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1 month ago

Suddenly it would occur to someone to buy books in the spring not just anywhere, but precisely at a publishing house or on our website, we thought and decided to somehow prepare)) by the way, discounts are not only on children's books, but on all the others too, such as speech therapy and cultural studies). #books for children #discounts #rarebird

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3 months ago

Here's what else we have not for babies)). Interest in the Celts, their culture, myths and legends is not weakening, but the folk literature of the Bretons - the same Celts - is still little known outside of their homeland, a small peninsula on the outskirts of Europe. Meanwhile, the legends and tales recorded on the territory of Brittany in the 10th - early 20th centuries are distinguished by their original plots, the interweaving of Christian mysticism, worldly wisdom, magic and cruelty of pagan rites. All this makes Breton fairy tales and legends the most fascinating reading not only for specialists, but also for all lovers of fairy tales and adventures. A translation of the wonderful Anna Muradova.

In the fairy tales of Vladimir Babenko, fiction is so intertwined with reality that it is almost impossible to distinguish between them. Is it true that a long time ago, a handsome flamingo's beak was not at all thick and crooked, as it is now, but small and graceful, like a titmouse's beak? And why does a flamingo actually roam the shallows with its beak submerged in the water?

The store has moved! Find "Why do flamingos have a crooked beak? » in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
The train is an indispensable waiting on the platform, a journey, a road adventure and stories told in a compartment over a glass of tea to the rhythmic sound of wheels. In this book, we invite you to take a journey into the amazing history of trains. Have you already prepared a glass of tea in the cup holder? Never mind, a mug will work too. You will learn how a steam locomotive works and what its first passengers were afraid of, whether all trains need rails and why the railway was called a cast-iron, how a bridge differs from a viaduct, and how a child can become a train driver.

The store has moved! Find "Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers... The history of trains and railways. » in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
Frogs are amazing creatures! They can be green or brown, or they can be speckled orange. They swim and jump, but also crawl and sometimes even fly. They are helpless babies and voracious predators. They do not have claws or fangs, but some of them are considered the most poisonous vertebrates on the planet. They are very different, but you can't confuse them with anyone.

The store has moved! Find "So different frogs." in our new store!

"Rare Bird"
How to scare a child so that he grows up smart, healthy and, in addition, well-mannered and obedient? Do not know? Then read the instructions of Stanislav Vostokov as soon as possible and as carefully as possible. And let the children read - you will laugh together. About all this and not only in the book How to scare children? (Stanislav Vostokov)

The store has moved! Find "How to scare children properly." in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
The cat is a favorite character in the fairy tales of the peoples of the world, as evidenced by the 30 stories selected for the book. Here is an Indian cat, who, with the help of a magic ointment, became the wife of the most beautiful prince of the country; here is a courageous Swedish cat, who with his hiss scared away the bloodthirsty trolls that filled the entire district.

The tales are supplemented with notes about amazing features cats and their role in history: about the healing properties of a cat's purr, about why in the Middle Ages knights chose these mysterious animals for their coat of arms. Readers will learn why in places like Burma and Thailand, cats, especially Siamese, are revered as sacred animals, on other continents it is believed that cats feel the awakening of volcanoes long before all other living beings.

The store has moved! Find "Cat Tales. » in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
This time the caravan of fairy tales was joined by wild animals and birds: tiger, lynx, leopard and other ferocious predators. But don't be afraid! After all, the little piggy of the evil hungry wolf in the American fairy tale was not afraid, the South African ostrich managed to defeat the predatory lioness, and the rooster fraternized with the toothy crocodile. Among fairy-tale animals there are cunning and simple-hearted, cowardly and courageous, proud and noble. Some are admired, like the fearless osprey chosen as the ruler of birds, others make you laugh, like a caterpillar from a Maasai fairy tale - it boasts that it can turn the head of an elephant, a rhinoceros and a jackal, but runs away, frightened of a frog!

The store has moved! Find Wild Beast Tales in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
A noble, proud and ardent animal - a horse - a traditional helper, protector, faithful companion fairytale heroes. This book contains fairy tales, legends and legends about horses from all over the world - from America to China and from Scandinavia to Australia. In the comments to fairy tales you will find many interesting facts about horses.

The store has moved! Find Horse Tales. » in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
The book contains fairy tales, legends and legends about various representatives of the feathered kingdom. Domestic birds, songbirds, birds of prey and, of course, fabulous ones, like the Windbird of the American Indians, which sends a storm, or the Firebird, which gave fire to people.

