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On January 10-11, 1950, by the "historical" decision of the Commission of the Energy Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the district heating section of MONITOE, a decision was made about "a negative attitude towards attempts to direct" thermodynamic "justification of one or another method of saving fuel between types of energy received ..." This is exactly what the political decision worked 50-65 years later, dealing a crushing blow to the fuel-efficient energy policy of the entire Russian energy sector

AT this decision The commission was told that “... the technical and economic indicators of the degree of energy perfection of CHPPs must comply with the requirements of state planning, fully reflect the national economic profitability of the combined production of heat and electricity and thereby stimulate its development. They should be accessible to the understanding of a wide range of workers in power plants and factory workers and allow the use of a simple reporting system in all its links.

It was this political decision that, like a time bomb, worked 50-65 years later and dealt a crushing blow to the fuel-saving energy policy of the Russian energy sector. As a cancerous tumor, the "boiler house" of Russia flourished, the heat supply with waste steam from thermal power plants became "inefficient", the existing 20-40 year old ones began to be dismantled en masse. heating network from the CHPP and build low-efficiency roof-top and quarterly boiler houses. Absorption and compression heat pumps, accumulation of waste heat from turbines in the ground, centralized refrigeration - all this turned out to be not for Russia, all this was recognized "exotic for scientific dissertations".

The root cause of the systemic crisis in the development of CHPPs was the "muddy" NUR CHPPs - the so-called "normative unit costs" (NUR) of fuel for the production of separate combined heat energy by a combined heat and power plant and separately combined electric energy of a CHPP. For state district power plants and boiler houses, the use of NUR is clear and understandable. But really, few people can afford to sort out the "muddy" NUR CHPPs, and those who can ...

It’s not that they don’t have time for impartial analysis, but they become leaders more high level and are forced to strictly comply with industry regulations, even if they do not meet common sense and science. In reality, CHP technical workers are paid salaries and bonuses only for "reliable and uninterrupted...", and for the lost market for combined heat and power, top managers will only be scolded at the balance commission.

The essence of the "state planning and rationing of the 1950s" was that all fuel savings obtained in the combined production of heat and electric energy were fully attributed to consumers of electric energy. At the same time, thermal energy with exhaust steam from turbines, produced at CHPPs, was obtained with deliberately worse performance compared to boiler houses.

According to the “physical method of 1950”, the costs of long-distance heat transport through the main heat networks were also included in the NUR of fuel for heat from the CHPP. For this reason, fuel costs at CHPPs were 5-7% worse than fuel costs for heat from factory and municipal boiler houses (approximately 174-172 vs. could not be in principle.

"Alternative Boiler House 2015" is a pure "physical method of 1950" minus "electricity for long-distance transport in thermal networks 5-7 °%".

It is the "physical method of 1950" and its clone - the "alternative boiler house of 2015" - that allow the political regulator of Russia's tariff policy to "on the legal grounds» with the use of “muddy” NUR CHPPs, to reduce the specific fuel consumption for combined generation of electricity from CHPPs by half. More precisely, it is 2.3 times lower than at modern state district power plants, that is, from 320-340 to the level of 140-150 g.c.e./kWh.

It was this decision that made it possible to manipulate statistical reporting in a simple and uncomplicated way, using the forms "No. 3-tech" and "No. 6-TP", and "significantly improve the performance of the Soviet electric power industry" in the political struggle for supremacy in comparison with the Western electric power industry.

Here we allow ourselves a diversion and recall the “Letter to the Editor” by V. M. Brodyansky, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, a prominent specialist in the problems of thermodynamics and cryogenic technology.

Here is his quote below:

“The discussion about the distribution of costs and fuel consumption at CHPPs between electricity and heat has been dragging on for many years. Now it has taken on a fundamental character and has gone far beyond the private issue of the distribution of costs for CHPPs. Essentiallythis is one of the sections of the common front of the struggle between the administrative bureaucratic system of managing the national economy and management based on a scientific basis and taking into account the laws of the economy. I consider it necessary to express some considerations connected with this old case.

The first thing that needs to be said is about the so-called “physical method”. It cannot be discussed at all as something that has even the weakest scientific justification. This is a typical product of the era when it was necessary to show at all costs that we are “ahead of the rest of the planet”. With regard to the energy sector, this meant that one of the main indicators of its level is the specific fuel consumption per 1 kW / h of electricity“we” should be better than “they”. An ingeniously simple way was found.

It is known from school physics that heat is equivalent to work (the second law of thermodynamics, which explains that this is not entirely true, is not taught at school). Based on this equivalence, it is quite legal, “according to physics”, to write off excess fuel from electricity to heat, since district heating was widespread in our country. Immediately, without painstaking work to raise the technical and organizational level of the energy sector, we broke through in such a simple way to “first place in the world”. What caused and still causes smiles of specialists throughout the civilized world is not taken into account by us.

The second question that arises in connection with the above situation is: why do so many figures in the energy sector (ministerial officials, representatives of other organizations, the scientific world) stubbornly defend obviously incorrect positions?

With regard to officials, everything is clear and does not require special analysis: once ordered, it meansnecessary. But the most interesting thing is that the supporters of the “physical method” do not even want to listen to what the CHPs themselves say! And they, although they do not know thermodynamics, but strictly comply with the requirements of its laws.

Author's note: It was this phrase that angered me in 1994 and, as a self-respecting specialist who had worked at the station for 20 years, made me sit down for calculations. Within a year and a half, having carried out manual calculations, having developed a simple mathematical model diagrams of turbine modes, I was convinced of the absurdity of the “physical method” approved by the state for the application. But to prove to anyone the absurdity of the technique is impossible. There used to be a political order. Now, in the conditions of the monopoly of the electric power industry, there is no qualified driving force capable of defending the interests of end consumers.

Based on the experience of Mosenergo, Lenenergo and other Russian energy systems, we know that the heat load can vary within the maximum range up to about 20%. In this range, the increase in fuel consumption for heat supply (with a constant electrical load) ranges from 48 to 82 kg/Gcal. These indicators, obtained by direct measurement, cannot cause doubts.

If in this situation a calculation is made according to the “physical method”, then for each gigacalorie it would be necessary to attribute from 160 to 175 kg, that is, two to three times more (“cheaperizing” electricity in this way). In fact, statistics show that the increase in fuel consumption for electricity supplied is from 300 to 400 g per 1 kWh.

Thus, the CHPP, knowing nothing about the theoretical discussions and instructions of the authorities, give indicators that directly correspond to the exergy distribution, maliciously ignoring the “physical method”. It is possible, perhaps, even here, with special diligence, to come up with some kind of “physical” refutation, but this will not change the essence of the matter.

The third circumstance connected with the discussion about the distribution of costs for CHPs is the fear that the rejection of the “physical method” will adversely affect the fate of district heating, the study of which some experts have spent many years. These considerations, humanly understandable, should not justify the use of an incorrect methodology. Further use of indicators that not only distort the actual situation, but also ultimately lead to excessive fuel consumption, should be stopped. This will still happen in connection with the introduction of market laws in the energy sector. The ratio of tariffs for electricity and heat will invariably change in favor of the former.”

