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Business on participation in trade chains "we buy imported - we sell to compatriots" ceases to be profitable. There are many reasons for this, from geopolitical to economic. For Russian production of any scale, the green light is on today. How to navigate among the opportunities that have opened up, what can a small business bet on?


The time of intermediaries is running out.

From the very beginning of economic freedoms in Russia and until recently, domestic small businesses preferred the sphere of trade and services. Often the business model was elementary: we buy abroad, we sell at home. Low competition, a huge range of choices ensured high profitability of projects.

* - with annual revenue up to 1 billion rubles. (2014 criteria)

The crisis, sanctions, a high dollar and a weak ruble dictate new rules of the game: competition in trade and services is increasing, demand is narrowing, profitability is falling. The most significant decrease in revenue for the 1st half of 2015 was recorded in the wholesale and retail, in cargo transportation . It's time for small businesses to adapt to market changes: today, production and implementation are in trend innovative projects. This is where a lot of free / little competitive niches. Let's figure out what is profitable for small businesses to produce in Russia now.

Assessment of the current situation by SME sectors for the 1st half of 2015

* - index of the current situation - expert assessment of the state of affairs for the past period
Source: Small Business Pulse survey, Alfa-Bank, June 2015

Prospects for production: where to look for profit

Imported products are now available in any Russian stores: food, sports, children's, household, electrical and other goods. Often under the inscription "made in Russia" a product assembled from foreign components is hidden. A small business can successfully launch any of these products. The main thing is to identify what product, what quality and price will be in demand.

When deciding on production, it is worth considering the moods/preferences of consumers in the B2B and B2C sectors. Russians - individuals buy less, save more. The direction of using free money has changed.

What are Russians willing to spend on?

Russian enterprises are focused on the purchase of goods/services that allow them to maintain/increase the level of sales while reducing costs, i.e. they are looking for inexpensive ways to increase the efficiency of business processes and reduce product costs. For example, by replacing imported components with Russian ones.

What is profitable to produce in a crisis by industry

1 Furniture: landfill chic

Italian cuisine is becoming an unaffordable luxury for many. It's time to offer our compatriots high-quality eco-friendly Russian-made furniture. Our consumer now counts money, is sophisticated in the practicality of furniture and has tried Ikea.

Therefore, a successful furniture business idea should be:

  • cheap in production, competitive in price;
  • fresh and original, using design solutions;
  • environmentally friendly, using the ideas of recycling.

Furniture made from pallets (wooden construction pallets) meets these requirements. It can be country, garden, intended for offices and creating residential interiors in country, loft or industrial style. At the same time, it is not necessary to disassemble the pallets, they are used as modules, constructing author's models. The secret is in the right handling. Pallets are a cheap and grateful "building" material.

Important nuance. Furniture should look stylish and functional, not clumsy. Professional designers should participate in the development of models.

2 Products for animals: cheaper and healthier

According to VTsIOM, 76% of Russians have pets. We are third in the world in terms of the number of pets per capita after the US and China. What is profitable to produce in Russia for small businesses for smaller brothers?

Russian market animal feed is growing despite the crisis. In the most profitable market segment - food for cats and dogs - today there are two leaders: Mars and Nestle (joint share - 86%). They can and should be squeezed out by domestic producers. The main thing is to choose the right niche.

It is believed that Russians do not save on pets even when they themselves have nothing to eat. In real life, people switch animals to economy-class feed, preferring the most useful options available.

Healthy food for cats and dogs - minced meat and bones with vitamin and mineral supplements. Such feeds are used by specialized kennels, they are hunted by knowledgeable cat and dog owners. The production of "natural cutlets" for animals is carried out in Russia by a few small producers. The niche is uncompetitive.

For the production of natural food for cats and dogs, an expensive technological line is not needed, everything can be organized on a minimum area with small investment.

To start a complete production cycle equipment required:

  • cutting table for meat products;
  • meat grinder and minced meat mixer;
  • molding machine / scales;
  • shock freezer and "hot" table for packaging;
  • freezer.

The cost of natural feed is lower than that of industrial "drying", even if produced from meat mechanical deboning, which is used in the manufacture of sausages. The business model is simple. The main limitation of sales is that there must be refrigeration equipment at the point of sale.

3 Building and finishing materials: money out of thin air

The building materials market is shrinking. According to a study by RD Construction analysts, a decline in production in January-July 2015 compared to the second half of 2014 was recorded for cement, ready-mixed concrete, reinforced concrete, red ceramic bricks: -12, -30, -15, -1.5%, respectively. This is how the reduction in the pace of mass housing construction backfired on building materials - the demand for housing is falling.

