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The information we get from asking this group of questions is somewhat similar to the information about motivators, but it also gives us additional information about a person's values. This is especially important for companies with a conscious corporate culture that management seeks to preserve and strengthen, as well as in a situation where a person's work involves a lot of temptations. In addition, we recognize those behaviors that a person considers possible, most often encountered, and we can compare them with what is typical and expected in our organization.

Here are examples of answer options and their interpretation:

I. Why do people steal (work left) in some organizations, but not in others?

Because in one case, people work as if for themselves, they are interested in the success of a common cause, there is a team, and in the other, all this is not.

Positive motivation of honesty, a common cause, a team is important for a person.

You have to pay enough.

Justification of dishonesty by the desire to earn more. When receiving such an answer, you should carefully evaluate the honesty of the candidate, try to "probe" him in other ways. In fact, the candidate fully admits that if the pay subjectively does not satisfy the employee, then you can steal or work for the left.

Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.

Similar to the previous situation: dishonesty is allowed if it is possible from a practical point of view. Also, as in the previous case, it requires additional verification.

It depends on the selection of people: there are honest people, and they should be hired.

A positive answer if honesty is cultivated in the organization and the selection of personnel is, in particular, according to this criterion. There are no subjective excuses for dishonesty in this answer: it all depends on what kind of person.

2. How do you explain this situation: the manager is on vacation, and people work as hard as in his presence?

People are interested in the result.

We get Additional information about a person's motivation, and also we get a positive model of a responsible attitude to business - an interest in the result.

The goals are set correctly, people know what needs to be done.

Similar to the previous one, while in managing this person it is worth considering the importance of the clarity of goals.

So there is someone to exercise control even without a leader, there is a deputy, and then the leader will find out anyway.

The answer requires further testing of how capable the candidate is of working without pressure and control, since in this case the only explanation for the situation was that there is still control, i.e. even the thought that people can still work is not allowed. without


Team, communication with people (questions 5, 6)

These questions show us the expectations and preferences for the team and environment. Moreover, we can get information of a slightly different type, using both questions from paragraph 5: ideas about a productive and comfortable team can either coincide or diverge. Of course, it's better if they match. The sixth question is more aimed at identifying expectations from individual-personal relationships, and also shows which communication model the candidate considers the most correct and successful. It remains for us to correlate the ideas of the candidate with what we have in the organization and what we consider correct. The answers to these questions cannot be considered right or wrong, but rather show how the candidate will be able to adapt in our team and how his idea of ​​​​correct communication correlates with our corporate culture.

When analyzing answers about the team, it is also worth paying attention to the balance of personal and work relationships or its absence:

Friendly, cheerful, close-knit - only personal relationships.

Structured, with clearly defined goals, professional - just a working relationship.

Professional, like-minded, mutual assistance - balance.

The interpretation itself is not particularly difficult, but it is very useful, before using these questions in an interview, to get answers from already working employees, to assess how they match (homogeneity of expectations and their coincidence with corporate culture companies), and further compare the answers of candidates with the answers prevailing among those working in the company.

Career motivation (question 7)

This question very important: the fact is that most candidates applying for a job in a commercial structure will, in one context or another, talk about the desire for growth. Some do it simply because they consider it socially desirable (after all, it is bad to strive for nothing), others mix and confuse different concepts. This question is what helps us determine whether the candidate is really striving for career growth as such (i.e., striving to manage people) or other factors are more important to him. It often happens that people confuse the idea of ​​career growth with income growth, professional development, and a stable position in the labor market. If we see that the substitutions career development does not happen by other factors, then we can assume what factors encourage this person to strive for career growth. Knowing them, we can complete the picture of the candidate's motivator map, as well as understand how to positively influence the employee in case of impossibility of career growth. We also get additional tools to assess whether it is worth hiring a candidate in the case when growth is not possible in the near future.

Lately, I've got the feeling that most people do not understand the value of the concept of "honesty". That is why I decided to write this article.

In ordinary life, it is not very welcome (it is considered old-fashioned, something with which success will never be achieved). But when you begin to develop spiritually, honesty becomes the basic and main puzzle in the mosaic of life.

Gradually you realize how important it is to live honestly - to keep clean, not to form karmic knots and cut the old ones.

Read what is the real strength, the value of honesty.

How I Learned the Value of Honesty

I never really knew how to lie before. But only in the last few years has she begun to live consciously honestly. This concept has gone by the wayside after love.

