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Foreman - managerial position mid-level construction worker. Therefore, specialists of this level first of all need to have high communication skills, because their work is directly related to communication with people, as well as to the organization of work of subordinates. At present, this position is considered to be quite in demand in the labor market. For those who have chosen this professional path for themselves, we have prepared short review wages foreman in various regions of Russia. But first, let's take a closer look at the functionality of a specialist of this level.

Typical functionality

AT official duties The foreman includes the organization and control of the work process at the facility, technical supervision of the timing and quality of work, as well as control of compliance of the work performed with the requirements of design and technological documentation. In addition, he must be able to organize work with subcontractors and coordinate it with the customer and control services. Registration and maintenance of technical, budget, reporting documentation is also included in the typical functionality of the foreman. He will also have to participate in the acceptance of the work performed and the commissioning of the facility, as well as monitor compliance with safety regulations during the performance of work.

Salary range

The foreman of the first range will require secondary specialized education, experience in construction for at least two years, confident use of a PC, knowledge of the basics of production technology and methods of conducting construction works. In addition, he must know the procedure for issuing design estimates, acceptance of objects and methods for monitoring the quality of work performed, as well as SNiP, GOSTs, labor protection and safety standards. Knowledge of the market of modern finishing and building materials, the device of engineering systems of buildings and structures and the skills of reading drawings, a young specialist will also need. A specialist of the second range, in addition to all of the above, must have organizational skills and have a work experience as a worker for at least one year. Of the possible wishes: skills in AutoCAD / ArchiCAD and the presence of an electrical safety clearance group. The third range is higher education, availability of qualification permits, successful experience in the delivery of work performed to the general contractor and the operating organization, and work experience as a work supervisor for at least three years. Perhaps, in addition to this, he will be required to have category B rights and a personal car, as well as readiness for business trips. Foremen of the fourth range, who have worked in this position for more than five years, can count on the maximum salary, with work experience in the construction of large facilities.

Range I

Range II

Range III

Range IV

No experience in this position

With experience from 1 year

With experience from 2 years

With work experience of 3 years

70 000 - 120 000

St. Petersburg

55 000 - 100 000



Nizhny Novgorod




Today, the position of foreman is not only quite in demand on the labor market, but also takes pride of place in the list of promising professions, on the basis of which it is really possible to build a fairly good and consistently profitable career. To become a good foreman, you need to learn how to combine two main functions: to work with people of different status positions (with simple workers and direct superiors), and also to understand perfectly what exactly the customer wants to see at the end of the work, and be able to realize exactly his idea in life, taking into account their professional knowledge.

Places of work

Such a position as a foreman can be found not only in construction organizations, but also in architectural bureaus, as well as in private workshops that are engaged in repair work. But it is more correct to speak about builders, choosing a similar profession for themselves.

Briefly talk about responsibilities

The duties of a foreman as a middle manager are quite complex and multifaceted. His main goal is to realize the tasks that the higher authorities set for him. The list of direct supervisors of the foreman should include not only the head of the construction site, but also the director of the organization, the chief engineer. It is with these specialists that the foreman must first discuss each of his important steps.

Correctly decipher the title of the position in order to understand the full range of responsibilities

People who are far from construction may, for example, decipher such a position as "finishing foreman" as "professional finishing worker." In fact, the foreman is the producer of the work, and any work that can be associated with both construction and repair will simply not be done without the foreman.

The list of tasks that the specialist faces, according to job descriptions

Of course, there is a specific list of tasks that the authorities set for the foreman. The list of tasks may vary depending on the specifics of the organization's activities, as well as on what job duties of the foreman are provided for by regulatory documents.

AT without fail The foreman must perform the following tasks:

  • properly organize the entire labor process of the team of subordinate employees;
  • constantly monitor compliance with safety regulations by each of the workers;
  • monitor the availability of materials necessary for the work and order them in a timely manner so that there is no production downtime;
  • maintain all necessary documentation and, as soon as necessary, provide it for review by direct management.

The rights of the foreman, according to the job description

As for any other representative of the management team, the job description should indicate not only the duties of the foreman of the construction site, but also his rights. Most standardized documents of this type will list the following:

  • the foreman has the right, as soon as necessary, to familiarize himself with all the draft decisions that were put forward by the higher management, if they relate to his area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork;
  • a specialist in this position has the right to submit his proposals for consideration by the management, which will contribute to the improvement of the production process;
  • The foreman has the right to certify documents that are in his area of ​​competence.

