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System for the development and production of products


System of products development and launching into manufacture.
Products of industrial and technical design


Introduction date01.03.89

This standard establishes the main provisions for the development and production of new (modernized) national economic products for industrial purposes.

The provisions of this standard are provided by the customer (main consumer), developer and manufacturer during the creation and development of products. Disagreements between them on the application of the standard are resolved by the State Standard of the USSR upon their submission.


1.1. Products to be developed and put into production must meet the requirements of the customer and ensure the possibility of its effective use by the consumer and (or) the possibility of export. Requirements for the technical level of products are established taking into account the requirements provided for in legislative and other regulatory acts.

1.2. Product development is carried out under an agreement with the customer or at the initiative of the developer. Product development can be carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the regulation on it.

The results of development as a type of scientific and technical product are transferred to the customer or, at his direction, to the manufacturer for the production of industrial products.

1.3. The functions of the customer provided for by this standard can be performed by a state, cooperative or social organization(company):

1) the consumer to whom the ordered products will be supplied;

2) an organization entrusted with representing the interests of consumers (a ministry, department or an organization indicated by them, a foreign trade organization, etc.);

3) a manufacturer who plans to produce products according to the documentation ordered by him;

4) the developer of the final product in relation to the developer of materials and components.

The customer must in all cases be guided by the interests of consumers.

With initiative development, the interests of the consumer are expressed by the main consumer. The main consumer, if it is not installed for this type of product, is determined by the developer.

1.4. The developer, based on the initial requirements of the customer, the study of demand, conditions of use, development trends and the existing scientific and technical background, conducts the necessary research, development and technological work, including patent research, functional cost analysis, modeling, artistic design and other progressive production methods. In this case, one should be guided by normative-technical and other documents that set the values ​​of indicators that determine the technical level of products, the requirements for resistance to external influences, interchangeability and compatibility. constituent parts and products in general, safety, health and nature protection.

1.5. The development and production of products in the general case provides for:

1) development of terms of reference;

2) development of technical and regulatory technical documentation;

3) production and testing of product samples;

4) acceptance of development results;

5) preparation and development of production.

Selected from specified works can be combined, as well as change their sequence and supplement with other works, depending on the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

The development and putting into production of measuring instruments is carried out taking into account the requirements State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements.


2.1. The terms of reference is the main source document for product development. It should contain technical and economic requirements for products that determine their consumer properties and efficiency of use, a list of documents requiring joint consideration, the procedure for submitting and accepting development results. If necessary, the terms of reference may also contain requirements for the preparation and development of production.

The specific content of the terms of reference is determined by the customer and the developer, and in case of initiative development - by the developer.

It is not allowed to include in the terms of reference requirements that contradict the requirements of the standards and normative documents bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection.

If the customer has individual requirements to the developed products that differ from the requirements of the standards, but do not reduce the effectiveness of the use of products under the specified conditions, he should obtain the conclusion of the State Standard of the USSR on the possibility of developing and manufacturing these products.

2.2. The terms of reference are developed and approved in the manner established by the customer and the developer.

In case of initiative development, the need, the procedure for developing and approving the terms of reference is determined by the product developer.

Other interested organizations (enterprises) may be involved in the development of the terms of reference: manufacturer, head organization by type of product, foreign trade organization, design organization, assembly organization and etc.

2.3. In order to confirm certain requirements for products, including safety, health and environmental requirements, as well as to assess the technical level of products, the terms of reference may be sent by the developer or customer for conclusion to third-party organizations. The decision on the received conclusions is made by the developer and the customer before the approval of the terms of reference.

2.4. It is also allowed to use as a technical task any document (contract, protocol, sketch, etc.) containing the necessary and sufficient requirements for development and recognized by the customer and developer, as well as a product sample intended for reproduction.

2.5. With the consent of the customer and the developer, changes and additions can be made to the terms of reference*.


3.1. The development of design and technological, as well as, if necessary, software documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established by the ESKD, ESTD, ESPD standards, respectively. At the discretion of the developer, it is allowed to combine or not carry out certain types works of various stages stipulated by the standards specified systems.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

3.2. In the process of developing documentation, the selection and verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of the main consumer properties products, should be carried out during laboratory, bench and other research tests of models, mock-ups, full-scale components of products and experimental samples of products in general under conditions that, as a rule, imitate real conditions exploitation (consumption).

3.3. To confirm the compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and selection the best sample(if there are options) produce prototypes (pilot batches).

It is allowed not to manufacture prototypes for small-scale production, when upgrading or modifying serial (mass) products, as well as when obtaining final products by aggregating from used parts, assemblies, blocks and modules, provided that the results of previous tests and operation are sufficient to assess the properties of the product.

The need to manufacture prototypes (batches) and their number (volume) are indicated in the terms of reference.

Prototypes, as a rule, are not produced when creating a single product.

3.4. Prototypes (pilot batch) or single products (head sample) are subjected to acceptance tests in accordance with applicable standards or standard programs and test procedures related to this species(group) of products. In their absence or insufficient completeness, the tests are carried out according to the program and methodology prepared by the developer and agreed with the customer or approved by the acceptance committee.

With the consent of the customer for acceptance tests, experimental samples can be presented instead of experimental ones.

