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Development of the scenario of the evening for senior classes
christmas party

(The hall is decorated for the New Year's Eve. There is a separate table for each class. The song “I Just Called” sounds)

Moderator: Dear friends! We are glad to see you here at our Christmas Party. You know tha
s tradition.

(until the evening the classes were given homework- Prepare presentation information English language about one of the Christmas traditions)

Christmas tree (8th grade performance)

Moderator: People began to prepare for this holiday long before. They think much about holiday dinner, about Christmas table. This is on of the tasty tradition and I am sure some of you prepared interesting material about Christmas table.

Christmas table (9th grade performance)

Moderator: Now I have a question to you
10th grade performance

Host: It's a pity that we in Russia have no such Boxing Day! It will be great to have such a day every month! I advice you to listen to different English poems and carols about this tradition.

Christmas carols and poems (11th grade performance)

Moderator: If Christmas is a holiday there is no one holiday without greetings. We greet each other with every holiday. We say “Happy Birthday”, “Happy New Year”, “Merry Christmas”. There are many good and kind words to congratulate each other and wish all the best. Christmas greetings is a tradition too.

Christmas greetings (class performance)

Host: We want to thank all our classes for their interesting information and perfect work. You presented your homework brilliantly!

(class representatives remove toys from the Christmas tree, find the “secret” inside. The words inside the toys for explanation are star, candle, Yule-log, Santa Claus, robin, ice-cream, tinsel, eve, stocking, pudding, holly)

Host: In our Christmas stocking we prepare for yo
Host: And now in our Christmas stocking we have not only riddles but some tasks for our classes.
(stocking tasks - name 10 words on a Christmas theme; read a poem; solve a riddle; talk about Santa Claus; talk about what they do on the eve of Christmas; choose gifts for family members from the proposed list)

Host: When Christmas comes to an end we have another holiday - it is New Year. When New Year comes nearer English children make up New Year resolutions. They make up lists of things they promise to do or not to do next year. Some of the resolutions are funny, with jokes. Children, their parents read them, laugh and have a good time. I know that you prepare New Year's Resolutions too. Now let's make up our New Year resolutions.
(classes are given time to write their New Year resolutions)

Host: Our Santa Claus prepare for you Christmas chainword.

(class representatives solve the chainword)

Closing speech of the presenter, congratulations on the upcoming Christmas, tea drinking with Christmas sweets prepared by the classes for the evening, singing the song “I Just Called”


No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate girls or candy hearts to give away
No birds of spring, no song to sing
In fact its just another ordinary day.
No April rain, no flowers bloom,
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is sometimes true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you.

R. I just called to say “I love you”
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say “I love you”
And mean it from the bottom of my heart.

No summer's time, no warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze, no falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies
No Libra sun to Halloween
No giving things towards the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is is though oh so new
To fill your heart like no three words that I ever knew.


Homemade mosaics on the autumn theme.

Recorded choruses of tracks for pop test.

Printed places on paper for "pantomime"

Lollipops 2 kg

Sheets of paper are clean.


Lemonade 4 liters

Plastic cups, 1 per team.

Tube 1 per team


Come up with a team name.

Rehearse the welcome speech.

Event progress

Presenter 1. Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter 2. Hello!

Presenter 1. But tonight is really as ordered! And how can he not be kind, if today is the first ball in this academic year!

Lead 2. And there are so many joyful, smiling faces around.

Asters fall in the gardens,

Old maple under the window turns yellow

And cold fog in the fields

White all day long

The nearby forest is quiet, and in it

Lights appeared everywhere

And he is beautiful in his attire,

Dressed in golden foliage!

Presenter 1. Autumn was - this is a holiday of friends. Friends, only a good mood and kind smiles make us healthy and beautiful. However, I do not know what mood each of you has, but there is a traditional way to check it.

Presenter 2. So, roll call !!! When you hear the class in which you study, we scream and squeal as hard as possible !!!

9 a. 9 b. 9th c.

10 a. 10 b.

11 a. 11 b.

Presenter 1. Well, since everyone is in a great mood, the fans are ready, the teams are ready, the jury is also ready.

Holiday " Autumn Ball» considered open.

I would like to introduce you to our jury:

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

Presenter 2. Today we have in the program:

1. Competition "Greeting".

2. "Autumn composition."

3. "POP test".

4. "Pantomime".

5. “The grandmother lived with 2 funny geese”

6. Defile

7. "Lemonade"

Moderator 1. Let's take a closer look at our teams. You need to say your original autumn name and introduce the captain and crew!!! Showing what they are capable of! And I invite you to the stage first.

9 a. 9 b. 9th c.

10 a. 10 b.

11 a. 11 b.

Presenter 2. Jury scores for 1 competition ...

Autumn is a great artist who paints her paintings called "Autumn Charm". And we are moving on to the Autumn Compositions competition. I ask all participants to come on stage. Autumn mosaics are prepared for you. Your task is to collect it as soon as possible !!!