The main product of the recycling of old tires, crumb rubber, is used in the production of:

  • rubber tiles / paving stones;
  • coverings for sports grounds and fitness halls;
  • wall finishing materials;
  • innovative road surfaces;
  • accessories for cars (rugs, mudguards, etc.).

The cost of technological lines for "grinding" tires into crumb rubber depends on productivity, degree of automation of the process, quality and size of the output fraction. But in general, we are talking about costs of 1-12 million rubles. In addition to Chinese equipment options, there are also Russian ones: the factories of Vtorrezina Ecoprom LLC, Alfa-SPK LLC and others offer lines own design. It is better to prefer domestic equipment - both the quality of the product and the reliability of the machines are higher.

It is more profitable to produce goods with a high added value, i.e., in addition to crumb rubber, to issue tiles and coatings. The last two products are cold or hot molded from chips, polyurethane adhesive and dye. The cost of equipment starts from 2 million rubles.

The payback period for a mini-factory for the production of rubber tiles is from 6 months. The indicator is excellent, but the investments for the start will require impressive. There is a more economical entry option: many manufacturers (EcoStep, Masterfaybr, etc.) offer to start a franchise business. From 500 thousand rubles.

4 Goods for tourism: wide is my native country

The growth of the main world currencies and the appreciation of the cost work force in China favorably affect the domestic light industry market. In 2015 the share Russian manufacturers in this industry has grown to 24% and continues to increase. What should a startup focus on?

Russians save money on vacation trips abroad. Most have to be content with local color and sponsor domestic tourism. They need equipment.

  • tourist clothing and equipment of the middle price category;
  • budget tents (up to 5,000 rubles);
  • fishing goods low- and mid-price segment (up to 3,000 rubles).

The production of backpacks, ventilated caps / hats, windproof hats, gloves, encephalitis, thermal underwear, sweaters is a profitable business. You can choose a very narrow niche and engage in the production of mobile baths or thermal bags.

It is not necessary to develop innovative raincoats-boats or T-shirts-life jackets. It is enough to make practical and functional products a la the Expedition clothing range. But at reasonable prices.

5 Automotive equipment: Thule from Tula

What is profitable to produce in Russia for cars, where is the free niche? Comparing our popular Swedish plastic autoboxes from Thule brand with analogues is the same as putting Rolex against ordinary watches. The Thule customer pays for style and brand first. Moreover, luggage boxes from the point of view of production are the simplest products. Thule cost in Europe in the range of $400-970. The price, which is not humane at the current dollar exchange rate, is already at the place of production, in Russian retail stores turns into completely amazing: premium solutions cost 60,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The middle price segment of the autobox market in Russia (10,000 - 20,000 rubles) is now under the gun of Polish, Czech, Italian and Chinese manufacturers. Items from the Middle Kingdom deserve special attention: they are widely presented, but the quality is objectively low. Time to make car trunks in Russia. Domestic manufacturers of boxes for cars exist as a class, but are counted on the fingers (brands ATLANT, VetlaN, LUX). Moreover, some have a meager assortment, others specialize in "luggage systems from European components" (read: they depend on fluctuations in exchange rates), and the quality of others is lame.

During the crisis, mini-production of universal luggage boxes (for all car brands) made of high-quality plastic with a reliable opening / locking system in low and medium price categories is beneficial.

This will require:

Cheaper to manufacture soft autoboxes made of polyester, PVC and other plastic polymers. But it's already clothing industry and a completely different story.

Recently, many people want to open a small home business but cannot find a suitable idea that will bring good profit. There are many options that allow you to start your own business almost from scratch. In this article, we will tell you about what you can produce at home for sale and how to bring your business to prosperity.

Paving slabs from plastic bottles

Are you interested in what new things can be produced in our country in order to make a good profit? Pay attention to the production of paving slabs from used plastic bottles. This is a disposable container that is not suitable for reuse, so tons of free raw materials accumulate in landfills.

For recycling plastic bottles and making paving slabs, you will need the following equipment:

  • extruder;
  • Melting and heating machine;
  • Forming press.

Finished products according to appearance almost very similar to ordinary paving slabs made from concrete mix. Such material does not soften under the influence of high temperatures, does not slip and is highly durable. In order to purchase a full-fledged high-performance line, you need 1 million rubles. To save money at first, you can purchase inexpensive used equipment. It will cost you 300-400 thousand rubles. Raw materials for processing can be taken from the population.