When a standard-size range of products is put into production, samples are subjected to acceptance tests - typical representatives of the range, which the developer chooses in agreement with the customer (main consumer).

3.5. Acceptance tests are carried out by the developer together with the customer or by the acceptance committee. At the request of the customer or by the decision of the developer, acceptance tests can be entrusted to a specialized testing organization (testing center) or to the manufacturer.

In acceptance tests, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and the authorities exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection are entitled to take part, which must be informed in advance about the upcoming tests.

3.6. The developer based on the requirements of the terms of reference and standards related to this type of product, taking into account the test results in established cases develops a draft normative and technical document for a specific product (technical specifications or standard) or reflects all the requirements for product quality in technical documentation.


4.1. The evaluation of the completed development and the adoption of a decision on the production and (or) use of products (for a single product) is carried out by an acceptance committee, which includes representatives of the customer (main consumer), developer, manufacturer and State acceptance (if any at the developer enterprise). For end products intended for the domestic and foreign markets, the commission includes a representative of the organization responsible for export. If necessary, experts from outside organizations, as well as bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection, may be involved in the work of the commission.

The chairman of the commission is appointed by the customer, and in his absence - the main consumer.

The composition of the commission is formed and approved by the developer.

4.2. For the acceptance committee, the developer submits a technical task, a project specifications or a standard of technical conditions (if their development is provided), design and (or) technological documents requiring joint consideration, test results and other materials confirming the compliance of the developed product with these documents and certifying its technical level and competitiveness. The acceptance committee, as a rule, is also presented with prototype or experimental samples of products, and if their manufacture was not provided, - a prototype or a single product.

4.3. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which it indicates:

1) compliance of the developed (manufactured) products with the specified requirements and recommendations on its production (delivery to the consumer);

2) the results of the assessment of the technical level of products;

4) comments and suggestions for product improvement (if necessary).

The act of the acceptance committee is approved by its chairman.

The approval of the act of the acceptance committee means the completion of the development, the termination of the terms of reference (if it does not apply to further work), the approval of the submitted regulatory, technical and operational documents, as well as permission to manufacture or use products.

In case of a negative assessment of the development results as a whole, the act indicates the directions for further work and the conditions for re-submitting the results or the inexpediency of continuing the work.


5.1. To ensure the readiness of the enterprise for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the involvement, if necessary, of the developer, prepares and masters production.

5.2. Preparation of production, as a rule, begins in parallel with the development of technical documentation and the manufacture, if necessary, of individual components of the product or the product as a whole.

The decision on the possibility of using the technical documentation for the product before its approval and on the preparation of the production of these products is made by the developer and manufacturer.

5.3. The development of production, if it has not been performed earlier, is carried out in the process of manufacturing the installation series of the first industrial batch. At the same time, measures are taken to develop the technology and train personnel for the production of products with stable properties and in a given volume.

To confirm the readiness of production for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the participation of the State acceptance (if available at the manufacturer), checks the completeness technological process, quality and stability of technological operations and conducts qualification tests of samples of the installation series (the first industrial batch).

Qualification tests are also carried out when putting into production products previously mastered at another enterprise or manufactured under license.

The qualification test program is prepared by the manufacturer with the involvement of the developer or the holder of the original technical documentation.

Tests must confirm that the deviations of the main product parameters associated with the production technology do not go beyond the permissible limits and the product deficiencies identified by the acceptance committee have been eliminated. The results of qualification tests are drawn up in a protocol (act).

5.4. The possibility of acceptance and delivery of products during the development of its production is allowed in exceptional cases with the obligatory consent of the consumer.

At the same time, the manufacturer must confirm the compliance of this product with safety, health and environmental requirements.

In case of negative results of qualification tests, the acceptance of products is stopped until the identified deficiencies are eliminated and positive results of repeated tests are obtained. Previously accepted products (including those delivered to the consumer) are modified or replaced by the manufacturer.

5.5. With positive results of qualification tests, the development of production is considered completed, and the manufactured products can be supplied to the customer (consumer) according to the approved documentation.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


O.V. Yaremenko, cand. tech. sciences; A.L. Terkel, cand. tech. sciences; Yu.A. Kiyashev; L.P. Belousova; HELL. Romanov


VC. Zimnik; Yu.V. Kitsis; V.E. Makarov; L.Ya. Marcinovsky; E.E. Petrenko; G.M. Seleznev; B.L. Skvortsov; IN AND. Sukhov; M.S. Sakharov

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards No. 3823 dated November 25, 1988

3. REPLACE GOST 15.001-73













Official edition


UDC 65.012.2:002:006.354 Group Т52


System for the development and production of products



System of product development and launching into manufacture. Products of industrial and technical design

Date of introduction 01.03.89

This standard establishes the main provisions for the development and production of new (modernized) national economic products for industrial purposes.

The provisions of this standard are provided by the customer (main consumer), developer and manufacturer during the creation and development of products. Disagreements between them on the application of the standard are resolved by the State Standard of the USSR upon their submission.


1.1. Products to be developed and put into production must meet the requirements of the customer and ensure the possibility of its effective use by the consumer and (or) the possibility of export. Requirements for the technical level of products are established taking into account the requirements provided for in legislative and other regulatory acts.

1.2. Product development is carried out under an agreement with the customer or at the initiative of the developer. Product development can be carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the regulation on it.

