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Such a common word "manager" has long been on everyone's lips, but many do not understand its meaning and do not know the specifics of this work. A manager is a manager, a person who manages people, organizes their work. The profession of a manager implies both the independent organization of work in any area, and the management of a group of subordinates, their activities. It all depends on the authority of the employee and on the particular company.

It is on such specialists that the success of the company, its competitiveness and position in the market of goods or services largely depend. Therefore, although this profession is common, it still occupies one of the highest lines in the ranking of the most sought-after specialties.

Who is suitable for this profession

Management is a great industry for people-leaders who are able to manage other people well, motivate them to succeed and achieve. Also, such qualities as: responsibility, positivity, an analytical mindset and some foresight will help in the work. Thanks to this, a person will really be able to achieve great heights and raise the rating of his company, increase sales, respectively, and income. And this is exactly what every company needs in the first place - to sell their goods or services at the best possible price.

The position of a manager is a very interesting one, and it is perfect for those who want to work actively, feel the respect of colleagues and be proud of the results of their work. If you are energetic and sociable, you want constant movement and growth, you are stress-resistant and organized, then the path to success in such an interesting business as management is open to you!

Planning, organization and control are the three main characteristics of the tasks that every manager faces. The description of the duties of an employee who has taken a job as a manager is usually to increase the profits of the company or to manage personnel.

The manager carefully considers the strategy of the "behavior" of the company in the market and analyzes the reports of competing companies. Everything affects the success of an enterprise: the demand for the services it provides, the presence of competitors, the price of competitors' goods, and many, many other factors. And the manager must, in his scrupulous work, take into account everything and plan the best option promotion and development of the company.

A good manager knows how to present the advantages of the company in a very profitable way and not focus on its shortcomings. The responsibilities also include solving problems due to which the number of customers (and hence profits) will increase. In the event of an unsuccessful decision, it is necessary to quickly assess the situation, analyze the situation and correct the error.

In addition, the manager must perfectly understand the spirit of his company, know all the employees and be able to establish relationships in the team. It is very important that employees get along well with each other and are also motivated to work. A management specialist understands well the characteristics of each of his subordinates and knows how to correctly distribute tasks among all and set goals. If something does not work out for an employee, then it is the manager who understands what is wrong and corrects the situation: he explains the task in a simpler and more understandable way, helps the person to understand the matter.

Management and all its subtleties should be understood by every representative of this profession. It is important that his knowledge be broad and broad, not narrow and specialized. Office work, economics, psychology, sociology - this is not a complete list of all the disciplines that a person must learn "perfectly well". For many companies, knowledge of a foreign language is also important.

A manager is a truly universal worker who can cope with sales, organization of work of employees, and recruitment with equal success. The specific activity depends on the needs of the company, and often there may be a combination of several of these tasks in a position.

About study and work

Management and marketing, organization management, document management, market economy - this is not a complete description of everything that a young student who has entered the university for the presented profession has to study. Legislative and legal acts, pricing, taxation, advertising principles - all this knowledge will make a person a truly valuable employee for every company.

Of course, a beginner without experience, but with good knowledge in the management of organizations, needs to make every effort to prove himself and show his professional quality. It is possible that at first you will be assigned simple tasks, but remember that there is always an opportunity for a good employee career development. What can he be?

It is customary to divide managers into three levels: primary, secondary and higher.

As a beginner, you can apply for an entry level manager position. This is the same “platform” from which the career of most people begins. They lead a small group of workers who perform the tasks assigned to them (but do not themselves have subordinates under them).

Further, when you develop your potential, you will work excellently (and most importantly, productively), when you show your superiors professionalism and understanding of the matter, you can count on promotions and promotions. Becoming a middle manager is already a very honorable thing. They run entry-level managers. By the way, depending on the structure of your company, there may be several "levels" of middle managers.

But top managers are the most representative and highest level. Usually there are only a few such employees, they manage the whole huge “mechanism” of the company.

A huge plus of this profession: a graduate of the specialty "management" can work in organizations of various fields. These irreplaceable employees, who possess such an important store of knowledge, are needed in all trade organizations, in travel companies, wherever personnel management is required. Agree, such a variety of options for activities gives a huge choice of work at a variety of enterprises!

Management and marketing are excellent areas for the development of ambitious, inventive and creative people. Great news: the vast knowledge base you get at university is applicable in practice.

Manager is a very demanded profession, and there is always a great demand for excellent specialists with good knowledge and professionalism. For success in this area (however, as in any other), you need to improve yourself, develop and always strive for more and better. After receiving higher professional education, it is better not to finish your training in managerial skills: attend seminars and trainings, buy thematic books, listen to video tutorials and lectures on the Internet. And use the knowledge gained in practice! Thanks to this, you will be able to develop to a very solid level and take the position of your dreams. The main thing is that you like the work, and you enjoy every small and big victory!