Who can become a foreman (according to the legislation)?

The job description of the foreman implies that only a person who has the appropriate education can apply for such a vacancy.

If there is only a construction technical school behind the back of a potential applicant, then promising organization will also require three years of work experience as a foreman. More likely are young professionals who have graduated from an institute or university in the relevant field of study.

The duties of a foreman also imply that the applicant must have sufficiently deep knowledge and skills to work with the necessary and relevant today. software, otherwise about a similar position with a high salary may not dream.

What awaits the applicant during the labor process?

The duties of a foreman are quite complex and extensive, so you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to get tired not only physically, but also morally, as well as emotionally, since this work is directly related to communication with people of different categories and positions. You need to be able to manage and obey. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will be responsible for the life and health of many of your employees. Very often, incidents can happen that were absolutely not planned, so you need to be able to control yourself and make the right decisions even in the most stressful situations.

What professional skills does the employer want to see?

The duties of a foreman depend on the specifics of the organization’s activities, as well as on its size, but it is possible to compile an approximate list of professional skills of a specialist of a similar profile that employers who are ready to offer want to see in potential applicants high level wages.

Such a list should include:

  • knowledge of construction works and the ability to use this knowledge in practice;
  • knowledge of all instructions that relate to safety during work, as well as strict adherence to them;
  • the ability to read drawings - these are the main duties of the foreman of the construction site, which will be assigned to his shoulders at the time of the start of work;
  • the ability to draw up a work schedule so that all the tasks set by the management are completed not only as quickly as possible, but also very high quality;
  • work as a foreman also includes responsibility for meeting the deadlines for the delivery of objects, so you need to be ready to take on such responsibility and do everything so that these deadlines are not missed.

Let's talk about salary

The foreman, who has not only education, but also excellent experience in a similar position in another organization, has every right to claim a salary that reaches 45 thousand rubles. Of course, they are ready to offer such wages only in well-known and sought-after companies, which most often operate within the capital and most big cities. But, for example, the foreman of electrical work, who works in such small towns, like Ufa or Omsk, and has not yet acquired eloquent letters of recommendation, can only count on 18-25 thousand rubles a month. It becomes clear that this is exactly the profession in which you can achieve career and, as a result, profitable growth in three to five years of constant practice.

It's important to know…

Immediately after university, work as a foreman will not be offered even to the most successful graduate, since the theory of construction and repair work very different from practice. Working as a foreman will help you gain the necessary knowledge and skills, and very soon it will be possible to apply for the position of foreman with a fairly good salary. You need to be ready to perform the most complex work on your own in the process of learning, it is this experience that will later allow you to evaluate the work of other masters and simple performers without difficulty and at the proper level.

none job description The foreman does not include the following information, but a brilliant foreman must be a bit of a psychologist, since maintaining a good atmosphere in the team is precisely his task. You need to be able to get along and find a common language with subordinates who are almost never satisfied with the working conditions or the level of their wages. You need to be no less delicate and restrained with your immediate superiors. It is necessary to be able not only to hear their wishes, but also to gently convey information about the needs of ordinary workers.

By the way, specialists of this profile should understand that the certification of a foreman is, of course, a matter that the organization in which he is employed should deal with. But the employee himself should be interested in this, since it is certification and advanced training that allow you to take confident steps towards increasing salaries.

The specialists of this profile themselves speak of their profession as one of the most difficult in the modern labor market. An experienced worker who performs the duties of a foreman of a construction site will tirelessly repeat that only another foreman who bears the same level of responsibility can understand the foreman.

When choosing a profession, a person must clearly understand what it is, and also have a complete idea of ​​what knowledge and effort it will require from him. But sometimes people have the wrong idea about a particular specialty. For example, in construction there is such a position - foreman. Who is this? What does he do and what issues does he solve?

The essence of the profession

You can start the discussion with the name. Often it is the underlying meaning. What does the name of the profession "foreman" mean? This is most likely a person who knows everything about the job. Dictionaries interpret it somewhat differently. By definition, a "foreman" is literally understood as a manufacturer of some work on the construction or construction of something. He belongs to the leadership category. From this it is clear that in his submission is a team of people who directly perform these very works. In short, a foreman is a person who, by virtue of his duties, directly manages the construction of a specific facility on a single site. Therefore, its competence includes:

  • organization of the production process,
  • accounting for the work performed by the team,
  • monitoring compliance with construction deadlines,
  • organization of work on the site entrusted to him, aimed at fulfilling the task assigned by the construction management: commissioning.

