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Most users are interested in which country Samsung is made in. The main highlight of the method, which will be described in detail below, is that any user will be able to check the country of origin of any Android smartphone, not just Samsung's Android smartphone.

Samsung started its first production in India by opening its first factory in Noida, Uttar Pradesh near New Delhi in 1997. This modern complex today is the home base of the electronics giant. It produces mobile phones, refrigerators and LED TVs. The Noida site is considered the leader among all Samsung subsidiaries in terms of maximizing performance.

To help produce its products better and faster in the southern part of the country, Samsung opened a second production complex in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in November 2007. Today, the Sriperumbudur facility manufactures LED TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and split air conditioners.

IMEI display on screen

To determine the manufacturer, we first need to figure out how to display the IMEI number of your smartphone. This is a unique identifier for any gadget that cannot be spoofed or faked.

To display these numbers on the screen, dial *#06#. Next, you will see one or two IMEI numbers, depending on how many SIM card slots are installed in your smartphone. In addition, the unique serial number of the Samsung smartphone will also be displayed.

You can also view the IMEI number and serial number if your phone model is equipped with a removable battery. To do this, the device must be turned off, the battery removed, and there will be a sticker with these Samsung data in its compartment.

Which country is the manufacturer of this or that smartphone? This question worries a large number of users. And no wonder. After all, many may not know at all that the Samsung manufacturing country may differ. So, it was previously believed that all smartphones of this brand are assembled in China, but this is not true.

What do IMEI symbols mean

After you have displayed the IMEI information on the screen, you need to figure out what it means. On the smartphone screen, the information will look something like this: Samsung ww70k62108wd ua. The country of origin is not displayed in open form.

By the way, Samsung management claims that the quality of their products is consistently high, regardless of which country produces it.

Returning to the decoding of IMEI, the user will be interested in his 7th and 8th character. It is they that contain information about the country of origin of this particular Galaxy smartphone.

Breakdown by country

Below are all the available codes that explain in which country a particular gadget was made:

  • The numbers 05 or 50 indicate that the Galaxy smartphone is made in Brazil or the United States.
  • The number 08 or 80 means your Galaxy was made in Germany.
  • The numbers 00 indicate that it is made in the country where it was purchased.
  • The numbers 01 or 10 mean the Galaxy is made in Finland.
  • Numbers 02 or 20 show that it is assembled in the UAE or India.
  • The numbers 03 or 30 means your phone is made in China.
  • The numbers 04 or 40 also indicate that the gadget was assembled in China.
  • The numbers 06 or 60 indicate that the Galaxy smartphone was manufactured in Hong Kong, China or Mexico.
  • The number 13 shows that it was produced in Azerbaijan.

Again, the country of manufacture of Samsung does not affect the quality of a particular device. Rather, it is the personal preference of users. But, according to numerous surveys, it becomes obvious that users still prefer to look for smartphones made in India.

If the IMEI line in place of the 6th and 7th characters contains numbers not from the list above, then the smartphone was manufactured in Vietnam at a partner factory. Unfortunately, this is not the best the best choice, since the device may use some components of the partner factory, and not from Samsung.

Alternative Method

If you do not want to find out the country of manufacture of Samsung by the IMEI code, then this can be done using a third-party software. For example, you can install Phone Info Samsung on your smartphone. It will display information about which country is the manufacturer of Samsung on the main screen.

The named application has a very simple interface. It simply displays all the information it can extract from the device. This includes how to find out the country of manufacture of the Samsung phone. At the top of this list, there is a "General Information" section containing information about the country of origin of the device, the date of manufacture, as well as the status of the Knox meter.

It's time for the fucking great stories. This time I will tell you the history of Samsung Corporation, how it started, how and where it went, and what it finally came to. To whom and to what does it owe its formation and how it looks now.
It all started around 1932, when young Lee Byung-chul, the son of fairly wealthy peasants and a graduate of the University of Tokyo, opened his warehouse in small town Daegu selling rice flour. Yes, yes, if you want to be the biggest phone maker (like Nokia or Samsung) start a business that has nothing to do with it - make paper, sell flour, save kittens.

