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Soap making is an exciting and creative process that allows you to get a product with the properties that your skin needs. Homemade soap is the maximum of natural ingredients and the fragrance that you like. And it is also a great gift for loved ones, carrying the warmth of your hands.

Experienced soap makers make soap from scratch. In cosmetic stores, you can buy a soap base for making. But for beginners, it is better to take baby soap as a “base”.

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of baby soap 90 g each;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of base oil (olive, almond, coconut, cedar, palm, grape seed, cocoa butter, rosehip, sea buckthorn);
  • 100 ml of boiling water;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

Other ingredients - at your request.

home technology

Rub the soap on a fine grater. Do this while wearing safety glasses and a medical mask so that the particles do not get into your eyes and respiratory tract.

Pour into a saucepan base oil and glycerin.

Place the pan on the steam bath and heat the oil. Gradually add soap chips and pour boiling water, stirring constantly. You can use a mixer, but only at medium speed. If lumps remain, they can be mashed with a pestle to make mashed potatoes. You should get a homogeneous mass, similar to shortcrust pastry.

Remove the mass from the steam bath and add the ingredients that will determine the properties of the soap, its color and aroma. These are essential oils, dry herbs, clay, salt, seeds. Mix thoroughly.

Molds (you can take children's plastic ones for Easter cakes, or you can use latex or metal ones for baking), grease with olive oil and spread the soapy mass in them with a spoon, tamping well.

After cooling, remove from the molds and lay out on paper. It should lie down at room temperature for 2-3 days and dry a little.

Useful Supplements

So that soap pleases with color, aroma, benefits the skin, you can add:

  • oatmeal, ground sesame seeds, coffee, sea salt (2-3 tablespoons) - give the soap the properties of a scrub;
  • dry medicinal herbs (oregano, chamomile, celandine, yarrow, string) - this soap will soften, disinfect the skin and promote its regeneration;
  • milk powder, coconut flakes, chopped almonds (2-3 tablespoons) - this soap moisturizes the skin well;
  • honey (2-3 tablespoons) and propolis tincture (1 teaspoon) - relieves irritation;
  • cosmetic clay - improves skin cleansing;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs (they are added instead of water).
  • essential oils - useful oils from chamomile, sage, vanilla, neroli, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cedar, vanilla, lemon, orange, etc.

natural dyes

  • White color gives white clay, milk powder.
  • Pink and burgundy - beetroot juice, pink clay.
  • Orange - sea buckthorn oil, carrot juice, pumpkin.
  • Yellow - calendula petals, chamomile flowers, turmeric.
  • Green - henna, spinach, dry dill and parsley, dry seaweed.
  • Brown - cocoa powder, ground coffee, cinnamon powder, rose hips.

Soap making mistakes

For beginners, an overdose of essential oils is typical. It can cause allergies or irritation. If you are making soap for a child, it is better not to add essential oils at all.

Many, wanting to get red soap, use red rose petals or hibiscus tea for coloring. In fact, the former give a dirty gray color, the second - a dirty green.

If the oil base is too much, or becomes greasy to the touch.

If you add too many dried herbs, the soap will irritate the skin. The same will happen if dry herbs are not ground enough.

If you add salt to a hot soapy mass, it will decompose into fractions: water and soap flakes.

Be creative, experiment and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Modern housewives, including myself, bake bread at home, make mayonnaise, and salt fish. This provides access to quality products and savings. I was interested in the question of how to make soap with your own hands at home.

This is not to say that the savings on the use of homemade soap are large. But we take baths and wash ourselves every day, and we want to use healthy and safe hygiene products. In these properties lies the secret of the success of homemade soap.

Do-it-yourself homemade soap is a high-quality, environmentally friendly and beautiful product. It satisfies the hygiene requirements of family members and is suitable as a gift to a close friend, for example, on March 8 or a birthday.

Soap making recipes at home

Many people are engaged in making soap with their own hands. For some it's a hobby, for others it's a way to make money at home. Even a beginner will master this art.

