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Hot rolled structural steel has long been used in construction abroad and in Russia, due to its wide range of advantages. From hot-rolled elements, it is possible to build an economical building with the desired characteristics in a short time. Hot rolled structural metal available in a variety of cross shapes, steel grades and quality levels to meet any project requirement, even on a limited budget.

Scope of different products of hot rolled structural steel

Various shapes and cross-sectional dimensions of elements made of hot-rolled structural steel allow them to effectively withstand high horizontal and vertical loads. Due to the lower weight than the concrete structure, steel frame suitable for a wide range of structures such as high-rise buildings, stadiums, power pylons and residential buildings.

Square rods, which can be ordered on the SK Metall website, are suitable for the construction of load-bearing columns and roof structures. I-beams with thick flange edges have high impact absorption efficiency. They are suitable for the construction of industrial workshops. Corners, L-shaped beams, are ideal for constructing strong roof structures, as well as power or radio transmission poles. Channels that have a C-shaped cross section are used as a support structure for stairs or external support beams.

Advantages of hot rolled structural steel

Hot rolled steel parts offer numerous benefits to the construction industry:

  • structural steel significantly reduces construction time, which helps to reduce the cost of contractors;
  • steel elements are made off site and require a minimum of labor during the construction of the building;
  • structural steel allows you to build more spacious rooms, since its strength characteristics allow you to install fewer load-bearing pillars than when using concrete or brick;
  • steel offer a wider choice of complex architectural elements, such as curves, sharp or obtuse corners;
  • structural steel frames provide maximum strength and better absorption of seismic shocks and vibrations than other materials;
  • structural steel structures easy to maintain, strength test, control and maintain compared to other types of structures.

With uncut edge should not exceed +20 mm.

Limit deviations along the length of sheet metal:

rolled sheets, must not exceed:

  • +10 mm - for sheets up to 1500 mm long;
  • +15 mm - with the length of sheets St. 1500 mm.
  • On continuous mills and cut into sheets, must not exceed:

  • +15 mm - for sheets up to 1500 mm long;
  • +10 mm - at the request of the consumer;
  • +20 mm - for sheet lengths over 1500 to 3000 mm;
  • +25 mm - for sheet lengths over 3000 mm.

  • At the request of the consumer, sheet metal is produced with the following maximum deviations in length:

  • +5 mm - for sheets up to 1500 mm long;
  • +6 mm - with the length of the sheets St. 1500 to 2000 mm;
  • +10 mm - with the length of sheets St. 2000 to 3000 mm;
  • +20 mm - with the length of sheets St. 3000 mm.

  • Rolled products supplied in sheets with a cut edge must be cut at a right angle. The oblique cut and crescent should not lead the sheets beyond the nominal size.

    Weight per square meter of sheet (GOST 19903-74 and 19904-90)

    Thickness S, mmWeight 1m 2 sheets, kg Thickness S, mmWeight 1m 2 sheets, kg
    0,5 3,925 20,0 157,000
    0,6 4,710 22,0 172,700
    0,7 5,495 25,0 196,250
    0,8 6,280 30,0 235,500
    0,9 7,065 35,0 274,750
    1,0 7,850 40,0 314,000
    1,2 9,420 45,0 353,250
    1,4 10,990 50,0 392,500
    1,5 11,775 55,0 431,750
    1,7 13,345 60,0 471,000
    1,8 14,130 65,0 510,250
    1,9 14,915 70,0 549,500
    2,0 15,700 75,0 588,750
    2,5 19,625 80,0 628,000
    3,0 23,550 90,0 706,500
    3,5 27,475 100,0 785,000
    4,0 31,400 110,0 863,500
    5,0 39,250 120,0 942,000
    6,0 47,100 130,0 1020,500
    7,0 54,950 140,0 1099,000
    8,0 62,800 150,0 1177,500
    9,0 70,650 160,0 1256,000
    10,0 78,500 170,0 1334,500
    12,0 94,200 180,0 1413,000
    14,0 109,900 190,0 1491,500
    16,0 125,600 200,0 1570,000
    18,0 141,300

    Rolled plate from carbon steel ordinary quality.

    Rolled products are made in the form of sheets and coils of steel grades St0, St2kp, St2ps, St2sp, St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp, St4ps, St4sp, St5ps, St5sp, St5Gps according to GOST 380.

    Depending on the normalized characteristics, rolled products are divided into categories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

    Categorysteel grade
    1 St0, St2kp, St2ps, St2sp, St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St5ps, St5sp, St5Gps
    2 St2kp, St2ps, St2sp, St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3ps, St3sp, St5Gps
    3 St3kp, St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp, St4ps, St4sp
    4 St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp
    5 St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp
    6 St3ps, St3sp, St3Gps, St3Gsp

    Rolled products of categories 1 - 5 are produced in a hot-rolled condition, category 6 - in a hardened condition. To ensure the required properties of rolled products of all categories, heat treatment can be used. It is allowed to manufacture rolled products of categories 1 - 5 in a state strengthened from rolling heating or after controlled rolling.

