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Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Industrial facilities of chemical fibers» 2004

DEVELOPED BY FSUE "CENTRINVESTproject" (Puliko V.I., Turenskaya M.A., Bortnikova E.S.) and JSC "Giproiv" (Yushchenko V.V., Zharova V.R.).

REVIEWED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (Stepanov V.A., Grishchenkova T.L.).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on May 15, 2004 by letter federal agency on construction and housing and communal services dated May 7, 2004 No. AP-2642/10 in agreement with the Department of Industrial and innovation policy in the chemical industry of the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology Russian Federation dated April 21, 2002 No. 14-248.

INSTEAD OF Chapter 5 "Sub-industry of chemical fibers and threads" and Chapter 14 "Auxiliary and service facilities, on-site networks and facilities for water supply, sewerage, heat supply and power supply" of Section 9 "Chemical Industry" of the Price Book for design work for the construction of ed. 1987 with changes and additions 1988 - 1990

Clarifications and consultations on the application of this Handbook are carried out by FSUE "CENTRINVESTproekt" ( 125057 , G. Moscow, Leningradskyetc., 63 , tel. (095 ) 157 - 39 - 42 ) and OAO Giproiv ( 141009 , G. MytishchiMoscowregion., st. KarlaMarx, 4 , tel. (095 ) (583 - 33 - 81 ).

1 main provisions. one

2 base development prices project documentation. 4

Chapter 1 Objects of the main, auxiliary and general purpose. 6

Table 1 Main production facilities. 6

Table 2 Repair Services.. 19

Table 3 Objects of ancillary production, auxiliary and general factory purposes, on-site engineering networks, master plan. 22

Table 4 Treatment facilities and water blocks. 33

Table 5 Transformer substations and switchgears located on the sites of fire and explosion hazardous industries. 36

Chapter 2 Special sections of project documentation for construction. 40

Table 6Industrial safety. 40

Table 7 Additional work on industrial safety. 40

Table 8 Drawing up initial requirements for the development of a new technological equipment individual production. 41


1.1 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Reference book") is recommended for determining basic prices for the subsequent formation of contractual prices for the development of project documentation for the construction of chemical fiber industry facilities: production facilities, complexes, individual auxiliary production and auxiliary facilities , special sections of the project.

1.2 The base prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed facilities: area, productivity, capacity, etc., or for the facilities as a whole.

1.3 When using this Handbook, you should take into account the General Guidelines for the use of Handbooks of basic prices for design work for construction ed. 2002

1.4 The level of prices contained in the tables of the Directory is set as of 01/01/2001.

1.5 In addition to the works listed in paragraph 7 of Section I of the General Instructions for the Application of the Guides of Base Prices for Design Work for Construction, the base prices of the Guide do not take into account:

development of design documentation for the individual production of panels, cabinets and control panels electrical systems and automation systems;

development of technological regulations for the production of products;

· designing systems for accounting and control of energy consumption;

· design of experimental, experimental-industrial productions, shops, installations, lines;

· design of fire extinguishing systems, fire and burglar alarms, warning people about a fire;

· technical support of construction;

development automated systems dispatching and power supply management (ASUE), development of a process control algorithm (DCS) and emergency protection (EPS);

· development of a project for the transportation of large-sized heavy equipment;

design of a sanitary protection zone;

development of thermal insulation;

production and additional sending to the customer of project documentation on electronic media (floppy disks, CDs, etc.):

· development of a three-dimensional electronic model of pipelines and equipment, ventilation systems, routing of I&C routes and electrical cables, load-bearing building structures;

· development of industrial television projects;

· development of the "Declaration of industrial safety" and examination of the "Declaration of industrial safety";

development of measures for the restoration (recultivation) of land plots and the use fertile layers soils;

· design of dewatering and drainage of the site;

· collection and preparation of initial data submitted by the Customer in accordance with the design assignment;

payment to authorities local government, state supervision and other organizations of work related to the coordination of project documentation;

drawing up specifications for design, technical specifications for the supply of equipment to foreign companies and acceptance of project documentation developed by foreign companies.

1.6 Development of the section "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA), carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current normative documents as part of the pre-project works, the prices of the Directory are not taken into account and are determined additionally.

1.7 The base price of project documentation (at the stages of project + working documentation) is determined in the manner prescribed by Section II of the "General Guidelines for the Application of Base Price Guides for Design Work for Construction".

