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spring fairy tale
in four acts with a prologue

The action takes place in the country of the Berendeys in prehistoric times.
Prologue on Krasnaya Gorka, near Berendeev Posad, the capital
Tsar Berendey. The first action in the suburban settlement of Berendeevka.
The second act in the palace of Tsar Berendey. The third act in
reserved forest. The fourth act in Yarilina Valley.


Spring - Red.
Father Frost.
Girl - Snow Maiden.
Maslenitsa - a straw effigy.
Bean Bakula.
Bobylikha, his wife.
Berendei of both sexes and all ages.
Retinue of Spring, birds: cranes, geese, ducks, rooks, magpies, starlings,
larks and others.

The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. Right
bushes and rare leafless birch; to the left is dense dense forest
large pines and firs with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in
deep, under a mountain, a river; Polynyas and ice-holes are lined with spruce forests.
Across the river Berendeev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey: palaces, houses,
huts - all wooden, with fancy painted carvings; in
windows lights. The full moon is all silver open area. away
roosters crow.


Leshy sits on a dry stump. The whole sky is covered with arrivals
from the sea with birds. Spring-Red on cranes, swans
and geese descends to the ground, surrounded by a retinue of birds.

Lesh and y

The roosters crowed the end of winter,
Spring-Krasna descends to the earth.
The midnight hour has come, Goblin's lodge
Guarded - dive into the hollow and sleep!
(Falls into a hole.)

Vesna-Krasna descends on Krasnaya Gorka, accompanied by birds.

Spring - Red

At the appointed hour in the usual sequence
I come to the land of the Berendeys,
Unhappy and cold greets
Spring its gloomy country.
Sad view: under the snow veil
Deprived of lively, cheerful colors,
Deprived of fruitful power,
The fields lie cold. In chains
Playful streams - in the silence of midnight
Their glassy murmur is not heard.
The forests stand silent, under the snows
The thick paws of firs are lowered,
Like old, furrowed brows.
In the raspberries, under the pines shy
Cold darkness, icy
Icicles amber resin
Hanging from straight trunks. And in the clear sky
As the heat burns the moon and the stars shine
Enhanced radiance. Earth,
covered with downy powder,
In response to their hello, it seems cold
Same shine, same diamonds
From the tops of trees and mountains, from gentle fields,
From the potholes of the road attached.
And the same sparks hung in the air,
Fluctuate without falling, flicker.
And everything is just light, and everything is just a cold shine,
And there is no heat. That's not how I'm greeted
Happy valleys of the south - there
Meadow carpets, acacia scents,
And the warm steam of cultivated gardens,
And a milky, lazy glow
From the matte moon on the minarets,
On poplars and black cypresses.
But I love midnight countries
I love their mighty nature
Wake up from sleep and call from the bowels of the earth
Begetting, mysterious force,
Carrying careless Berendei
Abundance lives unpretentious. Ljubo
Warm for the joys of love,
Clean up for frequent games and festivities
Secluded bushes and groves
Silk carpets of colored herbs.
(Turning to the birds that are shivering from the cold.)
Comrades: white-sided magpies,
Cheerful talkers-ticklers,
Gloomy rooks and larks,
Singers of the fields, heralds of spring,
And you, crane, with your friend the heron,
Beauties swans and geese
Noisy, and troublesome ducks,
And small birds - are you cold?
Even though I'm ashamed, I have to admit
Before the birds. I myself am to blame
What is cold for me, for Spring, and for you.
Sixteen years old for a joke
And amuse your fickle temper,
Changeable and whimsical, has become
Flirt with Frost, the old grandfather,
Gray-haired prankster; and since then
I am in captivity at the old one. The male
Always like this: give a little will,
And he will take everything, that's how it is
From antiquity. Leave a gray-haired
Yes, that's the trouble, we have an old daughter -
Snow Maiden. In the dense forest slums,
Returns in non-melting fritters
The old man his child. Loving the Snow Maiden
Pitying her in her unfortunate lot,
I'm afraid to quarrel with the old;
And he is glad of that - chills, freezes
Me, Vesna, and Berendey. Sun
Jealous looks at us angrily
And frowns at everyone and that's the reason
Cruel winters and cold spring.
Are you trembling, poor things? dance,
Get warm! I have seen many times
that dancing warmed people.
Though reluctantly, even from the cold, but dancing
Let's celebrate the arrival at the housewarming party.

Some birds are taken for instruments, others sing,
the third is dancing.

H o r p t i c

The birds were gathering
The singers gathered
Herds, herds.
The birds sat down
The singers sat down
Rows, rows.
And who are you, birds,
And who are you, singers,
Big ones, big ones?
And who are you, birds,
And who are you, singers,
Smaller, smaller?
Eagle - governor,
Quail - clerk,
Undertaker, Undertaker.
Owl - warlord,
yellow boots,
Boots, boots.
Geese - boyars,
Ducklings - nobles,
Nobles, nobles.
Chiryata - peasants,
Sparrows are serfs,
Slippers, sluggers.
Our crane is a centurion
With long legs
Legs, legs.
Rooster - kisser,
Chechet is a trading guest,
Trade, trade.
Young swallows -
orcas girls,
Girls, girls.
Our woodpecker is a carpenter,
Fisherman - tavern,
Tavern, tavern.
pancake heron,
whooping cuckoo,
Whoops, whoops.
red mug
Crow is pretty
Pretty, pretty.
On the roads in winter
In the summer, in the jams,
I'm going to get stuck, I'm going to get stuck.
Crow in a mat,
There is none more precious
More expensive, more expensive.

Frost begins to fall on the dancing birds from the forest, then flakes
snow, the wind rises, clouds run in, cover the moon, haze
completely obscures the distance. Birds huddle close to Spring with a cry.

Spring - Red
(to the birds)

In the bushes soon, in the bushes! Joke conceived
Old Frost. Wait until the morning
And tomorrow you will melt in the fields
Melting spots, polynyas on the river.
Warm up in the sun a little
And the nests will begin to curl.

The birds go into the bushes, Frost comes out of the forest.


Spring-Red, Santa Claus


Spring-Krasna, is it great to be back?


And are you healthy, Santa Claus?


My life is not bad. Berendei
This winter will not be forgotten
Merry was; the sun was dancing
From the cold in the morning dawn
And in the evening the month got up with ears.
I'll think about walking, I'll take a baton,
I will clarify, I will raise the silver of the night,
That's something I expanse and space.
By rich town houses
Punch in the corners
Creaking at the gates with strings,
Under the skids to sing
I love
Love, love, love.
From the fishing line along the path behind the cart,
A creaky convoy hurries for the night.
I'm guarding the convoy
I'll run ahead
At the edge of the field, away,
On frosty dust
I lie down like a haze,
In the middle of the midnight skies I will rise as a glow.
I will spill, Frost,
Ninety stripes
I will scatter in pillars, innumerable rays,
And the pillars jostle and spiral,
And under them the snows light up,
Sea of ​​light-fire, bright,
There is blue, there is red, and there is cherry.
I love
Love, love, love.
I'm even angrier about the early time,
At the ruddy dawn.
He reached out to the dwellings from the ravines with glades,
I'll creep up, I'll crawl with fogs.
Smoke curls over the village
In one direction perishes;
I am gray fog
Freeze the smoke
How it stretches
So it will remain
Over the field, over the forest,
I love
Love, love, love.


You didn’t feast badly, it’s time to
And on your way to the north.


Do not drive fast,
And I'll leave myself. Not happy with the old man
You quickly forget about the old.
Here I am, old man, always the same.


Everyone has their own habits and customs.


I'll leave, I'll leave, in the morning dawn,
In the breeze, I'll rush off to the Siberian tundra.
I'm a sable three on the ears,
I put a deer on my shoulders,
I hang my belt with trinkets;
Along the plagues, along the yurts of nomads,
According to the wintering quarters of the furriers
I'll abandon, I'll abandon, I'll sham,
They will bow to my waist.
My dominion in Siberia is eternal,
There will be no end to it. Here Yarilo
Hinders me and you change me
On a stupid breed of idlers.
Only count the holidays and soar the bragi
Korchazhnye, yes cook buckets in forty
They know how to brew honey.
They ask the sun for spring warmth.
Why - ask? Do not suddenly take plow,
Not bad plow. Eves edit
Yes, frolic, vesnyaki sing, in circles
Walk all night from dawn to dusk, -
They have one concern.


To whom
Will you leave the Snow Maiden?


Our daughter
At an age, without nannies will do.
Neither on foot nor on horseback
And there is no trace in her tower. The Bears
Oatmeal and seasoned wolves
Around the yard they walk on patrol; owl
On the top of a pine tree on a hundred-year-old night,
And during the day, capercaillie stretch their necks,
A passer-by, a passer-by is observed.


Longing will take between the owls and goblin
One to sit.


And the terem servant!
In the servants at her errands
Crafty fox-sivodushka,
Bunnies get cabbage for her;
Than the light runs on the marten's fontanel
With a jug; squirrels gnaw nuts,
Sitting down on his haunches; stoats
In the minions of the hay in her service.


Yes, all the longing, think, grandfather!


A wave of strands, a beaver edge
Sheath your sheepskin coat and hats.
Lines of motley reindeer mittens.
Sushi mushrooms, cranberries and cloudberries
Prepare about winter breadlessness;
From boredom, sing, dance, if there is a hunt,
What else?


Eh, old! The girl will
Sweetest of all. Neither your chiseled tower,
No sables, beavers, no sleeves
Stitched are not expensive; on thought
The Snow Maiden girl has something else:
live with people; she needs girlfriends
Funny yes games until midnight,
Spring parties and burners
As long as you guys...


What while?


As long as she's funny that guys
Vieingly after her, they are eager for a fight.



And there will love one.


That's what I don't like.


And the bad old man! All living things in the world
Must love. Snow Maiden in captivity
Your own mother will not let you languish.


That's something you're inopportunely hot,
Chatty without a mind. You listen!
Take a moment of reason! Evil Yarilo,
The scorching god of the lazy Berendeys,
To please them swore a terrible oath
Kill me wherever you meet me. It melts, it melts
My palaces, kiosks, galleries,
Fine work of jewelry,
Details the smallest carving,
The fruits of labor and intentions. Believe me
The tear will pass. Work hard, pore, artist,
Above the molding of barely noticeable stars -
And everything will go to waste. But yesterday
From the sea the bird-woman has returned,
Sat down on a wide open
And crying in the cold to wild ducks,
He scolds me abusively. Is it
My fault that it hurts in a hurry,
What from warm waters, without looking into the holy calendar,
Without time, starts to the north.
Weaving, weaving, and the ducks cackled,
Neither give nor take women in the trading baths;
And what did I overhear! Between gossip
Such a speech was uttered by a bird-woman, -
That, floating in the Lankaran Bay,
Whether in the Gilyan lakes, I don’t remember,
At the drunken ragged fakir
And the sun is a hot conversation
I heard that like the sun
He is going to destroy the Snow Maiden; only
And waiting to plant in her heart
Beam the fire of love; then
There is no salvation for the Snow Maiden, Yarilo
Burn it, incinerate it, melt it.
I don't know how, but it will die. How long
Her soul is pure as a child,
He has no power to harm the Snow Maiden.


You believed the stories of a stupid bird!
No wonder her nickname is a woman.


I know
Without a woman, I am what the evil Yarilo thinks.


Give me back my Snow Maiden!


I'm not giving it!
Where did you get me to be such a turntable
Did your daughter believe?


What are you, red-nosed,
You swear!


Listen, let's make peace!
For a girl, supervision is most necessary
And a stern eye, but not one, but ten.
And once you, and reluctance
Look after your daughter, it's better
Give her to Bobyl's settlement
Childless, in place of a daughter. Will be
Worries are up to her throat, and the guys too
There is no self-interest for Bobyl's daughter
Roll your eyes. Do you agree?


I agree, let him live in the Bobyl family;
If only at will.


