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Among the many directions in the industry of health and beauty, the sale of cosmetics seems to be the most profitable. Demand for this product is high, stable and little dependent on the season. The habit of daily use of decorative and caring cosmetics has firmly entered the life of most modern women. Consider the most successful business models, the features of choosing suppliers and financial calculations for a cosmetics store.

To draw up a business plan for a cosmetics store, you need to decide on a business model. This will determine the cost of starting a business, an action plan and marketing. What are the options? The first option is own new store. For him, you will need to independently choose the premises, name, assortment and suppliers. This is a difficult option, not very suitable for a novice businessman.

Another variant - cosmetics franchise. There are so many offers to open a cosmetics and perfumery franchise store that the choice can be a real problem. The risk is that you can get on an unscrupulous franchisor who will take the money, but will not provide real help. Starting a franchise is likely to cost even more than starting your own. outlet at the expense lump sum and royalty. On the other hand, the franchisee gets the opportunity to work under a "promoted" brand, consult, use a corporate design.

Third option - the Internet. Selling cosmetics via the Internet allows you to save on rent of premises and staff, not to spend money on advertising, using social networks instead. Many shoppers like to buy online because the cost of goods is reduced by this trading option (does not include staff and premises). Such a business can be started with a minimum of funds if you use dropshipping.

Selling cosmetics is a business that does not lose relevance even in a crisis

Cosmetics franchises

Buying a franchise allows entrepreneurs to learn from someone else's experience and use a well-known brand to attract buyers. Franchisors help to choose the premises (if it is planned to open a real outlet), think over the design and decoration of shop windows, and train the staff. A good franchise solves a whole range of problems, but finding one is not as easy as it might seem.

It is necessary to judge the offer of the franchisor not only on the basis of the lump-sum fee and royalties. It is worth clarifying what exactly the assistance in starting a business will consist of, whether the company plans to provide goods or suppliers, and whether it will advertise outlets of its network. Let's look at some popular options.

How to open a Korean cosmetics store from scratch? Cosmetics from Korea are now on the wave of popularity. Customers consider it more effective, innovative and at the same time inexpensive. The range is wide: body, face and hair care, rejuvenation, make-up. The Korean cosmetics franchise promises a good income due to the interest of buyers in the direction. Popular franchises of Korean cosmetics:

  1. MySkin - no down payment and no royalties, total investment up to 2 million rubles. 20 brands, environmental friendliness, natural composition and professional consultants. Assumes the opening of a retail outlet from 20 to 40 sq.m, payback in 10 months.
  2. DANACO - no down payment and royalties, investments from 1 million rubles. The franchisee receives an individual design project, full support at the stage of launch and operation. They are opened in shopping centers in the format of an island (8 sq.m) or a full-fledged store (from 20 sq.m).

Other popular franchises:

  1. The franchise of "Belarusian Cosmetics" involves an initial payment of 150 thousand rubles and a total investment of 950 thousand rubles. Trade margin from 80% to 150% allows you to pay off faster. Works without royalty. Several formats of cooperation - an island in a shopping center, a store or wholesale of natural cosmetics.
  2. MIXFIT. An initial fee- 450 thousand rubles, investments - from 2 to 3 million rubles, royalty-free. It's cosmetic own production. The franchisor promises a turnover of 1 million rubles per month and payback in 7 months. Format - a store in a shopping center.

Online cosmetics store

Opening a real store involves an investment of 2-3 million rubles. Often this is beyond the power of novice entrepreneurs. How to start selling cosmetics minimum investment? There is one working option - online. Create an account at in social networks You can do it for free, as well as start selling through it. Proper promotion will help attract as many customers as a regular outlet would attract.

The business plan for an online cosmetics store should include a supply chain. Will the entrepreneur order large quantities of goods for his own money or will he start dropshipping? The first option is more expensive, but it will allow faster delivery of goods to customers. The second option - dropshipping - is free for the store, because it involves ordering cosmetics from a supplier for the client's money. This increases the delivery time, but really allows you to earn money without investments.

Girls who want to start their own business in the beauty industry are often interested in how to sell cosmetics on Instagram. This social network opens up tremendous opportunities for business: vivid photos, detailed descriptions for them, the ability to search for customers for free and contact them. Recommendations for this will be typed in a separate article, because there are really a lot of nuances. What matters is the name of the profile, its design, the quality of the photo and the frequency of publications, the set of tags.

Thus, novice entrepreneurs without start-up capital should stop selling cosmetics via the Internet. Dropshipping allows you to start trading without investment at all. In general, it is easier than opening a real store, although it is not without important features.

Opening a franchise cosmetics store will cost an average of 1.5 million rubles.

Room selection

Now shopping centers are considered the best location for a cosmetics store. High permeability potential clients in many ways even replaces advertising. The more popular the place where the store opens, the better for the business. Another option is a separate room in the central or busy part of the city, a densely populated area. It costs more than renting square meters in a shopping center, but also attracts many potential buyers.

A large area is not required, usually 20-40 sq.m.

This is enough to install shop equipment in the hall for buyers, to equip a warehouse and a room for staff. If the point is located in a shopping center, you do not need to have your own bathroom. In a separate store, you will have to provide separate square meters for it.

Store design

Interior design is essential for a cosmetics store. It should be modern and memorable. When buying a franchise, an entrepreneur receives recommendations and rules for decorating the interior of a retail outlet. This greatly simplifies the opening process. When you open it yourself, you will have to think through the design yourself. If funds allow, it is worth inviting a professional designer. But the lack of such an opportunity is not a problem.

In fact, there are only a few important principles that will help to perfectly design any cosmetics store:

  • light walls, pastel colors, lack of flashy and acid details;
  • tiles or tiles on the floor - easier to keep clean;
  • open showcases for cosmetics, so that buyers can view and study the product they are interested in;
  • many mirrors:
  • the simplest decoration option is advertising posters and posters of perfumes and cosmetics.

The name of the store is written on the sign at the entrance. It is also advisable to order a logo and writing from the designer. In fact, investing a lot of money in the interior, at least in the early stages of work, is not practical. It is much more important to find reliable suppliers and offer customers high-quality exclusive products.

Room equipment

There are no strict rules regarding what should be in a cosmetics store. The complete set is made at the request of the entrepreneur in accordance with the area of ​​the store. An indicative list of equipment includes:

  • glass showcases (from 30 thousand rubles per piece);
  • open windows (from 20 thousand rubles per item);
  • closed hanging shelves (from 15 thousand rubles per piece);
  • cash register (from 20 thousand).

Lockable glass showcases are designed for more expensive products, such as those from high-end manufacturers. Open shelves are used for more mass and inexpensive products that are bought frequently. It can be both decorative cosmetics and shampoos, gels, creams. Expensive perfumes are usually displayed on closed hanging shelves.