At that time, all of Korea was a colony of Japan, which in every possible way stifled the spirit of entrepreneurship, because of which the country was in fact a very large garden with a very poor population.
cheap work force gave out excellent prices for goods, and by 1938 our hero was the first to carry flour to China. Things went well and the peasant began to carry not only flour, but also rice, sugar, fish and other nonsense necessary for people to survive, taking it away from the poor Korean workers. It was then, in 1938, that the trademark Samson Trading (namely, how the name Samsung is pronounced correctly)

Samsung in translation means "three stars", which you can see on all early versions of the logo. There is a beautiful legend that the name was given in honor of his three sons, but the trouble is that in 38 he did not have them yet and he hardly even thought about it.

Things were going uphill and by the beginning of World War II, Lee was fully armed: when American troops landed on the peninsula, his factories that produced all kinds of hats were quickly converted into factories that produce beer and vodka, which good-natured and wealthy Americans were happy to buy at even rather inflated prices, creating wealth for Lee Byung.

In 1950, the Korean War began. North Korea against the south. The entrepreneur's warehouses and factories were burned or looted, and Lee himself is on the northerners' death list for aiding and taking bribes to the then (and first) president of South Korea. Chul, realizing that things are bad, is going to run south.

There is another legend, which gradually grows into two. One by one, he collects all the money and gives it to his driver, whom he sends south, but the driver is caught in the middle of the journey and taken prisoner. However (!) he manages to hide the money in one of the houses, which later (!) burned down, but the chest with the money, by a lucky chance (!) survived and Lee Byung later miraculously (!) finds it.
According to the second legend, Chhun accidentally (!) finds someone else's burnt house and someone else's money in a chest, which he later uses to regenerate his business.
These are the Korean legends.

After the capture and execution of the first, evil president of South Korea, a second, kind one comes to power, who begins a series of industrial and economic reforms. In particular, an attempt was made to replace the import of goods own production. To do this, the president asked the United States thousands of money for development, in fact, brazenly poking them and spending on women and booze. Our hero did not get booze and heifers, but in addition to money, the United States also distributed orders for the production of any product on which the newly recreated Samsung could make good money. It was during this period and under these orders that companies such as Daewoo, LG (formerly GoldStar) and Hyundai were created, rather big companies today.

By the end of the sixties, the founder of Samsung became the most influential and largest entrepreneur in the country. Realizing that the story with the president and his factories could repeat itself, he begins to travel to Japan, establish contacts with the local mythiose traders, and Sanyo becomes the first sign, uniting with which Samsung receives the Group prefix and the Samsung Electronics branch.

While the head of Samsung was traveling around Japan, there was another coup in his homeland, and again an evil president was in power! Lee Byong, without losing a moment, talks with the new president and convinces him that it is his company that is able to lead the country out of crisis, wars and bring happiness and joy in the future and throughout the planet. But for this it was necessary to make him the head of the economy, and his company to give the best and largest orders. And the president agreed.

Here it is worth making a note about the personality of the protagonist. He was a cunning, crafty man. Only his desire for profit and life saved his skin and literally begged for such privileges. You should not think that he was a kind entrepreneur who loved his employees and gained respect from the president.

Samsung Group begins to actively engage in the production of paper (the government gave Samsung the only paper mill in charge) and fertilizers (again, the only ones in the country), began to build and restore hospitals, hotels, universities, engage in insurance, and by 70 Samsung took up heavy production. The corporation, in fact, began to serve the country, continuing to increase Li's fortune.

In parallel with this, the company decides to enter new market- electronics, starting to assemble hair dryers and black-and-white TVs with the help of Sanyo. At some point, realizing that they can do all this without Sanyo, they say goodbye to the company, washing down their own components for TVs and hair dryers.

At the same time, democracy comes to the country (for real this time) and the flow of money and government orders stops, many institutions, such as hospitals and schools, go back to the state, Samsung has to tighten their belts. The entire board, which consisted of close and distant relatives of Lee, was dismissed by his own order and European and Western experts were hired in their places, who could not only preserve the current, but also increase (what was once found on the ashes , lol).

In 1983, the company begins the production of computers and components.
In 1987, the founder of the company, Lee Byung-chul, dies in Seoul at the age of 77.
Production starts by 1991 mobile phones.

But most of all, Samsung, of course, "rose" on monitors and TVs, factories were erected in many large countries as soon as possible in order to fully provide domestic markets. So, for example, all Samsung TVs and monitors sold in Russia are manufactured at the company's plant in Kaluga region.

