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The daily routine of a child up to at least 7 years old cannot be imagined without daily walks. Breathing "non-home" air, running and playing, communicating with peers - all this is necessary for children. Unfortunately, not every city yard has enough favorable conditions for such a pastime for kids. Somewhere there are already non-slip Soviet slides and stairs curved from time and excessive loads, somewhere pipes pass right in the middle of the courtyard, and somewhere there is a good playground, but it does not accommodate all the small residents of the quarter.

Yes, and the same standard "shells" bother both children and mothers. Therefore, new sites appearing in the city are usually met with enthusiasm. Well, since the budget, regrettably, does not always have funds for children's leisure, private paid platforms. How to approach this business?

Features of the organization of a street paid playground

The main thing is demand

Before deciding to build a paid outdoor playground, you must carefully select the microdistrict / block where it will really be needed. If there are good, even monotonous, but free sites nearby, your attendance will not be too high. Well, if the district is lucky, and the children's towns in it are diverse, so much the worse for your business. Therefore, the place must be determined scrupulously - to assess the audience, to analyze the "children's" infrastructure, to interview residents. A good option is the private sector, but it will be more difficult to find a place for a site here.

Site selection

Having chosen a suitable area, look for a fairly large free area where your children's town will be built. Size is important, because an outdoor playground provides the opportunity to run, play dynamic games without the risk of injuring children who are not participating in them. Discuss the issue of renting with local HOAs if you are planning accommodation in residential areas, or with the administration shopping centers located nearby. It should be borne in mind that renting a plot near the shopping center will cost more than in the courtyard of the house. At the same time, the chance of finding a suitable place here is much higher.

Site erection and equipment

Having decided on the place, you can begin the design and arrangement of the site. First, the area must be fenced off. Use a slatted fence or clear plastic so potential customers can see what's inside. Consideration should be given to safety coverage. Usually crumb rubber is chosen - it is softer than concrete and, unlike bulk materials (gravel or sand), will not attract animals to satisfy their natural needs.

You should install shells loved by children:

  1. Several swings, preferably for different ages (with restraining barriers for the smallest and ordinary ones, on chains or metal pipes).
  2. Carousel type "Sun".
  3. Swing-balancer (also a couple of copies).
  4. Quite a large children's town with slides. Better two - for very young visitors and for older children.
  5. Sandbox, ideally with a canopy.
  6. Rocking chairs on springs.
  7. Trampolines and labyrinths.

You can't do without benches and urns either. If the territory allows, you can leave room for a small field for ball games. It is highly desirable not to order equipment from the same manufacturers whose products are in the courtyards of the city. Peruse the catalogs of playground equipment companies and don't be afraid to try original options and novelties. The equipment of the site with the main shells will cost from 400 thousand to a million rubles.

As for the design of the site - here you should give free rein to your creativity. Make the site themed, such as "nautical", using the appropriate range of colors, sand and pebbles, images of pirates and parrots, flags. You can even install a fountain and a town in the form of a ship!

You can go along the "forest" path, using a tree in the design (of course, processed so that the children do not get hurt, and soaked from moisture and pests with safe means), supplementing the site with flower beds and trees. Fairy tale theme, automotive, animal world- all this will attract children.

How to attract customers in the cold season and beyond

Another feature of outdoor venues is seasonality. If during the warm period there is no end to customers, then in winter the site may be empty. In this case, you can add paraphernalia for winter entertainment - set up fortresses for playing snowballs, build an ice slide, give out snow chariots and ice rinks. If there is a field for ball games in winter, you can fill it with a skating rink with skate rentals.

There may be many additional options. As already mentioned, you can give out small equipment - both winter and summer (balls, jump ropes, badminton, sand sets). Parents will be pleased if friendly and competent animators work on the playground, who can watch the children for an hour and a half, while the adults go about their boring business.

On weekends you can invite creative teams, arrange master classes, water battles and other short-term interesting events for children. If you have free finances, you can combine a playground with a bicycle rental point - the point itself and the equipment will take up little space, but they will attract teenagers and young people.

When will the money flow?

As a rule, an entry fee is charged at such sites - within 250 rubles, the presence of a child with a parent or without an adult has no time limits. An additional fee is charged for attending events held on site. With the proper organization of the playground, the cost of it will pay off in a season.


