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Something from the site: The magazine is ready to cooperate with all science fiction writers who share its literary principles. Preference is given to works with a pronounced SF-idea, consistency of the fictional world, plot. Literary level, living heroes, original idea, an unexpected plot twist, an unpredictable ending - these are the components of success. Genre - any: from a fantastic detective story to an alternative history. Twice a year, "If" also publishes issues dedicated to fantasy. Novels are not considered. The journal publishes novels (up to 6 author's sheets) and short stories. The editors consider only unpublished works. Placing a text on the Internet is considered a publication. After the story is published in the journal, the author has the right to dispose of it at his own discretion, unless additional conditions for cooperation with the journal have been agreed. Manuscripts are not reviewed and are not returned, the editorial board comes into contact with the author only in case of working with his text. Novice authors can try their hand at the "ALTERNATIVE REALITY" contest. Twice a year the jury sums up the results of the competition, and the best story is published on the pages of the magazine (usually in the second and eighth issues). Full information about the competition "Alternative Reality" -

2. Star road

Something from the site: Any form is welcome, up to 80,000 characters: stories, novels, novels, as well as any genre, as long as they belong to fantasy (love, historical novels and detective stories, if they are not fantastic, are taken into consideration will not).

3. Banner

Thick literary journal, classical prose. By e-mail texts are not accepted, their mailbox is for communication only.

Editorial address: 103001, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 2/46.
Phone: 299-5238, 299-5283
E-mail: [email protected]

4. Gambling

Modern glossy magazine with huge circulations.

Publishes: Game fanfiction and humorous computer texts. The fantastic element is allowed and even welcomed.

5. Winged herald

Fanzine. Stories, fairy tales, short stories, essays, short stories and other literary prose works are published, which can be published in no more than three issues.

It prints everyone, but does not pay royalties, and does not send author's copies of the magazine for free.

6. Magic PC

Computer magazine. Fantasy stories are accepted, the plot of which is somehow connected with computers and modern information technology. The volume is not more than 6000 characters.

7. Monitor+

Barnaul computer magazine.

Prints: Short (up to 7000 characters) computer related stories. Preferably humorous. Fantastic element is allowed. Sends the author's copy of the journal and the fee.

8. Navigator of the game world

Gaming computer magazine.

Prints: Game fanfiction and humorous computer texts. The fantastic element is allowed and even welcomed.

9. Noon, XXI century

This is an all-Russian "thick" literary magazine, devoted mainly to Russian science fiction. The editorial staff of the magazine works under the leadership of the recognized classic of this genre, Boris Natanovich Strugatsky. The journal publishes prose works up to 8-10 aut. sheets, critical and journalistic articles of authors writing in Russian.

10. Threshold

Fanzine. The journal covers the following topics: history, mythology, religion, philosophy, psychology, healing, ufology, new hypotheses, riddles, nature, civilization, personality, esotericism.

Half of each issue of the magazine is devoted to the publication of previously unpublished fantastic and mystical literary works, literary articles, fandom news.

11. Change

All-Russian literary and artistic, color illustrated magazine. First of all, they are interested in thin. texts social orientation. Stories submitted to the journal should not exceed 1 a.l. In the title you need to specify the name and coordinates of the author.

It is advisable not to use the rar archiver.

12. Chemistry and life, XXI century

Popular science magazine, heir to the famous "Chemistry and Life" of the 80-90s. The editors prefer texts up to 20,000 characters with spaces. Works of more than one author's sheet are not considered.

Of the texts "Chemistry and Life" publishes fantasy and ordinary, realistic (non-genre) prose.

Unfortunately, the magazine is unable to pay its authors high fees.

13. Black square

Russian-language literary edition published in the UK. Considers itself the first such project.

Black Square publishes prose, poetry, children's literature, fantasy, screenplays and plays.

The volume of sent works should not exceed: 10,000 words for prose (stories - no more than 2,000 words each) and 3,000 words for poetry. If you are sending a novel or story, please attach a brief description of the plot (300-500 words). The maximum length for plays and scripts is 4,000 words. The volume of sent works should not exceed: 10,000 words for prose (stories - no more than 2,000 words each) and 3,000 words for poetry. If you are sending a novel or story, please attach a brief description of the plot (300-500 words). The maximum length for plays and scripts is 4,000 words.