Now back to the main line of our story. So, having adopted in 1950 an understandable "physical method" in order to show the advantages of the domestic electric power industry in Soviet time and, especially, at the present time, the USSR Academy of Sciences has suffered heavy damage to the fuel-saving thermal power industry in Russia. But, if in the days of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, heating as a national program that ensures efficient fuel saving had its worthy development, then with the transition to supposedly “market” relations, it was heating that became an unreasonable victim of the supermonopoly of the federal electric power industry and politicized regulators of the energy and tariff policy of the Russian electric power industry.

The management of the electric power industry and the Ministry of Energy, which are lobbying for the method of an “alternative boiler house of a thermal power plant”, are faced with the task of reducing the tariff for electricity at any cost, even due to an unreasonable increase in tariffs for waste heat steam turbines CHPP, the main consumer of which is the housing and communal complex. Apparently, today's regulators of the Ministry of Economic Development, FTS, REC, FAS and the leaders of the Ministry of Energy did not know, forgot or do not want to know the sad picture of 1992-1996. Then, during the transition from a planned economy to a “conditionally market economy”, due to the absurd “physical method”, a clone of which is the proposed “alternative boiler house” method, a mass shutdown of thermal consumers from CHPPs took place throughout the country and the construction of its own quarterly and roof boiler houses began. .

With the introduction of the "ORGRES methodology" in 1996, this process was somehow suspended. With the introduction of the “alternative boiler house 2015” methodology, this sad picture of CHP heat rejection will resume again, and especially for steam consumers. Even with existing tariffs, oil refineries and industrial consumers are setting the task of abandoning steam from thermal power plants, and with the introduction of an “alternative boiler house”, all the more, they will build their own steam boiler houses.

The managers of the electric power industry and the Ministry of Energy can still be understood somehow - they are responsible for the electric power industry. But it is impossible to understand the motivation of the former Ministry of Regional Development and the newly created Ministry of Construction! After all, housing and communal services in the period 1996 to 2014 had a small, only 20%, but cheaper fuel component in the tariff - instead of the justified 70%.

The paradox of strong-willed political regulation of tariffs of the lobbied “alternative boiler house” method lies in the fact that in the production of heat and electric energy, the entire huge effect of fuel savings in the amount of 45-48 °% is fully attributed to the reduction in fuel consumption for electricity, supposedly improving by 2.3 times power industry efficiency from 37°% to an absurdly unattainable value of about 85%o (from 332 to 145 g.c.e./kWh). At the same time, heat consumers of housing and communal services, who have a legal technological right to waste heat from steam turbines of CHPPs with fuel costs three to four times lower, using the “alternative boiler house” method, will subsidize the electric power industry with fuel. Instead of real costs, waste heat (about 4070 kg.e.t./Gcal) will pay for politically imposed costs of 163-168 kg.e.t./Gcal of the “alternative boiler house” + “main heating networks”.

Western experience

The absurd result of implicit cross-subsidization of fuel is neither theoretical nor practical and is the result of many years of political collusion between the "electricity monopoly" and tariff policy regulators. It is characteristic exclusively for the Soviet energy sector, which was a part of the planned economy, and then they are also trying to transfer it to the Russian “pseudo-market” energy sector through “muddy” and uncertain standard specific fuel consumption at CHPPs.

There are no such political somersaults in energy regulation in any Western countries with advanced energy! On the contrary, not allowing such a concept as an "alternative boiler house for a CHP", in the Western energy industry they are based on the Wagner method - the method of an "equivalent CES" (condensing power plant).

Here are some quotes:

1. Poland, 1965:“... in accordance with the Wagner method, the same amount of fuel should be consumed for the production of electricity at a CHP as it is consumed at a powerful industrial condensing power plant built simultaneously with this CHP. The fixed costs attributable to the production of electricity at a CHP plant should be taken in the calculation to be the same as fixed costs in the electric power system where condensing electricity is generated ... " .

2. USA, 1978:“The equivalent method of IES completely coincides with the cost allocation method used in the United States, where The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) was introduced in 1978. According to this law, electricity produced at CHPPs or at alternative power plants must be valued at the cost savings at large IESs. The electric power system is obliged to buy electricity from the CHP plant at a cost that corresponds to the cost of building and operating new capacity in the system. This law is considered the most successful energy law in US history. It provided significant fuel savings, accelerated the construction of new thermal power plants and alternative power plants ... " .

3. Germany, 2001:“... in the GDR, as in Russia, fuel savings from combined power generation at CHPPs were attributed to electricity, and fuel consumption for heat generation was considered the same as for boiler houses. In a market economy, this gives an absolutely false signal, the result of which was the acceleration of the construction of boiler houses and a decrease in the load on Russian thermal power plants. Fuel losses amount to millions of tons per year. In the methods adopted in Western Europe, the fuel savings of combined cycles are attributed to heat energy, which, of course, increases the competitiveness of CHPPs over boiler houses. As a result, without changing the total costs for the consumer, due to some increase in electricity tariffs, respectively, the tariff for heat energy received from the CHP was reduced by a quarter ... " .

4. Poland, 1983:“A very simple criterion has been proposed to check the correctness of the cost allocation method for CHP plants. It is formulated as follows: the cost of heat produced at a CHP plant should decrease as the steam pressure at the turbine outlet decreases. In the limit, when the vapor pressure tends to the pressure in the condenser, the cost of heat should tend to drop ... " .Comment by the author of the article: I draw your attention, namely “to zero”, and not to 100% of the price of an alternative boiler house (Table 1)!

5. France, 1987: “The main effect of tariff modifications is a significant difference in margin prices between periods of low load, when the margin price is equal to the cost of fuel, and periods when peak devices with very high operating costs must be put into operation, and also when meeting additional demand requires the development of new equipment. . Marginal value can thus vary by a ratio of 20:1 between two extreme positions...” .

When providing "condensing" electricity from the most modern state district power plant and thermal power plant, the fuel efficiency factor ( To pit) for the end consumer from the field of housing and communal services, is no more than 32-35%. The remaining 68-65% of fuel energy is irretrievably lost in environment, including at the state district power plant, heat discharge into the atmosphere through cooling towers is 45-48 % fuel energy, and 8-12% of fuel energy is spent on heating wires and transformers in electrical networks.

To subsidize the production of electricity with fuel at the expense of consumers of waste heat is illiterate, absolutely pointless and completely deprives investment motivation for the introduction of the latest technologies!

This is contrary to all physical laws and is a vivid example of a monopoly collusion between the largest consumers of electricity and the electric power complex with regulatory authorities. Not owning the analysis of marginal fuel costs, violating the principles of the continuity of heat and electricity production in combined energy production, energy regulators (Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Energy, federal Service on tariffs, REC, Federal Antimonopoly Service) are increasingly increasing hidden cross-subsidization of electricity by fuel at the expense of consumers of waste heat from steam turbines of the combined heat and power plant, the housing and communal complex of the country, shifting all unnecessary costs to them.

