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I offer an audio book by Christopher Hansard " Tibetan art positive thinking", as well as excerpts from the book in the text version: "The power of thought is immeasurable. Right thinking changes the lives of you and others. But many people have no idea that these huge opportunities are open to them. Often they are helpless and look for the meaning of life in the world around them, completely unaware of the amazing potentials that are inherent in themselves. They also don't realize that much of what they consider to be their thoughts is actually a rejection of their own instinctive reactions to the environment and to other people. Your life is affected by wrong thinking. Your future can change due to random thoughts and emotions. The use of thought powers was developed by the ancient Tibetans in pre-Buddhist times. Some mixture of wisdom and spiritual knowledge. The art of positive thinking still lives in the world today and it is as effective as it was thousands of years ago. Through the power of positive thinking, you can get rid of negative thoughts, transform your emotions, and develop new way life changing thinking. You are what you think. Thought directs everything. People pride themselves on being able to think, but in fact it is thought that flows through people. Thoughts create our lives. They make us sick and feel happy, achieve success. Our thoughts pollute the planet. Thoughts can thicken by themselves like clouds in the sky, and some unskillful thoughts attract other awkward thoughts. Right thought creates and transforms everything in us, from moment to moment. Our bodies are just a wrapper for an invisibly wiser consciousness. Everyone wants a better life but it begins in one's own heart and ends there.

The whole world is a thought and we are all thoughts within it. The first step to using thought energy is understanding the power of negative thoughts, mastering the technique of expelling them. There is no loneliness on earth. We just feel lonely and abandoned if we believe in it on a subconscious level. That is, if we are convinced that we exist separately from the energy of the thought of the earth and the multitude of people with whom it connects us. This faith is fertile soil for negative thoughts. They can be born in the mother's womb. Pregnancy is a great manifestation of thought in its material world. We can pick up negative thoughts as we develop in the womb, and these very first thoughts can influence our behavior throughout our lives. If you constantly indulge in negative thoughts, then you shorten your life. It is difficult for you to establish relationships with people, the problems become more and more. You lose the ability to enjoy simple things and this increases the negative effect. Life is getting too complicated. Inactivity in general worships everything overly complicated. The complicated masks the negative, hiding it from exposure. And you get so entangled in the complexities that you stop seeing the underlying denial of the problem.

Practice 28 days: Sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor. Set aside 25 minutes for the lesson, but if you want, then continue. Morning best time for classes, and from the days of the beginning of classes, Thursday, since this is the day of well-being according to the Bon rules for removing obstacles. You should finish the practice on Wednesday - this is the day of active action. You should do the exercise for 28 days because this is the exact amount of time that helps build mental energy to a level of strength and fullness that brings about rapid change. Begin each session by focusing on your problem or obstacle, and as you focus, imagine that the problem is going up in flames or being smashed to smithereens by a large hammer. When the problem is destroyed, the negative thoughts behind it will be revealed. Don't look for them. Just let them float to the surface when you are focused on burning and destroying your problem. As the exercise continues, all your negative thoughts will be cleared and give a positive burst of thought energy that will solve your problem and correct the situation. After completing the exercise, sit silently for a while, offering gratitude for the hardships of the past and for the good that this practice will create in the future. Remember, your world and yourself are based on thoughts. The more you do eu practice, the stronger your ability to create change will become and the stronger your mind will become. But before you start practicing again for 28 days, be sure to take a break of at least 7 days. This time is necessary for the changes that have already taken place to become apparent.