14. Youth

Literary, cultural and educational magazine. The texts are only serious. Science fiction, mysticism, fantasy, etc. are not welcome.

Russians. Like all early Russian journalism, starting with its handwritten predecessors "message letters" (or "chimes") of the 17th century, and then the printed Petrine Vedomosti, the first Russian literary journals were published ... ...

LiveJournal Magazines modern Russia in alphabetical order Journals of Russia Computer journals in Russian Computer journals, logs. Literary magazines Music magazines Amateur radio magazines Philosophical magazines Electronic journal See ... ... Wikipedia

The first Moscow magazine "Useful Entertainment" belonged to literary publications ("literary magazines"). In 1762 Professor I.G. Reichel published "Collection of the best writings for the dissemination of knowledge and for the production of pleasure ..." magazine, ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

Magazines- Magazines. The first Russian magazine "Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in Vedomosti" (17281736 and 17381742) began to appear in St. Petersburg literary, artistic and popular science ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

In St. Petersburg, the first Russian magazine “Monthly historical, genealogical and geographical notes in Vedomosti” (1728 1736 and 1738 1742) began to appear, a literary, artistic and scientifically popular supplement to the newspaper “St. ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

LITERARY CLUB- LITERARY CIRCLES, creative associations of writers on the basis of unity of views, interests, direction of creativity. These also include literary salons and “evenings” (for example, “Saturdays” by S. T. Aksakov, “Wednesdays” by Vyach. I. Ivanov, “Mondays” ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

CHURCH MAGAZINES- Rus. periodicals con. XIX beginning. XX century, mainly or partially devoted to church singing. “Music and Singing” Monthly journal, which published notes for monophonic and choral singing, piano and other instruments and articles about music. ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

MAGAZINES- (musical) in Russia, despite the relatively rare appearance and fragility, already have their own rather extensive history, still, however, very little elucidated. There are no complete copies of the oldest journals even in Imp. public… … Riemann's musical dictionary

They are printed in relief dotted font according to the L. Braille system (see Braille font), in flat type, and are also published in sound recordings (on magnetic tape and gramophone records). In Russia, the first Zh. "Friend of the Blind" (1887-88), "Leisure of the Blind" ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Literary life of Russia in the 1920s. Volume 1 (set of 2 books), The first part of the first volume of the collective work "The Literary Life of Russia in the 1920s" is devoted to the literary life of Moscow and Petrograd in 1917-1920, from the October Revolution to the time ... Category: History and theory of literature Publisher: IMLI RAN,
  • The new dress of the empire. History of the Russian fashion industry, 1700-1917, Christine Ruan, Christine Ruan's monograph is devoted to the history of fashion in Russia. Among the extensive sources of this research are government statistical reports, fashion catalogs and magazines, documents of the first… Category: Fashion history. Suits Series: Library of the journal "Theory of Fashion" Publisher:

Journal "Neva": St. Petersburg.

The Neva magazine has been published since 1955. The works of such famous Russian authors as M. Zoshchenko and M. Sholokhov, V. Kaverin and L. Chukovskaya, L. Gumilyov and D. Likhachev, A. Solzhenitsyn and D. Granin, F. Abramov and V. Konetsky were published on its pages. , the Strugatsky brothers and V. Dudintsev ... A number of works published in the Neva were awarded State Prizes (V. Dudintsev, V. Bykov). It was Neva that introduced readers to Robert Conquest's The Great Terror and Arthur Koestler's novel Blinding Darkness. Here, for the first time, the novel by V. Dudintsev “White Clothes” saw the light of day. And today the magazine remains true to the traditions of St. Petersburg literary periodicals. On the pages of the "Neva" the reader will always find modern prose and poetic collections of both famous masters of literature and those who have yet to gain popularity. "Prose and Poetry", "History of Modernity", "Publicism", "Criticism, Essays", "Petersburg Book Writer" - under these headings are printed as works of art, as well as strictly documentary evidence dedicated to bright and dramatic destinies and significant historical events, as well as unique archival finds.


friendship of Peoples

The editors of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples": M.

