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The case of the company "Arbat Prestige". Details

Two people have been detained in the so-called "Arbat Prestige case" - the owner of the company, Vladimir Nekrasov, and Evergate consultant Sergei Shnaider (Mogilevich). It is expected that the defendants in the "Arbat Prestige case" will be charged with tax evasion.

News, 10:07 18.04.2011

The case of the ex-owner of "Arbat Prestige" was dismissed, the lawyer said

The investigation has terminated the criminal prosecution of the former owner of the Arbat Prestige company, Vladimir Nekrasov, and businessman Sergei Shnaider (Semyon Mogilevich), who were previously charged with tax evasion, Alexander Dobrovinsky, Nekrasov's lawyer, told RAPSI on Monday.

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The Arbat Prestige chain is preparing to close the last perfume shop and cease to exist. The company's problems began almost a year ago, after the arrest of its owner, Vladimir Nekrasov, for tax evasion.

The company does not say when the last store will be closed. True, the network has long been selling off existing stocks of goods. At the end of November, all of its suppliers stopped working with the Arbat Prestige network. On the eve of New Year's sales, when the perfumery and cosmetic retailer receives up to 25-30% of annual revenue, the retailer was left with a monthly inventory in warehouses.

The arrest of the owner put the network at risk

The collapse of the empire "Arbat Prestige" began in January of this year, after the arrest of the owner of the network, Vladimir Nekrasov, on suspicion of tax evasion in the amount of almost 50 million rubles. True, on December 18, Nekrasov and businessman Semyon Mogilevich, who was arrested with him, were charged in the final version. The total amount of non-payment of taxes in new version charges increased from 50 to 115 million rubles. At the beginning of the year, Arbat had 98 stores. The chain's turnover in 2007 increased by 36.2% to $471 million. In the first quarter of 2008, the company received a loss of 281 million rubles, while sales fell by a third compared to the same period in 2007 and amounted to 1.6 billion rubles. "Arbat" owned 13 objects in Moscow with an area of ​​33 thousand square meters. m worth more than $ 300 million. In February 2007, the entire network was estimated at $ 1 billion, based on this capitalization, Nekrasov bought 40% of the company from Troika Dialog.


After Nekrasov's arrest, suppliers became nervous and began to refuse to ship goods without prepayment. In the spring, Beiersdorf, Procter & Gamble, L´Oreal and Max Factor stopped shipping to the chain. At the same time, the company had to reduce the number of stores, and then completely sell the premises in order to pay off creditors and suppliers. Four premises under the REPO deal were bought by the Uralsib bank, and the retailer is going to put up five more stores for sale in the near future. Last week, Alexander Dobrovinsky, chairman of the board of directors of the company, said that the company could rent out part of its premises. At the same time, claims against the company have already been filed by Nomos Bank for $27 million, Sberbank for 559 million rubles and suppliers for more than 200 million rubles. Wherein Court of Arbitration has already made a decision in favor of Nomos-Bank, which provided loans to the network secured by stores on Mira Avenue and Prishvin Street. Earlier, Dobrovinsky assured that he had offers for real estate at high prices, in addition, he intends to negotiate with banks on debt restructuring.

Preparing for bankruptcy?

On December 22, the Moscow Arbitration Court approved a settlement agreement between two subsidiaries of Arbat Prestige: Arbat & Co LLC recognized a debt of almost 1.6 billion rubles to Capital Estate LLC and undertook to repay the plaintiff's debt in several tranches by January 30, 2009 . The debt arose due to the fact that "Capital Estate" acted as a guarantor for the bonded loan "Arbat & Co", placed in 2006. To repay the loan, a loan from Uralsib Bank for $81 million was raised against the security of three Arbat Prestige Moscow stores owned by Capital Estate. In June, to redeem the bonds, these stores located on Kutuzovsky, Leninsky and Leningradsky prospects were sold to Uralsib. Experts interviewed by RBC daily say that the company will be able to repay the debt only by selling the remaining properties of the network, which, however, is already all pledged to banks. In this case, experts see two ways out: either Arbat Prestige will find a buyer for its stores, who will offer a higher price for them than banks, or the company should prepare for bankruptcy. However, a lawsuit from a friendly company could be filed specifically - in order to gain control over the bankruptcy procedure in the future.