Organization of leisure activities for children is a demanded branch of business in our time. And organized outdoor leisure is generally a rarity, and therefore this opportunity attracts the attention of parents. The entrance fee to the playground is not particularly high, and with a successful placement of the institution and proper planning of its work throughout the year, satisfied children and parents will return to you again and again. Do not forget to offer new interesting events and games to young customers - and then they will definitely not get bored with the site.

  • Indoors or outdoors
  • "Underwater rocks"
        • Similar business ideas:

Children's opening playground can turn out to be very successful. The lack of any leisure activities for children under 7 years old is a problem in most cities in our country. Although the administrations are trying to establish play areas in most residential areas, their number, and most importantly, the quality, is far from ideal, and in most cases they are not of interest to children. As always, business should come to the rescue, which is increasingly becoming a socially oriented business ...

How much can you earn on playgrounds

The customers of the playgrounds are children aged two to seven years. Payment, as a rule, is carried out at a single rate, for example, 200 rubles for entry. No time limit. This is very convenient for both children who play on the playground as much as they want, and their parents, who do not need to pay for each individual attraction. In fact, in order to earn 10,000 rubles a day, it is enough for 50 children to visit the site. It's quite real numbers for anyone, even a small town.

How much money do you need to open playgrounds

The cost of opening a business can be at least 500 thousand rubles. The first thing you need to do is select a piece of land. You should look for the busiest areas, you can also sleep, where there is the largest flow of parents with children. For example, it may be one of the city parks where families traditionally walk. Or it may be a territory near shopping and entertainment centers, although rent in such places is somewhat higher.

What equipment to choose for opening playgrounds

  • A small trampoline (slide or regular). The price of a new trampoline starts from 80,000 rubles;
  • Carousel sun - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • Rocking chairs on a spring (3-4 pieces) - from 14 thousand rubles apiece;
  • Game labyrinth + dry pool (you can have two at once) - from 150,000 rubles, depending on the size;
  • Sandboxes and sand yards - from 40 thousand rubles;
  • Ordinary swings (5-6 pieces) - from 20 thousand rubles apiece;
  • Benches, trash cans and other park furniture - from 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the total cost of site equipment should be about 400 thousand rubles.

Game labyrinth - the main " business card» children's playground, which is clearly not worth saving on. Mazes are very popular with children. Therefore, the larger and more interesting the game labyrinth is, the higher the chance for the success of the entire business.

In addition to the equipment, the cost of covering the site will be required. The best and safest option for a playground is crumb rubber or tiles. Firstly, the rubber coating is soft and softens the fall of the child. Secondly, the coating is easy to install, even in the most inconvenient places. Thirdly, rubber crumb (or tiles) is made in different colors, which makes the playground very bright and attractive for children. The cost of one square meter of rubber coating, together with installation, is about 1,500 rubles. Covering a site with an area of ​​100m2 will cost 150 thousand rubles.

How to attract more young clients

Next, it is important to resolve the issue - how to get parents to bring children to your site. In other words, what will parents do while their children are frolicking wildly on the playground. Leisure for adults is an equally important attribute of the playground. For example, you can open a small summer cafe next to the site. It is not necessary to sell alcohol in a cafe, you can limit yourself to the most popular products: ice cream, pastries, hot and cold drinks, cocktails, desserts and sweets. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone: 1. attract more visitors 2. earn by selling products (for both children and adults).

Indoors or outdoors

The advantages of opening a playground in a street format include:

  1. High attendance in summer time(in the summer everyone is drawn to the street);
  2. Lower land rental costs. In contrast to renting year-round premises in a shopping center, where payments are 5-10 times higher.
  3. Finding a room outdoors is often easier than indoors. Free space in popular shopping centers (namely, these are exactly what you need) is an extremely rare phenomenon. And finding a "piece" of land in a residential area of ​​the city is a more realistic option.

"Underwater rocks"

  1. Pronounced seasonality and dependence on weather conditions. In fact, the playground is open from May to October, that is, no more than 5 months.
  2. Slightly higher costs for organizing a business. In addition to attractions, it is necessary to think over the issue of covering the site, ennobling the territory and protecting the site.

A step-by-step plan for organizing a paid playground

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. Finding a place for organizing a paid playground, renting a land plot.
  3. Registration of IP, obtaining permission from local authorities.
  4. Acquisition of gaming and sports attractions.
  5. Installation of equipment in compliance with GOSTs.
  6. Conducting an advertising campaign.