The only literary, artistic and socio-political monthly magazine in Russia, covering and supporting a single cultural space created over many decades by the efforts of artists and cultural figures from all countries that are part of the former Soviet Union. The journal publishes: new works of writers and poets of Russia, countries of near and far abroad; topical essays and essays analyzing the most acute problems of our time - national, social, religious, cultural and moral; literary reviews and critical articles.



JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, ART, SCIENCE AND PUBLIC THOUGHT. Among the authors of "Frontiers" in different years there were such writers and poets as A. Akhmatova, L. Borodin, I. Bunin, Z. Gippius, Yu. Dombrovsky, B. Zaitsev, N. Lossky, A. Kuprin, V. Soloukhin, M. Tsvetaeva, O. P. Ilyinsky.


We read together. Navigator in the world of books

Reading together: M.

"READING TOGETHER. Navigator in the World of Books" is a monthly magazine for the mass reader, helping to navigate the sea of ​​modern literature. Each issue contains about 100 reviews of new book releases of the month on various topics; stories about the best children's and teenage books; articles about the life and work of writers; news of the book world; interviews with famous writers; riddles of words and quotes; literary quiz.



Eclectic magazine is the first project of the ART-ALLIANCE publishing house. ECLECTICS is a reflection of the fragmentation of our life, diversity and mixture of styles, ideas, views in the modern world. Eclecticism is in our sense of beauty and the constant desire to find its opposite, in the search for the meaning of life and the ability to live one day, the thirst for new experiences and attachment to old places. Eclecticism is that we step through contradictions in order to become the authors of our lives, to get away from stereotypes and create something of our own. The eclectic mosaic of every day is formed into a large whole - a way of life that includes a way of thinking, a way of acting.


Russian thought

Scientific, literary and artistic, social and political journal. Published since 1991. The central press organ of the International Non-Governmental public organization"World Russian Council", International Monarchist Organization EIV Paul II "Russian Imperial House”, International Scientific Public Organization “Russian Physical Society”.


Oriental collection

Our magazine is the only popular science illustrated magazine of its kind. periodical telling about the culture, history and religion of the peoples of the East. The motto "A magazine for all who are interested in the East" determines our creative principle: scientific reliability and novelty of the material, combined with a popular form of presentation. The founder and publisher of the Eastern Collection is the Russian State Library. The light of bookish wisdom emanating from its vast collections is imprinted on magazine pages. Scientific assistance to the publication is carried out by the editorial board. Our magazine includes historical plots and culturological essays, literary monuments and essays of travelers, reviews of Internet resources and color illustrations, collages of Pashkov's house framed by an oriental landscape and poems by Russian poets on oriental themes. The world of the East for us, the inhabitants of Russia, is also our world. Two thirds of the country are in Asia, many peoples of the East are indigenous Russians. The traditional religions in Russia are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism. We can say that the knowledge of the East for us is at the same time self-knowledge, the acquisition of the cultural heritage and history of our own country. We make the East accessible to everyone who is interested in it.


Aristaeus: Classical Philology and Ancient History

Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science: M.

As the editor-in-chief of the journal A.V. Podosinov, "Aristaeus" maintains and will try to maintain a "high academic level." The journal includes articles on philology, history, linguistics, art history, and paleography. In addition, much attention is paid to the history of the Northern Black Sea region, since this area of ​​ancient studies to the greatest extent connects classical history and Russian history. The journal gives young researchers the opportunity not only to use the journal as a source of information about the latest trends in domestic antiquity studies, but also to present their articles to the readers. A detailed chronicle of events in the world of antiquity reflects the course of scientific life, includes researchers, especially young ones, in the community of antiquities, and contributes to their successful socialization.


Siberian lights

"SIBERIAN LIGHTS" is one of the oldest Russian regional literary magazines. It has been published in Novosibirsk since 1922. During this time, several generations of talented writers known not only in Siberia, such as Vyach. Shishkov and Vs. Ivanov, A. Koptelov and L. Seifullina, E. Permitin and P. Proskurin, A. Ivanov and A. Cherkasov, V. Shukshin, V. Astafiev and V. Rasputin and many others. Among the most famous poets are S. Markov and P. Vasiliev, I. Eroshin and L. Martynov, E. Stuart and V. Fedorov, S. Kunyaev and A. Plitchenko. At present, the literary, artistic and socio-political magazine "Siberian Lights", awarded with honorary diplomas of the administration Novosibirsk region(V.A. Tolokonsky), Regional Council (V.V. Leonov), MA "Siberian Agreement" (V. Ivankov), edited by V.I. Zelensky, worthily continues the traditions of his predecessors. The editorial staff of the magazine is a team of well-known Siberian writers and poets, members of the Writers' Union of Russia.