How did birds get their bright plumage? Why do they sing in different voices, and what do their songs mean? Why are some birds able to fly and others not? Each nation answers these questions in its own way, and also tells amazing stories about how birds chose a king for themselves, how they fought with animals, how they settled around the world and learned to make nests.

From the comments, readers will learn how weather is predicted from the behavior of birds, how different languages the cock crow of the world sounds and how the birds were revered in ancient Egypt.

The store has moved! Find "Bird Tales." in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
The next book from the Caravan of Tales series contains fairy tales of the peoples of the world about a variety of craftsmen and craftsmen, from tailors and carpenters to jewelers and cabinetmakers. In different countries they are called differently, but always and everywhere real craftsmanship, skillful hands and dedication are highly valued. Legends, sayings and Interesting Facts from the story you will find in the comments to each fairy tale. Compiled and edited by Marilyn Plenar. For junior and middle school age.

The store has moved! Find "Tales of Craftsmen and Crafts." in our new store!

"Rare Bird", Children's Literature
The book contains fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world about fruits and vegetables: from the usual apple and carrot to exotic yams and cassava.

What is not in these amazing stories: watermelons here grow the size of a mountain, apples heal from diseases, a lemon goes on a trip with friends garlic, onions and peppers, and banana trees cry because the owner does not water them.

Ancient legends tell how, according to ideas different peoples, vegetables and fruits appeared in the world, how they got this or that taste, color and shape, how they got to people on the table. There are among these stories touching and funny, scary and sad, joyful and bright. They are both similar and not similar to each other, just like the people who created them from different parts of the world, where everything is different, and only a person always remains a person.

From the comments, readers will learn how Europeans began to grow potatoes, why it is customary to make pumpkin lanterns on Halloween, and what fruits and vegetables the American Indians used to make their own decorations.

Publishing house " rare bird» at first it was a special project of the Forum publishing house, but in early 2014 it became a full-fledged publishing house. "Rare Bird" publishes fiction and popular science books for children from 5 to 15 years old - books by Russian and foreign authors, folklore tales from different peoples of the world.

The beginning of the publishing house was marked by the release of informative picture books for kids “A Year with Swallows” and “A Year with Sparrows” by Thomas Muller, a famous German illustrator and author of children's books, as well as the book “Caravan of Fairy Tales”, which is a Russian-language version of the series of the French publishing house “Flies France".

The Fruit and Vegetable Tales, Bird Tales, Cat Tales published by Rare Bird in Russian retained the best features of the French "original": high-quality translations that preserved the liveliness of folk speech; original design with well-chosen fonts and well-placed comments. Illustrations for fairy tales are unusual. They were drawn by talented artists who know how to create unique magical worlds.

"Rare Bird" deliberately chose fairy tales for its first publications, because "wise old fairy tales sometimes tell more about the world than dry reference books, and skillful illustrations will replace dozens of smart words." The publishing house intends to continue to cooperate with Flies France.

Another area of ​​activity of the "Rare Bird" is the reprinting of the best children's books of past years. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, the publishing house invites everyone who wants to give new life favorite books of your childhood.

The books of the Rare Ptitsa publishing house are created to answer children's questions - honestly, accurately, clearly and interestingly. Answer not superficially, but with knowledge of the matter. Not boring, but fun. These books are funny and smart, kind and a little magical.

At the Children's Book Week - 2017 in Pskov, the publishing house "Rare Bird" will be represented by a translator and a writer Katerina Gaidai and historian, journalist, author of a series of books on history for preschoolers and younger students Ilya Nosyrev. Acquaintances with the books of "Rare Bird" for children and adults will be held in the form cognitive activities and creative workshops based on published books, as well as presentations and meetings with authors.

Katerina Gaidai - translator, author of the educational book for children "Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers: the history of trains and railways».

At a master class based on T. Muller’s book “A Year with Swallows”, Katerina Gaidai will tell the participants of the event a lot of new and interesting things about how city and village swallows live: how they make nests, raise chicks, where and when they fly away for the winter, how they live in warm countries. Everyone will be able to independently make a voluminous paper mobile: swallows in the clouds.

Müller Thomas "Year with Swallows"(translated from German by Katerina Gaidai).

