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If your working day begins with the phrase: “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of Russian Railways, I and our crew are pleased to welcome you on board the Sapsan train, which means you are the driver of the fastest train in Russia. And your job is to “fly” every day without leaving the ground: after all, in some sections between St. Petersburg and Moscow, the train develops a speed comparable to the take-off speed of a modern airliner. And certainly nowhere in the Sapsan you can find a better view from the window than in the driver's cab. Tickets are not sold there, but you can try to make the driver's cab your workplace.

1) Experience - at least 5 years, class - at least 2nd

You may not be a poet, but you must be a machinist. And not lower than the 2nd class - in order to get to the "Sapsan". For those who are far from railways, let us explain: in order to get 2nd class, you need to work as an electric train driver for 3 years. The countdown starts from the 4th class, which allows you to drive locomotives and electric trains. In the case of Sapsan, in addition to high class, you also need to have experience behind you - at least 5 years.

2) Health - like astronauts

The path to the driver's seat lies through the medical board. Requirements for the physical condition of candidates are severe. Future machinists will be tested for vision (it must be one hundred percent), hearing, the work of the cardiovascular system and other vital organs. There is still a psychological test to determine how attentive the candidate is, whether he is ready to bear responsibility for the lives of hundreds of people. And most importantly - no bad habits: even the machinists do not smoke in Sapsan!

3) Speak English!

Sapsan drivers are the only ones on domestic Russian trains who talk to passengers on English language. Therefore, for an interview, future candidates should check his basic knowledge. Of course, no one requires free possession, but it will not be possible to limit yourself to popular expressions and famous words from Hollywood films.

4) "Driver's license" for "Sapsan"

One specialized education (in Moscow, for example, train drivers are taught at Railway College No. 52 or Moscow College railway transport) few. It is also necessary to obtain a special certificate that gives the right to drive the Sapsan. The first drivers of trains new to Russia were trained in Germany by Siemens. And almost a year ago, such courses appeared in Russia: on February 1, 2010, the Locomotive Crew Training Center was opened in St. Petersburg, where future drivers train. First, they work out theory and practice on the Sapsan simulator at the Center, then consolidate their knowledge on a real train at the Metallostroy depot, where the fastest train in Russia is registered.

Drivers are first born and then made. This truth is also true for the Sapsan drivers. Work on high-speed trains only the most the best shots: machinists of the St. Petersburg junction, the Moscow junction and Gorkovskaya Zh.D. However, even an ordinary driver can sit “behind the wheel” of the fastest train in Russia, if he meets all the requirements. The main thing, as noted in the North-Western Directorate of High-Speed ​​Communication, is that the candidate for the Sapsan driver not only knows all the instructions, but also knows how to correctly and quickly apply them: at speeds over 200 km / h there is not much time to think.

Let's add on our own: drivers are really the elite of railway transport, whose experience is also in demand in the management of Russian Railways. For example, Dmitry Pegov, director of the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Communications of Russian Railways, went from being an assistant driver to heading the high-speed line and becoming the head of Sapsan.

train driver- a railway worker managing passenger and freight trains, electric trains of various messages and destinations. The driver drives the train by driving the locomotive. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Trains differ in the type of locomotive (diesel locomotive / electric locomotive), as well as in range and purpose of routes. For example, long-distance trains can carry goods and passengers for thousands of kilometers, while commuter trains do not leave the region and make several trips a day. There are railways and trains on major industrial enterprises(factories, mines, mines) - the routes of such trains are even shorter.

And each type of train requires special training from the driver.

The driver must drive the train exactly on schedule, observing traffic rules, semaphore signals, etc. The route of the train is practically unchanged. However, the situation on the road is constantly changing. It may depend on the weather, on the workload of the train, on other road users. For example, a truck stuck on the tracks requires an immediate response.

Moving at great speed is often associated with unexpected events. traffic situation, road signs, instrument readings in the cockpit - all this requires constant intense attention. Therefore, a long-distance driver always works with an assistant (an assistant driver, who can also become a driver over time). On steam locomotives, the brigade includes a stoker - he ensures the operation of the locomotive by throwing fuel. However, steam locomotives are a rarity these days. In some cases (for example, in the subway), the driver works alone.