Now Samsung is not just a multi-billion dollar company, but also a leader in many industries, collecting not only well-known phones and electronics. In addition, Samsung does not hesitate to continue to engage in chemical and heavy industries, build houses, cars, aircraft, ships, as well as issue loans and insurance. Samsung is an elegantly built corporation, with branches in different industries that not only generate income, but also help drive its main directions forward.

For example, the construction department can build factories, the light industry department can sew clothes for workers at these factories, and the finance and credit department can insure life and issue loans. The automobile concern produces cars for various kinds of managers, and the plant itself produces the same monitors and televisions.

The experience that the company gained by lifting the country as it was intended was not forgotten, but, on the contrary, was applied with wisdom.

  • The idea, the brand name was not long in coming, -
  • Samsung scandal and
  • Samsung-Electronics Company scandal, -
  • Apple founder dies Samsung, - Steve Jobs. ???, ?? attack
  • Samsung, three stars, three sons of company founder Byong Chul Lee.

    Founder of Samsung

    Samsung - which means three stars. The three sons of the founder of the Samsung Electronics Company and Byong Chul Lee himself became the prototype for the name of the corporation.

    The layman had the opinion and impression that Samsung(Samsung), - air conditioners, mold like pies, so massive and truly popular brand turned out.

    Samsung is not to blame. Customers and dealers are to blame for positioning Samsung as a people's brand at bargain prices.


    Byong Chul Lee, the founder of Samsung, probably turned over in his grave more than once from such resourcefulness of Chinese comrades.
    Samsungs are molded like pies - this is a deceptive impression.

    In fact, the production base of the Korean, initially, the brand has a rather long and glorious history.

      Samsung air conditioners are high-tech divisions of a huge corporation. We note the opinion that the Samsung is a cheap and worthless technique of poor build quality and defective components for the production of air conditioners.

    The idea, the brand name was not long in coming - Samsung, so Samsung.

    In part, those who say so will be right. Since the old used Samsung climate control production lines are not “thrown away”, but fall into the grasping and sticky paws of Chinese grabbers.

      In those densely populated villages and Chinese villages, to relieve the stress of finding jobs for China's ever-increasing population. Well, imagine, a used Chinese farmer, abandoned the chopper and began to solder, assemble, complete air conditioners.
      What quality is challenging household appliances(air conditioners) we will get at the exit from such, from a plow, I'm not afraid of this word, a conveyor?

    Samsung - as the best-selling brand.

    And so that these Samsung “air conditioners”, made by a Chinese master from a plow, would sell well, they especially did not guess what name of the air conditioner to choose. What is the best selling split system brand? - Samsung.

      The idea, the brand name was not long in coming - Samsung, so Samsung.

    Byong Chul Lee, as the founder of Samsung Corporation, would probably turn over in his grave more than once, from such resourcefulness of Chinese comrades. So fuck it. on the reputation of the brand, on tradition, on faith, on Samsung's commitment to excellence...

    But, back to the official history of the brand.

    Scandal between Samsung and Sanyo.

    Is Lee so sinless himself ?, the founder of Samsung - Byong Chul Lee.
    It can be seen from the source that at the dawn of their development of Samsung, they Chul Lee and the stars-sons began cooperation with Sanyo Corporation, and for some reason they called the tandem Samsung Electronics Company, although the leader and innovator of the tandem was, by definition, the most technologically advanced developed by Sanyo. “Well, as they called it, so they called it, what is there to cling to?” - Ask the inhabitant.

    And here's the hook.
    This is true - it was the Sanyo Corporation, with its military technologies, that gave an industrial kick, a breakthrough, if you like, to the growth of Samsung Electronics Company.

      They, this Sanyo-Samsung tandem, flooded the market of the 70s black and white TVs, at that time, appliances highest quality, but not with a small margin, i.e. profit.

    It was the Sanyo Corporation, with its military technology, that gave the industrial kick to Samsung.

    Samsung, - Byong Chul Lee was a woman, or maybe a man of azure color. Perhaps this is possible, but that's a completely different story.

    Production of fakes - immoral???

      Let's go back to the beginning of our story, the story of the Chinese left-wing and right-wing industries of Samsung household and climate control equipment. So whether they, the Chinese, the production of fakes is immoral. No, it's not.
      Compared to the scams that Byong Chul Lee himself arranged, and now they continue the "Samsung case" - plagiarism, his "stars" sons, the Chinese trail of fakes - it's like stepping on a cockroach or an ant by accident. That is, these are incomparable and incomparable "things" and misdeeds.