What you need to know

The foreman is ultimately responsible for the quality of the work performed by each of his subordinates. This implies that he has specific professional skills. In other words, the manager must be well versed and be able to do the work of any of his employees. Of course, he should not work instead of them, but he must understand and understand what they are doing. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to exercise control over them. Perhaps that is why each of the foremen has many years of experience in the past. After all, the most different types electrical, finishing, laying various kinds of communications and others. And in each of them the leader must understand. In addition, he must also know:

  1. Technology and organization of work in construction.
  2. Order of conduct
  3. Labor legislation. Rules of health, labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation.
  4. Construction norms and rules of conducting works.
  5. Existing standards for commissioning, start-up and acceptance of work performed.
  6. Basic economic concepts.
  7. The order of relations between customers and contractors (subcontractors).

As a result, it turns out that the foreman is a unique middle manager.

What does a foreman do

The most difficult thing is to list the duties of a foreman. They are twofold. For his subordinates, he is a leader who monitors everything that is happening in his area. And for the authorities, he is a person who bears full responsibility for the work entrusted to him. As a result, a rather capacious and heavy load falls on the shoulders of the foreman. On the basis of the project documentation he must plan on the spot each stage of the work to be carried out and control its implementation. To do this, he needs to constantly monitor the availability, as well as timely deliveries of raw materials and materials. He must provide the construction site with personnel and bear full responsibility for each of them. In addition, the foreman is obliged to create the necessary working conditions at the facility that meet all the rules and regulations. After all, now it is he who will be responsible for the health of each employee for the entire period of construction. And he is directly involved in the calculation of all their salaries. The foreman must organize the work at his site in such a way as not to violate the deadlines approved. For this, he is also responsible. Among other things, the duties of the foreman also include the preparation of documentation for accounting for work performed and current scheduled reporting. So it turns out that any object turns out exactly the way the foreman sees it.

closest assistant

In the organisation construction process involved leaders at various levels. The foreman reports directly to the construction manager. But he alone would never have been able to resolve all issues so quickly. For these purposes, to help him in the state there is a unit of the master. He is not just a subordinate, but a kind of right hand and faithful assistant. The master takes on the responsibility of preparing the work front. He must: study the drawings, draw up outfits, place people in their workplaces and provide them with everything necessary. The task is not easy. And who will be responsible for possible shortcomings or violations of existing norms? Master again. The foreman only organizes the process as a whole. And it is the foreman and the foremen subordinate to him who deal with specific issues on the ground. It is the master who is responsible for everything that happens on the site. And in addition, he still bears material and criminal responsibility for all his subordinates. If a brick falls on the worker's head or he commits theft, then the foreman will have to answer for this.

Requirements for a foreman

A person applying for the position of foreman, in addition to specialized education and specialty, must also have such necessary qualities as high efficiency, self-organization, ability to work with people. He should not be afraid of responsibility. After all, that is his job. The foreman, among other things, should be a little economist and accountant, partly a personnel officer and a lawyer. He must be able to plan everything well: work, materials, performers. He will also need scheduling skills. In addition, he must be able to properly communicate with people and be as sociable as possible. It is necessary to strive to ensure that subordinates respect him, and not fear him. The ability to properly conduct a conversation and unobtrusively defend one's point of view will provide indispensable assistance to such a specialist in conversations with customers and conversations with management. Even appearance and demeanor should give him an indispensable organizer and a good professional.

In life as in production

Every person at least once in his life is faced with construction problems. Take, for example, the most common repair. If it's only about wallpapering or painting floors, then outside help may not be needed. But those who decide to renovate their living quarters “on a grand scale” will certainly need the help of a specialized organization. It may be a small private company or big company dealing with individual orders. In any case, the construction superintendent will supervise the work on a specific site here. This is a person who, on behalf of the company, takes responsibility for the fact that the work specified in the contract will be performed at the proper level and within the approved deadlines. He leads a team of workers, each of which performs a specific function. In this case, the foreman does not just hand over the work and sign the documents. He organizes the work and can, if necessary, give professional advice any of the workers. Such a leader in this particular situation is simply necessary. And if necessary, he will explain to the customer all the points of interest to him.