Official edition

Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1989 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 2000

The results of development as a type of scientific and technical product are transferred to the customer or, at his direction, to the manufacturer for the production of industrial products.

1.3 The functions of the customer provided for by this standard can be performed by a state, cooperative or public organization (enterprise):

1) the consumer to whom the ordered products will be supplied;

2) an organization entrusted with representing the interests of consumers (a ministry, department or an organization indicated by them, a foreign trade organization, etc.);

3) a manufacturer who plans to produce products according to the documentation ordered by him;

4) the developer of the final product in relation to the developer of materials and components.

The customer must in all cases be guided by the interests of consumers.

With initiative development, the interests of the consumer are expressed by the main consumer. The main consumer, if it is not installed for this type of product, is determined by the developer.

1.4. The developer, based on the initial requirements of the customer, the study of demand, application conditions, development trends and the existing scientific and technical reserve, conducts the necessary research, development and technological work, including patent research, functional cost analysis, modeling, artistic design and other progressive production methods. At the same time, one should be guided by normative-technical and other documents that establish the values ​​of indicators that determine the technical level of products, the requirements for resistance to external influences, replaceability and compatibility of components and products in general, safety, health and nature protection.

1.5. The development and production of products in the general case provides for:

1) development of terms of reference;

2) development of technical and normative-technical documentation;

3) production and testing of product samples;

4) acceptance of development results;

5) preparation and development of production.

Some of these works can be combined, as well as changed

take their sequence and supplement them with other works, depending on the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

The development and putting into production of measuring instruments is carried out taking into account the requirements of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.


2.1. The terms of reference is the main source document for product development. It should contain technical and economic requirements for products that determine its consumer properties and efficiency of use, a list of documents requiring joint consideration, the procedure for submitting and accepting development results. If necessary, the terms of reference may also contain requirements for the preparation and development of production.

The specific content of the terms of reference is determined by the customer and the developer, and in case of initiative development - by the developer.

It is not allowed to include in the terms of reference requirements that contradict the requirements of the standards and regulatory documents of the bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection.

If the customer has individual requirements for the products being developed, which differ from the requirements of the standards, but do not reduce the efficiency of using the products under the specified conditions, he should obtain a conclusion from the USSR State Standard on the possibility of developing and manufacturing these products.

2.2. The terms of reference are developed and approved in the manner established by the customer and the developer.

In case of initiative development, the need, the procedure for developing and approving the terms of reference is determined by the product developer.

Other interested organizations (enterprises) may be involved in the development of the terms of reference: the manufacturer, the parent organization by type of product, a foreign trade organization, a design organization, an installation organization, etc.

2.3. In order to confirm certain requirements for products, including safety, health and environmental requirements, as well as to assess the technical level of products, the terms of reference may be sent by the developer or customer for conclusion to third-party organizations. Decision based on findings

accepted by the developer and the customer before the approval of the terms of reference.

2.4. It is also allowed to use as a technical task any document (contract, protocol, sketch, etc.) containing the necessary and sufficient requirements for development and recognized by the customer and developer, as well as a product sample intended for reproduction.

2.5. With the consent of the customer and the developer, changes and additions can be made to the terms of reference*.


3.1. The development of design and technological, as well as, if necessary, software documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established by the ESKD, ESTD, ESPD standards, respectively. At the discretion of the developer, it is allowed to combine or not carry out certain types of work at various stages provided for by the standards of these systems.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

3.2. In the process of developing documentation, the selection and verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of the main consumer properties of products should be carried out during laboratory, bench and other research tests of models, mock-ups, full-scale components of products and experimental samples of products in general under conditions that, as a rule, imitate real operating conditions (consumption).

3.3. To confirm the compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and to select the best sample (if available), prototypes (pilot batches) are made.

It is allowed not to manufacture prototypes for small-scale production, when upgrading or modifying serial (mass) products, as well as when obtaining final products by aggregating from used parts, assemblies, blocks and modules, provided that the results of previous tests and operation are sufficient to assess the properties of the product.

The need to manufacture prototypes (batches) and their number (volume) are indicated in the terms of reference.

Prototypes, as a rule, are not produced when creating a single product.

3.4. Prototypes (pilot batch) or single products (head sample) are subjected to acceptance tests in accordance with applicable standards or standard programs and test methods related to this type (group) of products. In their absence or insufficient completeness, the tests are carried out according to the program and methodology prepared by the developer and agreed with the customer or approved by the acceptance committee.

With the consent of the customer for acceptance tests, experimental samples can be presented instead of experimental ones.

When a standard-size range of products is put into production, samples are subjected to acceptance tests - typical representatives of the range, which the developer chooses in agreement with the customer (main consumer).

3.5. Acceptance tests are carried out by the developer together with the customer or by the acceptance committee. At the request of the customer or by the decision of the developer, acceptance tests can be entrusted to a specialized testing organization (testing center) or to the manufacturer.

Tests of prototypes (pilot batches) for compliance with their safety, health and environmental requirements established in the standards and (or) technical specifications are mandatory and are carried out by independent testing laboratories (centers) accredited by the USSR State Standard.

By agreement with the State Standard of the USSR, it is allowed to carry out such tests by other organizations (enterprises).

In acceptance tests, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and the authorities exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection are entitled to take part, which must be informed in advance about the upcoming tests.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 1).

