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Is it difficult to dress a goat skin at home? Do I need to invite the most experienced specialist for this, or can the basic skills be acquired from our own experience? Where should you start, what tools will you need, what methods are best used for further processing? We will try to answer all questions in this article.

The skins of these animals are called goatskins and are used for the production of fur products and shoes.

Domestic goats are bred mainly for healthy dietary milk, and also, although less often, meat. But in any case, at the final stage, it is possible to obtain additional products from animals, the main of which is the skin. True, this process is not easy, for dressing goat skins, special actions are required, the success of which directly depends on practical skills. Beginners will have to make enough effort and effort to become a master in this matter.

The technique in this case is similar to the technique of skinning a sheep, and the technology of incisions and removal of skin tissue is called "layer". First, the carcass of an animal - a goat or a goat - is hung up, then three cuts are made on it.

  1. Transverse, conducted from the first hoof of the hind leg to the hoof of the second, passing through the anus.
  2. Transverse, which is pulled from the metacarpal joint of the first front leg to a similar joint of the second, this time along the chest.
  3. Longitudinal, starts from the throat of the animal, then runs along the chest and stomach and ends in the middle of the tail.
  • the skin is pulled from the carcass, first in the neck area, then on the front legs;
  • gently pull with your hands until it peels off, making sure that fat and lard do not stick to the skin.

In those places where the clip of the skin with the body is too dense, it is allowed to cut it a little. The main thing at the same time is not to spoil the valuable fur. Additional incisions are also made in the anus and around the loop (in females). Having reached the hind hooves, you need to stop tightening, make the necessary cuts and only then continue.

Important. In those places where fat and fat accumulate in the animal, it is also advisable to cut with a knife so that they do not move away, but remain on the meat.

The removal technique is similar to the method of skinning a sheep, and the technology itself is called "layered".

When all the material is removed, it is laid out or stretched on a special frame. This will allow the skin to dry without losing its configuration.

Primary briefing

We remind you that competent dressing of the skin is a very difficult process and takes a lot of time. We strongly recommend that beginners do not perform these manipulations themselves, it is better to invite an experienced specialist for the first time. If there is no such specialist in your region, you can, of course, fix the material yourself by doing all the steps in the required sequence.

To get a goat skin best quality, it is desirable to deal with its dressing shortly after removal, in a still “warm” state. True, this is often rarely possible, so it is recommended to carry out at least an initial conservation.


The best way to save the hide and skin until the day you start dressing is to treat it with dry salt. In other words, you have to sort of salt the goat skin. This is done in the following way.

  1. The skin that has just been removed is laid out on a flat surface with the fur inside, or, in other words, the mezra (skin) up.
  2. Meat adhering to the material must be scraped off with a sharp tool.
  3. Dry salt covers the entire skin, paying special attention to the edges.
  4. Next, the material is placed in an envelope, making sure that the core lies on the core.
  5. The material is again folded in half and placed in any container for three days.
  6. After this period, the skin is unfolded and hung out on a flat horizontal bar, always with the skin up, bending along the ridge line.
  7. Place the skin for storage in a dry room, you can - in the attic.

Everything, after such primary processing, the material can be stored for a long time. The owner will only have to make sure that the moth does not eat him.

Since ancient times, man has been breeding animals in order to obtain meat, milk and skins. Dressing skins at home takes a significant amount of time and requires certain skills. With the right approach, the result is worth the effort. To obtain a competitive skin suitable for sewing fur products, it is necessary to correctly follow all the stages of dressing.

Preparing skins for dressing

When dressing skins, attention must be paid to the time of slaughter. The best period starts from late autumn and ends in early spring. Before this period, most animals undergo a molt, which affects the quality of the skin. Molting can be over the entire cover of the skin or located in separate areas. With proper nutrition In a healthy individual, molting is carried out quickly; in weakened animals, this process may be completely absent or delayed for a long period.

Sprinkle the skinned table salt to eliminate excess moisture, clean it from the remnants of fat, muscle tissue and meat. This work is carried out on a blank - an oval-shaped board. The skin should be fur inside. For its degreasing use a sharp knife with a raised end. As a result of this preparatory work the fleece becomes hard and dry.


Sorting is needed to identify defects that do not meet the quality standard. Some of them can be eliminated during a number of events, others will have to be taken into account when creating constructive patterns for sewing a fur product.