"Book Review" and professional application PRO

The newspaper "Book Review" is a twenty-four-page periodical devoted to books, book business and publishing business. The newspaper publishes reviews of new books, reports on current events in literary life, critical reviews, sales ratings, interviews with writers. It has been published since 1966, previously once a week, since 2010 once every two weeks. The editor-in-chief is Alexander Nabokov. The newspaper is considered the most authoritative publication in the field of book business. Founder of the professional award "Man of the Book" and the anti-award "Paragraph". The PRO professional application is devoted to the problems of book distribution and book trade, it also publishes thematic sales ratings, a list of signal copies, and analytical reviews of the book market for specialists.


Questions of philological sciences

Satellite +: M.

The journal publishes scientific articles by Russian and foreign scientists, applicants, graduate students, researchers in the following specialties of the HAC nomenclature: Russian literature; literature of the peoples Russian Federation(indicating a specific literature or group of literatures); literature of the peoples of foreign countries (indicating specific literature); theory of literature. Textology; folklore; journalism; Russian language; languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating a specific language or language family); Slavic languages; Germanic languages; Romance languages; classical philology, Byzantine and modern Greek philology; theory of language; comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics; applied and mathematical linguistics; languages ​​of peoples foreign countries Europe, Asia, Africa, Native Americans and Australia (indicating a specific language or language family). Since the 2nd half of 2014 the magazine has not been published


book review

The newspaper "Book Review" is a twenty-four-page periodical devoted to books, the book business and publishing. The newspaper publishes reviews of new books, reports on current events in literary life, critical reviews, sales ratings, interviews with writers. It has been published since 1966, previously once a week, since 2010 once every two weeks. The editor-in-chief is Alexander Nabokov. The newspaper is considered the most authoritative publication in the field of book business. Founder of the professional award "Man of the Book" and the anti-award "Paragraph".


Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Linguistic University

The ISLU Bulletin has been published since 2008. The journal publishes articles by leading scientists from Siberia, the Far East and Russia in general topical issues linguistic research. The journal presents an innovative view on the problems of the relationship between language, culture and communication, linguistics of discourse, and the linguistic reality of cognition. 19

New Literature in the Social and Human Sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree.

It is a continuation of the bibliographic indexes "New Soviet Literature in Literary Studies" and "New foreign literature on literary criticism". Published monthly. Contains information about domestic and foreign literature on the theory and history of literary criticism, literature of all countries and peoples, folklore, entering the INION RAS library. The publication is intended for use in scientific, educational, bibliographic and reference activities. To the index information about books and articles from magazines and collections is included.Each issue is provided with auxiliary author's and subject indexes.



The magazine "Moscow" is one of the oldest "thick" literary and art magazines. Published since 1957. In 1966-1967 he published M. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. In 1989–1990 - “The History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin. At the heart of the journal's policy is the fundamental non-engagement of the journal by any political forces, the Orthodox-state orientation. Today, against the backdrop of fruitless political improvisations, it is precisely this program position that looks more serious and more thorough than the courses of many publications that hastened to “join” or “close” with the political tendencies that arose in this most tumultuous of times in Russian history. Our reader is a citizen of Russia of any nationality and religion, who has realized or always knew the correctness and morality of the existence of the Russian state with the name "Russia".



Detectives, science fiction, action-packed novels, prose by contemporary authors, essays about great artists and the fate of their masterpieces, materials about bright, fateful events in Russian and world history, publications of the best but forgotten works of Russian prose, incredible and amazing facts and phenomena of the world around us .

