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The game "The last double. Deadly Glory is a collector's edition from Alawar. Before downloading the game to your computer, we offer you to get a key for free registration in the game without sending SMS. Torrent - 708 mb.

Terrible news for movie fans: famed screen star Audrey Quinn has been murdered in her own home. The task of detectives is significantly complicated by the fact that on the same evening the dazzling beauty was seen at the film festival. Who is guilty of the crime that replaced the actress with the last take?

Mystery of the Lost Star

They say that any occasion is good for fame, but can you say the same about deadly fame? You have to immerse yourself in the brilliant world of cinema to find out who would benefit from killing the legendary Audrey Quinn and replacing her right on the festival podium. The case promises to be confusing, so get ready to face the dark side of the entertainment industry.

In the game called Last Take, you will find many puzzles dedicated to the world of cinema. The story of Audrey Quinn's deadly glory is full of lies, deceit and dizzying twists and turns. After understanding the materials of the complicated case, you will find out who was cunning enough to pull off an incredible crime.

The work of a detective carries not only the disclosure of important cases, but also meetings with famous people, diplomats or sharks of show business. And now you have the case of Veronica Malone, a screen star whose name is one of the most popular among the media. The most surprising thing is that the movie star Melone asked for help for Audrey Quinn, an equally popular actress and friend.


The problem is precisely in Audrey, according to Veronica, who has become even more detached from society, often kept silent from conversations and was not herself. A film festival is coming soon, so the oddities that are happening to Mrs. Quinn will have to be dealt with as soon as possible.

And now the investigation begins at the film festival itself, but this case is no longer even a detective, but some kind of fantastic action movie! In addition to the villains involved in the case, there is also a device that can change the appearance of any person beyond recognition. Use your wits and detective, extraordinary mind in solving puzzles and hunt down all the perpetrators of atrocities!

And after the successful completion of the investigation, an interesting bonus awaits you: a new case to solve an unfinished case ten years ago! Restore justice and solve another murder, because the detective should not give up! Here you will have access to mini-games, videos with music, wallpapers, concept art and many exclusive materials!

The world of show business is cruel, despite all its colors and luxury! Here and envy, and lies, and hypocrisy, and anger ... Help me not to go astray the right way for those who need it!

Key features

  • Search scenes with riddles, morph objects, match 3 and more
  • Collect Wolf Studio logos throughout the game
  • Earn special achievements
  • Play the bonus part to shed light on the mysterious death

Welcome to the film festival where dazzling movie stars interact with journalists and other happy guests. As awards night approaches, you, a private detective, have been hired by one of the silver screen's greatest stars, Veronica Malone, to uncover the mysteries surrounding her colleague and rival, Audrey Quinn. What at first seemed like a simple matter, very soon turns into a deadly pursuit that will take you from the red carpets of the festival to the damp caves and forgotten coves of the Mediterranean coast. Are you ready to do everything possible to get to the truth, fight the shadow of envy and greed and find out the price of fame? Download the game "Last Double 5. Deadly Glory". No key required full version).

Year of release: 2016
Publisher: NevoSoft
Genre: quest, logic, puzzle, I'm looking for
Interface language: Russian
Last Take 5. Deadly Glory free download full version
Size: 717.6 MB

Download Last take 5. Deadly glory. Collector's edition (2016) free full version in Russian:

A real find for puzzle lovers. You will have to make some efforts to find the solution to this problem. But, in the process of solving, you will receive positive emotions and skills. Go to the category, download and install the game from our website, and thinking training is simply guaranteed to you. Note that all products posted on the resources of our site are downloaded without paying for them.

Genre game , which can be downloaded without registration capable of delivering you a mass positive emotions and impressions! Thousands of fans of this genre have fallen in love with this delightful mini-game, because an exciting storyline, coupled with interesting achievements and numerous rewards, will allow you to use your wits and fully concentrate on the game.