3.6. The developer, based on the requirements of the technical specifications and standards related to this type of product, taking into account the test results in the established cases, develops a draft regulatory and technical document for a specific product (technical specifications or standard) or reflects all the requirements for product quality in the technical documentation.


4.1. The evaluation of the completed development and the adoption of a decision on the production and (or) use of products (for single products) is carried out by an acceptance committee, which includes representatives of the customer (main consumer), developer, manufacturer and State acceptance (if any at the developer enterprise ). For end products intended for the domestic and foreign markets, the commission includes a representative of the organization responsible for export. If necessary, experts from outside organizations, as well as bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection, may be involved in the work of the commission.

The chairman of the commission is appointed by the customer, and in his absence - the main consumer.

The composition of the commission is formed and approved by the developer.

4.2. To the acceptance committee, the developer submits the terms of reference, draft specifications or standard specifications (if their development is provided), design and (or) technological documents that require joint consideration, test results and other materials confirming the compliance of the developed product with these documents and certifying its technical level and competitiveness. The acceptance committee, as a rule, is also presented with prototype or experimental samples of products, and if their manufacture was not provided for, a prototype or a single product.

4.3. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which it indicates:

1) compliance of the developed (manufactured) products with the specified requirements and recommendations on its production (delivery to the consumer);

2) the results of the assessment of the technical level of products;

4) comments and suggestions for product improvement (if necessary).

The act of the acceptance committee is approved by its chairman.

The approval of the act of the acceptance committee means the completion of the development, the termination of the terms of reference (if it does not apply to further work), the approval of the submitted regulatory, technical and operational documents, as well as permission to manufacture or use products.

In case of a negative assessment of the development results as a whole, the act indicates the directions for further work and the conditions for re-submitting the results or the inexpediency of continuing the work.


5.1. To ensure the readiness of the enterprise for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the involvement, if necessary, of the developer, prepares and masters production.

5.2. Preparation of production, as a rule, begins in parallel with the development of technical documentation and the manufacture, if necessary, of individual components of the product or the product as a whole.

The decision on the possibility of using the technical documentation for the product before its approval and on the preparation of the production of these products is made by the developer and manufacturer.

5.3. The development of production, if it has not been performed earlier, is carried out in the process of manufacturing the installation series (the first industrial batch). At the same time, measures are taken to develop the technology and train personnel for the production of products with stable properties in a given volume.

To confirm the readiness of production for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the participation of the State Acceptance (if it is available at the manufacturer), checks the completeness of the technological process, the quality and stability of the technological operations and conducts qualification tests of samples of the installation series (the first industrial batch).

Qualification tests are also carried out when putting into production products previously mastered at another enterprise or manufactured under license.

The qualification test program is prepared by the manufacturer

The developer with the involvement of the developer or the holder of the original technical documentation.

Tests must confirm that the deviations of the main product parameters associated with the production technology do not go beyond the permissible limits and the product deficiencies identified by the acceptance committee have been eliminated. The results of qualification tests are drawn up in a protocol (act).

5.4. The possibility of acceptance and delivery of products during the development of its production is allowed in exceptional cases with the obligatory consent of the consumer.

At the same time, the manufacturer must confirm the compliance of this product with safety, health and environmental requirements.

In case of negative results of qualification tests, the acceptance of products is stopped until the identified deficiencies are eliminated and positive results of repeated tests are obtained. Previously accepted products (including those delivered to the consumer) are modified or replaced by the manufacturer.

5.5. With positive results of qualification tests, the development of production is considered completed, and the manufactured products can be supplied to the customer (consumer) according to the approved documentation.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


O.V. Yaremenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.L. Terkel, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu.A. Kiyashev; L.P. Belousova; HELL. Romanov; VC. Zimnik; Yu.V. Kitsis; V.E. Makarov; L.Ya. Martsinkovsky; E.E. Petrenko; G.M. Seleznev; B.L. Skvortsov; IN AND. Sukhov; M.S. Sakharov

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standardization dated 11/25/88 No. 3823

3. REPLACE GOST 15.001-73

4. EDITION (March 2000) with Amendment No. 1 approved in June 1990 (IUS 9-90)

Editor T.I.Kopysov Technical editor O.N.Vlasova Proofreader T.I.Kononenko Computer proofing by A.N.Zolotareva

Ed. persons. No. 021007 dated 10.08.95. Signed for publication on May 22, 2000. Uel. oven l. 0.70. Uch.-ed. l. 0.53. Add. circulation 109 copies. From 4030. Order. 458.

IPK Publishing house of standards, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. Branch of IPK Publishing house of standards - type. "Moscow printer",

103062, Moscow, Lyalin per., 6.

Gosts and Standards

Recently, compliance with a certain standard in the development of technical documentation has become mandatory for many domestic and foreign companies. In this section, we will lay out the main and highly specialized standards for .

This standard establishes the main provisions for the development and production of new (modernized) national economic products for industrial purposes.
The provisions of this standard are provided by the customer (main consumer), developer and manufacturer during the creation and development of products. Disagreements between them on the application of the standard are resolved by the State Standard of the USSR upon their submission.