Review of "paper" editions (late June - early July)

Text: Boris Kutenkov
Collage: Year of Literature. RF

Thick magazines are tightening their belts. Following the "October", which lost its premises, as we wrote in the previous review,


was left without two employees: the head of the departments of bibliography and journalism Anna Kuznetsova and prose editor Evgenia Vezhlyan, gone to "free swimming". But hardened "fat men" are like those fighters who only get stronger from losses. The next, seventh issue of the "Banner" publishes half of the novel Olga Slavnikova"Long Jump" (the long-awaited, released after a five-year break in the work of the writer). At first, being afraid to be taken for a thick "brick" (143 pages in a Word file - and this, we remind you, is only half!), Your browser quickly got involved and was not disappointed. The novel is about the complex psychology of the relationship between the protagonist, a former athlete, and now disabled Oleg Vedernikov, and the “difficult” teenager Zhenya Karavaev, who was shot down by him, but remained unharmed (an allusion to “Envy” Olesha distinct - but I don't know if it is conscious), about the life of people with disabilities, the details of despondency and the artificial "positivization" of being. Some scenes are executed simply masterfully: not only the "parabolic" psychology of the protagonist is fascinating - from falling to the bottom of internal degradation to trying to get out - but also, for example, his search for in social networks stories of amputee friends. In some cases, it is not only the author's elaboration of material that is obviously far from her empirical experience that is impressive, but also the degree of psychological immersion in it. The language of the novel sometimes raises doubts: it is so virtuoso that it seems self-sufficient - and distracting from the plot (say, branded Slavnikov comparisons, sometimes present as a given outside of the plot). However, it is too early to draw conclusions: we are waiting for the end in the "Banner" in a month.

The prose in this issue of the Banner is clearly more interesting than poetry: the story Leonid Kostyukov“My dear friend”, where the intonation of a slightly didactic, slightly nostalgic “common sense” characteristic of this author shines through unhurried descriptions of everyday life. Against the backdrop of a rather traditional plot, there is an unexpected metaphysical ending with an allusion to Mozart and Salieri, only transferred to the realities of publishing life. In general, the prose of this issue is distinctly intertextual - moreover, a clear parallel with the classics each time opens the reading of the entire text in a new way. Story Alexandra Melikhova"Sinful and sinless" about the modern "stranger" also begins with an allusion ( “She really had a narrow hand in the rings ...”), - the revelations of two "sinners", heard at a session by a psychologist, full of physiological details and will take on a conversational style. The most difficult reading is a "Bradbury" story in style Igor Levshin"Flight", where reality is presented in jerky dialogues with short sentences, which form an integral and tragic picture.

Znamya also announces a series of publications on dyslexia, which are designed to draw public attention to this problem. The cycle begins with a documentary narrative Alexandra Shishmareva : “Dyslexia is my gift and my grief. I'm not allowed to think like everyone else, but this is good. Looking back, I sadly recall school torments ... But they could have been avoided, know the teacher about dyslexia. They found it with me when they began to publish the book, the proofreader said ... The school did not give knowledge, I did not take anything out of it. Everything he did, he mastered himself, with enthusiasm and passion. The school brought only disappointment and low self-esteem, a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. I have done a long thorny path but became who I am now ... "

Another issue of the poetic

magazine "Arion".

Poetry attracts the most attention Nadia Delaland. Of the five poems - quite diverse both in content and rhythm, permeated with a single intention of whimsically materialized non-existence (“non-existent windy”) - let's pay attention to the second (“I want everything to end, stop ...”). A terrible image is the trampling of the grave by a child, "burying" the entire disorderly, indiscriminate, but equally subject to destruction series of nouns. No less terrible motive of childish unconsciousness. Oddly enough, the concepts themselves ( "dumbness, repentance, failure"), which you “tread down”, as if getting rid of them, create a balancing effect, just as a double negation creates an affirmation in grammar. And the output is light. And the way out, oddly enough, is clear - in every sense. Despite the contradiction - seeming - of the entire figurative range of this output, which gives rise to the amazing effect of this poetry.

I want it to end, stop
the door slammed shut, the music choked.
From the bosom in a rag, taking out old age,
bury in the garden her sadness, stoop,
dumbness, repentance, failure,
the inability to get out,
lone tremor walking hiking
in the wind - the windier, the easier.

And ramming with sneakers, a cute mound,
rejoice and no longer remember her.

They take blood, but it is not taken.
Does Karagez beat with hooves.
Captured Shamil near Gunib surrenders.
The conductor of "edelweiss" leads.

The whole sunset is captured by vomit,
Sleeping "Stolypin" in the steppe dead end.
The nurse says "work"
From the tourniquet to the blue hand.