Investigators stopped the criminal prosecution of the former owner of the Arbat Prestige company, Vladimir Nekrasov, and businessman Semyon Mogilevich (aka Sergei Shnaider). On April 18, reports RIA News referring to a lawyer Nekrasova Alexandra Dobrovinsky.

Headquarters MIA in the Central Federal District dropped the criminal case against the owner of a chain of stores " Arbat Prestige" Vladimir Nekrasov and businessman Sergei Schneider. "The case against them was closed due to the lack of corpus delicti," the lawyers for Nekrasov and Schneider said. Vedomosti

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, Nekrasov with the complicity Schneider from 2005 to 2006, by entering false information about income into the declaration, he evaded paying taxes totaling more than 115 million rubles

Let's remember how it started:

The week turned out to be busy in terms of traveling around St. Petersburg and meeting new people. Perhaps one of the main revelations is the story of the former manager of the St. Petersburg stores of the Arbat Prestige chain that almost the main reason for the destruction of this large perfumery network was the refusal of the owners to give the business to Svetlana Medvedeva.

It is not known for certain what kind of toilet water the First Lady of our country smells of, but her fragrances will undoubtedly haunt Vladimir Nekrasov, the former owner of the Arbat Prestige chain, the largest in the country, for a long time to come. Dmitry Medvedev had not yet become President of the Russian Federation, and already in January 2008 a powerful scandal erupted with the arrest of the founders of Arbat, in which hundreds of millions of dollars were spinning, and the cost of the entire network was estimated at $2 billion. It is worth noting here that this company was organized by Nekrasov from scratch, promoted by his own brains and forces, became the leader of his market segment. But if in the nineties, having big business, it was necessary to "share" with the authorities, then in the Putin-Medvedev country the concepts are completely different. When you become successful, representatives "from above" come to you and offer to give away half of the business, or better, all 100%. At the same time, you may be offered to remain the director of the company or, if you refuse to "cooperate", you can be imprisoned. A typical case here is not even Khodorkovsky, but Chichvarkin and Euroset. So they came to Nekrasov.

No one has yet publicly announced the names of those who promoted the "Arbat Prestige case", but inside the former team of the company everyone knew: Nekrasov refused to give the business to Svetlana Medvedeva, who is considered in the party to be the owner of another chain, Ile de Beaute. The offer was made to Nekrasov almost simultaneously with Vladimir Putin's announcement that he was appointing Dmitry Medvedev as his successor. Vladimir Nekrasov himself, described by my friend as an impulsive gay intellectual, reacted unequivocally negatively to the proposal "from above", almost sending me away.

“This is my brainchild and I will not give it to anyone, I will fight if I have to,” Nekrasov told his employees at the very beginning of the scandal. However, events took on a spontaneous character. Nekrasov was imprisoned and is still in jail. It is curious that already in February last year, Nekrasov's lawyer Dobrovinsky openly stated: "In exchange for business, we are offered to terminate the criminal case. Arbat Prestige costs from $1.5 to $2 billion. This is a very tasty morsel that they want to take away from Nekrasov."

Further events are known. "Arbat Prestige" has been slammed, Nekrasov is sitting and, according to rumors, is subjected to constant humiliation in a pre-trial detention center, due to his unconventional orientation, "Ile de Bote" by Svetlana Medvedeva is flourishing, the Medvedev thaw promised by analysts turns out to be a smaller version of Putin's vertical of power. Such is the aroma.

and one more thing (a kick from the appointed mayor, squandering city property):

The owner of the bankrupt perfume chain may also lose his office, located in a mansion built in 1917 near the Atrium shopping center. Arbat Prestige" Vladimir Nekrasov. The Federal Property Management Agency is trying in court to invalidate the lease agreement concluded by the businessman with the mayor's office until 2024. The Federal Property Management Agency insists that the object is owned by the Russian Federation.

