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I promised several times to write detailed instructions in which to tell and show on real example setting up an access point (Wi-Fi router), on phones that work on operating system Android. If I'm not mistaken, then at all android smartphone ah, it is possible to distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi to other devices.

If your phone is running pure Android, then most likely this feature is called "Access point". On HTC smartphones (I have one), this function is called “Mobile wifi router”.

What is this chip, and how it works, I think you already know. If not, then I'll tell you in a nutshell. You can turn your Android phone into an access point, such as a mobile Wi-Fi router. You can distribute the Internet from your smartphone to other devices, such as a TV, tablet, laptops, other smartphones, etc.

That is, the smartphone will take the Internet that your provider provides you and distribute via Wi-Fi. What is it, I think, understood. A very useful feature, given that mobile Internet is not very expensive now, and operators provide quite normal tariffs.

What will we need?

The Android phone itself, configured and working Internet (if websites open in the browser on your phone, then everything is OK), well, and the devices that you will connect to your smartphone. I, on HTC, can connect a maximum of 5 devices at the same time.

I will show on the example of HTC One V. I will connect the ASUS MeMO Pad FHD 10 tablet, and a laptop. If you have a different phone, for example, Samsung, LG, Lenovo, etc., then it's okay, the setup process will not be practically different.

Setting up the distribution of Wi-Fi “Access Point” on Android

First of all, turn on the mobile Internet. So that at the top, on the notification panel, the corresponding icon appears.

There we choose " Wi-Fi router and USB modem(may also be “Access Point Connection”). In the next window, click on " Router settings(or Change Wi-Fi Hotspot”).

  • Router name (SSID), this is the name of our Wi-Fi. We indicate any name in English letters.
  • Security, and leave WPA2.
  • Password. This password will be used to connect to your network. Minimum 8 characters. English letters and numbers.

We specify all these parameters, and to start the Wi-Fi router, put a tick next to “Mobile Wi-Fi router” (Wi-Fi hotspot). Tips for connecting devices will appear, just click Ok. On the notification panel, an icon should appear that the router is running.

Everything, you can connect our devices to Wi-Fi.

Connecting devices to the created access point on an Android smartphone

Turn on Wi-Fi on the tablet (for example), go to the list of available networks, see the network we created on the phone there, and select it. Enter the password (I have it 11111111), and press To plug.

Everything, you can open sites.

We connect the laptop

Also, select our network, and enter the password for the network.

The connection is established, the network is connected and with Internet access.

You can connect a TV to Wi-Fi by following these instructions:.

You can see on your phone how many devices are already connected. Just click on the button User Management“. True, you will not see any useful and interesting information there.

To disable the mobile router, simply uncheck the corresponding item.


As you can see, everything is very simple and convenient. This scheme works quite stably. (if the network is good). Do not forget that a running mobile router decently discharges the battery, which is not strong point devices on Android OS.

And so, everything works and you can use it. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will figure it out together. Good luck!

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How to distribute mobile Internet from a smartphone via Wi-Fi? Set up an access point (Wi-Fi router) on a phone with Android OS updated: January 25, 2018 by: admin

For many users of modern smartphones, the presence of the Internet is of great importance, and if it is not there, then the gadget immediately becomes virtually useless. Of course, here you can watch a previously downloaded movie or a music track, but for the most part, modern games will not start without the Internet. And it's no secret that many modern gadgets are generally deprived of such an opportunity as the use of mobile Internet. Naturally, there is a solution, when searching for which people are looking for an answer to the question, how to distribute the Internet from an Android phone?

In fact, everything is very simple. The smartphone switches to portable router mode and starts distributing Wi-Fi by itself.

But it is worth considering that such a connection will be slightly lower than the one used in normal mode. Possible slowdown of games and applications. But it is worth considering that in the absence of anything, such a solution remains as original and convenient as possible. It's better to use slow internet than to sit without it at all.

To enable this function in a smartphone, you do not need to download additional programs. In general, this is a fairly simple procedure included in every Android system.

In order for your smartphone to become mobile router, you must do the following.

  1. Go to the default Settings app
  2. After, go to network settings, go to additional settings. « Wireless connections and networks" then "More".
  3. For older versions of Android, this connection will be at the wireless network point.
  4. "Tethering mode (portable hotspot)" - the next item you need to select
  5. Where "Portable hotspot" you need to check the box.

IMPORTANT! You will need to set a password on your network so that no one connects and squanders speed and traffic. There are still many settings, but it is better not to touch them.

After the work is done, an additional access point will appear in the room. It will distribute the Internet to everyone, and will be called the same as the device. If you need to configure this access point, then go to its settings and specify all the data that you personally need. This is not difficult to do, it is enough to understand some of the subtleties.

