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Go ahead - make funny animals from plasticine and create real ones!

plasticine giraffe

A long neck, a good-natured look and a cheerful orange-yellow color - of course, this is a giraffe! Let's make this shy handsome man out of plasticine. A small giraffe will become a bright decoration of your home collection of plasticine animals.

You will need: plasticine in yellow, orange, black and white, as well as a toothpick.

1. From yellow plasticine, mold an oval body and four cones (giraffe legs).

2. Now make a long tourniquet (neck) and pierce it along with a toothpick so that its edges are visible. If it didn’t work out exactly, don’t worry - you can always correct the product, it’s plasticine.

3. The head and ears will also be made of yellow plasticine.

4. Gently connect all the details, smoothing the attachment points of the neck to the torso and head.

5. From tiny white and black circles of plasticine, blind the baby's eyes. Make the nostrils with a toothpick.

6. It's time to make the giraffe a thin tail with a brush.

7. Make horns from orange plasticine.

8. And finally - attach small circles-specks to the giraffe's body. Our sunny plasticine giraffe baby is ready!

Now watch a funny cartoon online that will tell you how to mold a giraffe from plasticine.

We sculpt a parrot from plasticine

The ancient Indians liked to say: "Every noble person should teach at least one parrot to speak." Fortunately, you and I will not have to torment this bright exotic bird. To ennoble your room with a colorful figurine, it will be enough just to mold a parrot from plasticine.

You will need: plasticine blue, red, yellow, black and white.

1. Make an oval from yellow plasticine. This is the body of a parrot.

2. Stick a small red circle to the body. This is the head.

3. Now mold two blue droplets from plasticine. These are wings.

4. Attach them to the torso.

5. Make a breast from white plasticine.

6. From yellow - a beak.

7. And now make eyes out of tiny white and black circles, and a bright crest out of yellow cones.

8. Attach a tail to the parrot at the back, and make notches on the wings and breast with a stack that imitate plumage.

9. From a thin yellow flagellum, make paws for a parrot, attach to the body.

Handsome! It seems as if he had just returned from the Brazilian carnival - his plumage is so colorful and colorful!

And if you want to mold a proud parrot with a multi-colored tail, here's a video for you:

How to mold a turtle from plasticine

Such a funny plasticine turtle will make anyone smile. Looking at this funny little thing, you involuntarily get the feeling that someone carefully covered it with M&M's balls. Your plasticine animals will only be happy with such a company.

You will need: plasticine in yellow, green, black and white, as well as small plasticine balls of bright colors.

1. Blind an oval from yellow plasticine and glue it with bright multi-colored plasticine balls. You will get a cheerful shell.

2. From green plasticine, make flat paws and a small tail. Attach to the turtle.

3. Then form the head and also connect to the shell.

4. From white and black plasticine, make eyes for the turtle.

5. It remains only to draw a wide smile for the turtle.


I know, I know what you're waiting for! Of course - video "How to mold a turtle from plasticine." Get it!

Well, do you like this plasticine modeling of animals? Let's go further!

Modeling plasticine insects

Who doesn't love ladybugs? Everyone loves them, especially since they are so reminiscent of summer. Let's imagine that we found ourselves in a flowering meadow, and blind this bright bug.

You will need: plasticine of red, black, green, yellow and white colors; thin wire; toothpick; black beads; stack.

1. From green plasticine, mold a leaf and use a stack to make veins on it.

2. Blind an oval from red plasticine and flatten it at the ladybug's head. From black plasticine, roll one large ball (this is the head) and seven small ones (specks). And from white plasticine, make three small balls.

3. Connect the body parts of the ladybug. Attach the head to the body, stick black balls and one white ball on top of the red oval (this is a highlight). Make a slit in the wings with a toothpick. Make eyes out of white circles and beads.

4. Make antennae and paws from pieces of wire.

5. And finally, sit the ladybug on a leaf with a camomile from white and yellow plasticine.

And now let's make the ladybug her biting friend - a plasticine wasp.

Do-it-yourself plasticine goldfish

Have you thought about making an aquarium out of plasticine? It’s easy to make starfish and octopuses, but how to make a fish out of plasticine? Now I'll tell you.