Making paving slabs from recycled plastic is the easiest answer to the question of what can be produced in an economic crisis. By the way, paving slabs are not the only option that can be produced from waste. Many entrepreneurs are engaged in the processing of paper, scrap metal and other secondary raw materials. Profitable ideas are literally under your feet. The most important thing is to notice them in time and bring them to life.

Fuel briquettes

Citizens who live near wood processing enterprises can organize. Recently, such products have become in great demand in the market. It is purchased for heating residential buildings, industrial and public buildings. For the manufacture of fuel briquettes, chips, chips or sawdust are used. Such raw materials can be purchased at low prices at wood processing enterprises. Fuel briquettes are one of the most the best options that can now be produced at home without large financial investments.

For the production of briquettes, you will need a special machine for crushing wood waste, a dryer and a screw press for briquetting. The production line will cost you 500 thousand rubles. The wholesale price of 1 ton of fuel briquettes is 100–120 euros. In the presence of constant sales channels, the initial investment will pay off in just 1 year. If you are interested in what can be produced profitably during a crisis, try this promising idea at home.

Production of homemade dumplings

Pelmeni is a popular product that is always in high demand among domestic consumers. This is the most reliable option that can be produced in Russia in any economic conditions.

In order to engage in the production of dumplings, it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment and rent a production facility. Such a business can be organized at home literally from scratch and gradually expand your business. Hand molding dumplings will not bring you big profit. To increase labor productivity, you can purchase an ordinary household dumpling with a capacity of 10–40 kg of finished products per hour. It will cost you $150-200. If you can not decide, take this simple and quite profitable idea of ​​earning money into service.

In order for the business to be successful, take care of the channels for the sale of finished products in advance. Homemade dumplings will be happy to buy both shops and supermarkets. Even restaurants and cafes buy semi-finished products to save time. Your main task is to monitor the quality of products and the timing of their implementation. You can find buyers via the Internet or personally meet with the owners of retail chains.

Bed linen production

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for an answer to the question of what goods can be produced in our time in order to receive a decent stable income. If you have experience in sewing, you can organize at home.

According to statistics, each family uses about 7 sets of bed linen per year. This is a fairly demanded product, the demand for which does not fall in any economic conditions. If you can't find a suitable option that you can make yourself at home, try sewing inexpensive bedding sets and selling them on the market or on the Internet.

In order to organize such a business, you need sewing machine and fabric, which can be purchased in bulk. If you find reliable distribution channels, the entire initial investment will pay off in 4-6 months.

Bedding sets can be sold through your own online store or social networks. Children's bed linen by individual measurements and sketches is very popular.

soap making

Do not know what goods can be produced at home for sale? We present to you one of the simplest and at the same time sufficient profitable ideas- Manufacture of handmade soap. Such a business is characterized by a quick payback (5–6 months) and a high level of profitability (about 40–50%). The demand for such products is constantly growing. It increases annually by 10-15%.

Polymer clay jewelry

Can't decide what you can produce at home for sale? Recently, various ornaments and souvenirs from polymer clay. This niche is still practically free, so any newcomer can take his place in this market segment.

One author's product costs 20-50 dollars. You can make 15-50 decorations per month. This is a great option that can be produced for sale at home with minimal investment for people with creative abilities. When you have mastered this skill perfectly, you can conduct master classes and get a good additional income from this.

wooden utensils

This is a great option for those who are looking for what can be produced from wood at home. To get a good profit, you need to minimize costs and maximize labor productivity. This effect can only be obtained using special equipment. In order to purchase an inexpensive woodworking machine and other essential tool it will take about 40 thousand rubles. If you are limited in financial means, at first, you can make wooden utensils by hand to order. Author's products are much more expensive, so you can quickly raise the necessary start-up capital and purchase equipment.

Wooden barrels of the bath

Another profitable option that can be made from wood is to make barrel baths.

Such a business will require serious investments from you:

  • Equipment - 7 thousand dollars;
  • Raw materials - 4-5 thousand dollars;
  • Salary to employees - 1-2 thousand dollars.

One barrel bath costs 6-8 thousand dollars. All initial investment can be returned after the sale of two units of production.

blooming Sally

This is an ideal option for aspiring entrepreneurs living in countryside. The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a long time, so people who care about their health are happy to buy such products.