The work uses a ready-made soap base, which is often replaced with baby soap or soap is brewed using solid oils, additives and other ingredients.

Regardless of homemade soap recipes, the end result is a beautiful and healthy product.

How to make classic soap


  • Purified water - 700 ml.
  • Lye - 270 g.
  • Olive oil - 1 l.
  • Coconut oil - 500 ml.
  • Grape seed oil - 500 ml.


  1. The oils indicated in the recipe, as well as the alkaline mixture, heat individually to 40 degrees.
  2. Slowly add alkali to the oil mixture, lower the blender into the container and, using short approaches, mix the contents for three minutes.
  3. Pour ten milliliters of cinnamon oil into the resulting composition. After additional mixing, pour the mixture into a mold, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave for a day. This will retain heat and help complete the chemical reaction.

Video recipe

We make our own chocolate soap

The following recipe will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Let's make a chocolate soap characterized by a seductive look and an appetizing smell.


  1. Soap base - 100 g.
  2. Almond oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  3. Coffee - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  4. Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  5. Essential oil (vanilla).


  1. Melt the soap base first. It is allowed to replace it with baby soap, which is recommended to be passed through a grater or finely chopped. Mix the resulting mass with almond butter, cocoa and ground coffee.
  2. Fill the molds with the composition and wait until it hardens. I advise you to use small forms in the form of flowers, shells or animals. As a result, each piece of homemade chocolate soap will resemble candy.

milk honey soap recipe

At home, you can make a wonderful milk-honey soap. The manufacturing technology is simple and understandable, and the output is a product that will give odds to many store goods.


  • Baby soap - 100 g.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Milk - 0.66 cups.
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Citrus essential oil - 15 drops.
  • Glycerin - 1 teaspoon.
  • Chamomile flowers.


  1. Combine the baby soap passed through the grater with warmed milk, wait a bit, and then hold in the bath until it melts. Enter the remaining ingredients.
  2. Add honey to the mixture, then sea buckthorn oil with glycerin, then chamomile flowers with essential oil. Keep the mass on fire and stir, not allowing to boil. When it becomes homogeneous, distribute into forms.

How to make handmade cleansing soap

I bring to your attention the recipe for the manufacture of cleansing soap self made. If you regularly care for your skin, it will help in this matter.


  • Baby soap - 0.5 bar.
  • Camphor alcohol - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ammonia - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Glycerin - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Citric acid - 0.25 tsp.
  • Hydrogen peroxide solution - 0.25 cups.
  • Water - 1 glass.


  1. Pour the baby soap passed through the grater into a container of water and wait a few hours until it swells.
  2. Place the dish with soapy water in a container of water and heat slightly.
  3. Enter alcohols into a homogeneous mass along with citric acid diluted in a spoonful of water. After stirring, remove the mixture from the stove and stir until cool.
  4. Continuing to stir, add hydrogen peroxide. Handmade soap is ready.

Video instruction

I think while reading the material you noticed that in all cases the basis is the same, but the recipes differ in additives. If you wish and have imagination, you can easily create your own soap recipe, which will be characterized by excellent composition, wonderful color and unique smell.

How to choose a soap base and not make mistakes

In conclusion, I will talk about the intricacies of choosing a soap base and the mistakes that beginner soap makers make. The soap base is an almost finished product, neutral in properties, colorless and odorless. The base is needed for making homemade soap.

It is not difficult to buy a soap base of Chinese, Latvian, German, English and Belgian production. Bases from Belgium and Germany are very similar in properties. This transparent composition is odorless and gives a large amount of foam.

Products from England and Latvia are characterized by a low content of surfactants. As a result, soap made from them lathers worse. But these foundations contain more natural ingredients.

Chinese soap base lathers beautifully but smells. Fortunately, with the help of a fragrance, it is not difficult to drown out the smell. Some bases can be mixed if desired. The main thing is that they match each other in fat content.

I recommend using an organic base. It does not harden so quickly and foams worse, but it benefits the skin. And this is important, especially if you care for your skin.

