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The modern Russian writer Viktor Pelevin is loved by many readers for the fact that in his works he can subtly and sarcastically beat reality, creating plots far from reality. In the book "Empire "B" this is seen especially clearly. It captivates with a vivid plot, which is mystical in its own way. It may seem that this is a book about vampires. However, this is both true and not true at the same time. This technique is used to metaphorically reflect the world of people that exists in reality, to raise questions that make you think. Reading such a book is a real pleasure, because not only the plot and subtext are beautiful here, but also the writer's language, the manner of narration, full of humor and pessimism at the same time, regret, sarcasm and truthfulness.

The main character of the novel is a young man named Roman. He wanted to enter Moscow State University, but his attempt was unsuccessful. He works as a loader, his mother considers him a loser. One day something extraordinary happens to Roman - he becomes a vampire. The truth is revealed to him that vampires are supermen. And they are not quite the way they are portrayed in films and books. Vampires have an essence - a language that makes them vampires and makes it possible to read the thoughts of a person or another vampire by tasting his blood.

Vampires have their own laws, they live almost apart from people, but among them there are agents who direct the activities of people in the right direction. Thus, vampires control individuals and society as a whole. Roman changes his name and becomes Rama, he is trained, studying the two most important vampire sciences - glamor and discourse. On the one hand, Rama remained a man, on the other, he is already a vampire who, instead of succumbing to glamor and discourse, must control them. Only Rama is still not quite an ordinary vampire, he constantly asks philosophical questions, wanting to know the truth, the meaning of life and the secrets of what happens after death.

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Victor Pelevin with the novel Empire "V" for download in fb2 format.

Vampires rule the world.
Not eternally young, romantic boys and girls with sleepless eyes and bloody lips, but quite ordinary men and women with traces of vital cynicism on their faces. They alone discovered the secret of "glamour" and "discourse". And they are a real world elite, recruiting passers-by into their ranks with one easy bite.
Choice can fall on everyone...

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. The Empire "V" edition is dated 2012, belongs to the "Prose" genre in the "Black Series of Viktor Pelevin" series and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Maybe the book hasn't been released yet. Russian market or did not appear in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly to e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot, save it to your wall in social network let your friends see it too!

Empire "In » Viktor Pelevin

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Name: Empire "V"
Author: Victor Pelevin
Year: 2006
Genre: Urban fantasy, Vampire books, Contemporary Russian literature

About the book "Empire "V"" Victor Pelevin

Who said love rules the world? Vampires rule the world! And they are not at all like the images of eternally young boys and girls replicated by Hollywood.

These are cynical and experienced men and women, representatives of the world elite. And the simple guy Roma was lucky (or unlucky?) to get into this high society.

Now he has to learn the secrets of glamor and discourse, try to become one of them. But the main thing in this book is not the plot, but form style Pelevin: sarcastic-fantastic philosophy dressed with topical problems of today.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online book"Empire "V"" Victor Pelevin in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

I was going to get acquainted with the unusual thinking and the world of Pelevin for a long time, because I knew that I would like it. But everyone knows that sometimes acquaintance with some author can drag on for very long months, or even years, since besides him there are a bunch of other authors that you also need to get acquainted with. But an accident made me turn my attention back to Pelevin. But as they say, accidents are not accidental. I met Pelevin in the library, where I accidentally noticed his book on the shelf, without thinking for a long time, I immediately grabbed it. I have always been attracted to books that are covered with all sorts of century-old dust, and I just want to take and read a book in which many great and interesting secrets are hidden. When I picked up the book, the first thing I did was go to LiveLib, and there I read a lot of reviews, but oddly enough, I had never heard of this book, unlike Chapaev and Void and other well-known works. About the same book, I read a large number of negative reviews, and also that this book is not worth the time spent and it is better not to start your acquaintance with this book. But, I didn’t care if it was the best or vice versa, I was already set to read this book, so I immediately switched to action, that is, I started reading it. At first, when I started reading, the book was rather difficult. At times I was very pleased and delighted with her, and sometimes I thought, where does he get this nonsense from? I confess that these moments were often satisfied. But then, with each chapter, I was drawn into the book to the fullest. In just a couple of days I have already read seventy percent. I associated this with watching films that you watch, you don’t understand anything at first, and you think why they shot this film at all and why not sleep now, and then you begin to understand what it is about, and eventually you understand how it is it was amazing. In moments I understood why there were so many bad reviews for this book. I do not deny the fact that perhaps most simply did not manage to read it to the end and therefore spoke about it that way, but still this book is very heavy and at times harsh and cold, as it reflects a kind of universe that reflects our modern world. And I confess, this universe is very realistic and sad. But what to do if our modern world is like this? The novel turned out to be very topical, interesting, most of the book is about reasoning, about this or that. And the most important advantage of this book, after reading it, you think about a lot. You think about how the real world works and what many people hide behind them. By the way, I want to pay special attention to Pelevin's vampires. Very unusual creatures. So, after I read the book, I talked a little bit with the librarian, I found out that she did not want to read this book, because she does not like literature about vampires. As a result, I decided to recommend this book to her, because, especially, there is no mention of bloody vampires who drink the blood of people in it. I just think that this technique was in order to attract attention, in fact, this book talks about how a vampire lives at the expense of ordinary mortals. I confess that it was rather difficult for me to write a review about this book, because, as I said above, there are a lot of philosophical discussions about people and the world that I don’t really want to quote throughout the review. Therefore, I will say in simple terms: this book contains a lot of sarcastic statements and jokes that perfectly describe our reality, and to some extent there is a lot of truth in it, which you should not pay attention to, because it is your right to accept it or not. I would hesitate to recommend this book to anyone else, but be that as it may, this book managed to make a huge impression on me.