Late confession...

N. L. Astakhov is one of the leading ideologists of the practical 50-year application of the “physical” method from 1966 to 2002, the developer and performer of many normative documents, starting with the “Instructions and guidelines for ORGRES 1966”, up to the “Guidelines for compiling a report for a power plant and joint-stock company energy and electrification on the thermal efficiency of equipment RD 34.08.552-95 ".

Seven years after writing the last instruction on the “Working ORGES method” in 2002, N. L. Astakhov was forced to admit the mediocrity and fallacy of using the “physical method” and the expediency and validity of using the exergy method in his article “Some methods for distributing the fuel consumption of power boilers TPP between electricity and heat”.

« physical method. All savings from heating are attributed to electricity. Specific fuel consumption does not reflect specifications(parameters of fresh steam) equipment of thermal power plants. For the T-250-240 turbine, which operates with a three-stage heating of network water, and for the R-6-35 turbine, the specific costs for both electricity and heat are almost the same. Based only on the values ​​of specific fuel consumption, it is impossible to answer the question: for what purpose was the pressure of fresh steam increased from 35 to 240 kgf/cm 2 .

The current method. Prediction and analysis are difficult. When the operating mode of the TPP is changed, both specific fuel consumptions change.

An analogue of the exergy method. Fuel savings from district heating are entirely attributed to heat. The method reflects the real relationship between the electrical and thermal loads of turbine units, as well as the heat output (fuel consumption) of boilers. The specific fuel consumption for electricity is practically equal to the specific consumption of the condensation cycle. Therefore, its value for a combined heat and power plant (as well as for a IES) directly reflects the technical level of the equipment (live steam parameters). Prediction and analysis of specific fuel consumption, as with the use of the physical method, are simple.”

Damage to the country and the city from the "muddy" NUR CHP

Let's weigh the cost of damage from the "alternative boiler house" inflicted on a settlement, city, country. The cost of damage to society is determined by the size of the lost fuel savings from the utilization of waste heat from steam turbines, which can be used for combined heat and power supply:

  • for modern state district power plants and thermal power plants operating in condensing modes, the fuel saving potential is at least 49-55% of the annual fuel consumption of the state district power plant;
  • for modern heating "alternative boiler houses" the fuel saving potential is at least 7580 % from the annual fuel consumption of the heating boiler house;
  • for modern CCGT condensing combined-cycle plants, the fuel saving potential is at least 25% of the CCGT annual fuel consumption

illustrative example

As an example, let's consider in detail what the power industry of the city of Omsk lost from the use of the "physical method 1950" in 1992-2006. An analysis of the technical and economic performance of JSC "Omskenergo" in 1992-2006 shows that the use of the "physical method" for calculating tariffs led to a massive disconnection of thermal consumers from CHPPs and the construction of inefficient quarterly and rooftop boiler houses.

Here are the facts and figures:

1. With the available reserve of unused thermal capacities (about 2531 Gcal / h or 40% of thermal capacities), JSC Omskenergo - Omsk thermal power plants lost about 562 Gcal / h of "live" thermal consumers in 2005-2006 alone.

2. In the city of Omsk in the coverage area of ​​thermal networks joint stock company Omskenergo built more than 18 primitive water-heating boiler houses, the heat load of which could be connected to the operating heating networks of JSC Omskenergo.

3. The following main heating mains DN 500-600 mm were dismantled and immediately sold out: "CHP-4 - TPK" (about 166 Gcal / h), "CHP-2 - TPK" (about 96 Gcal / h), as well as "CHP -5 - poultry farm - Rostovka village (about 100 Gcal / h).

4. It is precisely because of the “physical method of 1950” that the Omskenergo CHPP has a very low degree of utilization of electrical capacities - only about 59% (5951 million kWh in 2005 instead of 9940 million kWh in 1990).

5. The number of hours of use of capacity (HCHIM) of Omskenergo CHPP was about 2700-2900 hours/year against the actual value of 6600 hours/year.

6. Using the “physical method”, the federal regulator ensured a more than 1.5-fold increase in purchases of condensing electricity from wholesale market energy (3020 million kWh in 2005 against 1901 million kWh in 1990). Instead of covering only the peak parts of the graph (no more than H peak = 1500-2000 h/year), the wholesale market regulator took 99% of the base part of the load curve H bases = 6480 h/year.

In addition, we also consider the lost fuel saving effect for Omsk from January 10, 1950 to the present. If in 1950 the political regulator had not imposed the “physical method” on the use, then on the basis of the heating load of Omsk consumers (18.83 million Gcal / year in 2005) and the use of high steam parameters at urban thermal power plants (240 ata, 560 °C) the combined electricity generation potential for Omsk would be 14.123 billion kWh.

This would fully ensure not only the own consumption of electricity directly by all consumers of the Omsk region (9.1696 billion kWh), but would even allow importing electricity to neighboring regions at the level of 4.953 billion kWh.

The lost fuel saving effect for Omsk was about 35.9%:

100% - 64.1% = 35.9%, i.e.

8.122 - 5.206 = 2.916 million tce / year.

"Climate pattern" of the energy intensity of the region

The climate pattern of the energy intensity of the region on the example of Omsk makes it possible to clearly and clearly show the efficiency of combined energy production at CHP 130 ata versus separate production of electricity at a modern state district power plant and thermal energy at the best “alternative boiler house” with annual fuel savings of up to 40.3% (Table .2).

From Table. 2 clearly shows that a coal-fired CHPP of 130 ata can provide year-round electricity generation with FFM = 8445 h / year (this is 96.4%!) is always more profitable than electricity generation at the most modern state district power station even with a pressure of 240 ata and even on gas!

The root reason that these indicators are not provided lies in the fact that with the use of the “physical methodology” and the “alternative boiler house”, combined CHP electricity is purchased with a fuel component not of 336.6 g.c.e./kWh, but at a price "alternative boiler house", underestimated by 2.37 times: 122.8 / 86.5% = 142 g.c.e. / kWh.

Conclusions and conclusion

1. The use of standard unit costs (NUR CHP) and the methodology of the “alternative boiler house” for the combined energy of CHP is strictly unacceptable! The price of an error is up to 237-300%!

2. Modern CHPPs with steam parameters of 130 ata and specific electricity generation per heat consumption W = 0.62 MW/Gcal always at 40.3 % more economical than "GRES + boiler room".

3. In terms of electricity, CHPPs are always equally economical with GRESs with specific fuel consumption of -336.6 g.c.e./kWh (fuel - coal), but taking into account the fact that they are in the center of electrical loads and there % losses in the main transmission lines, they should always be in the base part of the load schedule, and GRES - in the peak part of the loads.

4. In terms of thermal energy, the specific costs for heat from steam turbines of a combined heat and power plant are always approximately three to four times lower than the “alternative boiler house” and do not exceed 54.14 kg.e.t./Gcal instead of an alternative boiler house of 165 kg.e.t./ Gcal.

5. In order to normalize and regulate the technical and economic indicators of CHP, it is necessary to switch to uniquely identified indicators: fuel efficiency To pit [%] and specific electricity generation at heat consumption W[MW/Gcal].