Cosmetics from Korea - a steady trend of the last few years

Sales consultants

The staff of the store will be made up of sales assistants. Usually these are women who are interested in and versed in cosmetics. It is important not only to sell, but also to be able to advise on the range, as well as recommend funds, depending on the characteristics of the client. Of personal qualities, benevolence, delicacy and the ability to resolve conflicts are important.

Special education is not required. Experience in retail or cosmetics would be an advantage. When opening a franchise, you can train staff in special courses. It is important to constantly improve not only in product knowledge, but also in sales techniques.

Selection of products for the store

Perhaps the choice of products for the store is the most important stage in creating a business. Before looking for specific suppliers, you need to form an assortment, that is, understand what exactly the entrepreneur will trade. The standard list includes the following categories:

  • facial care (lotions, tonics, creams, gels, serums, masks);
  • body care (shower gels, lotions, creams);
  • hair care (shampoos, balms, conditioners, serums);
  • make-up (tonal foundations, powders, pencils, lipsticks, glosses);
  • manicure (varnishes, care products);
  • other goods (combs, cotton pads, manicure accessories).

Each category can have dozens of items. The more choice there is, the better. Cosmetics is a specific product, buyers in most cases are ready to constantly try new things. Therefore, a wide range is extremely important. It is necessary to regularly deliver new products, as well as keep track of which ones are in demand and which ones are not.

Supplier search

The correct answer to the question “where to get the goods” is equivalent to the success of the whole business. It is probably not possible to find the optimal combination of price and quality the first time. Therefore, you should not go in cycles in the same suppliers. There are so many offers on the market that there are several options for each category.

Korean Cosmetics Dropshipping Suppliers:

  • Bb cream;
  • Beauty Travel;

Wholesale of cosmetics:

  • dreamterra;
  • Belarusian cosmetics;
  • El Corazon;
  • Gernetic shop;
  • Parfumopt;
  • Cosmetics wholesale;
  • Argion;
  • Phoenix;
  • Mersia Dead Sea;
  • Rapsalin;
  • IMTEK.

Distributors in Russia selling professional hair cosmetics:

  • Kemon;
  • Londa;
  • Kezy;
  • Selective Professional;
  • Barex Italiana.

Equipment for a small outlet will cost an average of 100 thousand rubles

Placement of goods on showcases

Beautiful placement of goods on the store shelves attracts customers and provokes them to buy more. Several principles apply:

  1. Placement by category. It should be easy for buyers to navigate among the goods, so similar goods from different manufacturers are exhibited together.
  2. Location by manufacturer. Another placement option is to group products by manufacturer. This is not so convenient, because buyers are often interested in a specific product (for example, shampoo) and want to explore all the offers than they want to buy several products from the same manufacturer.
  3. Harmony. Shelves do not need to be overloaded, it should be convenient to view the goods. There must be no danger of spilling, dropping or damaging food. At the same time, the shelves should not be empty - it looks ugly.
  4. Testers. In cosmetics stores, many customers like to try a product because there must be a signed tester for each product.

Financing volumes

The cost of opening a cosmetics store depends entirely on the format of the business. For example, you can start working on dropshipping through social networks without investment at all. True, the turnover will be modest, not the fact that the business will "go". Thus, you can try to save money for your own website or even a real store.

Opening a full-fledged store will cost from 1 to 3 million rubles. This applies to both your own outlet and the franchise. These costs include space rent, repairs, store equipment, consignments and related costs.

Payback - from 7 months.

Business registration

The sale of cosmetics can be carried out in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, there is no fundamental difference. Entrepreneur status is optimal for small businesses. Status legal entity suitable for large volumes of work that involve financial risks. The fact is that the entrepreneur is liable for debts with personal property. If the business does not go, in case of bankruptcy there is a threat to lose property. LLC is liable for obligations only with the authorized capital.


The sale of cosmetics can be organized in several ways, each of which is effective in its own way. The advantage of this business is that you can start work without initial capital- if you use dropshipping. Opening a real point will cost at least 1 million rubles. The best place- shopping center. Buying a franchise will help make opening a store a little easier.

Financial One 22.04.2016 09:47


Three financiers who had a brilliant career in the stock market invested in a very unusual business for people with a similar background - selling Korean cosmetics HolikaHolika in Russia. Now the former traders have grand plans to turn the still obscure Asian brand into a big story. About why it was necessary to change shares and derivatives for creams and powder, financiers told FinancialOne.

The flagship store Holika Holika, operating in the Aviapark shopping center, is a small but noticeable enterprise: bright shop windows, colorful packaging and cute salesgirls in stylish purple uniforms. At first glance, this is a typical start-up of hipster students sipping smoothies in a co-working space and making plans to conquer the world. It is all the more surprising that behind the Holika Holika project there are people with a serious financial education and vast experience in the stock market.

So, CEO of the company Zoya Vysotskaya, a former sales shareholder at Unicredit Securities, her partner and ideological inspirer Nikolai Kiryushkin, a former head of trading at Metropol Bank, second partner and strategist at Holika Holika, Oleg Achkasov came to this business from VTB Capital, where he also responsible for stock trading. The history of the Korean brand in Russia began 3.5 years ago, when Nikolai Kiryushkin invested in a startup of his friends importing cosmetics from Korea. Later, the financier brought Zoya Vysotskaya to Holika Holika.

“When the activity of trade began to grow, we realized that we needed a person who was ready to manage this business. However, he must be a really good manager. Luckily, Zoya was free. We knew her for 15 years, no less, but I still had to persuade her for a long time, ”said Kiryushkin.

Vysotskaya, who at that time was in maternity leave, admitted that the situation with the work in her profile left much to be desired. " Financial market I began to shrink precisely from derivatives, in which I just specialized. Finding a job was not easy,” recalls the former salesman. At first, Vysotskaya was skeptical about Kiryushkin's proposal to head the cosmetics business, but then she nevertheless decided on radical changes. “It was strange to move from derivatives and structured products to something as mundane as cosmetics. At that time, I didn’t know many terms and didn’t understand why a woman needs two lipsticks, if there is one hygienic one, ”she said.

Nikolai Kiryushkin and Zoya Vysotskaya

Some time later, disagreements arose in the team about the further development of the business. The partners of Vysotskaya and Kiryushkin, with whom they started working in the cosmetics market, wanted to bring in several new brands and reformat the store. “We thought that since we started developing the Holika Holika brand, everything is fine with it and the trend is positive, then we need to put all our efforts into it. As a result, we decided to part with our former partners. But we needed a person who was ready to replace a share of the funding, ”Kiryushkin explained.

So Oleg Achkasov from VTB Capital joined Holika Holika, who supported the business not only with finances, but also with surprisingly accurate analytical calculations. “He studied this market for quite a long time and scrupulously. All of his predictive models are always very close to reality,” says Nikolay Kiryushkin. “His sales forecasts last year really matched one to one,” added Vysotskaya.