Determination of the weight of the skin

Weighing is necessary for the preparation of the emulsion in the process of passing through the stages of dressing. For an accurate result, the skin is weighed at least three times and the average value is displayed. The fleece must be clean without various kinds of weighting agents - cuts, dirt residues and blood clots.


Sorting is carried out according to the size and thickness of the skin layer. There are three varieties:

  • The first includes skins of winter slaughter with a thick pile and white leather fabric.
  • To the second - autumn slaughter skins with fluffy, but underdeveloped hair.
  • To the third grade - skins with low guard hair and blue mezdra. The size of the skins is measured in square centimeters.

After preparatory phase start skinning.

The process of dressing skins at home is laborious and costly. Subject to all conditions work and stages of dressing will please ready sample, from which in the future you will get a beautiful and high-quality fur product.

How to dress the skin of a sheep at home so that it does not lose its presentation? After all, sheep are bred mainly for wool and meat, but some farmers throw away the skins. And the point here is not at all that the skin itself is of no value, just few people know how to dress it correctly. Most beginners give up this activity after the first unsuccessful attempt. In fact, dressing sheep skins at home is a difficult task, but quite doable. It is only necessary to strictly observe the technology of the process.

Peculiarities of dressing skins

The whole process of dressing consists of several stages: aging, skinning, picking, washing, tanning and drying. It is worth noting the fact that it is necessary to start processing the skin as soon as possible, without putting things off indefinitely. Otherwise, the skin will lose its presentation and, accordingly, its value.

In order for the whole procedure of dressing skins to be understandable not only to specialists, but also to beginners in this matter, we will consider in detail each stage of the work. So let's get started.

After you have skinned a slaughtered sheep, you must carefully examine it. If pieces of fat, meat or tendons remain on the inside, it is recommended to scrape them off with a knife.

All excess debris is removed from the wool, the sheepskin must be clean. After inspection, the skin can be folded in half and put in a cool place for two hours.

Dressing stages

In order to qualitatively dress the skin of a ram, it is better to start work immediately after removing it. This is what the process of dressing at home should look like.


For this procedure, you will need a spacious container. The fact is that sheep are rather large animals, and the skin must be completely hidden by saline solution. To prepare such a solution, you will need:

  • furatsilin or formalin;
  • salt;
  • acetic acid.

A solution is made according to the following recipe: for each liter of water, two tablets of furacilin or 0.1 milliliter of formalin are dissolved. The salt content in such a solution can vary from 30 to 50 grams at the discretion of the farmer.

As an antiseptic, you can add acetic acid to the solution, at the rate of 5 grams per liter of water.

Experienced furriers add decoctions of oak, birch or willow leaves. The proportion of such decoctions in the solution should not exceed 500 grams per 10 liters of water.

In such a saline solution, the skins must be soaked for at least twelve hours. If after this period, the skin does not soften, then it is necessary to repeat the whole procedure again.

To understand that the skin is ready for further processing, you need to scrape the inside (mezdra) with your fingernail. If it will give in easily, you can proceed to the next step.


The purpose of this process is to rid the skin of possible residues of fat and fat. In addition, it helps to remove the extra layer of skin.

This is done as follows: the skin is stretched on a flat surface or a special machine. The work is done with an iron scraper or a blunt knife. This is done so as not to accidentally damage the skin. Skinning is usually carried out from the back, gradually moving towards the head.


After you have finished skinning, the treated skin must be washed. To do this, it must be immersed in a cleaning solution for five minutes. To prepare it you will need:

  • washing powder - 3 grams;
  • table salt - 20 grams.

All dosages are based on one liter of water.

After the fleece has been in the cleaning solution, it is squeezed out and proceed to the next step.


This stage is aimed at improving the properties of the rune. After pickling, the fibers soften and the lamb skin becomes more elastic.

The pickling solution is made from water, salt and acid. Moreover, the acid can be used both acetic and formic. To prepare a solution, for every liter of water add 50 grams of salt, 15 grams of acetic acid or 5 formic acid.

As in the case of soaking, the fleece should remain in the solution for about 12 hours. You can check how successful the process is as follows: the fleece is bent in half and squeezed. After straightening, a clearly visible strip should remain at the fold.


It is impossible to qualitatively dress the skin of a sheep without tanning at home. The purpose of this stage is to give your products strength. This procedure is again associated with the preparation of the solution. For this you will need:

  • table salt - 50 grams;
  • chrome tanning agent - 6 grams.

All components are indicated for one liter of water. The skins are lowered into the prepared hot solution and left for a day. It is necessary to monitor the process, not allowing the solution to cool, and periodically heating it up.