6. The use of NUR has almost completely stopped the introduction of the latest fuel-saving technologies: long-distance main heat networks from the NPP, absorption and compression heat pumps, seasonal heat and cold accumulators in the ground, combined cold supply based on trigeneration (electricity plus heat plus cold), etc.

7. The Institute of Electric Power Industry of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation (AS USSR), the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service must apologize to the country for their withdrawal from the practical issues of forming a competitive fuel-saving tariff energy policy Russian Federation.

8. To eliminate the system of hidden cross-subsidization, it is necessary to develop and introduce a new type of energy product "Contract for Combined Energy of CHPP".

  1. Issues of determining the efficiency of combined heat and power plants: Sat. articles / Under the general. ed. A.V. Winter. - M.: Gosenergoizdat, 1953. 118 p. Internet resource:
  2. Bogdanov A.B. The history of ups and downs of heating in Russia // Energy Saving, 2009. No. 3. P. 4247. Internet resource:
  3. Brodyansky V.M. Letter to the editor // Thermal power engineering, 1992. No. 9. pp. 62-63.
  4. Bogdanov A.B. Boilerization of Russia is a national disaster // News of heat supply, 2006. No. 10-11 // Energorynok, 2006. No. 3-6. P. 4650. Internet resource:
  5. Shargut J., Petella R. Exergy: Translation. from Polish. / Ed. V.M. Brodyansky. Revised and additional ed. - M.: Energy, 1968. 280 p.
  6. Shargut Ya.Ya. Distribution of costs for the production of heat and electricity at thermal power plants // Teploenergetika, 1994. No. 12. S. 63.
  7. Curly V.V. Germany is reforming the energy sector wisely //Promyshlennye Vedomosti, 2001. No. 7-8.
  8. Shargut Ya. Thermodynamic and economic analysis in industrial energy (in Polish) //Warszawa WNT, 1983.
  9. Lesker W. Kalan J.B. Tariff and load management: French experience / EDF (Paris, France), IEEE Transactions of Power Systems. Vol. 2. No. 2. May 1987. Internet resource:
  10. Ministry of Energy of the USSR. Technical Administration for the Operation of Energy Systems "Instructions and Guidelines for the Rationing of Specific Fuel Consumption at Thermal Power Plants". - M.: BTI ORGRES, 1966.
  11. Astakhov N.L. Guidelines on drawing up a report of the power plant and the joint-stock company of energy and electrification on the thermal efficiency of equipment RD 34.08.552-95: Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia. - M.: OAO Firma ORGRES, 1995.
  12. Astakhov N.L. Some methods of distributing the fuel consumption of power boilers at TPPs between electricity and heat: Reports of the jubilee. scientific-pract. Conf. dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the IPK civil service. T. 3. - M .: OAO Firma ORGRES, 2002. S. 90-97.

fuel usage documentation

22. If the TPP has an approved in due course normative and technical documentation on fuel use NUR for the electricity and heat supplied by the power plant (for the regional boiler house - for the supplied heat) are calculated in the sequence regulated by the model for calculating nominal indicators and standards for specific fuel consumption, which is part of the current regulatory and technical documentation for fuel use.

Calculations are performed for each turbine unit and each type of boiler.

For the subgroup as a whole, the indicators are determined by summing or weighing the results of calculating the indicators of turbine units and boilers included in its composition. In general, for the power plant (boiler house) indicators are determined on the basis of the results of their calculations for individual subgroups.

As initial data, the values ​​of indicators expected for the power plant (boiler house) characterizing the volume of energy production, modes and operating conditions, external factors, reserves of thermal efficiency and the degree of their use are taken.

The main of these indicators include (for each of the months of the forecasting period):

power generation;

costs and parameters of steam supplied to external consumers;

heat supply to the heating system;

the structure of the combusted fuel and its characteristics;

outdoor air temperature;

temperatures of cooling and source water;

composition of operating turbine units and boilers.

In relation to a specific power plant (boiler house), the complete composition of the initial data is indicated in the layout, which is part of the NTD for fuel use.

When tariff forecasting is made, the layouts are subject to the changes discussed below, mainly relating to the methods of obtaining initial data and determining individual indicators of turbine units and boilers.

Electricity generation by power plants is taken in accordance with energy balances.

Expected values ​​of heat output by the power plant (boiler house) to external consumers with fixed pressure steam (Q) and with P network water (Q), Gcal, are calculated by the formulas: return return Q \u003d (SUM D x (i - i) - SUM G x (j - n ex j n arr to j to j-3 - i)) x 10, (1) ref straight Q \u003d (SUM G x (i - i) - SUM G x i direct outgoing sub i-3 x (i - i)) x 10, (2) arr ref where D is the supply of steam to the j-th consumer, i.e. the values consumption j D is accepted on the basis of consumer applications; consumption j i is the enthalpy of steam in the collector, from which pi steam release, kcal/kg. Accepted according to operational data or is calculated according to the steam parameters specified in the applications for heat supply to consumers; return j - enthalpy of condensate return to j-th steam consumers, to j kcal/kg; straight G , G - costs of direct and make-up water for i sub i i-th main of the heating network, t. Accepted on the basis of applications consumers; i, i - enthalpies of direct and reverse network water, straight arr kcal/kg. Correspond to the temperature schedule of the heating network for expected average outdoor temperature; i - enthalpy of water in the source of water supply, kcal/kg. ref

23. When calculating the predicted heat loads of production and heat extraction turbines in without fail the principle of their priority use in comparison with other sources of heat supply by peak hot water boilers (hereinafter - PVK), reduction-cooling units (hereinafter - ROU) must be observed.

Total heat supply from industrial extractions (backpressure) turbines (Q), Gcal, connected to the collector on steam of the same pressure, in general terms, is determined by the formula: Q = (SUM D + D + D + D - D) x (i - t) x by expend j s hn n pb rou n k-3 x 10, (3) where D, D, D - steam flow rates from the collector to sn xn pb own, household needs, peak boilers, t; D - steam flow into the collector from ROU connected to row steam source of higher pressure, t; i - average enthalpy of condensate (returned from external to consumers, consumers own and economic needs) and supplement that replenishes its non-return, before the regenerative heater (deaerator) connected to the manifold, kcal/kg;

Steam consumption for own needs is calculated according to the relevant dependencies that are part of the energy characteristics of the equipment.

For household needs, steam expenses are accepted according to reporting data.

Heat consumption for peak boilers is calculated according to the heat balance equations.

Heat release from the heat extraction turbines in the general case includes:

heat supply to external consumers, for own and household needs from heaters connected to these extractions;

heat consumption for replenishing the heating network and for heating an additive that compensates for the non-return of condensate from consumers of steam extractions of a higher potential.