Official Russian version of the game.
If you love cinema and everything related to it, then new game in the Collector's Edition "Last Double 5. Deadly Glory" will once again take you to the interesting but cruel world of showbiz. And getting there is easy and simple, if download this game from our site website completely free of charge.

The world of show business is a dirty, ungrateful and deceitful environment for those who cannot imagine life without scandals, intrigues and flattery. It was this world that brought two actresses - Audrey Quinn and Veronica Malone - into a fierce confrontation for the title of best actress at one of the famous festivals. But will this world be merciful to both?

As a detective, the beautiful and famous Veronica Malone approached me and asked me to get some information about her friend, who has been too closed and silent lately. And for this I went to the address indicated in her dossier to the film festival. She also provided me with an invitation to this significant event. The whole environment of the festival struck me with its richness and splendor. And I was able to see the famous Audrey Quinn live! This actress really led a secretive life, and few people knew and heard about her details. But more on that later, but for now I had some problems with the pass, which I managed to solve pretty soon, and I bustled into the festival hall. There I immediately saw Audrey Quinn and some young man who accused her of being drunk, and then ordered her to go inside. And that's it, it seems to be nothing, but Audrey herself seemed to me some ... strange.

I rushed inside too. Veronica Malone was waiting for me there, who said that she saw Audrey and her friend just go upstairs, and that I should follow them. But I knew that I had to be very careful. With the help of the festival menu, I managed to find out which table Audrey was sitting at, and I went up to the second floor to the VIP room. There I saw the same young man, who cursed with the lady in a loud whisper, holding her hand and persuading her to calm down and come to her senses. He talked about the fact that he needed to go to Audrey and put things in order there, and for some reason this young lady spoiled the whole “performance” for him. What he wanted to say by this - I did not understand yet, but I decided to tell Veronica about the scene she saw. When she heard this, she asked me to drive to Audrey's house and try to get there before him. And she gave me a piece of paper with the address of the Quinn mansion written on it. I immediately went there.

My driver, Gary, went to the gas station, and I was the only one who felt uncomfortable here. The mansion looked rich, but there was no one there. And then I decided to get inside and try to look around there. In the garden, I found a note from which I realized that Audrey was worried about her safety and therefore ordered a new key and code. Soon I managed to enter the house. To my horror, I saw Audrey Quinn lying on the floor and she was dead. So what kind of “cleaning up” was Jean-Louis talking about?! Something had to be done before he got here. In Miss Audrey's purse, I found a gift from a certain Isabelle. But who it is and how it is related to Audrey, I still had no idea. And how could I see her at the festival if she was already dead? But soon everything was explained. It was not Audrey at the festival, or rather, not the real Audrey, but only her hologram. That is why she seemed strange to me then.

So, it was made in order not to focus on its absence. After I found a note from which I learned that Isabelle was Audrey's former maid, and it was to her that Miss Quinn confessed to something that she was about to do. In the safe, I found an explanation for this behavior of Audrey and the fact that she acquired a hologram. She was tired of publicity and the crowd. She wanted peace. It is for this that the necklace was designed, which creates a hologram from a living object. Also in the safe were drawings of the necklace. I decided to take them with me. Suddenly, I saw the glare of a flashlight outside the window and hurried there. The bully turned out to be Bernard, a newspaper journalist. He was hiding to take a picture of Audrey. And he succeeded. But his photos were much more valuable, because he managed to capture the moment of the murder. I was delighted, because I thought that this would be the end of my investigation. But it was not there. Suddenly, we heard a loud sound, a moment later the headlights flashed, and a few minutes later I opened my eyes and saw myself in the trunk. Jean-Louis was standing over me, and behind him I saw the glow of the fire as they set fire to Miss Quinn's house. And already in the closed trunk, I heard him say that first they would deal with Bernard, and then it would be my turn. This prospect did not please me at all, and I began to look for a way to get out of the trunk.