You will need: plasticine red, yellow and white; beads (for the eyes), a plasticine knife. However, choose the color of plasticine at your discretion.

1. To begin with, mold an oval body to the fish, as well as fins and a tail.

2. Connect the body with the tail and fins, make notches.

3. Stick a few yellow stripes on the back of the fish. Applying a plasticine knife to the body of the fish, as shown in the photo, make scales for it.

4. Excellent! With the help of a stack, make a mouth for the fish and attach 2 beads to the place of the eyes.

Hooray! The golden fish is ready to grant wishes. Give it to your best friend and let it become his talisman.

And here's what it might look like plasticine mascot fish.

How to mold a cute plasticine fish simply and quickly, the following cartoon will tell you:

Congratulations! Now you know how to sculpt animals from plasticine. I hope you liked it.

And now you have a great opportunity to blind plasticine transport and go on a real plasticine journey.

Wild animals. Based on the Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Wolf"

Modeling from plasticine. Senior group.
Target: Learn to sculpt an animal from one piece of plasticine in a new way.
Tutorial: To form the ability to sculpt animals, to highlight the main parts of the depicted object.
Developing: Develop the ability to divide plasticine into the required number of parts, determine their size and shape, work according to the scheme.
Nurturing: Raise interest in working with plasticine, evoke positive emotions from the work process and its result.
Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf". Dramatization of a fairy tale. Looking at pictures of wild animals. Mixing plasticine to get a gray tint.
Methods and techniques: Conversation with children, looking at pictures, working with a diagram, didactic game, Practical activities children.
Materials and equipment: A wall-mounted magnetic board, geometric figures and voluminous bodies, a fox and a wolf molded from plasticine as a model.
Demo material: Pictures depicting a fox and a wolf, an illustration for the fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf", graphic diagrams for children (a diagram of dividing a piece of plasticine into parts, a diagram of modeling from each part of individual parts), a didactic game "Where is whose tail?".
Handout: Plasticine boards by the number of children, stacks by the number of children, a set of plasticine by the number of children, hand wipes by the number of children.
Lesson structure
1. Introduction.
2. The main part.
3. Final part. 1. Introduction.
- Children, guess the riddles ... He looks like a shepherd dog, every tooth is a sharp knife, he runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack a sheep. (children's answers). That's right, wolf. The second riddle... They say she's cunning, she takes chickens out of the yard. But on the other hand, she is beautiful - all the guys like it. (children's answers). Yes, it's a fox. (I attach a picture of a fox and a wolf to the board).
- Children, now we will learn to sculpt a fox and a wolf in a new way.
- You have plasticine sets on your tables. Whoever has an orange color in the set will be
sculpt a fox. Who has gray - a wolf. Raise your hands, who's orange? .... (I list the children) You are sculpting a fox. Raise your hands, who's gray? ... (I list the children) you are sculpting a wolf.

2. The main part.
Look carefully at the animals that I blinded ... (I demonstrate).
Tell me, how many parts do you see in a fox? (children's answers) That's right, three. Name these parts. (children's answers - head, torso, tail).
How many parts do you see in a wolf? (children's answers) Three. Name them. (children's answers - head, torso, tail).
What do you see in common between a fox and a wolf? (children's answers - both have a head, torso and tail). How are animals different? (Children's answers - the fox's tail is long and fluffy, while the wolf's tail is shorter and not so fluffy).
Good. How many basic parts does a wolf have? (three) At the fox? (three)
So how many parts will we divide the block of plasticine into? (into three parts).

The largest part is the body, then the head and tail.

See what we need to mold to make the body? (children's answers). That's right, we will roll out a thin cylinder and flatten it.
How do we get the head? (children's answers). That's right, we will roll the ball and stretch one side.
How do we blind the tail? (children's answers). That's right, a small flagellum.
Let's get some rest before work.

