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Labor rationing is closely related to the classification of working time. Working time- this is the legally established duration of the working day during which the participant production process must be at his workplace and qualitatively perform the functions assigned to him. It is classified from its costs and is divided into two groups: work time and break time.

Working hours- this is the period during which labor actions related to the performance of work are performed. It includes three elements: preparatory-final, operational and workplace maintenance time.

preparatory and final (t pz) is the time required to prepare for the execution of the production task, as well as to take actions related to its completion. This includes the time spent on receiving the task, conducting safety briefings, handing over the shift, etc. The preparatory and final time is spent once for the entire batch. It does not depend on the amount of raw materials (materials) in the batch. In single production, due to frequent changeovers of equipment, it reaches 15-20% of the total working time, and in mass production it is not taken into account.

Main work time(t o) is the time used for the direct impact of the tools on the object of labor. The main time is spent on a direct qualitative change in the object of labor (form, structure, physical and chemical properties and etc.).

Auxiliary work time(t c) is spent on activities related to the performance of auxiliary operations and work, and necessary to perform the main work. It is repeated in the manufacture of each unit of production. For example, it is required to bring raw materials, eat finished products, weigh them, etc.

The total duration of the main and auxiliary work is usually called time operational work (t op).

Workplace service time(t about) is the time required to care for machines (aggregates) and maintain order and cleanliness in the workplace. It includes time for changing dull tools, sharpening them, adjusting the mechanism, as well as the time spent on cleaning and cleaning the workplace at the end of the shift.

should be highlighted and downtime(t nr) - the time spent on the release of marriage, the performance of unusual functions.

breaks are divided into the following types: for rest and personal needs (t exc); due to technology and organization of production (t pt); for organizational and technical reasons (t from); related to violation labor discipline(t nd).

Rest time and personal needs- this is the time used for rest in order to maintain normal performance. This includes breaks for personal hygiene and natural needs. Time for personal needs and technological breaks is given in accordance with practice - in the amount of 2-2.5% of the operational time.

Time of breaks due to technology and organization of production, is associated with the expectation of some process due to the different duration of the associated operations.

Breaks of an organizational and technical nature associated with a violation of the production process (due to breakdowns of units, lack of raw materials, material, tools, equipment, electricity, water, steam, etc.)

Breaks caused by violation of labor discipline(lateness, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature departure, etc.) are downtime due to the fault of the performers.

The considered costs of working time are divided into normalized (t pz, t op, t about, t ex, t pt) and non-normalized (t nr, t nd, t from). The classification of working hours and breaks is given in Table. 13.1.

Table 13.1 - Classification of working hours

The classification of working time costs has such a grouping that would allow an objective analysis of the expediency of using the working time of performers and the time of using equipment.

In labor rationing, two classifications of working time costs are used: according to one of them total time subdivided into work time and break time, on the other - into standardized and non-standardized time. The time of work includes the time of execution of the production task and the time of work not due to the task (random or unproductive work). The break time includes breaks depending on the workers (for rest, personal needs and caused by a violation of discipline) and not dependent on them (for technical or organizational reasons). The break time is divided into necessary and unnecessary, overlapped by machine time and not overlapped. Normalized time refers to such costs of working time that are necessary to perform a given work. Irregular time is the loss of working time and the time spent on work that is not due to the completion of the task.

1. The normalized time consists of preparatory and final time, operational time, workplace maintenance time, breaks for rest and personal needs, breaks for organizational and technical reasons.

In general, the value norms of time includes:

The preparatory-final time is spent by the worker on preparing for the performance of the given work and on the actions associated with its completion. The norm of preparatory and final time is set either for a batch of products or for a work shift.

Operational time is used directly to perform a given work. It is divided into two parts: main (technological) time; auxiliary time. The main (technological) time is the time spent by the worker to change the object of labor (its shape, size, appearance, physicochemical or mechanical properties etc.), its state and position in space and repeated in the manufacture of each unit of production. Auxiliary time includes the time that is spent on working methods, without which the main (technological) process is impossible: installation and removal of a part, machine control, tool approach and withdrawal, etc.

The workplace maintenance time is used by the worker to take care of his workplace and maintain it in working condition throughout the shift and is divided into:

  • time of organizational maintenance, it is not related to the work performed and is implemented 2 times per shift: at the beginning and at the end of the shift;
  • · time Maintenance, associated with the operation being performed; this is the time spent on adjusting equipment and fixtures in the process of work, changing a dull tool, cleaning chips, etc.

