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All new and modernized devices manufactured by ATOL can transfer fiscal data to the OFD via a USB cable when the cash register is connected to a computer. For this, the Ethernet over USB service is used. The required service is installed together with the Trading Equipment Driver and requires the choice of a CCP communication channel with a PC via the USB port.

To set up this method of transferring fiscal data, you will have to "sweat". The first thing you need is a user with administrator rights (only under such a user can you configure anything). The second thing you need is luck and patience. But the method tested by our employees.

Attention: data transfer via Ethernet over USB is not recommended by ATOL staff, since ATOL still cannot get approval for digital signatures for its USB drivers from the Windows service. Bureaucracy, what to take from it. Hooray, since driver version 8.15 there are no problems with the digital signature of drivers.

If for some reason it is not possible to install the service according to the instructions, you will have to use "crutches". Download them from the links at the bottom of the page. If you already had ATOL drivers installed before installing the service, you will need to completely remove them.

Attention No. 2: the Ethernet over USB service for cash registers manufactured by ATOL only works starting with firmware 2.x.x.x. Beg for firmware for your device from ATOL or ASC ATOL employees.

Switching the communication channel of CCP with PC via USB

By default, most ATOL fiscal registrars work via the COM port (with the exception of ATOL 30F and ATOL 11F. To switch to the USB exchange channel, do the following:

  1. Turn off the CCP (if enabled).
  2. Press the button for scrolling checks.
  3. Without releasing the button, turn on the CCP.
  4. Wait for the fifth beep.
  5. KKT will print out the points of the service mode on the receipt.
  6. Press the check scroll button twice (there should be two beeps).
  7. A check with the parameters of the communication channel will be printed.
  8. Press the receipt scroll button three times (three beeps).
  9. Print "USB enabled" and return to service mode.
  10. Press the check scroll button once, the cash register will go into the operating mode.

Disable digital signature verification in new versions of Windows

On the this moment the simplest solution is to remove the old DTO and install new version 8.15.

Attention No. 3: only for older versions of drivers (versions up to 8.14 inclusive)! For operating systems Windows Vista and above. You can do this in several ways:

Through the command line (suitable for all versions of Windows):

Using the Local Group Policy Editor (the most effective way for older versions of Windows):

  1. In the "Start" menu, launch "Run" (or press the Win + R keys).
  2. In the window that appears, type gpedit.msc.

  3. Click "OK" and the Local Group Policy Editor window will open.
  4. Sequentially select: "User Configuration" - "Administrative Templates" - "System" - "Driver Installation".
  5. Right-click and select "Digital Signature of Device Drivers".
  6. Select "Edit" from the context menu.

  7. A window will open in which you can select two modes: either disable the check digital signature, or leave digital signature verification enabled, but allow unsigned drivers to be installed.

  8. After selecting the desired mode, click "Apply" and "OK". Close windows.
  9. Restart your computer and forget about the headache of installing unsigned drivers before the next operating system update.

From the options for a special system boot (for Windows 10):

After any of the methods to disable digital signature verification, you need to restart the computer.

Installing the driver for commercial equipment ATOL

Installing the Ethernet over USB service for ATOL equipment

  1. Install drivers commercial equipment ().
  2. Install " run this program as administrator", for file EthOverUSB.exe.

  3. Run as Administrator" Driver Management".

  4. Go to section " EthernetOverUSB Service".
  5. In the service, check the path. It should be like this: C:\Program Files\ATOL\EthOverUsb\EthOverUsb.exe.

Note: This article was written for KKT ATOL, corresponding to Federal Law-54 (Online cash registers). If you have a CCP of the old model, then in paragraphs 3 and 6 you will have one COM port, skip paragraphs 11-13.

1. Install the ATOL driver under administrator. Follow the installer's instructions:

2. Connect the device via USB cable to PC.

3. Open the "Device Manager", KKT ATOL should be displayed as "Unknown device", or as shown in the figure (when connecting KKT ATOL via USB cable, two devices should be displayed):

4. Right-click on each of the devices and select "update driver".

5. Select "Search for drivers on this computer":

6. Install drivers from the following folder: C:\Program Files\ATOL\Drivers8\USB_Drivers. If the driver is installed correctly, the devices will have an ATOL mark:

7. Now open the "KKM Driver" (you can find it by searching on the computer) and click "Setting Properties":

8. Now select the item "Search for equipment":

9. In the "search parameters" indicate the model of your cash register and click "search". The driver must find the device, indicate its speed and COM port:

10. Next, in the "communication parameters" we indicate the same values ​​\u200b\u200bthat the driver gave us in the previous paragraph (in the search for equipment), and also indicate the model of your device and click "test connection". If everything is configured correctly, then your device will be displayed in the "Result" line:

12. Now we launch "Driver Management" from under the administrator. The KKM field contains arbitrary information that determines the KKM. In the COM port field, the port number for exchanging with OFD is written (This is the second of the ports that is displayed in your "device manager" that is not used in the "KKM driver") Check the "Autorun" checkbox and click the "Start" button:

13. Check the logs that the port is configured correctly. The logs should contain an entry that the port was determined correctly:

14. Now install the Subtotal application following the instructions of the installer:

15. After launching the Subtotal application, open "Settings" and select the "KKM" section:

16. Select "connect fiscal registrar" and enter the main login and password from Subtotal, select a store and point of sale:

17. In the final setting, specify the ATOL driver, payment codes "0" and "1". Next, click on the blue gear and specify the parameters in exactly the same way as in the “KKM driver” (point 10):

18. Click "Finish" and "ok", the application will reboot - this completes the setup.

ATOL drivers are a special program required for the interaction of a cash register with a computer. Given software will significantly speed up the process of payment to the buyer, as well as simplify financial accounting.

Features and functionality

ATOL is necessary so that any user, even with a minimum set of knowledge on working with cash registers, can successfully interact with him. Thanks to this software, you will be able to manage the fiscal apparatus, entering information about all expenses and incomes into a special program. To work with ATOL, there is no need to create a personal profile or perform additional settings - all ready-made configurations can be found in the menu. They just need to be properly adjusted. The set parameters will be automatically saved and restored in case of system failures.

The program is able to search for connected equipment, supports working with several cash registers connected to one computer, and can also work with remote cash registers connected to a PC over a network. When managing a cash register, the user can carry out sales, payment, return, print and cancel printing of a check, reset counters, reset settings, receive various readings and perform many other actions.


ATOL drivers are compatible with such fiscal registrars- ATOL, Shtrikh-M, Pilot, Iskra, MultiSoft, ServicePlus, IKC-Techno, NCR, Resonance, NPF Unisystem and Newton. Regarding the programs with which he can "get along", you can list the products of the company 1C, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual FoxPro / Basic / C ++ / C # and others.

Key features

  • supports Windows 7 and earlier versions of this OS;
  • necessary for automated work with a cash register;
  • makes it possible to work with remote equipment;
  • compatible with software products from 1C;
  • allows you to work not only with KKM ATOL, but also with other cash registers;
  • can communicate with multiple devices connected to one PC.


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