The book introduces children to the life of man's close neighbors - barn swallows. From the moment when the swallows return from the south, from wintering, to their old home, where they build a new nest, incubate the chicks, let them get stronger - until the flight to warm countries, from where certain time they will return to the north again. The life of swallows is carefully and lovingly illustrated by Thomas Müller, his realistic drawings help the child to get the right idea of appearance birds. At the end of the book there is a small dictionary from which you can find out how village swallows differ, for example, from city funnel swallows, who are black swifts and shorebirds.

Information and educational resource about swallows "Swift and unfathomable"

At the master class based on the book by Vladimir Babenko "A small book about owls", participants will get acquainted with the mysterious night birds - owls, and Katerina Gaidai will help to make their own owls in postcard houses.

Vladimir Babenko "A small book about owls"

Owls have always seemed to people mysterious, unusual birds. Nocturnal predators, silent and dangerous, they have surprisingly sharp eyesight and sensitive hearing, as well as a sonorous voice that frightens late travelers in the night forest. Owls are the heroes of many fairy tales, myths and legends, harbingers of misfortune and keepers of wisdom. What are they really?

The book contains many interesting facts about owls. For example, did you know that owls can see perfectly not only at night, but also in daylight? What are owls that feed on fish and catch it, wandering along the shallows and sandy shores? Of all the species of owls living in Russia, only the short-eared owl builds its own nest on its own? That each species of owl has its own voice and its own song?

The main characters of the "Small Book" are those owls that live on the territory of Russia - from the Kaliningrad region to the Far East. All 17 species of owls that can be found in our country are described and drawn, and even compared on the last spread of the book, which clearly shows the comparative sizes of all seventeen species - from a huge fish owl to a tiny sparrow owl.

The illustrations of the Little Book deserve special mention: all the owls are drawn by Maria Sergeeva and Olga Runovskaya strictly authentically, but at the same time, each bird, each chick seems to have its own character: from the pages of the book they look at us in surprise, then angrily, then incredulously, then mockingly Great Gray Owls, Barn Owls, Eagle Owls, Rough-legged Owls, Snowy Owls, Rare Needle-Owl Nestlings.

Information and educational resource "Secrets and secrets of the life of owls"

Cognitive-game lesson with a quiz "How does a steam locomotive work?" will be held by Katerina Gaidai, author of the book for children "Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers: the history of trains and railways."

Katerina Gaidai “Rails-rails, sleepers-sleepers. History of trains and railways»

A lively and extraordinary story begins with the history of the word "train". From the book, readers will learn how long ago people began to transport goods on rails, and what the first rails were made of; the history of the invention of the first steam locomotives, as well as many interesting facts: why the first steam locomotives were called "puffing devils", who built the first steam locomotives in Russia; which trains are the fastest in the world, and whether trains can fly; who invented train tickets; how many railway professions exist ...

A fascinating story is complemented by well-chosen and informative illustrations: old engravings and photographs, modern drawings and diagrams, and inquisitive readers will notice near the text soft drawings of machines and mechanisms, diagrams of buildings, bridges, layouts

Ilya Nosyrev is a historian, journalist, author of a series of books on history for preschoolers and elementary school students "Stories about History". Meetings with the author will be held in the form of educational workshops for children on the books "Primitive People" and "Ancient Egypt".

Ilya Nosyrev "Primitive people"

The popular science book "Primitive People" tells about the life of our distant ancestors simply, clearly and cheerfully. All the most important achievements of primitive man - the "taming" of fire, the domestication of animals, the ability to make tools, the development of agriculture - are shown as the history of one family, or rather a tribe of ancient people. The heroes of this book - the brave hunter Ukh, his wife Ah, son Oh and their numerous relatives - boldly face all difficulties, deftly and witty solve the riddles that the unfamiliar and mysterious surrounding world presents them with.

The book is saturated with visual material: these are plot illustrations, diagrams and plans, comics, puzzle tasks that can be performed right in the book. The full-fledged co-author of the publication was the artist Anastasia Katysheva and the six-year-old daughters of Ilya Nosyrev, who, by his own admission, composed assignments.

Ilya Nosyrev "Ancient Egypt"

The book "Ancient Egypt" tells children about the daily life of the ancient Egyptians and introduces the basics of history ancient world. Readers will easily recognize old acquaintances in funny cheerful characters: the brave Ear, the curious Echo, the wise grandfather Mmm and other heroes. Game tasks, comics, games make the journey through Ancient Egypt even more exciting and help readers feel like real ancient Egyptians.


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