Daughter doesn't know
Love at all, in her cold heart
There is not a spark of destructive feeling;
And there will be no love if you
Spring warmth of languishing bliss,
Caressing, vague...


Call the Snow Maiden to me.


Snow Maiden,
Snow Maiden, my child!

Snow Maiden
(looks out of the forest)

(Goes to father.)


Spring, Frost, Snow Maiden, then Goblin.


Oh, poor Snow Maiden, savage,
Come to me, I will love you.
(He caresses the Snow Maiden.)
Beauty, don't you want to be free?
Live with people?

Snow Maiden

I want, I want, let me go!


And what beckons you to leave the tower
Parental, and what about the Berendeys
Did you find an enviable one?

Snow Maiden

Human songs.
I used to huddle behind the bushes
Prickly, I look, I don’t look enough
For girls' fun. Lonely
I feel sad and cry. Oh father
With girlfriends for scarlet raspberries,
Walk on blackcurrant,
Halloo to one another; and the dawn of the evening
To drive circles to songs - that's what's nice
Snow Maiden. Without songs, life is not joyful.
Let go, father! When, in the cold winter,
You will return to your forest wilderness,
In the twilight I will console you, a song
Under the tune of a blizzard I will sing
Merry. Lelya has a change
And I will learn quickly.


A Lelya
Did you know where?

Snow Maiden

From the bush
Rakitova; cows graze in the forest
Yes, he sings songs.


How do you know
What is Lel?

Snow Maiden

Girls go to him
Beauties, and stroking the head,
Look into the eyes, caress and kiss.
And they call Lelyushka and Lelem,
Pretty and cute.


Is it
Handsome Lel is ready for songs?

Snow Maiden

I heard the song of the larks,
Trembling over the fields, swan
A sad cry over still waters,
And the loud peals of nightingales,
Your favorite singers; Lelya's songs
Dear me. And listen day and night
I'm ready for his shepherd's songs.
And you listen and you melt...


Hear: melt!
There is a terrible meaning in this word.
From different words invented by people,
The most terrible word for Frost is to melt.
Snow Maiden, run away from Lelya, be afraid
His speeches and songs. by the bright sun
It is pierced through. In the midday heat
When all living things run away from the Sun
Look for coolness in the shade, proudly, brazenly
A lazy shepherd lies on the shore,
In the languor of feelings, the drowsy one picks up
Sly tempting speeches,
Insidious deceptions are plotting
For innocent girls. Lelya's songs
And his speech is deceit, disguise, truth
And there is no feeling under them, then only in the sounds
Dressed scorching beams.
Snow Maiden, run away from Lelya! sun
Beloved shepherd son, and just as clearly
In all eyes, shamelessly, directly looks,
And as angry as the sun.

Snow Maiden

I, father
obedient child; but you are very
Angry at them, at Lelya with the Sun; right,
I'm not afraid of either Lelya or the Sun.


Snow Maiden, when you feel sad,
Or the need for what, - the girls are whimsical,
About a ribbon, about a ring to cry
Silver ready - you come
To the lake, to the Yarilin valley,
Call me. Whatever you ask
There is no refusal for you.

Snow Maiden

Thank you mom,


Evening sometimes
Walking, stay closer to the forest,
And I will give the order to protect you.
Aw, friends! Lepetushki, Lesovye!
Fall asleep, right? Wake up, call back
To my voice!

Leshy crawls out of a dry hollow, lazily reaching out and yawning.

Lesh and y


Watch out for the Snow Maiden! Listen, Goblin,
Is anyone else, or Lel-shepherd will stick
Without retreat, al wants to take by force,
What the mind cannot: intercede.
Mani it, push it, confuse it
In the wilderness, in the thicket; shove it in the hood
Or squeeze waist-deep into the swamp.

Lesh and y

(He folds his arms over his head and falls into a hollow.)


A crowd of merry Berendeys is coming down.
Let's go, Frost! Snow Maiden, goodbye!
Live, child, happily!

Snow Maiden

Mom, happiness
Whether I find it or not, I'll look for it.


Snow Maiden, daughter! They won't have time
Remove the sheaves from the fields, and I will return.
See you.


It's time for anger to mercy
Change. Stop the blizzard! people
They take her, escort her in crowds

In the distance shouts: "honest Maslenitsa!" Frost, leaving, waves his hand;
the blizzard subsides, the clouds run away. As clear as the beginning of the action.
Crowds of Berendeys: some move a sleigh with a stuffed animal to the forest
Shrovetide, others stand at a distance.


Snegurochka, Bobyl, Bobylikha and Berendey.

1st Berendey Choir
(carrying Maslenitsa)

Early-early chickens sang,
They talked about spring.
Farewell, Shrovetide!
Sweet, volzhno fed us,
Wort, watered mash.
Farewell, Shrovetide!
Pito, there was plenty of partying,
Spilled even more.
Farewell, Shrovetide!
But we dressed you
Rogozina, radish.
Farewell, Shrovetide!
We honestly saw you off
They dragged on wood.
Farewell, Shrovetide!
We'll take you to the forest,
So that the eyes are not seen.
Farewell, Olive!
(Moving the sled into the forest, they depart.)

2nd chorus

Honest Maslenitsa!
It's fun to meet you, welcome you,
It is difficult, tedious to see off from the yard.
And how can we turn you around, turn you around?
Come back, Maslenitsa, come back!
Honest Maslenitsa!
Come back for at least three days!
Don't come back for three days
Come back to us for a day!
For a day, for a small hour!
Honest Maslenitsa!

Shrovetide wettail!
Drive away from the yard
Your time has passed!
We have streams from the mountains,
play ravines,
Turn out the shafts
Set up a sohu!
Our sweetie has arrived!
Shrovetide wettail!
Drive away from the yard
Your time has passed!
Carts from the wind
Hive from the cage.
Lead the sled!
Let's drink springflies!
Our sweetie has arrived!

Farewell, honest Maslena!
If you're alive, see you.
At least a year to wait, but to know, to know,
That Maslena will come again.


The red summer is passing,
Swimming lights are on.
Yellow autumn will pass
With a sheaf, with a stack and with a brother.
Darkness, dark nights
Carry out Karachun.
Then the winter will break
The bear will roll over
The frosty time will come
Ovsen-carols click.
The frost will pass, the blizzard will come.
In blizzards with winds
The day will come, the night will go.
Under the roofs
The sparrows will stir.
From the puddle, from the ice
Kochet with chickens will get drunk.
To the warmth, to the rubble
With ice icicles
The guys will pour out of the huts.
In the sun, in the heat
The cow side will heat up.
Then wait for me again.

Bobyl grabs an empty sleigh, Beans dashing - for Bobyl.

B o b l and x a

Go home!

B o b y l

Wait! How is it?
Is it all of her? Say it's not enough
Walked and drank someone else's.
Just a little, I walked around a little,
A little hungry womb
Refueled with neighbor pancakes
She and everything is finished. sadness
Great, unbearable. As you wish
Now live from hand to mouth and toil
Without oily. And maybe a bean?
It's impossible. Where do you go
Bobyl's drunken head?
(Singing and dancing.)
Bakul has a bean
No stake, no yard,
No stake, no yard,
No livestock, no life.

B o b l and x a

It's time to go home, shameless, people are watching.

B e r e n d e

Don't touch him!

B o b l and x a

Staggered all week;
From other people's yards does not come - its own hut
Worth not heated.

B o b y l

Al firewood gone?

B o b l and x a

Where are they to be? They don't walk on their own
From the forest.

B o b y l

You would have said a long time ago.
She won’t say, after all, such, right ... I would ...
An ax with me, we'll chop two armfuls
Beryozov, and okay. Wait!

(Goes into the forest and sees the Snow Maiden, bows and looks
some time with surprise. Then comes back
to his wife and beckons her into the forest.)

At this time, the Snow Maiden leaves and looks from behind the bush
on the Berendey, Goblin sits in her place at the hollow.


Look look! Hawthorn.

B o b l and x a

(Seeing Leshy.)

Oh, fuck you! Here's what's unseen.


Wu! drunkard! I would have killed, I guess.

The Snow Maiden returns to her place again. Leshy goes into the forest.

O d u n b e r e n d e

What are you arguing about?

B o b y l

Curiosity, honest Berendei.

Everyone approaches the hollow.

B e r e n d e
(with surprise)

Hawthorn! Is it alive? Live.
In a sheepskin coat, in boots, in mittens.

B o b y l
(Snow Maiden)

Let me ask you how far are you going
And what is your name and style?

Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden. Where to go, I don't know.
If you'd be kind, take it with you.

B o b y l

You will order to take me to the king, to Berendey
Wise in the chamber?

Snow Maiden

No, you have
In the suburbs, I want to live.

B o b y l

Mercy! And who has?

Snow Maiden

Who is first
He found me, and I will be his daughter.

B o b y l

Yes, is it true, is it really to me?

The Snow Maiden nods her head.

Well, why am I, Bakula, not a boyar!
Fall, people, into my wide yard,
On three pillars and on seven props!
Please, princes, boyars, please.
Bring me gifts dear
And bow, and I will break.

B o b l and x a

And how is it, you live, you live in the world,
And you don’t know your own worth, right.
Take, Bobyl, Snegurochka, let's go!
Way to us, people! Step aside.

Snow Maiden

Farewell, father! Farewell, Mom! Forest,
And you goodbye!

Farewell, farewell, farewell!

Trees and bushes bow to the Snow Maiden. Berendey in horror
they run away, Bobyl and Bobylikha take the Snow Maiden away.


Girl - Snow Maiden.
Bean Bakula.
Lel, the shepherd.
Murash, a wealthy Slobozhan.
Kupava, a young girl, daughter of Murash.
Mizgir, a trade guest from Berendeev's settlement.
Radushka | suburban girls.
Malusha |
Brusilo |
Kid | guys.
Smoking room |
Servants of Mizgir.
Slobozhane: old men, old women, boys and girls.

Zarechnaya Slobodka Berendeevka; on the right side of the poor hut
Bobylya with a shaky porch; a bench in front of the hut; With
on the left side is a large Murash hut decorated with carvings; in
deep street; across the street there is a hop farm and bee farm Murash;
between them is a path to the river.


The Snow Maiden sits on a bench in front of Bobyl's house and spins. From
Biryuch walks along the street, puts his hat on a long pole and
raises high; Slobozhans converge from all sides.
Bobyl and Bobylikha leave the house.

B i r yu h

Listen, listen
sovereign people,
Slobodskie Berendey!
By royal order,
Sovereign order,
Old, primordial custom,
Gather you tomorrow
At the evening dawn,
Warm, quiet, weather,
In the sovereign forest,
To the abyss, to the game, to the disgrace
curl wreaths,
Circles to drive, play-amuse
Until the early dawn, until the morning.
Stored for you, prepared
Yacht beer mash,
Old honey standing.
And at the early dawn of the morning
Guard, meet the rising sun,
They bow to Yaril the Light.

(Takes off his hat from the pole, bows to all four
side, and leaves.)

The Slobodans disperse. Bobyl and Bobylikha are approaching
Snow Maiden and look at her, shaking their heads.

B o b y l

He-he, ho-ho!

B o b l and x a

Ahti, Bobyl Bakula!

B o b y l

Little girls!

B o b l and x a

They took their daughter for joy,
We are all waiting, waiting for happiness to float.
Did you believe someone else's conversation
What a poor adoptee for happiness,
Yes, that's crying - the chickens got to laugh
Under old age.

B o b y l

Skim us to the century,
Carry a purse on your shoulders
Written. Why Bobyl Bakula
Not enough, nothing is good for him.
I found a girl in the forest - they say, help
I take it to the orphanage, - it wasn’t there:
Not a hair easier.

Snow Maiden

I'm lazy myself
So there is nothing to blame on poverty. Wandering
Day-to-day idle, and I work
I don't run.

B o b y l

What is your job!
Who needs? You won't get rich from it
But only full; so you can, without work,
Feed on worldly pieces.

B o b l and x a

Repented, need rubbed his shoulders,
It's time for us to live in the hall.