The time for breaks for rest and personal needs is usually set at 8-10 minutes per shift (at construction sites - 15 minutes) and in all cases is included in the time limit.

Time of breaks for organizational and technical reasons -- these are breaks associated with the repair of mechanisms on schedule, waiting for service due to the employment of a worker serving several machines.

  • 2. Non-standardized time includes loss time:
    • for organizational and technical reasons. These are losses associated with waiting for work, workpieces, tools, machine repairs, masters, etc.
    • through the fault of the worker. Under the loss of working time due to the fault of the worker understand breaks in work due to violations of labor discipline and daily routine.

There are two main types of rationing of the cost of working time:

Experimental-statistical. With this method, the norms are set on the basis of the personal experience of the normer, statistical data. Such norms are called experimental-static, they do not contribute to an increase in labor productivity, therefore they must be replaced by scientifically based norms established by analytical methods.

Analytical. scientific method. It is based on the study of the operation by dividing it into labor methods, on the study of factors affecting the duration of individual labor methods; on the design of a rational labor process, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of a person. On this basis, the standard duration of individual elements of work is determined and the norm of time is calculated. When using the analytical method, labor standards are established in the following ways:

  • 1) research. Based on the photograph data of the working day and timing, so it is quite laborious, but it provides high accuracy of calculations;
  • 2) analytical. Time norms are calculated according to ready-made standards, which were previously established by an analytical and research method.

The time of work to fulfill the production task is divided into preparatory and final, main, auxiliary and maintenance time of the workplace,

The time for preparatory and final work includes the time for preparing the workplace and objects of labor for the task (obtaining materials, familiarizing yourself with the drawings, preparing equipment for operation, receiving instructions from the master, etc.), as well as time for operations related to completion of the task (transfer of equipment to the changer, delivery of products, tools, etc.).

The time of the main work is the time spent on fulfilling the main purpose of the operation, i.e., changing the shape, size, physical or chemical properties, state, externally, type, relative position of the elements of the object of labor.

Auxiliary time includes the time spent on creating conditions for performing the main work (for example, installing, fixing and removing workpieces, starting, stopping and controlling the machine, control measurements and journal entries, etc.).

Main and auxiliary time can be machine, machine-manual or manual. The sum of the time to complete the main and auxiliary work is called the time of operational work.

The maintenance time of the workplace is spent on maintaining the equipment, tools, fixtures, control devices and control devices in working order. technological process and to keep the workplace clean and tidy. When rationing machine and machine-manual work, it is sometimes subdivided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance.

In machine, automated and instrumental operations, the time of preparatory-final and auxiliary work and maintenance of the workplace, depending on the possibility of their combination with the time of the main work, is divided into overlapping and non-overlapping.

Scheduled breaks include: rest breaks to prevent overwork; breaks for personal needs - time for personal hygiene and natural needs; breaks of an organizational and technical nature, due to the technology or organization of the production process.

Working time is the time of participation in labor activity, measured by the duration of the working day, week, month or year; time serving as a measure of evaluation of various labor costs. The length of the working day or week is not the same in different countries and differs according to the sectors of the economy, working conditions, professions and age of workers.

The classification of working time costs is a combination of working time costs into related groups with common features in order to study the structure and develop an optimal balance of working time costs, identify irrational working time costs, and determine a possible increase in labor productivity.

Classification of the cost of working time of production workers. As a single, satisfying the requirements of all sectors of the economy in our country, a differentiated classification of the costs of the contractor's working time has been adopted, containing the division of time costs into categories and types. This classification is used to establish the correct proportions and absolute dimensions of the constituent elements of the normalized time. In cases where it is not possible to single out for study certain categories and types of time spent in the performance of individual works, it is recommended to analyze larger categories and types of time costs. Working time, or the time of the work of the performer, is made up of work time to complete the production task and break time . It should be noted that the time of work includes the time spent by the worker to prepare for the performance of the production task. Thus m, the working time consists of the following categories of expenses of the contractor's working time: preparatory and final time, operational time and workplace maintenance time. Preparatory and final time is used by the worker to prepare for the performance of the production task and the actions associated with its completion. Its duration does not depend t on the amount of work performed. In practice, the preparatory-final time is set, as a rule, for the performance of a specific task (for example, a batch of products).

operational time- the time spent directly on the performance of the given work. In turn, it is divided into main and auxiliary time.