Presenter 1. In the meantime, the teams are busy with business.

We will pass the POP test.

Shake your convolutions, remember and finish the line of the famous hit.

Presenter 2. 1. "Esaul, Yesaul, why did you leave ..."

a) a grenade

b) a horse;

c) a grenade in a horse.

Host 1. 2. "Girls' best friends are..."

a) waiters

b) speculators;

c) diamonds.

Host 2. 3. "I am a lonely tramp of love ..."

a) Chippolino;

b) Cheburashka;

c) Casanova.

Host 1. 4. "Clap your eyelashes and ..."

a) do not clap your beak;

b) yawn;

d) take off.

Presenter 2. 5. “What is autumn? It…"

a) dampness;

b) puddles;

c) acute respiratory infections;

d) sky.

Host 1. 6. “The whole world lights up your eyes if…”

a) pinched a finger with doors;

b) at night you are looking for a dropped key;

c) love lives in the heart.

Presenter 2. 7. “And the world cracked in half, the crack smokes. Through the dark streets…

a) everyone walks with a hammer;

b) OMON staggers;

c) the dead with braids stand ... and silence;

d) the night watch flies.

Host 1. 8. "If you don't have a home..."

a) it means that you are a scourge or a bum;

b) in the Canaries, then you are not an oligarch;

c) he is not afraid of fires.

Presenter 2. 9. "From sadness to joy ..."

a) a thousand bucks

b) five days of work;

c) rivers and mountains.

Presenter 1. Is the jury ready to evaluate "Autumn Compositions"? Well then the teams present their work!!!

Presenter 2. Jury scores.

Presenter 1. In autumn, the weather is more and more upsetting. Rains drum on the roofs of houses, on asphalt, and a gusty wind raises fallen leaves in a column. All this creates an incredible noise that makes it impossible to hear the interlocutor. Therefore, it is in autumn that the ability to communicate without words is necessary.

Presenter 2. Captains who know the art of gestures are invited to the stage to participate in the Pantomime competition.

Your task is to gesture to invite the jury member to the place that is written on the paper. There is absolute silence in the hall!


Into the forest for mushrooms.

For a ski trip.

To the ballet.

For fishing.

To the circus.

Presenter 1. Jury, we are waiting for your results!!!

Lead 2.

The next competition "They lived with 2 funny geese"!

Team captains welcome!

You need a bag of sucking sweets (such as "Barberry").

Your task is to put one candy in your mouth in turn (swallowing is prohibited) and after each candy, say loudly and distinctly, looking into your opponent’s eyes: “There were 2 funny geese at Grandma’s”, while replacing all vowels with the proposed one vowel. Everyone chooses one of the letters for replacement - S, O, E, U. Whoever stuffs more sweets into his mouth and at the same time says the “magic phrase” will win.

Presenter 1. I ask the jury to announce the results!!!

Presenter 1. We offer teams a competition

"One plows, and seven wave their hands."

Remember and write down for three minutes as many proverbs and sayings as possible with the mention of the numbers 1 and 7.


Seven corporals, and one private.

Seven are not alone, we will not give offense.

Seven do not wait for one.

Seven on benches.

Seven raise one straw.

Seven for hares, but no skins.

Seven with a spoon, and one with a bipod.

Seven troubles - one answer.

Seven miles to heaven, and all the forest.

Seven miles of jelly slurp.

Seven miles is not a suburb.

Seven cases in one hand do not take.

Seven villages, and one horse.

Poppy did not give birth for seven years, and there was no hunger.

For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out.

We haven’t seen each other for seven years, but we got together - and there’s nothing to say.

Measure seven times, cut once.

Seven times in your opinion, but at least once in my opinion.

She drained seven rivers, she did not moisten the canvas.

Seven Thursdays, and all on Friday.

There is safety in numbers.

One beaten is worth two unbeaten.

One goose will not trample the grass.

One to the other is not an order.

One fool said, another listened.

One for all and all for one.

Alone, like a month in the sky.

You can't go up the wall alone.

One finger is not a fist.

If you lie once, they won't believe you again.

One trouble comes, another leads.

One head it's good, but two better.

One fox will lead seven wolves.

One spoonful of tar spoils a barrel of honey.

One black sheep spoils the whole flock.

Kill two birds with one stone.

One eye to see far.

One field berry ...

Presenter 2. Jury! Announce the results of the competition

"One plows, and seven wave their hands."

Presenter 1. Continuing the topic "1", it should be noted that one head is good, and covered with a scarf in autumn is better.

Dear teams, show your imagination in the Defile contest and demonstrate as many ways as possible to use a headscarf.

Sequential display.


Headdress in different variations,



hand garter,



signal flag,








small window curtain...

Presenter 2. Jury! Competition "Defile" in your estimates ...

Presenter 1. As you know, without water, "neither there nor here."