Achkasov admitted that his older sister, who lives in London and maintains a popular beauty blog, helped him quickly get into the cosmetic business. “We had three scenarios for ruble revenue, and in the end the most positive one came true. I think this was facilitated by the presence of great synergy in the team. Everyone is fully involved in the process,” said the ex-trader.

According to Nikolai Kiryushkin, the Holika Holika team is united not only by a common background and a long history of relationships, but also by a common approach to work. “The stock market leaves its mark. It instills a certain way of looking at things because you develop a bullshit filter pretty quickly. When they sing to you about some prospects, the first thing you want to see is the numbers. No one wastes time or money on unnecessary things. We agree on this,” the financier said.

Oleg Achkasov and Zoya Vysotskaya

However, there are other unifying factors. One of them is love healthy lifestyle life. “Nikolay and I even have a common tennis coach,” Oleg Achkasov “surrenders” his colleague. Zoya Vysotskaya, who has done yoga and triathlon, enjoys jogging and is trying to make sports a part of corporate culture. “I took the path of least resistance: I just put on my sneakers and ran,” laughs the head of Holika Holika.

Almost immediately after the launch, the Holika Holika business had to be tested by the economic crisis that erupted due to falling oil prices and Western sanctions. “If I had known that in three years the dollar would be 70 rubles each, I would not have done this,” says Kiryushkin. However, the company managed to cope with internal and external challenges. The Holika Holika team was able to negotiate with Korean suppliers, convincing them to meet the needs of the Russian consumer. As a result, she was able to achieve lower margins from the importer and the mall, while keeping prices at an acceptable level.

The financiers were also struck by the extent of the bureaucracy that their business regularly has to deal with. “If you collect all the documents necessary to open a small store with an area of ​​30–40 sq.m, the entire table will be littered with them,” Oleg Achkasov noted. Another difficulty was the high expectations of the Korean manufacturer Holika Holika, who wanted the Russian partners to develop the franchise too quickly.

“For a Korean company, the index of success is the number of mono-brand stores. For us, the first task was to increase momentum. We tried to explain to the supplier that opening many stores of an unknown brand in Russia is just pouring money into the void. As realists, profit, profitability and sales volume were more important to us, ”Kiryushkin explained.

Now that Holika Holika's brand awareness has increased significantly, the financiers themselves are planning to open new stores. At the same time, they are going to develop the brand in the regions through a franchise. The Holika Holika team has very high requirements for future franchisees: financiers want to be sure that all stores from the chain will be profitable.

“We refuse to franchise if we doubt that a particular store will be profitable. Otherwise, we simply won’t get a success story,” they say. To solve new large-scale tasks, the Holika Holika team intends to raise borrowed funds for the first time. Previously, Oleg, Zoya and Nikolai financed the project from their own savings.

Relations with Korean partners Russian company generally harmonious, despite the colossal difference in mentality. “They (Koreans) are aliens. They are really different in every way. The national culture leaves a big imprint on their business. They have a very strict hierarchy system. This hinders the development of initiative and creativity within the company. What we do in terms of marketing in Russia invariably amazes them,” said Zoya Vysotskaya.

Nikolay Kiryushkin

She noted that the Korean office often asks Holika Holika to send a Russian photographer or makeup artist to Seoul. And when the Russian team launched their own Instagram account, the Koreans immediately wanted to follow suit. The only thing Russia can really learn from Korea is the production of cosmetics.

“Cosmetics in Korea is one of the key industries along with electronics. In this country, it is very difficult to understand the age of a woman, because there is a cult of porcelain skin. It looks very nice and noble. Products such as BB cream and lip pigment are very popular,” Vysotskaya said.

The head of Holika Holika emphasized that the famous BB cream, which was invented in Germany as a means of masking scars after plastic surgery, is one of the top products in the Russian store. In the Holika Holika cosmetic line, Zoya Vysotskaya knows as well as in stocks and derivatives, confidently listing the properties and composition of all skin care products presented in the window.

Her colleagues, apparently, also feel quite comfortable in the cosmetics industry. “I don't miss the stock market at all, because, in principle, there is nothing to miss. That, the former stock market in Russia, which could be of interest and bring profit, is practically gone. Probably in 2007 or 2011 it really was interesting job who paid well. And lately it was like sitting and watching a dying patient, like in a hospice,” summed up Nikolai Kiryushkin.

What is the article about?

One of the promising areas that can bring stable income, is a business selling cosmetics and perfumes. Despite the unstable economic situation in Russia, the number of outlets selling these products is only increasing.

Why should aspiring businessmen pay attention to this niche? The answer is the possibility of opening your own business with minimal investment, as well as a fairly quick return on initial investment. Every person needs cosmetic products on a daily basis, therefore such a product is in high consumer demand, which ensures a quick turnover of funds and a constant profit.

Cosmetics market in Russia today

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open a cosmetics store from scratch should be clear about what this business niche is. domestic market cosmetics in recent years began to acquire colossal proportions: if only 7-10 years ago the bulk of trade and manufacturing enterprises of this sphere accounted for the capital and metropolitan areas, today there is a significant increase in their number in large and medium-sized settlements.

The target audience acquires not only environmentally friendly clean products food, but cosmetics made on the basis of natural ingredients, and in large volumes, so the choice of a niche for business is obvious. It should also be noted that a large number trade enterprises sells its products over the Internet. This fact means that businessmen may not invest in opening real stores at all and not spend money on their maintenance, while receiving a very tangible profit.

Studies in the cosmetics and perfumery market show that over a third of all products sold are low-quality fakes or contraband. Unfortunately, almost all of these goods are sold through online stores, the owners of which deliberately violate consumer rights.

In Russia, there are no specialized units that could fight the illegal circulation of cosmetic (and other) products of dubious origin. Even if law enforcement officers get on the trail of the store owner, they are unlikely to be able to prove his guilt, moreover, most Internet businessmen register sites in other states.

To avoid problems with the law and maintain the company's impeccable reputation, all cosmetics must be certified. It will also allow you to sell it over the Internet using the Google and Yandex search engines. Permissive documentation must confirm not only the high quality of the product, but also indicate that it will not harm the health of consumers.

How to open a cosmetics store from scratch?

Let's consider the steps in order.

Business registration

The first step after drawing up a business plan for a cosmetics store is to register your activities. It is best to choose the IP form for this and go through a simple registration procedure at the FTS department.

Important: the entrepreneur needs to decide on the choice of taxation system. For a cosmetics store, UTII would be the best solution, but this format is only suitable for those outlets whose area does not exceed 150 m². If you need to further check your tax debt, you can visit the official website of the Federal Tax Service and get the necessary information.

When registering your company, you need to select the OKVED code. The following are suitable for this:

  • 52.33 - " Retail cosmetic and perfumery goods;
  • 52.33.1 - "Retail sale of cosmetic and perfumery products, except soap";
  • 52.33.2 - "Retail sale of toilet and laundry soap".