This stage is aimed at giving your products shine. To prepare the composition you will need:

  • table salt - 100 grams;
  • glycerin - 25 grams;
  • ammonia - 20 grams;
  • egg yolk - 70 grams.

The solution is applied to the core. After that, the skins are stacked in such a way that their inner parts are in close contact.


To begin with, you need to squeeze the fleece, this can be done using a centrifuge. After that, the skins are dried in thermal chambers at a temperature of 40 degrees.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in dressing. Most of the time, you will be making various saline solutions. Show a little attention and responsibility, and everything will work out for you.


Soaking. You need to harvest the skin immediately after skinning, while it is a steam room. If the skin has dried without treatment, it should be soaked. Do this to soften and remove the mezdra. First, they inspect, remove large debris from the skin and turn it inside out. Now you need a solution for soaking. You need to proceed from the liquid coefficient of the skin. For example, a dry canned rabbit skin has an FA of 20, which means that 50 grams of the skin will take 1 liter of liquid. Wet-preserved rabbit skin has an FA of 8-9, for a dried sheep skin it has an FA of 10. Calculation of the liquid based on the FA reduces the cost of chemicals, and also guarantees uniform soaking of the skins. If the FA is unknown, then the solution is prepared in such a way that the skins in it easily rotate and do not press against each other.
The solution is prepared from common salt and antiseptic. Its role can be played by ZnCl (2 g/l), furatsilin (1) or formalin (1 g/l). Perhaps, instead of an antiseptic, use acetic acid (5-7 g / l). Everyone selects the amount of salt individually, on average it is 30-50 g / l. The skins are lowered into the solution and removed after 12 hours. If the skins do not become, do not look like pairs, you need to leave them for a while.

Mezdrenie. This process is aimed at ridding the skin of the remnants of meat and fat, as well as the excess layer of the skin itself. Processing is done on a mezdrial or deck, turning the stocking of the skin inside out. The flesh is torn off with iron brushes or a blunt knife. Their surface must be leveled so as not to damage the skin. Process starting from the rump, moving towards the head.

Wash. After skinning, the skins are washed in a solution. To prepare it, you need to take a detergent (privocel) or washing powder 3g/l and salt 20g/l. The skins are immersed in the solution for 5 minutes, squeezed out and immediately placed in the pickel solution.

Pickling. This process involves immersing the skins in a solution of salt and acid. Acid loosens the fibers of the skin, making them plastic and viscous. After pickling, the skin can be stretched in any direction. Mostly use acetic, formic or lactic acid, which give the best results. The pickel solution consists of 50 g of salt and 15 g of acetic acid (or 5 g of formic acid) per 1 liter of water. The skins are immersed in the solution and pulled out after 12 hours. The skins are stirred all the time. Check the readiness of the skin by bending the skin and squeezing. After unfolding, there should be a white stripe at the fold.

Tanning. It is necessary to give the skin strength. Compounds of aluminum, chromium, titanium, iron, tannins, formaldehydes, etc. are used as tanning agents. Chrome solution is used most often, for its preparation they take 50 g of salt, 6 g of chromium tanning agent per 1 liter and dissolve in very hot water. The skins in the tanner are left for 12-24 hours, constantly heated.

Fattening. It gives the skin a shine. Zhirovka is prepared from 100 g of salt, 25 g of glycerin, 20 g of ammonia and 70 g of yolk per 1 liter of water. The solution is heated and applied with brushes, then the skins are folded skin to skin.

Drying. The skins are pressed in a centrifuge, then dried in thermal chambers for drying at t 40-45 ° C. In conclusion, the skins are rolled in a centrifuge with sawdust, while the fur is polished, then the skins are crumpled in special drums, while the skins are somewhat stretched.


  • skinning at home

It will not be possible to professionally dress the skin at home, since it is difficult to get all the ingredients, and to comply technological process no possibility. But it is not difficult to make small skins.


The skins need to be cut, removing the heads and tails, cleaning the fat and remains of meat from the skin on the inside. For all solutions, an average of 3 liters of water is taken for each skin. The solution is required to soak the skin, it is prepared in a special container. Water must be brought to a temperature of about 30 degrees and make sure that the temperature does not fall during the entire curing process. First of all, salt is poured into the water, 50 grams per liter, mixed thoroughly. It is also necessary to add an antiseptic to the water: formalin or sodium silicofluoride, 1 gram per liter of water. The skins are placed in this vat, stirring about once every 2-3 hours. The skins are kept there from 12 to 20 hours. To keep the temperature, the container can be insulated.