The main mistakes of beginners

While staying true to the theme of homemade soap making, we can't help but mention the mistakes and challenges newbies face. All errors are related to the aesthetic side of the issue. Soap thickens slowly, breaks or breaks into pieces when cut. Keeping proportions and using quality materials helps to avoid such problems.

  • If the soap breaks when cut, then it contains a lot of caustic soda. This defect does not affect the quality of the product, only the appearance suffers. In some cases, essential oils cause excessive brittleness.
  • If a soft soap is obtained, and when cut, the briquette breaks into pieces, then the gel stage has failed. To solve the problem, leave the product to ripen for two weeks, and then cut it with a guitar string.
  • Often, the finished soap block is coated. The quality does not suffer from a visual defect. To fix the problem, cover the soap after placing it in the moulds. Plaque is removed with a knife or water.
  • If the soap does not thicken, be sure to use the correct amount of lye. Often this effect is associated with a high percentage of soft oils. In this case, prolonged mixing of the solution with a conventional mixer will help to change the situation.

There are health hazards. In some cases, white spots appear in the soap. They are formed by alkaline crystals that are poorly soluble in the liquid. Test several of these crystals with a special strip. If it's really lye, throw away the soap.

I went over 4 step by step recipes for beginners, homemade instructions and gave advice on choosing a base. Now I will tell you some interesting information about the origin of soap.

What do we know about soap?

According to historians, primitive people bathed regularly so that potential prey would not smell. They used water and sand as a detergent. The invention of soap was facilitated by the low efficiency of washing using sand. It is difficult to say when soap appeared and who created it. One thing is known for sure, it is older than paper and gunpowder.

Later, people began to rub the body with fat or oil, and then scraped off the dirty film from the skin. Clay was also used for this purpose. According to one of the Roman historians, the first liquid soap appeared in Gaul. The inhabitants of the ancient state added ash to melted goat fat, and the resulting mixture was used to wash their hair and when washing.

Later, the Romans borrowed the product from the Gauls, who used it to create fashionable hairstyles. In 164, the Roman doctor Galen found out that soap washes and launders.

Arabs are considered to be the creators of solid soap. For its manufacture in the 7th century they used ash, seaweed, lime, olive oil, goat fat and potash. The Spaniards brought this recipe to Europe. As a result, the development of soap making began in European states.

In those days, Christianity struggled with pagan values, among which was the tradition of washing. Therefore, baths appeared in Europe only in the 15th century through the efforts of the crusaders. The knights of those times presented soap to the ladies as a gift.

In the seventeenth century there was a revolution in soap making. Then came shaving foam, and stubble became the conscious choice of men. Scented soaps were produced for women. In almost every wealthy house there was a washbasin.

These revolutionary changes bypassed the rules of hygiene. People of those times did not completely lather, saving an expensive product.

Two hundred years later, water pipes appeared in European cities along with sewer systems. Every wealthy home had a tin bathtub. Class!

People knew about what soap is and how to make it 4500 years ago. To trace this information, cuneiform, the Sumerian language and a clay tablet were used. At that distant time, the Sumerians used soap for one purpose - they cleaned sheep skins from lanolin - it was preparatory stage before staining.

The Celts and the ancient Romans needed soap to treat skin diseases. They used goat fat and ashes as ingredients.

Currently, many are fond of home soap making, which is not at all surprising, because this hobby is not only an interesting, but also a profitable process, and a lot of videos and master classes have been shot on how to make soap at home.

Sequence of work

Making beautifully scented soap seems like a pretty complicated process, but it's actually quite simple! The following master class will introduce you to the sequence of making real homemade soap.

