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Proper lighting

Good lighting is half the battle. Take pictures in bright daylight, outdoors or by a window. Daylight hides skin imperfections, while hair and eyes look shiny and vibrant. Choose a location where the sun illuminates your face and is above eye level. In no case should you stand so that the sun is behind you, otherwise you will get a dark and ugly picture.

To make your face appear more even and bright, take a self-portrait in soft morning or evening lighting. Too hard daylight can be scattered by a thin light curtain or a sheet of white transparent paper.

To properly take a selfie night shooting, try to find a bright source of artificial white light that is in front and above, or use the built-in flash on your gadget. For soft dispersion, buy a special flash attachment.

Favorable angle

The best angle to take a beautiful selfie is when you hold the camera above eye level and turn your face 20-30 degrees to the side. Girls are advised to raise the camera higher, then the look at the photo will be open, the eyes will appear larger, and the contours of the face will be clear and toned. In addition, at this angle, the chest is captured.

To emphasize the hollow on the chest, the girl should bring her elbows under the bust. Guys also fit the three-quarter angle. If you raise your hand, then a voluminous biceps will appear in the frame.

When photographing in full growth, the face and shoulders should be full face, and the lower part of the body is turned half-side to the lens. So the figure looks more elegant. Girls will have beautifully accentuated waist and hips, while guys will have shoulders and muscles.

There are also "harmful" camera angles. The shot taken from below adds a double chin and a couple of extra pounds. If you turn sideways to the light source, then the second half of the face will remain in shadow. When shooting strictly full face, there is a risk of getting a bulbous nose, neck wrinkles or a powerful chin.

In which direction to turn the face also plays a role, because the left and right sides of the face are asymmetrical. Each photo model has its own "working side", from which it is always removed. Therefore, you will have to practice to learn how to beautifully shoot yourself from the favorable side.

thoughtful background

As strong as the urge to snap yourself right now is, look around. If you are on the street or in a crowded place, make sure that people passing by and unnecessary, not very photogenic objects get into the frame. Having started a photo session at home, tidy up the room, choose an attractive place in your interior. Do not be too lazy to specially prepare the background for shooting, bright pillows, garlands, flowers, paintings, decorative ornaments can serve as props.

Now special backdrops for photo shoots made of vinyl are gaining popularity. Buy a few of these "backgrounds" and you can forget about the bad background on the selfie.

If fantasy is bad, then a win-win option is to beautifully take a selfie - a snapshot in nature. Green grass, blue skies, blossoming trees or fallen leaves always look good in pictures. Use the colors of nature for your photos.

Take pictures of yourself when doing outdoor activities and extreme sports in nature, climb into hard-to-reach places and virgin corners of the earth, such backgrounds are always relevant.

With friends and pets

For a photo with a friend, stand close to each other and press your foreheads together. Hold the camera strictly in the middle, at eye level or higher. Two friends can be photographed at different distances from the lens. One holds the camera in front of him, the other steps back a couple of steps. The same angles can be used to take pictures with your pet or zoo animal.

Want to take a selfie big company? Then the main rule is that the photographer should be in the middle so as not to cut off those who are standing from the far edge. It is better to take such a photo from the front or from above. By experimenting with angles, you can also inadvertently cut off a couple of friends.


What will help make your portraits even better?

  • Filters. Before posting photos on Instagram, experiment with filters. They will correct the color balance or simply give originality to your self-portraits.
  • Monopod. The Selfie Stick helps you capture even more of the background and a full-length figure. Also, a monopod is indispensable for group shots.

  • Velcro cover. A smartphone in such a case can be stuck on the wall and enjoy full-length posing
  • Timer. Useful if you need to have time to take a place in the frame
  • Applications. With the help of virtual applications, you can beautifully arrange a picture: crop, add brightness, apply a photo effect, make a frame, inscription, insert a picture-sticker and much more

And most importantly - smile! Sincere photos with a bit of humor always become popular.