1.1. Products to be developed and put into production must meet the requirements of the customer and ensure the possibility of its effective use by the consumer and (or) the possibility of export. Requirements for the technical level of products
are established taking into account the requirements provided for in legislative and other regulatory acts.
1.2. Product development is carried out under an agreement with the customer or on the initiative
developer. Product development can be carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the regulation on it.
The results of development as a type of scientific and technical product are transferred to the customer or, at his direction, to the manufacturer for the production of industrial products.



GOST 15.001-88




System for the development and production of products


System of products development and launching into manufacture.
Products of industrial and technical design


Introduction date 01.03.89

This standard establishes the main provisions for the development and production of new (modernized) national economic products for industrial purposes.

The provisions of this standard are provided by the customer (main consumer), developer and manufacturer during the creation and development of products. Disagreements between them on the application of the standard are resolved by the State Standard of the USSR upon their submission.


1.1. Products to be developed and put into production must meet the requirements of the customer and ensure the possibility of its effective use by the consumer and (or) the possibility of export. Requirements for the technical level of products are established taking into account the requirements provided for in legislative and other regulatory acts.

1.2. Product development is carried out under an agreement with the customer or at the initiative of the developer. Product development can be carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the regulation on it.

The results of development as a type of scientific and technical product are transferred to the customer or, at his direction, to the manufacturer for the production of industrial products.

1.3. The functions of the customer provided for by this standard can be performed by a state, cooperative or public organization (enterprise):

1) the consumer to whom the ordered products will be supplied;

2) an organization entrusted with representing the interests of consumers (a ministry, department or an organization indicated by them, a foreign trade organization, etc.);

3) a manufacturer who plans to produce products according to the documentation ordered by him;

4) the developer of the final product in relation to the developer of materials and components.

The customer must in all cases be guided by the interests of consumers.

With initiative development, the interests of the consumer are expressed by the main consumer. The main consumer, if it is not installed for this type of product, is determined by the developer.

1.4. The developer, based on the initial requirements of the customer, the study of demand, conditions of use, development trends and the existing scientific and technical background, conducts the necessary research, development and technological work, including patent research, functional cost analysis, modeling, artistic design and other progressive production methods. At the same time, one should be guided by normative-technical and other documents that establish the values ​​of indicators that determine the technical level of products, the requirements for resistance to external influences, replaceability and compatibility of components and products in general, safety, health and nature protection.

1.5. The development and production of products in the general case provides for:

1) development of terms of reference;

2) development of technical and normative-technical documentation;

3) production and testing of product samples;

4) acceptance of development results;

5) preparation and development of production.

Some of these works can be combined, as well as change their sequence and supplement with other works, depending on the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

The development and putting into production of measuring instruments is carried out taking into account the requirements of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.


2.1. The terms of reference is the main source document for product development. It should contain technical and economic requirements for products that determine their consumer properties and efficiency of use, a list of documents requiring joint consideration, the procedure for submitting and accepting development results. If necessary, the terms of reference may also contain requirements for the preparation and development of production.

The specific content of the terms of reference is determined by the customer and the developer, and in case of initiative development - by the developer.

It is not allowed to include in the terms of reference requirements that contradict the requirements of the standards and regulatory documents of the bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection.

If the customer has individual requirements for the products being developed, which differ from the requirements of the standards, but do not reduce the efficiency of using the products under the specified conditions, he should obtain a conclusion from the USSR State Standard on the possibility of developing and manufacturing these products.

2.2. The terms of reference are developed and approved in the manner established by the customer and the developer.

In case of initiative development, the need, the procedure for developing and approving the terms of reference is determined by the product developer.

Other interested organizations (enterprises) may be involved in the development of the terms of reference: the manufacturer, the parent organization by type of product, a foreign trade organization, a design organization, an installation organization, etc.

2.3. In order to confirm certain requirements for products, including safety, health and environmental requirements, as well as to assess the technical level of products, the terms of reference may be sent by the developer or customer for conclusion to third-party organizations. The decision on the received conclusions is made by the developer and the customer before the approval of the terms of reference.

2.4. It is also allowed to use as a technical task any document (contract, protocol, sketch, etc.) containing the necessary and sufficient requirements for development and recognized by the customer and developer, as well as a product sample intended for reproduction.

2.5. With the consent of the customer and the developer, changes and additions can be made to the terms of reference*.


3.1. The development of design and technological, as well as, if necessary, software documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established by the ESKD, ESTD, ESPD standards, respectively. At the discretion of the developer, it is allowed to combine or not carry out certain types of work at various stages provided for by the standards of these systems.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

3.2. In the process of developing documentation, the selection and verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of the main consumer properties of products should be carried out during laboratory, bench and other research tests of models, mock-ups, full-scale components of products and experimental samples of products in general under conditions that, as a rule, imitate real operating conditions (consumption).

3.3. To confirm the compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and to select the best sample (if available), prototypes (pilot batches) are made.

It is allowed not to manufacture prototypes for small-scale production, when upgrading or modifying serial (mass) products, as well as when obtaining final products by aggregating from used parts, assemblies, blocks and modules, provided that the results of previous tests and operation are sufficient to assess the properties of the product.

The need to manufacture prototypes (batches) and their number (volume) are indicated in the terms of reference.

Prototypes, as a rule, are not produced when creating a single product.

3.4. Prototypes (pilot batch) or single products (head sample) are subjected to acceptance tests in accordance with applicable standards or standard programs and test methods related to this type (group) of products. In their absence or insufficient completeness, the tests are carried out according to the program and methodology prepared by the developer and agreed with the customer or approved by the acceptance committee.