Which OKVED to indicate during registration

  • 21 - activities of parks of culture and recreation.
  • 33 - activities of parks and fairs with attractions.
  • 34.3 - other recreational activities.

What documents are needed to open

When organizing a paid playground, it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur. To apply for an individual entrepreneur, you must submit an application, a photocopy of your passport and a receipt for payment of state duty to the tax service.

Which taxation system to choose

To open a playground, both a simplified and a patent taxation system can be used.

Do I need a business permit

When installing playgrounds, it is necessary to be guided by GOSTs:

  • R 52169-2012 - design safety;
  • R 52168-2012 - safety slides.
  • R 52167-2012 - swing safety.
  • R 52300-2004 - carousel safety.
  • EN 1177-2006 - Presence of impact-absorbing coatings.

All attractions installed on the site must have quality certificates. In addition, the equipment must undergo independent examination and testing.

Technology of organizing a paid playground

To organize a playground, it is not necessary to choose the city center. The main thing is that the place is lively. A park, a square between multi-storey buildings is perfect. It is worth remembering that this is a socially oriented business, so you can only get a plot of land for installing a swing in the local municipality. When all documents are received and the business is legalized, it is necessary to find and install equipment that meets all norms and standards. When organizing a children's play area, safety is very important: the presence of supporting documents is mandatory.

If there are children in the family, then the playground will be the most important place on the territory of the cottage. It is important to resolve two issues here, namely: where to start construction, as well as how to equip the site. You will face the task of choosing a slide, sandbox, as well as different ages.

Location selection

As for the cycle path, its width should be 60 centimeters, while the radius of curvature when cornering should not be less than 2.5 meters. The project of the playground provides for the location of the territory for games, which should be in partial shade at least half. If possible, it is recommended to start construction under a tree, as an alternative solution is the construction of a canopy from a fabric awning. The easiest solution would be a large umbrella, there may be several of them throughout the territory.

Given the direction of the prevailing winds, it is necessary to protect the site from strong drafts by installing a hedge of shrubs. Do not place the play area in a particularly cold place or in a lowland. This applies to the northern side of the slope, as well as those places where snow melts rather late in spring. It is not recommended to locate the territory for children's games and in the place where the soil dries out rather slowly after rain.

Ensuring safety on the playground

The design of the playground must necessarily provide the highest degree child safety. Therefore, hawthorn, barberry, roses, pears, sea buckthorn and wild rose cannot be planted on its territory. Planting poisonous plants such as aconite, lily of the valley, hellebore and honeysuckle should be excluded. Sufficiently severe burns can occur from exposure to the skin of ash - the plant is able to release volatile essential oils in sunny weather. Shrubs by type will become an excellent frame for the territory. Also, the installation of equipment that has sharp edges and corners should be excluded. The joints must be ground and cleaned. Wood must be of high quality, there should be no burrs on its surface. The base must be varnished.

Site design according to standard dimensions

The project for the improvement of the playground provides for compliance with the dimensions that are prescribed by generally accepted standards. Among other things, you need to take into account the dimensions of the elements intended for games, as well as the step between them. For each child, whose age is not more than 7 years, it is necessary to allocate an area within 9 square meters. With an increase in age to 12 years, the area becomes equal to 15 square meters. Before stairs, slides and ramps, you should leave a strip that is necessary for the run. Around the swing, you need to provide a safety zone, the width of which is 2 meters.

The project of the nursery is drawn up taking into account the fact that the installation of a swing requires a free area, which is equal to 15 square meters. In the presence of spring rocking chairs, 10 square meters must be left free. A free-standing slide should be installed on free 15 square meters. When considering projects for children's playgrounds, you should take into account the fact that the finished complex will take up much less space compared to individual structures. For its installation, 15 square meters will be needed, but it is important to consider that this figure is the minimum.

Play area coverage

Before starting the construction of a playground, the project is recommended to be carefully evaluated. It provides for the presence of a coating that should provide a soft fall. The use of tiles and bricks is excluded here. Less hassle during operation will be delivered by a silent self-leveling safety floor, which is made of colored rubber crumb. It can have a different configuration, and its installation is quite easy on the terrain of any complexity. The advantages of such a coating are a long service life, an elastic flat surface, devoid of seams, as well as excellent water permeability. You can choose any color scheme. Most often, such a coating has a thickness within 2 centimeters, however, in risk areas it is possible to lay special airbags, their thickness reaches 10 cm. The self-leveling coating does not require special care, it can be washed with water and also swept.