After registration, you will need to obtain a number of permits to open and operate your store. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to contact Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the SES. In addition, you need to open a bank account. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. Taking into account the payment of the state duty, the costs will amount to about 2.5 thousand rubles. If you plan to create a large store, it is recommended to register the enterprise as an LLC. In this case, you need to spend 4 thousand rubles for registration and 10 thousand for authorized capital firms. The total cost will be at least 20 thousand rubles.

Premises selection

The next step in organizing a business is choosing a suitable location for a perfume and cosmetics store. This step is one of the main ones, since the location of the outlet affects traffic and profit. It is necessary to look for premises that are located in places with high traffic of people. The following areas are ideal for a store:

  • densely populated residential areas;
  • shopping and entertainment centers;
  • markets;
  • metro stops and public transport;
  • the central part of the city.

To successfully sell cosmetics, you need to take care of the proper location of products in the outlet. Most entrepreneurs allow typical mistake, irrationally using the area of ​​the store. If you do not display products around the perimeter, but concentrate them in one place, visitors simply will not pay attention to them, which will affect sales. Therefore, it is worth studying the basic principles of merchandising. It is important to choose a room with high windows so that there is good daylight inside the store and visitors can see the products. A small outlet usually has an area of ​​30-50 m². It is also necessary to provide places for the location:

  • sanitary zone;
  • office space for staff;
  • product warehouse.

A good option would be to locate the store next to a beauty salon or massage room. This will allow you to receive daily additional profit on the sale of consumables. The room should have an attractive design and exterior. It is also worth taking care of the presence of a bright signboard with the logo of the organization and outdoor advertising.

If you turn to a professional designer, he will be able to develop a concept for the interior of the store and create comfortable conditions for receiving visitors. Taking into account the repair work and rent costs will amount to about 200 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

What should be the trade equipment for a cosmetics and perfumery store? There are no uniform requirements for this item, however, its quantity will directly depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet.

To equip a small hall, it is necessary to give preference to racks and showcases of a closed design to minimize the risk of product theft by unscrupulous visitors. An example equipment list would look like this:

  • vertical glass showcase - 30 thousand rubles;
  • hanging shelves - 30 thousand rubles;
  • glass counter (2 pieces) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • shelving for a warehouse (5 pcs.) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • furniture for staff - 25 thousand rubles;
  • cash register - 10 thousand rubles.

Total - for the cost of purchasing equipment will amount to 155 thousand rubles. New businessmen should be aware that cosmetics suppliers are interested in increasing sales and quality distribution. Therefore, most of them provide partners with shelves, display cases and other equipment.

Formation of the assortment

In order for a cosmetics store to bring tangible profits, you need to correctly form an assortment, as well as find suppliers who will offer favorable terms of cooperation. How to determine exactly the products that sell best? First of all, you should understand what the target audience of the store will be, to which the assortment will be oriented. It is also worth visiting similar outlets and analyzing their work. You can not save on the purchase of goods and buy uncertified. This will be discovered sooner or later, and the store will suffer heavy losses, since a substantial fine is provided for this offense.

The entrepreneur can choose the products of Russian and foreign manufacturers, who are required to submit permits for all goods. First of all, you should pay attention to well-known brands, because buyers know them. At the same time, expensive cosmetics and perfumery, as well as economy segment goods, are in good demand.

We must not forget that the city already has a sufficient number of competitors' stores. For this reason, it is necessary to create a unique selling proposition for buyers. A businessman should try to find a manufacturer of unique products that are poorly represented (ideally, absent) from other sellers. To increase sales in without fail display cases should include products such as body care and personal care products, as well as all kinds of consumables (manicure supplies, washcloths, toothbrushes, cotton buds and discs, etc.).

Personnel attraction

As a rule, neat girls are attracted to a store selling perfumes and cosmetics as sales assistants. They must know the range of goods well and be able to implement it. To motivate staff, many entrepreneurs set a rate and charge a percentage of sales to employees. Also, the payment can be fixed. Employees should be engaged in laying out products and putting things in order on the shelves.

For a small outlet, it is enough to hire two sellers who will work in shifts. Please note that most of the stores are open daily, so the schedule should be agreed with the staff. To work you will need to hire:

  • seller (2 people) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • cleaner - 10 thousand rubles;
  • administrator - 20 rubles;
  • accountant - 15 thousand rubles.

monthly expenses for wages store employees will amount to 75 thousand rubles. The duties of the director and administrator can be performed by the entrepreneur himself. In addition, you can entrust bookkeeping to remote workers, which will reduce costs.

Conducting an advertising campaign

One of the main issues in managing own business is to attract a large number of buyers. In order for people to enjoy visiting the outlet, it is necessary to adhere to a reasonable pricing policy and also have a large product range.

We have already talked about the importance of proper store location. The more potential buyers learn about a new point of sale of cosmetics, the faster it will bring a stable profit. It is worth contacting an advertising agency and ordering the distribution of leaflets and flyers in the area where the store is located. It is also necessary to create thematic communities on social networks, where subscribers will learn about your activities, upcoming discounts, promotions, and assortment updates.

For holding advertising campaign about 20 thousand rubles should be allocated. Buyers among themselves will distribute information about the new store. The presence of discounts for regular customers, sales on the eve of holidays, the ability to pay for goods in cash and using the terminal, free packaging of purchases will attract a lot of people and reach good level earnings.

Cosmetics store business plan

To find out the amount of initial investment and possible profit, you need to draw up a business plan for a cosmetics store. In many ways, the costs at the start will depend on the size of the outlet, the number and type of goods, suppliers and other important factors.

Let's calculate the one-time investments required to open a business. They will include:

  • business registration - 2.5 thousand rubles;
  • design and renovation of the premises - 150 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign - 20 thousand rubles;
  • commercial equipment - 155 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 150 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Total - the amount of initial costs will be 557.5 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to calculate the mandatory monthly expenses. These include:

  • rent of premises - 50 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 15 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 20 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary - 75 thousand rubles;
  • additional expenses - 15 thousand rubles.

The total amount of monthly expenses is 175 thousand rubles. How to determine the possible profit of the outlet? It is quite difficult to answer this question, since the margin, depending on the type of product, can vary between 30-90%. If we take the average performance of cosmetics and perfumery stores, then their profitability is about 15-20%. At the same time, the return on investment can be achieved in 12-18 months of operation.

Suppose that the revenue for 1 working day will be 10-12 thousand rubles. This means that the store will bring 300-360 thousand rubles for a month of work. From this amount, 175 thousand mandatory payments must be deducted, as a result, the profit will be 125-185 thousand rubles. It is also worth considering that, on average, about 40 thousand rubles need to be set aside from earnings for the purchase of goods for the store, so the estimated net income will amount to 85-145 thousand rubles per month.

