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The latest news from the Baltic Fleet, in my opinion, testifies to at least two things. First, Moscow today assesses the likelihood of a major war in Europe as very high and is taking emergency defensive measures. Second: everything is so serious that we even have to go to the detriment of our group, which is actively participating in the hostilities in Syria.

This becomes obvious if you carefully read the text of the interview, which Commander of the Baltic Fleet Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov gave to the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. Among other things, the commander said that this year he will have at his disposal one more newest small missile ship (RTO). What could this ship be?

The only option is that Nosatov means RTO "Vyshny Volochek" (project 21631, code "Buyan-M"). Why him? There is simply nothing else from the combat units of this class at the exit from our shipbuilding plants. In August 2013, Vyshny Volochek, the sixth of the Buyanov-M series, was laid down in Zelenodolsk. Launched a year ago, is in high degree readiness and its commissioning into the combat strength of the Navy is indeed scheduled for this year.

But the most remarkable thing is that from the very beginning this ship was laid down not at all for the Baltic, but for the Black Sea Fleet. It was planned that "Vyshny Volochek" would strengthen our ship grouping in Sevastopol, which had been very weakened in recent decades. Namely, the 41st separate brigade of missile boats, the newest of which is the Samum small hovercraft missile ship, was built 25 years ago, in 1992.

Today, the brigade, which includes only four RTOs of various projects, regularly and with the last of its strength participates in the combat service of our permanent task force in the Mediterranean. including off the coast of Syria. These almost flat-bottomed small boats with cruise missiles we are forced to plug the gaps in the Middle East that have arisen due to the acute shortage of large attack ships of the far sea and ocean zones in the current Russian Navy. But due to the great deterioration of the ship composition of the remnants of the brigade, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this.

Therefore, Moscow's plans to urgently replenish the belligerent Black Sea formation with at least a division of Buyanov-M, which had just been built in Zelenodolsk, with Caliber-NK long-range cruise missiles, looked quite natural. In April 2015, the first two of them ("Serpukhov" and "Zeleniy Dol") made the transition from the Caspian Sea to Sevastopol via inland waterways and became part of the 41st brigade. And then they were sent to military service in the Mediterranean Sea.

Small missile ship (RTO) "Zeleny Dol" (Photo:

On August 19, 2016, "Serpukhov" and "Zeleny Dol" carried out very effective rocket firing "Caliber" at terrorist positions in Syria. But they soon returned to Sevastopol only to replenish supplies. On October 4, 2016, both RTOs, once designed exclusively for navigation in the shallow Caspian and the Volga delta, accompanied by a rescue tug, set out on a risky ocean voyage - through the entire Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay, the English Channel, the North Atlantic and the Baltic straits. The end point of the route was Baltiysk, for which the crews had to change Sevastopol on the orders of the General Staff of the Navy.

Small missile ship (RTO) of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) "Serpukhov" (Photo:

Now, at the expense of the Black Sea Fleet, it was decided to replenish the 36th brigade of BF missile boats with a division of "caliber carriers". And since two Buyanov-Ms will not be enough for a full-fledged division, soon, as follows from the words of Vice Admiral Nosatov, Vyshny Volochek, whose crew is also formed in Sevastopol, will join them.

That is, what happens? From the composition of the fleet actually fighting in Syria, the ships with modern high-precision weapons that it needs so much are withdrawn and sent to where the guns do not rumble yet. There can be only one explanation for this - the guns in the Baltic do not rumble just yet. But they can even rumble there too.

A photograph circulated on the Web in February of this year can serve as a symbol of what is happening in those parts now, better than any words. On it, brave US Marines with weapons and in white camouflage coats are captured on the very Russian-Estonian border against the backdrop of the ancient fortress walls of our Ivan-gorod.

You see: they are already literally two steps away from Russia! Moreover, every month Pandora's box swings open more and more. Last winter, the tanks of the 3rd Armored Brigade and the 4th Infantry Division of the US Army had already unloaded in Poland. In the area of ​​the Norwegian city of Trendelag, American military equipment that has been stored there for decades is being removed from conservation. As they say - to participate in the exercises "Strategic Mobility Exercise-17". Naturally, a stone's throw from the Russian Federation. At the end of January, the Polish Army received the first American low-observable JASSM cruise missiles, capable of hitting any target in the Kaliningrad region, and if necessary, reaching Minsk.

And this list of intelligence signs of an imminent war is endless. It is clear that it does not necessarily begin. But in order not to start, you need to respond adequately. Vice-Admiral Nosatov spoke about at least some of Moscow's retaliatory steps in the aforementioned interview with Krasnaya Zvezda. So what are we doing in response?