Long-distance train routes are divided into sections. And the driver is usually an expert on one of the sections of the track. At one of the stations, one brigade of the locomotive is replaced by another and the train moves on. The old crew rests at the inn and takes their place again when it's time to drive the train back.

Drivers of local lines or the subway also need a good rest. For example, in the subway, drivers have special rest rooms where they can sleep after the shift and before the start of a new day, if, according to the duty schedule, the driver has to take the train to the line in the morning.


Railways, subways, large factories, mines, etc. enterprises using railways for internal displacement cargo.


Salary as of 09/16/2019

Russia 27000—100000 ₽

Moscow 160000—65000 ₽

Important qualities

Self-confidence, high sense of responsibility, quick reaction, ability to concentrate, good vision (including color vision), acute hearing. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, bronchial asthma, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems of the musculoskeletal system that restrict movement are contraindicated in such work.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to be able to drive a locomotive, carry out small plumbing work, and use radio communications. Know the structure of the locomotive, the rules of traffic on the railway.

Where to study as a train driver (education)

Initial Vocational Education (VET)

In one of the railway colleges you can get professions:

  • "Assistant locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant locomotive driver"

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

In colleges and technical schools, you can get a specialty " Technical operation rolling stock of railways. Qualification "Technician".

On-the-job training

To work in the metro, you can get a job at a depot (on the metro line) and there you can train as a driver. First, locksmith practice is carried out, then the future driver studies the equipment of the electric train and learns to operate the train. In the Moscow metro, simulators are used to speed up the process.

The profession of a machinist is associated with the management of passenger and freight transport on various types railways. Such an employee operates a locomotive to which a steam locomotive, diesel locomotive or electric locomotive is attached. Against the background of the expansion of the ground and underground transport network, the demand for electric train drivers began to grow rapidly. There are several ways to get a position of interest. Each approach has its pros and cons. Before starting a career, applicants should evaluate their own capabilities. Train drivers are hardy, healthy, strong people with a well-developed technical mind. Work in the direction will not be for everyone.

In Russia, the profession of "train driver" originated almost 200 years ago. Even then, special requirements were imposed on its representatives. To control the locomotive, one had to have highly specialized knowledge, high speed reaction, responsibility, resistance to stress.

Technological progress has led to the emergence of compositions different type, work on each of them implies the presence of certain skills.

Also, the locomotive driver must get used to the specifics of the workflow:

  • Compliance with the schedule is one of the basic requirements for an employee. In some areas, a deviation from the schedule for a few seconds can lead to serious problems;
  • quick response to non-standard situations. Trains run on rails, drivers regularly go along the same routes, but they cannot relax. It is necessary to monitor compliance with road rules, technical indicators, semaphore signals, and obstacles on the tracks. Everything is complicated by the fact that the trains go at great speeds, sometimes the time to make a decision is calculated in seconds;
  • a clear understanding of the characteristics of your site. To improve work efficiency, drivers are usually assigned a certain route or section of the road. The slightest hitch of the train driver threatens to disrupt the schedule, creating an emergency;
  • the ability to quickly recover, to properly distribute their forces. Being in a closed cabin for several hours is associated with significant physical and psycho-emotional stress. The allotted breaks should be used to the maximum so that the quality of work does not decrease;
  • concern for health. Before leaving for the shift, the employee undergoes a basic medical examination. They measure his pulse, blood pressure, temperature, check for the absence of alcohol in the blood. In addition, every few months, the employee undergoes a full examination to confirm professional suitability.

An electric locomotive driver is the main person who is responsible for the transported passengers or cargo. Depending on the direction, they daily and repeatedly drive their train along a short route or cover hundreds of kilometers at a time. At the same time, the operation of each type of composition needs control, which requires special technical training.

Pros and cons of the direction

Demand and availability are the main positive aspects of this career option. Every year the number of specialized vacancies increases. Even young professionals with no work experience can count on a good place. A variety of training options is also considered a significant plus.

Many in the direction are attracted by how much machinists earn. Employees can expect a high base salary, impressive seniority bonuses and trouble-free service. Train drivers have the opportunity to retire earlier due to the difficult conditions. Depending on the conditions provided by the employer, the social package may include extended medical insurance, paid trips to a sanatorium.