And my life changed very quickly: I got married, changed my country and profession, there are people in my environment who treat me sincerely and with whom I feel comfortable.

My space has expanded, filled with light and happiness at times.

The transition from a simple worldly state to a state of honesty occurred gradually, somewhere within 2-3 years.

Before that, I was just good, soft and kind person, didn’t want to offend anyone with a careless word, tolerated when they used me, smiled and didn’t say anything so as not to spoil the relationship, even if she internally disagreed with something.

But the more I did spiritual practices and studied spiritual laws, the higher my awareness became, and it became clear how important it is to live honestly with yourself and with others.

I realized that the root of any problem is the lack of love and honesty in the soul towards oneself and others.

Dishonesty situations give rise to problems that become karma. And karma can last from generation to generation for many years.

One situation pulls another, the other - the third, so the ball has spun, from which it is quite difficult to get out.

What does it mean to live honestly

Based on my experience, I have drawn several conclusions, what does it mean to live honestly.

Living honestly is:

  • Accept yourself for who you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Openly and boldly look at the problems and inside yourself and recognize them. At first it is difficult, but, believe me, there is nothing terrible and deadly about it. Only your own ego can suffer, but it is good for him.
  • Act in accordance with your internal understanding of the situation, which, by the way, may not coincide with the opinion of most people.
  • Keep a fulcrum, a core, the basis of which is love, and not fear, resentment or something else destructive.
  • To be honest with yourself, that is, to do what you like, to be sincere in relation to life.
  • To be honest with your partner, relatives and friends, be able to admit wrong, be able to apologize and ask for forgiveness, be able to thank.
  • Saying “no” to people when you are uncomfortable or uncomfortable.
  • Cut off all the games and manipulations of people who want to play with you, use. Why waste time and energy on them?
  • Cut off lifeguards who think they know better than you how to live your life and are trying to control your life without having any right to do so. Whoever they are: parents, friends or any close people.

Fear and obstacles along the way

Perhaps it becomes scary on this path. Being honest takes courage and often brings discomfort.

It's scary to admit to yourself that for a long time lived in illusions, it’s scary when the old life collapses and friends leave, it’s scary to admit that there is darkness inside, and that you are not white and fluffy, as you want to seem, it’s scary how other people will perceive you.

But, believe me, it is much worse to live with your eyes closed, to play for time, to pretend that the problem does not exist, or to wait for everything to be resolved someday.

But in fact, precious time of life is wasted, a lot of strength and energy is wasted.

I know people who live as if in a karmic circle and do not understand that it can be opened by simply looking honestly at the situation and taking certain steps.

For a long time, idealizing my bright and pure image, I myself did not want to admit to myself, not to those around me, what was sick and shameful for myself. I didn’t even want to look there, it was so unpleasant and painful.

I wanted to close my eyes and repeat - I'm not like that, it's not me. I am very good, I am bright, I am clean. I couldn't do that.

But, unfortunately, if there was something, it has already been imprinted in eternity, in your field, in your history. And it affects you whether you like it or not.

Self-acceptance is key if you choose to live honestly

Not recognizing myself inside, one problem was not solved for a long time. And I began to decide only when I took the first step towards accepting myself.

This first step is difficult, but every next step is much easier.

How to take a step towards self-acceptance:

  • Understand that you as a person and your soul had to go through negative experiences in order to grow, for good. Without going through the bad, it is impossible to understand what is good.
  • Forgive yourself. While doing something in the past, we were unconscious. Now, we consciously choose the light, and we have the right to let go of this pain and forgive ourselves for the experience of past mistakes.
  • Accept that you are the light and you are the darkness. And there's nothing you can do about it. There are no perfect people, we are all made of light (soul, spirit) and dirt (matter).

One of my acquaintances, a beautiful and kind girl, could not get married. Everything was with her: beauty, intelligence, and kindness, but there was no happiness in her personal life.

Outwardly, she looked very carefree and contented with life and never admitted that this was a problem for her.

When we talked, I understood that she was afraid to look honestly into her problem, to admit it, that she basically lives with her eyes closed, hoping for positive thinking and the fact that everything will someday be resolved.

Positive thinking, as strange as it may sound, is often harmful. Because a person convinces himself: "I'm fine, there is a small problem, but I will think positively, and everything will work out."

Yes, it happens that things get better, if the problem is not very serious, on the surface. But if its roots go deep (usually in pain or fears, subconscious), it must be addressed. Because changes will come sooner or later, but through a big crisis.

