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Among the smelly fish there is nothing to choose from.
Thomas Fuller

Even children, growing up, understand that "both" is an unacceptable answer to the question "which of the two?".
Paul Samuelson

Better to fight among the few good people against many bad people than among many bad people against a few good ones.
Antisthenes of Athens

It is not easy to blow and swallow at the same time.
Plautus Titus Maccius

Choose who you love.
Cicero Mark Tullius

If you have something better, offer it, and if not, submit.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

You can only choose between superfluous things.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

The Rubicon has been crossed.
Caesar Gaius Julius

To each his own.
Pliny the Elder

In the nature of people there are dissimilarities: some like sweet, others - bitter.
Unknown author

Where defeat is inevitable, it is expedient to yield.
Unknown author

You will lose more if you do not save less.
Unknown author

Taking on a difficult task, find faithful servants first,
Appreciate their virtues and vices first,
And then fate, on which all our successes depend,
Can appreciate your choice.

There are ten thousand things in the world, ten thousand feelings in the human soul, ten thousand deeds on earth. If you look at them with a darkened eye, they will appear as a meaningless confusion. And if you look at them with a clear eye, an unshakable order will be found in everything. Why worry about differences? Why choose and guess?
Hong Zicheng

I don't know what is better - evil, which brings benefit, or good, which brings harm.
Buonarroti Michelangelo

The world is inhabited by people who, out of habit comparing themselves with those around them, always give preference to themselves and act accordingly.
Jean de La Bruyère

I know of nothing more pleasant and instructive than to compare experience with expectation, or to note the difference between and reality.
Samuel Johnson

Whoever becomes a reptile worm can then complain that he has been crushed?
Immanuel Kant

If you are asked: what is more useful, the sun or the moon? - answer: a month. For the sun shines during the day, when it is already light; and the month is . But on the other hand, the sun better themes that shines and warms; but the moon only shines, and then only on a moonlit night!
Kozma Prutkov

The best thing seems to everyone is what he has a desire for.
Kozma Prutkov

The magnet points north and south; it depends on a person to choose a good or bad path of life.
Kozma Prutkov

What is better? - Compare the past and compare it with the present.
Kozma Prutkov

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
Kahlil Gibran Gibran

Have the power to choose what you like and not give up. Otherwise it's better.
Albert Camus

We can see or not see - as we like; we may or may not hear.
Alfred North Whitehead

Freedom of choice in a competitive society is based on the fact that if someone refuses to satisfy our requests, we can turn to another.
Friedrich August von Hayek

That captive duke, who was given the choice to be drowned in Madeira or sherry, was hardly happy with his freedom of choice.
Wilhelm Windelband

Nobody has freedom of choice.
Oswald Spengler

In the event of a clash of motives, the choice is always made in the direction of the strongest motive.
Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky

Stupidity, underdevelopment, inexperience, lack of education are the conditions that create constraints on freedom of choice.
Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky

Two guests, entering the study of their friend, each see the room in their own way; one immediately notices a bottle of liquor on the table, while the other notices a new art edition.
Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky

For a hungry child, the best fruit is the largest.
Gaston Bashlar

At times, sophistication appears as the ability to make the right choice in accordance with intuition.
Jacques Derrida

Only those who are not afraid to make a choice will grow up. — George Eliot.

One day I thought: I wonder if I had to choose between betraying a friend or betraying my country, would I have the courage to betray my state? - I. M. Foster.

You don't need to deceive yourself. Talk about high feeling. About tears, snot, romance. Love is just a choice, not an innate inner flame. — Leo F. Bascaglia.

no good and bad people. Potentially, we are all capable of both evil and good deeds. And we take this or that path only thanks to our will, our decisions and our desires. - Ayn Rand.

It is necessary to choose a book as carefully as a friend. — Arthur Helps.

Choice can say more about a person than anything else. – Joan Kathleen Rowling

We can choose what to do. We are free in our choice. But we must remember: the consequences of this choice will no longer depend on us. – Stephen R. Covey

Read the continuation of the famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

I believe that the basic choice of a person is the choice between life and death. Every action involves this choice. — Erich Fromm

I think that the choice is possible for us at any moment, as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice, and the rest falls away. The second option does not exist. Beware of those who talk about the victim. - Muriel Rakeyser.

Each new step can lurk the danger of failure, and this is one of the reasons why people are so afraid of freedom - Erich Fromm

In life, everyone must certainly know two kinds of pain: from discipline and from regret. The only difference is that the weight of discipline is ounces, while regret weighs tons. — Jim Rohn.

Each person contributes four things - self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. They give us infinite human freedom. The power to choose, to react, to change. — Stephen R. Covey.