    Rolled thin-sheet carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes.

    Thin-sheet hot-rolled and cold-rolled carbon steel of high quality and ordinary quality for general purposes, manufactured with a width of 500 mm or more, with a thickness of up to 3.9 mm inclusive. Rental is divided into:

    1. by production method: hot-rolled, cold-rolled;

    2. by types of products: sheets, rolls;

    3. according to the minimum value of tensile strength (B) into strength groups: K260V, K270V, OK300V, K310V, K330V, K350V, OK360V, OK370V (for the production of welded cylinders for liquefied hydrocarbon gases at pressures up to 1.6 MPa), K390V, OK400V, K490V ;

    4. according to the normalized characteristics into categories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

    5. by the quality of the surface finish into groups:

    cold rolled:

  • especially high finish - I (at the request of the consumer),
  • high finish - II,
  • high finish - III (IlIa, III6);
  • hot rolled:

  • high finish -- III,
  • normal finishes - IV;
  • 6. according to the ability to draw (cold-rolled steel with a thickness of up to 2 mm, strength groups: K260V, K270V, K310V, K330V, K350V):

  • deep - G,
  • normal - N.
  • In terms of assortment, rolled products must comply with the requirements of GOST 19903 (hot-rolled), GOST 19904 (cold-rolled).

    BK260 VK270 VK310 VK330 VK350 VK390 VK490
    Strength groupSteel gradesMass fraction of elements and limit deviations, %
    08kp, 08ps, 08, 10kp, 10ps, 1015kp, 15ps15, 20kp, 20ps, 2025, 3035, 40, 45, 50According to GOST 1050, for rolled steel grades 08kp and 08ps, the lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon and silicon is not limited.
    VOK300 VOK360 VOK370 VOK400St1, St2 (all deoxidation steps) St3 (all deoxidation steps) St3ps, St3spSt4 (all deoxidation steps) St5ps, St5spAccording to GOST 380, the mass fraction of chromium, nickel and copper is normalized at the request of the consumer.
    The lower limit of the mass fraction of carbon is not limited.
    For rolled steel with grade numbers 3, 4, 5 (all degrees of deoxidation), a decrease in the mass fraction of manganese by 0.10% is allowed.
    When deoxidizing semi-quiet steel with aluminum, titanium or other deoxidizers that do not contain silicon, as well as several deoxidizers (ferrosilicon and aluminum, ferrosilicon and titanium, etc.).
    The mass fraction of silicon in steel is allowed to be less than 0.05%.
    Wherein mass fraction aluminum is allowed up to 0.07%.
    Deoxidation with titanium, aluminum and other silicon-free deoxidizers is indicated in the quality document.

    Comparing two identical samples of steel obtained different ways, it is impossible to say unambiguously which one is better. But taking into account the specifics of the use of metal products (whether it be a sheet or a rod), in each specific case it should be understood what properties the alloy acquires during one or another rolling of blanks (“slabs”). This is necessary not only in order to make the best choice and not overpay for products (especially if a large batch is being purchased).

    Sometimes the difference between hot-rolled and cold-rolled products is fundamental.

    The information presented in this article will be of interest to the average consumer and will definitely help to make the right decision. But it is also useful for a professional to familiarize himself with the proposed material, since it is always useful to periodically refresh his memory.

    The main difference in the methods of rolling is in the temperature at which the workpieces are processed. When hot, it exceeds 920 ºC (1700 ºF). Cold rolling is carried out in a more gentle mode, and the temperature is significantly lower than the value (sometimes at room level) at which a particular metal (alloy) recrystallizes.


    Recrystallization is a process in which equiaxed grains (granules) are formed and grow. Occurs with a significant increase in temperature and changes the structure of the material, which acquires other properties.

    Rental Features


    • Metal (alloy) is easier to process, therefore, with this rolling method, thinner sheets or a smaller section bar can be obtained.
    • For the manufacture of products by hot rolling, low-grade, cheaper steel is mainly used.
    • There is a need for further processing of products, as they are often covered with scale.
    • The geometry of hot-rolled specimens does not differ in severity (for example, unevenness at the corners of sheets, uneven thickness), since it is impossible to accurately calculate the limits of deformation during metal cooling.

    Calculation of the mass of hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets according to GOST 19903-90, 19904-90:

    • Reinforcing (reinforcing).
    • Bearing (foundation).


    • This method of rolling allows you to accurately maintain the specified dimensions of the products.
    • The surface of the resulting samples is smoother, even, so their subsequent processing is minimized (and sometimes not required at all).
    • Cold-rolled metal becomes harder and stronger (for bending, stretching, tearing) with a uniform structure over the entire area.
    • Goes into production.
    • More high quality cold-rolled steel increases its cost.