Setting up a Wi-Fi hotspot

By clicking on “Access Point Settings”, you can watch how two items “Security” and “Network Name” appear on the screen. As you already understood, the network name in most cases is the name of your smartphone. True, the topic "Security" should be touched upon separately.

The "Security" field is divided into three items:

  • "Not"

Last option "Not" means that the network shown is not protected by anything. At the same time, everyone will be able to connect to it (as described above).

If the first options are also a mystery to you, then we’ll talk about them in more detail below.


WPA PSK is Wi-Fi protection against unauthorized network connection. The main method of protection here is the password, which each user who decides to connect to the network will enter on his device. At the same time, "PSK" is a simplified protocol that is used only on Android devices.


WPA2 PSK is an improved security method. But right away I want to say that this protocol is not supported by many devices, and can also be the reason " braking» some devices. But if you just need to give the Internet to some device, then there should not be any problems in the process.

After you enter the option, you will need to create a password. Typically, the device asks you to create it with at least eight characters.


Some devices support another mode called WEP. This is a very old security option that also uses passwords. It differs from the others in that it compatible with all devices, even those that were created at the beginning of the 21st century. But with the help of WPA PSK, the Internet can be distributed not only to different mobile devices, but also to game consoles, as well as computers and laptops.

If you don't want your device to drain so quickly, or if you need a stable signal only for your computer, the USB connection method will definitely appeal to you! All you need is a smartphone, PC and a USB to Micro USB cable.

  1. Connect your smartphone to your computer. If he has not connected before, then it will happen auto tuning drivers (if the gear is spinning in the notification menu, wait for the alert about the normal setup of the new device).
  2. After that, go to the settings on your phone, find the "USB tethering" item. It will become active only when connected to a PC.
  3. Usually this option is located in the initial menu "Wireless Networks"
  4. We put a tick.
  5. We update the list of networks on the computer, and we see the model of our device, we connect.

Here everything is the same as with the phone. You need to connect to an existing network, or if the tablet has a SIM card slot, then through a mobile network. After connecting the option "Modem mode", and put a password on the network. On another device - select this network, and confirm the password.

Using a tablet as a modem is useful in cases where a fixed access point is far away, and with it you can increase the signal by a few more meters!

Using a portable router

Of course, each of the options described above has its downsides. The most common is that just an hour of sharing the Internet with other devices will cost you about 40% of the battery charge.

However, it is possible to buy a router that has a SIM card slot. Thus, you will be able to distribute the Internet directly from the router. Such a device can hold a charge for a long time, while its cost is no higher than a smartphone, and even much lower than a mobile device. This solution will be a great alternative if the smartphone is not able to provide the Internet for a long time.

Having understood all the subtleties, you can make your own choice, which option is appropriate in a particular case. In addition, you can decide for yourself on the choice of protection, as well as convenience, suitable in a particular case.

Android has built-in tools for distributing mobile traffic through a Wi-Fi adapter. Setting them up is not difficult, so in order to distribute Wi-Fi with android phone or Android tablet, no special skills or apps are required.

Tethering mode setting

If you know how to distribute the Internet from a PC to Android, then you will quickly understand the technology by which it becomes possible to distribute the Internet from Android to other devices. In the case of a computer, a router is used to which the cable is connected. After a short setup, the router starts to spread Wi-Fi indoors, so the laptop, personal computer(with adapter wireless communication), tablet and phone can access the Internet without a wired connection.

In the case of distributing the Internet from a tablet or Android phone, a router is not needed. Its functions are performed by the built-in Wi-Fi adapter, which, after turning on the modem mode, begins to give out mobile traffic. To understand how to distribute WiFi from Android to a laptop and other devices, let's see how to enable tethering using Samsung's TouchWiz shell as an example:

Please note: when you turn on the tethering mode, the smartphone cannot use Wi-Fi to access the Internet. The adapter starts to work as a router, and access to the network can only be obtained through mobile traffic. After turning on mobile traffic, we can assume that the Wi-Fi network is distributed throughout the room. from any device with a Wi-Fi adapter (tablet, laptop, PC):

In the settings of the phone from which Wi-Fi is distributed, a notification will appear about who is connected to the network. If you see that another device that you did not connect yourself is using the hotspot, block access for it and change the password in the network settings. To stop the distribution of traffic, just turn off the modem mode or turn off the mobile Internet on your phone.

Other ways to distribute mobile traffic

Information on how to distribute Wi-Fi from an Android phone will not help only if the other device does not have a wireless network adapter. This primarily applies to PCs, which are usually connected to a router. wired connection. There are two ways to fix this shortcoming:

  • Buy an external adapter, and then the information on how to distribute WiFi will become relevant again.
  • Use a different connection type.