In the modern world, the demand for the profession of a manager is undeniable. Today, in any company, holding or corporation, there are people who are representatives of this particular type of activity. To understand what the features of the manager's profession are, one must clearly know the meaning of this borrowed word. It quickly burst into the vocabulary of a Russian person from of English language. "Manager" is a manager who organizes work in a company or enterprises. He coordinates the activities of employees, manages the production and circulation of goods. In fact, this is the boss, who in the company is a representative of the middle or top management.

Nowadays, many university graduates certainly want to become managers, preferably at large enterprises. But not everyone understands what qualities one must possess in order to succeed in this responsible job. So what are the responsibilities of a manager?

  • managers need to select the necessary specialists for the enterprise, taking into account the future prospects of the company. High-quality work of managers eliminates the shortage of qualified personnel;
  • The profession of a manager involves direct work with personnel. And here you have to be an innovator in order to look for new ways to motivate employees to increase labor productivity. The manager must be a psychologist and have a rich imagination in order to stimulate the cadres not only financially;
  • the manager must plan the commercial and entrepreneurial activity, that is, he is obliged to monitor the implementation of business plans, conclude contracts, contracts and agreements, while reducing possible risk to a minimum;
  • the manager is responsible for the competitiveness of the product or services, for the quality of the goods offered and for increasing their sales;
  • at the same time, the manager is obliged to use labor and material resources economically and as efficiently as possible;
  • analysis of consumer demand, sales forecast, negotiations with business partners - all this also lies on the shoulders of the manager.

The management profession, like any other, has its pros and cons. The positive points include the following:

  • great demand, because managers are required today in all areas;
  • opportunity for career growth;
  • business trips, including abroad;
  • interesting acquaintances and communication with different people.
The negative aspects of this type of activity:
  • Leading does not mean distributing all responsibilities to subordinates and doing nothing at the same time. The work of a manager is often very stressful, as he has to work in an intensive mode. Sometimes during the whole day there is no opportunity to distract and relax. The high pace of work can be stressful.
  • Monotony, lack of diversity, responsibility for making decisions in urgent, urgent situations can affect the health and well-being of a person in this profession not in the best way.
  • Lack of sales can significantly reduce a manager's salary.

Personal qualities of a manager

One of the main qualities is communication skills, the ability to get along with a variety of people. Stress resistance, the ability to quickly navigate in a changing situation, make decisions with a lack of information and in a limited time are also important for a manager. It is also desirable to have leadership qualities, ambition, desire to grow yourself and contribute to the prosperity of the company. As many experts in the field of personnel activity note, a manager is a thinker and doer, and a good manager is also a born leader.

Education: what do you need to know?

To get a good offer from the employer for the position of a manager, it is desirable to have a higher specialized education. True, often the presence of a diploma does not indicate that the employee will initially be well versed in the product or in the provision of a certain type of service. But the fact that a job candidate was able to unlearn 5-6 years suggests that he is most likely easy to train, diligent and intellectually developed.

You can also master the profession of a manager by attending various courses on personnel management, record keeping, and the basics of marketing. At psychological trainings, you will be taught the technique of communication, the ability to avoid conflicts, and possibly oratory. It is worth noting that many companies prefer to independently train their staff, based on the characteristics of their organization.

Place of work and career

Sales Manager

Its main task is to do everything possible and impossible so that the company's profit constantly grows. To do this, he must be sociable and persuasive, able to communicate with people. Such skills are necessary to attract new customers and effective work with existing partners. The most important thing for such a leader is to have knowledge of various sales technologies.

Tourism manager

Such a specialist offers tourist trips, attracting as many clients as possible to his agency. It is he who advises those wishing to go on a trip, helping them choose best option tour, based on their desires, capabilities and needs. Organization of transportation, interaction with insurance agents, constant monitoring of the market in the field tourism services and companies - all this is the responsibility of the head of this area.

HR manager

This leader needs to have knowledge not only in the field of office work and labor code but also social and psychological skills. It is the manager personnel policy and creates a comfortable atmosphere for staff. Maintaining documentation for hiring or dismissal, creating a vacation schedule, orders for punishments or incentives for personnel, staff development and much more - this is what the profession of a personnel manager implies.

Office Manager

This manager's responsibilities include effective organization management activities and maintaining the necessary documentation. This is a kind of assistant to the General Director, whose orders, orders and assignments should be carried out efficiently and on time. Receiving phone calls, receiving and sending correspondence, preparing and keeping minutes of meetings and meetings, organizing business meetings and negotiations, monitoring and coordinating some employees (driver, cleaners, couriers) - this is not a complete list of all the duties of an office manager. More often, the management of the organization prefers to see in this place a rather middle-aged woman with work experience, with knowledge personal computer ability to use office equipment. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is welcome.