Playground equipment

The project of the playground, the drawing of which is presented in the article, should provide equipment appropriate for the age of the child. If the territory is being equipped for a child whose age is from 3 to 6 years, then he needs slides, swings and fairly easy-to-use sports equipment. For older children, whose age has reached 12 years old, huts, observation towers, fortresses will be needed. If we are talking about children over 12 years old, then they will need a sports ground.

When the children grow up, the territory can be easily converted into a picturesque corner of the garden by breaking a pond or a flower bed.

Equipping the territory with a sandbox

When choosing a sandbox, wood or plastic should be preferred. The area of ​​the sand box should not exceed 2 square meters, but a size of 1x1 meter will suffice. In depth, such a structure must be placed at 40 centimeters. If the sides are solid, then the sand will not crumble around. It is recommended to close the upper edges with boards in such a way that small benches can be formed, which is very convenient for adults.

For children under 7 years old, the easiest and best entertainment is the playground. Today in large cities there are small playgrounds in many yards, but there is not enough space for games, the same swings and slides quickly get bored. Therefore, there is a demand for a large children's playground with interesting entertainment. Opening a paid playground is relevant in an average or large city in terms of the number of inhabitants. For organizing this business, we present you a kids playground business plan, an example of which can be used to start a similar business.

Project Summary

The opening of a children's entertainment playground is being considered in a large area of ​​a million-plus city. There should be a fairly wide audience, a small number of playgrounds in the houses and a small selection of children's entertainment. The playground implies a considerable area for installing a town, swings, fortresses, sandboxes, trampolines and other entertainment, a free place for walking and “running around” for preschool children.

The schedule of the playground is from 10:00 to 20:00 seven days a week. The cost of 1 ticket for a child is 200 rubles. In addition to slides, swings, a trampoline and other structures, there will be a showcase with snacks and sweets for children, a refrigerator with ice cream, drinks, a showcase with souvenirs, toys, balls, which will increase the profitability of our site.

The main audience is, of course, children under 7-8 years old and their parents who will directly bring children to play.

Main competitors:

  • Similar sites.
  • Playgrounds in shopping malls.
  • Igropolises (huge play cities for children that appear in many regions).

In order not to compete with similar sites in the average city or district in terms of population big city It is important to choose the right location for your business. And providing children with excellent leisure, you can not be afraid of new competitors.

Children usually get to playgrounds in shopping and entertainment centers along the way, at the request of adults who want to shop, go to a restaurant or otherwise spend their leisure time in a shopping center without children.

The advantage of an outdoor children's corner is that it is outdoors, children can play, have fun and get some fresh air. In addition, our playground allows you to spend more active and exciting time than in closed children's corners or on ordinary playgrounds.

Project risks

A business plan for a children's playground with calculations will allow us to think over the main and monthly investments, form a picture of the possibilities, taking into account the risks of this type of business.


To open a paid playground, you will need official registration with the tax authorities, obtaining permits for renting municipal space from local authorities to open a children's institution. First you need to get a certificate of the entrepreneur. It will be enough for us to register as individual entrepreneur. The advantage of this activity registration format is that the state fee is low, 800 rubles. The term for consideration of the application is no more than 5 days, you can choose a simplified taxation system. We choose USN 15%. In this case, you must specify the code OKVED activities, in our case the OKVED code is 93.2.

To obtain permission to open a playground on the street, you will need constructions from suppliers that comply with GOSTs. Manufacturers must provide all Required documents otherwise you won't have any problems.

The cost of registration, registration and reserve investments in the organization of entrepreneurship will be about 10 thousand rubles.


We will rent a territory in a residential area of ​​the city in a park area, where there is vegetation, paved alleys, cafes and a beneficial atmosphere for leisure. We need at least 150 sq. m for the installation of inventory. The cost of such an area within the city and, especially, in the park area will be at least 65 thousand rubles per month. Initially, we will pay 2 months of rent for the territory.

In addition, we will install a ticket office - a cash desk. The administration of the playground will also be located there.

For equipment installation and other necessary work you will need at least 35 thousand rubles.