Ancient Tibet was a brutal country and it was common for spiritual teachers to fight mental wars, especially if they were asked to protect one kingdom from attack by another. The Tibetans were militant despite the spiritual influence of their teachers. Yes, and the teachers themselves during the battles of the armies sent mental projectiles at each other, often killing people and forcing the soldiers to retreat and depriving the enemy of the desire to fight. The art of controlling mental energy was then an important matter related to simple survival, regardless of the position that a person occupied in life. The greater the power of your thought, the stronger your energy, which means higher opportunities for further spiritual growth. And in the same way, psychic and spiritual healing took place sometimes from a great distance. Nowadays, there are also people who have this skill, like the great masters of the past. Thanks to my teacher, I myself somehow became a witness to the application of this great power of thought energy. What happened was truly amazing. Thought can kill, create, heal and protect, the teacher told me. And then one day, when we were in a small New Zealand town, we saw a man and a woman quarreling. The man flew into a rage and began to beat the woman. From where we were sitting, which was close to that couple, my teacher emitted a wave of nonviolent mental energy and made the man stop. The man was surprised to find that he could no longer hit the woman. He looked around, he felt that my teacher had stopped him, but he did not understand exactly how and did not know what to do next. And then he was frightened by his own rage, then he felt the fear and pain experienced by the woman who suffered from her outbreak. Together they approached the teacher and asked what happened and he explained to them that thoughts of any kind bind people and cruel thoughts lead to cruel deeds, and they, in turn, spoil life, destroy emotional and mental balance. And those two told us that at once they were imbued with a sense of peace and a desire to end the quarrel. And each felt the suffering of the other, discovered more the right way communication and learned to treat others with more love and kindness. Master used the thought energy in the most gentle way to prevent these people from causing serious harm to each other.

However, the energy of thought can only be used in exceptional cases. There is nothing good in interfering in the lives of other people and it is justified only by extreme necessity. To begin to understand the Tibetan art of positive thinking, we must first look at our own feelings and how they affect our thoughts. The ancient Tibetans believed that most people simply mentally react to emotions and desires, even if they themselves think that this is not so. For most people, happiness is the result or outcome of certain actions that originate in some kind of desire. And this desire is some kind of thought, because all desires and emotions are a form of thought. Desires and emotions can have different levels. Both those and others disappearing leaving behind traces of energy. Each emotion or desire leaves its mark in you, affecting you. Understanding how to use and harmonize emotional traces is the beginning of understanding the power of thought. How to discover the origin of your emotions? Sit comfortably, tense your whole body, close your eyes and focus on your heart. Imagine that it begins to soften and radiate emotional energy. At first, you may have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmany feelings, identify the strongest, and then call them to you. Give a name to each emotion and give thanks. When you have done this, offer emotion in exchange for the transformative energy of thought. For example, you can trade sadness for approval or understanding, or you can trade resentment for humility or laughter. For the source of your emotions, you seem to redeem the energy.

The idea of ​​exchanging emotion for energy is an ancient Bon concept, it is safe to use, very useful and gives quick results. The concept of redemption is easy to understand if you realize that during each day we make choices and trade one desire for another. Having decided to buy energy for emotions, you can deal with it with care at your own discretion. But the more you do it, the more clear the origin of your feelings becomes and the more your deep understanding increases. Letting go of emotions subdues your ego, pushing it further and further aside as you get to know yourself. Deep down, under emotions, you will find love and humor. Why? Because every human being is born with a natural ability to love and laugh. So don't be surprised if you end up laughing at yourself more and loving yourself a little more.