Manager (from English manage - manage) - a specialist in managing the production and circulation of goods, a hired manager. Managers organize the work of the company production activities groups of company employees. The manager is an official of the company, the company in which he works, and is included in the middle and higher management team firms. (Modern Economic Dictionary)

The main function of managers- management, including the process of planning, organization, motivation and control. Depending on the size and number of control objects, there are levels of control, and, consequently, managers.

It is generally accepted to single out low-level managers (in world practice - operational managers), middle managers and top managers.

Grassroots managers- these are junior bosses who are directly above the workers and other workers (not managers). These include foremen, heads of departments in stores, heads of departments, sales managers who have sales representatives (agents) under their control, etc. In general, most of the leaders are lower-level managers. Most people start their managerial career in this capacity. Junior managers can have any level of education.

middle managers are superiors to lower-level managers. Depending on the size of the organization, there may be several levels of such managers. Middle managers are the head of the shop, the director of the branch, the dean of the faculty, the head of the sales department, etc. Most often, such managers have diplomas of graduation from higher educational institutions.

Top managers- the smallest group of managers. Even in the most large organizations there are only a few of them. Typical positions here would be CEO plant, store director, rector of the university, chairman of the board of directors. This level of control requires higher education, sometimes not just one.

It is obvious that the value wages depends on the level of management and can range from several thousand rubles to hundreds of thousands.

AT Russian practice Anyone can be called a manager, whether or not they have subordinates. Such situations give rise to stories for jokes, when, for example, a loader is called a weight transfer manager.

Job Responsibilities

  1. Carries out management of entrepreneurial or commercial activities of an enterprise, institution, organization aimed at meeting the needs of consumers and making a profit through stable operation, maintenance business reputation and in accordance with the authority granted and resources allocated.
  2. Based on the strategic goals of the enterprise, institution, organization, it plans an entrepreneurial or commercial activity.
  3. Controls the development and implementation of business plans and commercial terms of concluded agreements, agreements and contracts, assesses the degree of possible risk.
  4. Analyzes and solves organizational, technical, economic, personnel and socio-psychological problems in order to stimulate production and increase sales of products, improve the quality and competitiveness of goods and services, economical and effective use material, financial and labor resources.
  5. Recruiting and placing staff, motivating them professional development, evaluation and stimulation of the quality of work.
  6. Organizes relations with business partners, a system for collecting the necessary information to expand external relations and exchange experience.
  7. It analyzes the demand for manufactured products or services, forecasts and motivates sales by studying and assessing the needs of buyers.
  8. Participates in the development of innovative and investment activities, advertising strategies related to the further development of entrepreneurial or commercial activities.
  9. It ensures the growth of profitability, competitiveness and quality of goods and services, increasing labor efficiency.
  10. Carries out coordination of activities within a certain direction (section), analysis of its effectiveness, makes decisions on the most rational use allocated resources.
  11. Involves consultants and experts on various issues (legal, technical, financial, etc.) to solve problems.

Must know:

  • legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activities;
  • market economy, entrepreneurship and doing business;
  • market conditions, pricing, taxation, marketing fundamentals; theory of management, macro- and microeconomics, business administration, stock exchange, insurance, banking and finance;
  • theory and practice of working with personnel;
  • forms and methods of conducting advertising campaigns;
  • the procedure for developing business plans and commercial terms of agreements, agreements, contracts;
  • fundamentals of sociology, psychology and labor motivation;
  • ethics business communication; basics of production technology;
  • management structure of an enterprise, institution, organization, prospects for innovation and investment activities;
  • evaluation methods business qualities workers;
  • basics of office work;
  • methods of information processing using modern technical means, communications and communications, computer science;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • advanced domestic and overseas experience in the field of management;
  • labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification Requirements

Higher professional education(major in management) or higher professional education and additional training in the theory and practice of management, work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

In the business sphere, the profession of a manager is widely known, but at the same time, few people fully understand what the functions of this employee are and what skills he should have. Professionals of this profile are in great demand, and the demand for them is only growing every year. That's just contrary to popular belief, this is not a universal direction. According to workers in the field of vocational guidance, in order to become a sought-after manager, it is not enough to obtain the relevant knowledge. You also need to have a certain mindset, type of character and communication skills.

Who is a "manager"?

A manager is a hired manager who oversees the production, circulation of goods or the provision of services. He manages an organization or department, works remotely or directly in the office.