    If in the first place is the cost of rental, then preference should be given to hot. When is the determining factor appearance, strength, quality, then cold-rolled samples should be purchased.

    The price of hot-rolled coils in Magnitogorsk

    It is easiest to buy hot-rolled steel in coils in Magnitogorsk at a low price at SteelTrading.

    Delivery from the warehouse of all types of hot-rolled steel in coils and sale of coils in Magnitogorsk:

    • with thickness from 1.5 mm to 16 mm and width from 500 mm to 2300 mm
    • inner diameters of rolls: 750 mm, 840 mm, 850 mm
    • weight of rolls up to 30 tons

    Availability of hot-rolled sheet in coils in the company's warehouse can be found in the "Warehouse" section. Hot-rolled coils can be supplied to order with appropriate dimensions and weights.

    Achieved low price for hot rolled coils the fact that SteelTrading is a permanent partner of MMK. It should be noted that at the moment, the plant is the domestic leader in the production of hot-rolled steel in sheets and coils. SteelTrading has both stocks of hot-rolled steel coils. Warehouses are equipped with access railroad tracks. In addition, the company has a reserve at the facilities of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works.

    Each coil of hot-rolled steel delivered to the SteelTrading warehouse must have a quality certificate.

    Hot rolled coil

    • Steel thickness - from 1.5 to 16 mm
    • Roll width - from 750 mm to 850 mm
    • Roll weight - up to 30 tons
    • Standards for coil rolling: GOST 16523, GOST 14637, GOST 1517, GOST 17066, etc. (for details, see the table below)

    The application and use of hot-rolled coils is so wide that it will be extremely difficult to cover all areas in one article, however, we will list the main ones. Hot-rolled rolls used in construction, mechanical engineering for the manufacture of various parts, in subsequent metalworking in order to obtain a cold-rolled sheet or coated sheet:

    • construction of non-residential buildings and industrial facilities
    • mass construction of housing and individual;
    • production of industrial equipment.

    Hot-rolled rolls: standards, dimensions, scope

    Hot rolled sheet rolling mills:

    Inner diameter of hot-rolled coil by mill:

    • mill "2000" - 850 mm.
    • mill "2500" - 850 mm.
    • APR LPTs No. 7 - 750mm and 840mm.

    It is important to note that the edge of hot-rolled coils produced by mills "2000" and "2500" is unedged (rolled).

    Rolls with a cut edge are produced by APR LPTs No. 7.

    Weight of supplied rolls:

    • Mill "2000" - weighing 9-30 tons
    • Mill "2500" - weighing 9-22 tons
    • APR LPTS No. 7 - weighing up to 15 tons.

    Rolls are marked with tags (paper or metal)