What happened to her in the end. It has yet to come out of the crisis. Sits on pills and goes to a psychiatrist. And she could, if she wanted to, change the situation a couple of years ago.

Yes, it would be painful, scary, unpleasant, perhaps there would be purges, without it there is no way. But it's not fatal.

And having gone through this, having discovered new facets of herself, looking into them honestly and recognizing them, she would free herself and space for new events in life and a new round of development.

What Practicing Honesty Will Bring to Your Life

  • Karma will be cleared;
  • The energy will circulate properly;
  • Difficult situations will unravel;
  • Forces will cease to go to the problems that a dishonest situation creates;
  • The nerves will be calm, the head and soul will be clean;
  • You will live with a light heart and an open soul;
  • You no longer have to do what you don't want to do. At the same time, you will have the strength to do what you think is right, in accordance with your conscience;
  • The space around you will be cleared, the circle of friends and insincere people will thin out. Only those who sincerely love you and value your friendship will stay with you;
  • You will have the strength and the chance to start living a real life, sincere and courageous, to be yourself in any situation, to live openly, purely and simply.

It is important, when making any decision in life, to ask yourself - where does my decision come from? From what emotion? From a feeling of love and honesty towards yourself and others, or resentment, anger and something else?

Think, look, can you call honest your relationship with your husband (wife), with relatives, parents, children? Why are you doing what you do?

How do you deal with people? What are you guided by when making this or that decision in life? Look at any unpleasant situation in life. Where do its roots come from?

Your life belongs solely to you, it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility. Don't be afraid to be honest, don't be afraid to lose something in doing so. Later, everything will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

The information we get from asking this group of questions is somewhat similar to the information about motivators, but it also gives us additional information about a person's values. This is especially important for companies with a conscious corporate culture that management seeks to preserve and strengthen, as well as in a situation where a person's work involves a lot of temptations. In addition, we recognize those behaviors that a person considers possible, most often encountered, and we can compare them with what is typical and expected in our organization.

Here are examples of answer options and their interpretation:

I. Why do people steal (work left) in some organizations, but not in others?

Because in one case, people work as if for themselves, they are interested in the success of a common cause, there is a team, and in the other, all this is not.

Positive motivation of honesty, a common cause, a team is important for a person.

You have to pay enough.

Justification of dishonesty by the desire to earn more. When receiving such an answer, you should carefully evaluate the honesty of the candidate, try to "probe" him in other ways. In fact, the candidate fully admits that if the pay subjectively does not satisfy the employee, then you can steal or work for the left.

Somewhere there is simply nothing to steal.

Similar to the previous situation: dishonesty is allowed if it is possible from a practical point of view. Also, as in the previous case, it requires additional verification.

It depends on the selection of people: there are honest people, and they should be hired.

A positive answer if honesty is cultivated in the organization and the selection of personnel is, in particular, according to this criterion. There are no subjective excuses for dishonesty in this answer: it all depends on what kind of person.

2. How do you explain this situation: the manager is on vacation, and people work as hard as in his presence?

· People are interested in the result.

We get additional information about a person's motivation, and also get a positive model of a responsible attitude to business - an interest in the result.

The goals are set correctly, people know what needs to be done.
Similar to the previous one, while in managing this person it is worth considering the importance of the clarity of goals.

So there is someone to exercise control even without a leader, there is a deputy, and then the leader will find out anyway.
The answer requires further testing of how capable the candidate is of working without pressure and control, since in this case the only explanation for the situation was that there is still control, i.e. even the thought that people can still work is not allowed. without

Team, communication with people (questions 5, 6)

These questions show us the expectations and preferences for the team and environment. Moreover, we can obtain information different type, using both questions from point 5: ideas about a productive and comfortable team can either coincide or diverge. Of course, it's better if they match. The sixth question is more aimed at identifying expectations from individual-personal relationships, and also shows which communication model the candidate considers the most correct and successful. It remains for us to correlate the ideas of the candidate with what we have in the organization and what we consider correct. The answers to these questions cannot be considered right or wrong, but rather show how the candidate will be able to adapt in our team and how his idea of ​​​​correct communication correlates with our corporate culture.

When analyzing answers about the team, it is also worth paying attention to the balance of personal and work relationships or its absence:

Friendly, cheerful, united- only personal relationships.

Structured, with clearly defined goals, professional- only working relationship.