Management as a direction implies the organization of the work process at all its stages or individual segments. The higher the professionalism of the employee and the longer the list of skills, the wider his authority can be, the greater the salary and the likelihood of career growth.

Functions and duties of managers

To understand what kind of profession it is - a representative of the field of management, it is recommended to study the list of requirements that apply to a manager. It is not so important whether we are talking about strategic, administrative or production management, the employee is obliged to distribute functions between employees, provide them with algorithms for performing tasks and control all processes in the enterprise.

Regardless of the line of business, the list official duties professional includes the following:

  • launching, maintaining and controlling the work of the organization in order to maintain its smooth and efficient functioning;
  • definition of strategic goals and drawing up plans for the implementation of tasks;
  • assessment of the risk levels of the agreements being concluded, compliance with their clauses;
  • analysis of the activities of the enterprise in the personnel sphere, evaluation of the work of personnel, drawing up plans for motivating and encouraging employees;
  • maintaining fruitful communication with business partners;
  • market analysis to identify demand for core products or services;
  • involvement of third-party experts in solving the tasks set by top management.

The managerial profession involves working in different areas whether he manages a small department or a huge enterprise. the main objective this specialist - an increase in the profits of a particular organization or a decrease in its costs.

Classification of management representatives

The description of the manager's profession and the list of his job responsibilities largely depend on the level of management at which the specialist is located. There are three international levels of hierarchy in the direction. On the move up career ladder influence: education, experience and skills, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

What are managers?

  • lower link. The category includes junior bosses who have at least one subordinate. To start a career, you do not even need a specialized education. A striking example of such an employee is a foreman, administrator of a store or service provider, sales manager, head of a department;
  • middle link. In this case, higher education is indispensable. Management is carried out at the level of department, workshop, faculty, one of the network points. Such a manager controls the work of lower managers;
  • top tier. This is the smallest category. Even in large enterprises, such managers are represented by a group of only a few people. Often, these workers have diplomas in a number of areas, many years of experience in a specific profile. This includes directors of businesses, stores, educational and other social institutions, productions.

Despite the similar principles of work of managers in all areas, it is better to initially decide on the preferred topic. The direction of career development will help to establish career guidance. Through tests developed by psychologists and statisticians, industries that are most interesting to a particular person are identified.

Advantages and disadvantages of working in the field of management

Before you go to study as a manager, it is recommended to evaluate the pros and cons of the profession. Some points can be viewed from two sides. For example, manager mobility. For some, frequent business trips become a pleasant bonus, for others - an undesirable specificity of work.

David Zaslav - Top manager of Discovery Communications. Salary $156 million

Pros of the direction

As in many other professions, in the field of management you can earn excellent money. At the same time, career prospects are almost limitless. Even senior managers often have room to grow, provided they have the right skills. Managers constantly communicate with people, which allows them to quickly acquire useful connections and, if desired, change the scope of their activities. Another advantage of this choice is the demand for qualified employees. An experienced and ambitious manager will always find a good place for himself.

Cons of the professional sphere

There are negative aspects in the profession of a manager. First, the level of competition in this area is constantly growing. This requires full dedication from employees, constant development, and work on improving skills. Second, managers need to be prepared to work under stress. It is they who are responsible for making decisions, they are responsible for the result. Most managers earn initial stage their careers are low. But their growth is completely dependent on the specialist himself.

Another important point– to work in management, you need to have a special character warehouse, or attend various trainings for development necessary qualities. The characteristic of a person who expects success as a manager looks something like this. This is a bright and self-aware personality with the habits of a leader and the ability to manage people. Additional advantages of a manager are communication skills, an analytical mindset, attentiveness, and a good memory.

How to become a manager

Education in the direction of "management" today is carried out not only in large specialized institutions, but even in regional training organizations.

What subjects you need to take in order to enter the university of management depends on the specifics of the direction. Today, managers are trained by both humanitarian and technical faculties. In the second case, in addition to good knowledge of the Russian language, mathematics and social science, high marks in physics or chemistry may be required. On the international Management additional tests in foreign languages ​​are required.

At the exit from educational institution a qualified manager should know:

  • fundamentals of law in the field of regulation of commercial and entrepreneurial activities;
  • business strategy and market economy;
  • the specifics of working with personnel;
  • technologies and rules of conduct marketing research, advertising campaigns;
  • basics of taxation, workflow, office work, administration;
  • principles of drawing up business plans, commercial and legal agreements;
  • ethics of business communication, provisions of labor protection;
  • basics of logistics and state certification.

An additional advantage for a manager is the knowledge gained in courses in sociology, psychology, personnel management, the basics of advertising and marketing. For a modern manager It is desirable to have at least one foreign language at a decent level. A person who constantly communicates with people must have the right speech and high level literacy.


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