But better, tastier than Lemonade water,

This is a time tested fact.

Know and Tanya, and Vasya, and Petya,

That you can dry up from thirst in the world.

We ask the teams to the stage to participate in the Lemonade contest.

You have to run to the lemonade stand, drink 1 glass of drink without spilling and return to your place. Whoever does it faster and more scrupulously, he is the winner of the Lemonade contest.

Presenter 1. Jury! Competition "Lemonade" in your estimates ...

Host 2. And now competitive program is interrupted. Let the jury rest a bit!


Presenter 1: They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. Autumn from its point of view is magnificent and interesting. It brings kindness to the soul, warmth to the heart from human communication, brings inimitable beauty into our lives!

Presenter 2: Autumn has now fully come into its own and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn, in fact, it brought us all to the autumn ball. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... And after that again autumn. How many of them will still be in the lives of our loved ones and ourselves! Actually, we count on more than once the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us in our school.

Presenter1: Our competition program is over. But the ball continues!!! The disco is open!

Autumn composition for grades 8-11, 2016

Music sounds, slides on the screen, presenters take the stage

1 - Good evening, dear friends! Today, we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious and sedate lady autumn.

2 - Autumn invited us here to give everyone their last wonderful moments. The enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright alluring beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, an autumnal pensive and at the same time joyful mood.

1 - Yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around, and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year - winter.

2 - And so today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, dance, enjoy her last moments. And on that lovely note, we begin.

1 - And we invite the first participants of our concert to the stage - creative team 8a class.

Performance 8A

1 - Autumn ball is a holiday of friends. And friends try to give each other joy.

2 - For example, to give a gift or just attention.

1 - Artists give their art, composers - music, poets - poems, nature - their beauty, and students of grade 8b give their musical surprise.

Performance 8B

1 - As a sad look, I love autumn.

On a foggy, quiet day I walk

I often go to the forest and sit there -

I look at the white sky.

2 - Yes, to the tops of dark pines.

I love, biting a sour leaf,

With a lazy smile,

Dream to do whimsical

Yes, listen to woodpeckers thin whistle.

1 - These beautiful lines were written over 100 years ago by the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

2 - The light syllable of the poem, beautiful, recognizable autumn metaphors, the melodiousness of the lines - made this work popular.

1 - We hope the next performance will be just as popular - meet class 9A.

Performance 9A

1 - The autumn queen approached with inaudible steps. She embraced nature, slowly picking up a canvas and brushes, so that with the trepidation of an artist she began to paint everything around in variegated colors.

2 - Many artists in admiration conveyed the beauty of autumn on their canvases.

1 - And now a question for the audience - what is the name of the artist who painted this picture?

On the screen is a painting by Isaac Levitan " gold autumn»

2 - And we invite the creative group of class 9B to the stage.

Performance 9B

1 - Autumn in Russia has always been a time that many writers sang,
poets, artists and musicians.

2 - Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you will name their authors. Everyone who guesses correctly will receive a surprise from our sponsor.

1 - "A mournful wind drives
I flock to the edge of heaven.
Broken spruce groans,
The dark forest whispers deafly ... ".

(N. Nekrasov)

2 – "There are in the autumn of the original

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal

And radiant evenings.

(F. Tyutchev)

1 – “Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands above the bright meadow.

(I. Bunin)

2 -Thanks to our poetry connoisseurs, and we invite the 10th grade team to the stage.

10th grade performance

1 - We talked about artists and poets today. But they did not say a word about the musicians.

2 - The audience will help us - they will have to name the composer who wrote this autumn hit.

On the slide screen, Alexander Rosenbaum's song "Boston Waltz" sounds

1 - And now we invite grade 11 to the stage, who will perform their autumn hits for us.

11th grade performance

1 - Statistically, of all subjects, many students like change the most.

2 - The bell rings, the lesson has passed.

Hooray! Here is the change.

And it's time every time

Brings celebration to every class.

1 - We invite the KVN school team to the stage, meet us!

Team performance

1 - They say that autumn is sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, brings unique beauty into our lives!

2 - Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we celebrated its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all to the autumn ball. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... And then autumn again. How many more will be in our life! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us more than once in our school. See you soon!

Scenario of the Autumn Ball for high school students "The Judgment of the Autumn"