Near Kaliningrad, the deployment of divisions of anti-ship missile systems "Bal" and "Bastion" has been completed. This weapon closes the entire Baltic Sea up to the strait zone. But not only. Until recently, it was believed that the P-800 Onyx missiles of the Bastion complex were intended solely for the destruction of enemy ships and vessels. For those who thought so outside of Russia, an unpleasant surprise was probably presented on November 15 last year. On that day, our "Bastions" located in Syria launched a high-precision missile attack on the ground positions of terrorists in this country. And they made it clear to them that the Bastion is a universal weapon. And, therefore, under their guns not only the sea surface, but also American tanks in Poland.

In order to reach even the most indiscreet, on May 9, the launchers of the Bal and Bastion missile systems for the first time in history, as part of parade crews, walked around Kaliningrad. Whether the roar of their engines reached Brussels and Washington, only time will tell.

Coastal missile systems "Bal" (Photo: Yuri Smityuk / TASS)

It is worth paying attention to the following words of Vice Admiral Nosatov: "Another missile formation of the Baltic Fleet is completing the preparation of infrastructure for new missile systems." Under what - he did not say. But the allusion to the famous Iskanders, which so far are in the Kaliningrad region only for exercises, I think, is more than transparent.

And, of course, in this series of hastily equipping Russian defensive lines, a division of small missile ships with a total of 24 Kalibr-NK in Baltiysk will look very organic. Although, perhaps, three Buyanov-Ms in the event of a big mess on our western border will not be enough. Especially - in comparison with the many thousands of flocks of Tomahawks, which in a matter of days are able to deliver the US Air Force and Navy and their allies to the Baltic.

What else, besides this newly formed division of small missile ships, can we oppose the enemy in the Baltic? We will not take into account the combat capabilities of naval aviation and the Western Military District, which includes the Baltic Fleet, we will only talk about the composition of the ship. Here the picture is sad.

Of our two Baltic destroyers of project 956 (“Restless” and “Persistent”), due to chronic problems with the main power plants, none of them has been able to go to sea for a long time.

The destroyer of the Baltic Fleet "Restless" (Photo: Igor Zarembo / TASS)

Of a couple of relatively new patrol ships project 11540 running only one - "Yaroslav the Wise". TFR "Fearless" has been rusting at the pier without an afterburner for a long time.

There are only two submarines in the fleet. Both - project 877 ("Dmitrov" and "Vyborg"). But only the last one is in service, the Dmitrov is under repair.

It is gratifying that in technical order 4 new corvettes of project 20380 ("Guarding", "Savvy", "Courageous" and "Resistant"). But their main strike weapon - eight X-35 anti-ship missiles of the Uran complex - has a maximum target destruction range of only 130 kilometers and cannot be compared with the combat capabilities of Kalibr-NK. It is no coincidence that it was decided to put the Caliber instead of the Uranus on the next Thundering corvette of the modernized project 22385, which is being built at Severnaya Verf.

Such an “oil painting”, of course, hurts the eye. But the Baltic Fleet, alas, cannot wait for new reinforcements today. After all, the RTO "Vyshny Volochek" for him, to be honest, in Zelenodolsk is being completed with great difficulty. The notorious Western sanctions and the protracted history of our import substitution are to blame.

Let me remind you that all five previous Buyanov-Ms are equipped with German MTU diesel engines. Work on these ships until 2014 was so rhythmic that CEO Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant named after Gorky Renat Mistakhov proudly declared: the terms of work on each Buyan-M were reduced from 34 months to 28.

But then deliveries from Germany were stopped. We have not prepared anything for this occasion. I had to look for a replacement for MTU engines in China. From there, CHD622V20 diesels were delivered to Vyshny Volochok without any problems. In fact - the same German, only outdated and manufactured under license. But at the same time, instead of 28 months, Vyshny Volochek has been built since August 2013 (about 45 months). And when he leaves the factory is still unknown. Moreover, it is not known when the fleet will receive the next Buyans-M - Orekhovo-Zuevo (laid down in May 2014), Ingushetia (August 2014), Grayvoron (April 2015).

So for now, off the coast of Syria and in the Baltic, we will have to do without them.

On Navy Day, it's time to post photos of a warship. Let not a big one, let it be in tow, but for some reason passed by)

"Vyshny Volochek" - a small rocket ship of project 21631 (code "Buyan-M"), the sixth ship of the series.
The project was developed by the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau for the Russian Navy, the first chief designer of the project is Ya. E. Kushnir.