How to sell cosmetics online?

Today the Global Network opens up for entrepreneurs unlimited possibilities for doing business. You can successfully sell clothes online, cosmetics famous brands, accessories and any consumer goods. What are the benefits of this type of activity? First of all, it should be noted that the costs at the start will be much less.

If you draw up a business plan for an online cosmetics store, you can see that you do not need to pay salaries to employees, make repairs and buy commercial equipment. The main expense item will be the purchase of the site, its promotion using various advertising channels and the payment of taxes. To maintain a store on the Internet, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

As for suppliers - you can consider the option of working on dropshipping. If we briefly describe such a scheme, then the entrepreneur will be required to present a range of products on his website, attract target audience, and the partner company whose products will be sold in the store will pay a certain percentage of each transaction. The businessman also does not need to deliver the goods to the buyers, since the seller assumes these obligations. If you find suppliers and buy cosmetics on your own, you need to carefully study the needs of the target audience.

  • contextual ads in search engines;
  • targeted advertising;
  • e-mail newsletter;
  • posts in your own community.

Important: do not forget that on the Web, as in real life, word of mouth is working, so it is extremely important to provide our customers with only high-quality and certified products.

Text by Victoria Tsarenkova

Photo by Inna Ptitsyna

This story is full of entrepreneurial experience with all kinds of failures, setbacks and debts. But at the same time - the ability to analyze and learn not only from their own mistakes, but also with the help of other people's knowledge. Alena Aleshkova is a student of the "Way of Dreams" course, who was able to overcome the fear of disappointment and launch a new project.

Alena Aleshkova

"KOKOS": about the project

"KOKOS" - stores of original certified Korean cosmetics in Kaliningrad.

The project started in 2016 with a small shelving unit in the basement of a mall. Now we have 2 offline stores in Kaliningrad and an online store. The plans are to go beyond the boundaries of one city.

We purchase the entire range from major dealers in Russia. When choosing which product to bring to the store, we read hundreds of reviews - our customers, bloggers and people who use Korean cosmetics. We have about 1,500 items of various Korean products.

The first business turned into a bunch of problems and almost ended in the collapse of friendship


For a year and a half, each of us earned about 5,000 rubles a month


The first problem is the lack of knowledge

Everything somehow did not add up. We had no knowledge of how to run a business, no understanding of how to attract customers. I tried to read something on the Internet, but there were few materials.

The production was outsourced to another agency, which made the whole process always slow. Their manager first processed the application and only then transferred it to production. At best, our order was ready in a day. I still had to call and find out if the product was ready. Then go and pick her up. If they did with the marriage, this cycle would repeat itself again.

I did the product design myself, and it was very lame for us, but we could not afford a cool specialist - we saved money. We generally found our first clients in a partisan way - we spammed people on VKontakte. But since we couldn't offer service High Quality, then the check for our services was very low. Because of this, there was no profit. For a year and a half, each of us earned about 5,000 rubles a month. It was hard, but we ourselves are to blame.

Problem two - friendship intervened

There was no money in the business. And against this background, problems began with a friend as a partner. The fact is that we did not discuss “on the shore” who is responsible for what. We thought that everything would work out anyway - we are such cool girlfriends.

But here our friendship only added fire to the fire of problems. After all, you know the closest people with all their shortcomings. It turned out that in business it is precisely the shortcomings that are most acutely felt. It can be compared to hiking in the mountains. I was told that when climbing, for example, Elbrus, all the sores of the body become aggravated and even something that you did not suspect could come out. Same in business.

We started arguing a lot. And this ultimately led to the fact that after a year and a half we parted ways as partners. And in fact, "as friends" - too. Although we discussed that everything was fine, we continued to communicate, but there was a lot of aggression, quarrels broke out over trifles. As a result, mutual acquaintances forced us to talk to each other. That conversation went on for several hours. School grievances and everything that dragged on for years came out. But, fortunately, we expressed everything, found out and still communicate very well.

Employees persuaded me not to close the project: they said they were ready to sit without a salary


There were cool clients who brought us high income. But there were few of them, and it was no longer possible to attract them - then there was not enough knowledge and strength for this. We had a bunch of small orders, and they took almost all the time and effort. So, on business cards, we earned 200 rubles for a minimum batch of 100 pieces. Despite the fact that the work here is a full cycle: discuss with the customer, agree on it, send the order to the printing house, as soon as it is printed, go and pick it up. The average check ended up being tiny. There wasn't enough money. You have to pay wages and rent. I also barely had enough for life - only for the bare necessities.

“That’s it, I can’t, we’ll close it,” I announced to the girls a year and a half later. They then persuaded me not to close. They said that we work so well, they like everything and that they are even ready to sit without a salary, that is, in debt. And we worked like that for another two or three months, closed in 2016.

I subconsciously did not want to earn. And hence the total lack of money: I did what I like, but the money did not go


Motivation "OT" - get away from poverty

It was hard for me to let go of this failure. I believed in this cause and was devoted to it for four years, but in the end I could not. Complete failure, I thought to myself. In addition, the project left me with a bunch of debts - about 200,000 rubles, which I still pay. From all this, I was seriously visited by thoughts of getting a regular job for the rest of my life.

But I can't do that. When I first started this business, I had a desire to achieve freedom and do something of my own. Now I realize: I need to do something, unite people around me, expand the boundaries of my projects, come up with something new and put it into practice. This is my essence, which cannot be taken away. Therefore, I did not go to a hired job, just to have money for a living. And began to analyze.

Money all my life was not a priority for me, I did not like them. At the same time, I wanted to buy something expensive for myself, to travel. Such a clumsy contradiction sat in me. And suddenly it lit up! Remember, in fairy tales, poor people were good fellows, and rich people were despots and petty tyrants. Brought up on such promises, I subconsciously did not want to earn money. And this total lack of money grew from here: I did what I liked, but the money did not go.

Gradually, my poles changed in this regard. I read blogs successful people. They said that you can earn with your brains and abilities. I learned about success stories: how people themselves created wealth. And I began to understand that there is nothing wrong with wealth. If you are talented, smart, able to develop and strive for something, then you can achieve a comfortable standard of living for yourself. But if you are lazy, apathetic, then most likely you will live poorly.

I don't mean to say that poor people are bad. Many of them are good and wonderful. And I can say to myself that I am still poor: I still like to buy goods on sale in stores. But I saw that rich people are much more relaxed about everything, more eager to improve themselves, to help others.

This motivation “out of poverty” pushed me forward. I am a confident person. Maybe even a little arrogant at times. And when I see what others can do, then I must do it too.

We spent a lot of time on small orders, but we had to give up everything superfluous


What my first business failure taught me

First of all, I understood what partnership means in business. How important it is to agree in advance who will have what role, who will be responsible for what, to discuss the personal goals of each. Goals should be common, and not when one is “burning” with work, and the second has other interests.

