sewn into the military service card. Experts believe that the PEC will greatly simplify the work of registering soldiers and reserve officers and speed up the process of conscription for military service.

The Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that the department had prepared amendments to the order "On approval of the Instructions for ensuring the functioning of the military registration system for citizens of the Russian Federation and the procedure for holding review competitions for the best organization of military registration." The new document provides for the introduction of the PEK for military service citizens. An electronic card will be issued and issued only after written consent citizen to process their personal and biometric data.

The procedure for issuing the PEK will be established by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. The category of persons liable for military service includes young men and women of draft or pre-conscription age who are registered with the military, as well as soldiers, sergeants and officers who are in reserve.

Currently, amendments to the order are at the stage of intradepartmental approvals. It is expected that PECs will replace military ID cards and draftee IDs.

Externally, the card looks like a driver's license. A photo of the owner is applied to its front side. Next to it are a QR code, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and personal number (if any). On the reverse side the card indicates the full name of the military registration and enlistment office where the electronic document was issued.

Data on marital status, education, sports ranks, reserve category, military specialty number, date of military registration and other personal or biometric information will be “sewn into” smart card chips.

Smart card chips can hold up to 64 kilobytes of information. This volume is enough to “sew” cryptographic protection algorithms against hacks into the PEC.

The Russian army began purchasing personal electronic cards for military personnel back in 2016. PEC manufactures joint-stock company NPO Angstrem. Smart cards are fully based on domestic technologies, microprocesses and software, which guarantees the necessary level of information security.

The information entered on the card of those liable for military service will be duplicated on a special server of the Ministry of Defense. In addition, paper forms with information will be placed in special storage facilities. In the military registration and enlistment offices, the heads of the training and conscription departments will be responsible for the safety of the forms. They will check the availability of forms and their safety at least once a quarter.

The electronic card will greatly simplify the work with conscripts, soldiers and reserve officers, military expert Vladislav Shurygin believes.

Now, when a reservist or conscript moves to another region, it takes a lot of time to register with the military registration and enlistment office, the expert told Izvestia. - Such, unfortunately, is the specificity paper work. Now those liable for military service will be able to register in just a few seconds. Moreover, from the PEC card, the military registration and enlistment office will immediately receive all the necessary information about a person - from height and weight to military registration specialty. For the same reason, work with conscripts going to serve will be accelerated.

The Russian Armed Forces keep pace with the most technologically advanced armies in the world. In the US Army, a system similar to the PEC is already in place. It's called RAPIDS. This system maintains an extensive database of information about military personnel. Information on the development of electronic tokens has recently been made public by the command of the Israeli army.


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