First you need to provide yourself with the following ingredients:

  1. Soap base. It is transparent or white and is sold in specialized stores. A similar component is ordinary baby soap, however, it is desirable that it does not have any fragrance. To make some especially beautiful and original soap, it is better to use a transparent base, but for a start, a simple soap will suffice.
  2. Base oil - almond, olive, peach, apricot, orange, etc.
  3. Essential oil. The choice of this ingredient should be based solely on the needs of your skin: the use of tea tree oil requires oily and problematic skin, orange perfectly saturates the skin with vitamins; and with the help of ylang-ylang oil, you can have a rejuvenating effect on sensitive skin.
  4. Dyes. It is acceptable to use both special dyes and food. If you want to give your soap some color, some natural ingredients like chocolate or fruit juice can help.
  5. Additives, with the help of which soap acquires a number of additional properties. For example, a scrub effect can be achieved with ground coffee, oatmeal, or ground nutshells.

Also, you need to stock up on the utensils necessary for a water bath, various kinds of molds (confectionery, children's, etc.), alcohol, warm milk, decoction or water.

Now you can start making soap.

  1. The base or baby soap should be thoroughly ground, which will quickly melt it with a water bath.
  2. At the same time, it is recommended to add base oil - 1-1.5 large spoons per 100 grams of base.
  3. Now milk or cream is added. There are a few secrets that will be especially relevant for beginners: milk can be replaced with water or decoction, but as a result of these actions, the soap may exfoliate. And to make the base melt better, sugar can be used instead of water and milk.
  4. The fully melted soap base must be removed from the heat and mixed with the following ingredients: essential oil (5 drops), glycerin (teaspoon), dye, flavor, coffee, or any other ingredient that the recipe calls for.
  5. Pour the resulting mass into a mold and sprinkle the surface with alcohol - this avoids the appearance of bubbles.
  6. To be completely sure that the soap has hardened, it must be left alone for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or any other cool place.
  7. That's it, you can remove the soap from the mold and admire the resulting work of art!

You can even make your own "orange" soap:

Why you need to make your own soap

Each person has the opportunity to learn how to make from scratch a wide variety of soap options: different shapes, shades and compositions. Soap can be made in the form of animals, cakes, hearts, etc.

You can list all the reasons for self-made soap for a long time. Here is some of them:

  1. The result is environmentally friendly and natural product, which has a unique shape and composition.
  2. Homemade soap has an exceptionally caring effect on the skin.
  3. You can add exactly those components that your skin type requires. For example, a variety of oils, honey, herbal decoction, citrus peel, coffee beans, oatmeal, flowers, chocolate, etc. are often found in soaps.
  4. The effectiveness and naturalness of the soap will not cause any doubts for you and your loved ones, because only high-quality products were used for the manufacture.
  5. Soap making can be safely called a truly creative process. Only your imagination influences the form and content. The result can look like a few cute multi-colored pieces that have an amazing aroma or as a whole work of art.

Idea for making: homemade loofah soap

As a basis for such production, you can use:

  • ordinary baby soap, in which the content of all kinds of chemical additives is minimized;
  • industrial soap base in a clear or matte color. It is sold in specialized stores, as well as online stores.

Before proceeding directly to the manufacturing process, you need to get acquainted with such a concept as aggressive alkali, and learn about the basics of the chemical process of saponification of fats.

So, let's start making soap from loofah.

Before starting work, the following components must be placed in the workplace:

  • loofah (sponge, similar in appearance with washcloth);
  • transparent soap base (in order to pour loofah);
  • titanium dioxide (if the base is white, then it is not required);
  • essential oils or fragrances;
  • dyes;
  • aluminum can;
  • cardboard box from under the juice.

The aluminum can will serve as a mold, so you need to cut off the top of it, and wrap the jagged edges outward so that they do not damage the soap when removed.

Loofah is placed inside the can of the cylinder and we begin to fill it with a variety of “fillings”:

  1. Transparent layer with the addition of tar.
  2. Transparent layer with blue dye and fir oil.
  3. Transparent layer with green dye and sea buckthorn oil.

Note! Before pouring the next layer, it is necessary to withstand at least 5-10 minutes, since aluminum can(as it turned out) negatively affects the solidification process, therefore, the layers can mix with each other, which as a result will not look very presentable.