Also, the issue of trust in partnership is the most important. Perhaps here he stands as sharply as in a relationship with his man. Both of you must be both honest and completely trust each other, not to get into someone else's area of ​​responsibility. Without this, nothing will work in business.

You also need to build the right business model. Otherwise, everything in the project will suffer. I learned this later when I went to study on the course "Way of Dreams". This was our mistake - we worked with very small orders, and spent a lot of time on them. And it was necessary to refuse them and everything superfluous.

And I was too inexperienced to run a business. I wanted to build something serious, but there was no knowledge of how to do it. It was not possible to do well and efficiently. Couldn't manage. Some little things could easily unsettle me. Although I analyzed the problems, tried to come up with something - it didn’t really work.

How did I see the new project

I started thinking about what my next project would be. I took this matter very seriously.

  • First, I decided to launch retail business, because she believed that it was easier to implement marketing chips in retail.
  • Secondly, it is important for me to build long-term relationships with customers. To be so cool that a person buys once in my store and begins to come here again and again. Therefore, I immediately focused on products that are in regular demand.
  • Thirdly, I also wanted to sell goods for women. Men are more practical, it is harder to hook them with their actions. And in social networks, they do not leave emotional reviews. And it's nice to work with women in this regard. Looking ahead, I’ll say that today girls constantly write to us that they are delighted with us. Many people say that they buy cosmetics only in our store.
  • Fourthly, there was a desire to sell a quality product of the middle price segment. Before that, I worked with people who have very little money. Faced with the fact that they are nervous, it is difficult to part with money, they worry about every ruble. This was hard. So now I wanted to work with more affluent clients who were willing to buy such a product.

At that time, Korean cosmetics were in trend, and I paid attention to it and began to study it. The cosmetic market in South Korea is innovative and rapidly developing. There is a lot of quality control, because the Korean public is very biased. Even men take care of themselves. And if a company releases a bad cream, it immediately leaves the shelves and never comes back. I myself used two tools, and they helped me a lot. That's why I realized: the things are really cool - you can carry them.

The first store is a gloomy and impassable place. I tried to hire salespeople but they didn't last


Starting investment in a new project. point opening

In 2016, I opened a small point in a shopping center. It looked like this: a glazed rack with cosmetics on the ground floor, dim light and gray walls around, and there were practically no people. With the opening of a second business, my mother again helped me - she gave 150,000 rubles. We agreed that in return for this, she would be able not to work for 2 years, to be at home under my care.

I invested 100,000 rubles in the first purchase of cosmetics. In general, this is very little. Now we have 15 sq. meters commodity balance just for “survival” there should be 500,000 rubles (in the purchase price), and then these will be half-empty shelves. I bought a rack for Avito for 50,000 rubles, paid 2 months of rent and very small expenses - for the Internet, lighting in the rack. Without lighting, the rack did not look functional, the “basement” light did not allow to see the goods.

I developed my account in Instagram and the group in In contact with". It was through these channels that it was mainly possible to attract buyers.

I worked at this point for a whole year. It was hard. And the place itself is gloomy and impassable. She worked practically without days off. I tried to hire sellers, but they did not stay. The revenue was small - on average, about 3,000 rubles a day.

The main mistakes at the start

And here it was not possible to avoid mistakes. I did not analyze the market and made the first purchase as an ordinary girl - on emotions. I just liked one site - everything is in beautiful jars, and I ordered this cosmetics. It turned out that the brand is expensive for Russia. Yes, and it appeared recently, it has not proven itself yet. As a result, this product was sold poorly and for a long time.

Then I bought cosmetics already from well-known brands. But then I made a mistake again: I didn’t analyze the assortment - what people buy more often and more willingly, but chose what I liked myself. As a result, I ordered a lot of goods that took up space on the shelves for a long time.

Our favorite men at night collected racks for cosmetics


The right decision: moving and a new partner

I thought about moving to a “normal place”. Girls who buy expensive products want to enjoy the whole process: come to a cozy place, see, try, hold in their hands. And I had jars and tubes standing in a rack behind glass. I had to get it and show it. Agree, this creates a certain tension for the buyer.

And a good place in another shopping center, so that it’s cozy and the traffic is high, it was expensive in the city, I can’t pull it. Moreover, the rent must be paid immediately for two months.

The question arose: how to find money to open a store. And then I made one of the most significant decisions - to team up with a person who is interested in related topics. I had a friend Polina. We saw each other once a year at the birthday party of a mutual friend. And every time she told me that she wanted to do something of her own. We met again at the end of January 2017. I told her: "I want to open a store." And she offered to join forces. Polina liked this idea. She said she had savings.

Throughout February, we discussed conditions and plans. I was looking for a place. Only in March we agreed with shopping center. I immediately terminated the contract with the landlord, from whom I rented a place in the basement. We moved to a new place very quickly, literally in a week. Our favorite men at night collected racks for cosmetics, although both had to leave for work early in the morning.

And in April 2017, Polina and I opened our first joint store, paying rent for two. In general, the opening (without inventory) cost less than 100,000 rubles. Since all the commercial equipment was made by our men, it cost 3 times cheaper than the market value. On rent, they agreed to postpone the "security" payment for a couple of weeks in advance. By the way, today, for example, opening a third store (without inventory) will take us around 250,000 - 300,000 rubles.

How we rolled out "COCONUT" into the world

Initially we had a test drive joint business. Polina entered the business with an investment of about 100,000 - 150,000 rubles. Part went to pay rent, part went to buy her share of cosmetics. We agreed that we would purchase the assortment separately, each for itself. There will be just a common cash desk, and we will take turns working as sellers. With Polina, I shared the contacts of Korean cosmetics suppliers, and we started.

From April to September 2017, we worked like this. I also developed the store's accounts on Instagram and VKontakte. And Polina showed a gift for purchases. She assesses demand better than me and, as a result, more accurately selects the assortment. And I suggested uniting completely in order to enhance the effect.

We have distributed all responsibilities inside and out. I am responsible for marketing, promotion, personnel management. Polina is engaged in purchases, search for suppliers, communication with them and everything related to goods - placement on the shelf, price tags.

And we also set ourselves a salary. I just read in the book “Business as a Game” from the guys from MosGry that it’s possible to live on a salary, and invest everything else in business.

And then we had all the money mixed up before that. It turned out - you either infringe on yourself in life, or in business. Now we have net profit completely goes into development, expanding the range, opening stores and buying equipment for them.

They consulted with each other controversial situations. In general, we have no disagreements. There are disputes - how to do better, but we always come to a consensus.

We thought for a long time what to name the project. I wanted something Russian, simple, memorable. And at the same time associated with Korean cosmetics. It has a lot of natural ingredients and we wanted to bring that into the name. And then once again - coconut! Here is another cool play on words: "COCONUT" - Korean COSMETICS.