Scenario of the Autumn Ball for high school students "The Judgment of the Autumn". Author: Martin Marina Hello! I am a very frequent visitor to your site. I have two schoolgirl daughters and scripts or sketches are required for every holiday. I want to offer you my script for the autumn ball for high school students. We wrote it with our daughters, we also remade the songs ourselves. I would be glad if you like it, and maybe it will be useful to someone. Moderator: Hello dear friends! Let me open our traditional autumn ball. "Autumn time, eyes of charm .... (the presenter is interrupted by a cleaning lady who suddenly entered) Cleaning lady: They trampled here, and I clean! Cleaning lady: Judicial! Autumn will be judged. It hurt a lot. Presenter: Well, let's see what kind of meeting and what autumn will be judged for. and despondency, cold and slush, the spread of acute respiratory infections and influenza... The prosecutor has the floor... Prosecutor: On the night of August 31 to September 1, the transition from summer to autumn took place. , cold and sleet, but also mass diseases. In addition, deuces appeared again in the diaries of students. Judge: Defendant, do you understand the charge, and do you plead guilty? Autumn: No, your honor, I am innocent! Judge: Good. Party behind shields wants to speak on the merits of this accusation? Counsel: Your Honor, the position of the defense will be expressed during the trial. Judge: Then let's hear the witnesses for the prosecution. Janitor (autumn): Egyptian strength! Aha! Gotcha! Look, the slush spread, the leaves scattered! There are puddles all around - the residents are complaining. Song "Puddles" (to the motive of the song "Clouds" by Ivanushki International) You curse the rain, Puddles by the roadside. All the people are very concerned about this. Accumulated, damn it And interfere very much. It is necessary to fall asleep, But no one wants to. Chorus: And at the side of the road there are puddles, puddles, And the puddles interfere. And puddles interfere with movement, But no one falls asleep puddles. A friend could not come, The evening did not work out. He got stuck on the way. He fell into a puddle. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him. Hurry up, maybe you can wash it off. Chorus. Yes, I lost my bonus for two months because of you! (walks with a menacing look towards autumn) Autumn (moving away from the janitor): Yes, I'm not evil! After all, my time has come! Mine! (hiding behind a lawyer) Lawyer (waving at the janitor): Pressure on my client! I protest!!! Prosecutor: Beat her! (boxing) The judge taps the gavel: Order in the courtroom! Witness, return to your seat! Janitor: Come on, Your Highness. I just thought: I need to cross it off the calendar. Nobody needs her. So my wife says the same thing! (turns into the hall): Really, Mikhailovna? Cleaning lady: Yes - yes, cross it out, cross it out. People from the street drag dirt into the room, and I clean it up!!! Counsel: Objection, Your Honor! The guilt of my client has not yet been proven! The judge again knocks the gavel: Silence! Citizen, take your seat! Call the next witness. Two girls come in. Judge: What is this? Why two? Girlfriend: Katya can't talk. She has a raspy voice. Katya blows her nose loudly. Girlfriend: See? Judge: Well, what can you say in essence? Girlfriend: Yes, well, her this fall. Just put on a clean skirt - the car will pour, stilettos - the leaves cling. By the time you get to school, you can collect a herbarium. Yes, even this runny nose. Katya sneezes right at her friend. Girlfriend (wiping herself): You see! In short, a complete pipets! Cross her off the calendar! It would be better without her, better. Katya: Yep! (sneezes) Girlfriend: You see! Prosecutor: Please tell us what happened to you on the way to school. Girlfriend: Well, in short. Katya and I put on brand new skirts. Katya has a pink one, here is a button, here is a slit, such a belt ... And I have a little white one and here frills, frills, frills ... Judge: Witness, more to the point. Girlfriend: Well, I say. We go like this with Katya. And then some racer doused us from a puddle from head to toe. Katya came down with a runny nose, but I never washed my skirt! And who will answer me for all this? Lawyer: Protest! We are considering a specific case here. Driving a car. who splashed the witnesses was not my client. Referee: The protest is accepted. Do you have any other questions for the witness? Katya blows her nose loudly. Prosecutor and lawyer: We don't. Judge: a break is announced in the court session. (leaves): My head is already swollen from such witnesses. COMPETITION. Judge: The court session on the accusation of autumn continues. We proceed to the interrogation of the defendant. Defendant, get up. Lawyer: How can you explain the appearance of puddles on the roads? Autumn: Yes, in our city there are puddles in every entrance! Why should I be responsible for everything? Prosecutor (irritated): And how do you explain the dirt? Dirt - where does it come from? Autumn: And mud at this time is a common occurrence. Autumn has come! And some, by the way, do not interfere with wearing rubber boots instead of studs. And in general, you need to get less dirty! Prosecutor: And what can you say about the deuces in the diaries? Autumn: Again, I have nothing to do with it. Do kids need to study? Necessary. And so that there are no deuces in the diaries, it is necessary to teach. Lawyer: Your honor, let me provide evidence that will refute the prosecution's version that the guys in the diaries have only deuces. Judge: I agree. Quiz. Lawyer: I ask you questions, and you give answers. Is it true that ... 