Nekrasov - bankrupt, yeah, right now it's called that. A wonderful mansion, by the way, and how it was always well maintained.

In general, it's over - and okay, it's good that the person is free, and these ... let them choke.
By the way, what about Madame's declaration?

by the way, in the comments: oh, that's why all Arbat prestige discount cards are exchanged for Ile de Bote cards.
but, I’ll tell you, Arbat prestige VIP cards were exchanged for the same Ol’ Good.
And who does he belong to? ..... Really-e-ate??? who knows?

Arbat Prestige is a now defunct Russian retailer that developed a chain of perfumery and cosmetics stores of the same name. In the 2000s, it was one of the leaders in this market in Russia. Holding "Arbat Prestige" included the operating company of the same name trading network and real estate companies. The headquarters was in Moscow.

The company was founded in 1989 and was originally engaged in the distribution of perfumes and cosmetics. In August 1998, the first Arbat Prestige store was opened in the Ochakovo district (Moscow). The parent company of the holding was OAO Arbat Prestige (it owned shares in several companies and trademark), and LLC Arbat & Co, the operating company, managed the stores of the chain.

The Arbat Prestige network in its peak period included over a hundred perfumery and cosmetic stores located in Moscow, the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Kyiv and Kharkov. In January 2008, the network included 98 stores.

On January 24, 2008, the owner of the trading network, Vladimir Nekrasov, was detained and then arrested for 2 months in connection with the initiation of a criminal case under Art. 199 part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (non-payment of taxes by an organization). According to the Vedomosti newspaper, the businessman was accused of making payments for allegedly supplied products to controlled one-day firms and subsequently deducting the paid VAT.

On June 20, 2008, the company entered into a technical default, failing to redeem its bonds in the amount of 1.5 billion rubles. However, already on June 27, Arbat Prestige transferred the required amounts to creditors.

December 15, 2008 Arbat Prestige, in order to settle accounts with banks and suppliers, sold five of its stores in Moscow. The rest of the premises the company was ready to lease. In mid-December 2008, the management of Arbat Prestige officially notified suppliers of the termination of the network. As of December 24, 2008, only one store in Moscow operated under this trademark. At the beginning of 2009, the last store of the chain, located in mall Atrium in Moscow. "Arbat Prestige" actually ceased to exist.

On July 26, 2009, Vladimir Nekrasov, the owner of the bankrupt chain of Arbat Prestige perfume and cosmetic stores, and businessman Sergei Shnaider (Semyon Mogilevich), who were accused of tax evasion, were released from custody due to the expiration of their detention.

In April 2011, it became known that Arbat Prestige paid off or bought out the largest debts (to Sberbank for 341 million rubles, Uralsib for 583 million rubles and Nomos-bank for 1.033 billion rubles). At the same time, the cassation instance confirmed the illegality of tax claims against the company. After that, on April 18, 2011, the court decided to terminate the criminal case against the former general director of Arbat-Prestige, Vladimir Nekrasov, "due to the lack of corpus delicti".

Founder, main owner or manager of 100 percent of the shares of OAO Arbat Prestige. In 2004-2008 he also held the position CEO companies. In January 2008, he was arrested on suspicion of tax evasion in the amount of about 50 million rubles. In May of the same year, he resigned as the general director of Arbat Prestige and appointed former top manager Yukos Roman Khomenko.

Vladimir Ilyich Nekrasov was born in 1961 in the city of Snezhnoye, Donetsk region, Ukrainian SSR. In 1983 he graduated from the Donetsk Medical Institute.

In 1989, Nekrasov founded the Arbat Prestige company. She specialized in the distribution of perfumes and cosmetics and retail. After the first specialty store was opened in 1999, the company became exclusively retail perfumery and cosmetics. In 2004, Nekrasov took over as general director of Arbat & Co LLC, and in 2005 he became the general director and head of the board of directors of Arbat Prestige - Gradient OJSC.

In March 2004, Nekrasov sold a 40 percent stake in the Arbat Prestige network to the investment company Troika Dialog. The deal was valued at $100 million, valuing the entire network at about $250 million. At the same time, other experts in the same period estimated only the value of the real estate of the company that owned 14 stores at $200 million, and the market value of the entire chain at $400 million.