Life is a series of choices. – Nostradamus

If you limit your choices to what seems possible and reasonable, you exclude yourself from what you really want, and all that's left out is compromise. — Robert Fritz.

Pick a job you love and you'll never have to work in your life. - Confucius.

Perfection is not a special act, but a habit. You are what you constantly do. - Shaquille O'Neal.

Choose only one master - Nature. - Rembrandt.

Everything that appeared in your life, both people and events, became real only because you drew them. And it is up to you what to do with them next. - Richard Bach.

Every mind must make its choice in favor of truth or peace. He cannot choose both. — Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Live to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for. Where do you want to go and why do you want to go there. — Kofi Annan.

Life is the sum of all your choices. — Albert Camus

This is how life works: we make a simple choice - to be happy or unhappy, but both require the same effort - Théun Mahrez

No man chooses evil because it is evil, he only mistakes it for the happiness and goodness he seeks. - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them. - Kahlil Gibran.

Limited choice among rotten apples - William Shakespeare

You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be. - Chuck Palahniuk.

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them - Kahlil Gibran

Nothing is more exhausting than indecision, and nothing is more useless. — Bertrand Russell.

Let people decide firmly what they will not do, and they will freely and vigorously do what they must do. - Mencius.

Acts of moral choice, being the self-realization of the soul, are inseparable from the personality and represent its part and essence - Ralph Tyler Fluelling

It is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny. - Jean Niedich.

We must make our own choices and live by them - From the movie "Groundhog Day"

That captive duke, who was given the choice to be drowned in Madeira or sherry, was hardly happy with his freedom of choice - Wilhelm Windelband

You can always change your mind and choose a different future or a different past. - Richard Bach.

Guess if you can and choose if you dare. — Pierre Corneille.

We are often forced to make a choice that hurts, but then we are convinced that it was the best and most reasonable. – Arthur Hailey “In the Higher Realms”

There is always a choice: to be happy or sad. I want to be happy... And I'm happy! – From the movie “The Tree”

When it is necessary to make a choice, but you do not make it, this is also a choice. — William James

I believe that the basic choice of a person is the choice between life and death. Every action involves this choice - Erich Fromm

We must make choices that allow us to discover the deepest possibilities of our real selves. — Thomas Merton.

As a result, we independently shape both life and ourselves. It is an endless process until death. And the responsibility for our choice lies entirely with us. — Eleanor Roosevelt.

Blessed is he who is able not to condemn himself in his choice. - Epistle to the Romans

Some decisions will not leave the opportunity to return everything back. It is imperative to take them. — Franz Kafka

As long as a person strives for happiness, no one can interfere with him. — Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

I choose my friends for their appearance, my acquaintances for their kind nature, and my enemies for their intelligence. A man cannot be too careful in choosing his enemies. — Oscar Wilde.

Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work - Confucius

When you have no choice, mobilize the spirit of courage. - Jewish proverb.

When you have a choice but don't make it, that is the choice itself. — William James.

When you have to make a choice and you don't, that too is a choice - William James

Even knowing where to go, we will still step onto the worst path. – Euripides

We all make the wrong choice sometimes. All that remains for us is to choose more carefully in the future. – From the TV series “Smallville”

When I look back at the three or four choices in my life that turned out to be decisive, I find that at the time I made them, I understood very little the seriousness of what I was doing, and only later did I discover that what seemed like a small stream on actually was the Rubicon - W. Auden

Having chosen the lesser of two evils, do not forget that you chose EVIL. – Abu Shlomo

What is an anarchist? The one who, by choosing, takes responsibility for the choice. – Ursula Le Guin.

While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. — Stephen R. Covey.

I know who I am and who I can be if I make a choice. - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Be careful not to fight and remember that if you do not choose to lead, you will always follow others. Find what scares you and do it. And you can make a difference if you choose to do so. – J. Michael Straczynski.

A person is not free to choose - to have or not to have ideals, but he is free to choose between various types ideals, between the worship of the idol of power and destruction and the worship of reason and love - Erich Fromm

It is more difficult not to make a choice, but to accept it for yourself. From the movie "University"

I know who I am and who I can be if I make a choice - Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

We are free when we unite our will with the will of God. We have a choice: His freedom or our bondage - Douglas Harding

We must make choices that allow us to discover the deepest possibilities of our real selves - Thomas Merton

The right choice in reality does not exist - there is only the choice made and its consequences. – Elchin Safarli “I was promised you”

Choose an item according to your abilities, consider what your shoulders can throw off and what they can carry. - Horace.

You can always change your mind and choose a different future or a different past - Richard Bach

We can try to avoid making a choice by doing nothing, but it is already a choice. — Gary Collins.