A significant disadvantage of the profession is a significant burden on health. The worker expects many hours of work. At the same time, the employee is almost always in one position and does not even have the opportunity to warm up. This negatively affects the general condition of a person. Modern lineups are maxed out in terms of specifications, but the risk of developing "vibration disease" still remains.

Many strains the need to constantly be in a confined space. The lack of communication among machinists working alone sometimes has a negative effect on the psyche. This career is not suitable for a person who does not get along well with technology - an employee must be able to cope with minor problems, evaluate the quality of the devices.


The holder of a specialized education can get a position as an electric train driver in the subway, on short-distance and long-distance railways. Such employees are in demand at large industrial enterprises, mines, large construction sites, and geological exploration sites. The trams are also operated by specialty drivers.

Important qualities

Passing profile training as an electric train driver is not always enough for successful work towards. A number of requirements are put forward for applicants in physical and psycho-emotional terms. The absence of certain character traits can complicate the work process, increase the level of its danger.

To work as a locomotive driver by profession, you must have the following qualities:

  • ability to focus on important points and keep it for a long time;
  • high speed of reaction to changing conditions, emergency situations, deviations from the usual norm;
  • self-confidence, lack of fear before making decisions;
  • developed sense of responsibility;
  • technical mindset, love for technology, the desire for self-development in terms of studying devices.

Special requirements are put forward to the health indicators of the future driver. The employee must be free of vision and hearing problems. Color blindness is a direct ban on such work. Applicants with bronchial asthma, heart and vascular diseases, problems with the vestibular apparatus or the musculoskeletal system may not pass the medical commission. Persons with mental disabilities are not allowed to responsible service.

Knowledge and skills

Contrary to popular belief, working in a train locomotive is a complex process that requires constant voltage. Even owners of technical professions need to learn to be a machinist, get their first practical experience under the supervision of a professional.

Electric train drivers must have the following knowledge:

  • locomotive control in a standard situation;
  • response to emergency situations according to the instructions or the specifics of the situation;
  • carrying out basic engineering and plumbing work, troubleshooting simple problems;
  • possession of the rules of conduct on the railway, compliance with traffic rules;
  • understanding of the principles of radio communication, the ability to use it;
  • the ability to communicate with passengers in non-standard situations, the ability to control the actions of the crowd.

Studying at a specialized institution allows you to get only a basic understanding of the specifics of the direction. The bulk of skills and abilities are accumulated in the process practical work. Seminars are regularly held for machinists, which give them new knowledge and consolidate the old ones. Additional self-study in the profile provide an opportunity for further career development.

Where to study as an electric train driver

For those who wish to study as a driver, they can begin at the age of 8. Children who are interested in this direction should visit the children's railway. Such branches are open in many Russian cities. Kids get the opportunity to manage a real composition, acquire basic technical and engineering knowledge, and evaluate their innate talents. The profession of a machinist is taught by various institutions, which can be entered after the 9th grade. Applicants should prepare for the fact that in any case, the emphasis will be on exact disciplines.

How much to study as a driver

It can take from six months to five years to become a train driver. The indicator depends on the goals and form of education, the level of basic education, and the chosen path of development. In any case, for some time after receiving a diploma, you will have to work as an assistant driver from several months to 2 years. This is followed by special testing, which allows you to determine whether the employee is ready to independently manage the composition.

Initial vocational education

After the 9th grade, you can enter a railway college and get the profession of an assistant driver of a locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive. It will help you start a career in your chosen field, but in order to advance in career ladder will have to study further. The salary of an assistant driver of an electric train is not so high, while the workload is significant. But such a place allows you to learn all the subtleties of the direction in practice, to choose your specialization. Another plus of this approach is that further you can already learn to be a train driver according to a simplified scheme.

Secondary vocational education

After the 9th or 11th grade, you can enter a technical school or college, choosing the direction "Technical operation of rolling stock". This approach will take more time, at the exit the student receives the qualification "Technician". Already in the last courses or as additional education students are taught to become train drivers, engineers, locksmiths, wagon builders, and in other areas. Further, if desired, you can get a higher technical education for vertical career development.

On-the-job training

Many representatives of today's youth and adults without specialized education are interested in how to quickly become a train driver with a further guarantee of employment. In this case, it is best to contact the depot directly in the direction of interest. The railroads and subways themselves often recruit apprentices who are offered highly specialized training in operating a particular type of train. The study includes theoretical and practical classes in plumbing, locomotive equipment, traffic rules and other disciplines. To facilitate the process of assimilation of the material, simulators are often used.