mental defilements. Has it happened to you - you enter a room and you are overcome by a feeling of discomfort and crampedness, or do you feel that you are familiar with this place, although you have never been here before. This is because your hidden, mental energy captures those thoughts that have accumulated in this place in the past. And these thoughts are like dirt and soot that have eaten into the walls of an old kitchen that has never been cleaned. Before we can comprehend all that exists and acquire power, we must learn to protect ourselves from the influence of unwanted thought energies of other beings. There is a great deal of mental dirt in the atmosphere around us. Thought pollution is the result of the inept use of emotions, the main base of thought energy. Often when we feel down or sick, it is because we are picking up mental defilements. After all, they penetrate us very easily. But we can also eliminate them from our mind and body by releasing positive energy from them. There are 8 main mental defilements, which, according to the ancient teachings of BON, affect us all. Here they are - envy, jealousy, greed, anger, lust, arrogance, careless actions and thoughts, selfishness. According to the teachings of BON, if these mental defilements affect us, they can affect the functioning of the brain and lead to various degrees of oppression of the mind. And this, in turn, affects our emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Spirituality is directly related to the ability of our brain to function correctly, as well as how the brain controls the body. Therefore, spiritual disorder can lead to physical illness. The brain and body are catalysts for highly developed thought energy. Therefore, it is very important to create energy flows between the brain and the body so that this thought can flow through them, strengthening and spiritualizing both. Such paths are created by directing mental energy from the mind to the body and from the body to the world. The eight mental defilements distort the energy path between the brain and the body, which is not beneficial for us. These distorted paths give rise to suffering, bad luck, emotional and physical illness. In order to find the source of any mental or physical disorder, or to get rid of the misfortunes that haunt us, we must take a close look at these mental defilements. If you can identify the emotional power behind some of the negative things in your life, you can change everything. But remember: emotions give us the experience of being human, and we should always give them thanks. It should not be denied, but understood, loved and transformed. Emotional energy is the starting point of how one should think because emotions are the base, the main scheme of a person's basic motives. We are all emotional beings, but some emotions affect us more than others, and it is these emotions that pollute us internally. According to the wisdom of the Tibetan teachings of BON, the eight categories of mental defilements are common to all of us, but the defilements themselves are seen as poisonous traces left by misapplied emotions. But you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Pollution arises merely from ignorance and lack of understanding of the nature of thought. Therefore, in exploring them, be kind to yourself, but at the same time be as honest as you can so that you reap the maximum benefit in the end.
Tibetan art of positive thinking part 1

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 2

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 3

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 4

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 5

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 6

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 7

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 8

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 9

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 10

Tibetan art of positive thinking part 11

This section contains positive audio recordings that inspire, motivate and help in difficult periods of life!

After listening to all the recordings of this section, an amazing mood is provided to you for a very for a long time, and success itself will come to meet you, as you have saturated your subconscious with positive information.

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Tibetan wisdom is the oldest of the arts of positive thinking, because the sages of the Bon school believed for many centuries that a positive transformation of the nature of mental energy is the way to heal the spiritual, physical and emotional ailments of a person. This book reveals to you the age-old secrets of mental energy concentration, a practice that will change your entire life.

Right thinking changes the lives of you and others. But many people have no idea that these huge opportunities are open to them. Often they are helpless and look for the meaning of life in the world around them, completely unaware of the amazing potentials that are inherent in themselves. They also don't realize that much of what they consider to be their thoughts is actually a rejection of their own instinctive reactions to the environment and to other people. Your life is affected by wrong thinking. Your future can change due to random thoughts and emotions. The use of thought powers was developed by the ancient Tibetans in pre-Buddhist times. Some mixture of wisdom and spiritual knowledge. The art of positive thinking still lives in the world today and it is as effective as it was thousands of years ago. Through the power of positive thinking, you can clear negative thoughts, transform your emotions, and develop a new life-changing way of thinking. You are what you think. Thought directs everything. People pride themselves on being able to think, but in fact it is thought that flows through people. Thoughts create our lives. They make us sick and feel happy, achieve success. Our thoughts pollute the planet. Thoughts can thicken by themselves like clouds in the sky, and some unskillful thoughts attract other awkward thoughts. Right thought creates and transforms everything in us, from moment to moment. Our bodies are just a wrapper for an invisibly wiser consciousness. Everyone wants a better life, but it begins in their own heart and ends there.

The whole world is a thought and we are all thoughts within it. The first step to using thought energy is understanding the power of negative thoughts, mastering the technique of expelling them. There is no loneliness on earth. We just feel lonely and abandoned if we believe in it on a subconscious level. That is, if we are convinced that we exist separately from the energy of the thought of the earth and the multitude of people with whom it connects us. This belief is fertile ground for negative thoughts. They can be born in the mother's womb. Pregnancy is a great manifestation of thought in its material world. We can pick up negative thoughts as we develop in the womb, and these very first thoughts can influence our behavior throughout our lives. If you constantly indulge in negative thoughts, then you shorten your life. It is difficult for you to establish relationships with people, the problems become more and more. You lose the ability to enjoy simple things and this increases the negative effect. Life is getting too complicated. Inactivity in general worships everything overly complicated. The complicated masks the negative, hiding it from exposure. And you get so entangled in the complexities that you stop seeing the underlying denial of the problem.