We take out the resulting candle and place it in a cardboard box. We turn to the remelting of the white base or add titanium dioxide to the transparent one. We alternate layers of a wide variety of colors and aromas: red with sea buckthorn, green with mint, yellow with grapefruit, etc.

Now we move on to the most pleasant: remove the box and cut the soap into the necessary pieces. Do not be upset if the layers overlap a little (did not have time to dry completely) - this gives the soap a vintage effect and an original appearance.


Some interesting and simple recipes for making homemade soap are below:

Air foam, charming aroma and thin jets of water - all this, like nothing else, can cheer you up in the morning and relax before a good night's sleep. But double pleasure will bring the understanding that the bar, gently sliding over the body, is made independently and exclusively for itself. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the simplest technology of how to make soap at home in accordance only with personal preferences and needs.

To make the same thing, only your own unique soap, you need not so much. In fact, the recipe is very simple: the main thing is to follow the instructions clearly.

Step one

We buy components. The base will be baby soap. It is advisable to purchase its hypoallergenic version, without fragrances. In addition, you should choose an oil base. As a rule, for beginners it is recommended to take sunflower or olive oil. But, having worked out the technology, you can start experimenting with other oils, for example, rosehip, grape seed, coconut or sea buckthorn. The third ingredient needed to make soap is glycerin. Its presence is highly desirable, because it is thanks to it that a special moisture-saving layer is created on the skin. And, finally, boiling water.

step two

We are preparing a "working" toolkit. Before you make soap, you should prepare a kit for creating at home. So, you will need a grater for the formation of large flakes, medical goggles and gloves, three containers (for creating a steam bath and forming soap chips), a whisk and molds.

Step Three

Mystery of soap making. For this basic recipe, you need to grate 180 grams of baby soap on a coarse grater. Needless to say, in the process of making soap flakes, it is necessary to protect the eyes and respiratory system? If yes, then before starting the soap making process, it is worth protecting your own vision and breathing with glasses and a mask.

Once the cereal has been cooked, you can proceed directly to cooking. To do this, five tablespoons of oil are mixed with two of the same spoons of cosmetic glycerin and heated in a steam bath to about 40 degrees. Then gently add soap flakes and boiling water. By the way, the volume of the latter should be 100 ml. In the process of cooking, the mass must be constantly stirred, and this is best done with a whisk, which will help avoid lumps.

As soon as the consistency of the mixture began to resemble mashed potatoes, it is removed from the bath and proceed to molding. To do this, pre-prepared molds for future soap are lubricated with the oil on the basis of which it was prepared. And only then the mass is carefully placed for solidification.

By the way, you can use almost any container: these are children's pastries, and silicone baking molds, and special professional molds of soap makers. As soon as the mixture hardens, it should be taken out and transferred to paper, which should be dried in the open air for three days.

As you can see, both the recipe and the process are so simple that they are accessible even to those who have never tried themselves in this type of creativity. However, unfortunately, the result will be the same if you do not include additional ingredients in the recipe.

Different soap is needed, different soap is important

And in order for the soap to become the most beloved, but, in addition, to be distinguished by practicality and aesthetic appearance, additional ingredients are added to it during the creation process.

Scrub soap

Making it is not as difficult as many people think. Just a little addition to the basic composition is enough. So, the best properties of soft exfoliation of dead skin cells are considered to be ground coffee, ground cherry or apricot pits, oatmeal, chopped dry medicinal herbs and inflorescences, culinary poppy.

There is another feature of this type of homemade soap - its oil base. It is worth abandoning the types proposed above, replacing them with grape seed oil (soften and tone the skin), shea and sesame (rejuvenating and tonic effect), almond and cocoa (regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect).

How to make homemade scrub soap?

In general, the process is similar to that presented above. Only instead of the traditional oil base, they choose the oil that best suits the functions of the future soap. But it is worth adding scrubbing substances only when the mixture has been removed from the bath, but before pouring into molds.

cosmetic soap

Favorite soap can become a kind of mini-salon. To do this, it is enough to add certain additives to the already prepared mixture. So, to remove excessive redness of the skin, honey is introduced into the soapy mass. At the same time, it is enough to add three tablespoons of a sweet product to the basic recipe presented above.