1.8 The base price of design documentation for facilities, the main indicator of which differs from those given in the table, is determined by applying the following coefficients:

with an increase in the indicator by 1.5 times - 1.1

over 1.5 to 2 - 1.2

over 2 to 3 - 1.3

over 3 to 4 - 1.4

with a decrease in the indicator by 1.5 times - 0.9

over 1.5 to 2 - 0.8

over 2 to 3 - 0.75

over 3 to 4 - 0.7

1.9 The distribution of the price of project documentation by design stages is carried out according to the following table and can be specified by agreement between the Contractor and the Customer

Design stage

Percentage of base price


working documentation

Project documentation

The basic price of the working project is determined in the amount of 90% of the project price.

1.10 The price for the development of justifications for investments in construction, carried out in accordance with SP 11-101-95, is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraphs. 2.1 and 2.2 of the Directory, using a coefficient of up to 0.2, and the Application (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures - up to 0.15 to the price of developing project documentation.

1.11 The cost of developing project documentation, carried out on the basis of the initial data, incl. of the basic design, developed by foreign companies, is determined in accordance with the distribution of the price of design documentation by design stages, given in clause 1.9 of the Handbook, with a multiplying factor of up to 1.15, depending on the complexity of the work.

1.12 The base price of design documentation for reconstruction and technical re-equipment is determined according to the prices of the Directory using a coefficient of up to 2.0, established by the design organization in agreement with the customer in accordance with the labor intensity of the work.

The maximum coefficient can be applied in case of complete reconstruction or complete technical re-equipment of the facility. When determining the price of reconstruction (technical re-equipment) of only a part of a building, structure, or the performance of certain types of work, a correction factor less than one is applied, in agreement with the customer, taking into account the amount of work compared to new construction.

1.13 The costs associated with the performance of the functions of the general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontracts are determined in the amount of up to 5% of the price of development of project documentation transferred to subcontracting design organizations, and are paid additionally.

1.14 When developing estimates using the resource method, it is allowed to apply a multiplying factor of up to 1.5 to the cost of developing the "Estimate Documentation" section by agreement with the customer. The maximum value of the multiplying factor in the preparation of estimate documentation (using software tools) is used in the absence of a centralized data bank on the cost of resources in the region to take into account the additional costs associated with its formation.


2.1 The base price for the development of design documentation for factories for the production of chemical fibers and threads, as well as industrial complexes in the composition of factories is determined by summing up the base prices for the design of the main production buildings, auxiliary production facilities, incl. GO Emergencies, on-site engineering communications and structures, as well as the development master plan related to this project. This base price is determined according to this Handbook and other Handbooks for the design of individual objects. At the same time, the base price for the development of the sections "Effectiveness of investments", "Construction organization project", "Scientific organization of labor" for the object as a whole are additionally taken into account in the total price and amount to the price of the "project" stage for plants and production complexes as part of the plant:

investment efficiency - 15%

construction organization project - 4%

Scientific organization of labor - 2%

2.2 The cost of development at the "project" stage of the section "Protection environment» are determined additionally in the amount of 39% to the «design» stage of the plant or production as part of the plant, determined in the manner provided for in paragraph 2.1, including:

protection of atmospheric air - 20%

protection of the aquatic environment - 10%

protection of territory and soil - 4%

· disposal solid waste - 5 %

2.3 Works and services of the design organization related to:

production of demonstration materials (except for demonstration layouts);

Participation together with the Customer in the coordination of the finished project documentation with government bodies and local authorities;

protection of the working draft (draft) in the exporting and approving authorities

are assessed additionally at a rate of 10% of total cost development of project documentation.

2.4 If it is necessary to determine the base price of production for enlarged preliminary calculations, the cost of designing newly built production facilities can be determined by applying a coefficient of 1.3 to the base price of designing the main construction objects, and to determine the integrated base price of designing a newly built plant - 1.5, taking into account the design auxiliary and service facilities, on-site networks and structures, as well as the master plan and transport.

2.5 In the case when it is planned to carry out construction in stages, the cost of developing projects (working projects) of enterprises is determined at the prices of the Directory based on the main indicators of each stage separately. At the same time, up to 20% of the cost of developing a project for all subsequent stages is added to the cost of designing the first stage of construction.

2.6 Table 1 shows the base prices only for individual buildings, workshops and departments of the main production; base prices for ancillary and general plant facilities and communications, the master plan, which are part of the plant or production, are additionally determined according to the relevant chapters of this Handbook or, if necessary, according to other Handbooks.