Practice 28 days: Sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor. Set aside 25 minutes for the lesson, but if you want, then continue. Morning is the best time to practice, and from the days of the beginning of classes, Thursday, since this is the day of well-being according to the Bon rules for removing obstacles. You should finish the practice on Wednesday - this is the day of active action. You should do the exercise for 28 days because this is the exact amount of time that helps build mental energy to a level of strength and fullness that brings about rapid change. Begin each session by focusing on your problem or obstacle, and as you focus, imagine that the problem is going up in flames or being smashed to smithereens by a large hammer. When the problem is destroyed, the negative thoughts behind it will be revealed. Don't look for them. Just let them float to the surface when you are focused on burning and destroying your problem. As the exercise continues, all your negative thoughts will be cleared and give a positive burst of thought energy that will solve your problem and correct the situation. After completing the exercise, sit silently for a while, offering gratitude for the hardships of the past and for the good that this practice will create in the future. Remember, your world and yourself are based on thoughts. The more you do eu practice, the stronger your ability to create change will become and the stronger your mind will become. But before you start practicing again for 28 days, be sure to take a break of at least 7 days. This time is necessary for the changes that have already taken place to become apparent.

Ancient Tibet was a brutal country and it was common for spiritual teachers to fight mental wars, especially if they were asked to protect one kingdom from attack by another. The Tibetans were militant despite the spiritual influence of their teachers. Yes, and the teachers themselves during the battles of the armies sent mental projectiles at each other, often killing people and forcing the soldiers to retreat and depriving the enemy of the desire to fight. The art of controlling mental energy was then an important matter related to simple survival, regardless of the position that a person occupied in life. The greater the power of your thought, the stronger your energy, which means higher opportunities for further spiritual growth. And in the same way, psychic and spiritual healing took place sometimes from a great distance. Nowadays, there are also people who have this skill, like the great masters of the past. Thanks to my teacher, I myself somehow became a witness to the application of this great power of thought energy. What happened was truly amazing. Thought can kill, create, heal and protect, the teacher told me. And then one day, when we were in a small New Zealand town, we saw a man and a woman quarreling. The man flew into a rage and began to beat the woman. From where we were sitting, which was close to that couple, my teacher emitted a wave of nonviolent mental energy and made the man stop. The man was surprised to find that he could no longer hit the woman. He looked around, he felt that my teacher had stopped him, but he did not understand exactly how and did not know what to do next. And then he was frightened by his own rage, then he felt the fear and pain experienced by the woman who suffered from her outbreak. Together they approached the teacher and asked what happened and he explained to them that thoughts of any kind bind people and cruel thoughts lead to cruel deeds, and they, in turn, spoil life, destroy emotional and mental balance. And those two told us that at once they were imbued with a sense of peace and a desire to end the quarrel. And each felt the suffering of the other, discovered for himself a more correct way of communication and learned to treat the other with more love and kindness. Master used the thought energy in the most gentle way to prevent these people from causing serious harm to each other.

However, the energy of thought can only be used in exceptional cases. There is nothing good in interfering in the lives of other people and it is justified only by extreme necessity. To begin to understand the Tibetan art of positive thinking, we must first look at our own feelings and how they affect our thoughts. The ancient Tibetans believed that most people simply mentally react to emotions and desires, even if they themselves think that this is not so. For most people, happiness is the result or outcome of certain actions that originate in some kind of desire. And this desire is some kind of thought, because all desires and emotions are a form of thought. Desires and emotions can have different levels. Both those and others disappearing leaving behind traces of energy. Each emotion or desire leaves its mark in you, affecting you. Understanding how to use and harmonize emotional traces is the beginning of understanding the power of thought. How to discover the origin of your emotions? Sit comfortably, tense your whole body, close your eyes and focus on your heart. Imagine that it begins to soften and radiate emotional energy. At first, you may have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmany feelings, identify the strongest, and then call them to you. Give a name to each emotion and give thanks. When you have done this, offer emotion in exchange for the transformative energy of thought. For example, you can trade sadness for approval or understanding, or you can trade resentment for humility or laughter. For the source of your emotions, you seem to redeem the energy.