Suddenly, I heard Veronica's voice outside, she tried to free me, but I had to get out myself. But how did she get here? She said that she was not able to free me immediately, but she followed the criminals and found me. She was very interested in why I was in such an uncomfortable place, and I decided to show her the drawings of the necklace. Veronica promised to hide them in a safe place so that they would not fall into the hands of criminals, and she asked me to release Bernard, since he might have evidence left. But he had to hurry, he didn't have much time. In the trunk of the car, I found a ticket for a pleasure yacht, standing right here on the pier, and climbed on it. There I overheard that Bernard was locked in the hold, and the negatives from his camera were hidden in engine room. And this person also mentioned Bernard's informant - a girl from a bridal salon on Emerald Street. The good news was that Bernard was still alive. And I, having wandered around the unfamiliar ship for a while, actually found it in the engine room. But I still had to find the hidden negatives.

To do this, I went to the office on a yacht. And here I learned that in order for the necklace not to work, it needs to be wet. I don't know how, but this information could be useful. After that, I brought Bernard to his senses, and he gave me a piece of paper that he managed to snatch from one of the villains. It had numbers written on it that looked like some kind of code that might help find the negatives. Suddenly, we felt the yacht was sailing away and agreed that I would find the negatives and Bernard would find a way to get off the yacht, because we had to warn his girlfriend - the one from the Emerald Street bridal salon. After we agreed to meet on deck.

Soon I actually found the negative and reviewed it. But, unfortunately, the killer's face was half hidden by a hat, so it was difficult to identify him. But after I looked closely, I recognized Stanley. So he knew everything and took part in it from the very beginning? I grabbed the negative and ran out on deck, ready to get into the lifeboat with Bernard. But unexpectedly, Veronica appeared on deck and asked me about the negatives. But Bernard was very surprised by her question, because only he, I and those who kidnapped him knew about the negatives. This question also seemed appropriate to me. Suddenly, the truth revealed itself. Before my eyes, Veronica turned into Nancy - the girl I saw at the festival. She cut the rope holding the boat, and she, along with Bernard, flew into the water. She asked me to voluntarily hand over the negatives. But because of my disagreement, I followed Bernard into the water.

But I managed to get ashore on my own. I did not know where Bernard was now, but I hoped to meet him on Emerald Street, where the thugs were heading. I found a motorcycle on the shore, and having brought it to mind a little, I went to Emerald Street. There I noticed Bernard, he was talking to some young man in a police uniform. They talked about Audrey's murder, and it looks like Bernard was blamed for it. But one phrase I said made me understand that this was again tricks with a necklace, and this was not Bernard at all. After that, the "policeman" went to Bernard's house. I remained in thought, where, for a start, to go to me. But I decided to visit the bridal salon first, especially since I was across the street from it. But there was no one there, and I was very worried about the fate of Bernard, so I went to his house, climbed through the balcony into his room and knocked out the impostor policeman.

At Bernard's house, I found the key to the back room in wedding salon, in which something important was stored, a judgment by the way they hid it. When I entered there, I saw Bernard holding at gunpoint Isabelle, the former servant of Audrey Quinn. But, apparently, the effect of the necklace ended, and Stanley appeared before me - the same person whom I saw on the negative of Bernard in Miss Quinn's house. He asked me to give away the negative for good, because he does not like violence and does not want to kill anyone. I decided to do as he asked. And he left me the necklace and said he wanted nothing more than to be with his Nancy. After that, he left. Isabelle said that Studio Wolf paid her to look after Audrey, and after her death they offered money to leave the country. It was Isabel who was Bernard's girlfriend and did not want to leave without him. She promised to help me find Miss Quinn's killers and drew instructions on where to go next. It was a floating theatre. I went there.

Veronica immediately met me on the shore, and I gave her the necklace. She just took it with her, dreaming that her career would last forever. And with this miracle of hostile technology, this is quite real. Well, let it be, for me the main thing is to find Audrey's killer. And I went to the floating theater. There I had to find a heliport and prevent Stanley and Nancy from escaping. And I got there just in time, they were ready to die, but I heard that without the necklace, Nancy did not want to fly anywhere. And all her love for Stanley was just a pathetic fake. She even shot him. What then to say about me? But she quickly fled, and helped Stanley with his injured leg, and he was very sorry about what happened to Audrey.