Starting rental costs and construction works on the territory will cost us 165 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

A variety of structures for children's entertainment for winter and summer children's leisure will be installed in our park. We will purchase equipment and materials from reliable manufacturers with a good reputation. Estimate in the table:

Name Amount, rub.
Slides for kids 10 000
Slides for children from 4 to 8 years old 10 000
Drum 5 000
Fungus 5 000
Swing-balancer 10 000
Spring swing 15 000
Carousel 10 000
spider 5 000
Big sandbox 20 000
Swedish wall 40 000
labyrinth 15 000
obstacle course 10 000
Houses, gazebos 30 000
big trampoline 30 000
Barricades for winter 20 000
Counters and goods for the shop 50 000
Rubber cover 100 000
Additional expenses 50 000
Acoustics 65 000
Total 500 000

In addition to equipment, we will need to purchase food, drinks and children's toys for the sales counter. We plan to make an initial purchase for 40 thousand rubles.


For the operation of the playground, a small staff of a cashier and an administrator is needed. The cashier will sell tickets and advise visitors, and the administrator will keep order on the site, direct visitors to the entertainment they need.

Staff estimate:

Employee name Salary, rub.
Cashier 20 000
Administrator 20 000
Total 40 000

The cashier and the administrator will work on a schedule of 5 days a week and 2 days off, which do not coincide with each other. The functions of the accountant and advertiser will be performed by the site owner. On weekends, the cashier and administrator will be replaced by the entrepreneur himself.

Marketing and Advertising

To attract visitors and fight competitors, it is necessary to advertise in places where the target audience is concentrated and on the Internet. In addition, you must use profitable offer, promotions for large groups of children and offer interesting entertainment programs that are paid separately. Advertising budget estimate:

The monthly advertising budget will consist of their targeting to promote groups in in social networks, printing and distribution of flyers in places where the target audience is concentrated. This is about 25 thousand rubles. Another 50 thousand rubles will be allocated for special events (animators, contests, prizes, bubble shows, etc.).

Expenses and income

At this point in the business plan, our task is to analyze the costs of starting a playground and the weekly costs of organizing work and attracting visitors. In addition, here we will determine the potential profit based on the plan, calculate the profitability, profitability and payback period of the initial investment. Now we will analyze the starting and monthly costs, calculate the estimated profitability, profitability and, as a result, the payback period of the initial investment.

Starting costs

Monthly expenses


Already from the second month, active attendance of the site is planned. A huge trampoline, swings, slides and music will attract little visitors on their own. During the same period, advertising will also actively work on target audience throughout the region and city.

According to the plan, an average of 20 children a day will visit the playground already in the second month.

The main flow of customers will visit the playground on weekdays from 16:00 to 19:00, and on weekends from 10:00 to 20:00 (in summer). Since we plan to open a children's entertainment area for the summer months, the start should be successful.

For the second or third month, the minimum number of small visitors will be about 600 people. At a rate of 200 rubles per person, the basic profit will be 120,000 rubles.

At the weekend, an interesting show will be held, which will be paid for an additional 150 rubles. If 15 out of 20 children attend this event, we will receive 120,000 + 90,000 = 210,000 in revenue.

Also, many of the visitors can buy ice cream, toys or snacks for children. This can bring an additional 60 thousand rubles a month of net profit to the cashier.

In accordance with our calculations, a profit of 270,000 rubles is planned from the third month.

Determine the difference between income and expenses:

270 000 – 175 000 = 95 000.

We calculate the tax payment:

95,000 x 0.15 = 14,250 rubles.

Calculate net income:

95,000 - 14,250 = 80,750 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(80,750 / 175,000) x 100 = 46.14%.

Determine the payback period of the project:

705,000 / 80,750 = 8.73. The payback of this project is planned in about 7 months.


A children's playground is a fairly relevant and profitable business idea for a medium-sized city. Competition is minimal, demand is good. To ensure that revenue does not fall in the winter, special hills, barricades, and castles for winter games will be erected on the site. A winter slide will also be installed, and it is planned to open a small ice rink in place of the trampoline.

Today's material will appeal to all those who dream not just about a business that brings income and independence. This business idea is ideal for those who dream of benefiting society, their country, their city, at least their district. Also, this idea will appeal to all parents who have small children. After all, we will talk about a business whose clients, in fact, are children aged two to seven years (and even older), although, of course, adults will pay for your services.

So, a business idea - how to organize and make money on it? And let's start with the most important question.

The relevance of a paid playground

People who have not yet encountered this issue themselves may mistakenly believe that there are plenty of places where young children can play, and so there are plenty in our cities and villages. But in reality this is far from the case.