1. Americans eat pickles with jam (yes) 2. in the Caucasus they salt watermelons (yes) 3. in Uzbekistan they salt melons (no) 4. the proverb "in a healthy body - a healthy mind" continues. ..rare luck" (yes) 5. it takes a mole 1 hour to dig a tunnel 1 meter long (no, it takes 6 minutes) 6. can a lichen eat a stone? (yes) 7. the octopus turns almost white from fear (yes) 8. blue roses grow only in China (no, they do not exist in nature) 9. crocodiles have green fat (yes) 10. camels store water in their humps (no , stores of fat are stored there) Prosecutor: Well, well, what about ORI? Counsel: Your Honor, I request that a defense witness be questioned. He will answer this question better. Judge: Well, let's get your witness. The doctor comes out. Lawyer: Tell me, witness, at what time of the year do acute respiratory infections occur most often? Doctor: Eva, how! Well, well, my little mice, I must tell you that the peak of diseases falls on the cold season ... Prosecutor: That was what was required to be proved! Doctor: ... but people get sick not only in autumn, they get sick all year round, my Chernobyl squirrels! Lawyer: As required to prove! (shows his tongue to the prosecutor, the prosecutor shows his tongue in response) The judge knocks the gavel: Participants in the process, stop this Kindergarten ! Keep order in the courtroom! Prosecutor (to the doctor): You should be ashamed! Doctor: What is it? Prosecutor: How can one defend this disgusting autumn? Doctor: But I don’t understand how you can blame autumn for your weakened immunity? It’s the same as blaming a surgeon for not removing your healthy appendix! You need to get tough, comrades. COMPETITION. Judge: Dear participants in the trial, do you have any questions for the witness? Prosecutor and lawyer: We don't have! Judge: Call the next witness. The poet comes out. Poet .: But so many thoughts, so many insights Are in the melancholy of autumn, And so many new lines of poems, Rain of melodies, wind of chants. Just collect her gifts and listen to how beauty descends to the earth. Judge: What beautiful words! But we digress. Witness what can you say to the point. Poet.: What could be more beautiful and sadder than autumn?... Autumn is a time to think about something high and eternal... Time to stop for a minute to understand what we need in this life... How wonderful it is to wander through the alleys in autumn of your beloved city, strewn with colorful rustling foliage... In these moments not a single bad thought will dare to disturb you... It becomes incredibly easy and good... You want to break loose and rush away with the leaves into the distance at the first gust of fragrant autumn wind... Prosecutor: What good is the dead leaves and biting wind? Poet.: What is the sacred meaning of the weather? This is foolish reasoning! Autumn is only the season And one of the four. Janitor: I would give you a broom in your hands and send it to the alleys to dream of the eternal. Poet. (to the janitor): That donkey who finds autumn, Not capturing the essence ... It's good that he only sneezes, But he can cough! Janitor: Yes, I love you!!! (goes to the poetess, waving a broom) The judge knocks with his gavel: Silence in the courtroom! Witness, sit down! Colleagues, are there any other questions for the witness? Lawyer: Personally, everything is clear to me, I have no questions. Prosecutor: Everything is clear to me too. And where did you, madam lawyer, find such interesting witnesses? Judge: Well, witness, you are free. The debate of the parties is announced. The floor is given to the prosecutor..... Prosecutor: Esteemed court, dear participants in the trial, I believe that the defendant's guilt has been fully proven. This time of year, so to speak, has no place on our calendar. You look out the window, it's raining again! This means that tomorrow there will again be mud, puddles and a bad mood. How many of us are poets? Units. So is it really because of these units that we will tolerate this squeaky and whiny lady? Raise your hands, those who have already suffered from this "beauty"? Get up, get up, don't be shy! See how many victims? And that's just in this room. Of course, the doctor told us that we get sick all year round. But, the peak of diseases falls on the cold season, namely on the cold. I propose to punish autumn and it will be right, according to merit. Remove it from the calendar. Thank you, I have everything. Judge: The word is given to the lawyer.... Lawyer: Dear court, is it really possible to punish for what you are, for what you should be, for the fact that you have entered into your rights under the law of nature? I should note that the cold season is not only autumn, but also winter, and spring, and summer is sometimes cold. So what do we now exclude all seasons from the calendar? Further, what about the birthday people, those who were born in the fall? Leave them without a birthday? Raise your hands those who want to be left without a birthday. Get up, get up, don't be shy. No, my friends, we cannot live without autumn. So we will be left without a harvest, and without scientists, because we will have continuous holidays. I propose to fully justify my client. Thank you for your attention. Judge: Defendant, you have the last word. Autumn: What can I tell you? Nature has no bad weather, every weather is a blessing. Your Honor, I need to be acquitted. Oh please! Let me go, will you? Judge: The court retires to pass judgment. The judge leaves. The song "Rain Again" (to the motive of the song "A Blizzard Again" by Alla Pugacheva) Autumn swirled the fall of leaves, Slanting rain pounded on the windows. As if to say that we are waiting for a miracle in vain, Do not bring us back the past. Again it rains... And the wind blows away the stars with leaves Again it rains... But don't be sorry that autumn has come... Don't be sad, don't think about the bad The heart will be warmed by faith. And the stuck leaf in the window will clog with a moth Reminding us of summer again. Again it rains... And the wind blows away the stars with leaves. Again it rains... But don't be sorry that autumn has come... The judge returns. Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up, the court is coming. Judge: In the name of mother nature, guided by common sense, acting for the benefit of mankind, the court ruled: to justify the defendant autumn in view of the impossibility of life without it. The verdict is final and not subject to appeal. The prosecutor wept. Lawyer with autumn shake hands: And now disco!