The main time is the time during which the immediate goal of the technological process is achieved, i.e. there is a qualitative change in the object of labor. Auxiliary time is the time spent on performing activities that make it possible to perform the main work. Auxiliary elements of operations include the installation and removal of parts, equipment management, control of manufactured products, etc.

Time workplace maintenance necessary to maintain the workplace in a state that ensures productive work during the shift. It is subdivided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance. The maintenance time of the workplace is the time spent by the worker on the care of the workplace, equipment and tools that he needs to complete the production task. The time of organizational maintenance of the workplace is spent on caring for the workplace associated with the performance of work during the shift. This category includes the time spent on laying out at the beginning and cleaning at the end of the working shift of tools, cleaning and lubricating equipment.

Working hours not provided for by the production task , is the time spent doing random and unproductive work. To random work that is not provided for by the production task, but caused by production necessity, should be attributed. Unproductive the work is not only not provided for by the production task, but is not caused by production necessity.

Break time It is subdivided into time of regulated and time of unregulated breaks in work. Time of scheduled breaks includes time for rest and personal needs and time for breaks for organizational and technical reasons. Time interruptions in work due to technology and organization production process is the time, the need for which is caused by the specifics of the technological process or the organization of production. Time for rest and personal needs installed to maintain normal performance and for personal hygiene. The duration of rest breaks depends on working conditions.

Breaks in work associated with a violation of the normal course of the production process are unscheduled breaks. The reasons for their appearance - shortcomings in the organization of production and violations of labor discipline.

All working time the contractor can be divided into productive costs and lost working time.

The productive costs of working time include the time of work to fulfill the production task, the time of doing odd work and the time of regulated breaks in work.

Loss of working time is the time of unproductive work and the time of unscheduled breaks in work.

Classification of the cost of working time of managerial personnel The classification of the costs of working time of managerial personnel is based on the above classification of the costs of working time of production workers. In this regard, we will dwell in more detail only on those categories and types of expenditure of working time of managerial personnel, which have fundamental differences in their content.

Time organizational and administrative work- this is the time spent on the direct management of the actions and behavior of people in the course of their work. This type activity includes the following operations: service and communication, administrative, coordination control and evaluation.

Time creative work- this is the time of the mental activity of the worker, aimed at researching and developing the production problems facing him. The results of creative work, as a rule, are the development and adoption of decisions, the determination of ways and methods to achieve the goals.

Time formal-logical work- time spent on performing operations based on information processing using available algorithms, techniques and predetermined rules.

Time technical work- this is the time for performing stereotyped operations for information support of production, labor and management processes. In the process of performing these operations, as a rule, various means of computer and organizational technology are used.

The considered classification of working time costs can be used not only to study and analyze the cost structure and labor content of managerial personnel, but also to determine the frequency of performing certain types of work and operations, the level of their automation or mechanization.

The production process can be viewed as a process of increasing the time spent on manufactured products. In this regard, the first question that arises in the organization of labor is to determine what time costs are necessary and should be included in the norm. It is also important to define

Rice. 2.6.1.

efficient use of time funds of employees and equipment. All these issues are resolved on the basis of the classification of the costs of working time.

The classification of time costs can be carried out in relation to three elements of the production process: the subject of labor, workers and equipment. Classification in relation to the object of labor (Fig. 2.6.1) is also a classification in relation to the production process, because in this case we are talking about the time required to turn the object of labor into a product of labor. Based on this classification, the composition of the time spent included in the norms is established.

When calculating labor standards, the costs of working time are established: preparatory and final, operational, maintenance of the workplace, rest and personal needs, and regulated (normalized) breaks.

preparatory and final called the time spent on preparing for the implementation of this task and the actions associated with its completion: obtaining a tool, fixtures, technological and planning documentation; familiarization with the work, drawing; briefing on the procedure for performing work; installation of devices and tools; equipment adjustment; removal of fixtures and tools after work; delivery of fixtures, tools, documentation. A feature of the preparatory-final time is that it is spent once on work (a batch of objects of labor) and does not depend on the amount of work performed on this task. In some productions, preparatory and final time is not allocated.

Operational called the time spent on changing the shape, size, properties of the object of labor, as well as on the implementation of auxiliary actions necessary to implement these changes. Operating time costs are repeated with each unit of production or a certain amount of work. It is divided into main and auxiliary.