Elena Pogorelaya analyzes the concept of modern poetic irony at three metalevels: irony “for readers” (on the example of Dmitry Bykov- the shortcomings of his characteristic method are also noted), “for himself” (about the “idolized” “Arion” circle Oleg Chukhontsev; review of him is filled with the greatest understanding); "for your circle" (for example Linor Goralik- whose appearance

somewhat unexpected. Against the backdrop of controversy Burnt and Dmitry Kuzmin, who had just published Goralik's book being parsed by Pogorelaya, expected more skepticism. The moderate tone of the review is either a demonstration by the author of the breadth of aesthetic views, or the movement of the magazine, which is rather aesthetically unidirectional, towards greater liberalization. But the review of Goralik, of course, is the most critical of those presented). On Facebook, however, a discussion unfolded not so much about the content of the article, but about one of its controversial formulations - about Sergey Kuznetsov, “developing the theme of the attractiveness of sadistic practices, which is not particularly popular in Russian literature”(which Kuznetsov himself denies in the corresponding thread).

For comparison - the opposite review of the same book by Goralik

in October",

written Lev Oborin(obviously, by that very representative of "his own circle", who prefers the philological method of perceiving the text as a given - to the evaluative-critical one). Let's compare research methods on the example of characteristic phrases. Burnt: “... sorry for a few really strong poems<…>in which a depressing ironic degree distinctly clogs the tragic beginning". Oborin: "... Goralik's poems deal with such material that denies the right to exist to ordinary human emotions." Moreover, if Pogorelaya focuses on “perception by one’s own” (and exaggerates a little - since it is impossible to conclude with accuracy how rational such intentions of the poet are), then Oborin writes about the “timeless” and “all-time” in the nature of Goralikov’s folklore.

In the 6th "New World"

pay attention to the lyrics Lyubov Kolesnik. In this selection of Kolesnik, who knows how to work in different styles, the plant becomes a through metaphor for existence, speaking at the level of rethinking idioms ( “I know for sure: it will be closer to paradise / not the one who made the plan for the buildings, / not he, not me, not labor going to May, / but white steam flying to heaven”) and fastening the collection with topographic unity. One of the unconditional advantages of Kolesnik's poetry is the rethinking of the stereotypical idea of ​​the heroine of "female lyrics" and the creation of the image of a strong woman in new for modern poetry, "worker-factory" coordinates. The uniqueness of Kolesnik as an author's project lies in a kind of attempt to build the image of a "boy-woman of the 21st century" on biographically visible and artistically rethought principles. At the best moments of the selection, this self-identification passes to the level of slogan intonation - referring to itself and thereby eliminating the reproach for didactics, however, touching on the universal foundations of existence:

... do not listen to the mournful muse,
do not work yourself into the shops,
and continuous activity
toss it to hell.

Don't slouch and don't slouch
the essence is not to be exchanged for copper.
Look at the larch, the street
and not rust. And don't rust.

Among the other materials of the issue that deserve attention: translations of Shakespeare, made with his preface (translation of the first part of the collection of love lyrics "Pilgrim in Love" published in 1599 in London); essays Konstantin Balmont"Letters from France" (six texts published by him in 1926-1928 in the Riga newspaper "Today" about life in exile; publication and preface Alexandra Romanova); bookshelf Vladimir Korkunov(including books about Oleg Lekmanov about Mandelstam, books about Vasily Grossman and Nikolai Erdman, etc.); study Oleg Lekmanov and Mikhail Sverdlov"For whom did Valentina die?" about the poem Eduard Bagritsky"The Death of a Pioneer", already called by reviewers "literary detective story.

By the way, about "detectives" in literary criticism. Thanks to the review Yulia Podlubnova learned about the review Nikolai Bogomolov in

"New Literary Review"

for publication Evgenia Reina about Anna Akhmatova in "Literary newspaper". Bogomolov's analysis seems convincing, in contrast to Rhine's review, which is replete with factual distortions. “But here, after all, we have before us not a helpless presentation of a long-standing conversation, but a look from the present day, when the whole complexity of Akhmatova is gradually revealed. And what kind of complexity can we talk about if even the most elementary things are confused in order to confuse the reader as if on purpose. And who wrote all this? Don't ask. The person whose signature is under the note could not write such a thing. Even if we assume that he confused something, then after all, the editorial office of the newspaper exists to check and, after agreeing with the author, correct it. Or not to print such insulting lines for the memory of the poet. After reading the review, I thought with some horror: how many similar publications are around, published due to editorial dishonesty (and sometimes backed up by an authoritative name, supposedly allowing for the possibility of editorial misreading). It is unlikely that there will be so many literary scholars for everyone - especially given the disproportionate circulation of magazines such as UFO and the modern yellow press. However, the truth is dearer to us.