Everyone can take a selfie. Only a few people can take a good selfie. At first glance, the matter is simple. But in practice, in most cases, terrible pictures come out. In many ways, from non-observance of the elementary rules of photography and not the ability to choose a style. In this post, I will talk about how to take a selfie to be admired.

A good selfie always attracts attention. However, as practice shows, only a small part of lovers of this type of photo can take a beautiful selfie regularly. For the rest, it rarely turns out beautiful, by a happy coincidence. But, in order not to rely on chance, I decided to collect some important criteria for a good self to help you answer the question - " how to take a beautiful selfie". Criteria I arranged in order of greatest influence.

Selfie (selfie, crossbow) - This is the kind of photo where the photographer takes a picture of himself. In fact, selfies include photos of your limbs and other parts of the body. But, I used to understand by selfie - photographs, where the face of the photographer is necessarily present, in whole or in part. Otherwise, for a selfie, you can also take a photo of the ass placed on the whole picture, which does not correspond to the spirit of the selfie.

+50% selfie beauty for good lighting

Pictures taken in daylight are much better than those taken in artificial light. Therefore, strive to selfie on the street during the daytime. If you're indoors, consider making yourself by the window.

Regardless of which lighting you choose, the main light should be on the same side as the camera. If you're taking a window selfie, make sure it's in front of you, not behind or to the side. The same applies to the street in sunny weather. The sun must illuminate you from the front, otherwise the camera will just darken you.

Avoid unnecessary shadows from objects between you and the light source. You may not notice, but half of your head in the selfie will be covered in shadow. This is not very aesthetically pleasing, unless it was part of the plans of the photographer who caught the successful play of the shadow in combination with the face.

Don't use flash. Only professional photographers know how to use it to create good photos in a dark place. But even for them it will be very difficult to take a beautiful selfie with a flash. I have not reached the level of giving advice to professional photographers, so I think there are few of those among my readers. Just forget the flash.

+25% for correctly chosen style, angle and background

Depending on what you want to convey through a selfie, you must choose a style. If you want to emphasize the photo on your face, then it should take up at least a quarter of the picture. This style is more often used by girls to show makeup or just a beautiful face.

To demonstrate not only your face, but also your torso, move the camera to arm's length. So you can show your body, any object, an event happening nearby, well, everything that you can fit into the frame. In this case, you will have to make sure that not only you, but also what you want to show turned out well on the selfie. Some people prefer to use a mirror in this case, but keep in mind that such pictures lose quality and lighting, as the photographer cannot correctly orientate with the light.

If you are taking a global selfie, use a monopod. For example, to take a selfie with a large number of people, to show the nature around you, or the atmosphere at an event. So your selfie will be more voluminous and convey more than a shot taken with an outstretched hand that covers part of the photo.

Having decided on the style, move on to finding the best angle and background. If you are photographing a face, then the background will matter less. A good camera position when shooting a face is slightly above the eyes. Do not take face selfies with a camera that is below the chin. These pictures never come out pretty. Also remember that by bringing the camera too close to your face, you will get not a beautiful, but at best, a funny selfie.

Pay attention to the background if you are taking a selfie with a monopod or at arm's length. A selfie will turn out much better if not only you, but also everything that surrounds you looks good on it.

+13% for a beautiful pose, facial expressions and natural emotions

Your charisma will help you with this. Work in front of a mirror on your facial expressions and postures. Try head turns, different views of the camera, right, left, up, down, corners. Experiment. Determine your "working side", that is, the side that you look best on. Remember the posture, head turn, gaze, and camera position that took the best selfie. This will come in handy later on when you need to take a selfie in an unexpected situation.

+6% for good photo quality

Taking selfies with the front camera is very convenient. But, most often, this camera has worse qualities than the main one. Try to learn how to take a selfie with the main camera, intuitively guessing your position in the photo. This skill is acquired with practice.

An even cooler selfie will turn out on a professional or semi-professional camera. Some cameras are equipped with a program that allows you to control it from your smartphone. Just point the camera at yourself, and, looking at the screen of your smartphone, adjust your position. Get a very good quality selfie.