The idea of ​​exchanging emotion for energy is an ancient Bon concept, it is safe to use, very useful and gives quick results. The concept of redemption is easy to understand if you realize that during each day we make choices and trade one desire for another. Having decided to buy energy for emotions, you can deal with it with care at your own discretion. But the more you do it, the more clear the origin of your feelings becomes and the more your deep understanding increases. Letting go of emotions subdues your ego, pushing it further and further aside as you get to know yourself. Deep down, under emotions, you will find love and humor. Why? Because every human being is born with a natural ability to love and laugh. So don't be surprised if you end up laughing at yourself more and loving yourself a little more.

mental defilements. Has it happened to you - you enter a room and you are overcome by a feeling of discomfort and crampedness, or do you feel that you are familiar with this place, although you have never been here before. This is because your hidden, mental energy captures those thoughts that have accumulated in this place in the past. And these thoughts are like dirt and soot that have eaten into the walls of an old kitchen that has never been cleaned. Before we can comprehend all that exists and acquire power, we must learn to protect ourselves from the influence of unwanted thought energies of other beings. There is a great deal of mental dirt in the atmosphere around us. Thought pollution is the result of the inept use of emotions, the main base of thought energy. Often when we feel down or sick, it is because we are picking up mental defilements. After all, they penetrate us very easily. But we can also eliminate them from our mind and body by releasing positive energy from them. There are 8 main mental defilements, which, according to the ancient teachings of BON, affect us all. Here they are - envy, jealousy, greed, anger, lust, arrogance, careless actions and thoughts, selfishness. According to the teachings of BON, if these mental defilements affect us, they can affect the functioning of the brain and lead to various degrees of oppression of the mind. And this, in turn, affects our emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Spirituality is directly related to the ability of our brain to function correctly, as well as how the brain controls the body. Therefore, spiritual disorder can lead to physical illness. The brain and body are catalysts for highly developed thought energy. Therefore, it is very important to create energy flows between the brain and the body so that this thought can flow through them, strengthening and spiritualizing both. Such paths are created by directing mental energy from the mind to the body and from the body to the outside world. The eight mental defilements distort the energy path between the brain and the body, which is not beneficial for us. These distorted paths give rise to suffering, bad luck, emotional and physical illness. In order to find the source of any mental or physical disorder, or to get rid of the misfortunes that haunt us, we must take a close look at these mental defilements. If you can identify the emotional power behind some of the negative things in your life, you can change everything. But remember: emotions give us the experience of being human, and we should always give them thanks. It should not be denied, but understood, loved and transformed. Emotional energy is the starting point of how one should think because emotions are the base, the main scheme of a person's basic motives. We are all emotional beings, but some emotions affect us more than others, and it is these emotions that pollute us internally. According to the wisdom of the Tibetan teachings of BON, the eight categories of mental defilements are common to all of us, but the defilements themselves are seen as poisonous traces left by misapplied emotions. But you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Pollution arises merely from ignorance and lack of understanding of the nature of thought. Therefore, in exploring them, be kind to yourself, but at the same time be as honest as you can so that you reap the maximum benefit in the end.

In life, there can always come a moment when hands fall and the hope that everything will be fine disappears. There are events that unsettle, when emotions become stronger than reason, when despair does not allow you to get back on your feet. At such moments it is very important to find the strength to move on. Peel Norman Vincent's book The Power of Positive Thinking will help anyone who needs it. It instills faith and understanding that everything will be as you want.

The author gives advice that will help get rid of negative emotions, become more calm and find ways to get energy. He tells how to learn to believe in yourself, and for this, as it turns out, not so much is needed. Here are tips on how to become happier, how to calmly and positively accept emerging difficulties that provide an opportunity to learn.

Readers of this book will learn to recognize the nature of the thoughts in their head and learn how to change them if necessary. The book teaches how to build a good relationship with others, suggests how to improve health only through positive thinking and faith in the best. Many problems will not seem so significant, will not cause such great anxiety, and sometimes even the joy of realizing what experience they can bring. The book shows that the most important thing is faith. And if you believe and hope for the best, then this is exactly what will happen.

On our site you can download the book "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Peel Norman Vincent for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.


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