How much does a machinist earn

According to statistics, the level of salaries of machinists is above average. Assistants receive an average of 20 to 30 thousand rubles. After the transition to independent work, the salary of employees is from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. The salary of a train driver who has passed a certain number of flights without emergency situations can be in the range of 100 thousand rubles. Many employers provide additional bonuses per quarter, year, length of service.

Quite often, the salary of subway drivers is paid already in the process of training. Such a "scholarship" on average ranges from 17 to 25 thousand rubles. At private industrial or mining enterprises, the income level can reach 150 thousand rubles per month. Also, the salary of an electric locomotive driver can be influenced by the type of employment, place of work, availability additional responsibilities. The list of the latter often includes the training of new employees.

Contrary to popular belief, an electric train driver is no longer a purely male profession. Today, more and more universities, technical schools and colleges accept girls who are well versed in technical disciplines. Every year the work of locomotives and trains is improved, the range of electronics application is expanding. Now the workers are valued not so much physical strength as endurance, reaction speed, knowledge of the basics of engineering.

To whom to become a machinist is only a dream, and to whom it is a reality. Where to study as an electric train driver in Moscow? What can RZD offer for driver training in the capital? Let's find out.

Very often, young people after graduation from school think about choosing a profession. In rare cases, choosing a profession is a dream, and everything is already predetermined here. But even a dream must come true, and for this you need to choose educational institution where you can get the job of your dreams. In addition to dreams, there are many more factors that influence the choice: prestige, high salary opportunity to see new places.

Training as an electric train driver of Russian Railways provides great opportunities. The salary of machinists is not bad by modern standards, the work is permanent, there are opportunities for career growth, and most importantly, everything is stable.

Perhaps that is why many guys choose Russian Railways and train as a driver. Why only guys? The fact is that the profession is available only for men (women are not accepted for training as a train driver of the Russian Railways).

Requirements for training as a train driver of Russian Railways

The requirements for knowledge are high, especially in technical and mathematical areas. The equipment of the driver's cab is high-tech, a lot of instruments, automation, communications - all this requires high knowledge and speed of action from the driver.

Get the profession of a machinist immediately and quickly will not work. First you need to get the profession of an assistant driver. This can be done in secondary vocational educational institutions at the department "Technical operation of rolling stock of railways", after graduating from 9th or 11th grade. The term of study at an educational institution will depend on this - 4 years or 2 years 10 months.

But even here it is not so simple. Even if there is a great desire and dream, training as a Russian Railways train driver is not suitable for everyone. Firstly: before being admitted to an educational institution, all applicants must pass a medical commission, and not an ordinary one, but an expanded program.

In the first place is vision: no deviations, color blindness are allowed, color perception should be normal. After all, the driver and assistant driver are constantly monitoring the instruments in the cab of the electric train, as well as semaphores along the route. A driver's mistake in determining the color of a semaphore can lead to serious consequences.

Hearing is no less important for training as an electric train driver of Russian Railways - an audiogram is being studied. The work of the heart must be normal, there must be no chronic diseases, it is also necessary to obtain the conclusions of a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

Where is the train driver training for Russian Railways conducted?

When the commission is passed, health allows you to spend many hours driving an electric train, you can decide which educational institution to go to acquire a profession.

The very first and easiest step in youth search is a search engine on the Internet. Each city has its own representative offices of Russian railways, and therefore it is worth looking for training as a Russian Railways electric train driver in the city where you live.

Educationon thedrivereRZD electric trains in Moscow

If you need data for training as a Russian Railways electric train driver in Moscow, then today you can become a specialist in this profile, for example, in such colleges as:

  • "Moscow Technical College of Railway Transport" - a branch of the Moscow state university ways of communication. Here you can also get higher education after acquiring the average. This will expand the opportunities for further employment.
  • "Railway College No. 52". Education in college No. 52 is carried out on the basis of 11 classes - 10 months, on the basis of 9 classes - 2 years 10 months, training is being carried out as assistants to the driver of an electric train of Russian Railways for local purposes (electric trains).

Having decided on the choice, it is necessary to submit documents to the selection committee, pass the entrance exams (or the USE result) and wait for the result.