I felt sorry for him, because he did all this for the sake of love. I went looking for Nancy and found two Victorias instead of one Nancy. But I remembered the wet necklace and figured out the fake Victoria. Then Nancy confessed everything. She said that Audrey was afraid of the crowd. And then Studio Wolf invited her to represent Audrey in public. Her dream came true! But then Stanley accidentally killed Audrey. And then Nancy decided to use this chance for her own purposes. But Bernard intervened in their plans. And then she realized that with the help of a necklace she could turn into anyone. She decided to take it, no matter what. But we ruined all her plans. And now she had a direct path to jail.

After some time, Veronica called me again and told me that her friend Diana died many years ago on the set of the film, and Stanley was her manager. Then everything was written off as an accident, but she did not believe in it. She asked me for help in this matter. I agreed to help. In order to find out the truth, she bought the Stanley house in the hope that she could find answers to her questions there. Can I get to the bottom of this matter?

The graphics of the game are pleasant, unobtrusive, realistic and are not inferior in quality to all previous games in the series. You will be given honest difficulty modes to choose from, the last of which is custom. There is no journal or diary in the game, everything we need to learn during the game from notes and letters. But there is an excellent map, which clearly indicates active locations, and it is also possible to move from one to another. If necessary, the hint will serve as a portal and will cope with this task no worse. In locations we are looking for and collecting emblems with the image of a wolf in the amount of 41 pieces. If you missed a few, then you can then collect them after completing the main and bonus chapters. And in order to know if you have collected an emblem in a particular location, then the same icon is located in the lower left corner of the game panel, and if found, it will change color.

Also in the same lower left corner you can view your achievements earned during the game and current tasks. Items with a plus sign will appear in the inventory panel. This means that with these items you need to do simple actions. There are many hidden object scenes, but all of them are very interesting and pleasant to pass. There was a list search with and without a preliminary opening thereof, a silhouette search and an object image, a search for a single word from a whole sentence, a search for parts from a whole, as well as various combinations of several types of search. Also, in the scenes of searching for hidden objects, we are looking for changing objects, the location of which will be prompted by the icon in the same lower left corner. And if you want, you can go to the game "Three in a row." interesting and different levels of difficulty. After completing the entire game, you will have the opportunity to collect one souvenir in each location. The game also has a built-in walkthrough and achievements. New game"Final Take 5. Deadly Glory" will bring you closer to the world of cinema and once again prove that there is nothing good in this world. Everything is beautiful only on the screen.

Collector's Edition Features:
* Bonus chapter and built-in walkthrough.
* Desktop wallpapers.
* Soundtracks and concept art.

Interface language: Russian

Game version - install and play (710.6 Mb):

Also "Last Frame". original name series - "Final Cut".

Last Take 1: Death on the Silver Screen

The main character has fallen on hard times. Her father died suddenly, and her older brother went missing, so she had to urgently return to her father's house to organize a funeral. In her father's office, she discovered a mysterious message that this death was not accidental, and the heroine's brother will face the same fate if she does not hurry and unravel several long-standing family secrets. The question "why would someone kill their father?" didn’t even appear in the girl’s head, because Morton Wolf was a famous film director and inventor working for the government, so he probably managed to make a lot of enemies.

The game is quite old, so it has a lot of relics of the past: mediocre graphics, penalties for extra clicks in hidden object scenes, live actors in cutscenes, search scenes open twice in random places, even the inventory cannot be locked in the open position. But it's worth playing. Firstly, despite all the disadvantages, the game is very good. Secondly, the three parts of this series are connected by a common plot.