+3% for uniqueness and creativity

Selfies are very popular on the Internet and a huge number of people take the same pictures, standing at the same sights, in the same poses, with the same grimaces. Try to make something unique or add creativity to what is already there. I know it doesn't work for everyone and not always. But if you succeed, your selfie will be admired.

+2% for relevance

If it's autumn outside, transform your selfie into autumn colors. Soon New Year? Try to convey the festive mood. Relevance is an indicator of something new. And in terms of content, new is always better. So, if you want your selfies to sparkle with freshness, keep an eye on what's going on around you.

+1% for a good filter and processing

The perfect selfie usually doesn't need to be edited. But there is no limit to perfection. Scrolling through the feed on Instagram, sometimes I come across publications to which filters are selected, as if they were created specifically for these photos. Try experimenting with processing. Maybe you can make your selfie a little prettier.

To summarize all of the above advice, practice more and take more frames at a time to increase the chances of a successful shot.

The term “selfie” has only recently entered the vocabulary, but the concept of self-portrait is not new. Artists created their self-portraits centuries before there were modern smartphones, however, modern photographs do not at all claim to be a work of art. But how do you take the perfect photo? Meet a few practical advice for a great selfie!

Keep your chin down and your camera up

Love her or hate her, but Kim Kardashian definitely knows how to take selfies. There is even a wax figure of Kim right in the process of taking such a picture, it is on display at Madame Tussauds. In an interview, Kim admitted that she always tries to keep her chin down and the camera up. If you hold the camera too low, it looks like you have a double chin. If you raise your chin, you can see the nostrils, which is not very bright for the selfie. But remember that this angle is suitable for Kim Kardashian because she has a rather thin face. Your ideal angle depends on the shape of your face. Try different angles to find the best option.

Focus on more than just the face

Remember that you are not only your face. You can share other body parts as well. Did you buy new shoes? Show your legs! Walked twenty thousand steps? Show off a fitness tracker on your wrist! You can tell a story with your photo, even if your face isn't in it. If you're relaxing on the beach, sand-covered feet in a hammock create best story than a face in water. When you look into the camera, you are distracted from what is happening around, so showing off your appearance is not The best way show what is happening to you. A selfie is not just a face, a selfie is you. Try to notice small details too!

Create the right frame

If you want to convey your feelings through facial expressions, try to shoot with your smartphone closer. Get rid of the distracting background, focus on the eyes. But don't get too close either, as the camera will focus on the closest object, and that will be your nose. Get close enough to be in the frame, but not too close to ruin the quality of the photo. A smartphone doesn't work like a good camera, so you need to frame your shot properly. If you are body shy, you can focus on the face and posture that will look good.

Divide and Conquer

If you position your face in the center of the frame, the picture looks like a passport photo. If you're not aiming for that kind of impression, use the basic photography rule of thirds. Divide the frame into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Position your face to the left or right of the frame so that your eyes are a third below the screen and not in the very center. Such a composition allows you to show both your face and what surrounds you. The rule of thirds creates more compelling shots because it allows the eye to move across the photo and back to the subject.

Photo while taking a photo

Sometimes the act of taking a selfie can tell a story. Ask someone to take your photo while you are taking your photo. Celebrities often publish such photos, which are depicted with smartphones.

Crop your photo correctly

The background should be interesting, but not compromising. Always think about what surrounds you. No one will be interested in you if you have a dumpster behind you. It is better to cut such fragments.

Is it worth pouting your lips?

The so-called "duckface" is suitable only for real ducks. The rest is better to pose naturally!

Add sound

Instead of agonizing over trying to press the right button and keep the pose, just use the buttons to adjust the sound, this also allows you to take a picture.

Be careful with filters

There are plenty of filters and apps out there, but don't get too carried away. If the photo has too many filters, it looks unnatural. Don't try to hide your natural look!

