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With the advent of powerful mobile phones with large screens and electronic readers, there was a need for electronic books. E-books appeared even before the advent of fancy gadgets, because they were in demand among users. personal computers and laptops, but now their popularity has only increased and now electronic publications no less than printed ones, that is, publications publish a book in two copies, both in print and in electronic form. In this article I decided to review electronic libraries, where can download books in fb2 formats,pfd,txt both free and paid.

There are many web resources where you can download e-book for my readers or mobile phones, for example, I wrote an article how to search and download books on the social network VKontakte, you can use it, since you can find almost any book there (because users post them social network Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries).

If you are not registered there or for some reason do not want to register there, then the information below will be for you, by the way, since I present a small overview of the most popular and free (partially paid) online e-book libraries.

Lib.Ru - Library of Maxim Moshkov

The most popular and famous free ebook library in Runet. Here you can read e-books online without downloading and registering. The interface of the online library is very simple, rather trite simple - simple layout in HTML without the use of CSS and others modern methods web design. As Moshkov explains, he has absolutely no artistic taste and ideas for changing the design. At the same time, it is important for him that the site looks beautiful in different browsers and, moreover, it was convenient to use over slow communication channels. As a result, the design that the visitor sees on is the only option that suits Moshkov.

The structure of the electronic library is peculiar and a little chaotic, but some sections stand out: prose, poetry, children's and adventure, ancient literature, science fiction, history, detective stories, culture, scientific and textbooks, unix "oids of all countries, librarian, service, etc. Data sections contain digitized works that were sent by users of the site.The site has a search bar, which you can use and find the work you need. - electronic library an e-book library where you can read books online or download the same books to your computer without registration and for free. You can search for a book both in the search line of the site and by alphabetical index. In addition, you can find an e-book by various attributes:

  • Name of the book;
  • Genres;
  • Language;
  • Keywords;
  • The year of publishing;
  • Format.

You can search for e-books by tabs: recently added books and popular books. The site is made in the style of a forum, and therefore there is a heated discussion between users of books, magazines and various works.

Book formats: fb2, html, txt, rtf, docx, odt, doc, epub, pdf, djvu, as well as audio books - mp3 and ogg. As I wrote above, you can start reading any of the books you like online from the Litmi website, or download it to your computer, mobile phone or e-reader. electronic library, where books are presented for free download in 5 electronic formats: doc, rtf, fb2, html, txt. Here you can download an e-book or start reading online, as there is a "reading room", that is, an e-reader web application is built into the site, which has a convenient and simple interface, and it is also possible to customize the format of the book "for yourself" - choose the type , size, font color, background color, line length. It is not necessary to register on the website in order to download or read a book, but by registering it will be possible to leave reviews, comments, and also bookmark the reader.

e-book library divided into categories (genres) - military, business literature, detectives and thrillers, children's, non-fiction, home economics (home and family), dramaturgy, computers and the Internet, romance novels, science, education, etc. You can also use the search bar or alphabetical index.

Large online e-Reading library

E-Reading- a large library of electronic literature: fiction, science fiction, fantasy, science fiction, historical, detectives, science and not thin. literature and others. The interface of the online library website is simple and without unnecessary navigation, which causes inconvenience (for me personally). Something reminds Lib.Ru.

But finding the right book in the electronic version is not difficult, there are several options:

  • Search line;
  • Alphabetical index (Cyrillic and Latin);
  • By sections: genres, recommended, rating of books and authors, etc.

You can download or read e-books without registration and for free. This site does not sell books. Each book is described in detail and before you start reading it, you can familiarize yourself with the content, as well as with the title, author, edition, genre. After that, you can start reading directly in the browser of your computer or mobile phone, and there is an option to download in the format: fb2, lrf, epub, mobi, txt, html.

Electronic library one of the electronic libraries where you can download books, reference books, magazines and dictionaries in in electronic format. This library is organized in such a way that if a user fails to find a book for some reason (the book is not in the database), then the administrators will find out about it and try to add what they are looking for within a week. If the user is not sure exactly about the author's name or the title of the book, then it is better to enter one word that you are sure of, or even part of it, for example, when searching Dan Brown/Dan Brown it's better to just enter brown and you will definitely find the author.

As in the previous listed e-book libraries, you can search by author, book title, alphabetical index. The search will take place on 115,000 books and 30,000 authors. a library containing educational, artistic, technical literature, as well as reference and encyclopedic literature; detective novels and short stories. Here you can find Russian and foreign literature. E-books in the library are divided into sections with easy navigation.

Using the library search, the user can easily find by author or by title and download a book for free.

Scientific electronic library "CyberLeninka"

CyberLeninka is a popular scientific electronic library created on the concept of open science (Open Science), the main purpose of which is to increase the popularity of science and scientific activity, public control over the quality of scientific publications, the development of interdisciplinary research, the modern institute of scientific review and increase the citation of Russian science. It contains 516,822 scientific articles in its database.

Advantages of the CyberLeninka library:

  • Always free, fast, constant, full-text access to scientific and educational materials in real time;
    provision of materials under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, which allows unlimited use of works, subject to attribution;
  • Exporting materials to open international repositories scientific information Google Scholar, OCLC WorldCat, ROAR, BASE, OpenDOAR, RePEc, Socionet and others via the OAI-PMH protocol;
  • And most importantly, the full texts of all scientific publications can be downloaded and read for free

There are also CyberLeninka apps for Android and iOS. - literary portal

Knigiws is the largest free electronic library in which you can find about 500 thousand works of domestic and foreign authors. A wide variety of genres: detective stories, novels, science fiction, adventures, psychology and thrillers - more than 40 thematic sections are presented in the catalog.
It is possible to download books in TXT or FB2 format. There is also a special section "Audiobooks", where you can listen to books online in mp3 format or download an audio file to your computer.