2.7 The prices of production facilities and facilities (tables 2-4) are given without taking into account transformer substations. The cost of designing transformer substations and switchgears is additionally determined according to Table 5.

2.8 When designing automation with solving problems of information exchange between the lower and upper levels of process control systems or information-measuring systems, the cost of the "Automation" section is determined using a coefficient from 1.2 to 1.4. The size of the coefficient is set in agreement with the customer, depending on the number of automation tasks to be solved technological processes, automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

2.9 If necessary, in accordance with the design assignment for the development of a process control algorithm (DCS) and emergency protection (EPS) in the "Technological part" section of the project (working draft, working documentation), as well as in the "Automation of technological processes" section, the cost of its execution is determined with K = 0.3 from the relevant parts of the project (working draft, working documentation).

2.10 The base price for designing objects using microprocessor technology is determined with a coefficient of 1.6 to the sections "Automation of technological processes" and "Electrical part".

2.11 The relative cost of design documentation sections by design stages is indicated in Table 1 in the following sequence:

working documentation

working draft

2.12 Distribution of the price determined by the Handbook for the development of documentation for certain types, parts and sections of design work is determined according to the data given in the tables, can be specified by the design organization within the total cost for each stage of design, depending on the complexity of the work, both when performing work on its own, and when transferring part of the work to subcontractors design organizations in agreement with them.

In the same manner, the relative cost of other types of design work not identified in the relative cost sections can be determined.

2.13 The relative cost of developing design documentation is given for new construction and does not apply to the cost of developing design documentation for reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

2.14 The cost of compiling local estimates is taken into account in the relative cost of developing the relevant sections of the project documentation, unless the cost of performing this work is highlighted in the tables.





Directory of basic prices for design work for construction "Chemical fiber industry facilities" 2004

DEVELOPED BY FSUE "CENTRINVESTproject" (Puliko V.I., Turenskaya M.A., Bortnikova E.S.) and JSC "Giproiv" (Yushchenko V.V., Zharova V.R.).

REVIEWED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia (Stepanov V.A., Grishchenkova T.L.).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing of the Gosstroy of Russia.

ADOPTED AND INTRODUCED WITHMay 15, 2004 by the letter of the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Services dated May 7, 2004 No. AP-2642/10 in agreement with the Department of Industrial and Innovation Policy in the Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2002 No. 14-248.

INSTEAD OF CHAPTER 5 "Sub-sector of chemical fibers and threads" and chapter 14 "Objects of ancillary and service purposes, on-site networks and facilities for water supply, sewerage, heat supply and power supply" section 9 "Chemical industry" of the Collection of prices for design work for the construction of ed. 1987 with changes and additions 1988 - 1990

Clarifications and consultations on the application of this Handbook are carried out by FSUE "CENTRINVESTproekt" (125057 , G. Moscow, Leningradsky etc., 63 , tel. (095 ) 157 - 39 - 42 ) and OAO Giproiv ( 141009 , G. Mytishchi Moscow region., st. Karla Marx, 4 , tel. (095 ) (583 - 33 - 81 ).


1.1 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Reference book") is recommended for determining basic prices for the subsequent formation of contractual prices for the development of project documentation for the construction of chemical fiber industry facilities: production facilities, complexes, individual auxiliary production and auxiliary facilities , special sections of the project.

1.2 The base prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed facilities: area, productivity, capacity, etc., or for the facilities as a whole.

1.3 When using this Handbook, you should take into account the General Guidelines for the use of Handbooks of basic prices for design work for construction ed. 2002

1.4 The level of prices contained in the tables of the Directory is set as of 01/01/2001.

1.5 In addition to the works listed in clause 7 of section I General guidelines for the use of Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction, the basic prices of the Reference Book do not take into account:

· development of design documentation for the individual production of panels, cabinets and control panels for electrical systems and automation systems;

· development of technological regulations for the production of products;

· designing systems for accounting and control of energy consumption;

· design of pilot, pilot production facilities, workshops, installations, lines;

· designing fire extinguishing systems, fire and security alarm systems, warning people about a fire;

· technical support of construction;

· development of automated systems for dispatching and power supply management (ASUE), development of a process control algorithm (DCS) and emergency protection (EPS);

· development of a project for the transportation of large-sized heavy equipment;

· design of a sanitary protection zone;

· development of thermal insulation;

· production and additional sending to the customer of project documentation on electronic media (floppy disks, CD, etc.):