    hot rolled coil standard Dimensions, mm steel grade
    general purpose GOST 16523 from 4 mm St0, St1-St3(kp, ps, cn), 08-20(cp, ps, cn), 25
    GOST 14637 from 4 mm St0, St2-St5 (any degree of deoxidation)
    General and special purpose GOST 1577 08-20(cp, ps, jn), 25
    GOST 17066 from 4 mm 09G2, 09G2S, 17GS
    GOST 19281 from 4 mm 09G2, 09G2S, 17GS, 17G1S
    TU 14-1-2471 8 - 14 x 1000-1800 20
    TU 14-1-2660 1.5-7.0 x 100-1100 08-20 (kp, ps, jn)
    TU 14-1-3579 1.5-10 x 300-1700
    TU 14-1-4598 6-11 x 1400-1800 22GU
    TU 14-1-5407 5-16 x 1050-1800 09GSF, 13GS, 13G1S-U, 17G1S, 17G1S-U, 17G1SA, 17G1SA-U, 10GFBYU, 10G2FB
    TU 14-1-5441 6-16 x 1050-1800 05G1B
    TU 14-101-525 5-10 x 1010-1720 09GSF
    TU 14-106-502 2-14 x 1250-1700 17GS, 17G1S, 22GU
    STO MMK 216 10-16 x 1050 - 1800 10G2FBY
    STO MMK 220 6-10 x 1010-1720 09FSB
    STO MMK 333 1.5-8.0 x 39-900 St1-St3(kp, ps, sp), 08-20(kp, ps, sp)
    TP 14-101-453 10-16 x 1050-1800 05G1B
    TU 14-101-458 8-9 x 1250 06GFBAA
    For further transition TU 14-1-4516 2-8 x 100-1700 08-20(kp, ps, jn), 08Yu
    For cold stamping of car parts TU 14-1-5262 2-6 x 160-480 07GBYu
    For the production of dynamic steel TP 14-101-330 2-3 x 1000-1100 0202-0211, 0202P, 0203P
    For the production of transformer steel TP 14-101-382 2.2-2.8 x 860-1110 0400D-0406D
    For the production of relay steel TP 14-101-396 2-4 x 1000-1250 0200
    For cladding TU 14-1-628 2.5-6.0 x 240-350 11kp, 11YuA
    STP 14-101-184 3-8 x 220-330 18SA
    TP 14-101-432 5 x 280, 320, 360 08kp-U
    For welded, riveted and bolted structures STP 14-101-209 1.8-12.5 x 1000-1830 S235(JR, JRG2, J0, J2G4), S275(JR, J0, J2G4), S355(JR, J0, J2G4, K2G4) to EN 10025
    For punching and drawing STO MMK 210 1.5-12.0 x 900-1830 SPHC, SPHD, SPHE(up to 6mm) per JIS G 3131
    For further transition STP 14-101-238 1.5-8.0 x 900-1830 DD11, DD12, DD13, DD14 according to EN 10111
    For the production of welded pipes STO MMK 242 1.5-12.7 x 900-1830 A25, A, B, X42, X46, X52, X56, X60, X65 to API 5L
    For welded, riveted and bolted structures STO MMK 344 1.8-12.5 x 900-1830 St37-2, RSt37-2, St44-2, St44-3, St52-3 according to DIN 17100
    For welded, riveted and bolted structures STO MMK 350 1.5-12.5 x 900-1830 SS330, SS400-1, SS400-2 per JIS G 3101; A36-1, A36-2 per ASTM A36/A36M
    general purpose STO MMK 352 SAE1006, SAE 1008, SAE 1009, SAE1010, SAE1012, SAE1015, SAE1017, SAE1019, SAE1020, SAE1021, SAE1022, SAE1023, SAE1025 per ASTM A568/A568M and ASTM A635/A635M
    For building purposes STO MMK 364 1.5-4.5 x 900-1829
    4.6-6.0 x 900-1219
    Gr.30, Gr.33, Gr.36, Gr.40, Gr.45, Gr.50, Gr.55 per ASTM A570/A570M
    For the production of welded pipes STO MMK 365 1.5-8.0 x 900-1830 SPHT1, SPHT2, SPHT3 per JIS G 3132
    For further transition STO MMK 371 1.5-8.0 x 900-1830 St22, RRSt23, St24 according to DIN 1614
    TP 14-101-343 1.5-8.0 x 750-1829 08Yu, 08ps, a326, a327
    For the manufacture of products by stamping, bending, welding TU 14-101-362 2-10 x 1219-1685 A569 per ASTM A569/A569M
    For general and construction purposes TP 14-101-376 4-12 x 1020-1829 300W according to CAN/CSA-G40.21-M92
    OOO METALLOBAZA Article All news Features of hot rolled steel As a rule, steel sheets of various sizes are the basis for the manufacture of all kinds of finishing materials, be it lining, corrugated board, steel tiles and much more, which is perfect for exterior decoration of any buildings and structures. Also from similar steels

    Features of hot rolled steel

    As a rule, steel sheets of various sizes are the basis for the manufacture of various finishing materials, whether it be wall paneling, corrugated board, steel tiles and much more, which is perfect for exterior decoration of any buildings and structures. Also, from such steel sheets, an end plate for roofing, slopes, ebbs, visors, and so on can be made.

    For the manufacture of such products, hot-rolled steel is quite well suited, which is manufactured by the metal-rolling industry in various specified shapes and sizes. Steel, heated to a certain temperature, goes through a number of physical deformations, which are carried out on specialized equipment, resulting in a hot-rolled sheet of a given thickness. Such hot-rolled steel sheets have several parameters: rolling accuracy, sheet edge characteristic, and sheet plane characteristic. All these parameters are extremely important and are primarily responsible for the quality of products and show the perfection of production technology, thanks to which it becomes possible to buy hot-rolled sheets of the highest quality. The equipment on which rolled metal products are manufactured, including the flat flange, is a high-tech machines and units that operate in a semi-automatic mode and guarantee the high quality of the manufactured products.

    However, hot-rolled steel needs special protective coatings that can protect the metal structure from destructive corrosive effects. One of the main protective coatings is zinc. A thin layer of zinc is applied to the surface of the steel sheets, providing excellent rust protection and endowing the hot rolled sheet with a long service life. In addition, a variety of coloring compositions can be effectively applied, which not only have good protective properties, but also give the steel sheets an aesthetic appearance. End strip for roofing, corrugated sheet and other rolled metal products can also have similar protective coatings.

    You can buy a hot-rolled sheet both directly from the manufacturing plant, and in many specialized stores that offer a wide range of steel sheets of various sizes, both wholesale and retail. Rolling metallurgy can also produce other types of products, be it a flat flange, couplings, metal pipes, fittings, building beams and much more.


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