Release building materials and designs are suitable for the conditions of a private house or garage. In this case, you can buy factory equipment or make it yourself. The most cost-effective business ideas:

  • Concrete fences. To attract the consumer, it is necessary to create your own unique plate design. The list of equipment includes: casting molds, vibrating table and vibrating sieve, concrete mixer. The area of ​​the main production facility should be at least 50 square meters, plus several utility rooms for storing raw materials and finished products.
  • Bricks and cinder blocks. For manufacturing, vibrating machines are used, designed for a different number of blocks or presses for forming bricks. You can distinguish your products from competitors by developing your own especially strong recipe or by adding an original dye to the material.
  • Blocks of foam concrete and aerated concrete. In the production, foam generators, mixers and special forms are used.
  • Decorative tiles, fillets and gypsum ceiling rosettes. Requires creativity and creating original ornaments. Production is almost silent and involves from 2 to 4 people. The main equipment is plastic molds and a vibrating table.
  • Parquet, floorboard and wooden skirting board. For work, you will need a circular saw for making a longitudinal cut and a saw for making a transverse cut, as well as milling machine for the formation of the plinth relief.
  • Bamboo products - beams, wallpapers, ceiling panels, fences, blinds. Suitable for southern regions where you can grow raw materials yourself.
  • Nails and screws. At home, cold heading machines are used, which reduces the noise level. Productivity is from 25 pieces per minute. The starting price of the equipment is $3,000.

Release of consumer goods

Most promising ideas small businesses are products that are in constant demand. To conquer the market in this area, you need to create your own recognizable style and purchase the necessary equipment. You can produce:

  • Hosiery products. The main equipment used is a circular knitting machine (from $ 3,000), which allows you to produce from 12 pairs of products per hour. Raw materials are purchased from factories producing threads and yarns. With small volumes, yarn can be purchased on Chinese websites ( at a price of $ 0.5 per 1 kg.
  • Household products and plastic utensils. This category includes small basins, bowls, mugs, glasses, soap dishes, ladles, buckets, flower pots. Production requires an injection molding machine (from $3,000), molds, a vacuum loader (from $100), a manual bending machine.
  • Chairs, stools and cabinet furniture. At the heart of such production at home, wood (jointed solid wood, MDF) or metal structures can be used. For the production of wooden products, you will need a panel saw and a set of hand tools (drill, end saw, screwdriver, cutters, drills, grinder). In the manufacture of furniture using a metal frame, a pipe bender, a welding machine and a set of hand tools for working with metal are required.
  • Wooden products for household purposes (cutlery, toothpicks, combs, curtains, beads, cutting boards, bread boxes). The necessary equipment for a mini business at home in this direction includes a desktop lathe, drilling tools, a grinder or a multifunctional wood machine.

How to organize a home packaging business

Using mini machines for business at home, you can pack food under your own brand. At the same time, packaging of the finished product or with pre-processing is available to you. It could be:

  • Dry tea and herbal preparations intended for brewing. It is possible to pack raw materials by weight in polyethylene packages or carton boxes and also produce disposable bags. In the list necessary equipment- tea dispenser (designed for a different number of streams), automatic filling and packaging machine (performs packaging in individual bags, film, foil bags with zip fasteners), conveyor transportation systems, mixers (for preparing your own recipes, adding flavoring and flavoring components ).
  • Nuts and seeds. Purchased raw in agriculture, then undergo heat treatment with the addition of spices and flavors. Production requires: electric drum frying oven, cleaners, crushers and polishers (required for cleaning products after frying), packaging machine.
  • Dried fruits, cereals, cookies. To work with this type of product, universal dispensers and packaging lines are used.

Home production ideas are gaining unprecedented popularity today. The reason is the expansion of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses, production in the regions and at the federal level and an understandable, understandable desire to work for oneself, individually or in a family contract. The main thing is to competently resolve the issue of organization, settling legal issues. And (most importantly) to find a working idea, original or popular. In the latter case, one must be prepared for the fact that initial stage entrepreneurship will take all the time of a novice businessman, since it is not easy to overcome the barrier of competition and enter an industry where the idea is already being successfully implemented by others. But directly in production, this problem is most easily overcome, since this area of ​​activity has been mastered by less than 25%, and the idea here can be expanded and adapted by changing working conditions, offering fundamentally new products to the consumer.

Opening home production

Having decided on the subject, direction, you should think about the organizational and legal form of the case.

If the production is small, and there are enough funds to start on your own, you can start by registering as an individual entrepreneur.

It is cheap (the duty is 800 rubles, it is not difficult to understand the nuances of registration). In the absence of even basic knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, you can order the service of opening an IP. Depending on the region, it will cost 2,000 - 10,000 rubles.

If a manufacturing business a pool of shares is opened, and there are several founders, the easiest way is to register as an LLC (legal entity).