· development of a three-dimensional electronic model of the pipelineov and equipment, ventilation systems, wiring of instrumentation and electrical cables, load-bearing building structures;

· development of industrial television projects;

· development of the "Declaration of industrial safety" and examination of the "Declaration of industrial safety";

· development of measures for the restoration (reclamation) of land plots and the use of fertile soil layers;

· water pony designsite management and drainage;

· collection and preparation of initial data submitted by the Customer in accordance with the design assignment;

· payment to local governments, state supervision and other organizations for work related to the approval of project documentation;

· drawing up technical specifications for design, technical specifications for the supply of equipment to foreign companies and acceptance of project documentation developed by foreign companies.

1.6 The development of the section "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA), carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents as part of pre-design work, is not included in the prices of the Directory and is determined additionally.

1.7 The base price of project documentation (at the stages of project + working documentation) is determined in the manner prescribed by section II "General Guidelines for the Application of Base Price Guides for Design Work for Construction".

1.8 The base price of design documentation for facilities, the main indicator of which differs from those given in the table, is determined by applying the following coefficients:

with an increase in 1.5 times - 1.1

Over 1.5 to 2 - 1.2

Over 2 to 3 - 1.3

Over 3 to 4 - 1.4

with a decrease in the indicator by 1.5 times - 0.9

Over 1.5 to 2 - 0.8

Over 2 to 3 - 0.75

Over 3 to 4 - 0.7

Design stage

Percentage of base price

Project (P)

working documentation

Project documentation

The base price of the working draft is determined in the amount90% of the project price.

1.10 The price for the development of justifications for investments in construction, carried out in accordance with SP 11-101-95, is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraphs. and the Directory, using a coefficient of up to 0.2, and the Application (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures - up to 0.15 to the price of developing project documentation.

1.11 The cost of developing project documentation, carried out on the basis of the initial data, incl. of the basic design, developed by foreign companies, is determined in accordance with the distribution of the price of design documentation by design stages, given in paragraph of the Handbook, with a multiplying factor of up to 1.15, depending on the complexity of the work.

1.12 The base price of design documentation for reconstruction and technical re-equipment is determined according to the prices of the Directory using a coefficient of up to 2.0, established by the design organization in agreement with the customer in accordance with the labor intensity of the work.

The maximum coefficient can be applied in case of complete reconstruction or complete technical re-equipment of the facility. When determining the price of reconstruction (technical re-equipment) of only a part of a building, structure, or the performance of certain types of work, a correction factor less than one is applied, in agreement with the customer, taking into account the amount of work compared to new construction.

1.13 The costs associated with the performance of the functions of the general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontracts are determined in the amount of up to 5% of the price of development of project documentation transferred to subcontracting design organizations, and are paid additionally.

1.14 When developing estimates using the resource method, it is allowed to apply a multiplying factor of up to 1.5 to the cost of developing the "Estimate Documentation" section by agreement with the customer. The maximum value of the multiplying factor in the preparation of estimate documentation (using software) is applied if there is no centralized data bank on the cost of resources in the region to take into account the additional costs associated with its formation.


· investment efficiency - 15%

· construction organization project - 4%

· scientific organization of labor - 2%

2.8 When designing automation with solving problems of information exchange between the lower and upper levels of process control systems or information-measuring systems, the cost of the "Automation" section is determined using a coefficient from 1.2 to 1.4. The size of the coefficient is set in agreement with the customer, depending on the number of tasks to be solved for the automation of technological processes, automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

2.9 If necessary, in accordance with the design assignment for the development of a process control algorithm (DCS) and emergency protection (EPS) in the "Technological part" section of the project (working draft, working documentation), as well as in the "Automation of technological processes" section, the cost of its execution is determined with K = 0.3 from the relevant parts of the project (working draft, working documentation).

2.10 The base price for designing objects using microprocessor technology is determined with a coefficient of 1.6 to the sections "Automation of technological processes" and "Electrical part".

2.11 The relative cost of design documentation sections by design stages is indicated in the table in the following sequence:

· project

· working documentation

working draft

2.12 The distribution of the price determined according to the Handbook for the development of documentation for individual types, parts and sections of design work is determined according to the data given in the tables, can be specified by the design organization within the total cost for each design stage, depending on the complexity of the work, as in the performance of work by their own forces, and when transferring part of the work to subcontracting design organizations in agreement with them.