With the consent of the customer for acceptance tests, experimental samples can be presented instead of experimental ones.

When a standard-size range of products is put into production, samples are subjected to acceptance tests - typical representatives of the range, which the developer chooses in agreement with the customer (main consumer).

3.5. Acceptance tests are carried out by the developer together with the customer or by the acceptance committee. At the request of the customer or by the decision of the developer, acceptance tests can be entrusted to a specialized testing organization (testing center) or to the manufacturer.

In acceptance tests, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and the authorities exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection are entitled to take part, which must be informed in advance about the upcoming tests.

3.6. The developer, based on the requirements of the technical specifications and standards related to this type of product, taking into account the test results in the established cases, develops a draft regulatory and technical document for a specific product (technical specifications or standard) or reflects all the requirements for product quality in the technical documentation.


4.1. The evaluation of the completed development and the adoption of a decision on the production and (or) use of products (for a single product) is carried out by an acceptance committee, which includes representatives of the customer (main consumer), developer, manufacturer and State acceptance (if any at the developer enterprise). For end products intended for the domestic and foreign markets, the commission includes a representative of the organization responsible for export. If necessary, experts from outside organizations, as well as bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection, may be involved in the work of the commission.

The chairman of the commission is appointed by the customer, and in his absence - the main consumer.

The composition of the commission is formed and approved by the developer.

4.2. To the acceptance committee, the developer submits the terms of reference, draft specifications or standard specifications (if their development is provided), design and (or) technological documents that require joint consideration, test results and other materials confirming the compliance of the developed product with these documents and certifying its technical level and competitiveness. The acceptance committee, as a rule, is also presented with prototype or experimental samples of products, and if their manufacture was not provided, - a prototype or a single product.

4.3. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which it indicates:

1) compliance of the developed (manufactured) products with the specified requirements and recommendations on its production (delivery to the consumer);

2) the results of the assessment of the technical level of products;

4) comments and suggestions for product improvement (if necessary).

The act of the acceptance committee is approved by its chairman.

The approval of the act of the acceptance committee means the completion of the development, the termination of the terms of reference (if it does not apply to further work), the approval of the submitted regulatory, technical and operational documents, as well as permission to manufacture or use products.

In case of a negative assessment of the development results as a whole, the act indicates the directions for further work and the conditions for re-submitting the results or the inexpediency of continuing the work.


5.1. To ensure the readiness of the enterprise for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the involvement, if necessary, of the developer, prepares and masters production.

5.2. Preparation of production, as a rule, begins in parallel with the development of technical documentation and the manufacture, if necessary, of individual components of the product or the product as a whole.

The decision on the possibility of using the technical documentation for the product before its approval and on the preparation of the production of these products is made by the developer and manufacturer.

5.3. The development of production, if it has not been performed earlier, is carried out in the process of manufacturing the installation series of the first industrial batch. At the same time, measures are taken to develop the technology and train personnel for the production of products with stable properties and in a given volume.

To confirm the readiness of production for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the participation of the State Acceptance (if it is available at the manufacturer), checks the completeness of the technological process, the quality and stability of the technological operations and conducts qualification tests of samples of the installation series (the first industrial batch).

Qualification tests are also carried out when putting into production products previously mastered at another enterprise or manufactured under license.

The qualification test program is prepared by the manufacturer with the involvement of the developer or the holder of the original technical documentation.

Tests must confirm that the deviations of the main product parameters associated with the production technology do not go beyond the permissible limits and the product deficiencies identified by the acceptance committee have been eliminated. The results of qualification tests are drawn up in a protocol (act).

5.4. The possibility of acceptance and delivery of products during the development of its production is allowed in exceptional cases with the obligatory consent of the consumer.

At the same time, the manufacturer must confirm the compliance of this product with safety, health and environmental requirements.

In case of negative results of qualification tests, the acceptance of products is stopped until the identified deficiencies are eliminated and positive results of repeated tests are obtained. Previously accepted products (including those delivered to the consumer) are modified or replaced by the manufacturer.

5.5. With positive results of qualification tests, the development of production is considered completed, and the manufactured products can be supplied to the customer (consumer) according to the approved documentation.


1 . DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


O.V. Yaremenko, cand. tech. sciences; A.L. Terkel, cand. tech. sciences; Yu.A. Kiyashev; L.P. Belousova; HELL. Romanov


VC. Zimnik; Yu.V. Kitsis; V.E. Makarov; L.Ya. Marcinovsky; E.E. Petrenko; G.M. Seleznev; B.L. Skvortsov; IN AND. Sukhov; M.S. Sakharov

GOST 15.001-88

Group T52




System of product development and launching into manufacture.
Products of industrial and technical design

OKSTU 0015

Introduction date 1989-03-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


O.V.Yaremenko, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.L. Terkel, Ph.D. tech. sciences; Yu.A.Kiyashev; L.P. Belousova; A.D. Romanov; V.K. Zimnik; Yu.V.Kitsis; V.E. Makarov; L.Ya. Martsinkovsky; E.E. Petrenko; G.M. Seleznev; B.L. Skvortsov; V.I. Sukhov; M.S. Sakharov

3. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standardization dated 11/25/88 No. 3823


5. REISSUE (December 1996) with Amendment No. 1 approved in June 1990 (IUS 9-90)

This standard establishes the main provisions for the development and production of new (modernized) national economic products for industrial purposes.