    Especially since:

    • old and useless equipment, Byong Chul Li and "three stars", were shoved into Chinese comrades for a reason

    And for a good penny, which the “dark”, illiterate and naive Chinese peasants must fully work out, and, having worked out, remain due and obligated to Samsung corporation for the rest of their lives. Yes, this is exactly the concept of justice among the founders of Samsung Electronics Company.

    Nothing has changed today, in 2012. Samsung, product catalog (air conditioners) 2012. New 2012 - only the date, everything is the same, stable. samsung??? he optimized his costs and cut them so much that he didn’t even find a penny to pay the Chinese, he didn’t find a cup of rice to update his product catalog for 2012.

    • strange story, is not it?

    Well, as a confirmation of this conspiracy, or maybe not, version of the Samsung company, this is a scandal with American company Apple.

    Scandalous Samsung.

    Scandal Samsung Electronics Company, - with the American company Apple.

    Samsung completely ripped off the iPad, the Apple iPhone, these ... stars, blah, they took it and ripped it off. I don’t understand how Americans tolerate the antics of Korean upstarts?

    What a patient, romantic and naive people Americans are. Ideas and technologies are stolen from them - Chinese and Korean industrial spies, they implement, sell in cooperation, and the inventors themselves (Americans) and the "parents" of Apple's ideas, software and intellectual property, in the person of the American people, were left with a nose.

    There is such a Korean joke, a joke about big-nosed Americans. And when the Koreans clarify that this American nose is snotty and wet, they, the Koreans, shyly giggle at this too.

    Here's a story ... To be continued.

    The founder of Apple, a competitor to Samsung, Steve Jobs has died. Question to Samsung - who's next??? American again?

    The story was not long in coming, the founder died Apple - Steve Jobs.

    Audiences listening to Steve Jobs were so inspired by his speech that they were ready to

    Steve Jobs is not with us.

    to buy Apple products right in the hall, Steve Jobs had such a powerful charisma.

    Of course, a person with such a powerful gift of persuasion and, it is possible, strong hypnotic abilities, could influence an audience around the world, Korea, in this sense, is no exception.

    Unfortunately, the envy of competitors and among them Samsung, indirectly, or maybe deliberately, shortened the life of a wonderful person, an innovator of ideas, breakthrough technological solutions Apple, Steve Jobs.

    He, Steve Jobs, was a multifaceted and talented person, he not only offered what people in this moment time, but also convinced the World that Apple is the innovator.

    How I put together the pages that appear here in honor of the incredible genius that was Steve Jobs. I cannot fail to notice the irony of many: in almost all of these pages we see Blank sheet but history reminds us more and more of obituaries.

    Steve Jobs changed the way we worked on the computer, Steve introduced us to products that we fully embraced and appreciated, along with a new philosophy about how we get information.

    As a result, many of us (myself included) first heard of the death of Steve Jobs on the evening of Wednesday, October 5th.

    On March 1, 1938, in the South Korean town of Daegu, Byong Chul Lee, a local entrepreneur who traded rice, founded a new company with his Chinese partners in order to expand his then business. The starting capital at that time was $2000. It is from this moment that it begins history of samsung, which in translation means "Three Stars", and is pronounced as "Samson" in South Korean.

    At first, Li's organization was engaged in the export of rice, sugar, noodles and dried fish to China and Manchuria. Already in 1939, the company acquired a brewery, after which wine and rice vodka were added to the assortment.

    Thanks to Byong Chul Lee's commercial sense, intuition and managerial talent, things were going very well; increased staff, sales volumes. Even the Second World War could not have a significant negative impact on his business. After its completion, sewing machines, steel and fertilizers were added to the product catalog. And in 1948, Lee and his partners decided to continue to be called Samsung Trading Co., a fashionable name at that time in the American manner.

    Korean War and years after

    Period 1950-1953 became a very severe test for the company. Its main production lines and warehouses were destroyed, and the business itself was actually destroyed. But the fact that its creator went down in history is that he did not give up and managed to achieve the impossible: Samsung was literally reborn from the ashes. It was important to find the strength to continue activities, and here it was not without the support of the South Korean government, which made a bet for the restoration of the post-war economy on large concerns (chaebols). Effective measures in the form of benefits, loans and government orders have done their job: Samsung Trading Co has become one of the leading corporations in the country.