There is another advantage to this choice. Unlike an individual entrepreneur, which is liable for obligations and debts with the personal property of an entrepreneur, such liability does not apply to an LLC, therefore, less risk. On the other hand, an individual entrepreneur can manage his current account and cash desk at his own discretion, while for an LLC, expenses for personal purposes of these assets are unacceptable.

Feedback from the entrepreneur: We decided to produce wardrobes with a brother-in-law, since both he and I worked in such a production as workers for different owners. One by one, there was not enough money for equipment and materials; having formed, it was possible to score at the start. At first they wanted to organize an LLC. But then they changed their mind. So you won't see your money.

It is difficult to withdraw, a competent accountant is needed, and at first we could not afford such expenses. They organized an individual entrepreneur for me, fortunately, everyone trusts each other, they are satisfied, expenses have been reduced, business has gone uphill.

Viktor Afanasiev, 42, Nizhny Tagil

Production at home in the village

Landscaping and landscaping country house- the task of summer residents and homeowners. Businessmen can use this postulate as a working business idea. For its implementation, directions are used.

Business for women: needlework at home

Production of paving slabs

Well-groomed territory, dry and clean - it's easy. The main thing - simple idea and its implementation. Rubber crumb, concrete base as a blank for slabs produced on site at the customer's site or at home, in a separate utility room, building. Starting capital (rubles):

  • equipment (forms, presses) - 100,000;
  • raw materials - 10,000 or more, old tires can be accepted for recycling free of charge, which serve as the basis for crumb rubber plates;
  • commercial, organizational expenses - 5,000 and more.

Profitability - 70 -120 percent, payback - six months.

Production of garden landscape elements

The basis can be polystyrene, gypsum, clay, plastic synthetic masses, various combined bases.

In order to open such a production, a separate site is needed, equipped with electricity, heating, modern system exhaust and ventilation area of ​​at least 50 m2.

Implementation will not be difficult - you can sell finished products to neighbors or ship goods directly from the workshop (no trade permit is required). In most cases, ordinary hand tools are sufficient as technical means. Starting capital - 30,000 rubles, profitability - 60 - 110 percent, payback - from the first month.

From personal experience: At his summer cottage, he did everything himself, from the house to the landscape decorations. Guests and neighbors liked figurines and lanterns. When the reduction in the main job went, he decided to work in the country, to make "gnomes". It turned out great, after two months it paid off all the investments, after a couple more it turned out to be a good plus.

My net income is 100-200 thousand, depending on the season. Two and a half times higher than "uncle's". The main thing is that the hands and head are in place.

Sidchenko Roman, Kolomna, entrepreneur, 39 years old.

Manufacture of cabinet and prefabricated furniture

Materials, bases - varied. Vine, wood, rattan, chipboard, MFD panels. The main thing is the accuracy, functionality of the manufactured products. It is possible to produce furniture from blanks, large factories offer such an idea. Practiced and cheap franchises in this direction of manufacturing home business. For example, "ARGUTUS" with an initial capital of 60,000, "Nadezhda" - school and office furniture: 300,000, "Wicker House" - from 1,000,000.
Profitability - at least 100%, payback - from the third month.

Buying a confectionery as a ready-made business

Raising young poultry is a rational business today. An egg can be taken from the population, and 1-10 day old quails, ducklings, chickens can be sold to neighboring villages or poultry farms. Profitability - 80%, payback - 4-5 months, net income- 100-200 thousand rubles / month.

Production at home in the city

You can implement these directions in the garage, or by renting a small detached space near your home.

Production of door and window fittings

Handles, latches, larvae, locks, slopes and ebbs - the assortment is varied. A simple tool that does not require serious initial costs plus high level demand will make it possible to recoup small (at least one hundred thousand) initial investments in 4-6 months, reaching a profitability of 100-120 percent.

Opening a meat shop

Production of semi-finished products, a range of finished products (sausages, sausages, stewed meat).

Because the this species activity belongs to the field Catering, the implementation of the idea will require obtaining permits from the relevant services: Rospotrebnazdor, Veterinary Control and others.

Advantages - high demand, cons - significant start-up costs, for the purchase of equipment, starting from 300,000 rubles. Payback - six months to a year, profitability - 120 percent or more.

Feedback from the meat producer: Successfully opened in the summer, in season. They offered "branded" kebabs, kupaty. In autumn, the assortment was expanded with minced meat, homemade sausages, semi-finished products (azu, goulash, entrecote). The secret is recipes, the population of the microdistrict immediately switched from the products of the nearest hypermarket to our brand. He turned to the administration for help - they helped to establish sales and get a cheap loan.


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