Good lighting

The right light is the key to a good photo. Lack of lighting can ruin your selfie. Always try to take photos in natural light, as fluorescent lights don't brighten skin tone. However, the direct rays of the sun are also not suitable. You need a uniform light, not directed directly at you.

Should you use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick is a great way to take a picture of both your face and the nature around you. Use this device carefully so as not to disturb others, especially if you are in a tourist place.

Take photos with pleasure

With the development of information and mobile technologies in recent years, teenagers around the world have a fashion for photography, called "selfie" (from the English. Selfie). These shots are self-portraits of people taken with a tablet or smartphone. Today at in social networks you can see millions of photographs in which people take pictures of themselves with their own hands - that's what it means to take a selfie. However, truly high-quality images are obtained only from a few. How beautiful it is to take a selfie, so that later it is popular, we will consider further.

Choosing a location for selfie shooting

The first thing to consider when choosing a place for a photo is to pay attention to the lighting. For any shot it plays essential role, and our case is no exception. Sunlight is best for selfies, but bright light will also match. Do not forget that the sun or the lamp should not be located behind the back of the person being photographed, but in front of him, preferably at forehead level. In this case, it will be possible to avoid an overexposed frame and an unfortunate shadow.

The right background for a selfie is also important. Pictures in a room or a restroom are both trite and ugly. It is clear that people are looking for a place with a mirror for photographs, but you can do without it. An ideal place for such shots would be nature, for example, a park or a lake. It is not for nothing that the best selfie is considered to be those taken on the street, and those against which there is a beautiful sky with clouds.

But how do you take a good selfie at home? Quality can also be achieved indoors, as long as there is bright lighting and there are no other people and large objects in the frame.

What pose to choose for selfie

By and large, the number of poses for this type of photo shoot is limited, since the person is shooting himself. However, there is still a choice, and it must be approached very responsibly. It is important to remember that a shot taken from above enlarges the face, nose, eyes and reduces the torso. This is the perfect option for fat people who want to hide those extra pounds.

How beautiful it is to take a selfie, each person understands in his own way, and this is what he repels when choosing a pose. and take pictures of themselves completely, showing all their charms. Guys show their muscles in their arms, chest and abs, and girls show their toned body.

If a person is confident in himself and his figure, then he can calmly pose as his heart desires. People are more modest hiding their faces behind a flash. Some simply photograph only the face, but in this case there are some nuances:

Avoid unnecessary grimaces;
- do not wear glasses, as the frame will be overexposed;
- do your hair, put your face in order;
- the smile should be a little shy.

How to achieve the perfect selfie

- Lens. For a high-quality frame, it is always important to choose the right mode on the camera. Perfect for selfies is portrait, which is now built into every device, from smartphones to professional devices. Everything is clear with the mode, but beginners may have problems with the lens. We are talking about 85 mm and above. These lenses are the best for portraits.

- Glamor world. At home, it is almost impossible to achieve. Glamorous lighting is built in professional photography studios. This is how you can avoid uneven shadows, exposure and other flaws. On the other hand, how to take a cool selfie outside the walls of the studio? To do this, you need to pick up bright white lighting that can cover a large space, and install it just above the eyes.

- The beauty. Also, to achieve the perfect selfie, you need to have a well-groomed face, well-styled hair, and appropriate clothing. For a woman, it is important that she has an interesting hairstyle and preferably light makeup. By the way, no one has yet canceled the erotic background, so the most rated selfies are pictures in underwear.

Proper handling of selfies

Before publishing your work on the Internet, it would not be superfluous to check them for quality and, if necessary, remove flaws. Almost all devices with a camera have special editors. If these are not available, then it is worth downloading similar applications. The main thing when editing is not to overdo it too much, so as not to look artificial in the pictures.

And now for a tip on how to take an original selfie in minutes. For this it is enough good shot and fantasies at the stage of processing. Photo editors provide a lot of opportunities to improve the picture: from filters to frames.

Reasons for bad selfies

More than half of the so-called selfies on the Internet are silent horror. And the point here is not that the person is ugly or the background is poorly chosen. The reason is that the photographer simply does not understand how beautiful it is to take a selfie.