    In the 1960s and 1970s, Lee's business expanded noticeably: a powerful fertilizer factory was built, participation in the South Korean insurance system was developed, and a newspaper was established; the construction of hospitals, hotels, universities and even ships also begins. And all this under the already well-known trademark.

    Interesting fact: The construction of the Burj Khalifa tower in the UAE (the tallest building in the world), the twin towers in Malaysia and a number of other unique objects, including a large-tonnage vessel of the same name, all these are the merits of Samsung Corporation.

    Start of production of household appliances

    In 1969, the first English-language logo of the Korean monster of the world economy was created. At the same time, a division for the manufacture of black and white TVs was opened in conjunction with Sanyo. In 1973, this partner enterprise became fully controlled by Samsung Trading Co and after the transformation it became known as Samsung Electronics Corporation.

    In subsequent years, their product line was replenished with the following types of goods:

    • 1974 - refrigerators and washing machines;
    • 1977 - color TVs;
    • 1979 - VCRs, cameras and microwave ovens;
    • 1983 - personal computers;
    • 1991 - cell phones;
    • 1999 - smartphones.

    The corporation managed to become the first in Korea, occupying a fifth of the country's total exports with a total share of its products. In 1978, a representative office of the company was opened in America. Thus began the path to gaining world leadership.

    Interesting fact: More than 70% of the group's sales are electronics. Today, the advanced division of the corporation, Samsung Electronics, is the world leader in the production of home appliances and electronics. And the shipbuilding division of Samsung Heavy Industry occupies an honorable second place in the world.

    The year 1986 was marked by the awarding of the prize " Best Company year”, as well as the release of the 10 millionth color TV. At the same time, sales offices of the company were opened in Canada and Australia, in addition, research laboratories in California and Tokyo began to work.

    Interesting fact: According to British research companies, back in the summer of 2005, the total value of the Samsung brand for the first time exceeded that of Sony.

    The history of the mobile line from the company

    Smartphones from this corporation cannot boast of a high price and the status of the "premium" segment of the telephone market. This place is honorable and has long been occupied by Vertu's company, which almost went bankrupt. We wrote material about her

    In 1994, the total

    The corporation's sales exceeded $5 billion, and in 1995, export turnover already exceeded $5 billion.

    In 1997, Samsung released a CDMA mobile phone weighing just 137 grams - the lightest in the world.

    Since 1998, the corporation has been a world leader in the production of LCD monitors. At the same time, the mass production of digital TVs was launched. And just a year later, in 1999, Forbes Global magazine awarded Samsung the honorary title of "Best Home Appliance Company".

    Interesting fact: In Russia, the first Samsung production facility opened in Kaluga in 2008. An area of ​​47.3 hectares was allocated for the industrial complex. The total investment amounted to 3.5 billion rubles.

    After the death of the founder of the corporation in 1987, it was headed by his son Lee Kun-hee.

    He revised the then concept of large-scale production of budget-quality products, focusing not on its cheapness and mass production, but on high-quality innovative products that are ahead of market trends. This decision turned out to be very successful and subsequently significantly increased the brand's image in the world. As a result, having made a choice between quantity and quality in favor of the second, the corporation only won, and now it can boast of both.

    Interesting fact: Due to the world fame and popularity of the brand, the city of Suwon, in which the headquarters of the corporation has been located since 1973, is commonly referred to as Samsung-City.

    Video: The history of Samsung Corporation in 100 seconds

    In contact with


    History of South Korean Samsung Electronics Co. begins in 1938, when a resident of the small town of Daegu, Byong Chul Lee, founded a trading company called "Samsung" (translated as "Three Stars"). The name "Samsung" in Korean is pronounced as "Samson" (삼성 / 三星), and in Russian transcription it sounds like "Samsung".

    There are two versions of the origin of the name of the legendary company. According to one version, the name "Three Stars" corresponds to the three sons of Byong Chul Lee. According to another version, the founder gave his company the name "Samsung", so that it becomes big, strong and eternal, like stars in the sky.

    Byong Chul Lee, founder of Samsung Trading Co.

    At first, Samsung, led by Byong Chul Lee, was engaged in the supply of dried fish, rice and noodles to China and Manchuria. Since 1939, a brewery has become part of the company, and the product range has been replenished with wine and rice vodka.