Like our animals (clap hands.)
Paws are merrily knocking:
Top-top-top, top-top-top. (Stomping feet.)
And tired legs
Clap your hands:
Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. (Clap hands.)
And then sit down (Squats.)
Animals dance side by side. (Jumping in place.)
And how they start running - (Running in place.)
Nobody can catch up with them.
Let's get to work.(Children work, the teacher shows with parallel commenting). We divide the plasticine according to the scheme ... First, in half. We divide one part in half again. (After each action, the teacher looks at the progress of the children and the quality of their work).
We take most of it, knead it well. Rolled up a cylinder (sausage).
They put it on the board and pressed it, flattened it. With a stack we make cuts on the right and left on the workpiece. The cuts must be the same. In the places of the cut, we smoothed it with our fingertips and round the whole part to get the shape of a rainbow.
We take part 2. Roll up the ball. Fingers stretch one side, sharpen. This will be the head. At the crown we draw out two ears., They look like triangles.
We take detail 3. What will it be? (children's answers are the tail). Right. Let's play the game "Where is whose tail?" (The teacher on the magnetic board has images of animals without tails: a hare, a wolf, a fox, a squirrel. Children explain in words where whose tail is. For example, the first on the left is the tail of a squirrel, etc. Children repeat which tail the fox has, which one wolf.) They rolled up a flagellum. We sharpen at the ends.
We attach the details. What will we do so that the parts do not fall later? (Children's answers - smooth out the joints with your fingers).
We make eyes, but they should not be large. And the nose. We decorate the tail and paws of the fox.
Show what you got?

3. Final part.
Guys, what did we do today? (children's answers - they sculpted a wolf and a fox)
– Did you learn something new? (children's answers - sculpt the torso and paws from one part)
- You did a good job today. Put your forest dwellers on plates. We remove workplace.

Plasticine is a magical material with which you can make incredibly light and beautiful figures. It can be fairy-tale and cartoon characters, buildings and plants. Plasticine animals deserve special attention. For children, modeling will be incredibly exciting and cognitive activity, from which it is impossible to escape even for a minute.

Plasticine is a magical material with which you can make incredibly beautiful figures.

Plasticine marine inhabitants are unusually beautiful. Even a child can do such crafts with their own hands. In order to mold a crab, you need quite a bit of attention and patience.

Plasticine marine inhabitants are unusually beautiful


  1. Make blanks for the body, a pair of claws and eight legs.
  2. The largest ball, from which the body will be made, needs to be pressed down a little.
  3. To make paws, mold sticks from eight blanks.
  4. Attach four paws on one side and four more on the other.
  5. From the two remaining blanks, form claws and attach them to the front legs of the crab.
  6. Stick small circles of lighter material on the body.
  7. Make eyes.

Gallery: plasticine animals (25 photos)

We sculpt wild animals in stages

Wild animals are of particular interest to children, as meeting them in real life does not apply to everyone. We have to be content with their image in the pictures. That is why sculpting a lion cub, a squirrel or a wolf from plasticine will be not only exciting, but also informative.

Wild animals are of particular interest to children, since not everyone has to meet them in real life.

Work progress step by step:

  1. From the yellow mass, make a circle and attach a couple of small parts to it, forming the cheeks of the animal.
  2. Make a nose out of brown material and fix it between the cheeks.
  3. Attach eyes a little higher than the cheeks.
  4. Blind the body of a drop-shaped form and slightly stretch the tip from this blank.
  5. Using a match, connect the head to the body.
  6. Form a lot of brown circles from brown material and fix them on the head of the little animal - you get a mane.
  7. Blind now the paws and stick on each of them three small orange circles.
  8. Attach these pieces to the body.

Make a yellow ponytail with an orange tassel at the tip and stick it to the craft.

Modeling from plasticine: turtle (video)

Pets: how to make a dachshund, a cat, a cow, a pig

Plasticine animals can be very funny and bright. The manufacturing process is always accompanied positive emotions. Even cute domestic animals made of this material become an excellent decoration for a child's room.