Firstly, it would be a huge mistake to use a low-resolution camera for pictures, or because the face is either blurry, the face is distorted. In addition, it is often difficult to see the eyes, mouth, nose, details of clothing and other aspects that the photographer wanted to demonstrate to the public.

Secondly, poor lighting, which makes selfies terribly unappealing. Take even the flash, which is the main source of light for many shots. literally disfigures the face, as it is very bright only on one side. Yellow lighting should also be excluded.

Thirdly, this is a lack of neatness, that is, uncombed hair, excluded makeup, rumpled clothes, etc.

Little selfie tricks

1. Hide all the flaws of your body: cellulite, uneven tan, and others.

2. For there are secrets: cover it with your hand and, pressing it against the body, raise it a little. It is better to do this procedure lying down.

3. How to take a good selfie if there is no cosmetics at hand? Focus on the deep neckline!

4. Photographing yourself with a red tan is not recommended.

5. To hide a big belly, the angle of the picture from above is suitable.

1. Lighting should be bright and uniform.

2. Choose a good angle, in which all the flaws of the body would not be visible, and the advantages would come to the fore.

3. Do not forget about the background, which will give the picture not only zest, but also additional depth.

4. Check if there are people, animals, or objects inappropriate for the frame behind your back.

5. Eliminate frontal shots by tilting your head slightly to one side.

7. Do not neglect photo editors to hide flaws. Crop the photo if necessary.

And the main advice on how to take a beautiful selfie: be yourself!

Self-mania, which swept the entire planet a few years ago, does not seem to be going to slow down. That is why we want to devote today's article to how to take a selfie so that not only you like it and get a lot of likes.

We will reveal life hacks and secrets of successful selfies using the example of 10 ideas for beautiful photos.

A selfie is more than just a self-portrait. This is a photo in which you are present or only a part of your face or body that you yourself took. In order to make your feed more diverse, do not overload it with the same type of selfies, in which only your face is close-up.

We will teach you how to diversify your profile content and how to take a selfie using simple tips as an example.

1. Beautiful selfie. Find a lucky light

Before starting any photo shoot, the photographer first of all chooses good lighting. The ideal light for selfies is natural. Photos by the window, when bright sunlight falls on the face, are often the most successful. Such light itself is able to hide any skin imperfections and make the eyes brighter.

Avoid taking selfies with flash and in very dark rooms. In the first case, the colors can be greatly distorted, and the eyes become red. In the second, the graininess of the picture is greatly increased, and you risk getting a low-quality selfie with blurry details.

If it is possible to use artificial lighting for selfies, it should be of high quality and correctly directed.

The light should be soft, and preferably diffused, be directed to your eye, but frontally. Otherwise, the face may either be overexposed, or harsh shadows will fall on it.

Alternatively, you can also use additional flashlights, flashes for phones and miniature lighting panels.

#selfie #girl #beauty #instagirl

2. Beautiful selfie. Find a good background

Carpets on the walls, doors and floral wallpaper will not help your selfie to be successful. In order to focus the attention of Instagram users on you, and not on the background, it should be uniform or less bright than your makeup and clothes. Or vice versa, if you want to stand out in a photo with a bright wall, choose pastel-colored clothes or monochrome colors for this look.

That is why it is so difficult to take a cool selfie against the backdrop of nature - a riot of colors and numerous details simply do not allow you to focus on your face.

The perfect backdrop for a selfie will always be brick walls, wood paneling, sky, sand, bed.

3. Beautiful selfie. Find the best selfie poses

There is nothing surprising in the fact that each girl has her own successful selfie poses. One boasts long legs, the other has magnificent breasts, the third has beautiful long hair.

Finding the right angle for a selfie is also very important, because we all have a “working” side of the face - the one on which there are fewer all sorts of imperfections.