In February 2007, Nekrasov bought a 40 percent stake in Arbat Prestige from Troika Dialog. The entrepreneur paid $ 400 million for the shares, again becoming, according to some reports, the sole owner of the company. According to other sources, "both transactions were cashless and were made in the interests of the real owners of the network," and Nekrasov became only the manager of 100 percent of the shares. In any case, this transaction became the largest in the Russian perfumery and cosmetics market, and the total capitalization of the company was estimated at $1 billion. In the spring of 2007, the Arbat Prestige network included 94 stores.

March 26, 2007 at an extraordinary general meeting shareholders of OAO "Arbat Prestige" (the parent company of the chain) Nekrasov was again elected to the board of directors of the company, and Viktor Beskibalov was elected chairman of the board.

On January 24, 2008, Nekrasov was detained in Moscow on suspicion of tax evasion in the amount of about 50 million rubles. It was noted that fifty SOBR officers participated in his detention. According to some reports, together with Nekrasov, another well-known businessman was detained - wanted by the FBI for participating in fraud with shares in the United States, an entrepreneur, Evergate consultant Sergey Schneider (aka Semyon Mogilevich), whom the press called "one of the real owners of the network" . At the same time, operatives conducted searches in Nekrasov's office, office and home. Later, the Ostankinsky District Court granted the request of the investigator of the investigative unit at the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District to arrest the businessman.

On the same day, more detailed information about what Nekrasov is suspected of. With reference to a source in the operational-investigative group, it was reported that the businessman was charged with creating a scheme related to the illegal return of VAT. According to investigators, in the period from January 2005 to December 2006, Arbat & Co LLC, controlled by Nekrasov and part of the Arbat Prestige group of companies, made payments for products allegedly supplied to "one-day firms" Magnolia LLC, Alkion LLC and Original LLC, also controlled by the businessman, after which documents were submitted for a VAT refund. In turn, "one-day firms" that acted as suppliers of perfumery products, according to the investigation, did not pay VAT.

Best of the day

Nekrasov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky said that his client denies his guilt and "doesn't know at all what is at stake." He regarded the criminal prosecution of his client as "a redistribution of the market with the help of law enforcement agencies." In addition, experts suggested that the entrepreneur's arrest could be related to the trade in counterfeit cosmetics practiced in his company, as well as the use of "gray" schemes for the import of goods into Russia. The media also wrote that the Arbat Prestige case could only be a pretext for the arrest of Schneider (Mogilevich).

On January 30, 2008, Nekrasov and Schneider (Mogilevich) were formally charged with tax evasion. Lawyers for the entrepreneurs immediately declared that their clients denied all charges and expressed their intention to seek the release of those arrested on bail.

In February 2008, at a press conference, Dobrovinsky, Nekrasov's lawyer, said that "a very influential person" had offered his client $3 million to give up the Arbat Prestige company. The lawyer also said that if Nekrasov leaves the business, the criminal case against the businessman will be dropped, but if he does not, several more criminal cases will allegedly be initiated against him, in particular, under the articles "fraud", "smuggling" and "forgery". Dobrovinsky, who called the criminal case against the head of Arbat Prestige a "raider action", refused to disclose the identity of the person who made such an offer.

On May 16, 2008, Nekrasov appointed a former high-ranking employee as the general director of Arbat Prestige oil company Yukos Roman Khomenko. Prior to this, since the January arrest of Nekrasov, Alexei Shvetsov, the head of the legal department of Arbat Prestige, served as general director. According to Khomenko, Nekrasov invited him to "bring the company out of the crisis."

Nekrasov is a well-known collector, the owner of the largest collection of paintings. It was noted that most of the works from his seven thousandth collection are exhibited in the stores of the Arbat Prestige chain, and are also periodically exhibited in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Vladimir Nekrasov 01.05.2014 05:44:38

Obama should not stick his nose where the dog does not stick his dick. Otherwise, you will be left not only without a nose.


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