Unlike its prototype - a small artillery ship of project 21630 - MRK has almost twice the displacement (949 tons versus 500 tons) and is armed with a vertical launcher of the 3R-14UKSK complex for 8 Caliber or Onyx anti-ship missiles, which allows you to apply strikes with high-precision cruise missiles at ground targets at a distance of up to 1,500-2,500 km and at sea targets at a distance of up to 300 km.

The artillery armament of the ship is represented by one 100 mm A-190M artillery mount and one 30 mm 12-barrel gun mount AK-630M-2 "Duet". The MRK is also armed with two Gibka R missile launchers, two 14.5 mm and three 7.62 mm machine guns.

The ship has a Chinese CHD622V20 engine instead of the German MTU, which fell under anti-Russian sanctions. In the future, it is planned to install similar engines manufactured by the Kolomensky Zavod and the Zvezda Plant from St. Petersburg on the ships.

In general, everything is serious.
The ship was towed from the plant in Zelenodolsk, to the place of registry in Sevastopol. Pusher tug Sluzovoy-32 and tug Plotovod-685 took part in the towing. A couple of photos of them at the end of the post.








The latest news from the Baltic Fleet, in my opinion, testifies to at least two things. First, Moscow today assesses the likelihood of a major war in Europe as very high and is taking emergency defensive measures. Second: everything is so serious that we even have to go to the detriment of our group, which is actively participating in the hostilities in Syria.

This becomes obvious if you carefully read the text of the interview that Vice Admiral Alexander Nosatov, commander of the Baltic Fleet, gave to the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. Among other things, the commander said that this year he will have at his disposal one more newest small missile ship (RTO). What could this ship be?

There is only one option - Nosatov means RTO "Vyshny Volochek" (project 21631, code "Buyan-M"). Why him? There is simply nothing else from the combat units of this class at the exit from our shipbuilding plants. In August 2013, Vyshny Volochek, the sixth of the Buyanov-M series, was laid down in Zelenodolsk. It was launched a year ago, is in a high degree of readiness, and its commissioning into the Navy is indeed scheduled for this year.

But the most remarkable thing is that from the very beginning this ship was laid down not at all for the Baltic, but for the Black Sea Fleet. It was planned that "Vyshny Volochek" would strengthen our ship grouping in Sevastopol, which had been very weakened in recent decades. Namely, the 41st separate brigade of missile boats, the newest of which is the Samum small hovercraft missile ship, was built 25 years ago, in 1992.

Today, the brigade, which includes only four RTOs of various projects, regularly and with the last of its strength participates in the combat service of our permanent task force in the Mediterranean. Including - off the coast of Syria. With these almost flat-bottomed small boats with cruise missiles, we are forced to plug the gaps in the Middle East that have arisen due to the acute shortage of large attack ships of the far sea and ocean zones in the current Russian Navy. But due to the great deterioration of the ship composition of the remnants of the brigade, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this.

Therefore, Moscow's plans to urgently replenish the belligerent Black Sea formation with at least a division of Buyanov-M, which had just been built in Zelenodolsk, with Caliber-NK long-range cruise missiles, looked quite natural. In April 2015, the first two of them ("Serpukhov" and "Zeleniy Dol") made the transition from the Caspian Sea to Sevastopol via inland waterways and became part of the 41st brigade. And then they were sent to military service in the Mediterranean Sea.

On August 19, 2016, "Serpukhov" and "Zeleny Dol" carried out very effective rocket firing "Caliber" at terrorist positions in Syria. But they soon returned to Sevastopol only to replenish supplies. On October 4, 2016, both RTOs, once designed exclusively for navigation in the shallow Caspian and the Volga delta, accompanied by a rescue tug, set out on a risky ocean voyage - through the entire Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay, the English Channel, the North Atlantic and the Baltic straits. The end point of the route was Baltiysk, for which the crews had to change Sevastopol on the orders of the General Staff of the Navy.

Now, at the expense of the Black Sea Fleet, it was decided to replenish the 36th brigade of BF missile boats with a division of "caliber carriers". And since two Buyanov-Ms will not be enough for a full-fledged division, soon, as follows from the words of Vice Admiral Nosatov, Vyshny Volochek, whose crew is also formed in Sevastopol, will join them.

That is, what happens? From the composition of the fleet actually fighting in Syria, the ships with modern high-precision weapons that it needs so much are withdrawn and sent to where the guns do not rumble yet. There can be only one explanation for this - the guns in the Baltic do not rumble just yet. But they can even rumble there too.