The expected value of the total heat supply from the turbine heat extraction, Gcal, can be calculated using the formula:

sn xn Q = SUM Q + Q + Q + Q + SUM ((D + D + D - then p set. then then sn xn pb -3 - D) x (i - i) x 10) - Q - SUM Q, (4) rou p ref pvk by where Q is the expected heat supply from PVC, Gcal. Heat release PVC from peak hot water boilers (peak boilers), Gcal, calculated from standing time forecast outside air temperatures (tau), at which it is necessary to tnv switching on to ensure compliance with the temperature schedule heating systems: pvc (pb) "" -3 Q \u003d G x (i - i) x tau x 10, (5) pvc(pb) network.v r.v.v tnn pvc(pb) where G is the consumption of network water through peak water heating network in boilers or peak boilers, t/h; " " i , i - enthalpies of network water in front of PVC (peak r.v. r.v. boilers) and behind them, kcal/kg.

When distributing electrical and thermal loads between individual units of the power plant, it is necessary to strive to minimize the heat costs of the turbine plant for generating electricity.

For this purpose, it is advisable to use special computer programs. In the absence of such programs, the following recommendations should be followed.

In case of power plant operation in billing period according to the heat schedule, first of all, the turbines with the highest total specific generation of electricity in the heating cycle, compared to other turbines of the subgroup, should be loaded.

During the operation of the power plant according to the electrical schedule, the distribution of thermal and electrical loads should be carried out interconnectedly.

If there are several subgroups of equipment at the power plant, it is advisable during the period of maximum electrical load to transfer heat loads to a subgroup with lower initial parameters of fresh steam in order to limit its condensing power generation to the maximum. Moreover, a greater effect can be provided by transferring the heating load.

When operating turbines with electrical loads close to nominal, in order to achieve maximum heat and power generation, the extractions of the same type of units should be loaded evenly.

The summer period of operation of units with low loads predetermines the uneven nature of the distribution of the heat load between the turbines until it is transferred to one of them.

With parallel operation of turbines of the PT and R types, as calculations show, first of all, the selections of the PT type turbines should be loaded until the highest values ​​of the total specific heat generation of electricity are reached.

When distributing heat loads, the following should be taken into account:

manufacturers' restrictions on the minimum load of turbine extractions;

features of the scheme of the heating plant in terms of heat supply to external consumers and for their own needs;

reliability of heat supply to consumers.

After the distribution of thermal loads according to the regime diagrams and regulatory characteristics are determined by the minimum electrical power of each turbine and minimum power generation power plant (E), thousand kWh: min min E \u003d SUM N x tau + SUM N x tau, (6) min r slave pt.t slave min where N, N is the power developed by turbines of type P (or r pt.t turbines of the PT, T type when working with degraded vacuum) and minimum power of PT and T turbines at given loads selections (backpressure), thousand kW. min The value of N includes the heating capacity and Fri.t power developed on the ventilation passage of steam in condenser with a fully closed diaphragm of the low cylinder min pressure (hereinafter - LPC). Factors increasing N beyond Fri.t the minimum required level (leakage of the control diaphragm low pressure cylinder, exhaust pipe temperature rise above the permissible level, etc.), must be confirmed relevant documents. Condensing electricity generation to be distribution between turbines (deltaE), thousand kWh, book is determined by the formula: deltaE \u003d E - E (7) kn min The distribution of deltaE between the turbines is made on the basis of book pre-calculated characteristics of relative gains heat consumption for electricity generation by condensing cycle (deltag) for all possible combinations of aggregates. First book queue, aggregates with the smallest values ​​are loaded deltaq . book Distribution of heat supply to external consumers in a pair of one pressure or with network water between subgroups of the power plant is produced in proportion to the thermal loads of turbine extractions (Q , Q) included in the subgroup. then

Heat output from peak hot water boilers is distributed among subgroups of power plant equipment in proportion to the heat output with heating water.

The values ​​of hourly costs of fresh water required for calculations steam (D) and steam to condensers (D) by individual turbines with about 2 sufficient for the purposes of forecasting accuracy can be calculated by the formulas, t/h: -3 3 D \u003d (q x N x 10 + Q + Q) x 10 / K (8) o t to -3 D \u003d (q x N x 10 - 86 x N / this - deltaQ) x 2 t t em izl 3 x 10 / 550, (9) where q is the initial nominal gross specific heat consumption turbine, kcal/kWh;

K is the coefficient of the ratio of heat and live steam consumption to the turbine. Can be taken equal to 0.6 - 0.7 or calculated by the formula:

K \u003d i - i + alpha x deltai, (10) about pv pp pp where i , i , delta i - fresh steam enthalpies, feed about pv pp water, enthalpy increase in the reheating path, kcal/kg; alpha is the share of reheat steam from the fresh steam consumption; pp this is the electromechanical efficiency, %. It is taken equal to 97%; Em deltaQ - heat loss through the thermal insulation of the turbine, Gcal/h. izl For turbines with a capacity of 25.50 and 100 MW, 0.49 can be taken; 0.61 and 1.18 Gcal/h.

The parameters of fresh steam, steam after reheating must correspond to the values ​​adopted in regulatory specifications turbines as nominal.

The steam pressure in the production sampling chambers of turbines is calculated by the formula, kgf/cm2:

P \u003d SUM P x D / SUM D + delta P, (11) p ex. j ex. j ex. j p. pot where P, D - pressure, kgf / cm2, and steam consumption, t, cons.j cons.j for each external consumer (at the outlets from the station). Accepted in accordance with the concluded agreements with consumers; deltaP - pressure loss in steam pipelines from outlets to p.pot turbine sampling chambers, kgf/cm2.

The steam pressure in the turbine heat extraction chambers is determined in the following sequence:

1. The forecast period is divided into two parts: the period joint operation of PVC or peak boilers and extractions (p) and day period of heat supply only from extractions (t). day According to the average expected outside temperature for n and t day day (p) (t) air (t, t) is determined by the temperature of direct network water nv nv (t), deg. C, based on the temperature graph of thermal network pr.v: (n) (n) t = F (t) (12) pr.v nv (t) (t) t = F (t) (13) pr.v nv 2. The average temperature of the network water is calculated for about main heaters (t), deg. FROM: sv about (n) (t) t = ((t - delta t) x n + t x t) / St. St. St. Svpvk.pb day St. St. day/ (n + t), (14) day day where delta t - heating of network water in PVC or peak St. pvk.pb boilers, hail. FROM; n vol.p delta t = t - t (15) sv.pvk.pb sv vol.p t - network water temperature after the main heaters, St. corresponding to the maximum steam pressure in cogeneration Max selections (P), deg. FROM; t ob.p p t \u003d t - Qt (16) sv us under p max t - saturation temperature at pressure P, deg. FROM; us t Qt - nominal temperature difference in the main network under heaters, deg. FROM.