When Polina and I decided to fully unite, I saw that we had launched the sale of the Dream Path course. And for about a year I have been reading the Womenbz portal and following its founder, Galiya Berdnikova. I also dreamed of getting into the Life.Business.Success course, but I had no money.

And then I see: "The Way of Dreams" has become an extended version of the course "Life. Business. Success." And the price is still the lowest - the start of sales, installments for 3 months. There was still no money, but I got out as best I could. She even asked me to make the first payment not on time, but 2 days later. I was allowed, for which I am very grateful.

During this period, everything grew together so well in time that our "COCONUT" began to grow.

Let's try it ourselves first. We all have different type skin, and we can evaluate the product from different angles


The challenge is to stay ahead of the competition

An important decision that we made during my training: by all means to be ahead of competitors - cosmetics sellers. And for this we need the best assortment, and it is necessary to present it in the store so that the buyer understands what and why.

We have greatly expanded the assortment and put new racks in the store. By the way, when we choose a product to order, we do a tremendous job of finding the right one. Read reviews from our bloggers. We look and analyze which brands in Russia are already popular and often mentioned. Most often we order samplers, if they are available. First, we try it ourselves - me, Polina, the sellers. We all have different skin types, and we can evaluate the product from different angles. And if everyone does not like it, we will no longer take this product.

On the price tags, we wrote a mini-instruction for each product. The idea is that a person can come and choose for himself. Many buyers do not want to communicate with a consultant. Someone does not want to take tubes and jars from the shelves. And all the information in Russian is indicated on the back of the package. Some other brands write in detail and clearly, while others are general phrases, so it’s not really clear what kind of tool it is.

Our price tags look something like this: "face cream with a snail, suitable for oily and combination skin", and below - "smoothes wrinkles, removes pigmentation, heals acne."

Polina and I read hundreds of reviews on the Internet for each product. took feedback from our customers for each product. It turned out that the translation on the label does not always correspond to how the product behaves on human skin. Often on the label they write - "suitable for all skin types." At the same time, the reviews show that this product is not suitable for people with dry skin, they complain.

The fact is that manufacturers write the compositions and the main components of the funds, but their effect depends on the ratio of the components added to the composition. In addition, the skin of Koreans is different from ours - it is more dense and elastic. Hence there may be some inconsistencies between the description and the result. This is all we identified and indicated on the price tags real information.

Clients write to us: "What an honest Instagram you have"


We do not just sell - we carefully advise

As I already said, I wanted to build a business where I would build long-term and pleasant relationships with clients as with friends. In the instructions for sellers, in the first paragraph, it is written: “The client is a friend, and you should not advise him what you would not advise a friend, just to sell at a higher price.”

There is a wonderful book - "Korean Beauty Secrets" by Charlotte Cho. It tells about all the intricacies of care adopted in Korea, it is in our stores, and sellers regularly use it in their work. We also sell this book - it is not only informative, but also interesting, autobiographical.

In general, Koreans have a rather complicated care system - it can have from 5 to 10 steps. We try to present this information in an accessible way and not to scare buyers. We explain that the main thing for us is to cleanse the skin, prepare it with a tonic for applying the cream and then spread it with cream. Everything else is extra. It already depends on the needs of the client. We select a mask for the night, a remedy for the skin around the eyes or under the main cream when there are problems.

We also started writing on Instagram about the care and features of products: not only their pluses, but also minuses, if we know about them. Many clients wrote: “What an honest Instagram you have.”

Gifts to clients and other promotions

We have a feature - we give gifts to regular customers. We have a ladder of success hanging in our stores. These are stepped shelves: on the first - a gift with a purchase of 500 rubles, then - from 1000 rubles, and so on up to 5000 rubles. The gifts are good. First up is a sheet mask. And when buying for 5,000, we give funds that retail at 1,500 rubles. We buy them from the supplier by shares. But the person is happy.

Another such approach increases the check. Our consultants say: "100 rubles is not enough for you to get a better gift." And a person can score not 100, but 500 rubles. This also happens.

Also, various actions began to be practiced. The offer worked well for us for two months - a 30% discount on the third product in the check. Buyers almost always take the third remedy. We also have a promotion: buy face cream - get a 30% discount on tonic. This leads the person to use the full set of care. For us, this is important not only because of sales, but also for the buyer to feel the changes in better side.

For people who are afraid to try something, we offer funds for 100-200 rubles. These are miniatures of products or masks. They are just for a few applications to understand whether the remedy is suitable or not. Sometimes we give samples when we see that a person is interested.

Earn 30,000 rubles per week

There was an assignment in the Dream Path course that really excited me. It's called "From words to deeds", but in my mind I christened it "Make money or die." Its essence is to earn 30,000 rubles in a week. Challenge yourself and accomplish.

At first I thought about what to do. Then I decided that it was possible to test our unique selling proposition. In other words, the “COCONUT” chip, because of which buyers trust us. We understand all the subtleties so carefully and in detail, we analyze many points that we can confidently position ourselves as professionals in the selection of Korean cosmetics.

I wrote a post on Instagram: “Leave a request for the selection of a full-fledged Korean care for this winter. I will try to offer 3 options in 3 price categories in 3 hours! Then we will discuss - it will be possible to change something and choose your ideal set of Korean products.

There were about 30 applications. I went through each one in detail and answered all of them. As a result, we earned 27 thousand in two or three days. People ordered a consultation, and then they came to the store and told the sellers what exactly they needed. Someone ordered delivery. Since then, we have been constantly writing on social networks that we advise.

We made a widget in VKontakte. A person enters our group and immediately sees a post offering a free consultation.

He presses the button "I want a consultation!" - and immediately a message box opens with the text: "Hello) If you have questions - write to us."

Previously, we were simply asked whether there is a product or not, or which is better. And now they ask to choose care depending on the skin or if there is a problem of some kind.

How do we deal with negativity?

I think we work well with negativity. Cases are different.

  • So, one girl bought a mega-popular "grout" for pores. It costs 1300 rubles, that is, not a little. And for some it works great. And she posted a post that this is a terrible thing that they sell in our store. I wrote to her: “It’s a pity that it didn’t suit you. There are really controversial reviews on it. ” It turned out that the girl bought without consultation. We just talked to her, and that was enough. Later, she even asked us for advice on care.
  • Another girl bought a brightening face cream, which is often used in Korea. He instantly whitens his face, but the girl emphasized all the peeling on her face. She writes: “Nightmare! The consultant advised me. I asked for the coolest." And we just did the testers. I answered her: “It’s a pity that it didn’t suit you. The cream is good. But we just need a tester for it. If you want, we will exchange it for another cream that suits you better. The girl wrote: “Thank you, I will not change anything. I'm just glad you answered me like that."
  • Recently, a girl writes to me on Instagram: “I bought a serum with vitamin C from you, and my whole skin burns from it. I want to use it and don't know what to do." I asked her if she had sensitive skin. It turned out that the girl did not tell the consultant about it. Then I asked what resources she still had. After her answer, she suggested: “Let's not use this serum and another wash for at least two or three weeks - it is also aggressive. Most likely, your skin is still recovering after the winter. Then slowly start using these tools in turn.