Snow Maiden

Who is
Does it bother you? Live.

B o b y l

You interfere.

Snow Maiden

So I will leave you. Farewell!

B o b l and x a

Live for yourself! Yes, remember about us
Named parents! We are no worse
Neighbors would know how to live. Dai-ko
I can fill it thicker, so you will see:
I will cheer up such a kiku with horns,
What only oh, go away.

Snow Maiden

Where did
Wealth to be with an orphan girl?

B o b l and x a

Your girlish beauty is wealth.

B o b y l

There is no wealth, take care of your mind. not without reason
Proverb that the mind is more valuable than money.
Search the world with fire, you won't find
Happier than you: from matchmakers and matchmakers
There is no end, the thresholds have been trampled.
Life would be, wife!

B o b l and x a

Well, what! It was,
Yes, it went through the mouth.

B o b y l

And our boys
Crazy; hordes, herds
Without memory they rushed after you,
Left the brides, moved,
Fought because of you. Wife,
Life would be!

B o b l and x a

Don't talk Bakula
Don't upset! Wealth was in the hands.
And grab-praise, between the fingers gone.

B o b y l

And you repulsed everyone severely,
His unkind custom.

Snow Maiden

Why were they chasing after me,
Why they left me, I don't know.
In vain you call me harsh.
I am bashful, meek, but not harsh.

B o b y l

Are you shy? Shame to face
Rich. This is how it is with the poor:
What you need - no, what you don't need - a lot.
Another rich man is ready to buy for money
For the daughter of modesty, at least a little,
But she didn't come to us.

Snow Maiden

What are you, envious people,
Do you want a Snow Maiden from a girl?

B o b y l

Take care, caress the guys.

Snow Maiden

What if
Not to your heart's content?

B o b y l

Not by heart, but mani you mani,
And he will cling and will not lag behind, he will
walk around.

B o b l and x a

Yes mother gifts
Wear it out.

B o b y l

Father's honey and brew
Solder. Is it long, is it short
Behaves with you, and we make a profit.
You will miss one, take a closer look,
Shake up the kitty, beckon another,

B o b l and x a

And I have gifts again.

B o b y l

And I have honey and mash with a tuft.
What a day, then a feast, what a morning, then a hangover, -
This is the most legal life!

Snow Maiden

My problem is that there is no affection in me.
They interpret everything that is love in the world,
That a girl cannot escape love;
And I don't know love; What a word
"heart friend" and what is "sweetheart"
I don't know. And tears at parting
And the joy of meeting a dear friend
I saw girls; from where
They take both laughter and tears, - right,
The Snow Maiden cannot think of it.

B o b y l

There is no trouble here, that you do not know love,
Perhaps that's better.

B o b l and x a

That's true!
The poor man will fall in love with sin, and mayya
All my life, like me with Bakula Bobyl.

B o b y l

The guys are still not nice to you -
And caress everyone equally; yes at leisure
Look who is richer
Yes, he is big, without elders, without a family.
And you look out, so strive to get married.
Yes, lead so that Bobyl Bakula
To live on bread, in honor of the son-in-law.

B o b l and x a

Mistress to be over the house and over you.

Snow Maiden

If it is true that the girl will not pass
It's time for love and tears for my dear, wait
She will come.

B o b y l

Well girl.

Behind the scene is a shepherd's horn.

B o b l and x a

Choo, horn!
The shepherd brought the cattle. No one's own
At least I'll admire other people's cows.

Enter Lel and one of the Slobozhan Berendeys and approach
to Murash's hut. Murash descends from the porch.


Bobyl, Snegurochka, Lel, Murash, Berendey.

B e r e n d e

Where to take him? It's our turn.

M u r a sh

I do not need.

B e r e n d e

And I don't care.

M u r a sh

And there's Bobyl! Let's bring it to him!

L e l
(bow low)

Yes you,
Beloved, as if from the plague,
Buried by the shepherd?

M u r a sh

Come on,
Deceive others with bows,
And we know you, my friend, quite well,
What is safe is whole, they say.

Approach Bobyl.

B e r e n d e

Go to him, spend the night at Bobyl's!

B o b y l

What is my opportunity? What you?
I forgot al no that they decided the world
Release me from all burdens,
By the poverty of my orphan? What you!

M u r a sh

I'll put no tax on you, send it, wait!

B o b y l

Would you like to have dinner? I didn't eat myself
What day, and feed the shepherd!

M u r a sh

There is no word about dinner, we will feed;
And your lodging for the night, you have no loss.

B o b y l

Is it possible to release, brothers?

L e l

Let me in!

B o b y l

Divi would spare bread,
And he will not lie with you.

B e r e n d e

See, this is what happened:
It is doubtful to let Lelya in, - daughter
At age, at marriageable age with a matchmaker.
(Pointing to Murash.)

B o b y l

The matchmaker has a daughter, and you?

M u r a sh
(pointing to Berendey)

A beauty, but sometimes cowardly.
Deliver us from Lelya and in advance,
Let it be our turn. We'll pay
Say, the ruble is not a pity.

B o b y l

And there is a reason
Yes, that's what, friend, and I have a cabbage,
Let goat and I do not profit.

M u r a sh

What are you afraid of? Do not like
Snow Maiden on our women and girls.

B o b y l

Wherever you go, stay, Lel.

M u r a sh

We bargain, we don't stand, we pay.

Murash and Berendey leave.

L e l
(to Bobyl)

For an affectionate welcome, for a warm corner
The shepherd will pay you with a kind word
Yes, songs. Will you order, uncle, to sing?

B o b y l

Before songs, I'm not painfully greedy, girls
Fun is sweet, but Bobyl
Bucket jug of sweet, barley mash
Put it on the table, so you will be a friend. If you want
Play and sing to the Snow Maiden; but for nothing
Do not waste curly words - stingy with affection.
She has love and affection for the rich,
And to the shepherd: "thank you and goodbye!"


Snow Maiden, Lel.

Would you like to sing?

Snow Maiden

I dare not order
I humbly ask you. Play songs
One of my joys. If you want,
Do not work for you, drink up! And for the service
I am ready to serve myself. I will cover
Maple table with a fly, I will become
Ask you to eat bread and salt
I bow, I will treat; and tomorrow
I'll wake you up at sunrise.

I'm not worthy of your obeisances.

Snow Maiden

With what
Pay you for songs?

kind word,

Snow Maiden

What is this fee?
I am friendly with everyone.

For songs
I don't expect payment. Shepherd Boy
Wretched for a song
Be gentle when they kiss.

Snow Maiden

Do you sing songs for a kiss? Is
Is he so precious? At a meeting, at parting
I kiss with everyone - kisses
The same words: "goodbye" and "hello"!
For a girl you sing a song, pays
She only kisses you; how
She's not ashamed to pay so cheap,
To deceive the handsome Lelya!
Don't sing for them girls don't know
Prices for your cheerful songs. I
I think they are more expensive than kisses
And I won't kiss you, Lel.

Pick a flower from the grass and give
For the song, I've had enough.

Snow Maiden

You're kidding
You laugh. What do you need a flower for?
And you need it, and you will tear it yourself.

There is no importance, but a gift is dear to me
Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden

Why such speeches?
Why are you deceiving me, Lel?
It doesn't matter where you take the flower, -
You sniff and quit.

You'll see,
Come on it!

Snow Maiden
(giving a flower)

On a prominent place
I'll stick him. Let the girls watch. They will ask
Where did you get it, I'll tell you what you gave.
Has grown under a bush;
orphan girl
Born on a mountain
Lado, my Lado!
Ripe without warming
orphan girl
Grew up without care
Lado, my Lado!
Will get cold without heat
orphan girl
Without hello it will dry up.
Lado, my Lado!

The Snow Maiden, almost crying, puts her hand
on Lely's shoulder. Lel suddenly sings cheerfully:

As the forest rustles through the forest,
Beyond the forest the shepherd sings
My expanse!
My spruce tree, spruce tree,
My frequent birch
My pleasure!
By frequent bushes,
Along the little path
The girl is running.
Oh, run, hurry
He carries two wreaths with him -
Himself and him.
My cold well
On the mosses, on the swamps
Do not spill water.
Don't get in the way,
Along the paths
Girl run.
Don't make noise, green forest,
Do not stagger, pines,
In pure forest!
Do not swing, bushes,
Don't disturb the girl
Say two words.

Two girls beckon Lel from a distance. He takes out a flower
given by the Snow Maiden, and throws, and goes to the girls.

Snow Maiden

Where are you running? Why are you dropping the flower?

Why do I need your withered flower!
Where am I running? Look, a bird has landed
On a tree! Sing a little
And flies away; will you keep her?
There, you see, they are waiting for me and beckoning me with a pen.
Let's run, joke, laugh
Let's whisper at the tyna under the guise,
From angry mothers slowly.


Snow Maiden is one.

Snow Maiden

How painful it is here, how heavy the heart has become!
Heavy resentment, like a stone,
A flower crumpled by Lelem fell on my heart
And abandoned. And I seem to be too
Abandoned and abandoned, wilted
From his mocking words. To others
The shepherd is running; they are dearer to him;
Their laughter is louder, their speech is warmer,
They are more pliable for a kiss;
They put their hands on his shoulders, straight
They look into the eyes and boldly, in front of the people,
In Lelya's arms they freeze.
Fun and joy there.
Chu! laugh.
And I stand and almost cry with grief,
I'm annoyed that Lel left me.
And how to blame him! Where is more fun
That's where his heart takes him. Rights
Pretty Lel. Run where you love
Look for love, you deserve it. Heart
Snow Maiden, cold for everyone,
And for you love will not be hammered.
But why am I offended, annoyed
Compresses the chest, languidly-dreary
Look at you, look at your joy
Happy shepherd's girlfriends?
Father Frost, you offended the Snow Maiden.
But I'll fix the matter: between trifles,
Beautiful beads, cheap rings
I'll take a little from Mother Spring,
A little warmth of the heart
Just to make your heart warm a little.

Malusha, Radushka, Kid appear on the street,
Brusilo, Smoking room, Lel and other guys and girls,
then Kupava. Guys with a bow approach the girls.


Snow Maiden, Kupava, Malusha, Radushka, Baby,
Brusilo, Kurilka, Lel and Berendei.

M a l u sh a

Leave us! Go and be flattered
To your Snow Maiden!

R a d u sh k a

Don't come near
Your shameless eyes!

B r u s i l o

How long
It languishes for us, tell us!

K u r i l k a


R a d u sh k a

Go to the Snow Maiden!
Changed once their cherished girlfriends
On a new one, so there is no faith.

M a l u sh a

Better than us, since we are not good.

B r u s i l o

And if we are smooth from the new bribe,
Where to then?

R a d u sh k a

Don't cry for you.

B r u s i l o

Already repented; not a century to crucify;
It's time to forget about the old.

R a d u sh k a

Not suddenly
We forget, don't wait.
They laugh in your eyes, take them out
Zealous from the white chest, after
And they flirt like sensible robots:
Like, it will pass like nothing,
Will be forgotten.

M a l u sh a

We will never forget.

B r u s i l o

We subdue, we bring a confession,
We don't see pity.

R a d u sh k a

Die in the eyes, and I will not regret it.

B r u s i l o

The whole thing is upside down.

K u r i l k a

Though a wolf howl.

B r u s i l o

And apart, so apart; and themselves
Longing without us, on the world
They will stretch.

R a d u sh k a

The blind man said: we'll see.

The girls and boys part ways.

K u p a v a
(approaching the Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden, you stand alone, poor thing!
Left you guys forgot
At least Lelya would caress.

Snow Maiden

Lel doesn't like
Bored with me, he needs fun
Hot caresses, and I'm bashful.