3. The average saturation temperature and the actual steam pressure in the turbine extraction chamber are determined:

about t = t + Qt (17) we are under Р = F(t) + delta Р, (18) t us t.pod where deltaP is the pressure loss in the steam pipelines from the outlet t.sweat collectors to the selection chamber of the i-th turbine, kgf/cm2. Increase in heat consumption for electricity generation at conditional absence of heat supply to external consumers from withdrawals and backpressure of turbines (deltaQ), Gcal, is determined by e(neg) formulas:

for PT, T type turbines:

o-3 deltaQ \u003d (SUM (q - q) x E) x K x 10 (19) e(neg) t t ot

for R, PR turbines:

-3 deltaQ \u003d (SUM (q - q) x E) x K x 10, (20) e(neg) kn t t from o where q, q - gross specific heat consumption in the turbine at t t the absence of heat release from the extractions (pressure regulators in both selections are included) and with the predicted electrical load, kcal/kWh; g - specific heat consumption for a turbine with a condenser, book having the same live steam parameters as for P-type turbines, PR at the predicted electrical load in the absence of heat release from the extractions (pressure regulators in the extractions are included), kcal/kWh; E is the predicted generation of electricity by the turbine, thous. t kWh; K - ratio by subgroup of heat supply to external from consumers with spent steam to the total load of extractions. For turbines with steam condensation when heat is released from capacitor due to the "deteriorated" vacuum value cond (deltaQ) can be taken equal to the amount of leave e(neg) heat from the condenser.

ultimate goal performing calculations for a turbine plant is to obtain predicted values ​​for subgroups of equipment:

absolute and specific gross heat consumption for generation electricity (Q, Gcal and q, kcal / kWh); e t s s s s s s s s s s s electricity (E, thousand kWh and E, %) for own needs; to that n specific consumption net heat (q, kcal/kWh). that 24. Number of boilers operating in the forecast period of each type (n , n ... n) in the subgroup is selected based on 1 2 m total heat demand for turbines, boiler loading for level of 80 - 90% of the nominal heating capacity, as well as equipment repair schedule. Also taken into account are agreed restrictions on the nominal steam output of boilers.

The total gross heat generation by power boilers of the equipment subgroup, Gcal, is calculated by the formula:

br nom Q = SUM Q + SUM Q + SUM Q + Q + K x SUM n x Q x ku e po to rou pot t x tau x 10 (21) cal where K is the specific value of heat flux losses, %. sweat It is taken equal to 1% for a condensing power plant (hereinafter - IES) and 1.5% for a combined heat and power plant (hereinafter referred to as CHPP) from nominal productivity of workers in the forecasted period of boilers of the m-th type; n is the number of working boilers of the m-th m type; nom Q - nominal heat output of the m-th boiler type, Gcal/h. br Distribution of Q between types of boilers of a subgroup of equipment ku produced in proportion to the nominal heat outputs (if the power plant does not have any other considerations).

The final results of the calculations are to obtain subgroups of equipment for boiler plants:

n net efficiency (this); ku sn sn absolute and specific heat consumption (Q, Gcal and q, %) and cuckoo sn sn electricity (E, thousand kWh and E, %) for own needs. ku ku

25. Forecast specific fuel consumption for a subgroup of power plants is calculated using the formulas:

n e b = b x (1 + K x (1 - mu)) (22) e er e n te b = b x (1 + K x (1 - mu)), (23) te.en.k te.en.k r.en.k te.en.k n where b is the nominal specific fuel consumption per uh electricity, g/kWh; n b - nominal specific fuel consumption for heat, te.en.k released from power boilers, kg/Gcal; uh te

The annual supply of thermal energy from the boiler house to the network for 2016 amounted to 913.1 Gcal.

The calculation of heat consumption for auxiliary needs of the boiler house was carried out by the calculation method in accordance with the requirements of Section V of the "Procedure for determining the standards for specific fuel consumption in the production of electrical and thermal energy", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 30, 2008 No. 323 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 10.08.2012 N 377) and in accordance with the information letter of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated September 21, 2009 No. The calculation of the total consumption of thermal energy for the auxiliary needs of the boiler house in the form of hot water is carried out by cost elements on a monthly basis.

Consumption of thermal energy for kindling boilers.

Boilers are fired from a cold state.

Losses of thermal energy by boiler units.

The calculation was made through q 5 boiler units, taken equal to 6.0% for the Bratsk and KVR-0.6 boilers, 8.0% for the KVR-0.2l TFG boiler from the tabular values ​​​​of paragraph 57.1 (Table 10) "Instructions for organization in the Ministry of Energy of Russia of work on the calculation and justification of standards for specific fuel consumption ... ”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 30, 2008 No. 323.

Other losses.

For hot water boilers, a coefficient of 0.001 is applied.

Consumption of thermal energy for heating the boiler room.

In accordance with the information letter of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated September 21, 2009, the calculation of the heat energy consumption for heating the boiler room of the boiler house is carried out in two conditional zones - the working (lower) and upper (more than 4 m from the floor level). If the height of the boiler room is less than 4 m from the floor level, then the consumption of thermal energy for heating the boiler room of the boiler room in the total consumption of own needs is not taken into account, since the amount of heat released into the environment by the boiler units of the boiler room fully ensures the maintenance of the design temperature in the boiler room of the boiler room .

The height of the boiler room of the boiler room is more than 4 m, respectively, the consumption of thermal energy for heating the room of the boiler room was carried out in two conditional zones - working (lower) and upper (more than 4 m from the floor level).

The consumption of thermal energy for heating office premises located in the boiler house building is included in the internal needs.

The heat consumption for auxiliary needs of the boiler house, according to the calculation of the expertise, amounted to 14.5 Gcal (1.56% of heat generation).

Based on the calculation of the thermal loads of consumers, the calculation of heat losses in heat networks and the calculation of heat consumption for the auxiliary needs of the boiler house, the calculation of heat generation by the boiler house on a monthly basis was carried out, depending on the average monthly outdoor air temperatures. The generation of thermal energy by the boiler house for 2016 amounted to 927.5 Gcal.

Boiler room: the fuel burned is coal, there is no reserve fuel. On the boilers of this boiler house, no maintenance and adjustment work was carried out. There are no regime cards. When making calculations, the individual standard fuel consumption rate at rated load was adopted for new equipment according to the passport efficiency factor - for the KVR-0.6 boiler - 173.8 kg of reference fuel / Gcal, for the KVR-0.2l TFG boiler - 174.2 kg of standard fuel equivalent/Gcal - taking into account the normative coefficients K1 of paragraph 49.1 (Table 3) and the aging index in accordance with paragraph 46 (Table 2) "The procedure for determining the standards for specific fuel consumption in the production of electrical and thermal energy", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 30, 2008 No. 323 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated August 10, 2012 N 377).

Individual fuel consumption rates for Bratsk boilers are taken from the tabular values ​​of paragraph 45 (Table 1) - 213.2 kg of standard fuel equivalent / Gcal, taking into account the standard coefficients K1 of paragraph 49.1 (Table 3) and the aging index in accordance with paragraph 46 ( Table 2) "The procedure for determining the standards for specific fuel consumption in the production of electrical and thermal energy", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia of December 30, 2008 No. 323 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia of 10.08.2012 N 377).

Repair of the main equipment at the boiler house during the heating period of 2016 is not planned. Therefore, the loading of boilers is carried out according to the principle of priority loading of boilers with the greatest efficiency in accordance with the regulatory characteristics, taking into account the minimization of the number of operating boilers.