In "Jerusalem Journal"

Marina Kudimova analyzes the history of just the same "yellow" Russian and foreign journalism. “In vain they told us that the “yellow” bourgeois press did not spend the night in the expanses of the USSR. The given example completely refutes this fact, but it can serve as the basis for a dissertation on the topic "Expansion of the functions of journalism in the era of mass culture." The slogan "Information is our profession" with the advent of tabloid publications began to rapidly become obsolete. The boulevard lives not with information, but with gossip and speculation. The note “I got hit by a horse”, which its hero, Ostap Bender, so remarkably took advantage of, was also published not in Playboy, but in a Soviet newspaper ... "

Another issue of the Brussels

"Emigrant lyre"

. In the room, as always, a lot of interesting things - favorites Gennady Kanevsky from different books (a kind of digest of his book "Seance", published in the fall of 2016 in the young publishing house "Ivan-Chai"), a block of materials about Sasha Sokolov(a selection of his poems and essays about him Gennady Katsov), monitoring of poetic novelties and a review of the festivals of recent months, a selection of reviews from Daniel Chkonia, archival conversations Alexander Radashkevich with the oldest Russian journalist, poet and memoirist Kirill Dmitrievich Pomerantsev(1906-1991). But the face of the journal is still defined by reviews of foreign poetry - in this sense, the "Emigrant Lyre" is unique. This time "lucky" Canada: article Marina Sherkina-Liber about Russian poetry in Canada and a large selection of Canadian poetry in translation Alexandra Shika, Semyon Safro and Alina Iohvidova, participants in a literary translation workshop at the Amazing Cat Center for the Arts in Toronto.

in addition to other interesting materials (the story of the speech Yunna Moritz in Chelyabinsk, poetry Evgenia Izvarina, Yuri Kazarin, Yulia Kokoshko etc.), presents an interview Roman Senchina who moved to Yekaterinburg. The conversation is curious, including the forecasts of the writer, who distanced himself from the bustle of the metropolis, about his work: “In Moscow, I wrote mainly on irritation. There was an almost continuous itch from what he saw, from the whirlwind that reigns there around the clock, and this itch could only be quelled by sitting down at the table and writing. Whether it is about Moscow, about the Siberian countryside, an article about modern prose or about Derzhavin is not so important. In Yekaterinburg, the atmosphere is much calmer. I don’t feel much itching, but I don’t feel a lulling peace either. Maybe in the new city my prose will change, its palette will brighten up, which many consider hopelessly dark. Don't know. It cannot be done by force of will. Therefore, I will say a banal, but, in my opinion, a very accurate word: we'll see.

"Children of Ra"

announces book release Evgeniya Stepanova about Tatyana Beck(1949-2005), - not only a remarkable poet, but also a literary institute teacher who supported many now famous poets at an early stage. The next issue of the magazine presents an interview about her poet Sergei Arutyunov, a former student of the Beck seminar at the Literary Institute, and now a teacher. In the conversation, there are many extremely honest testimonies about Beck's attitude to the mastery of verse. “Incorrectness, infidelity, distortion, up to a secret vice, harmless mania - everything leading to insight and, consequently, self-awareness, was deified, like beggars and homeless people rummaging through garbage cans. In them she saw street prophets, elders capable of uttering unexpected truths. And she herself, until her late years, continued to look for - teachers, yearning for parental warmth and not being able to get along with anyone, despite the alternation of solitude and torn apart by social needs. Most of all, I was taught the attitude to poetic mastery by her principles, which she herself observed to the best of her ability - an immensely responsible attitude towards the text as a person who is born, weak, cries out and who, therefore, must certainly be helped.. We are waiting for the book - since it is dedicated to one of the poets that are fundamental for your browser, therefore it will be impossible not to respond.


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