K u p a v a

Snow Maiden, how happy I am!
I can't find a place for joy
That's how I would to anyone on the neck
And she rushed, she told about joy,
Yes, not everyone wants to listen. Listen,
Snow Maiden, rejoice with me!
I picked flowers on the Red Hill,
To meet me from the forest, well done,
Good-handsome, ruddy, chubby,
Red, curly, like a poppy flower.
Judge for yourself, not a stone heart,
You can't live without a sweetheart, you have to
Someone to love, you can't get by.
So it's better to be handsome than bad.
Of course, in the modesty of a girl,
Trying zealous heart
Hold a little; well, but still
You won't be saved at any time. Guy
Pretty, promises to marry
Yes, so soon, yes, so soon, that, right,
It will spin at all, you won’t collect your mind.
Well, what and how ... for a long time, is it short,
And we just got along. He is rich
Father's son, named Mizgir,
Trade guest from the royal town.
My parents are happy, of course.
my destiny; and he swore
On Yarilin day, at sunrise,
To exchange wreaths in the eyes of the king
And take me as your wife, then goodbye.
In his house, in a large royal settlement,
In all appearance, a rich mistress
I'm a barrister. Today my Mizgir
Will come to us in the settlement to recognize
With girls and guys. You will see
Rejoice with me!

The Snow Maiden kisses her.

Let's have some fun.
Let's go laps on Red Hill.
Yes, here he is!
(Running and hiding among the girls.)

Mizgir enters, followed by two servants with sacks.
The Snow Maiden is spinning.


Snow Maiden, Kupava, Malusha, Radushka, Mizgir,
Kid, Brusilo, Smoking room, Lel, servants of Mizgir
and Berendey.

K u p a v a

dove girls,
The beauty of the girl's destroyer has come,
With girlfriends, with relatives, a separator.
Don't give out your girlfriend, bury it!
And give, so for a great ransom.

M i z g i r b
(bowing politely)

Beautiful girls, between you
Is beauty Kupava hiding?

R a d u sh k a

Beauty Kupava to us, girls,
We ourselves need. Give, so there will be no one
Circles to drive, and evenings to sit,
And tell girlish secrets.

M i z g i r b

And I need more. One-one I walk
There is no hostess: to whom I am golden
Will I give the keys to the forged caskets?

R a d u sh k a
(to girls)

Give away or not?

M a l u sh a

Don't give up your girlfriend
We still haven't finished singing the songs,
And we didn't finish the game with her.

M i z g i r b

Beauties, you need a girlfriend
And me more needed than that. Orphan affair
Who caress me, cherish, undead,
To whom to scratch and groom the curls of Rusa?

R a d u sh k a

Give or not a girlfriend?

M a l u sh a

Is ransom
Great will give.

R a d u sh k a

A ruble or a half
And it's a pity for the ruble, even a golden hryvnia
Give the girls, we'll give Kupava.

M i z g i r b

It’s not a pity for you either a hryvnia or a half,
It’s not a pity to give the girls a ruble.
(Takes money from the servant's bag and gives it to the girls.)
Nuts for you and printed gingerbread
The ship has arrived.
(Gives a bag of nuts and gingerbread.)

Guys surround Kupava.


Do not suddenly take Kupava.
We will not give without a ransom. Guys,
Stand up! Don't give away!
And then they will take all the girls from us,
And we ourselves are lacking in the suburbs.

M i z g i r b

To the girls I caress and hello,
But with you I will speak differently;
I'll send you back - let's berendeyka -
Two handfuls, and the conversation is short.

The kid substitutes a Berendeyka hat, Mizgir pours
two handfuls and takes Kupava.

K u p a v a

Heart friend, your maiden will,
Friends, family, dear friend
I changed; do not deceive Kupava,
Don't ruin a girl's heart.

They leave and sit on the porch of Murash's hut.

B r u s i l o

However, Mizgir laughs in our eyes.
Well, brothers, it's a pity you didn't attack me!
You don't talk to me very much.
I would not tolerate hurtful words,
Your children to a stranger-stranger
I wouldn't give it away for ridicule.


Oh is it?
And what would you?

B r u s i l o

Yes, not to you.
Well, it seems...

(Rolls up sleeves.)


Get started and we'll see.

B r u s i l o

Krutenek I am heavy on the hand.
You'd better tie me up, brothers,
So that there is no misfortune.


If you get stuck, don't back off.

B r u s i l o

I will treat, unbeaten from the suburbs
I won't release. Smoker, take it down!

K u r i l k a

Hey you, Mizgir, listen, brother, robots

M i z g i r b
(gets up off the porch)

K u r i l k a

For rudeness.

M i z g i r b

K u r i l k a

That's right.

M i z g i r b
(approaching the Smoking Room)

Are you offended too?
Well, why are you silent!

K u r i l k a

Yes, I'm nothing.

M i z g i r b

So go away; send smarter

K u r i l k a

And I'm a fool
What do you think?

M i z g i r b

The fool is.

K u r i l k a

For the cause
Brusilo is going to beat you.

M i z g i r b

Brusilo? Where? What kind? Say!
Come on it!

(holds Brusila)

Where are you? Wait!

M i z g i r b

You are crazy! Come closer!

B r u s i l o
(to the guys who push him)

Yes, you are full!


Don't listen, my lord!
It is known, so fooling around, for a joke,
Between myself.

R a d u sh k a

Oh, the unfortunate hero!
Yes, that's what you need.

M a l u sh a

Nothing to them!
In their eyes, strangers will take us.

K u r i l k a

And we'll go after other girls.

R a d u sh k a

And we forgot about you.

The girls and boys go their separate ways.

K u p a v a

Aren't you ashamed? To the girl-slobozhanka
The groom has come, you need to greet him;
And you are ready to scold and fight.


Brusilo here ignition.

B r u s i l o

Disorder -
Let strangers into the suburbs. themselves
Calm down - we'll be left without girls,
They would have been able to take Kupava even without him.

K u p a v a

If you could, but I can't
Loving you, that's grief.

(To girls.)

sing along
Girlfriends, cheerful louder!
Let's go to the meadow and start a circle!

The girls sing: "Ay in the field, liponka" - and leave;
guys behind them, at a distance. Lel sits down beside
Snow Maiden and braids the horn with birch bark. Kupava with
Mizgirem approach the Snow Maiden.

K u p a v a

Snow Maiden, amuse your girlfriend
AT last time, in the rest - let's go
Drive circles, play on Red Hill.
It won't be long for me to frolic, to have fun,
The last day of my maiden will,
Snow Maiden, the last one.

Snow Maiden

I am Kupava
I'm going with you, let's take Lelya. yarn
I'll take it home and run after you.

(Goes into the hut.)

K u p a v a

Dear friend, let's go! They'll catch up.

M i z g i r b

Stop, stop!

K u p a v a

Girls behind liberty
The regiment is standing and waiting.

M i z g i r b

your girlfriend
Snow Maiden; What about Lel?

The Snow Maiden comes out, followed by Bobyl and Bobylikha.


Snow Maiden, Kupava, Mizgir, Lel, Bobyl, Bobylikh.

K u p a v a

The Snow Maiden will be bored without Lelya.

M i z g i r b

Is it true? Wouldn't it be more fun
Snow Maiden to go with me?

K u p a v a

M i z g i r b

And you take at least Lelya.

K u p a v a

How is it, dear?
After all, I'm yours, yours; one grave
Separate us.

M i z g i r b

Will you go or not
And I will stay here.

B o b y l

We humbly ask.

K u p a v a

Close first loose sands
My eyes, heavy heart board
Crush at poor Kupava,
Then take another. eyes to see
There will be no homeowners, evil grief
A jealous heart does not learn.
Snow Maiden, envious, give it back
Friend back!

Snow Maiden

Dear girlfriend,
And you, her friend, leave us.
Your words are insulting, painful to listen to.
The Snow Maiden is a stranger to you. Farewell!
You do not boast of happiness before us,
Do not accuse me of envy!

(Wants to go.)

M i z g i r b
(holds her)

Snow Maiden, stay! Who is the lucky one
Is your lover?

Snow Maiden

M i z g i r b

So will I.

Look there, Kupava! You see the sun
In the west, in the rays of the evening dawn,
Drowning in a purple mist!
Will it turn back?

K u p a v a

For the sun
There is no return.

M i z g i r b

And for love extinguished
There is no return, Kupava.

K u p a v a

Woe, woe!
Doves-girlfriends, come back!

(Runs away.)

M i z g i r b

Love me, Snow Maiden! Gifts
I will shower your priceless beauty

Snow Maiden

You can't buy my love.

M i z g i r b

And I will give my life in addition. Servants,
Carry my treasury!

B o b l and x a
(Snow Maiden)

You are out of your mind
Great, do not try to refuse!

B o b y l

Bags are being dragged, Snow Maiden, remember

B o b l and x a

Wouldn't have passed.
And so in the eyes and danced kick
Horned with rounded pearls.

Snow Maiden

Collect tribute, envious people,
From the girlfriend of misfortune, get rich
By my shame Don't complain, I agree.
Pretend for your profits.

B o b y l

I would treat a guest, but I don’t know
What to serve: honeycombs, honey
Standing silver foot
Is it honey gingerbread and mash?

M i z g i r b

What is not sorry, that and give.

B o b y l

have mercy
I'm sorry. What do you want?

M i z g i r b

Give me honey!

B o b y l

What do you like:
Raspberry al cherry, inbir?

M i z g i r b


B o b y l

And enough of everything
Yes, not with us, but with the neighbors. Do you believe
Roll with a ball - not a crust of bread in the house,
Not a grain in the barrel, not a penny
Bobyl does not have an iron purse.

M i z g i r b

Take a bag, old man - will go to the deposit
For your daughter.

B o b y l

Drag in the hut, old woman,
Pimple over him! Thank you very much!
Now let's get hold of honey and brew,
I'll treat you and get drunk myself.

M i z g i r b

Give the treasury, so you know why. Already Lelya
You hold on, otherwise we'll mess it up.
Let's fight, old man.

B o b y l

Is it such a thing
To quarrel! Is Lel great, have mercy!
Yes, as you wish, so be it, -
You tell me to drive away, we will drive away.

M i z g i r b

B o b y l

Snow Maiden! The guest did not like
That Lel sticks out before my eyes. Daughter,
Tell him to walk around
Yes, around, bypassed
Bobyl yard! And huddle at the hut
Not for what, they say, my dear friend, that's it!

Snow Maiden


Snow Maiden

What did you cry about? These tears
About what, tell me!

When you cry yourself
You will know what people cry about.


M i z g i r b
(hugging Snow Maiden)

You do not know the price of your beauty.
I walked around the world as a trading guest,
To the colorful bazaars of Muslims
Dropped in; all around beauties
Carried there by Armenians and marine
Robbers, but of similar beauty
In the world I did not have to meet.

Kupava enters with girls and guys.
Murash descends from the porch.


Snow Maiden, Mizgir, Bobyl, Lel, Kupava,
Murash, Radushka, Malusha, Kid, Brusilo,
Smoking room, Berendey and Berendeyka.

K u p a v a

Doves-girlfriends, look!
Father, look, your Kupava is in tears!
Anguish chokes her by the throat, dry
Her lips are hot; and he -
With a lovebird, cheerful, right in the eyes
Stared, looks, does not look enough.

M u r a sh

Yes, how is it?


Weird, guys.

R a d u sh k a

He offended Kupava bloody.

M a l u sh a

Offended all the girls.

M u r a sh

Such a thing
Not heard from honest Berendeys.

K u p a v a

Tell me, villains, in front of all honest people,
Did you deceive Kupava then,
When did he swear to love her? Or really
Loved her and deceived now,
With unsatisfied eyes
For new prey? Speak!

M i z g i r b

Why words! There is no pointer for the heart.
You will take a lot of crazy oaths
In the heat of love, a lot of promises;
Will you remember them later? Oaths
You consider chains, I - words,
I don’t remember them, and I don’t knit hearts:
It is free for him to love and stop loving;
I loved you, now I love another
Snow Maiden.

R a d u sh k a

It's a shame for the Berendeyks
To hear such a speech from Berendey.

B r u s i l o

What else! It doesn't get any worse.