A photograph circulated on the Web in February of this year can serve as a symbol of what is happening in those parts now, better than any words. On it, brave US Marines with weapons and in white camouflage coats are captured on the very Russian-Estonian border against the backdrop of the ancient fortress walls of our Ivan-gorod.

You see: they are already literally two steps away from Russia! Moreover, every month Pandora's box swings open more and more. Last winter, the tanks of the 3rd Armored Brigade and the 4th Infantry Division of the US Army had already unloaded in Poland. In the area of ​​the Norwegian city of Trendelag, American military equipment that has been stored there for decades is being removed from conservation. As they say - to participate in the exercises "Strategic Mobility Exercise-17". Naturally, a stone's throw from the Russian Federation. At the end of January, the Polish Army received the first American low-observable JASSM cruise missiles, capable of hitting any target in the Kaliningrad region, and if necessary, reaching Minsk.

And this list of intelligence signs of an imminent war is endless. It is clear that it does not necessarily begin. But in order not to start, you need to respond adequately. Vice-Admiral Nosatov spoke about at least some of Moscow's retaliatory steps in the aforementioned interview with Krasnaya Zvezda. So what are we doing in response?

Near Kaliningrad, the deployment of divisions of anti-ship missile systems "Bal" and "Bastion" has been completed. This weapon closes the entire Baltic Sea up to the strait zone. But not only. Until recently, it was believed that the P-800 Onyx missiles of the Bastion complex were intended solely for the destruction of enemy ships and vessels. For those who thought so outside of Russia, an unpleasant surprise was probably presented on November 15 last year. On that day, our "Bastions", located in Syria, delivered a precision missile attack on the ground positions of terrorists in this country. And they made it clear to those that the "Bastion" is a universal weapon. And, therefore, under their guns not only the sea surface, but also American tanks in Poland.

In order to reach even the most indiscreet, on May 9, the launchers of the Bal and Bastion missile systems for the first time in history, as part of the ceremonial calculations, walked around Kaliningrad. Whether the roar of their engines reached Brussels and Washington, only time will tell.

It is worth paying attention to the following words of Vice Admiral Nosatov: "Another missile formation of the Baltic Fleet is completing the preparation of infrastructure for new missile systems." Under what - he did not say. But the allusion to the famous Iskanders, which so far are in the Kaliningrad region only for exercises, I think, is more than transparent.

And, of course, in this series of hastily equipping Russian defensive lines, a division of small missile ships with a total of 24 Kalibr-NK in Baltiysk will look very organic. Although, perhaps, three Buyanov-Ms in the event of a big mess on our western border will not be enough. Especially - in comparison with the many thousands of flocks of "Tomahawks", which in a matter of days are able to deliver the US Air Force and Navy and their allies to the Baltic.

What else, besides this newly formed division of small missile ships, can we oppose the enemy in the Baltic? We will not take into account the combat capabilities of naval aviation and the Western Military District, which includes the Baltic Fleet, we will only talk about the ship's composition. Here the picture is sad.

Of our two Baltic destroyers of project 956 (“Restless” and “Persistent”), due to chronic problems with the main power plants, none of them has been able to go to sea for a long time.

Of the pair of relatively new patrol ships of project 11540, only one is running - Yaroslav the Wise. TFR "Fearless" has been rusting at the pier without an afterburner for a long time.

There are only two submarines in the fleet. Both - project 877 ("Dmitrov" and "Vyborg"). But only the last one is in service, "Dmitrov" is under repair.

It is gratifying that in technical order there are 4 new corvettes of project 20380 (“Guarding”, “Savvy”, “Courageous” and “Resistant”). But their main strike weapon - eight X-35 anti-ship missiles of the Uran complex - has a maximum target destruction range of only 130 kilometers and cannot be compared with the combat capabilities of Kalibr-NK. It is no coincidence that the next corvette Thundering of the modernized project 22385, which is being built at Severnaya Verf, was decided to be replaced by Caliber instead of Uranus.

Such an “oil painting”, of course, hurts the eye. But the Baltic Fleet, alas, cannot wait today for new reinforcements. After all, the Vyshny Volochek RTO for him, to be honest, is being completed in Zelenodolsk with great difficulty. The notorious Western sanctions and the protracted history of our import substitution are to blame.

Let me remind you that all five previous Buyanov-Ms are equipped with German MTU diesel engines. Work on these ships until 2014 was so rhythmic that the general director of the Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant named after. Gorky Renat Mistakhov proudly declared: the terms of work on each Buyan-M were reduced from 34 months to 28.