Soaked skins, having been removed from the solution, are laid with the fur side down on a flat surface, and with a knife or a special scraper, the mezra is thoroughly cleaned from the remaining fat and muscle films. When cleaning the skin, you need to move from the rump towards the head, otherwise there is a high probability of tearing the skin. After that, the skins are thoroughly washed in warm water with the addition of any detergent, washed in a large amount of running water.

After that, another solution is prepared by adding 50 g of salt to it for each liter, 7 g / l of acetic acid (or 800 ml / l of food vinegar). The skins are placed in this solution and thoroughly mixed for an hour. After that, the skins of females are left for a period of 24 hours, for 35 hours - the skins of males, periodically mixing thoroughly about once an hour. After the end of the soaking time, the solution is drained from the container, and the skins are left to rest in it for a day. After that, the skins are taken out and squeezed, starting to prepare for tanning.

For tanning, water is heated to 35 degrees, adding salt 50 g / l. The skins are left in the solution for an hour. After that, dry chromium tanning agent is added at the rate of 9 g/l. For addition, it is divided into two parts and dissolved in three parts of hot water. After adding the first portion to the skins, mix intensively for 5 minutes, then periodically for an hour. After an hour has passed, add the second part and stir for another hour. The skins remain in this solution for 12 hours. The container must be insulated so that the temperature of the solution does not fall below 30 degrees.

After 12 hours of soaking, soda is taken in an amount of 3-4 g / l of solution. It is dissolved in 10 parts of hot water and divided into three equal portions. The first is poured into the solution, thoroughly mixed and left for 2 hours, then the second is added and also thoroughly mixed, and after another 2 hours the third is added and wait another 2 hours. Then the solution is drained, and the skins again remain in the container for a day. After that, each skin is washed separately with hot water and dried on a wire without pressing.

When the skins are completely dry, they are moistened with a solution in which 30 g of salt and 1 g / l of urotropine, or dry fuel, are taken per liter of hot water. Moistened skins are covered with oilcloth and left for a day in this position, down. Periodically, they are checked by moistening with the same solution too quickly drying places. A day later, the skins are kneaded, stretched in different directions, fattened. The fatliquoring process takes place with the help of special pastes for fur and leather, which are rubbed into the skin with foam rubber. After complete drying, the skins are polished with pumice stone, sandpaper or a grinding wheel.

The internal organs of animals, such as: liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, brains, tongue, udder, before preparing some unusual and tasty dish from them, are carefully processed.

For example - we take a beef heart, cut it into 2 parts, or 4 if it is large. The main thing is to make it easier to remove all hard and caked blood. After that, rinse well.

The liver is fresh, chilled, much healthier than frozen. Wash with cold water under the tap and then carefully peel off the film. With a sharp knife, immediately remove the hard parts, cut into pieces of the size we need.

We will take the kidneys from a ram. We cut each kidney into 2 slices, remove the ducts, rinse again under running water and put on soaking for 30 minutes in a weak solution of vinegar. After that, boil.

Easy take beef. We cut off the trachea and all the cartilage, cut it into pieces and wash it well from the blood. Then cook in boiling water for 30 minutes. The finished lung can be ground in a meat grinder, or driven through a combine.

We take the brains and soak for 2.5 hours and then remove the film. We take the tongue, wash it and at this time we scrape off the mucus, scald it with boiling water. The tongue is ready for cooking. Wash the udder and put it in cold water to soak for 2-3 hours. During this time, we change the water several times. Then boil in salted water until tender.

Dressing skins is one of the first types of crafts mastered by man. This skill is very useful for modern people. Hunters are happy to keep the skins of killed trophies. People purposefully engage in the cultivation and slaughter of fur-bearing animals for the sake of obtaining skin and fur. AT agriculture mass dressing of animal skin is carried out. Knowledge and practice of dressing skins at home will allow you to obtain high-quality raw materials for further processing - sewing clothes, bags and hats, making accessories and shoes, forming stuffed animals and dummies, creating decorative elements.

Primary processing of skins

The choice of dressing technology depends on the type, lifestyle and physiological state of the animal, the type and quality of fur, age, gender and many other factors. Incorrect primary processing reduces the quality of leather and fur raw materials and reduces its shelf life.

Mature fur is lush and shiny, with a dense, uniform undercoat. The hair should be elastic and even, with a well-developed awn, not fall out.