M u r a sh

I've been living for a long time, and the old order
Quite well known to me. Berendey,
Beloved by the gods, lived honestly.
Without fear, we entrusted the daughter to the guy,
A wreath for us is a guarantee of their love
And loyalty to death. And never
The wreath was not desecrated by treason,
And the girls did not know deceit,
They did not know resentment.

R a d u sh k a

All offense
Offense to all Berendeyka girls!

K u p a v a

Why did you fall out of love with Kupava?

M i z g i r b

For the lover, modesty is dearest of all
And a timid glance at the girl;
She is a friend herself, left with a sweetheart, looking for
As if where to protect yourself with a look.
Shameful eyes are drooping,
Eyelashes covered; only furtively
Flicker through them tenderly pleading eyes.
One hand jealously holds a friend,
The other pushes him away.
And you loved me without looking back
Embraced with both hands
And looked merrily.

K u p a v a

Ah, insult!

M i z g i r b

And I thought, seeing your shamelessness,
That you change me for another.

K u p a v a

Ahah! Father, relatives, intercede!

Everyone is amazed.

No protection for Kupava?

Everyone is silent. Kupava, raising his hands, addresses the beekeeper:

Bees, bees!
Winged ones, fly in a fierce swarm,
Leave you honeycombs, get drunk
In shameless eyes! Didn't stutter
His tongue didn't choke
To say that I am a girl without shame
And shame relatives. close up
His face and the dog-eyed look of a liar!

(Turning to the hop.)

Khmelinushko, stamina blade of grass,
You soared high up the perch,
Widely you hung yar cones.

(Kneels down.)

I beg you, curly ardent hop,
Give him, the mocker, a mockery
Over the girl! At long tables
Oak, for smart conversation,
In the circle of guests of honor, gray-haired,
Put him, the deceiver, the ignoramus
An uncouth and round fool.
Will go home, so intoxicated head
Hit a standing tyn, right into a puddle
Face his shameless drop!
Oh river, icy water,
Deep, flowing, cover
My anguish and along with fierce grief
Drown your zealous heart!

(She runs to the river, Lel holds her,
almost insensitive.)

Why drown a zealous heart!
The anguish will pass, and the heart will revive.

M u r a sh

For the deceived girls intercessor
Great king. Ask the king, Kupava.

For all orphans intercessor Berendey.

K u p a v a

You disgusting, disgusting person!

(Falls into Lelya's arms.)

M u r a sh

You waited for the curse from Kupava.
Not long to wait for the fatal wrath
From righteous punishing gods.


King Berendey.
Bermyata, a close boyar.
Elena the Beautiful, his wife.
Snow Maiden.
Boyars, Boyars, Guslyars, Blind, Buffoons,
Youths, Biryuchi, Berendeim of every rank, both fell.

Open canopy in the palace of Tsar Berendey; in depth, behind chiseled
balusters of transitions, the tops of the trees of the garden are visible, wooden
carved towers and towers.


Tsar Berendey sits on a golden chair, paints
one of the pillars. Two buffoons sit on the floor at the feet of the king;
a little further away - blind harpists with harps; at the crossings
and the royal youths stand at the door.

Gus l y ry (sing)

Prophetic, sonorous strings rumble
Loud glory to Tsar Berendey.
Let us lower our faded eyes.
Dawnless darkness closed them forever,
With a sighted thought, a roaring look
Close neighbors surrounding kingdoms.
What rings for me at dawn from afar?
I hear the trumpets and the neighing of horses,
Deaf paths under the hooves groan.
In gray fogs steel helmets,
Ringed armor rattles loudly,
Awakening bird flocks across the steppes.
The bows are tense, the bodies are open,
Scarlet banners plow in the wind,
Rati jump across the field in advance.
Women on the walls and high towers:
Lad their dear not to see us more,
Lovely perish in an unknown field.
Groans in the hailstones, trampled fields ...
From morning to night and from night to light
Ratai roam like black crows.
Arrows rain on blued shields,
Swords rattle against steel helmets,
The sulits pierce through the armor.
Gaining honor and glory to princes,
They break and drive the squads of the squad,
They trample with clods, they lower them with spears.
Animals forest bloody corpses,
The wings of the bird covered the beaten,
Tight drooped trees and grass.
Cheerful cities in the country of the Berendeys,
Joyful songs in the groves and valleys,
The world is red Berendey power.
In childbirth and childbirth to the guardian of the world!
The strings of button accordions will not stop rattling
Glory to the golden table of Berendey.

The king thanks the blind with a sign, they are taken away.

1st buffoon

What is this king - what, tell me, befits -
At the bottom of the pillar he writes a cow's leg.

2nd buffoon

Are you blind? But where is she, cow?

1st buffoon

What is it?

2nd buffoon

Which! You see: the dog.

1st buffoon

Cow, joke.

2nd buffoon

Ay, doggie.

1st buffoon

An, cow,
With hooves.

2nd buffoon

Yes, dog.

1st buffoon

You yourself are a dog
Dog nose.

2nd buffoon

And you are a cow.

1st buffoon

So I'll gouge you with my horns!

2nd buffoon

And I'll bite you with my teeth!

They rise to their feet and disperse, preparing to beat on fists.

In place, you!

The buffoons sit down.

Neither dog nor cow
And the strong leg of the bay tour.
The chamber letter makes sense.
Decorate with heavenly circles
Signers in chambers ceilings
high; in narrow piers they write,
Joy to the eyes, azure flowers
Between green grasses; and turya
Powerful and sinewy legs
On the lintels of door, oven tours,
At the foot of straight pillars, on which
Resting heavy mothers cargo.
On the eve, so that guests have more fun
Entered the house, scribes paint
Jesters and fools like you.
Well, you understand, fools?

1st buffoon

Tell me which
The two of us are dumber.

2nd buffoon

Here's the challenge!
A simple mind cannot figure it out.

It's nice to try on someone else's mind,
Take the measure and the weight; stupidity to measure
It's a waste of work to lose.

Bermyata enters.

Get out!

The buffoons are leaving.


King Berendey, Bermyata.

B e r m a t a

The great king of happy Berendeys,
Live forever! From a joyful morning
From your subjects and from me
Hello to you! In your vast kingdom
As long as all is well.

Is it true?

B e r m a t a


I do not believe, Bermyata.
There is lightness in your judgments.
More than once to you with a word and a decree
Ordered, and I repeat again,
So that you look deeper into things, into essence
I tried to penetrate them, into the depths.
You can’t easily, fluttering like a moth,
Touch only the surface of objects:
Superficiality is a vice in honorable persons,
Placed high above the people.
Don't think that everything is fine
When the people are not hungry, they do not wander
With knapsacks, does not rob on the roads.
Do not think that if there are no murders
And theft...

B e r m a t a

They steal a little.

And catch?

B e r m a t a

Why catch them
Work to lose? Let them steal
Someday they will get caught; by virtue of
Folk proverbs: "How much a thief
Don't steal, don't escape the whip."

Of course, the sin of wrong acquisition
Little things are not very big
Relatively, but still does not interfere
Exterminate it. Let's not evade
From the main subject of conversation.
Well-being is a big word!
I have not seen him for a long time among the people,
I haven't seen you for fifteen years. Our summer
Short, year by year shorter
It becomes, and the springs are colder -
Foggy, damp, like autumn,
Sad. Until half of the summer
Snow lies in ravines and ice floes,
Fogs creep from them in the morning,
And in the evening the evil sisters come out -
Shaking and pale kumohi.
And wander around the villages, breaking,
Chilling people. We recently walked
With your wife, Beautiful Elena,
In my shady garden. Under the bushes
Hiding from the keen eyes of gardeners,
A melted piece of ice hid;
Careless as children, we joked
Played with the Beautiful Elena;
But the chill, winding in a thin stream,
Touched her beautiful face;
And suddenly crimson lips swollen
And the right ruddy cheek,
Mountain mountain, instantly distorted
Smile of honey lips. No, Bermyata,
Not all is well with us, friend.
Fifteen years does not seem to Yarilo
To our call, when, meeting the Sun,
On the great day of Yarilin, we were in vain
Thousands of crowds call to him
And we praise his greatness with songs.
Yarilo is angry with us.

B e r m a t a

wise king,
Why would he be angry?

There is a reason.
In the hearts of people I noticed I will cool
Considerable; fervor of love
I haven't seen Berendey for a long time.
The service to beauty has disappeared in them;
I do not see the eyes of youth,
Moistened with bewitching passion;
I don't see thoughtful maidens, deep
Sighing. In front of the eyes with a veil
There is no sublime longing for love,
And see completely different passions:
Vanity, envy of other people's outfits
And so on. The married chilling
More noticeable still: on wives, beauties
Outlandish, with falcon eyes,
On the lush swan whiteness
Elastic shoulders - Berendey spouses,
Sleepy, look indifferent.
It would seem that I ... oh, old age, old age! Where are you
Happy years past
Hot feelings and frequent hobbies?
Miraculous deeds love affliction
He created in my soul: both kind and gentle
There was then a happy Berendey,
And everyone is ready to embrace
Open. Now old and gray
Still, I don't understand if it's possible
Be cold, remain impassive
At the sight of ruddy, full-breasted wives.
But let's not turn aside
Let's go back to the past. And the wives!
Can't say you've lost at all.
Hot attachment to husbands,
Still, marital fidelity
Lost a little, so to speak,
Its inviolability and certainty.
In short, friend, heartache
Everywhere, - the hearts went cold,
And here's the solution to our disasters
And the cold: for the cold of our feelings
And angry with us Yarilo-Sun
And takes revenge on the cold. Clear?

B e r m a t a

Great king, but I am burning to help
I don't see funds.

But there must be funds.
Think, Bermyata!

B e r m a t a

wise king,
Issue a decree so that the wives are faithful,
Husbands looked more tenderly at their beauty,
Guys all to be without exception
Madly in love with their brides,
And the girls are thoughtful and languid ...
Well, in a word, as they want, but only if they were

A very simple way
Are we waiting for the benefits?

B e r m a t a

Why then decrees?

B e r m a t a

Before the Sun
Cleaning us: ordered, they say, it was,
They don't listen, it's their fault, you can't
Assign a watchman to everyone.

Invented cleverly, but inopportunely.
Prayers only soften the wrath of the gods
And victims. tormented by insomnia,
I thought all night, until the morning,
And that's where he stopped: tomorrow,
On Yarilin day, in the reserved forest,
By the dawn of the day, the Berendeys will converge.
We order to collect what is in my people,
Maiden brides and male grooms
And all the time an inseparable union
Let's connect, as soon as the sun splashes
Ruddy rays on green
The tops of the trees. And then let them merge
In a single cry hello to meet the sun
And the marriage song.
There is no more pleasing Yarila sacrifice!

B e r m a t a

Great king, no matter how cheerful,
Such a meeting with the Sun is not joyful,
Yes, but it's a pity that it's not possible.

Why not, Bermyata? Impossible
Fulfill what the king desires?
Are you in your mind?

B e r m a t a

Don't be angry! Brides
Quarreled to the fight with the grooms.
Where to get married! On a fathom
You won't let each other down.

B e r m a t a

Some in Zarechenskaya Sloboda
The Snow Maiden recently showed up. It’s only hands apart!

Firstly, I do not believe, secondly,
Maybe you're right, then try
Settle everyone and reconcile until tomorrow.
My decision is indispensable.

The boy enters.

O t r o k

girl red
Asking, heaping
Raise a petition.

Is it for girls
Entrances ordered,
Are the doors closed?

The lad introduces Kupava.


King Berendey, Bermyata, Kupava, lad

K u p a v a

Father, bright king!

(gently picking her up)

Tell me, I'm listening!

K u p a v a

Father, bright king,
Does something like this happen?
Where is it written
Where is it shown?
Take out your heart...

Tell me, I'm listening.

K u p a v a

Take out your heart,
I've torn my soul out,
Girlish caress
Puffed up enough,
Boasting contentedly,
In public, a girl
Called shameless.

