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Galina Akinshina
The script of the fable by I. A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox"


fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov

"A Crow and a fox".

Scene: Russian folk music sounds (balalaika):

On one side of the stage - a table, a chair; paper, pen on the table;

on the other side of the stage - a forest, a spruce, a ladder with two steps.

Writer I. A. Krylov enters the stage, stops.

Krylov: Human vices are always visible to us.

So often a person is both blind and stupid,

And we are cruel to him ...

But I don't bother you anymore

And I will explain this with a fable.

(Russian folk music (balalaika) sounds.

Krylov sits down at the table. He picks up a pen and begins to write.

(music plays)

Two Letters run out onto the stage.

1st Letter: How many times have they told the world

That flattery is vile, harmful,

But all is not for the future.

And in the heart of a flatterer

Will always find a corner.

(Music for the Crow sounds and the Crow appears on the stage. She stops and examines herself, cleans her feathers).

2nd Letter: Crow somewhere god

Sent a piece of cheese.

(Music plays Aliluyah, Aliluyah)

God solemnly enters the stage and gives the Crow cheese.

(The same music sounds again and God sedately leaves the stage.)

2nd Letter: Perched on the spruce tree,

I was about to have breakfast...

(Music sounds. The crow sits on the ladder and is going to eat cheese ....)

2nd Letter: Yes, I thought

She had cheese in her mouth...

Crow: sitting in thought, holding cheese in its beak.

1st Letter: For that trouble Fox

She ran close.

(Music sounds. Fox runs onto the stage.)

1st Letter: Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped Lisa.

(The fox stops, sniffs, moves his nose towards the cheese).

1st Letter: The fox sees the cheese

(The fox peers intently and bulges his eyes in the direction of the cheese).

1st Letter: Cheese captivated the fox.

(The fox makes a movement showing that she is subdued).

2nd Letter: The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe,

(The fox begins to move towards the Crow, winds, wags its tail).

2nd Letter: He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow.

And he speaks so sweetly, breathing a little ...

Fox:"Darling, how pretty!

Well, what a neck, what eyes!

To tell, so the right of a fairy tale!

What feathers! What a sock!

(The Fox prayerfully folds its paws and obsequiously looks at the Crow).

Sing, little one, don't be ashamed.

What if, sister,

With such beauty, you are a master of singing.

After all, you would be our king-bird!

(The crow proudly started, drew herself up).

1st Letter: Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,

From joy in the goiter breath stole, -

2nd Letter: And to Lisitsy's friendly words

The crow croaked at the top of its throat:

Crow: Kaaa - rrr!

(The crow croaks, flaps its wings, the cheese falls. The fox grabs the cheese and runs away).

1st and 2nd Letters (together): Cheese fell out with him was such a cheat.

(The crow runs to catch up with the Fox).

Russian folk music sounds (balalaika, I. A. Krylov enters the stage.

Krylov: The moral of this story is,

What flattery is certainly bad!

There is always a flatterer for a simpleton,

Cunning and rogue.

The final music plays. All members take the stage

and sing ditties.


We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here

We can get lost.

Vitya is a very smart guy,

Everyone knows how to craft.

Just "hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak.

If they ask not Yerema -

Life is hard for Yerema.

He envies anyone

The poor thing is toiling.

Here the guys got on the tram:

Oh, how many people are here.

Take your seats guys

And then the grandmothers will take it.

Heroically Lena with laziness

Fought all day.

But, much to my dismay,

Lena won laziness.

A thousand times he said the word "give"

Scream like a parrot.

And in response to say "thank you" -

He answers like a fish.

We sang ditties to you

Is it good, is it bad.

And now we ask you

For you to clap us.

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Vladimir Shebzukhov "Fables about the fox and the crow"

Raven and his boss

Vladimir Shebzukhov

Our raven, an old friend, found a piece again
Such deliciousness that - from the heart to peck!
I didn’t fly up to the spruce (so that I don’t care about fate),
He fluttered up and smoothly sat down on a young oak tree ...

The reddish cheat did not have to wait long ...
Aesop's tongue at once Krylov heated
And as old as the world, singing the same song,
I caught a sly look from above ...

“But if so, my friend, then listen to the news:
Your wife yesterday with your boss
In the arms of Love, I almost fell into the abyss! ..
Then Cupid gave her wings! .. "

Here is our raven: "KAR-R-R!"
And ... even shout "FIRE!" -
All the goodies have gone
Fox cunning as a gift!

Moral (not so sad)
Could not write:

Don't yell at your boss
While in the mouth - a piece!

All the choices!