The project manager is a role that is widely understood in most industries – and construction is no different in this regard. At a construction site, this is the person who controls and coordinates everyone else. They are also called foremen.

They are not necessarily super-specialists or the best architects/builders, but it is safe to say that their role is to coordinate and manage a selected and trained team of people in order to carry out the project. Superintendents allow owners to feel almost completely free from the hassle associated with building a house.

What are the duties of a foreman?

A professional team leader may play an additional role in the project, for example, he may act as an architect or an expert in recruiting, hiring special equipment.

The responsibilities of the foreman also include:

  1. Managing the daily work at the construction site;
  2. Attraction of design and technical experience to the project;
  3. Monitoring the implementation of safety and labor protection standards at the construction site;
  4. Work with all contracts and estimates;
  5. Management of purchases, transactions and relationships with contractors;
  6. Monitoring compliance with the law;
  7. Has well-established connections, which allows the customer to have discounts on materials and services;
  8. Control over the safety and proper storage, consumption of building materials, as well as their proper installation;
  9. Ensuring that the house under construction meets all project specifications;
  10. It can improve the pace of construction, increase the pressure on contractors where needed.

How to hire a good foreman?

Finding a good project manager is like looking for gold, but it's worth it. You can use the following guidelines:

  • Start with professional associations, SROs in private housing construction. Such organizations conduct accreditation and certification for professional managers projects, getting there is quite difficult, which is a guarantee of professionalism. You can go to their websites, visit their offices and choose the most suitable firm;
  • Learn the maximum information about the foreman: his experience, work performed, portfolio, individual expertise. You need to do this in person, at a meeting: today, as a rule, we look for a lot on the Internet, and we forget that face-to-face communication is in the best possible way establishing trust and confidence in the interlocutor. If you have any doubts after the meeting, it is better to look for another foreman;
  • Personal recommendations are always a good source, but remember that each project is different, there are subtleties in the construction process, and many circumstances that affect the progress of projects and the people involved in them. In this case, it is important not to rely entirely on someone else's opinion, but also to use "your head", ask for facts and analyze.

How much should a foreman be paid?

All costs are usually estimated as a percentage of the estimated cost of the project - this gives the foreman an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat level of remuneration they can expect.

Before appointing a foreman, it is better to document everything - by signing a contract with a predetermined price for his services. Otherwise, you run the risk of seriously overpaying if something goes wrong, the deadlines are delayed or the costs of construction and materials increase.

And remember that the main task of the foreman is to save you money and get rid of the extra hassle associated with building a house. You hire this person to ensure that the construction goes smoothly, and the facility is built with high quality and in strict accordance with the project. A good foreman is not cheap, but his work compensates for most of the potential risks and costs that may arise in the future.

The construction of any object is carried out according to working drawings, estimates, regulatory documents. The foreman (in short, foreman) manages the construction process. The duties of a foreman in construction are enormous and responsible. The quality of the object under construction depends on his competence and professional literacy.

An employee with a higher construction education with at least three years of experience in this profile is appointed to the position of foreman. Or secondary technical education with at least five years of experience.

The range of duties of a foreman at a construction site is very wide. There are two main areas of its activity:

  • Responsibilities for the organization of the construction process.
  • Responsibilities in terms of labor protection and compliance with safety regulations.

I would like to describe in detail the job responsibilities of the foreman, not in a template version, but how they are actually implemented in practice. Let's take, for example, the newly started construction.

Preparatory stage

After receiving technical documentation with the stamp “to work”, you should familiarize yourself with the construction organization project (POS), where the construction plan indicates the location of temporary buildings and structures.

These are amenity premises, foremen's rooms, open and closed warehouses, fencing, driveways, temporary electricity and water supply networks, etc. In accordance with this, the construction site is being arranged.

At the same time, there is a study of design, estimate documentation, which is the responsibility of the foreman in construction. When comments are identified, relevant acts are drawn up for presentation to the design organization.

The production department issues a log of the production of works, concrete, welding (if necessary) to the facility. As well as log books of work performed, forms of acts for hidden work, the completion of which is the responsibility of the foreman.