But then deliveries from Germany were stopped. We have not prepared anything for this occasion. I had to look for a replacement for MTU engines in China. From there, CHD622V20 diesels were delivered to Vyshny Volochok without any problems. In fact - the same German ones, only outdated and manufactured under license. But at the same time, instead of 28 months, Vyshny Volochek has been built since August 2013 (about 45 months). And when he leaves the factory is still unknown. Moreover, it is not known when the fleet will receive the next Buyans-M - Orekhovo-Zuevo (laid down in May 2014), Ingushetia (August 2014), Grayvoron (April 2015).

So for now, off the coast of Syria and in the Baltic, we will have to do without them.

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Small rocket ship of the river-sea class / corvette. Designed to arm the Caspian Flotilla and, possibly, the Black Sea Fleet. The project was developed by the Zelenodolsk Design Bureau, chief designer Kushnir Ya.E., scientific and technical support - 1st Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The decision to build a series of ships of the project was made in August 2002 as part of the shipbuilding program for the Caspian Flotilla. On May 17, 2010, the Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant won a tender for the construction of a series of RTOs and on May 26, 2010, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the plant named after M. Gorky signed a contract for the construction of a series of 5 corvettes. In the summer of 2010, information appeared about the armament of the ships of the series as well as the Black Sea Fleet. The lead ship of the series - "Grad Sviyazhsk" - was laid down on August 27, 2010 at the A.M. Gorky Shipyard (Zelenodolsk). The second ship of the Uglich series was laid down in the same place on July 25, 2011. In total, it is planned to build 5 ships for the Caspian flotilla (data from the beginning of 2010 or earlier).

In December 2011, it was announced in the media that in total a series of 8-10 ships of the project could be built for the Russian Navy. On January 28, 2013, a contract was signed between the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Zelenodolsk Shipyard for three RTOs pr.21631 (with an option for two more ships) for delivery to the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. The lead ship of the series for the Black Sea Fleet ("Vyshny Volochek") was laid down on 08/29/2013 ().

The lead ship of project 21631 "Grad Sviyazhsk" was launched on March 9, 2013. The launch of the second ship - "Uglich" - is planned for the end of March 2013. Both ships, upon completion of mooring trials at the end of summer, will move to the main base of the Caspian Flotilla - in Astrakhan, where the stage of factory running, and then state tests will begin. Acceptance of both ships of the Russian Navy is planned before the end of 2013 (). 06/17/2013 from Zelenodolsk to the Caspian Sea, the lead RTO of the project, Grad Sviyazhsk, began its journey. Until the end of 2013, the ship passed all stages of sea and state trials in the Caspian Sea and will become part of the ship association ().

In the second decade of December 2013, the lead ship of the project "Grad Sviyazhsk" and the first serial "Uglich" successfully completed all stages of State tests with four missile firings and in 2014 will be officially accepted into the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy.

Engines - probably a 2- or 3-shaft diesel power plant manufactured by Zvezda (St. Petersburg).

movers- 2 or more water-jet installations manufactured by Almaz OJSC. Installation of water-jet installations was carried out by specialists of the Zvezdochka CS (Grad Sviyazhsk, work completed by December 2012).

the ship was designed taking into account the reduction of radar visibility.

TTX of the ship:
Crew - 32 people (36 people according to other data)

Length - 74.1 m
Width - 11 m
Height amidships - 6.57 m
Draft - 2.6 m

Displacement - 949 tons

Maximum speed - 25 knots
Range - 2500 miles (at a speed of 12 knots,)
Autonomy - at least 10 days

- vertical launch launcher 3R14UKSK manufactured by the MIS Agat concern of the Caliber-NK complex or the "" complex for 8 missiles, located in the superstructure; A feature of the ship is the equipping of a universal launcher for missile systems in the absence of target detection means for such missile systems on the ship (for example, for the Caliber complex when using missiles against ground targets). Thus, one of the options for using the ship is the floating launch platform of the KRBD, the placement of which in the ground-based version is prohibited. international treaties.