In the same manner, the relative cost of other types of design work not identified in the relative cost sections can be determined.

2.13 The relative cost of developing design documentation is given for new construction and does not apply to the cost of developing design documentation for reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

2.14 The cost of compiling local estimates is taken into account in the relative cost of developing the relevant sections of the project documentation, unless the cost of performing this work is highlighted in the tables.

Russian Federation


Adopted by letter of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services dated May 7, 2004 N AP-2642/10.

Instead of chapter 5 "Sub-industry of chemical fibers and threads" and chapter 14 "Objects of ancillary and service purposes, on-site networks and facilities for water supply, sewerage, heat supply and power supply" of section 9 "Chemical industry" of the Price Book for design work for the construction of ed. 1987 with changes and additions 1988-1990

1.1 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction (hereinafter referred to as the "Reference book") is recommended for determining basic prices for the purpose of subsequent formation of contractual prices for the development of project documentation for the construction of chemical fiber industry facilities: production facilities, complexes, individual auxiliary production and auxiliary facilities , special sections of the project.

1.2 The base prices in the Directory are set depending on the natural indicators of the designed facilities: area, productivity, capacity, etc., or for the facilities as a whole.

1.3 When using this Handbook, please be aware General instructions on the use of reference books of basic prices for design work for construction ed. 2002

1.4 The level of prices contained in the tables of the Directory is set as of 01/01/2001.

1.5 In addition to the works listed in item 7 of Section I of the General Guidelines for the Application of the Reference Books of Base Prices for Design Work for Construction, the base prices of the Reference Book do not take into account:

Development of design documentation for the individual production of panels, cabinets and control panels for electrical systems and automation systems;

Development of technological regulations for the production of products;

Designing systems for accounting and control of energy consumption;

Design of pilot, pilot production facilities, workshops, installations, lines;

Design of fire extinguishing systems, fire and security alarm systems, warning people about a fire;

Technical support of construction;

Development of automated systems for dispatching and power supply management (ASUE), development of a process control algorithm (DCS) and emergency protection (EPS);

Development of a project for the transportation of large-sized heavy equipment;

Designing a sanitary protection zone;

Development of thermal insulation;

Production and additional sending to the customer of project documentation on electronic media (floppy disks, CDs, etc.):

Development of a three-dimensional electronic model of pipelines and equipment, ventilation systems, routing of I&C routes and electrical cables, supporting building structures;

Development of industrial television projects;

Development of the "Declaration of industrial safety" and examination of the "Declaration of industrial safety";

Development of measures for the restoration (reclamation) of land and the use of fertile soil layers;

Site dewatering and drainage design;

Collection and preparation of initial data submitted by the Customer in accordance with the design assignment;

Payment to local governments, state supervision and other organizations for work related to the approval of project documentation;

Preparation of technical specifications for design, technical specifications for the supply of equipment to foreign companies and acceptance of project documentation developed by foreign companies.

1.6 The development of the "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA) section, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents as part of pre-design work, is not included in the prices of the Directory and is determined additionally.

1.9 The distribution of the price of project documentation by design stages is carried out according to the following table and can be specified by agreement between the Contractor and the Customer

Design stagePercentage of base price
Project (P)30
working documentation70
Project documentation100

The base price of the working project is determined in the amount of 90% of the project price.

1.10 The cost of developing the Justifications for Investments in Construction, carried out in accordance with SP 11-101-95, is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraphs. 2.1 and 2.2 of the Directory, using a coefficient of up to 0.2, and the Application (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures - up to 0.15 to the price of developing project documentation.

1.11 The cost of developing project documentation, carried out on the basis of the initial data, incl. of the basic design, developed by foreign companies, is determined in accordance with the distribution of the price of design documentation by design stages, given in clause 1.9 of the Handbook, with a multiplying factor of up to 1.15, depending on the complexity of the work.

1.12 The base price of design documentation for reconstruction and technical re-equipment is determined according to the prices of the Directory using a coefficient of up to 2.0, established by the design organization in agreement with the customer in accordance with the labor intensity of the work.

The maximum coefficient can be applied in case of complete reconstruction or complete technical re-equipment of the facility. When determining the price of reconstruction (technical re-equipment) of only a part of a building, structure, or the performance of certain types of work, a correction factor less than one is applied, in agreement with the customer, taking into account the amount of work compared to new construction.