I have a friend, a little five-year-old girl. And then one day, together with her, we began to let bubble into the void, and looking at her bright and naive face, which rejoices that the bubbles shimmer in different colors, I said: “Did you know that a big rainbow lives inside each soap bubble? That's why they're always so colorful." And then the girl, opening her big eyes, was so surprised and believed me right away. Reading Pelevin’s works not for the first time, you seem to blow bubbles with someone and look at how they shimmer in the light. This little bubble that shows an extraordinary reflection of our world. But Pelevin's generation was no longer the same, in his books there are more and more mystical creatures: werewolves and various other incomprehensible creatures, and this time he introduced us to the world of vampires. When reading a book, you believe in everything that he writes, since our world is big and it is not known how many others there are in the world parallel worlds, creatures, etc. After I read the book, I wondered what other people thought about it. And then I came across another review, which said that this book is cold, with which I completely agree, well, if you look at the world of vampires from the other side, this is. In this book, in comparison with other works by Pelevin, there are more poisonous phrases, aggression, and, in the end, anger! But strange as it may be, the book managed to hit the bull's-eye and become one of my favorites. I'm impressed after reading this!

I did not expect, but I can say that Pelevin has not been a cake for a long time. In this book, he is definitely not a cake, and I have been aware of this for a long time, but some very smart people told me that the book is about "Batman Apollo", well, after the praised review of this book, I wanted to read it. I expected a lot from this book, but reading it, I was convinced with each chapter that there was nothing special to praise here! The book may be of interest to those who are interested in the discussion of pathos and glamour, and, in the end, will understand why the majority are so obsessed with vampires. The only pluses of the protagonist are that: firstly, he never gets old, forever young, and secondly, he just lives without disturbing anyone.

[q] And it’s not at all clear how the reviewers turned their hand to write that, they say, “Tolstoy and Dostoevsky smoke nervously”?! Ooh! .. To understand this, one needs to get acquainted with Pelevin’s prose more seriously. Such statements are not the words of reviewers, but I believe the author's idea, which in no case should be taken at face value. Viktor Olegovich is an outstanding figure, subtly feeling the modern world based on market relations, he correctly puts Eastern religion and Western philosophy under this understanding. In short, this is a kind of banter, but not entirely meaningless. I started reading Pelevin from this book. To date, collected complete collection of his compositions (on analog media) and are delighted with each of them. If not for Empire B, I might still be reading science fiction instead of countercultural prose.

Victor Pelevin

The steam locomotive is wisely arranged, but it does not realize it, and what purpose would it be to arrange a steam locomotive if there were no driver on it?

O. Mitrofan Srebryansky

When I came to my senses, there was a large room around, furnished with antique furniture. The furniture was, perhaps, even antique - a mirror cabinet covered with carved stars, a fancy secretaire, two canvases with nudes and a small picture of Napoleon on horseback in battle smoke.

One wall was occupied by a file cabinet made of Karelian birch, reaching to the ceiling, of a very refined appearance. On its drawers there were plates with multi-colored inscriptions and badges, and next to it was a stepladder.

I realized that I was not lying, as it should be for a person who regained consciousness, but I was standing. I did not fall because my arms and legs were firmly tied to the Swedish wall. I guessed that this was a Swedish wall, feeling the wooden crossbar with my fingers. Other crossbars rested on my back.

Opposite, on a small red sofa against the wall, sat a man in a red coat and black mask. The mask resembled in its shape either a top hat pulled down to the shoulders, or a cardboard helmet of a dog-knight from the movie "Battle on the Ice". There was a sharp protrusion near the nose, two oval holes in place of the eyes, and a rectangular cutout in the mouth area, covered with a black cloth. This is what medieval doctors looked like on engravings depicting the plague in Europe.

I wasn't even scared.

Good afternoon, the masked man said.

Hello, - I answered, with difficulty parting my lips.

What is your name?

Roman, I said.

How old are you?


Why not in the army?

I didn't answer the question, thinking it was a playful joke.

I apologize for the somewhat theatrical nature of the situation,” the masked man continued. - If you have a headache, now everything will pass. I put you to sleep with a special gas.

What kind of gas?

Which is used against terrorists. It's okay, it's all over. I warn you not to scream. There is no point in screaming. It won't help.

The result will be one - I will have a migraine, and the conversation will be spoiled.

Who are you?

My name is Brama.

Why are you wearing a mask?