Clip of the song "Autumn will not hide" Presenter1 And again autumn portrait Nature hangs in the living room To the sounds of the crane's song, Golden light under the leaves! Presenter2 Dear friends! Today, we were invited to this hall by a romantic, mysterious, charming, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn. Presenter1 She is veiled from the rain We will not miss her arrival And indulge in light sadness, She couldn't find an explanation. Presenter2 Autumn has invited you here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright alluring beauty of the harvested fruits and, of course, an autumn-like pensive and at the same time joyful mood. Presenter1 Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because autumn is beautiful all around and everyone is looking forward to meeting the most fun time of the year - winter. Presenter2 And so today we will not only sigh and grieve in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, sing, enjoy her last moments. Presenter1 Asters fall in the gardens, Old maple under the window turns yellow And cold fog in the fields White all day long. Presenter2 The nearby forest is quiet, and in it Lights appeared everywhere And he is beautiful in his attire, Dressed in golden foliage! Presenter1 There are two autumns. One is joyful, magnificently decorated, rich in harvest, beaming with a radiant smile. Presenter1 The other is invisible by itself, in patches of falling leaves, with a gray overcast sky through the bare branches of birches. Her name is late autumn. Clip "Do not sin" Presenter2 We love every autumn in our own way. Gold autumn! The one we love for clear days, for azure blue skies. Presenter 1 Is in the lordship of autumn evenings A touching, mysterious charm: The ominous brilliance and variegation of trees. Crimson leaves languid, light rustle. Lead 2 But we will not be sad, because life goes on, New Year's miracles, winter holidays, spring and long-awaited summer are ahead! 2 leading. The cheerful hostess goes to the new settlers Fine autumn, in villages and villages. Came at dawn, did not sit down for a moment, I looked around and immediately got to work. 3 leading . Kalina with rowan painted thickly, Cabbage creaked on strong teeth. At the mills it turned white with fresh flour, Dressed with orange birch silk. She spread the curly winter with a carpet, In the distant flight of cranes spent. 1 leading. A Russian proverb says: "Chickens are counted in the fall." So we want to sum up the results tonight: we will choose the queen of the autumn ball. The honorable jury will help us evaluate it (jury presentation). 2 leading. Here they rolled to the ball to us Queens of different countries But for a better acquaintance Let's give you the floor. Competition "Presentation of the Queen". Evaluated: 1. The originality of the hairstyle. 2. The extravagance of a dress or costume. Questions for the participants of the evening 1. 1. What is your life motto? 2. What is your favorite activity? Dream of your future life 3. And which of you can name the character traits of a Russian girl? 4. Name a proverb or saying about a Russian girl. 5. What features of modern girls do you not like? 6. When meeting a new person, what interests you first of all? 7. Why did you choose this particular suit, do you think it symbolizes autumn? 8. What style of music do you like best? What can you say about this style? 9. You found out that your best friend spoke badly about you. How will you do it? 10. How often do you change your image? 11. Where do you feel more confident: in a cheerful noisy company or in a narrow circle of friends? Why? 12. What do you think a guy should be like? 13. Do you know how to entertain your guests? If you know how, then share the secret of how you do it. 14. You are trying to get on the bus, but someone roughly pushed you. Your actions? 3 leading. To appreciate the queen's talents on merit, There is a lot to check and, probably, to be like. We announce the second contest, queens stand in a row, Show us the walk they're talking about! Competition "Royal walk" Clip "Autumn Woman" 3 leading. The days of late autumn are usually scolded, But she is dear to me, dear reader, Silent beauty, shining humbly. So unloved child in the native family It draws me to itself. To tell you frankly Of the annual times, I am glad only for her alone, There is a lot of good in it; lover is not vain, I found something in her a wayward dream. Competition "Autumn palette" clip "Playful autumn" 1 leading. The floor is given to the jury, please name the points for all competitions, and the total amount of points for each queen 2 leading. Competition "Cinderella" (separate beans of different colors from each other) Classical music 3 leading. For now, the jury is evaluating the tasks of the teams. It's time for our guests to warm up a bit. This competition requires three people. Your task is to inflate the balloon without the help of hands, whoever inflates first will give any queen whom he wishes 2 points. 1 leading. Our queens have been resting for a long time, it's time to give them tasks. Your autumn leaf Music 2 leading. You came to the ball To sing and dance So that with their dances Praise the Kingdom! Musical competition 3 leading. I ask the jury to calculate the number of points. 1 leading. sad time! Oh charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the magnificent nature of wilting, Forests clad in crimson and gold, And in the vestibule of the wind noise and fresh breath, And the heavens are covered with mist, And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, And distant gray winter threats. "Ode to Autumn. Competition" 2 leading. The generous autumn is leaving us, 3 leading. And may it remain in your hearts Competition "Auction of Knowledge" For the correct answer of the class, the participant will receive a token in the form of a maple leaf and gain additional points 1. What does half an apple look like? (For the other half) 2. Remember the apple that entered Greek mythology. (Apple of discord) 3. An apple that entered the history of world science? (Newton) 4. What apple has entered the literature? (Schiller, "William Tell") 5. Who can name proverbs or sayings about autumn and its gifts? 6. Tell a stanza of a poem or sing a couplet of a song about autumn and its gifts. 7. What varieties of apples do you know? Competition "Eat an apple without hands" Leading: - Attention! Attention! Now we will find out which of our contenders won the title of prom queen! The jury writes the names of the girls on paper maple leaves. Jury member: The title of Miss November is awarded to... The title of Miss October is awarded to... The title of Miss September is awarded to... And finally, you understood that our jury chose the most beautiful, most charming, most extravagant... Presenter: - Say hello to the new queen of autumn! The queen of the ball expresses her gratitude, welcomes the audience. Leaders complete the holiday. 2 leading. The generous autumn is leaving us, We were all warmed by her warmth. 3 leading. And may it remain in your hearts Our ball held in this hall! Song "Transparent Morning"