The provisions of this standard are provided by the customer (main consumer), developer and manufacturer during the creation and development of products. Disagreements between them on the application of the standard are resolved by the State Standard of the USSR upon their submission.



1.1. Products to be developed and put into production must meet the requirements of the customer and ensure the possibility of its effective use by the consumer and (or) the possibility of export. Requirements for the technical level of products are established taking into account the requirements provided for in legislative and other regulatory acts.

1.2. Product development is carried out under an agreement with the customer or at the initiative of the developer. Product development can be carried out on a competitive basis in accordance with the regulation on it.

The results of development as a type of scientific and technical product are transferred to the customer or, at his direction, to the manufacturer for the production of industrial products.

1.3. The functions of the customer provided for by this standard can be performed by a state, cooperative or public organization (enterprise):

1) the consumer to whom the ordered products will be supplied;

2) an organization entrusted with representing the interests of consumers (a ministry, department or an organization indicated by them, a foreign trade organization, etc.);

3) a manufacturer who plans to produce products according to the documentation ordered by him;

4) the developer of the final product in relation to the developer of materials and components.

The customer must in all cases be guided by the interests of consumers.

With initiative development, the interests of the consumer are expressed by the main consumer. The main consumer, if it is not installed for this type of product, is determined by the developer.

1.4. The developer, based on the initial requirements of the customer, the study of demand, application conditions, development trends and the existing scientific and technical reserve, conducts the necessary research, development and technological work, including patent research, functional cost analysis, modeling, artistic design and other progressive production methods. At the same time, one should be guided by normative-technical and other documents that establish the values ​​of indicators that determine the technical level of products, the requirements for resistance to external influences, replaceability and compatibility of components and products in general, safety, health and nature protection.

1.5. The development and production of products in the general case provides for:

1) development of terms of reference;

2) development of technical and normative-technical documentation;

3) production and testing of product samples;

4) acceptance of development results;

5) preparation and development of production.

Some of these works can be combined, as well as change their sequence and supplement with other works, depending on the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

The development and putting into production of measuring instruments is carried out taking into account the requirements of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements.


2.1. The terms of reference is the main source document for product development. It should contain technical and economic requirements for products that determine its consumer properties and efficiency of use, a list of documents requiring joint consideration, the procedure for submitting and accepting development results. If necessary, the terms of reference may also contain requirements for the preparation and development of production.

The specific content of the terms of reference is determined by the customer and the developer, and in case of initiative development - by the developer.

It is not allowed to include in the terms of reference requirements that contradict the requirements of the standards and regulatory documents of the bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection.

If the customer has individual requirements for the products being developed, which differ from the requirements of the standards, but do not reduce the efficiency of using the products under the specified conditions, he should obtain a conclusion from the USSR State Standard on the possibility of developing and manufacturing these products.

2.2. The terms of reference are developed and approved in the manner established by the customer and the developer.

In case of initiative development, the need, the procedure for developing and approving the terms of reference is determined by the product developer.

Other interested organizations (enterprises) may be involved in the development of the terms of reference: the manufacturer, the parent organization by type of product, a foreign trade organization, a design organization, an installation organization, etc.

2.1. In order to confirm certain requirements for products, including safety, health and environmental requirements, as well as to assess the technical level of products, the terms of reference may be sent by the developer or customer for conclusion to third-party organizations. The decision on the received conclusions is made by the developer and the customer before the approval of the terms of reference.

2.4. It is also allowed to use as a technical task any document (contract, protocol, sketch, etc.) containing the necessary and sufficient requirements for development and recognized by the customer and developer, as well as a product sample intended for reproduction.

2.5. With the consent of the customer and the developer, changes and additions can be made to the terms of reference*.
* Hereinafter, the terms of reference should also be understood as a document replacing it.


3.1. The development of design and technological, as well as, if necessary, software documentation for products is carried out according to the rules established by the ESKD, ESTD, ESPD standards, respectively. At the discretion of the developer, it is allowed to combine or not carry out certain types of work at various stages provided for by the standards of these systems.

The rules for the development of technical documentation for materials and substances are established by the developer, taking into account the specifics of the product and the organization of its production.

3.2. In the process of developing documentation, the selection and verification of new technical solutions that ensure the achievement of the main consumer properties of products should be carried out during laboratory, bench and other research tests of models, mock-ups, full-scale components of products and experimental samples of products in general under conditions that, as a rule, imitate real operating conditions (consumption).

The scope and content of tests necessary to prevent the production of unfinished, insufficiently reliable products is determined by the developer, taking into account the novelty, complexity, features of production and use of products.

3.3. To confirm the compliance of the developed technical documentation with the initial requirements and to select the best sample (if available), prototypes (pilot batches) are made.

It is allowed not to manufacture prototypes for small-scale production, when upgrading or modifying serial (mass) products, as well as when obtaining final products by aggregating from used parts, assemblies, blocks and modules, provided that the results of previous tests and operation are sufficient to assess the properties of the product.

The need to manufacture prototypes (batches) and their number (volume) are indicated in the terms of reference.

Prototypes, as a rule, are not produced when creating a single product.