By choosing a book, you can read detailed information book title, author, description, genre, year of release, formats in which e-book download is available. one of the largest libraries of e-books in Runet, where you can find almost any book and magazine. The library can be used free of charge and without registration. On the main page of the site is a search bar, which is hard to miss. In it you need to enter the name of the book, journal or author's name and click on the search button.

After you have found the book you need, you can download it (it can be available in EPUB, PDF, MOBI, TXT, RTF formats) or you can read it online, as there is a built-in BookReader web application.

Bookmate - digital library in your pocket

bookmates- a service for reading e-books by subscription for everyone who has a mobile phone (I wrote about the Bookmate service). Today, Bookmate is one of the leading book services in Russia with the largest library of books in Russian, as well as books in English, Spanish, Turkish, Swedish and other languages. In order to take advantage of the service, you need to download the Bookmate application for Android, iOS or Windows Mobile on your mobile phone. Then register.

After registration, you will have access to many books (500,000 books). Updates and new books appear every day. You can download and read books in fb2 and ePub formats, and your favorite books, notes and quotes will be securely stored in Bookmate. The reader can be customized for yourself: contrast, font, background. You can communicate with other users of the service, receive and give recommendations on books.

One of the first and most popular Russian-language electronic libraries, it opened in 1994. Authors and readers replenish the library daily on a voluntary basis. The service does not take money, you can read absolutely everything for free. The only downside is that you can't download the book.

2. Aldebaran


The Bookland e-book store also offers a collection of free titles in convenient formats in 18 languages.

12. Library club

The electronic library and online store "Biblioclub" offers interesting conditions: by purchasing 10 books, you can become the owner of the status of "Bookman" and get half of the store's content for free use. The platform also provides for the status of "Genius" - this is when you have free access to all the books on the site. A good option, especially if you are interested in literature about business and self-development, educational collections.

13. "Russian fantasy"

The bookshelf of the site "Russian Science Fiction" contains more than 10,000 texts by 180 authors.

14. Project Gutenberg

The electronic library "Project Gutenberg" will please fans of reading in foreign languages. This is more than 46 thousand e-books, the predominant language is English.

15. is a free music and literature portal. A good selection of books in fb2 electronic format, as well as the opportunity for aspiring authors to publish their book for free.

16. Library of Foreign Literature. Rudomino

Library of Foreign Literature. Rudomino digitized some of her holdings. Most of them are rare books.

17. Bookcase

The cozy children's library "Bookcase" digitized many good children's books, but in 2009 it was hacked and lost almost all of its assets. But something has survived. You can read children's works by clicking on the book icon in the drawn cabinet.

18. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology shares profile books in PDF format on its bookshelf. The selection is rated as excellent.

19. Magazine room

"Journal Hall" - electronic library of modern literary magazines Russia. Here you can find the latest issues of the most famous domestic "thick magazines". The database is replenished quite quickly, and it is interesting to read, because many great works are first published here, and then migrate to separate books.

20. Electronic Library of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the end of 2015, the "Electronic Library" section appeared on the website of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Now it contains about 400 scanned scientific publications, divided by areas for the convenience of users. These are "Theory of Literature", "Russian Literature", "Literature of the Peoples of Russia and the CIS Countries", "Foreign Literature", "Folklore Studies" and others. The library is replenished, you can not register on the site.

At the end of 2016 significantly limited access to free fiction and specialized literature. Sites are either blocked government bodies, or monetize the download of their own free will.

Exploring the 30 Most Popular Resources that offer free downloads of books gave the following results. Sites use only rare and unpopular works as free literature.

All modern books, as well as the creations of the classics, strictly limited access. You will see information about this either immediately or by downloading the file and reading part of the book (the so-called "introductory fragment"). The price that must be paid for downloading literature will also be indicated there. This rule applies to such popular sites as LitMir, Librusek, Aldebaran, Vceknigi, Bookz, OwnLib, LibOk, Big Free Library and others.

In this article, selected digital libraries with a large database you can actually download all the books for free. Supported formats for most works are .fb2, .pdf, .txt.

Attention : Before you open links to sites, read the descriptions. 3 of the 4 sites listed are blocked by Roskomnadzor and will open only with the help of simple manipulations.

1. Flibusta

A book fraternity operating from the deep end of the internet. About how, we wrote a little earlier. The largest electronic library with free access. Replenished by the users themselves. For 2019 can boast 418,000 books. More than 2,000 books are updated monthly.

2. Librusek

One of the oldest pirate libraries in Runet. More than 458,000 books(for 2019) To download books for free, use our instructions -.

3. Large electronic library

Free download. 60,000 books. Quite a large number of categories, but the interface is not very user-friendly. If you know what you're looking for, you'll love the site. Fast page loading speed and downloading books in 1 click.

4. Verbal Bogatyr

This e-book library is also located in the Internet zone, hidden from search robots. Therefore, it should be opened through TOR browser. detailed instructions to enter is placed on the link in the first paragraph of the rating. The owners of the resource do not report the number of submitted books, but test requests demonstrate a large database. The site's interface is extremely user-friendly and reduces the time required to search for and download a book to a few seconds.

Regrettably, we did not find other serious sites that provide free access to download classical and modern literature in Runet.

As before, a significant number of works of Russian and world literature can be downloaded using the website Rutracker — our window into the world of free cinema, books and software. For those who have not yet configured access to the resource, we recommend using


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