In order to gradually even out the skin tone and partially whiten it, it is enough to add white clay powder. Also, do not forget that the essential oils of many plants are excellent ingredients. For example, orange beauty is suitable for those who have an uneven skin surface. Bergamot and eucalyptus are suitable for those who suffer from reduced immunity.

But you can just add your favorite scent and enjoy its notes on the skin. To do this, it will be enough just to add a few drops of perfume to the finished, but not frozen mixture. Only perfume should be used, and not perfumed and, of course, not eau de toilette. The most common of them is to add more oil base than necessary. Such a volume will not only make the soap too greasy, but also stop lathering. Therefore, it is best to strictly follow the recipe: one tablespoon of oil per 90 grams.

The second mistake is the misunderstanding of staining processes. To create shades at the very beginning, it is best to use food coloring. But with natural ones, it is best to “work out” the cooking process by sampling. So, if you add turmeric, you can really get different shades of yellow. But the petals of hibiscus instead of intense red will give the soap maker a dirty green tint. After all, some plant components, when reacting with glycerin, “behave” in an unpredictable way.

But do not despair, because making soap is so exciting that even mistakes can turn into good luck in creating a new recipe.

Soap making is a very exciting and interesting process. This article will look at several soap making workshops that even beginners can do. Today we will learn soap making for beginners at home and the detailed master class that you will find below will help you take the first steps in this direction.

We make a care product using the soap making technique for beginners

Soap can not only be bought, but you can also easily cook it yourself at home. This requires alkali, animal and vegetable fats, oils.

In this case, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used as an alkali, which adds soapiness to fats. Ash, or lye at its base, is suitable instead.

Before we start learning how to make soap, let's look at the ingredients for making your own soap.

The first thing you need is a soap base. To do this, you can use baby soap or a ready-made soap base made from titanium dioxide.

Next, the base composition must be melted in a water bath. Then add essential oils. They will play a major role in providing useful properties your skin, so you need to choose them according to your skin type. You can use coconut, almond, olive, castor or whatever you have.

Let's start making soap.

We take the base and melt it in a water bath. To do this, you can use baby soap or a ready-made base.

The next step is to add essential oils.

Gently mix and now you can proceed to the future design of soap. To do this, add essential oils, dyes.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of essential oil, as in large quantities it can do more harm than good.

Now pour the resulting mixture into molds.

We send it to the refrigerator until it hardens and after that we give a few more days to dry.

Our soap is ready to use.

Probably everyone has leftover soap at home and now they will be used as the main ingredient. In this homemade soap making tutorial, we'll look at the best option for a newbie in this business.

For this soap we need:

  • Soap residues - 100-200 g
  • Transparent soap base 100-150 g
  • Dyes
  • The following tools will be used:
  • Formic alcohol
  • Soap mold
  • Basis melting vessel
  • Grater

In the description of the ingredients, there are no base and essential oils, since all this is in the fragments and when mixed with ethers, an unpleasant odor can form. Therefore, these ingredients are not used.

We rub, form curls from the remnants of soap. We cut the base for quick melting. We put everything in separate dishes.

Melt all the ingredients except the curls.

Add dye to the transparent base

Sprinkle the delayed curls with formic alcohol. This will improve the adhesion of the melted base to the pieces.

Fill in the second layer. In our case, it is gold. You can not wait for the first layer to harden.

Spray with alcohol and pour the third layer.

This is what the finished soap looks like:

Leave the soap in the refrigerator to harden. After that, we take it out of the form.

Trim pieces on all sides. These fragments can be used in the next preparation.

The resulting soap has a unique pattern. This is what he is good at, in the process of cooking it is impossible to predict what will happen in the end.

Detailed video master classes can be viewed in the following video selection.

Video on the topic of the article


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