Operating mode of the boiler room equipment:

January, February, March, November, December - the KVR-0.6 boiler is in operation, the rest of the boilers are in reserve.

April, May, September, October - the KVR-0.2l TFG boiler is in operation, the rest of the boilers are in reserve.

As a result of the analysis of materials and the performed calculation, the value of the standard specific fuel consumption for the supplied thermal energy from the boiler house for 2016 amounted to 178.0 kg of fuel equivalent/Gcal.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, organizations engaged in regulated activities (production, distribution and transmission of heat and electricity) are required to annually calculate the fuel and energy standards and submit them for approval to the competent authorities.

EGS Group offers services for the calculation, justification and examination of NRM with representation of the interests of the Customer in the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the Regional Energy Commissions, consulting support on statistical reporting, disclosure and other issues inherent in the fuel rationing process.

Calculation and approval process

REC (Regional Energy Commission) is considering the documentation (justified) on the calculation of the standard specific consumption (NUR) of energy resources for the generation of a unit of thermal energy ( Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 N 323 "On the organization in the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of work on the approval of standards for specific fuel consumption for the supplied electrical and thermal energy from thermal power plants and boiler houses" ) The REC approves either its own NUR, or the NUR, which is calculated by EGS Group. Based on this NURA, an economic calculation is made (which includes all generation costs: fuel, personnel, internal costs, etc.), which is submitted to the Tariff Committee. The Tariff Committee reviews the documentation and issues an order to approve the tariff.

Validity periods

The documentation is valid for 5 years (Article 19 of Order 323), but they have the right to use the documents for three years if the conditions of Article 19 are met. The economic calculation is sent to the tariff committee once a year. And it is valid for 1 calendar year.

In fact, all organizations carrying out a regulated type of activity carry out the development of NTD (normative and technical documentation) once a year in order to increase the tariff. NTD is considered for boiler equipment. It is more profitable to provide economic calculation to the committee after the annual increase in gas prices.


The economic effect is realized due to the difference in the tariff (the average cost of thermal energy in St. Petersburg in 2012 for companies with NTD according to NURs was 1100-1250 rubles per 1 Gcal. In some cases, 1300-1400).

Prices for the calculation and justification of NUR fuels are formed individually.

Our managers will be happy to advise you on all issues by multi-channel telephone:

Calculation of NUR on the basis of normative and technical documentation

on fuel use

20. If there is an existing NTD for fuel use at the TPP or boiler house, NUR for the electric and thermal energy supplied by the power plant, NUR for the supplied thermal energy of the boiler house are calculated in the sequence regulated by the model for calculating nominal indicators and standards for specific fuel consumption.

Calculations are performed for each turbine unit and each type of boiler units included in the equipment group.

For the group as a whole, the indicators are determined by summing or weighing the results of calculating the indicators of the turbine and boiler units that are part of it. In general, for the power plant (boiler house) indicators are determined on the basis of the results of their calculations for individual groups.

21. As initial data, the values ​​of indicators expected for the power plant (boiler house) characterizing the volumes of energy production, modes and operating conditions, external factors, reserves of thermal efficiency and the degree of their use are taken.

The main of these indicators include (for each of the months of the forecasting period):

Electricity generation;

Heat supply to consumers in steam for technological needs;

Release of heat in hot water to the heating network;

The structure of the combusted fuel and its characteristics;

Outside air temperature;

Condenser cooling water temperatures;

The composition of the operating equipment.

With regard to a specific power plant (boiler house), the full composition of the initial data is listed in the layout, which is part of the NTD for fuel use.

Electricity generation by power plants is accepted in accordance with the forecast energy balances agreed with the Regional Dispatch Office and the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the region state regulation tariffs. If there are no indicators in the predicted energy balance for each settlement period of regulation within the framework of the long-term regulation period, the volume taken into account in the forecast energy balance for the first settlement period of regulation within the framework of the long-term regulation period is taken into account for calculating the NOR.

22. When calculating the predicted heat loads of production and heat extraction turbines (backpressure), the principle of their priority use in comparison with peak hot water boilers (hereinafter - PVK), reduction-cooling units (hereinafter - ROU) is mandatory observed.

The total heat supply from production extractions (backpressure) of turbines (Q), Gcal, is generally determined by the formula heat supply to external consumers, Gcal; p sn xn Q , Q , Q - heat consumption for own, household needs, p p pb peak boilers, Gcal; Q - heat consumption from ROU connected to a steam source with higher pressure than ROU, Gcal.

Heat consumption for own needs is calculated according to the relevant dependencies that are part of the energy characteristics of the equipment.

For household needs, heat supply is accepted according to the actual data of the period preceding the settlement period.

Heat consumption for peak boilers is calculated according to the heat balance equations.

The release of heat from the heat extraction turbines (backpressure) in the general case includes:

Сн supply of heat to external consumers (Q), for own (Q) and t xn economic needs (Q) from heaters connected to these withdrawals; t heat consumption for heating an additive that compensates for the non-return of condensate from consumers of steam extractions of a higher potential (Q). nev

The expected value of the total heat supply from the turbine heat extraction, Gcal, can be calculated using the formula:

Pot sn хн Q = Q + Q + Q + Q + Q - Q , (2) then t t t nvc pot where Q is the heat loss associated with its release to external consumers t in hot water; Q - expected heat supply from PVC, Gcal. pvk Heat output from peak hot water boilers (peak boilers) is calculated based on the forecast of the duration of standing outdoor temperatures (tau), at which tnv it is necessary to turn them on to ensure the fulfillment of the temperature schedule of the heating network: pvk (pb) -3 Q = G x (i " - i") x tau x 10 , (3) pvc(pb) network.v r.v.v tnv pvk(pb) where G - network water consumption through peak hot water boilers or network to peak boilers, t/h ; i" , i" - enthalpies of network water in front of PVK (peak boilers) and r.v.r.v behind them, kcal/kg.

When distributing electrical and thermal loads between individual units of the power plant, it is advisable to strive to minimize the heat costs of the turbine plant for generating electricity.

For this, special computer programs are used. In the absence of such programs, the following recommendations should be followed.

In the case of operation of the power plant in the billing period according to the heat schedule, first of all, turbine extractions with the highest total specific electricity generation in the heating cycle compared to other turbines of the subgroup are loaded.

When the power plant operates according to the electrical schedule, the distribution of thermal and electrical loads is interconnected.

If there are several subgroups of equipment at the power plant, it is advisable during the period of maximum electrical load to transfer heat loads to a subgroup with lower initial parameters of fresh steam in order to limit its condensing power generation to the maximum. Moreover, a greater effect can be provided by transferring the heating load.

When operating turbines with electrical loads close to the nominal ones, in order to achieve maximum heat and power generation, the extractions of the same type of units are loaded evenly.

The summer period of operation of units with low loads predetermines the uneven nature of the distribution of the heat load between the turbines until it is transferred to one of them.