Playgrounds for small children in the settlements of our country are sorely lacking. There are very few of them, in comparison with the number of small ones for which all these sites are intended. But this is still not the biggest problem.

Even if you live in a relatively new place where there is a playground, you are unlikely to be satisfied with how it is equipped. A simple example from life. Large residential complex. Seven high-rise buildings. The total number of apartments is about a thousand. Common yard. And only one playground measuring 30x30 meters. It doesn't look like it's a small place. But what is on it? Two swings, one small carousel, one complex with a slide and ladders, two sandboxes and eight benches for adults. That's the whole site. For thousands of families living here. Probably, it will not be a surprise for anyone that in the evenings there is the same crowd of people as at some popular concert.

As for older residential complexes, there may not be a single playground at all.

This is a big problem. In both the first and second cases, there is a lack of places for families with children. There are not enough sites. And here lies a profitable and useful business idea for the population. You can build your own playground and make good money on it. Believe me, many parents will thank you for the opportunity to play with their children on a well-equipped playground.

We are looking for a location for a paid playground

In fact, there are not so many options.

Parks and squares of your city are a great option. A lot of potential clients. You are always in sight. But there is one common downside. In parks, as a rule, the city authorities already equip playgrounds. And, it's far from the worst. But if there is no such thing in the parks in your city, this is a great opportunity.

The second option is trading entertainment centers. A good place for a playground. But there are some downsides. First, incredibly expensive rent. Secondly, in such places it is difficult to find free space. And the playground needs a lot of space. Thirdly, high competition. Therefore, the third option is perhaps ideal.

The location of the playground next to large residential complexes and. This is the place where there are always a lot of your customers. And it's also very convenient. They don't need to travel anywhere to entertain their children. Everything is within walking distance. And it will be much easier for you to find a free plot of land with an area of ​​​​about 800-1000 m².

Playground equipment

Probably the biggest expense this business. After you have found and rented a piece of land, it's time to build a playground. The site is paid - so we put a fence around the perimeters. Use some kind of transparent or mesh material so that your site can be clearly seen from afar.

To attract attention and give some solidity to your site, you can come up with a name and hang a bright sign above the entrance. Nearby, you can arrange the work schedule and tariffs so that there are fewer questions from customers.

The next moment is the covering of the playground. Of course, many developers simply cover everything with sand or even rubble. But it's far from the most best options. Yes, and not safe (especially gravel).

Since we are talking about children, safety should be your first priority. For this, parents will be willing to pay more. Therefore, use rubber sheets or crumb rubber as a coating. It is not cheap - about 2000 rubles per meter, but it's worth it. Your clients will definitely appreciate it.

After the territory is prepared, you can purchase gaming complexes. Must be:

  • Several traditional swings (10-15 thousand rubles per unit).
  • Two or three slides or one large play complex with several slides (the cost of the complex is 150-200 thousand rubles or 20-30 thousand rubles for a single slide).
  • If you are going to work not only in the summer season, then you should buy winter slides (from 40 thousand rubles).
  • Swing on a spring (about 20 thousand rubles per unit).
  • Two or three carousels (20-30 thousand rubles per unit).
  • Several sandboxes (10 thousand for a regular sandbox and 20 thousand rubles for a sandbox with a canopy).

This is something that should be on your site for sure. So to speak, the minimum set of equipment. As you can see, all of the above is quite expensive. About half a million will be spent on equipment alone. Another million rubles to cover. And add here a few benches (about 5,000 rubles apiece) and rubbish bins (from 2,000 rubles for one). Plus the cost of the fence (from 2000 rubles per linear meter) and checkpoint equipment (after all, the site is paid). Total - about 2.5 million rubles, excluding the cost of rent.

How beneficial is it?

An entrance ticket to a paid playground usually costs 250 rubles per child. The stay is unlimited. Let him walk at least all day (this rarely happens in reality). More than a hundred children can easily visit your playground in a day.

Total - 25 thousand rubles of revenue per day.

For a month it turns out 750 thousand rubles. Subtract the cost of taxes, wages for employees (two people working in turn) and rent, and we get at least 500 thousand net profit.

That is, even taking into account the fact that the main flow of customers will fall in the spring, summer and part of autumn, you will recoup all investments in about six months. And then - the playground will continue to delight the children, and bring you a good monthly profit. We wish you success!


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