Dachshund from plasticine

In order to blind such a dog, it is enough just to follow the scheme exactly:

  1. Roll up a ball of black mass and stretch it out in the form of a long and narrow droplet. This detail will later be the body of the dog.
  2. From the wide side, lift the part up.
  3. Stick the brown mass on the abdomen in an even layer.
  4. Form a small protrusion - it turns out the neck.
  5. In order to get a head, you need to roll a black and brown ball.
  6. Pull out the black element in the form of a drop, then stick a brown part to its lower part and stretch it out a little.
  7. With your finger, stretch the black material a little on the spout and highlight the eyes with a stack.
  8. Now add the pupils and form the ears.
  9. Attach the head to the neck with a match.
  10. From black material, make the upper parts of the paws and attach brown elements from the bottom.
  11. Attach the legs to the body.
  12. Roll up a thin tube and stick it on the back, slightly lifting it up.

How to make a cat

If you follow a simple instruction, you will be able to quickly and easily make a funny cat - one of the most beloved pets. Children will be able to mold such toys on their own in senior group kindergarten.

If you follow a simple instruction, you will be able to quickly and easily make a funny cat


  1. Using a stack, divide the block of plasticine into three equal parts.
  2. Roll the balls out of two parts, and divide the third into six more parts.
  3. Roll up sausages from four small pieces - future paws.
  4. Roll one more small detail a little thinner to make a ponytail.
  5. Divide the remaining small part into a couple more identical pieces and make ears out of them.
  6. Form the head and torso, then connect these two elements with a match.
  7. Attach the tail and legs to the body.

Blind eyes and tongue.

Cow: how to mold with your own hands

The scheme for sculpting a cow is quite simple and boils down to the following steps:

  1. Roll the brown and orange material into balls, connect them together.
  2. Attach eyes, make cuts in the form of nostrils, and make a smile with a stack.
  3. Make horns and attach them to the head.
  4. Attach ears to the future cow.
  5. From the brown mass, blind an oval and squeeze a lot, stretch the neck.
  6. Make legs and attach hooves made of gray material to them.
  7. Make an udder from the beige mass.
  8. Make a tail and then connect all the details.

Piggy: modeling in stages

A funny pig is molded quickly and easily. You just need to strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Form the body in the shape of a barrel.
  2. Roll into four balls and attach them to the body.
  3. Roll up another, but already a large ball and also attach to the body.
  4. Form a patch and ears.
  5. Draw the nostrils and eyes with a match.

Plasticine animals can be very funny and bright

Attach a crocheted ponytail.

Funny animals from the zoo: monkey, snake, sloth

You can create your own zoo from ordinary plasticine. A variety of forest, wild and domestic animals will gladly settle in it. Modeling will bring a lot of fun, and the made figures will be great toys for kids.

How to mold a monkey: step by step instructions

An unusual monkey is obtained from the brown and yellow plasticine mass.

It is molded according to the following scheme:

  1. Prepare a part for the head from the brown mass and a couple of small yellow elements to form the face.
  2. Attach yellow cakes to the head, placing them as close as possible to each other.
  3. Draw a stack of eyes, mouth, nose and wrinkles.
  4. Make ears.
  5. Blind the body in the shape of an egg and stick a yellow cake to it.
  6. Using a match, connect the torso to the head.
  7. From the brown mass, make four long tubes.
  8. Stick yellow circles to each of the tubes and make cuts on them with a stack.
  9. Stick to the main part of the limbs of the monkey.

Monkeys can be different colors

At the end, attach a long tail to the animal.

Snake: modeling in stages

A very realistic snake is made according to the following instructions:

  1. Roll a sausage of the desired length from the plasticine mass.
  2. Highlight the head, giving more volume in this place.
  3. Draw eyes and nostrils.
  4. Make slits all over the back with a stack - it turns out scales.
  5. Attach a long red tongue to the front of the head.
  6. Bend the body of the snake.

You can apply an additional pattern to the body of the snake

Tip: to make the body of the snake flexible, you need to lay the wire inside.

How to make a sloth out of plasticine

Sculpting a sloth comes down to the following steps:

  1. Form the head and body of the animal.
  2. Blind paws and claws.
  3. For the future muzzle and tummy, roll up the balls and flatten them into cakes.
  4. In the form of droplets make eyebrows.
  5. From small pieces, make eyes and a nose.
  6. Gather all the details of the structure together.
  7. Draw a mouth with a stack.

Sculpting an octopus: step by step instructions

Octopus - one of the most unusual inhabitants of the seas. Naturally, the process of sculpting it has its own characteristics, but it does not cause difficulties. Following step by step instructions even a small child can cope with this task.