Basic (technological) time is spent on a purposeful change in the object of labor (its size, shape, composition, properties, state and position). Auxiliary - the time during which raw materials, blanks are loaded, finished products are eaten, equipment is controlled, its operating modes are changed, the technological process and product quality are monitored.

Workplace service time is the time spent by the worker to care for the equipment and maintain the workplace in good condition. The service time of the workplace is divided into technical and organizational. Maintenance time of the workplace is spent on caring for the equipment during the performance of this particular job. In particular, this category includes the time for replacing worn tools, adjusting equipment, cleaning chips, etc. Organizational service time is spent on the care of the workplace associated with the performance of work throughout the shift. This category includes the time spent on laying out at the beginning and cleaning at the end of the working shift of tools, cleaning and lubricating equipment.

Time of scheduled breaks includes time for rest and personal needs and time for breaks for organizational and technical reasons. Rest time and personal needs installed to maintain normal performance and for personal hygiene. The duration of rest breaks depends on working conditions. Rest time also includes the time of industrial gymnastics. Time of regulated (normalized) breaks for organizational and technical reasons objectively determined by the nature of the interaction between workers and equipment. Eliminating these interruptions is practically impossible or not economically feasible. For example, if one worker serves several machines, then in many cases it is impossible to completely synchronize the time of the worker's action with the machine time. The consequence of this is breaks, which should be included in the time limit.

Time of unscheduled breaks includes downtime of equipment and workers caused by violations of the established technology and organization of production. These breaks are not included in the time limit.

When analyzing the time spent by employees, first of all, the time of their employment and the time of breaks are singled out. Employee time includes time to complete a production task and time to be busy with other jobs. The latter includes the time of random work outside the established schedule and the time of unproductive work (correction of defects, search for materials, tools, fixtures, etc.).

Busy time can also be divided into time of direct work, transitions(e.g. for multi-machine work) and active surveillance behind the course of the technological process, which is necessary in order to ensure its normal course. If a worker is actively watching, he should not perform other functions. In addition to active, it is also possible passive observation, which is one of the types of breaks in the employment of a worker for organizational and technical reasons. Passive watch time may occur during maintenance automatic lines, devices, during multi-machine work. The economic feasibility of passive surveillance is established as a result of calculations of optimal service and population standards. Whenever possible, passive observation time should be used to perform simple functions(layout of tools, cleaning of the workplace, etc.), the implementation of which is stopped if the intervention of the employee in the course of the production process is necessary.

When analyzing the cost of working time, unscheduled breaks due to organizational and technical reasons and through the fault of the employee. The time of unscheduled breaks for organizational and technical reasons includes downtime of equipment and workers due to waiting for workpieces, documentation, tools, etc., as well as excessive break times associated with the non-synchronization of the production process. The time of breaks due to violation of labor discipline (due to the fault of the employee) is due to the late start and premature completion of work, excess rest time, etc.

For the calculation of labor standards, the division of time costs into overlapped and non-overlapped is essential.

To overlapped usually include the time for the worker to perform those elements of the labor process that are carried out during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. non-overlapping is the time for performing labor methods (setting the workpiece, quality control, etc.) with the equipment stopped (idle) and the time for machine-manual methods.

In a broader sense, overlapped (combined) should include the time spent on all work that is performed simultaneously (in parallel) with those elements of the operation that determine its duration. It is especially important to consider the overlapped time costs when an operation is performed by several workers.

The time that the equipment works without any participation of workers is called free machine (hardware) time. It is necessary to strive to ensure that this time is used for multi-machine maintenance, combining functions and professions.

When establishing labor standards and analyzing the cost of working time, the latter are divided into normalized and non-standardized. The regulated ones are required for data specific conditions the costs of the main, auxiliary time, time for servicing the workplace, for rest and personal needs, regulated breaks for organizational and technical reasons, preparatory and final time. The total value of these time costs per unit of output is usually called piece-calculation time(/shk):

where t w - piece time; T t - preparatory and final time for a batch of objects of labor; P - lot size; t 0 - main time; t c - auxiliary time; / 0 b - service time of the workplace; t ml - time for rest and personal needs; tm- time of normalized breaks for organizational and technical reasons; / P s - preparatory and final time per unit of production.

The main time is included tmK completely, and for the remaining terms of formula (2.6.1), only their non-overlapping parts are taken into account.