3.4. Prototypes (pilot batch) or single products (head sample) are subjected to acceptance tests in accordance with applicable standards or standard programs and test methods related to this type (group) of products. In their absence or insufficient completeness, the tests are carried out according to the program and methodology prepared by the developer and agreed with the customer or approved by the acceptance committee.

With the consent of the customer for acceptance tests, experimental samples can be presented instead of experimental ones.

When a standard-size range of products is put into production, samples are subjected to acceptance tests - typical representatives of the range, which the developer chooses in agreement with the customer (main consumer).

3.5. Acceptance tests are carried out by the developer together with the customer or by the acceptance committee. At the request of the customer or by the decision of the developer, acceptance tests can be entrusted to a specialized testing organization (testing center) or to the manufacturer.

Tests of prototypes (pilot batches) for compliance with their safety, health and environmental requirements established in the standards and (or) technical specifications are mandatory and are carried out by independent testing laboratories (centers) accredited by the USSR State Standard.

By agreement with the State Standard of the USSR, it is allowed to carry out such tests by other organizations (enterprises).

In acceptance tests, regardless of the place of their conduct, the manufacturer and the authorities exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection are entitled to take part, which must be informed in advance about the upcoming tests.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

3.6. The developer, based on the requirements of the technical specifications and standards related to this type of product, taking into account the test results in the established cases, develops a draft regulatory and technical document for a specific product (technical specifications or standard) or reflects all the requirements for product quality in the technical documentation.


4.1. The evaluation of the completed development and the adoption of a decision on the production and (or) use of products (for a single product) is carried out by an acceptance committee, which includes representatives of the customer (main consumer), developer, manufacturer and State acceptance (if any at the developer enterprise). For end products intended for the domestic and foreign markets, the commission includes a representative of the organization responsible for export. If necessary, experts from outside organizations, as well as bodies exercising supervision over safety, health and nature protection, may be involved in the work of the commission.

The chairman of the commission is appointed by the customer, and in his absence - the main consumer.

The composition of the commission is formed and approved by the developer.

4.2. To the acceptance committee, the developer submits the terms of reference, draft specifications or standard specifications (if their development is provided), design and (or) technological documents that require joint consideration, test results and other materials confirming the compliance of the developed product with these documents and certifying its technical level and competitiveness. The acceptance committee, as a rule, is also presented with prototype or experimental samples of products, and if their manufacture was not provided for, a prototype or a single product.

4.3. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted materials, the commission draws up an act in which it indicates:

1) compliance of the developed (manufactured) products with the specified requirements and recommendations on its production (delivery to the consumer);

2) the results of the assessment of the technical level of products;

3) recommendations on the production of an installation series (for serial and mass production) and its volume;

4) comments and suggestions for product improvement (if necessary).

The act of the acceptance committee is approved by its chairman.

The approval of the act of the acceptance committee means the completion of the development, the termination of the terms of reference (if it does not apply to further work), the approval of the submitted regulatory, technical and operational documents, as well as permission to manufacture or use products.

In case of a negative assessment of the development results as a whole, the act indicates the directions for further work and the conditions for re-submitting the results or the inexpediency of continuing the work.


5.1. To ensure the readiness of the enterprise for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the involvement, if necessary, of the developer, prepares and masters production.

5.2. Preparation of production, as a rule, begins in parallel with the development of technical documentation and the manufacture, if necessary, of individual components of the product or the product as a whole.

The decision on the possibility of using the technical documentation for the product before its approval and on the preparation of the production of these products is made by the developer and manufacturer.

5.3. The development of production, if it has not been performed earlier, is carried out in the process of manufacturing the installation series (the first industrial batch). At the same time, measures are taken to develop the technology and train personnel for the production of products with stable properties in a given volume.

To confirm the readiness of production for serial (mass) production, the manufacturer, with the participation of the State Acceptance (if it is available at the manufacturer), checks the completeness of the technological process, the quality and stability of the technological operations and conducts qualification tests of samples of the installation series (the first industrial batch).

Qualification tests are also carried out when putting into production products previously mastered at another enterprise or manufactured under license.

The qualification test program is prepared by the manufacturer with the involvement of the developer or the holder of the original technical documentation.

Tests must confirm that the deviations of the main product parameters associated with the production technology do not go beyond the permissible limits and the product deficiencies identified by the acceptance committee have been eliminated. The results of qualification tests are drawn up in a protocol (act).

5.4. The possibility of acceptance and delivery of products during the development of its production is allowed in exceptional cases with the obligatory consent of the consumer.

At the same time, the manufacturer must confirm the compliance of this product with safety, health and environmental requirements.

In case of negative results of qualification tests, the acceptance of products is stopped until the identified deficiencies are eliminated and positive results of repeated tests are obtained. Previously accepted products (including those delivered to the consumer) are modified or replaced by the manufacturer.

5.5. With positive results of qualification tests, the development of production is considered completed, and the manufactured products can be supplied to the customer (consumer) according to the approved documentation.

The text of the document is verified by:
official publication
M.: IPK Standards Publishing House, 1997

GOST 15.001-88 System for the development and production of products (SRPP). Products for industrial purposes (with Amendment No. 1)

GOST 15.001-88 System for the development and production of products (SRPP). Products for industrial purposes (with Amendment No. 1)


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