Professional, like-minded, mutual assistance -balance.

The interpretation itself is not particularly difficult, but it is very useful, before using these questions in an interview, to get answers from already working employees, assess how they match (homogeneity of expectations and their coincidence with the corporate culture of the company), and then compare the answers of candidates with answers prevailing among those working in the company.

Career motivation (question 7)

This question is very important: the fact is that most candidates applying for a job in a commercial structure will, in one context or another, talk about the desire for growth. Some do it simply because they consider it socially desirable (after all, it is bad to strive for nothing), others mix and confuse different concepts. This question is what helps us determine whether the candidate is really striving for career growth as such (i.e., striving to manage people) or other factors are more important to him. It often happens that people confuse the idea of ​​career growth with income growth, professional development, and a stable position in the labor market. If we see that career growth is not replaced by other factors, then we can assume what factors induce this person to strive for career growth. Knowing them, we can complete the picture of the candidate's motivator map, as well as understand how to positively influence the employee in case of impossibility of career growth. We also get additional tools to assess whether it is worth hiring a candidate in the case when growth is not possible in the near future.

Conflicts (questions 12-15)

The answers show the main problem areas and possible causes of conflicts in different areas(organization, people, client). It is important for us to assess the degree of conflict, i.e., how serious or, conversely, how insignificant are the named possible causes of conflicts. For example, the candidate cites that the main reason for conflict with the client is that the client does not clearly describe his needs. Of course, this should not be the cause of conflicts. Thus, we can assume an increased tendency to conflict with customers, the inability to form and identify their needs. In another situation about dismissal after passing the probationary period, the candidate says that, probably, he did not find mutual understanding with everyone in the team. It is also a definite signal. Let us remind once again that so far we are only making assumptions and further verification is needed, for example, using CASES. If the candidate names serious causes of conflicts (for example, the management has broken promises on the amount of compensation), then we use such answers in order to assess not the conflict as such, but to find out the candidate’s negative experience or the most fundamental points for him.

Clients (questions 13, 14)

We can assess the "bottlenecks" in working with clients that are typical for this candidate, as well as learn about his previous negative experience and determine how critical it is for us. For example, the candidate gives the answer: "The most problematic client is a client who does not know what he wants." If the duties of a future employee primarily include the formation of customer needs, if the product and the order formation process are very complicated, then it is worth considering whether such a candidate is suitable for the company. If the duties are reduced to providing information to customers who themselves applied to the company, and the formation of an order is not difficult, then this answer is absolutely neutral.

Manager (question 20)

The results of the answers to this question give us an idea of ​​which manager is best suited for this candidate. Particular attention should be paid to avoidance. It remains only to compare the candidate's answer with the real state of affairs. If we interview the leader high level, then the answer to this question also gives us information about what model of management and behavior of the leader he considers the most correct and successful. Again, we need to match this model with what we want to see in our organization.

Employee (question 19)

If the answer is given by a person who does not have experience or a pronounced inclination for leadership work, then we get an idea of ​​​​the model of success in the organization, that is, what, according to the candidate, one must be in order to be evaluated as a good employee. If the answer is given by a leader or a clearly expressed leader, then we get information about preferences according to the characteristics of subordinates. As in the previous situation, it makes sense for us to compare preferences with the real situation.

Lately, I've got the feeling that most people do not understand the value of the concept of "honesty". That is why I decided to write this article.

In ordinary life, it is not very welcome (it is considered old-fashioned, something with which success will never be achieved). But when you begin to develop spiritually, honesty becomes the basic and main puzzle in the mosaic of life.

Gradually you realize how important it is to live honestly - to keep clean, not to form karmic knots and cut the old ones.

Read what is the real strength, the value of honesty.

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How I Learned the Value of Honesty

I never really knew how to lie before. But only in the last few years has she begun to live consciously honestly. This concept has gone by the wayside after love.

And my life changed very quickly: I got married, changed my country and profession, there are people in my environment who treat me sincerely and with whom I feel comfortable.

My space has expanded, filled with light and happiness at times.

The transition from a simple worldly state to a state of honesty occurred gradually, somewhere within 2-3 years.

Before that, I was just a good, gentle and kind person, I didn’t want to offend anyone with a careless word, I endured when they used me, smiled and didn’t say anything so as not to spoil the relationship, even if I internally disagreed with something.