1.13 The costs associated with the implementation of the functions of the general designer and supervision of design work transferred to subcontracting are determined in the amount of up to 5% of the price of development of design documentation transferred to subcontracting design organizations, and are paid additionally.

1.14 When developing estimates using the resource method, it is allowed to apply a multiplying factor of up to 1.5 to the cost of developing the "Estimate Documentation" section by agreement with the customer. The maximum value of the multiplying factor in the preparation of estimate documentation (using software) is applied if there is no centralized data bank on the cost of resources in the region to take into account the additional costs associated with its formation.

2.1 The base price for the development of design documentation for plants for the production of chemical fibers and threads, as well as production complexes as part of plants, is determined by summing up the base prices for designing the main production buildings, auxiliary production facilities, incl. Civil Defense, on-site utilities and structures, as well as the development of a master plan related to this project. This base price is determined according to this Handbook and other Handbooks for the design of individual objects. At the same time, the base price for the development of the sections "Effectiveness of investments", "Construction organization project", "Scientific organization of labor" for the object as a whole is additionally taken into account in the total price and amounts to the price of the "project" stage for plants and production complexes as part of the plant:

Investment efficiency -15%

Construction organization project - 4%

Scientific organization of labor - 2%

2.2 The cost of development at the "project" stage of the "Environmental Protection" section is determined additionally in the amount of 39% to the "project" stage of the plant or production as part of the plant, determined in the manner provided for in clause 2.1, including:

Atmospheric air protection - 20%

Protection of the aquatic environment - 10%

Territory and soil protection - 4%

Solid waste disposal - 5%

2.3 Works and services of the design organization related to:

Production of demonstration materials (except for demonstration models);

Participation together with the Customer in coordinating the finished project documentation with state bodies and local governments;

Protection of the working draft (draft) in expert and approving authorities

are estimated additionally in the amount of 10% of the total cost of developing project documentation.

2.4 If it is necessary to determine the base price of production for enlarged preliminary calculations, the cost of designing newly built production facilities can be determined by applying a coefficient of 1.3 to the base price of designing the main construction objects, and to determine the integrated base price of designing a newly built plant - 1.5, taking into account the design auxiliary and service facilities, on-site networks and structures, as well as the master plan and transport.

2.5 In the case when it is planned to carry out construction in stages, the cost of developing projects (working projects) of enterprises is determined at the prices of the Directory based on the main indicators of each stage separately. At the same time, up to 20% of the cost of developing a project for all subsequent stages is added to the cost of designing the first stage of construction.

2.6 Table 1 shows the base prices only for individual buildings, workshops and departments of the main production; base prices for ancillary and general plant facilities and communications, the master plan, which are part of the plant or production, are additionally determined according to the relevant chapters of this Handbook or, if necessary, according to other Handbooks.

2.7 The prices of production facilities and facilities (tables 2-4) are given without taking into account transformer substations. The cost of designing transformer substations and switchgears is additionally determined according to Table 5.

2.8 When designing automation with solving problems of information exchange between the lower and upper levels of process control systems or information-measuring systems, the cost of the "Automation" section is determined using a coefficient from 1.2 to 1.4. The size of the coefficient is set in agreement with the customer, depending on the number of tasks to be solved for the automation of technological processes, automation of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

2.9 If necessary, in accordance with the design assignment for the development of a process control algorithm (DCS) and emergency protection (EPS) in the "Technological part" section of the project (working draft, working documentation), as well as in the "Automation of technological processes" section, the cost of its execution is determined with K=0.3 from the relevant parts of the project (working draft, working documentation).

2.10 The base price for the design of objects using microprocessor technology is determined with a coefficient of 1.6 to the sections "Automation of technological processes" and "Electrical part".

2.11 The relative cost of design documentation sections by design stages is indicated in Table 1 in the following sequence:

working documentation

working draft

2.12 The distribution of the price determined according to the Handbook for the development of documentation for individual types, parts and sections of design work is determined according to the data given in the tables, can be specified by the design organization within the total cost for each design stage, depending on the complexity of the work, as in the performance of work by their own forces, and when transferring part of the work to subcontracting design organizations in agreement with them.

In the same manner, the relative cost of other types of design work not identified in the relative cost sections can be determined.

2.13 The relative cost of developing design documentation is given for new construction and does not apply to the cost of developing design documentation for reconstruction and technical re-equipment.

2.14 The cost of compiling local estimates is taken into account in the relative cost of developing the relevant sections of the project documentation, unless the cost of performing this work is highlighted in the tables.



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