Last Take 2: Encore

A year has passed since the events of the first part. Brother and sister are slowly renovating the family mansion, confident that their father's killer is in prison, and the results of his secret research have been destroyed. But it was not there! A close friend of his father and part-time big military boss paid them an unexpected visit. He was very excited when he reported that the criminal had escaped and wanted revenge. He brought the heroes to a military base to protect them, but it turned out that psychological experiments were already being carried out on the soldiers with the help of a player designed by their father.

This part is much more modern than the first one (for example, the search scenes can be switched to a simple “3 in a row”), but it seemed boring to me. In addition to the usual bonus chapter, there is also an additional chapter in which the player enters the tiny office of the Eipix studio and gets to know the creators of the game :-).

Last Take 3: Tribute

A little more time passed, the life of the heroes seemed to have entered the usual track, but it was not there! While the city is getting ready for Christmas, the heroine again rushes around the city like a whirlwind to save her life. It turned out that for the second year the family was closely followed by a serial killer nicknamed Director. Now he suddenly decided to prove himself and began to kill people using scripts from the films of Morton Wolf, and he also has a super-secret magic projector. The heroine has nowhere to go, because the enemy entered her house and sent her a personal invitation to his “premier” from there. It's good that her brother went abroad, but even without him she has someone to worry about. This time the girl will be in a pleasant company - a handsome journalist came to her to interview about her father, but could not pass by a real sensation.

By far the best part in this series. A real thriller with escalating situations, annoying messages from the killer and famously twisted intrigue. I liked everything, even despite the fact that half of the game had to be replayed from the beginning. Attention! The latest Eipix Entertainment games have spontaneous save problems when you play and play, and then the game randomly crashes (or busya pulls the computer cord out of the socket) and you have to start all over again. To prevent this from happening, you need to play a bit, then correctly exit the game, make sure that the profile has been created, and calmly continue playing.

Last Take 4: Real Adventure

For at least one part of the game, the children of the late director will be able to live in peace, and this time the main character will be the resourceful girl Julia. Many years ago, Wolfe's film studio began filming the film "Real Adventure". Alas, the actors and members of the set died one by one, so the shooting was curtailed. Now Julia's brother Francis, who does not believe in any kind of curse, decided to make this film anyway, by pulling Julia and her fiancé Ruben to work. She became an assistant, and he became an actor. The first day of filming ended in tragedy: the sham gun in Ruben's hands turned out to be real, so his stage partner died right under the cameras. It quickly became clear that the filming was sabotaged by a very specific villain, and not by otherworldly forces. He kidnapped Julia's fiancé and the dead actor's wife when they ran out into the street in a frenzy. Now he demands that they give him a film with an old film. Apparently, something is written on it, for which it is not a pity to kill.

Very stylish part with beautiful locations and characters. There are references in other Eipix Entertainment games: a poster of actress Veronica West, who was killed in the studio, hangs in the studio, and Mark Adams from the third part of "" became one of the characters.

Last Take 5: Death Glory

Victoria decided to turn to a private detective when her friend and part-time rising star of Wolf Studios, Audrey Quinn, began to behave in a strange way. Audrey is known for her dislike of large crowds, but this time she decided to take part in the film festival. There it turned out that a cunning device was involved in the case, which allows you to change your appearance to someone else's. This circumstance will greatly complicate the investigation, because no one can be trusted.

Another nice piece with art deco locations. If you don’t get confused in the numerous characters, then it’s also interesting :-).

Last Take 6: Blackout

Projection necklace from the last part, allowing you to temporarily turn yourself into any other person according to regular photo, once again fell into the wrong hands and became a decisive argument in the long-standing showdown between the Wolf and Horizon film studios. But the main character has nothing to do with filmmakers and got into their showdown quite by accident. Her friend Bernard lost his life while trying to collect dirt on the dishonest employees of the Wolf studio. The girl must do everything to ensure that his death was not in vain.

I didn't really like this part. It seems beautiful and all the cases, but the story did not hook at all. All these Robins, Stevensons, in which you constantly get confused. In addition, many characters from the first three parts, which I have already managed to forget, participate here.


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