The fear of misunderstanding of loved ones wins, forces them to lead a double life, hide their true feelings and point of view. Find out how and when dependence on someone else's opinion appears and how this fear hinders your development.

But the more I did spiritual practices and studied spiritual laws, the higher my awareness became, and it became clear how important it is to live honestly with yourself and with others.

I realized that the root of any problem is the lack of love and honesty in the soul towards oneself and others.

Dishonesty situations give rise to problems that become karma. And karma can last from generation to generation for many years.

One situation pulls another, the other - the third, so the ball has spun, from which it is quite difficult to get out.

What does it mean to live honestly

Based on my experience, I have drawn several conclusions, what does it mean to live honestly.

Living honestly is:

  • Accept yourself for who you are, with all the advantages and disadvantages.
  • Openly and boldly look at the problems and inside yourself and recognize them. At first it is difficult, but, believe me, there is nothing terrible and deadly about it. Only your own ego can suffer, but it is good for him.
  • Act in accordance with your internal understanding of the situation, which, by the way, may not coincide with the opinion of most people.
  • Keep a fulcrum, a pivot, the basis of which is resentment or something else destructive.
  • To be honest with yourself, that is, to do what you like, to be sincere in relation to life.
  • To be honest with your partner, relatives and friends, be able to admit wrong, be able to apologize and ask for forgiveness, be able to thank.
  • Saying “no” to people when you are uncomfortable or uncomfortable.
  • who want to play with you, to use. Why waste time and energy on them?
  • Cut off those who think they know better than you how to live and try to control your life without having any right to do so. Whoever they are: parents, friends or any close people.

Fear and obstacles along the way

Perhaps it becomes scary on this path. Being Honest Takes Courage and often brings discomfort.

After all, it’s scary to admit to yourself that you have lived in illusions for a long time, it’s scary when your old life collapses and friends leave, it’s scary to admit that there is darkness inside, and that you are not white and fluffy, as you want to seem, it’s scary how other people will perceive you.

But, believe me, it is much worse to live with your eyes closed, to play for time, to pretend that the problem does not exist, or to wait for everything to be resolved someday.

But in fact, precious time of life is wasted, a lot of strength and energy is wasted.

Go through a meditation that will help you get rid of your own illusions in order to start building your life from a “clean slate”.

I know people who live as if in a karmic circle and do not understand that it can be opened by simply looking honestly at the situation and taking certain steps.

For a long time, idealizing my bright and pure image, I myself did not want to admit to myself, not to those around me, what was sick and shameful for myself. I didn’t even want to look there, it was so unpleasant and painful.

I wanted to close my eyes and repeat - I'm not like that, it's not me. I am very good, I am bright, I am clean. I couldn't do that.

But, unfortunately, if there was something, it has already been imprinted in eternity, in your field, in your history. And it affects you whether you like it or not.

And if you want the past to stop affecting you, you need to honestly look into it, acknowledge it and let it go with gratitude.

Self-acceptance is key if you choose to live honestly

Without recognizing myself from within, condemning for wrong actions and deeds, for a long time I could not solve one problem. And everything got off the ground only when I took the first step towards self-acceptance.

The first step is always difficult, but every next step is much easier.

How to take a step towards self-acceptance:

  • Understand that you as a person and your soul had to go through negative experiences in order to grow, for good. Without going through the bad, it is impossible to understand what is good.
  • Forgive yourself. While doing something in the past, we were unconscious. Now, we consciously choose the light, and we have the right to let go of this pain and forgive ourselves for the experience of past mistakes.
  • Accept that you are the light and you are the darkness. Without darkness, there would be no light. We are all made of light and low frequency vibrations that keep us in the dark. But without them, we could not incarnate on this earth and get our extraordinary experience. And now it's time for them to be released.

One of my acquaintances, a beautiful and kind girl, could not get married. Everything was with her: beauty, intelligence, and kindness, but there was no happiness in her personal life.

Outwardly, she looked very carefree and contented with life and never admitted that this was a problem for her.

When we talked, I understood that she was afraid to look honestly at her problem, to admit it, that she basically lives with her eyes closed, hoping for positive thinking and that everything will someday be resolved.

Positive thinking, as strange as it may sound, is often harmful. Because a person convinces himself: "I'm fine, there is a small problem, but I will think positively, and everything will work out."

Yes, it happens that things get better, if the problem is not very serious, on the surface. But if its roots go deep (usually in pain or fears, subconscious), it must be addressed. Because changes will come sooner or later, but through a big crisis.