I hear girl
tearful complaint,
Grief is heard
The truth seems to be
Sense something, dear,
Little, little.
Say in a row
What happened and how
What are you offended by
Who is disgraced!

K u p a v a

Say, light king?

Tell me smart!

K u p a v a

spring time,
Holidays are frequent
Wandering, walking
Through the meadow, through the forest,
How long to meet
How long to get acquainted
Girl with boys?
That's where I met.
How long to meet
How long to get acquainted
Girl with boys?
That's where I met.

Who did you meet
Whom did you meet?

K u p a v a

Met with a young man
The rank of the merchant,
Rod Mizgirievo.

I know beauty.

K u p a v a

Say, light king?

Say, say!

K u p a v a

Let me ask you
Father, bright king:
Do you listen to oaths,
Do you believe in conscience?
Ali already in people
Believe at all?

How can you not believe
Cute girl!
What is the value of light?
Truth and conscience
It just keeps on.

K u p a v a

I believed.
Say, light king?

Tell me smart!

K u p a v a

Let me ask again!
The guy will look
The guy will love
Do you think to live a century
In happiness and joy;
The guy is kind
Should I love him?

You have to, beauty.

K u p a v a

So I did.
Say, light king?

Say, say!

K u p a v a

I forgot everyone
dear father,
relatives and relatives,
Dear girlfriends,
funny games,
Treasured speeches.
I know and only remember
Kind friend.
We meet, we kiss
Let's sit down, let's hug
Let's stare into the eyes
Look, we love.
Father, bright king,
Apparently, human
Happiness is not for long.
We decided to go to the forest,
Took a friend
They called the Snow Maiden.
He just saw
Evil lover,
Risen like a kite,
Falcon rushed
Near the homeowner
Curls, caresses,
Drives, shames me,
Faithful, old.
He himself cursed
Cried, begged
The girl's heart
He himself reproaches, scolds:
In front of a girl
Called shameless...

A poor girl!
Touching the heart
The words are simple
Grief is true.

K u p a v a

I listened, I listened
I did not see the world
Legs are frisky
evenly slanted,
And so I fall in a sheaf,
Do you believe, bright king,
And so I fall
At least now look -
So that's exactly
The ground and thundered.
(Wants to fall, the king supports her.)

Beauty, believe that if the thunders
In the middle of a clear, cloudless sky
Roaring suddenly roared,
I wouldn't marvel as I marvel
Your ingenuous words. Laugh
Over the abandoned girl, over the heart,
Childishly trusting! Terrible!
Unheard of, Bermyata! It's scary to believe!
Henchmen, search by tenement
Criminal; put Mizgir
To the court of kings.

The henchmen leave.

Heralds, on the towers
Call people from bazaars and auctions
To the royal court, to the royal formidable court,
And to call the call politely, honestly, smoothly,
So that each according to the rank of greatness,
By rank and years there was honor.
Yes, bow more often and lower!

Heralds on transitions run to the towers.

1st B and r yu h
(shouting from tower)

Government people:
Boyars, nobles,
boyar children,
funny heads,
Wide beards!
Do you, gentlemen,
greyhound dogs,
Barefoot serfs!

2nd B i r yu h
(from another tower)

Trade guests,
beaver hats,
Necks are thick,
thick beards,
Pouches are tight!

1st B and r yu h

young ladies,
father's daughters,
Well done wives!
Do you have angry husbands
The gates are brazen,
sleeves sewn,
Necks are broken.

2nd B i r yu h

Deacons, clerks,
The boys are hot
Your business: to drag and reap,
Yes, hold your hand.

1st B and r yu h

old old people,
honest men,
underground residents,
Baby servants!

2nd B i r yu h

old ladies,
owl eyebrows,
bear eyes,
Your business: to stir up, to weave,
Divorce the son with the daughter-in-law.

1st B and r yu h

young fellows,
daring darlings,
young green
Take a walk.
people for the cause
You are for idleness.
Your business is to look around the towers,
girls to lure

2nd B i r yu h

red girls,
Krinochny spoilers,
potted pests,
Your business: polish your forehead,
Pull the house apart
Bake cakes, bury under the fence
Yes, feed the kids.

1st B and r yu h

Listen, listen
sovereign people,
sovereign will!
Go to the red gate
To the red royal court!
The ropes are sharp,
The gates are gilded.
From the red courtyard to the new canopy,
On frequent steps
Through oak doors
In the state chambers,
Judgment to judge, row to row.

They come down from the towers.

I am kind to the game of mind and words:
Simple speech is harsh. Headdresses are dyeing
beautiful wives; high chambers
Embellishments are red, and speeches are warehouse,
Flow in harmony and a harmless joke.
Are people gathering?

O t r o k
(from transitions)

Falls in crowds,
Great king.


Girl, don't worry!
Sadness darkens the face of living colors.
Forgetful girlish grief, heart
Outgoing: as in coal, under the ashes
There is a fire in him for a new passion.
Forget the offender! And for the offense
Avenger court and king.

From the inner chambers come the Beautiful Helena and
noblewomen; from the outer doors and from the stairs -
people; between the people of Murash and Lel. henchmen
bring Mizgir.


Tsar Berendey, Bermyata, Beautiful Elena, Kupava,
Murash, Lel, Mizgir, the royal youths, the people.

(To Elena the Beautiful)

Hello to you,
Beauty of the palace, Beautiful Elena!

Beautiful Elena

Hello, great Berendey,
From wives and maidens, from young Berendeyks,
From all hearts that cherish love.

H o r n a r o d a

Hello, wise one,
Great Berendey,
Lord of the silver-haired,
Father of his land.
For the happiness of the people
Gods keep you
And freedom reigns
Under your scepter
Lord of the silver-haired,
Father of his land.
Long live the wise
Great Berendey!

(to the people)

Thank you! Is he to blame for the drive?

B e r m a t a

The guilty one is here, humbly awaiting judgment.

(to the people)

Do you know his guilt?




Are you guilty of your fault?

M i z g i r b

His guilt is terrible, Berendei.
Let's close our hearts for mercy
This time. Sorry for the villains
Threats of Disaster: Angry Gods
His guilt will be brought down on us, punishment
She will fall on the Berendeys. vengeance
The threatening wrath humbles the criminal.
Desecrated love! Good feeling
The great gift of nature, the happiness of life,
Spring color of her! Bride's love
Scolded! Soul splitting,
Opened to the first senses, a flower
Fragrant innocence! Shame
And shame on my silver gray hair!
What Mizgir is guilty of, speak!

B e r m a t a

Make him marry a girl

M u r a sh

Make me beg for forgiveness
At her feet, and if she doesn't want to,
Then punish with your thunder.

Do you want to make amends, Kupavu
Understand as a wife?

M i z g i r b

Mizgir has a bride -
Snow Maiden.

B e r m a t a

You can force him
Wise king.

Does not tolerate coercion
Free marriage.

M u r a sh

Don't let him swear
Offender! Ask Kupava first
Does she want to?

K u p a v a

The great king, Kupava is looking for love.
I want to love, but how can you love him?
Offended, broken heart them;
Only hatred for him to the grave will be
In my chest. I don't need him.

Honest people, worthy of the death penalty
His fault; but in our way
There are no bloody laws, let the gods
Execute him according to the crime,
And we are the court of the people of Mizgir
We are condemned to eternal exile.
Get away from us, criminal, abuser
The fervor of trusting love,
Inspired to us by nature and the gods.
Drive him away from every door
From every dwelling, where they are sacredly revered
Honest customs of antiquity!
Drive him into the desert, into the forest! Beasts -
Comrades after your heart; heart
Animal with animals amuse, Mizgir!

M i z g i r b

I do not say a word in justification;
But if you, great king, saw
Snow Maiden...


The Snow Maiden is coming!

The Snow Maiden enters, followed by Bobyl and Bobylikha, dressed
richly, in a large horned kichka.


Tsar Berendey, Bermyata, Beautiful Elena,
Kupava, Murash, Lel, Mizgir, Snegurochka,
Bobyl, Bobylikh, royal youths, people.

Snow Maiden
(looks around the palace)

What space, how clean everything is, richly!
Look, mother! Azure flower -

(Sits down on the floor and examines the flower on the pole.)

B o b l and x a

Would you bow
Forward everything! And they bow to us,
After all, we are not the last.

(Pushes the Snow Maiden with her elbow and speaks softly.)

On a kick?

Snow Maiden

They marvel, they look.

B o b l and x a

Well bow!

Snow Maiden

I forgot, don't ask!
Well, hello, honest Berendey!

B o b l and x a

The boyars are standing, look! And kiki
Simpler, tea, mine?

Snow Maiden

Your horns.

B o b l and x a

Well, that's the same, let them look and dry
From envy!

Snow Maiden
(pointing to the king)

And who is this? caftan something
Patterned, gold trim
And a gray beard to the waist.

B o b l and x a

Yes, this is the king.

Snow Maiden

Oh! Mom, it's scary
Snow Maiden. Let's go free.

B o b y l

Come on
With a good mind, what a speech she said!
For the first time, Bakula Bobyl had to
To admire the royal chambers,
Yes go out! What a shame for us!
We'll barge until they're chased.

B o b l and x a

You are ignorant! You stare, your mouth is open,
On the sides, and father, great
The wise king marvels: what a fool
I ran into the high mansions,
Uninvited. You are a village, a village!
Go to him, don't be afraid, he won't bite
Bow low!

Snow Maiden
(approaching the king, bows)

Hello king!

(takes her hand)

Mighty nature is full of miracles!
Sprinkling your gifts abundantly,
Bizarrely she plays: throw
In a swamp, in a forgotten corner
Under the bush, pearl spring flower,
Thoughtfully bowed lily of the valley, sprinkles
On its whiteness with cold dust
Silver dew - and the flower breathes
The elusive scent of spring
Captivating sight and smell.

Snow Maiden

It's a pity,
That the lilies of the valley bloomed so soon!
Would you say that you love them, so I
For a long time I would have picked a bunch of you,
Pretty ones. Not everyone knows the place
And I'm in the forest, at home; if you want,
Come with me, I'll show you the place.

I don't cry that the flowers withered,
Such a flower blooms before the eyes,
What I look, look, and do not believe, -
In a dream or awake a flower in front of me?

The Snow Maiden looks at everyone with a satisfied look and preens.

Her beauty will help us, Bermyata,
Yarilin's anger to soften. What a sacrifice
Get ready for him! When meeting the sun
Let's give it to our happy husband.
Snow Maiden, your time has come:
Find your own friend!

Snow Maiden

Look for it, I don't know.

The heart will say.

Snow Maiden

My heart is silent.

(taking away the Snow Maiden)

Don't be ashamed!
Declining years equal the old man
With a girl. Shyness is out of place
Before the old faded eyes.
Reveal to me: whom sometimes in the evening
Are you waiting on a shaky porch?
Whom away, covering his eyes with a pen,
Are you looking for a ruddy dawn on the canvas?
Who do you scold for slowness, to whom
Towards you send and joy a smile,
And a stream of tears, and scolding, and a kiss?
Who, tell me, girl!

Snow Maiden

B e r m a t a

Great king, she does not know love.

With her beauty of love, not to know, Bermyata?
I don't believe. Such miracles in the world
Not heard. Nature invariably
It's time for love for everyone.
I don't believe. But if it's true, how
Not to be angry with the giver of heat?
Let's redouble our efforts to fix
Involuntary sin. Uzhli from Berendey
Will no one answer my call?
Which of you is sweeter than the Snow Maiden?
Who can in her infant soul
Desire to ignite love, tell me!

B o b y l

They tried a lot, only in vain
Wasted labor.

B o b l and x a

There were many
And crying and dancing, but what's the point
Not a hair came out.

Which of you will succeed before dawn
To captivate the Snow Maiden with love, that
From the hands of the king, with great rewards,
Take her and be the best guest
At royal tables at feasts,
On the holiday of Yarila.

B e r m a t a

great king,
They are silent.