The material for creativity and the embodiment of bold children's fantasies is plasticine. Sometimes, parents do not even know what their young sculpture is capable of, but one has only to teach and interest him, and there will be no limit to the surprise of adults. However, one should not assume that by giving the child plasticine in his hands and seating him at the workplace, he will begin to create his masterpieces with joy and enthusiasm. Of course not - like everything else, the child must be taught. Actually, that's what we're going to do today. And let's start with simple figures of our smaller brothers.

So, to your attention are a few master classes on how to make animal figures from plasticine.

But, before we start sculpting animals, let's focus on the choice of plasticine. In this case, it is better to focus on the age and skills of the child: soft and pliable plasticine is suitable for the smallest, it is better for older kids to buy medium soft plasticine. By the way, note to parents, when the baby learns how to sculpt animals from plasticine step by step, you can interest him and offer to collect a whole zoo. To do this, he will need a special plasticine - made from which, harden after immersion in hot water.

And one more important preparatory moment. Of course, modeling animals from plasticine is an exciting activity for children, but before starting the process, you need to prepare a workplace and tools. So, you will definitely need: a board or thick oilcloth, stacks.

Now that everything is ready, we begin to sculpt animals from plasticine step by step.

Example 1

Little cute animals, domestic and wild, for sure, your crumbs have their own favorite. But which of the kids does not like an elephant:

“The elephant is big, but he is quiet.

The kindest is an elephant!

It is this good-natured huge inhabitant of warm countries that our first master class will be devoted to. Let's get started:

Example 2

Your home collection will not do without an eared friend, so dear parents, we sculpt animals from plasticine step by step further. Now we have a hare in turn.

Example 3

"Ducks swim in the pond-

Looking for good food."

Let's continue our fascinating lesson and make a funny duck together with the baby:

Example 4

The king of beasts is a powerful lion. Let's continue our creative process and make a fiery red lion cub - the hero of many children's fairy tales and cartoons.

As you can see, it is enough just to sculpt animals from plasticine, then they can be used for crafts or role-playing games. Here are some more interesting options that your little one might be able to make himself.

Articles on this topic:

Paper is a simple affordable material from which you can make a variety of toys, for example, voluminous crafts made using different techniques. Children love paper airplanes or boats. But there are many other ideas. Today we will analyze how some of them bring to life.

An activity such as modeling animals from plasticine develops not only fine motor skills, but also speech brain centers, abstract thinking and imagination. Animal modeling is quite a diligent and step-by-step process, so it is necessary that you help and guide your children.

In today's lesson, we will sculpt a pet - a sheep and a crocodile.

How to make a turtle step by step

Materials for modeling sheep:

  • board;
  • stack;
  • plasticine white, black, blue

How to craft:

We begin to sculpt a muzzle. From plasticine of black color we sculpt a small rectangle. We make the upper part concave. From above we outline a place for the eyes. We sculpt the body in the shape of a circle. We connect the muzzle and torso.

We sculpt horns on top of the head. To do this, we sculpt a small flattened rectangle from black plasticine. We attach it over the head. We sculpt four legs in the form of tubes. We attach two in front and two in the back.

Wool will be sculpted from white in the form of circles of different sizes. We sculpt four small circles and two larger ones. Glue three small circles on the body in a row. Below them are two large ones, below is another circle.

We sculpt four more circles: one large, three smaller ones. On the bottom row we attach one small circle, then one large one, and then two more others.

For white eyes, we sculpt two ovals, attach them to the intended part. From blue plasticine again we sculpt two smaller ovals. We attach them to the ovals of white.

We sculpt the pupils in the form of dots and attach them on top of the blue color. On the nose we make holes with a stack.

The sheep is ready!

Materials for modeling a crocodile:

  • green plasticine;
  • lightning;
  • board;

How to craft:

First, let's make the body. To do this, we make a “sausage”-torso, then stretch it out and flatten it from above. In the neck area, we squeeze the plasticine from the sides, trim the nose.

We make paws. We cut out the fingers on the paws with a stack. We bend each paw.


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