The autumn ball at the school is awaited with special trepidation not only by high school students, but also by students in grades 5-7. This colorful and memorable event is a great opportunity for all schoolchildren to show their creative abilities, join interesting collective activities and relax with friends. A successful Autumn Ball at school distinguishes in the first place good script- funny, a little touching, original and dynamic. Important components of a beautiful evening in honor of the Autumn Ball are the variety of numbers (songs, skits, dances), and holiday decoration hall (wall newspapers, posters, balloons, flowers). Next is a selection interesting ideas for the Autumn Ball at the school, which will certainly make your holiday bright and memorable.

Autumn Ball at School - Scenario for High School Students (video ideas)

As a rule, high school students and young teachers deal with the organizational issues of holding the Autumn Ball at school - their creativity gives good results in the form of non-trivial ideas for the holiday scenario. Of course, the traditional version of the Autumn Ball scenario with funny scenes, dances and poems on the theme of the arrival of autumn can also be made bright and interesting. But you must admit that the flexible framework of this holiday asks for experiments and a non-trivial approach. At the same time, it is important to preserve, even in the most original scenario for the Autumn Ball, several key points that make this holiday special. We are talking about the choice of the king and queen of the evening, the autumn waltz performed by high school students, beautiful design according to the season of the year. That's why the best option will become a scenario in which will be skillfully connected and original idea, and the traditional components of the Autumn Ball at school.

Ideas for a script for the Autumn Ball at a high school school

As for the script ideas for the Autumn Ball at a high school school, there can be many options. Let's start with more traditional ideas, which, however, will help make the holiday extraordinary. For example, high school students can organize the scenario of the Autumn Ball at school in a historical spirit, trying to embody a real ball of the middle of the century before last. Long evening dresses, black tailcoats, candles, classical music and other surroundings of that era will help to recreate the amazing and very romantic atmosphere of the balls of the past. The script itself should not only be solemn, but also contain elements of humor. For example, you can put several funny scenes with the participation of the famous lieutenant Rzhevsky. It is very important to maintain the style of the evening as a whole, so all participants must speak using the speech patterns of that era. In general, such a scenario should be replete with beautiful dance performances in appropriate costumes. To emphasize the autumn theme, you can decorate evening dresses and suits. autumn leaves- natural or cut out of colored paper. In addition to humorous scenes in the script, ballroom dancing and poetry reading, you can add funny contests. For example, play funny forfeits with teachers. Moreover, tasks for such forfeits can be both thematic and simply funny.

The original version of the script for the Autumn Ball for high school students

Another unusual option for the Autumn Ball is an 80s disco script. In this case, getting the right costumes will be much easier. For example, you can look for suitable outfits in your parents' closet or on flea market. To connect the disco style of the 80s with the autumn ball, you can use small thematic tricks. For example, songs about the autumn of those years, which can be both musical accompaniment to numbers, and the basis for numbers with reworked songs. The script itself for the Autumn Ball at the disco school should be very dynamic and fun.

Funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school for students in grades 5-7

For students in grades 5-7, it is better to choose a funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school. Firstly, such a humorous format will allow students to relax and play their roles with pleasure. And secondly, funny scenario for the Autumn Ball at school, it is easiest for students in grades 5-7 to implement. Judge for yourself, a few funny scenes, a couple of funny dance numbers, funny reworked songs - this is an excellent basis for such a scenario. In addition, good humor, spiced interesting stories from school life, will make the holiday relaxed and interesting.