3R14UKSK vertical launch launcher on RTO "Grad Sviyazhsk" pr.21361. Probably, the photo was taken in Astrakhan in the summer of 2013. Publication 08/01/2013 (

Loading of a TPK with a rocket or a model of a TPK into the UKKS launcher on the Grad Sviyazhsk MRK pr.21631 at the Zelenodolsk Shipyard, March 13, 2013 (

Loading TPK presumably from the KR "Caliber" into the launcher 3R14UKSK on the RTO "Grad Sviyazhsk" pr.21361. Probably, the photo was taken in Astrakhan in the summer of 2013. Publication 08/01/2013 (

Rocket launch of the "Caliber-NK" complex from the RTO "Grad Sviyazhsk" project 21361, 2013-2014 (

- 1 x 100-mm artillery mount with the Laska control system, located in the bow of the ship;

1 x 30-mm double-barreled six-barrel installation "Duet", located on the aft part of the superstructure;

2 x 14.5 mm MTPU pedestal machine gun mounts with KPV machine guns;

14.5-mm KPV machine gun in the MTPU installation on the Grad Sviyazhsk RTO, project 21361. Probably, the photo was taken in Astrakhan in the summer of 2013. Publication 08/01/2013 (

- 2 x SAM 3M47 "Gibka" with 4-8 x SAM "Igla" or "Igla-1M", installed on the stern and on the bow of the superstructure, remote control.

3 x 7.62 mm machine guns;

1 x anti-sabotage hand grenade launcher for depth charges.

Mines (2 drop points);


MRK pr.21631
Information Exchange System (ISI)
Remote target designation complex
General detection radar 1 х MP-352 "Pozitiv" / CROSS DOME general detection radar in a radio-transparent radome;
Radar and fire control system
1 x radar MR-123 "Vympel" / BASS TILT artillery fire control system 5P-10-03 "Laska"
Optoelectronic surveillance devices 1 x optical-electronic surveillance device
Navigation radars 1 x navigation radar MR-231 "Pal"
state identification radar
EW and REP
2 x PU jamming systems
Complex REP TK-25
Navigation complex
echo sounders
Air wing support
GAS 1 x GAS for detecting underwater saboteurs (installation is provided)
Radio communication Complex "Centravr-NM" (antenna diameter - 1.2 m, information transfer rate - from 4.8 to 512 kbps, manufacturer - SPC "Vigstar")
Other equipment

Status: Russia
- May 26, 2010 - a contract was signed with the Zelenodolsk Shipyard for the construction of a series of 5 ships pr.21631.

August 27, 2010 - the lead ship of the project, Grad Sviyazhsk, was laid down at the Zelenodolsk Shipyard. via

Towing RTO "Grad Sviyazhsk" pr.21631 by inland waterways from Zelenodolsk to Astrakhan, 06/19/2013 (via

Towing RTO "Grad Sviyazhsk" pr.21631 by inland waterways from Zelenodolsk to Astrakhan, 06/19/2013 (photo - Dvizzok, via

- 2013 July 10 - factory sea trials of RTOs "Grad Sviyazhsk" pr.21631 started in the Caspian Sea. It is planned to conduct firing from the A-190 launcher - it is planned to conduct "shooting the foundation", when firing is carried out from the gun barrel at its maximum angles of rotation and elevation, and then all the characteristics of such firing and the stability of the gun are evaluated. In addition to checking the main caliber, firing is carried out from all other types of ship's weapons. During the tests, the running performance of the ship, the operation of the main power plant, ship systems and devices will also be checked. The equipment of the in-ship control systems for the ship and ship's weapons will be adjusted and coordinated. During the tests, the factory workers will train the crew of the ship to operate, maintenance and practical use of ship weapons, ship systems, devices and mechanisms ().

August 22, 2013 - The Ministry of Defense announces that the RTO "Uglich" pr.21631 has begun the transition from the "Zelenodolsk plant named after A.M. Gorky" to the Caspian flotilla.

- December 09, 2013 - The Ministry of Defense reports that RTOs "Grad Sviyazhsk" and "Uglich" pr.21631 successfully completed rocket firing at State tests missile system"Caliber-NK". RTO "Grad Sviyazhsk" has completed all stages of State tests, and RTO "Uglich" in the second decade of December will go to the final stage of State tests. In the course of state tests, the crews of the ships successfully carried out four missile firings with the Kalibr-NK high-precision universal missile system, two firings were carried out at a sea target and two at a coastal one. All missiles accurately hit the target positions.