Avoid full-face photos: very often the lighting can fail and the chin will merge with the neck. In addition, such a selfie angle will emphasize the existing asymmetry of facial features, if one eye is larger than the second, and one eyebrow is raised higher. It’s better to take a selfie in half a turn, in ¾ of the face - in this perspective, the chin and cheekbones become sharper and the face looks chiseled.

Selfies in which part of the face is missing or an unusual angle is found look very impressive. You can raise your phone almost above your head and look into the camera.

#instagirl #beautifulgirl #beautifulbody #selfie

4. Beautiful selfie. Find an interesting selfie activity

A selfie in which Instagram users can only see their own face can quickly get bored, and interest in your account will be lost. In order to diversify the subject of pictures, show your followers what your daily life is filled with.

Maybe you have some interesting hobby - needlework, scrubbooking, soap making. Then the Instagram community will be curious to see you at work - take a selfie in the process of creating your works.

All these cute girly things will always serve as a great selfie entourage and will cause a stream of enthusiastic comments.

You can also take beautiful selfies in fitting rooms while shopping, asking users if this outfit is worthy of becoming an addition to your fashion wardrobe.

#handmade #knitting #boasters #needlework

5. Beautiful selfie. Show what you can do

Everyone can make a boring duck face, artificially inflating sponges. And you show on Instagram that you are capable of more.

A healthy lifestyle is back in fashion. Therefore, a selfie from the gym is a great opportunity to tell everyone that you are improving yourself, and your classes are not in vain. Confirmation of this is your beautiful body captured in a selfie in a large mirror.

A popular selfie-themed destination healthy lifestyle pictures of intricate asanas during yoga classes have become life.

#fitness #sport #workout #yoga #bodyshape

6. Beautiful selfie. Don't waste time

If you want to capture a memory or an image, do it right after its creation - do not put it off indefinitely. Otherwise, you run the risk that an unwanted shine may appear in the T-zone over time, the lipstick will lose its brightness and definition of the contour, and the lush curls created by such efforts will unwind.

In addition, selfies of beautiful makeup look very good against the backdrop of a beautiful dressing table. Especially if your mirror is equipped with additional lighting.

#beautifulmakeup #makeup #muotd #instabeauty

7. Beautiful selfie. In full growth

Look for large mirrors to capture your full length or at least capture most of yourself in the frame. Liftlooks are still relevant, because it is in elevators that you can most often find mirrors from ceiling to floor, and unlike shopping centers and only you will be the showcase in the photo.

Large mirrors will allow you to show OOTD (outfit of the day) in all its glory without hiding a single wardrobe detail from followers.

#outfit #ootd #liftolook #selfie #selfishmelfi #crossbow

8. Beautiful selfie. Don't miss the details

The cute things that surround you can serve as a great setting for a beautiful selfie.

On the eve of the New Year, they can be Christmas decorations, a cup of cappuccino with a beautiful topping, an interesting book.

Your face may not be included in such a selfie, but the details that you want to focus on should definitely get into the frame - a new pair, a beautiful bag, a large-knit sweater, a warm scarf.

#shoes #bag #details #girlie #new thing

9. Beautiful selfie. Use a monopod

The length of an outstretched arm is not always enough to capture all the important details that you want to show in the frame.

For this purpose, you can use a monopod (selfie stick) with a telescopic handle. Its length will allow you to capture all the space around you for a selfie. We strongly recommend that you do not use the front camera for this purpose, as its properties are lower, and selfies are obtained the worst quality than taken on the phone's external camera.

#holiday #couple #nature

10. Beautiful selfie. Use photo editors

If the built-in list of filters for Instagram photos seems insufficient to you, use photo editors. With their help, you can play with lighting, brighten or darken certain parts of the photo, add funny captions.

In addition, photo editors will help you hide those flaws that got into the selfie - a pimple, a mole, a disheveled strand of hair.

Here is a list of the most popular photo editors for phones:

  • Instabeauty
  • Avatan
  • Snapseed
  • Facetune

Bonus life hack on how to take a beautiful selfie

Smile. Followers and guests of your profile will like a smile on their face more than an expression of sadness or longing.


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