(to Elena)

beautiful Elena,
I want to ask you, women, better
You know the affairs of the heart:
Haven't had that courage at all
In the hearts of men, there were no those speeches
Captivatingly crafty, bold eyes,
Which is irresistibly true
We used to seduce girls and wives?
Beautiful Elena, point out
Who to choose from the young Berendeys,
Able to accomplish the desired feat?

Beautiful Elena

Great king, watching modesty
Ordinary, I could, of course,
Answer with ignorance; but
Desire to serve for the common good
Commands to sacrifice modesty.
Of the blooming young men, Berendey,
Known to me, only one can
Inspire love in a girl, the heart of women
Shake, at least our loyalty
She was strong as steel - and this is Lel.

What an honor to you, shepherd.

Not for me,
Great king, and the sun befits
Such an honor. Cherished childhood
It taught me to sing songs;
His warmth in my speeches - and listen
The maidens of Lelya's speech are hunting.
Its warmth is in my blood and in my heart,
And glows in the face with a swarthy blush,
And glows with spring sweet bliss
From my eyes. Snow Maiden, let's go
Twist wreaths with me together, we will
Meet the dawn and sunrise!
Look into her eyes! She will love
By the dawn of the day - me or another,
The Snow Maiden will love without fail,
Believe me. And the poor shepherd
Curly Lel, to please the sun god
And the bright king, help her!

Ostrovsky, A. N. The Snow Maiden: a spring tale in 4 acts with a prologue / A. N. Ostrovsky; artistic V. M. Vasnetsov. - Moscow: Goslitizdat, 1954. - 141 p. : rice.

April 12, 2018 marks 195 years since the birth of the Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823-1886) and 145 years since the spring fairy tale "The Snow Maiden" was written.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was born on April 12, 1823 in Moscow in the family of a court official. He spent his childhood and early youth in the merchant Zamoskvorechye, which is the setting for many of the playwright's plays.

Literary fame Ostrovsky brought the play "Own people - let's settle!". Initially, it was censored to theatrical performance, and its author himself was placed under police supervision.

A. N. Ostrovsky published his first works in the Moskvityanin magazine. The plays "The Poor Bride", "Don't Get into Your Sleigh", "Poverty is Not a Vice" reflected, as the playwright himself defined, the "moral and social conflicts" of his time. For more than thirty years, not a year has passed without premieres of his dramas and comedies in the Moscow Maly and St. Petersburg Alexandria theaters. His plays Thunderstorm, Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man, Hot Heart, Mad Money, Forest, Wolves and Sheep, Dowry, Talents and Admirers, Snow Maiden entered the golden fund of Russian dramaturgy. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky called them "stories in roles."

The work of A. N. Ostrovsky had a great influence on the further searches and fate of the national theater. His realistic plays do not leave the stage today.

The Snow Maiden stands out sharply against the background of all the work of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, his numerous dramas and comedies created on purely everyday material. The tale strikes with amazing poetic beauty.

Fund rare books owns the fairy tale "The Snow Maiden", published in 1954 in Moscow by the State Publishing House of Fiction.

The idea for The Snow Maiden came from A. N. Ostrovsky at the beginning of 1873. The tale, according to literary critics, was created in happy moments of creative inspiration. The playwright began work on it at the end of February 1873 and completed it on April 4 at 10 pm. On one of the white autographs of the "spring tale" there is a different date - March 31. It is noteworthy that this is the birthday of the writer, who in 1873 turned 50 years old. It is possible that Alexander Nikolaevich wanted to specifically coincide with the completion of the work for his birthday. In The Snow Maiden, a child very dear to the playwright, “a lot came together and a lot was revealed. Ostrovsky believed that with this work he was entering a new path in Russian drama. Therefore, he highly valued his "spring tale" and was jealous of reviews about it.

The poems of the "spring tale" "wandered in the soul of the writer" for a long time. A. N. Ostrovsky’s spiritual conversion to the country of the wise and kind Berendey began in his youth, when in April 1848 he and his family went to the very wilderness of the Kostroma province, to the Shchelykovo estate. The path lay through the ancient Russian cities of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, which lasted a whole week. The future playwright described his impressions in a travel diary, which became "a kind of prelude to a fairy tale." The records show that Ostrovsky listened attentively and looked closely at people's world. It is possible that it was here that he heard the legend of the Berendeys. Not far from Pereslavl-Zalessky was the famous Berendeyevo swamp, in the center of which on the island, the remains of some ancient settlement were preserved. The folk legend told that on the site of the swamp there was a kingdom of happy Berendeys, ruled by a smart and kind king.

And the picturesque nature of the Shchelykovo family estate, which the playwright later visited every year, will fully appear in a mythological guise in the spring fairy tale "The Snow Maiden". Ostrovsky here made frequent walks around the neighborhood. And naturally, having passed through the creative imagination of the writer, they became the medium of his work.

"Spring Tale" A. N. Ostrovsky raised in his soul for more than twenty years. The playwright's sister recalled that the writer was in love with the Shchelykovo spring. His best ideas were created during a rural holiday, in the midst of Russian nature.

The sources of "The Snow Maiden" are the life and language of the native land, its history, ancient rituals, songs, all-Russian motifs of folk tales, legends, the very charm of patriarchal Russian life, natural and simple, with traditions and hospitality.

The Snow Maiden seamlessly combines reality and fantasy, truth and fiction. Ostrovsky brought into the appearance of the heroes of his fairy tale the features of the familiar Shchelykovo peasants. Numerous conversations with local peasants may have fed the creative imagination of the playwright. So, a friend of the writer was Ivan Viktorovich Sobolev, a landless peasant, a local self-taught artist, a woodcarver. Under the influence of a skilled folk craftsman, A. N. Ostrovsky himself became addicted to woodcarving.

Folklore images Alexander Nikolaevich drew not from books, but from life. He repeatedly had to observe folk holidays in the vicinity of Shchelykovo. Probably, not without the influence of these impressions, a poetic picture of the Yarila holiday arose in The Snow Maiden. In the time of Ostrovsky, the place where the festivities were held was called the Key Log, later it became known as the Yarilina Valley. A spring with dark bluish water, called Blue, because it remains so all year round, the water in it does not freeze even in severe frosts, they began to call the Snegurochkin Key, because according to the Shchelykov legend, it was here that the Snow Maiden melted under the rays of the Sun-Yarila and it was here beats her ever-living loving heart.

Literary critics believe that in the "spring tale" three planes can be conditionally distinguished: fairytale, the author's thoughts about reality, and philosophical and ethical plan. They “are not isolated from each other, but intersect, interact with each other and converge with Ostrovsky in a single thought, affirmed by him: only love and spiritual beauty should reign in the world!”.

The Snow Maiden by A. N. Ostrovsky also contributed to the improvement of Russian theatrical and decorative art. The presented edition of the "Spring Tale" uses illustrations by the Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926), who in 1882-1883 worked on the artistic design of the performance "The Snow Maiden" in the Mamontov's house.

V. M. Vasnetsov also created masterful sketches of costumes for the performance:

"Santa Claus" and "Spring"

"Snegurochka" and "Lel"

"Kupava" and "Mizgir"

"Berendey" and "Berendeyki"

The image of the "Snow Maiden" V. Vasnetsov embodied in the picturesque image. The artist painted the painting in 1899 and can be seen in the present publication and in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

The master portrayed the heroine of the tale in a new way. “She is unusually young and poetic in her fluffy hat and an old light fur coat ... The gesture of the hand conveys her surprise at the freedom and beauty that has spilled around, and the expression of a child’s face speaks of the delight that has gripped her ...”.

Picturesquely, in addition to V. Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel also depicted the image of the Snow Maiden.

First of all, the fairy tale play contributed to the formation of the Russian drama theater. Setting it up on stage required serious adaptations on the set: the effects of electric lighting, the movement of clouds, the image of the heroine melting ... The performers of the play in different time were Glikeria Fedotova, A.P. Lensky, Prov Sadovsky, E.D. Turchaninova, M.P. Lilina and others.

The Snow Maiden also had an impact on the enrichment of Russian classical music and the opera genre. Musical interpretation was made by P. I. Tchaikovsky, operas were written by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. T. Grechaninov.

Experts believe that The Snow Maiden absorbed significant layers of Russian culture and, in turn, stimulated the further development of many areas of Russian art: drama theatre, acting, music, opera, decorative arts, painting, graphics and sculpture. Outside this broad context, A. N. Ostrovsky’s play is unthinkable.”

List of used literature:

  1. Famous museum-estates of Russia / comp. I. S. Nenarokomova. - Moscow: AST-Press, 2010. - S. 220-247.
  2. Lebedev, Yu. V. "Snow Maiden", "spring tale" by A. N. Ostrovsky: (genre origins) / Yu.V. Lebedev // Genre and composition literary work. - Issue. 1. - Kaliningrad: KSU Publishing House, 1974.
  3. Rogover, E. S. "The Snow Maiden" by A. N. Ostrovsky in the context of Russian literature // Literature at school. - 2015. - No. 10. - P. 2-6.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Snow Maiden

The action takes place in the country of the Berendeys in prehistoric times. Prologue on Krasnaya Gorka, near Berendeev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey. The first action in the suburban settlement of Berendeevka. The second act in the palace of Tsar Berendey. The third act in the protected forest. The fourth act in Yarilina Valley.


Father Frost.

Snow Maiden girl.


Pancake week- a straw man.

Bean Bakula.

Bobylikh, his wife.

Berendei both sexes and all ages.

Retinue of Spring, birds: cranes, geese, ducks, rooks, magpies, starlings, larks and others.

The beginning of spring. Midnight. Red hill covered with snow. To the right are bushes and a rare leafless birch; to the left, a solid dense forest of large pines and firs with branches hanging from the weight of the snow; in the depths, under the mountain, a river; Polynyas and ice-holes are lined with spruce forests. Across the river is Berendeev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey; palaces, houses, huts, all wooden, with intricately painted carvings; lights in the windows. The full moon silvers the whole open area. Roosters are crowing in the distance.

The first phenomenon

Goblin sits on a dry stump. The whole sky is covered with birds that have flown in from the sea, Spring-Red on cranes, swans and geese descends to the ground, surrounded by a retinue of birds.


The roosters crowed the end of winter,

Spring-Krasna descends to the earth.

The midnight hour has come, Goblin's lodge

Guarded - dive into the hollow and sleep!

(Falls into a hole.)

Spring-Red descends to Krasnaya Gorka accompanied by birds.


At the appointed hour in the usual sequence

I come to the land of the Berendeys,

Unhappy and cold greets

Spring its gloomy country.

Sad view: under the snow veil

Deprived of lively, cheerful colors,

Deprived of fruitful power,

The fields lie cold. In chains

Playful streams - in the silence of midnight

Their glassy murmur is not heard.

The forests stand silent, under the snows

The thick paws of firs are lowered,

Like old, furrowed brows.

In the raspberries, under the pines shy

Cold darkness; icy

Icicles amber resin

Hanging from straight trunks. And in the clear sky

As the heat burns the moon and the stars shine

Enhanced radiance. Earth,

covered with downy powder,

In response to their hello, it seems cold

Same shine, same diamonds

From the tops of trees and mountains, from gentle fields,

From the potholes of the road attached.

And the same sparks hung in the air,

Fluctuate without falling, flicker.

And everything is just light, and everything is just a cold shine,

And there is no heat. That's not how I'm greeted

Happy valleys of the south, there

Meadow carpets, acacia scents,

And the warm steam of cultivated gardens,

And a milky, lazy glow

From the matte moon on the minarets,

On poplars and black cypresses.

But I love midnight countries

I love their mighty nature

Wake up from sleep and call from the bowels of the earth

Begetting, mysterious force,

Carrying careless Berendei

Abundance lives unpretentious. Ljubo

Warm for the joys of love,

Clean up for frequent games and festivities

Secluded bushes and groves

Silk carpets of colored herbs.

(Turning to the birds that are shivering from the cold.)