Register of RTOs pr.21631:

No. pp Name project head
factory laid down launched into the water entered service basing note
01 "City of Sviyazhsk" 21631 631 27.08.2010 plan 2012 (autumn 2011)

03/09/2013 (descent)

Caspian flotilla, Astrakhan
lead ship of the project
0? №2 21631 801 Shipyard "Almaz", St. Petersburg plan - end of 2010
- Black Sea Fleet
the fate of the ship is not clear, most likely it will not be laid down at the Almaz shipyard (2012)
02 "Uglich" 21631 632 22.07.2011 plan - the end of March 2013 (03/19/2013)

04/10/2013 (descent)

plan - until the end of 2013 (March 2013)

2013 ()

Caspian flotilla the first serial ship of the project
03 "Great Ustyug"
21631 633 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk) 27.08.2011 spring 2014 plan - 2014 (26.02.2014)


Caspian flotilla it is possible to change the region of base
04 "Green Dol"
21631 634 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk) 08/29/2012


Black Sea Fleet RTOs were built to equip the Caspian Flotilla, but the base region was changed in 2015.
05 "Serpukhov" 21631 635 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk)
plan - late 2012 - early 2013 (December 2012)


2015 plan - 2015 (26.02.2014)


Black Sea Fleet RTOs were built to equip the Caspian Flotilla, but the base region was changed in 2015.
06 "Vyshny Volochek" 21631 636 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk)
08/29/2013 - Black Sea Fleet
No. 1 under the contract dated January 28, 2013
07 "Orekhovo-Zuevo" 21631 637 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk)
plan - 2013-2014

May 29, 2014

- plan - until 2019 (26.02.2014) Black Sea Fleet No. 2 under the contract dated January 28, 2013
08 "Ingushetia"
21631 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk)
plan - 2014


plan - until 2019 (26.02.2014) Black Sea Fleet? No. 3 under the contract dated January 28, 2013
09 "Gyvoron"
21631 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk)
plan - 2014


plan - until 2019 (26.02.2014) Black Sea Fleet?
10 - 21631 Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk)
plan - 2015 plan - until 2019 (26.02.2014) Black Sea Fleet? option under the contract dated January 28, 2013
Italic hypothesized data.

Side numbers of RTOs pr.21631:

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The launching and acceptance of a new ship into the combat structure of the Russian Fleet is always an event. The greater the displacement, the more diverse the weapon systems and the more impressive the seaworthiness, the brighter the solemn ceremony is covered by the media. In 2014, to celebrate the Day of the Navy, the delivery of two new units to the defense department, reinforcing the Caspian flotilla, was timed to coincide. Small rocket ships project 21631 "Buyan-M", named after the ancient Russian cities "Uglich" and "Grad Sviyazhsk", at first glance, do not inspire such respect as nuclear cruisers and missile submarines. But their role in Russia's defense capability has yet to be appreciated.

Ship for the closed seas

The Buyan-M project was originally conceived as a type of ship designed not for ocean expanses, but for operations in the open sea. This is known today from open sources, but it is already clear to a ship specialist that a displacement of 950 tons with rather low sides and a small draft does not imply navigation in waters with a possible wave of more than five points. Closed seas washing the shores Russian Federation, only three: Caspian, Black and Azov. The last two water bodies, by the way, have recently been of little interest in terms of national security. An increase in the activity of the fleets of the NATO countries in the Black Sea basin has been observed only recently, after the start of the well-known events in Ukraine.

The situation in the Caspian

As for the flotilla responsible for the stability of the maritime situation in the region, of course, needed to be updated and strengthened. It was for this operational sector that the ships of Project 21631 Buyan-M were intended. At the same time, it was by no means the Republic of Kazakhstan, a strategic partner of Russia and pursuing a friendly foreign policy, that was considered as a potential adversary. At the moment, Azerbaijan (also not hostile) has practically no naval potential. Turkmenistan buys equipment from the Russian Federation and, pursuing an independent foreign policy line, is interested in mutually beneficial trade and economic relations and cooperation in the defense sector. These countries, which in the historically recent past were republics Soviet Union, do not pose a security threat to our borders. Only Iran remains. It is in economic isolation, and it is also very difficult to suspect him of aggressive inclinations towards the great northern neighbor. As they say, enough of their worries.

One could conclude that there are no regional threats to Russia in the Caspian region. So why is a Project 21631 small rocket ship needed here? To answer this question, one should study the characteristics of its weapons systems, nautical data and design features.


A project was created and a ship was built in Tatarstan. Plant them. A. M. Gorky is located in the glorious Volga city of Zelenodolsk. This fact in itself speaks volumes. The ship's hull allows it to navigate not only the seas, but also easily travel along the blue arteries of the rivers, penetrating the entire country from North to South and from West to East. River flotillas are also theoretically important for defense, they had a chance to fight during the Great Patriotic War, but since then the military doctrine has undergone major changes. RTO project 21631 "Buyan-M" is not suitable for use as a monitor (a class of ships designed to support infantry is actually a floating artillery battery). This is also evidenced by the rather modest cannon armament: only two hundred-millimeter guns. In addition, actions in the river channels among the islands do not require such serious measures to maintain secrecy, and the speed is too big (25 knots). And the composition speaks eloquently in favor of the predominantly marine character. missile weapons. The ability for river navigation of the Buyan-M ships of project 21631 implies ample opportunities for the transfer of these combat units to almost any probable theater of military operations. If necessary, of course.