With parallel operation of turbines of the PT and R types, as calculations show, first of all, the selections of the PT type turbines are loaded until the highest values ​​of the total specific heat generation of electricity are reached.

When distributing heat loads, the following are taken into account:

Manufacturers' restrictions on the minimum load of turbine extractions;

Features of the scheme of the heating plant in terms of heat supply to external consumers and for their own needs;

Reliability of heat supply to consumers.

After the distribution of heat loads according to the regime diagrams and standard characteristics, the minimum electric power of each turbine and the minimum electricity generation by the power plant (E), thousand kWh are determined: min min E = SUM N x tau + SUM N x tau, (4) min p where N, N are the power developed by P-type turbines (or P-type turbines, T-type turbines when operating with degraded vacuum), and the minimum power of PT and T-type turbines at given selection loads (backpressure) , thousand kW. min The value of N includes the heating power and the power, f.t., developed on the ventilation passage of steam into the condenser with the diaphragm of the low-pressure cylinder (hereinafter - LPC) completely closed. Factors that increase beyond the minimum required level (leakage of the control diaphragm of the low pressure cylinder, an increase in the temperature of the exhaust pipe above the permissible level, etc.) are confirmed by the relevant documents. Calculation of the minimum CHP load is carried out in accordance with the recommendations given in Annex 14 to this procedure. Additional condensing electricity generation to be distributed between turbines (DeltaE), thousand kWh, is determined by kn formula: DeltaE = E - E, (5) kn mi

Where E is the planned electricity generation, thousand kWh.

For CHP, when justifying additional condensing electricity generation, the following factors can be considered:

Availability of non-switchable consumers of heat supply;

Ensuring the technical minimum load of boilers;

Increasing the temperature of the cooling water at the outlet of the turbine condensers to prevent freezing of cooling towers in winter.

The distribution of DeltaE between the turbines is made on the basis of kn pre-calculated characteristics of the relative increases in heat consumption for electricity generation in the condensation cycle (Deltaq) for kn of all possible combinations of units. The aggregates with the lowest Deltaq values ​​are loaded first. кн The distribution of heat supply to external consumers in a pair of one pressure or with network water between the subgroups of the power plant is carried out in proportion to the thermal loads of the turbine extractions (Q, Q) included in the subgroup.

Heat output from peak hot water boilers is distributed among subgroups of power plant equipment in proportion to the heat output with heating water.

The values ​​of hourly flow rates of live steam (D) and 0 steam into condensers (D) required for calculations for individual turbines with sufficient accuracy for forecasting purposes 2 can be calculated using the formulas, t/h: -3 D = (q x N x 10 + Q + Q) / K, (6) 0 t after -3 3 D = (q x N x 10 - 86 x N / eta - DeltaQ) x 10 / 550, (7) 2 t t em izl where q is the initial-nominal specific gross heat consumption for the turbine, kcal/kWh;

K - ratio of heat and fresh steam consumption to the turbine can be taken equal to 0.6 - 0.7 or calculated by the formula:

3 K = (i - i + alpha x Deltai) x 10 , (8) 0 pv pp pp where i , i , Deltai - enthalpies of live steam, feed water, 0 pv pp enthalpy increment in the reheating path, kcal/kg; alpha is the share of reheat steam from the fresh steam consumption; pp eta - electromechanical efficiency, %. It is taken equal to 97%; em DeltaQ - heat loss through the thermal insulation of the turbine, Gcal/h. For izl turbines with a capacity of 25, 50 and 100 MW, 0.49, 0.61 and 1.18 Gcal / h can be taken.

When calculating the NUR, the parameters of live steam and steam after reheating correspond to the values ​​​​accepted in the standard characteristics of turbines as nominal.

23. For TPPs using the method of distributing fuel costs in a combined cycle between electric and thermal energy in proportion to the heat costs for generating electric energy and supplying thermal energy, provided that they are produced separately, an increase in heat consumption for generating electricity in the conditional absence of heat supply to external consumers from withdrawals and backpressure of turbines (DeltaQ), Gcal, is determined by the formulas: e(neg) o -3 for turbines of the PT, T type: DeltaQ \u003d (SUM (q - Delta) x E) x K x 10, (9) e(neg ) T T T from -3 for turbines of type P, PR: DeltaQ \u003d (SUM (q - q) x E) x K x 10, (10) e (neg) kn T T from o where q, q - specific costs gross heat through the turbine in the absence of T T heat output from the extractions (pressure regulators in both extractions (on) and at the predicted electrical load, kcal / kWh; q - specific heat consumption for a turbine with a condenser having the same fresh steam parameters , as well as for turbines of the R, PR type with a predicted electric critical load in the absence of heat supply from the extractions (pressure regulators in the extractions are included), kcal/kWh; E - predicted generation of electricity by the turbine, thousand kWh; T K - ratio by subgroup of heat supply to external consumers from exhaust steam to the total load of withdrawals. For turbines with steam condensation, when heat is released from the condenser due to the "degraded" vacuum, the value of DeltaQ can be taken as e(neg) equal to the value of heat output from the condenser.

The ultimate goal of performing calculations for a turbine plant is to obtain predicted values ​​for equipment subgroups:

Absolute and specific gross heat consumption for electricity generation (Q, Gcal and q, kcal/kWh); e t s s s of absolute and specific heat consumption (Q , Gcal and q , %) and that s s s of electricity (E, thousand kWh and e, %) for own needs; tu n specific net heat consumption (q, kcal / kWh). tu 24. The number of boiler units of each type (n, n ... n) operating in the forecast period in the group is selected based on the total 1 2 t heat demand for turbines, the load of boiler units at the level of 80 - 90% of the nominal heat output, as well as the schedule equipment repairs. The agreed limits on the nominal steam capacity of the boilers are also taken into account.

The total gross heat generation by the boiler plant of the equipment subgroup, Gcal, is calculated by the formula:

Br nom -2 The values ​​of the coefficients of the reserve of thermal efficiency (K) pi are calculated according to the reporting data of the previous year for the month corresponding to the forecast: n n K = (b - b) x (1 - K) / b , (11a) pi i i per n where b , b - actual and nominal specific fuel consumption for i i supplied energy in i-th month the previous year; K is a coefficient that takes into account the elimination of fuel burns due to deviations in equipment performance from the standard level. The value of K is calculated as the ratio of fuel burns, which are not planned to be eliminated in the next 2 years, to the sum of fuel burns for the year preceding the forecast year. The substantiation of the value of K is carried out on the basis of a map of excessive fuel consumption and an action plan to eliminate them. The degree of use of reserves of thermal efficiency (mu) in the calculation of I norms of specific fuel consumption for the regulated period is taken equal to zero. Correction of NUR values ​​calculated on the basis of NTD for fuel use (b), which performs worse actual values ntd indicators in the year preceding the calculated one is made according to the formula: b = b x (1 + K), (11b) nur ntd corr where K is the correction factor: corr K = (b - b) / b, (11c) corr. nom b , b - actual and nominal values, respectively, of the actual specific fuel consumption for the supplied electricity and heat according to the reporting data for each month of the year preceding the calculated one.


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