Since there are terms in formula (2.6.1) that are not repeated with each unit of production (for example, t Qb, f 0 ™), the value / shk determines the average cost of the normalized time per unit of production for this operation.

The costs of working time act as a universal measure of labor, therefore, labor rationing proceeds from the planned and rational distribution of the entire total working time into constituent elements (Fig. 3.2). Figure 3.2 shows that all costs of working time are divided into two parts: work time and break time.

Working time is the period during which the worker performs labor activities. It is subdivided, in turn, into preparatory and final time, operational time and time for servicing the workplace.

Break time is the period during which labor process is not carried out (regardless of the reasons), and the performer does not perform any labor actions. The time of breaks is usually divided into the time of regulated and unregulated breaks in work.

Preparatory-final time (t „, 3)- this is the time spent by the worker to prepare for the performance of the given work and to the actions associated with its completion. This type of work time includes the following steps:

  • obtaining a production task, tools, fixtures and technological documentation;
  • familiarization with the work, technological documentation, drawing;
  • receiving instruction on the procedure for carrying out work;
  • adjusting the equipment for the appropriate mode of operation;
  • trial processing of the part on the machine;
  • removal of fixtures, tools, delivery of finished products to the department technical control(OTK), delivery of technological documentation and drawings.

Rice. 3.2.

A feature of this category of time costs is that its value does not depend on the amount of work performed on this task, i.e. This is a one-time cost per batch of manufactured products. Therefore, in large-scale and mass production per unit of production, they are insignificant and are usually not taken into account when setting standards.

operational time(G op) is the time spent directly on the performance of a given work (operation), repeated with each unit or a certain volume of products or work. It is divided into main and auxiliary time.

Main time (t a) - this is the time spent by the worker on actions to qualitatively and quantitatively change the object of labor, its state and position in space. It can be machine, machine-manual, manual.

Auxiliary time (t B) is the time spent by the worker on activities that ensure the completion of the main work. It is repeated either with each processed unit of production, or with a certain volume of it. The auxiliary time includes the time to load the equipment with raw materials and semi-finished products; unloading and eating finished products; installation and fixing of parts; detachment and removal of parts; movement of the object of labor within the working area; equipment management; movement of individual mechanisms of equipment; rearrangement of the working tool, if this is repeated with each unit of production; quality control of manufactured products; movement (transitions) of the worker necessary to perform operations and other similar work. If the auxiliary time is combined with the main one, then it is called overlapped and is taken into account when calculating the norm of time.

Workplace service time (t 0 &)- the time spent by the worker on caring for the workplace and maintaining it in a condition that ensures productive work during the shift. In machine and automated production processes, this time is divided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance.

Maintenance time(? tech) is the time spent caring for the workplace, equipment and tools needed to complete a particular task. It includes the time spent on sharpening and replacing worn tools, adjusting and adjusting equipment during operation, cleaning up production waste and other similar work.

Organizational service time(? org) is the time spent by the worker to maintain the workplace in working order during the shift. It does not depend on the characteristics of a particular operation and includes the time spent: on the reception and delivery of a shift; layout at the beginning and cleaning at the end of the change of tools, documentation and other materials and items necessary for work; movement of containers with blanks or finished products within the workplace; inspection, testing, cleaning, washing, lubricating equipment and other similar works.

Scheduled break times(? r p) includes the time of breaks in work due to the technology and organization of the production process (G pt), for example, a break in the work of the crane operator while the workers are slinging the load being lifted. This category also includes time for rest and personal needs of the contractor (? 0 td) Time of unscheduled work breaks(G, fP) - this is the time of interruptions in work caused by a violation of the normal course of the production process. It includes the time of interruptions caused by shortcomings in the organization of production (? ON t): untimely filing for workplace materials, raw materials, equipment malfunction, power outages, etc. In addition, this includes the time of breaks in work caused by violations of labor discipline (Gr): being late for work, absenteeism from the workplace, leaving work prematurely, etc.

When analyzing the cost of working time in order to identify and subsequently eliminate the loss of working time and their causes, all the working time of the performer is divided into productive costs and lost working time. The first of these includes the time of work to complete the production task and the time of regulated breaks. These costs are the object of rationing and are included in the structure of the time norm. Losses of working time include the time of performing unproductive work and the time of unscheduled breaks. These costs are subject to analysis in order to eliminate or minimize them.


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