For many reasons, Brama said. - But it's in your favor. If our relationship doesn't work out, I can let you go safely because you won't know what I look like.

I felt great relief when I heard that they were going to let me go.

But these words could be a trick.

What would you like? I asked.

I want one very important part of my body and at the same time my spirit to awaken a keen interest in you. But this, you see, can only happen if you are a person of a noble aristocratic family…

"Maniac, - I thought. - The main thing is not to be nervous... Distract him by talking..."

The quality of the red liquid in your veins plays big role. The chance is small.

What does live interest mean? I asked. "You mean while I'm still alive?"

Ridiculous, - said Brahma. - Most likely, words will not achieve anything here. Need a demo.

Getting up from the sofa, he came up to me, threw back the black rag that covered his mouth and leaned intimately towards my right ear. Feeling someone else's breath on my face, I cringed - something disgusting was about to happen. Horror gripped me.

"He came to visit," I thought. "It must have been, eh?" But nothing happened - breathing in my ear, Brahma turned away and went back to the sofa.

I could have bitten your hand,” he said. - But your hands, unfortunately, are bound and numb. Therefore, the effect would not be the same.

You tied my hands, I said.

Yes, Brama sighed. - I should probably apologize for my actions - I guess they look rather strange and bad. But now everything will become clear to you.

Sitting on the couch, he stared at me as if I were a picture on a television and studied for a few seconds, occasionally smacking his tongue.

Don't worry, he said, I'm not a sex maniac. In this respect, you can be calm.

And who are you?

I'm a vampire. And vampires are not perverts. Sometimes they pretend to be perverts. But they have completely different interests and goals.

No, he's not a pervert, I thought. He's a crazy pervert.

You have to constantly talk to distract him…" - Vampire? Do you drink blood?

It's not like glasses, - answered Brama, - and it's not that my self-identification is based on this ... But it also happens.

Why are you drinking it?

it The best way meet a person.

Like this? I asked.

The eyes in the oval holes of the mask blinked several times, and the mouth under the black cloth said:

Once upon a time, two trees growing on the wall, lemon and orange, were not just trees, but a gateway to a magical and mysterious world. And then something happened. The gates disappeared, and instead of them there were just two rectangular pieces of cloth hanging on the wall. Not only were these gates gone, but the world they led to. And even the terrible flying dog that guarded the entrance to this world has become just a wicker fan from a tropical resort...

To say that I was amazed is to say nothing. I was stunned.

These words would have seemed like complete gibberish to any normal person, but for me it was the secret code of childhood. The most amazing thing was that only one person in the whole world could formulate everything in this way - myself. I was silent for a long time. Then he couldn't take it.

I don't understand, I said. - Suppose I could tell about the paintings when I was unconscious. But after all, I could not tell about this world that opened up behind them. Because I never called him that. Although now you said, and I see that all this is true, yes. And so it was…

Do you know why this happened? Brama asked.

The magical world where you used to live was invented by a grasshopper hiding in the grass. And then the frog came and ate it. And you immediately had nowhere to live, although everything in your room remained the same.

Yes, I said confused. - And this is also true ... Very accurately said.

Remember some thing, - said Brahma, - about which only you know. Any. And ask me a question - one that only you know the answer to.

Okay, I said and thought. - Well, for example ... I had a fan hanging on the wall at home - you just talked about it. How was it attached to the wall?

Brahma closed his eyes in the slits of his mask.

Glued. And the glue was smeared with the letter "X". And it's not just a cross, it's the letter "X". It meant the direction in which the mother, who hung the fan over the bed, was supposed to go.

Brahma raised his hand.

Wait. And you glued it on because the fan began to seem like a vampire dog to you that bites you at night. This, of course, is complete nonsense. And even insulting to real vampires.

How did you know?

Brahma got up from the sofa and approached me. Pulling back the black cloth with his finger, he opened his mouth. He had dark smoky teeth - strong and large. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, only the fangs were perhaps a little whiter than the rest of the teeth. Brahma raised his head so that I could see his sky. There was some kind of strange wavy orange membrane - like a fragment of a dental bridge stuck to the gum.

What's this? I asked.

There is a language, - said Brahma, emphasizing this word with intonation.

Language? - I did not understand.

This is not human language. This is the soul and essence of a vampire.

Do you know everything about them?

How can you recognize language?

It's useless to explain. If you want to understand this, you have to become a vampire yourself.

I'm not sure what I want.

Brahma returned to his sofa.

You see, Roma, - he said, - fate controls us all. You came here on your own. And I have very little time.

Are you going to teach me?

Not me, Brama said. - The teacher is not the personality of the vampire, but his nature. And the training is that the vampire bites the student. But this does not mean that any person who is bitten by a vampire becomes a vampire. As they say in bad movies, hehe, that only happens in bad movies...

He laughed at his own joke. I tried to smile, but it didn't work out well.

There is a special bite, he continued, that a vampire can only do once in a lifetime. And only if the language wants it. According to tradition, this takes place on the day of the summer solstice. You are coming. My tongue will pass into you.


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