Necessary knowledge for a foreman

  • Freely read the drawings, be familiar with the estimated, regulatory documentation, standardization of construction works;
  • Know the technological sequence of processes, the organization of construction production;
  • Correctly build relationships with subcontractors, provide them with a timely front for special work, and accept them in accordance with the standards;
  • Be able to use geodetic instruments (level, theodolite), and, if necessary, promptly give working marks;
  • Provide applications for materials, attach drawings of orders, when required, indicating all parameters, grades, sections;
  • Interact with the customer's representative not only when signing interest rates, but also when performing hidden construction works. When erecting critical structures, invite and author's supervision;
  • Maintain work discipline internal regulations at the construction site;
  • Knowledge of health and safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Execution of construction works

The daily duties of a foreman in construction include planning and organizing the construction process. To do this, a list of a set of volumes required by technology for implementation is compiled monthly.

The required amount of materials for this is calculated according to the material consumption rates. This application is being processed by the production department. Then it is placed by suppliers of structures, materials, and other products.

On a daily basis, orders are made for necessary materials, equipment, transport, small-scale mechanization, other needs.

Before the start of the shift, it is the responsibility of the foreman of the construction site to give the foreman a task for the working day. Where necessary, work drawings should be reviewed with the foreman.

It also happens that I had to sketch sketches with dimensions. At the same time, mandatory control over execution is provided in order to avoid errors. The completed structural elements must strictly comply with the working drawings.

If it is necessary to replace materials, this must be agreed with the design institute through the representative of the customer - the technical supervision engineer.

One of the main duties of the superintendent is strict quality control, elimination of instructions from regulatory authorities, technical supervision to ensure the reliability and durability of the structures being built.

In the process of performing construction work, be sure to monitor the state of safety at the facility to prevent injuries and accidents.

The foreman must instruct the workers in terms of safety precautions before starting construction work.

Instruction can be divided into:

  • Primary briefing (when hiring an employee);
  • Repeated (at least once every three months);
  • Extraordinary briefing (if the nature of construction work changes);
  • Current or target (for example, when issuing a work permit).

Maintaining documentation is the responsibility of the foreman in construction.

The foreman must draw up the following executive documentation:

Daily completion of the work log.

Fill out and sign acts for hidden work at the technical supervision.

Provide the necessary executive schemes.

Monthly collection of passports, laboratory test results, certificates, other documents, for subsequent delivery to the production and technical department.

Drawing up registers for incoming products, materials, structures, for delivery to the accounting department of management (for material accounting).

At the end of each month, calculate the completed volumes and present them to the customer's representative for signing. Based on this Production Department calculates the performance, forms an act of work performed.

The production department processes percentages, and, according to production standards, writes off materials assigned to the foreman in the M-29 form. Based on this, the accounting department writes off these materials from the foreman's account for a month.

Summing up, we can briefly outline what is the responsibility of the foreman in organizing the construction process.

The main duties of a foreman

Organization of construction production in strict accordance with the project, PPR, regulatory framework.

Compliance with safety requirements, labor protection. This is a big topic that I will cover in future posts.

Strictly adhere to the technological sequence of the construction processes.

The foreman draws up orders for the supply material assets, machinery, equipment, small-scale mechanization, tools, etc.
Controls their effective use.

The duties of a foreman in construction include mechanizing processes in every possible way, introducing rationalization proposals in order to reduce costs and reduce construction time.

The foreman must keep a strict record of the volumes performed, report for them on time, and maintain as-built documentation in the prescribed volume.

Provide related subcontractors with scope of work, coordinate their joint and uninterrupted activities. Monitor compliance with the deadlines indicated on the schedule so as not to constrain the parallel work of several subcontractors.

Organize events to improve the skills of workers to increase the capacity of the qualification commission.

interconnect joint activities subcontracting units into a single construction process. Issue production tasks to craftsmen who are subordinate to the foreman and control them.

Monitor compliance with production and labor discipline. In cases of its violation, petition the administration for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

According to the profile of the profession in the following areas, certification of the foreman should be carried out :

Compliance building codes and rules.

On safety, labor protection.

For safe construction work with cranes.

Be certified in electrical safety.

On safe work with gas.

On construction in seismic regions.

Construction on subsiding soils.

The main task of any construction process is the timely commissioning of a well-built facility. Besides, economic cost should not exceed the estimated financial calculation (SFR). The duties of the foreman in construction are aimed at the implementation of the tasks set.


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