Vladimir Shebzukhov

“Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow…”
Aesop and La Fontaine have long been known to the world.
And grandfather Krylov was able to teach his ...
Centuries later, again, we all sing too.

Already hurrying to the raven, paying tribute to the ancestors,
Cheat, if it captivates, cheese on a spruce branch ...

“Would you like the elections
We spent in the forest?
“No, she would run past! -
I thought about the fox -

She must understand
Since the meetings have become rare!
Like a fox, like a raven,
They had their own ancestors.

“We have a democracy! -
Again the fox speaks -
She is a forest brethren
Let me say everything!”

There is no way to escape fate.
The voice does not stop -
“I would like the elections
Were you in the forest with us?

The raven thought, “The fable is a myth!
If I keep silent here,
The team will not forgive me!
He croaked - "Yes, I want!"

Only, regretting the cheese, a little,
The raven began to reason:
“If I croaked“ I don’t want! ”,
You can’t see all the cheese!”

Old, old fairy tale
Vladimir Shebzukhov

The crow was pious
Blyul posts with strictness.

At the hour of conversation, I found
Cheese again, and giving freedom to the wings
Fluttered up to eat deliciously.

Barely able to sit down on a spruce,
Suddenly ... (The reader guessed)
Under the spruce, the voice of the fox was heard:

“You think for sure;
I will ask you
So that you can open your beak ...
What I can't do...
No way, no way to persuade!
By no means...
I finally came to faith!
To see - not far, like yesterday,
This happened to me...
It's time to repent!"

The crow's eyes sparkled...
Cawed - "Amen, sister!" (?)

The plot, with a crow and cheese,
It will remain unique.
But we want in this fable,
Believe in sincerity... friends!

How much has been confirmed to the world

Vladimir Shebzukhov

“I am guilty before you! --
The fox suddenly confessed
Familiar bird above the head.
(This fable has no end)
Sat on the bitch again
Holding cheese in its beak.

I can't sleep peacefully
My whole story was a lie.
You're not that good at all
I lied to you.
Feathers are not worth a penny.
And the neck, so-so ... "

The crow here is surprised
Already in the beak the cheese was trembling.
“So she lied!
In vain was my "KARR"

Crow's eyes in the glow!
"No, no, talk to me!"

After all, how many times have they told the world
Think before you speak!

Scene-pantomime "Crow and Fox"

based on the fable of the same name

Leading: How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.

Music fragment of the fanfare "Paramond Pictures Presents"
Leading: Somewhere a god sent a piece of cheese to a crow;

Muses. fragment . V. Serduchka

« I walked quietly, walked, walked, found a pie

I sat down, ate, went again ...

I quietly walked, walked, walked and found a pie.

I sat down, ate, went again ... "(Crow goes, climbs a spruce)

Leading: Crow perched on the spruce,
I was quite ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I thought about it, but I kept the cheese in my mouth.
To that misfortune, the Fox fled close by;

(Music fragment from Seryoga's repertoire "Black Boomer") A fox is running

Leading: Suddenly, the cheese spirit stopped Lisa:

Muses. fragment Yu.Nikulin

"Stop the locomotive, don't knock the wheels

Conductor, press the brakes! ... "The fox stops, leads with his nose

Leading: The fox sees the cheese, -
Cheese captivated the fox,
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow
And he says so sweetly, breathing a little:

Muse phrase from m / f "Plasticine crow" ("Listen, crow ..."

Fox: "Darling, how pretty!
Well, what a neck, what eyes!
To tell, so, right, fairy tales!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, of course, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little one, don't be ashamed!
What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master of singing,
After all, you would be our king-bird!"

Muses. fragment from the repertoire of Potap and Nastya "We are a couple"

Like it or not, we are not a couple, not a couple,

Here we have such a zapara, zapara,

Whatever you say, we are not on the way,

We are not a couple, I'm sorry. Crow and Fox dance to the beat

Leading: Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
From joy in the goiter breath stole, -
And to Lisitsy's friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its throat:

Muses. fragment “Plasticine crow” “And the stupid crow, how something will sing ...”

Vitas "Opera No. 1" The crow depicts Vitas singing

Muses. fragment “Plasticine Crow” “And of course, that crow’s cheese fell…”

Muses. fragment S. Lazarev - Obsession "Abscess a-a-a, a-a wa-wa" The crow is crying, the fox is running away

Leading: The cheese fell out - there was such a cheat with it

Muses. fragment "Plasticine crow"

« The idea of ​​this fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,
Not only an adult will understand, but even a toddler.
Don't stand, don't jump, don't sing, don't dance,
Where there is construction or cargo is suspended.


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