The second method is supported by the fact that Android settings have necessary tools to establish a connection of another type - a Bluetooth modem and a UBS modem. When using the first technology, you need a Bluetooth adapter on your PC, and for a USB modem to work, you only need a cable and a free USB port.

There are no major differences in setting up a connection from distributing Wi-Fi. To establish a connection via Bluetooth:

  1. Turn on mobile internet on your phone.
  2. Open the settings, go to the "More" ("Other networks") section.
  3. Select "Modem mode". Click on "Bluetooth Tethering".

To connect to the Internet on a PC, you must enable search and add a new device via Bluetooth. When the phone is found, a window with an 8-digit passcode will appear on the screen, and Android OS will prompt you to pair the devices. After pairing, open the "Devices and Printers" settings on your computer, right-click on the phone icon and select connect via hotspot.

The Bluetooth tethering shows the lowest data transfer rate, so it is recommended to use a USB connection instead.

  1. Turn on mobile traffic on Android.
  2. Go to the network settings and select the "USB tethering" mode.
  3. Go to the control panel and find in the list of connections the connection by local network. Right click on it and select Enable.

Today, the Internet is needed by many different devices. Almost everything is connected to the Internet, from laptops and tablets to TVs. The easiest way to connect such devices to the Internet is a wireless Wi-Fi network. In this article, you will learn how to distribute Wi-Fi from Android to your devices that require connection to the World Wide Web.

It's actually very easy on Android. Now we will demonstrate this using the example of a Samsung smartphone with the TouchWiz shell. If you have a phone with a different shell, then some menu items may be slightly different.

The first thing to do in order to distribute Wi-Fi from Android is to open the settings and go to the "Other networks" section. In other shells, this section of settings may simply be called “More”.

After that, you will be taken to the access point settings. Here you need to enable the function "Portable hotspot". In other shells, this item may be called "Portable hotspot".

After that, you will see a warning that this action will turn off Wi-Fi. Click on the "Yes" button to continue.

Everything, these simple steps are enough to distribute Wi-Fi from Android. Now your Android smartphone works as a Wi-Fi hotspot and you can connect other devices to it. In order to get information about the password from this access point, open the "Portable access point" section.

After that, a screen will open in front of you, on which the password and the name of your access point will be indicated. If you want to change these data, then you need to click on the "Settings" button.

If you click on the "Settings" button, a pop-up window with access point settings will open. Here you can change the name of the access point (network SSID), change the encryption method (in our case, WPA2 PSK is used), and also change the password for connecting to this access point.

After making all changes to the settings, the pop-up window must be closed by clicking on the "Save" button.

It should be noted that in order for an Android smartphone to be able to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, it must have access to this Internet. In other words, your smartphone must be connected to the mobile Internet and there must be money in the account.

There are three ways to distribute the Internet from an Android smartphone: via Wi-Fi, via USB and via Bluetooth. To do this, the Android OS provides standard functions. But it’s not enough to distribute the Internet - you still need to connect third-party devices to the network, and for this you have to carry out a number of simple manipulations. Let's see how to distribute the Internet from an Android phone to each of three ways.

We distribute the Internet using Wi-Fi:

To use your smartphone as an access point to the Internet via Wi-Fi, run the following actions:

2. Open the " Modem Mode»;

3. Check the box " WiFi hotspot"- the smartphone starts distributing the Internet via Wi-Fi.

You can make changes to the “Wi-Fi access point settings” by selecting the appropriate menu item - change the password or network name, choose a different protection method. Connecting to the Internet distributed in this way is very simple, and you probably know how to do it. You can use the hotspot from both Android and Windows devices.

Distribution of the Internet using Bluetooth:

To use your smartphone as an access point to the Internet via Bluetooth, execute the following actions:

2. We return to the main menu "Settings", open the item " Bluetooth”, turn on the visibility mode on the Android device;

3. We distribute the Internet via Bluetooth.

To connect to the Internet, which is distributed via Bluetooth, download and install the application on an Android smartphone or tablet. We open the application and see a list of Bluetooth devices, select the one you need - the one from which the Internet is distributed. Internet connection completed.

Sharing the Internet from an Android device via USB:

To use a smartphone or tablet computer as an Internet access point for a home computer via USB, run the following actions:

1. We go to "Settings", then to "Wireless networks", where by checking the box we select the item " USB modem» - this item is usually hidden and becomes visible only when the Android device is connected to the PC via a USB cable;

2. On your home computer, go to the list of connections, select the connection that you just created. Your home PC is now connected to the internet using a USB connection.

That, perhaps, is all - as you can see, it is very simple to distribute the Internet from an Android smartphone or tablet.


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