    Daegu Store - Samsung's First Residence

    Thanks to the managerial talent and intuition of Byong Chul Lee, Samsung was doing well, the company increased its sales volumes annually and staffing personnel. In 1948, it was decided to give the company a fashionable American name for those times: Samsung Trading Co.

    Having successfully survived the Second World War (1939-1945), Samsung added sewing machines, fertilizers, sugar and steel to its product range and included Hong Kong and Macau in the geography of deliveries.

    During the Korean War (1950-1953), Samsung Trading Co went through hard times: its main factories and warehouses were destroyed, and the business was completely destroyed. But in the post-war years, the company literally rose from the ashes and found new strength to continue its journey. Not without the support of the government of South Korea, which, in restoring the faltering economy, relied on large concerns (chaebols). Samsung Trading Co, like some others large companies such as Daewoo, Hyundai, Coldstar, received benefits and loans from the state and was provided with state orders. Thanks to the powerful state support Samsung Trading Co has grown into one of the country's leading corporations.

    In the 60-70s. In the 20th century, Samsung's business expanded: the company built a powerful fertilizer factory, developed the Korean insurance system, established a newspaper, and began building hospitals, universities, hotels, and ships.

    The merits of Samsung include the construction of the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa in the UAE, the twin towers in Malaysia and many other unique objects.

    The merits of Samsung include the construction

    tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa in the UAE

    Towers in Malaysia built by Samsung

    Large capacity cargo ship built by Samsung

    In 1969, two significant events took place in the history of the Korean monster of the world economy at once: the first English-language Samsung logo was created and, together with by Sanyo opened a division for the assembly of black and white TVs. Three years later, in 1973, joint venture passed under the control of Samsung Trading Co, and was transformed into Samsung Electronics Corporation. In 1977, along with black-and-white TVs, the company began to produce color TVs; in 1979, the product range was replenished with VCRs; - Cell phones.

    Byong Chul Lee in production, 1976

    One of the directions that ensured the world fame of Samsung Electronics Co is the production of printing equipment, which has become popular somehow imperceptibly, but for a long time and seriously. The company initially relied on technologies developed in the Xerox laboratories, so there were many similarities between the products of the two companies, ranging from technological solutions to full compatibility with cartridges and toner.

    Every year, the Samsung Electronics range has expanded, at present, the company's printing equipment occupies a fairly impressive segment of the world market, the company is one of the three leading manufacturers of laser printers and MFPs.

    Printing equipment is produced in one of the divisions of Samsung Electronics - Digital Media Business. Here, along with printers and MFPs, plasma TVs, LCD TVs, monitors, laptops, digital cameras and video cameras, etc.

    Digital Media Business

    12 series of printing equipment rolled off the assembly line of Samsung Electronics: CF, CLP, CLX, MJ, MJC, ML, MSYS, Other, QL, SCX, SF, SPP. The largest of these series are ML and SCX.

    The series includes almost 200 printing devices, the most popular of which are Samsung ML 1210, Samsung ML 2015, Samsung ML 2160, Samsung ML 1640, Samsung ML 2165.

    Now a few words about the development of the company logo. The first three versions of the logo contain an image of three stars, which, in accordance with Eastern philosophy, have an eternal, unshakable beginning.

    Samsung logos

    In 1993, at the initiative of the company's management, a modern version of the Samsung Electronics logo was developed. The slightly inclined ellipse symbolizes the Universe, the blue color in the design of the ellipse is the color of the sky and the ocean. The word "Samsung" is inside an ellipse, with the characters "S" and "G" creating small holes on the border, thus marking the company's connection to the world.

    Modern Samsung logo and its meaning

    Currently, Samsung Electronics is ranked 21st in terms of brand value in the world, and the company logo is one of the most recognizable.

    Samsung logo at the entrance to the company's office

    Stele at central office companies

    Byong Chul Lee died in 1987 of lung cancer. In honor of the blessed memory of its founder, a commemorative bust made of bronze and marble was installed in one of the Samsung offices.

    Commemorative bust of the founder of the company

    From the date of Byong Chul Lee's death to the present (with a break in 2008-2010), the board of directors of Samsung is headed by the founder's youngest son, Lee Gon Hee. His appointment to the post of head of the board of directors went against all Eastern traditions, according to which the eldest son inherits most of the family property.

    Founder's son - Lee Gun Hee

    At the end of 2012, Lee Gun Hee appointed his son Jay Lee to the post of deputy board of directors, effectively recognizing him as the heir to the Samsung empire.


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