Artillery and air defense

The radius of combat use is relatively small. Autonomy is ten days. The Project 21631 small rocket ship can navigate no more than two and a half thousand miles. In addition to the already mentioned 100-mm guns "Universal" (A-190M), airborne artillery is represented by a twin installation "Duet" at the stern, two pedestal machine gun mounts MTPU 14.5 mm caliber and three more rapid-fire 7.62-mm barrels.

The means of naval air defense are two Gibka installations, which are based on the Igla anti-aircraft missile systems common in the ground forces and effective. This weapon may not be enough to repel a massive air attack; it is designed to deal with attack aircraft and attack helicopters. The main bet was made on other tricks to avoid an airstrike, but more on that later.

Main caliber

RTO project 21631 "Buyan-M" was created to conduct rocket fire on ships and coastal bases of a potential enemy. For this, its main armament is intended, which together constitute the UKKS (universal ship firing system). There are eight shafts in the hull, from which a vertical launch of missiles can be carried out, both subsonic (anti-ship 3M54, surface-to-land class 3M14, anti-submarine 91RT) and supersonic (Onyx 3M55). Thus, with a very modest size and a small crew (about 35 people), small missile cruisers"Buyan-M" project 21631 can be very dangerous adversaries for naval targets of much larger tonnage.

Strategic corvette

The Caliber complex, the platform for which project 21631 missile ships can become, is equipped with cruise missiles with a combat range of 2,600 km. From a geographical point of view, this means that Onyx, launched from points located in the waters of the Caspian and Black Seas, can theoretically reach targets located in the Persian Gulf, the Red and Mediterranean Seas and in other places outlined on the map of Eurasia by the circle of the indicated radius, including the strategically important Suez Canal.

Traditionally, corvettes, to which the project 21631 belongs (code "Buyan-M"), are considered combat units of the tactical level. The characteristics of the weapons of the Grad Sviyazhsk and Uglich, which are currently in service with the Caspian Flotilla, subtly hint at their strategic nature.

stealth ship

The outlines of a modern small rocket ship combined with its high speed, water cannon and relatively small size (74 meters), give reason to expect that it will not be easy to detect it in waters saturated with a variety of vessels. On the radar screen, it is difficult to distinguish the Buyan-M project 21631 from a fishing seiner or even a large yacht. In addition, it, like all warships built in Russia, is equipped with a full range of electronic countermeasures capable of disabling communications systems and radars of weapons of a potential enemy. RF-absorbing coatings and sloping silhouettes further reduce the chances of detecting this fast and agile ship with a powerful missile armament.

The situation on the Black Sea

Five Buyan-M ships of project 21631 are currently under construction or sea trials. These are Veliky Ustyug, Vyshny Volochek, Serpukhov, Orekhovo-Zuyevo and Zeleny Dol. Initially, all of them were intended for service in the Caspian, but the geopolitical picture in the Black Sea basin that has changed rapidly in the last year prompted the command of the Russian fleet to reconsider these intentions. "Serpukhov" and "Green Dol" will be sent to Sevastopol. The naval forces of the Black Sea Fleet need to be replenished with the latest units capable of countering the so-called "NATO mine-sweeping group", which constitutes a considerable force. Of course, in the event of a military conflict, Crimea would not remain defenseless, and in the current state of affairs, its cover could be provided by the Bal and Bastion complexes, capable of controlling the entire water area up to the Bosphorus Strait, but the constant presence of combat units is required to reliably ensure peace. and demonstration of their capabilities. The main burden of this task will fall on the frigates Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Essen and RK Moskva, but there will be enough work for the Buyans.

Coastal ships with a long range sight

From the history of fleets and naval battles, a thoughtful politician can conclude that there is no universal weapon suitable for all occasions and capable of successfully operating in any scenario of conflict development. In some situations, powerful cruisers and large battleships are needed; in others, aircraft carrier formations are indispensable; effective tool only submarines can become. In our turbulent age, the Buyan-M mobile missile ships of project 21631 also take their place in the naval formation, protecting the interests of Russia in the immediate vicinity of its shores, but with a long-range aim.

Five more ships of this type are on order.


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