Always choose the best hard way- on it you will not meet competitors - Charles de Gaulle

Remember: a person has no other choice - he must be a person - Stanislav Jerzy Lec

To take your place in life, you need to learn to choose. - From the movie "Joke"

Life is just a string of options. – Nostradamus

Most feature great mind - choosing something very important, and following it all your life. - Anna Letizia Barbo.

The truth is that the place you want to be is the wrong place. - Chuck Palahniuk.

I believe that we are fully responsible for our choices and we must accept the consequences of every deed, word and thought throughout our lives. – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.

An amazing purity of mind appears when there is no choice left. — Henry Kissinger.

If you limit your choices to what seems possible and reasonable, you exclude yourself from what you really want, and all that's left out is compromise. — Robert Fritz

The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice - George Eliot

Only the choice between superfluous and insignificant things is admissible. Seneca

It's not about the roads that we choose, but about what makes us choose these roads inside - O. Henry

Have the power to choose what you like and not give up. Otherwise it is better to die - Albert Camus

The direction you usually take is necessary, but other directions you don't know so well are also necessary, because they are also parts of you - Arnold Mindell

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that best moves you towards your goal. Analyze your life in terms of your environment. Are the things around you helping you achieve success or are they holding you back? — Clement Stone.

Women, as a rule, choose their nightgown much more carefully than their husband - Coco Chanel

From now on, only through conscious choice and with the help of a purposeful policy can humanity survive. - Pope John Paul II.

As human beings, we are endowed with the freedom to choose, and we cannot shift our responsibility to God or nature. We must take it ourselves. This is our responsibility. — Arnold Toynbee.

Only our choice can show that we are not limited only by our abilities. - Joanne Kathleen Rowling.

I don't know when or where, but I definitely made my choice. Let it scare me, let it lead to loneliness - I do not regret it. – Douglas Copeland “Generation X”

Human life consists of a series of choices. Each choice determines the change in the life path vector. By making a choice, a person determines his future path. Any decision can be reflected in this path almost instantly; some choice will affect the person over time; some decisions affect the path more strongly, some almost imperceptibly. However, in the aggregate, they all form what we used to call fate.

Whether our life path is predetermined or whether the person himself is the creator of his life can be argued for a long time. Both of these views are, in my opinion, correct. It all depends on how you look. For someone who makes a choice unconsciously, automatically, life and truth have a somewhat predetermined character. After all, as usual, a person chooses the path along which he is accustomed to walk. In this case, the choice simply goes unnoticed.

By directing a person along a familiar route, the brain can afford to switch off, not work, not waste extra energy processing new information. And therefore, a familiar route for the mind is preferable. Anyone who is accustomed to responding to aggression with aggression, in the next similar situation, will, of course, first of all feel the impulse to react habitually. To succumb to this impulse means again to give up the opportunity to choose, and again go along the beaten path. On this score it was once said: it is foolish to hope for different results doing the same actions.

In the psyche of an adult, patterns of behavior have already been formed, according to which he builds his life. Therefore, the life of one who does not pass his thoughts, words and actions through the filters of consciousness is like constantly playing the same algorithms for the development of events.

Here is one hypothetical situation. Suppose someone seemed stupid to you, and you used to treat stupid people down. The person you think is stupid feels your arrogance and feels uncomfortable about it. He turns on the corresponding defensive program of aggression. Those who treat him arrogantly, he used to compromise on an open conflict in order to undermine the authority of his opponent. Thus, he tries to restore justice. In response to his actions, your program may turn on. For example, one day you can react to another attack and ignite a scandal or even a fight.

The above chain could be stopped at any stage. It would be enough for one of the participants to ask themselves the question: “what am I doing and why?”. Is it worth it to label a person as a fool, because for someone you may turn out to be a fool. Is it worth it to react to someone's arrogance, or can you just ignore it. Is it necessary to respond with aggression to aggression, if in most cases relations can be improved by showing their good intentions. Naturally, without inner work changing your attitude to the situation is indispensable here.

In fact, it is not even so important which path you choose next time. The important thing is how much this choice will be conscious and how much it will be with an understanding of the consequences for the soul and body. After all, sometimes it’s true, it’s worth giving up the fight for justice when it doesn’t make sense to you. Is it worth it to fight a gang of robbers if the physical advantage is clearly not on your side? Is it worth it to restrain your desire to fight if this fight is a matter of honor and conscience for you?

This is the meaning of the statement “life is a choice”. And there can be no algorithm by which this choice must be made. Right choice is one that is done consciously. But the one who becomes a slave to his habits and behavioral patterns, refuses to be able to choose. That, to some extent, there is also a choice.


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