When it seems that the goal is already close, in fact, all the most difficult is just beginning. Training for a Russian Railways train driver is quite complicated, the requirements are strict, the main subjects are related to mathematical knowledge, technical terms, knowledge of mechanics, electromechanics, and information technology.

How is the training of the driver of the Russian Railways electric train carried out?

Training is carried out in several stages - not only theoretical, but also practical. Practice is necessary and important because it is theoretically impossible to teach how to drive an electric train, to know all the malfunctions, to prepare an electric train for a flight, to know safety precautions.

Theoretical knowledge is supported by industrial practice (studying design features, malfunctions, pre-trip preparation of an electric train), which takes place in the depot.

Also, for training electric train drivers in Russian Railways, simulators that imitate the driver's cab, control devices, and a visual picture of real movement are widely used. Here you can design various emergency situations and ways to solve them.

Having successfully passed the exams on the simulator, having received a referral to practice, you can feel like “almost a machinist” under the guidance of a mentor for several weeks.

Only adult trainees are allowed to practice. After completing the training and passing all the exams, you get the long-awaited qualification of "assistant driver" and only after 2 years of accident-free work experience can you be promoted to a driver.

If you have a dream to admire the beauties of the country through the windshield of the train, you need to go for your dream and you need to be prepared for the fact that the training of the driver of the Russian Railways electric train takes place throughout the work: advanced training, simulators, upgrading the class of the driver, introducing new technologies, acquiring new electric trains. If you choose a profession not for one or two years, but for decades, you can safely acquire it.

train driver- a railway operator operating passenger and freight trains, electric trains of various messages and destinations. The driver drives the train by driving the locomotive. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and labor and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Trains differ in the type of locomotive (diesel locomotive / electric locomotive), as well as in range and purpose of routes. For example, long-distance trains can carry goods and passengers for thousands of kilometers, while commuter trains do not leave the region and make several trips a day. Large industrial enterprises (factories, mines, mines) have their own railways and trains - the routes of such trains are even shorter.

And each type of train requires special training from the driver.

The driver must drive the train exactly on schedule, observing traffic rules, semaphore signals, etc. The route of the train is practically unchanged. However, the situation on the road is constantly changing. It may depend on the weather, on the workload of the train, on other road users. For example, a truck stuck on the tracks requires an immediate response.

Moving at great speed is often associated with unexpected events. Road conditions, road signs, instrument readings in the cab - all this requires constant intense attention. Therefore, a long-distance driver always works with an assistant (an assistant driver, who can also become a driver over time). On steam locomotives, the brigade includes a stoker - he ensures the operation of the locomotive by throwing fuel. However, steam locomotives are a rarity these days. In some cases (for example, in the subway), the driver works alone.

Long-distance train routes are divided into sections. And the driver is usually an expert on one of the sections of the track. At one of the stations, one brigade of the locomotive is replaced by another and the train moves on. The old crew rests at the inn and takes their place again when it's time to drive the train back.

Drivers of local lines or the subway also need a good rest. For example, in the subway, drivers have special rest rooms where they can sleep after the shift and before the start of a new day, if, according to the duty schedule, the driver has to take the train to the line in the morning.


Railways, subways, large factories, mines, etc. enterprises using railways for internal movement of goods.


Salary as of 09/16/2019

Russia 27000—100000 ₽

Moscow 160000—65000 ₽

Important qualities

Self-confidence, high sense of responsibility, quick reaction, ability to concentrate, good vision (including color vision), acute hearing. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, bronchial asthma, disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems of the musculoskeletal system that restrict movement are contraindicated in such work.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to be able to drive a locomotive, carry out small plumbing work, and use radio communications. Know the structure of the locomotive, the rules of traffic on the railway.

Where to study as a train driver (education)

Initial Vocational Education (VET)

In one of the railway colleges you can get professions:

  • "Assistant locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant locomotive driver";
  • "Assistant locomotive driver"

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

In colleges and technical schools, you can get the specialty "Technical operation of the rolling stock of railways." Qualification "Technician".

On-the-job training

To work in the metro, you can get a job at a depot (on the metro line) and there you can train as a driver. First, locksmith practice is carried out, then the future driver studies the equipment of the electric train and learns to operate the train. In the Moscow metro, simulators are used to speed up the process.


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