Before the dressing of fur begins, you should carefully examine the hairline of the animal. Dirt and blood are washed off with a rag or gauze soaked in warm water and laundry soap. Entangled and matted areas of fur are usually combed with a special brush. The skin must be removed carefully, avoiding cuts and tears. It is desirable to keep the head, paws and tail.

Stages of dressing skins and furs

The removed skin is degreased and dried. Defatting is the process of removing all subcutaneous fat. It is carried out manually with the help of special tools on the frozen fat layer. Raw skins are corrected, giving them the correct shape and symmetry, and then dried under certain conditions - high humidity and temperature, good air exchange.

In order not to stain the fur and hands with fat, experts recommend to sprinkle workplace and skins with small sawdust.

Dressing skins at home consists of nine mandatory steps:

  1. Soaking. Initially, the skins are soaked for a day in a concentrated saline solution. For 1 liter of water at room temperature, you need 4 tablespoons of salt without a slide. After soaking, they are turned inside out and squeezed out.
  2. Mezdrenie. The skinning machine will help you quickly and efficiently remove the skin. The mezdra is the subcutaneous fat layer of animals, it is removed with a blunt knife with a wide blade in the direction from the tail to the head.
  3. Secondary degreasing. At this stage, the skin is washed in a foamy solution of laundry soap. The temperature of the liquid must not exceed 25°. You can soak the skins in a soap solution for 20-30 minutes. Then they are thoroughly rinsed in clean cold water, squeezed out and turned inside out with fur.
  4. Pickling or pickling. The dressing solution is prepared from 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence, 4 tablespoons of salt without a slide and 1 liter of water. The temperature of the solution is within 18-23°. The skins, turned inside out, are immersed in the liquid and left for several hours, stirring occasionally. For thin skins, the exposure time is 6 hours, for skins of medium thickness - 8-10 hours, thick skins are soaked in a pickle for more than 12 hours.
  5. Exposure under pressure. During pickling, organic fat and collagen fibers are destroyed in the skin tissues. After pickling, the skins are squeezed by hand, folded 2 or 3 times and placed under oppression. Thin skins are kept under oppression for 3-4 hours, skins of medium thickness - about 5 hours, thick ones - 6-8 hours.
  6. Drying. The skins are dried at room temperature away from heat sources, while the fur should be directed inward.
    For drying, special devices are used - rules. You can stretch the skin on a sheet of plywood. Periodically, while the skin remains wet, it is removed from the stretch and wrinkled by hand.
  7. Tanning. Tannins restore the structure of collagen fibers. After the procedure, the skin becomes softer and more elastic, does not tear or crumble. As a tanning agent, you can use a thick infusion of oak or willow bark (half a liter of crushed dry bark is taken for 1 liter of water). The bark is poured into water, brought to a boil and boiled for 10-15 minutes, then insisted for one day. The infusion is filtered through gauze and applied with a brush to the mezra. The skin is then dried and crushed.
  8. Zhirovka. For fattening at home, a special fat emulsion is prepared. In 300 ml of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 50 grams of soap, 50 grams of fish oil, 10 drops of ammonia, cool the solution and add another 500 ml of water to it. All components are thoroughly mixed and carefully, so as not to get on the fur, are applied to the skin with a brush from the side of the mezra. The treated skins are dried at room temperature.
  9. Finishing processing. Finally, the skins are crushed with a pumice stone or fine-grained sandpaper, passing it along the mezdra in the direction from head to tail. If necessary, the skin is stretched and shaken. Now she is ready for further work - cutting, gluing or sewing.

Popular leather dressing recipes

The fermentation procedure is considered a classic version of skin dressing, after which the material becomes durable and elastic. Alum for dressing skins is prepared according to different recipes, using ingredients of natural and artificial origin - flour, malt, rock salt, soda, acids, fermented milk products. Acid pickling is an alternative to traditional fermentation. Acetic acid, salt, and water are commonly used to make pickel. Instead of vinegar, sulfuric or boric acid can be used.

It is necessary to engage in dressing with a fresh skin. If work needs to be postponed, then the skin can be salted by rubbing it with plenty of salt, frozen or dried.

Recipe for dressing skins at home:

Dressing leather and fur is a complex, lengthy and laborious procedure. To achieve mastery in leather and fur business is possible only by working and learning. As a result of many years of experience, light, soft and elastic skins are obtained, which look great, are pleasant to the touch and have a long service life.

An easy way to dress skins - video

Equipment for dressing skins at home - video


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