We hire staff from our subscribers

We hired the first sellers from the immediate environment. Polina's mother and my best friend, who was my partner in the first business, work for us. She is the best consultant we have, her daily earnings are the largest. We even joke that she does some kind of shamanism or secret mailing in her shifts. That's how interesting life can turn. And Polina's mother is an accountant by education, and we recently handed over all our accounting pieces to her.

Although we are doing well, I do not advise hiring people from the immediate environment. Relatives and friends may take such work lightly, there is no subordination. Disagreements may still arise, and relations will deteriorate.

When we opened the second store, we hired employees through our social networks. Fortunately, we now have 11,000 followers on Instagram. It is worth posting an ad, a lot of resumes come at once - wonderful girls who buy cosmetics from us and love our store. It is important for us that the seller is imbued with our values, knows how to take care of himself, loves our store, and not just come to work.

Polina and I try to keep the team charged, striving to work and develop. Just before March 8, we expanded the team and invited everyone to the sushi bar. We talked, got to know each other, and Polina and I presented everyone with massage certificates.

We also have a general chat on VKontakte. We write there about problems - someone inadequate came and spoiled the mood. Or the girls brag - "I sold it to one person for 8000." From this, its own atmosphere is formed, everyone becomes closer.

Hiring an assistant and how it solved our problems

On the Path of Dreams course, several lessons in a row had the same thought: hire an assistant so as not to bury yourself in a routine. But Polina did not agree for a long time - the day before we took out a loan to significantly increase the range of goods.

I argued to her: “If we hire an assistant, you won’t make price tags for days, stand in traffic jams for two hours to pick up our huge orders. Development suffers greatly from this. And there is no personal time left. As a result, Polina agreed, and we hired an assistant.

It was very timely. Polina just left for the mountains for 3 weeks, and at that time we found trading area. It was necessary to urgently open a second store. And take it to another level. As a result, he turned out to be much prettier than the first. But I couldn't have done it without an assistant. I already worked for two weeks for 12-13 hours without days off. Plus, I was constantly in touch with Polina, and these chats on the phone and the Internet also take a lot of time.

I allowed myself to earn more, not be ashamed of it and at the same time respect my man


Harmony and balance in life

In general, traveling gives me energy. When there is no opportunity, you just need to go to nature with my man, walk the dog. Or watch a movie or read a book. Helps to unwind when we ride on his motorcycle with a loved one. I can order a SPA for two in a hotel just to relax. Before, I could not afford such a relaxing holiday.

There was a very good lesson about relationships in The Way of Dreams. There Galiya talked about her personal relationships. This topic has always interested me. And what Galiya told me helped me reconsider my views.

She wrote that she earns much more than her man. At the same time, he provides her and all the needs for food and housing. And she has her own whims, and she spends on them - travel, a chic apartment. Yet the man remains a man.

I have a similar situation. I am already developing in business, and my man is just starting his journey. There are financial difficulties. Previously, I could also offer to pay for the rest somewhere, but I was uncomfortable, and I could not present it this way. And now everything is in harmony. I allowed myself to earn more, not be ashamed of it and at the same time respect my man.

It used to be: "as if I can no longer find where to spend the money." And now you do what is more comfortable, and not what is cheaper


It was on the “Way of Dreams” that everything fell apart for me. Performing tasks step by step, you understand what and why is happening in your business. You start to see how it should be. Understand your values ​​and make the right decisions. For example, we decided that we would never sell fakes - analogues of well-known brands, although there was such an opportunity that would bring good money due to the markup. But these are not our values. Money is important to us, but the benefits that our business brings to people are also important. The Dream Path helped build a strong foundation and self-confidence.

All new knowledge was reflected in monetary indicators in the most remarkable way. You have no idea how cool it is to feel like you're taking a taxi instead of a bus just because it's more convenient. And you park in paid parking lots, instead of trying to find a free space in free parking lots in the middle of the day. It seems to be trifles, but earlier for me it was from the series “as if I can no longer find where to spend money.” And now you do it the way it is more comfortable, and not the way it is cheaper.

I don't know when we will stop the development of "KOKOS". Polina is also a big workaholic and with the same principles. When we started, I had a little more experience in everything. Now we are almost on the same level in this regard. And it is very comfortable to work when you and your partner are at the same level of development and you have common goals.

In the past, I often thought about taking advantage of my shopaholic tendencies. I have already tried to collect people according to the type of joint venture, I was scared away by small percentages of profits and large kilograms of things. Korean cosmetics did not give me rest either ...

By the way, I asked the seller a question - how do you sell samples if they are NOT FOR SALE? To which the seller replied that the samples are free, and I just pay for the shipment)

The parcel included a booklet with thanks for the order and an invitation to the site. And then I got stuck)

Firstly, the ability to choose prices in dollars, and not just in Korean currency (experience with gmarket)

Third, the goods are 10 pieces

Fourth, the availability of goods (mainly MIZON) with free shipping.

In this case, the product is marked with zero weight in the cart. That is, if you still have products from the usual categories in your shopping cart, then the shipping cost will not change at all.

But, if there are only FREE SHIPPING products in the basket, then the minimum packing fee will be charged:

Fifth, the ability to choose delivery (depending on weight, from 2-4 options). Shipping is by weight. I got (already after the formation of the basket, I did not find a separate table with prices) 14 dollars per kilogram, the total package was about 3 kg.

The weight of the product is indicated in the description. For example, the weight of a cream with a volume of 50 ml can reach more than 200 g! Probably glass packaging

One more point:
I ordered a Mizon cream for a friend along with my samplers. When opening the box, she did not like the integrity of some sticker. I wrote to the site and attached a photo of the packaging. They asked to send a photo of the invoice from the parcel. In the end, I received a long letter of apology from the director and the choice of a refund or resending the cream. A friend chose the money, and, of course, she still had the cream.

By the way, the same seller on ebay has a cheaper cream - $17.99 versus $18.15.

In general, the price starts at about 15.69:

The price in Russian stores is higher:

Well, in general, I needed wholesale purchases, so I really liked the service. Despite the opaque shipping costs.

By the way, samples are sent as a gift:

What, exactly, about my attempt to get rich?

I bought hand cream, sheet masks, patch masks, tester masks and 10 samplers. Packed in beautiful boxes. I came up with the name CUTEBAG (like a cute handbag). I made a description in Russian and a VK group.

But, as they say, either you are selling in the wrong way, or you are selling badly, or you are selling crap) I didn’t manage to sell anything, but I provided my friends with gifts for NG and March 8)


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