Funny scenario for the Autumn Ball in the style of KVN for grades 5-7

Speaking specifically about ideas for a funny version of the script for the Autumn Ball, the most popular options for students in grades 5-7 are in the style of well-known humorous shows. For example, the KVN format does not lose its relevance over the years. In order to hold the Autumn Ball in this format, you will need to divide the classes into separate teams. You can also involve teachers in the game, in particular, young and with a good sense of humor. The script should be based on typical competitions of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful: greeting, warm-up, STEM, captains' competition, musical task. Each of the contests can be "sharpened" for the autumn theme. For example, the greeting could be called "Hello Autumn" and ask the teams to introduce themselves using the most popular myths or opinions about this season. This way you can beat every competition.

Ideas for a parody script for the Autumn Ball for students in grades 5-7

Another relevant option for the funny scenario of the Autumn Ball in grades 5-7 is a parody concert. Here the imagination of students can be practically not limited, since given format pretty free. The only thing to avoid is still worth it - bad and offensive parodies of teachers, which can really spoil the mood of teachers. Otherwise, if you stick to the "golden mean" you can get a very fun holiday. As numbers for such an Autumn Ball, you can use comic poems about autumn, for example, about bad weather and autumn depression, which worsens within the walls of the school. Dance numbers like musical medleys are also suitable, that is, in the form of musical mixes from different directions. It is better to take melodies for such dances in contrast, for example, start with rock and roll and switch to tango, etc.

The original script for the Autumn Ball to School based on the film

An original yet funny script can be written in the style of a famous movie, such as Back to the Future or Gentlemen of Fortune. You can also write a script - a mix of various popular films. The main thing is to adapt the script to the school theme, in particular, adjust it to the format of the Autumn Ball - a variety of skits, interesting numbers, funny contests. At the same time, the plot of the selected film and recognizable characters must certainly be present.

Ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school, video

Dance numbers occupy a special place in the concert dedicated to the autumn ball at the school. This is one of the most dynamic, interesting and at the same time quite simple numbers that are always popular with schoolchildren. Ideas for dancing at the Fall School Ball can be drawn from the daily life of the class, the latest world news, or from similar videos on the Internet. Among the current options for the Autumn Ball is the classic waltz. As a rule, several pairs of high school students are chosen to perform the waltz, who can dance among themselves or invite teachers to dance. Despite the stunning beauty, many are afraid to perform a waltz at the autumn ball because of the risk of making a mistake in the pas. In addition, a classic waltz is not suitable for every version of the Autumn Ball at school. For example, if a funny script format is chosen, then the ideas for dancing at the Autumn Ball at school should correspond to it. Most often, in this case, musical mixes from different directions are taken, which can be beaten with humor.

Original dance-parody of the Autumn Ball at the school

Another relevant funny option is a dance parody of the Autumn Ball. For example, you can put on a funny dance about how today's schoolchildren will dance in 20-30 years if they are invited to the Autumn Ball. A more traditional, but no less relevant option is a good dance in modern style. It should be based on a preferably popular melody of a song about autumn, and the movements can be taken from her video clip or put on your own.

Wall newspaper options for the Autumn Ball at school

A wall newspaper is the easiest way to decorate the themed hall for the Autumn Ball. As options for wall newspapers for the Autumn Ball at school, you can use ready-made templates and realize your creative abilities. Traditionally, the design of the wall newspaper for the Autumn Ball is done in the appropriate colors - red, yellow, orange. It is these colors that symbolize the arrival of autumn and therefore will help create the right color scheme for the room. In addition, not only the external design is important, but also the content. In particular, it is worth adhering to the format of the upcoming holiday in writing the content of the wall newspaper. In other words, if there is a fun concert in honor of the Autumn Ball, then the wall newspapers should be filled with jokes and funny poems. And for a classic ball, it is better to prepare wall newspapers and posters with beautiful and touching congratulations and poems by great classical poets. You will find several interesting options for wall newspapers for the Autumn Ball at school below.

An interesting greeting to the Autumn Ball at school

An integral part of absolutely any scenario of the Autumn Ball at school is a greeting. Moreover, it must be interesting, perhaps funny, and catchy, since it is the greeting that sets the tone for the entire autumn ball at school. We will not repeat that the greeting format, like wall newspapers and poems, must coincide with the main format of the concert. At the same time, it should stand out slightly and even be a little brighter than the rest of the numbers. For this purpose, you can use invited guests in the greeting, for example, famous graduates of the school of past years or charismatic professional leaders. It is also important to prepare the right musical accompaniment, which will emphasize the importance of the greeting and the beginning of the concert. In addition, the scenario of the Autumn Ball at the school itself is quite short in time (usually 1-1.5 hours), so at least 5-7 minutes should be given to the greeting. It is also important to involve not only high school students in the greeting, but also middle school students. For example, make several pairs of leaders from different classes. This is necessary in order to emphasize the unity of schoolchildren of all ages and their important role in holding a concert.


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