What happened to her in the end. It has yet to come out of the crisis. Sits on pills and goes to a psychiatrist. And she could, if she wanted to, change the situation a couple of years ago.

Yes, it would be painful, scary, unpleasant, perhaps there would be purges, without it there is no way. But it's not fatal.

And having gone through this, having discovered new facets of herself, looking into them honestly and recognizing them, she would free herself and space for new events in life and a new round of development.

Looking honestly into yourself and your problems, you are doing the highest good for yourself by letting go of what has been holding you and your soul in a vice for many years.

After going through this, you become cleaner, stronger, wiser. You become closer to yourself and your soul.

Download the booklet. The main secret of positive change is complete self-acceptance. But how do you accept what you don't like?

Find out why it is so difficult to accept yourself, what is the difference between acceptance and rejection, and how to learn to accept yourself.

What Practicing Honesty Will Bring to Your Life

  • Karma will be cleared;
  • The energy will circulate properly;
  • Difficult situations will unravel;
  • Forces will cease to go to the problems that a dishonest situation creates;
  • The nerves will be calm, the head and soul will be clean;
  • You will live with a light heart and an open soul;
  • You no longer have to do what you don't want to do. At the same time, you will have the strength to do what you think is right, in accordance with your conscience;
  • The space around you will be cleared, the circle of friends and insincere people will thin out. Only those who sincerely love you and value your friendship will stay with you;
  • You will have the strength and the chance to start living a real life, sincere and courageous, to be yourself in any situation, to live openly, purely and simply.

It is important, when making any decision in life, to ask yourself - where does my decision come from? From what emotion? From a feeling of love and honesty towards yourself and others, or resentment, anger and something else?

Think, look, can you call honest your relationship with your husband (wife), with relatives, parents, children? Why are you doing what you do?

How do you deal with people? What are you guided by when making this or that decision in life? Look at any unpleasant situation in life. Where do its roots come from?

Your life belongs solely to you, it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility. Don't be afraid to be honest, don't be afraid to lose something in doing so. Later, everything will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

Know every time by correcting the crookedness in your life, you straighten your path, cleanse it, and as a result, your road will lead you to where you should be.

And there will be happiness. Necessarily. I know this for sure! HONESTY TO ALL!

The fourth value is honesty and openness. We position ourselves as a company that speaks honestly and openly about what is unacceptable for it, about what it expects from its employees. And if we do something wrong, we openly discuss with employees in order to find the right solution thanks to criticism. This is a very important aspect, because although we have several ways of communicating within the company with its management, it is quite difficult for an ordinary employee to oppose if he believes that the company is wrong about something. This requires inner courage. But the company encourages this, and we are ready for constructive criticism. At the same time, we reserve the right, just like the employees, to discuss and oppose if we believe that the position of the employee is wrong.

The employee may have one view of the situation, the company - another. Simply because each of the parties has certain knowledge about the subject or situation. Therefore, our task in this constructive communication is to get the opinion of the other side and make the right decision taking into account this opinion. Let's add that one of the ways of communication with the company is the "Careful Line", the name of which reflects such values ​​as honesty, openness and responsibility. We care, and we openly, honestly discuss our problems and strive to create an atmosphere for such open communication.

Four palms outstretched towards each other form a plus sign - this is how the value of open and honest interaction in the company was visualized by Ekaterina Anikanova, a specialist at En + Coal LLC. Her work won the "Best Logo/Emblem" nomination of the "New Look at Ethics" corporate competition at En+. Over 300 works from employees of 24 enterprises were submitted to the competition committee, chaired by En+ Group Chief Ethics Commissioner Igor Lerner.

“The palms in the logo do not have “ranks”. These are both the palms of management and the palms of ordinary employees. I wanted to show that trusting relationships need to be built between all the links in the team. It is no coincidence that four palms eventually form a plus sign. On the one hand, this is a reference to the name of the En+ Group of Companies. On the other hand, it is a symbol of unification, a single team, a single spirit that multiplies the efforts of each member of the team,” explains Ekaterina Anikanova.

She said that there were no long thoughts on the logo. Inspiration came literally the next day after I decided to participate in the competition. Perhaps, Anikanova says, ethics training, which by that time had already been completed by all employees of the company, helped such a quick decision-making. “A healthy, open atmosphere in the team is very important to me personally. That is why I chose this particular value,” adds Ekaterina Anikanova.


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