Comrades: white-sided magpies,

Cheerful talkers-ticklers,

Gloomy rooks and larks,

Singers of the fields, heralds of spring,

And you, crane, with your friend the heron,

Beauties swans and geese

Noisy, and troublesome ducks,

And small birds - are you cold?

Though I'm ashamed, but I must admit

Before the birds. I myself am to blame

What is cold for me, for Spring, and for you.

Sixteen years old for a joke

And amuse your fickle temper,

Changeable and whimsical, has become

Flirt with Frost, the old grandfather,

Gray-haired prankster; and since then

I am in captivity at the old one. The male

Always like this, give a little will,

And he will take everything, that's how it is

From antiquity. Leave a gray-haired

Yes, that's the trouble, we have an old daughter -

Snow Maiden. In the dense forest slums,

Returns in never-melting ladydins

The old man his child. Loving the Snow Maiden

Pitying her in her unfortunate lot,

I'm afraid to quarrel with the old;

And he is glad of that - chills, freezes

Me, Vesna, and Berendey. Sun

Jealous, looks at us angrily

And frowns at everyone; and here's the reason

Cruel winters and cold spring.

Are you trembling, poor things? dance,

Get warm! I have seen many times

That dancing warmed people.

Though reluctantly, even from the cold, but dancing

Let's celebrate the arrival at the housewarming party.

Some birds are taken for instruments, others sing, others dance.

choir of birds

The birds were gathering

The singers gathered

Herds, herds.

The birds sat down

The singers sat down

Rows, rows.

And who are you, birds,

And who are you, singers,

Big ones, big ones?

And who are you, birds,

And who are you, singers,

Smaller, smaller?

Eagle - governor,

Quail - clerk,

Undertaker, Undertaker.

Owl - warlord,

yellow boots,

Boots, boots.

Geese - boyars,

Ducklings - nobles,

nobles, nobles,

Chiryata - peasants,

Sparrows are serfs

Slippers, sluggers.

Our crane is a centurion

With long legs

Legs, legs.

Rooster is a kisser

Chechet is a trading guest,

Trade, trade

Young swallows -

orcas girls,

Girls, girls.

Our woodpecker is a carpenter,

Fisherman - tavern,

Tavern, tavern.

pancake heron,

The cuckoo is a whore.

Whoops, whoops.

red mug

Crow is pretty

Pretty, pretty.

On the roads in winter

In the summer, in the jams,

I'm going to get stuck, I'm going to get stuck.

Crow in a mat,

There is none more precious

More expensive, more expensive.

Frost begins to fall on the dancing birds from the forest, then snow flakes, the wind rises, clouds run in, cover the moon, darkness completely covers the distance. Birds huddle close to Spring with a cry.

Spring-Red (to the birds)

In the bushes soon, in the bushes! Joke conceived

Old Frost. Wait until the morning

And tomorrow you will melt in the fields

Melting spots, polynyas on the river.

Warm up in the sun a little

And the nests will begin to curl.

Birds go into the bushes, out of the forest Freezing.

The second phenomenon

Spring-Red, Santa Claus.


Spring-Krasna, is it great to be back?


And are you healthy, Santa Claus?


My life is not bad. Berendei

This winter will not be forgotten

Merry was; the sun was dancing

From the cold in the morning dawn

And in the evening the month got up with ears.

I'll think about walking, I'll take a baton,

I will clarify, I will raise the silver of the night,

That's something I expanse and space.

By rich town houses

Punch in the corners

Creaking at the gates with strings,

Under the skids to sing

I love

Love, love, love.

From the fishing line along the path behind the cart,

A creaky convoy hurries for the night.

I'm guarding the convoy

I'll run ahead

At the edge of the field, away,

On frosty dust

I lie down like a haze,

In the middle of the midnight skies I will rise as a glow.

I will spill, Frost,

Ninety stripes

I will scatter in pillars, innumerable rays,


And the pillars jostle and spiral,

And beneath them the snows light up.

Sea of ​​light-fire, bright,

There is blue, there is red, and there is cherry.

I love it.

Love, love, love.

I'm even angrier about the early time,

At the ruddy dawn.

I will reach out to the dwellings from the ravines with glades,

I'll creep up, I'll crawl with fogs.

Smoke curls over the village

In one direction perishes;

I am gray fog

Freeze the smoke

How it stretches

So it will remain

Over the field, over the forest


I love

Love, love, love.


You didn’t feast badly, it’s time to

And on your way to the north.


And I'll leave myself. Not happy with the old man

Forget about the old

Here I am, old man, always the same.


Everyone has their own habits and customs.


I'll leave, I'll leave, in the morning dawn,

In the breeze, I'll rush off to the Siberian tundra.

I'm a sable three on the ears,

I put a deer on my shoulders,

I hang my belt with trinkets;

Along the plagues, along the yurts of nomads,

According to the wintering quarters of the furriers

I go, I’ll leave, I’ll sham,

They will bow to my waist.

My dominion in Siberia is eternal,

There will be no end to it. Here Yarilo

Hinders me and you change me

On a stupid breed of idlers.

Korchazhnye, yes cook buckets in forty

They know how to brew honey.

They ask the sun for spring warmth.

Why - ask? Do not suddenly take plow,

Not bad plow. eve edit,

Yes, frolic, stoneflies sing, in circles

Walk all night from dawn to dusk, -

They have one concern.


To whom

Will you leave the Snow Maiden?


Sheath your sheepskin coat and hats.

Lines of motley reindeer mittens.

Sushi mushrooms, cranberries and cloudberries

Prepare about winter breadlessness;

From boredom, sing, dance, if there is a hunt,

What else?


Eh, old! The girl will

Sweetest of all. Neither your chiseled tower,

No sables, beavers, no mittens

Stitched are not expensive; on thought

The Snow Maiden girl has something else:

live with people; she needs girlfriends

Funny, yes games until midnight,

End of free trial.

The Snow Maiden is perhaps the least typical of all the plays by Alexander Ostrovsky, which stands out sharply among other things in his work with lyricism, unusual problems (instead of social drama, the author paid attention to personal drama, designating the theme of love as the central theme) and absolutely fantastic surroundings. The play tells the story of the Snow Maiden, who appears before us as a young girl, desperately longing for the only thing she never had - love. While remaining faithful to the main line, Ostrovsky simultaneously reveals a few more: the structure of his semi-epic, semi-fairytale world, the customs and customs of the Berendeys, the theme of continuity and retribution, and the cyclical nature of life, noting, albeit in an allegorical form, that life and death always go hand in hand.

History of creation

The Russian literary world owes the birth of the play to a happy accident: at the very beginning of 1873, for overhaul The building of the Maly Theater was closed, and a group of actors temporarily moved to the Bolshoi. Deciding to take advantage of the opportunities of the new stage and attract the audience, it was decided to arrange an extravaganza performance unusual for those times, immediately involving the ballet, drama and opera components of the theater team.

It was with the proposal to write a play for this extravaganza that they turned to Ostrovsky, who, taking advantage of the opportunity to put a literary experiment into practice, agreed. The author changed his habit of looking for inspiration in unsightly sides real life, and in search of material for the play turned to the work of the people. There he found a legend about the Snow Maiden, which became the basis for his magnificent work.

In the early spring of 1873, Ostrovsky was hard at work on the creation of the play. And not alone - since staging on stage is impossible without music, the playwright worked together with the still very young then Pyotr Tchaikovsky. According to critics and writers, this is precisely one of the reasons for the amazing rhythm of The Snow Maiden - words and music were composed in a single impulse, close interaction, and imbued with each other's rhythm, initially making up one whole.

It is symbolic that Ostrovsky put the last point in The Snow Maiden on the day of his fiftieth birthday, March 31. A little more than a month later, on May 11, the premiere performance was shown. He received quite different reviews among critics, both positive and sharply negative, but already in the 20th century literary critics firmly agreed that The Snow Maiden was the brightest milestone in the work of the playwright.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

The plot is based on the life path of the Snow Maiden girl, born from the union of Frost and Spring-Red, her father and mother. The Snow Maiden lives in the Berendey kingdom invented by Ostrov, but not with her relatives - she left her father Frost, who protected her from all possible troubles - but with the family of Bobyl and Bobylikh. The Snow Maiden longs for love, but she cannot fall in love - even her interest in Lelya is dictated by the desire to be the only and unique, the desire that the shepherd, who evenly gives all the girls warmth and joy, be affectionate with her alone. But Bobyl and Bobylikha are not going to bestow their love on her, they have a more important task: to cash in on the beauty of the girl by marrying her off. The Snow Maiden looks indifferently at the Berendey men, who change their lives for her sake, reject brides and violate social norms; she is internally cold, she is a stranger full of life Berendei - and therefore attracts them. However, misfortune also falls to the lot of the Snow Maiden - when she sees Lel, who is favorable to the other and rejects her, the girl rushes to her mother with a request to let her fall in love - or die.

It is at this moment that Ostrovsky clearly expresses the central idea of ​​his work to the limit: life without love is meaningless. The Snow Maiden cannot and does not want to put up with the emptiness and coldness that exists in her heart, and Spring, which is the personification of love, allows her daughter to experience this feeling, despite the fact that she herself thinks bad.

The mother turns out to be right: the Snow Maiden, who has fallen in love, melts under the first rays of the hot and clear sun, having managed, however, to discover a new world filled with meaning. And her lover, who had previously left his bride and was expelled by the Tsar, Mizgir, parted with his life in the pond, seeking to reunite with the water, which became the Snow Maiden.

main characters

(Scene from the ballet-performance "The Snow Maiden")

The Snow Maiden is the central figure of the work. A girl of extraordinary beauty, desperate to know love, but at the same time cold at heart. Pure, partly naive and completely alien to Berendey people, she is ready to give everything, even her life, in exchange for knowing what love is and why everyone is so hungry for it.
Frost is the father of the Snow Maiden, formidable and strict, who sought to protect his daughter from all sorts of troubles.

Spring-Krasna is the mother of a girl who, despite a premonition of trouble, could not go against her nature and her daughter's pleas and endowed her with the ability to love.

Lel is a windy and cheerful shepherd who was the first to awaken some feelings and emotions in the Snow Maiden. It was because she was rejected by him that the girl rushed to Spring.

Mizgir is a merchant guest, or, in other words, a merchant who fell in love with the girl so much that he not only offered all his wealth for her, but also left Kupava, his failed bride, thereby violating the traditionally observed customs of the Berendey kingdom. In the end, he gained the reciprocity of the one he loved, but not for long - and after her death he himself lost his life.

It is worth noting that despite the large number of characters in the play, even the secondary characters turned out to be bright and characteristic: that the king Berendey, that Bobyl and Bobylikh, that the former bride of Mizgir Kupava - all of them are remembered by the reader, have their own hallmarks and features.

"The Snow Maiden" is a complex and multifaceted work, both compositionally and rhythmically. The play is written without rhyme, but thanks to the unique rhythm and melodiousness that literally exists in every line, it sounds smoothly, like any rhymed verse. Decorates the "Snow Maiden" and the rich use of colloquial phrases - this is a completely logical and justified step by the playwright, who, when creating the work, relied on folk tales telling about a girl from the snow.

The same statement about versatility is also true in relation to the content: behind the outwardly simple story of the Snow Maiden (went out into the real world - rejected people - received love - imbued with the human world - died) lurks not only the assertion that life without love is meaningless, but also many other equally important aspects.

So, one of the central themes is the interconnection of opposites, without which the natural course of things is impossible. Frost and Yarilo, cold and light, winter and the warm season outwardly oppose each other, enter into an irreconcilable contradiction, but at the same time, the thought runs through the text that one does not exist without the other.

In addition to the lyricism and sacrifice of love, interest is also social aspect plays, displayed against the backdrop of fabulous foundations. The norms and customs of the Berendey kingdom are strictly observed, for violation they face expulsion, as happened with Mizgir. These norms are fair and to some extent reflect Ostrovsky's idea of ​​an ideal old Russian community, where fidelity and love for one's neighbor, life in unity with nature are at a premium. The figure of Tsar Berendey, the “kind” Tsar, who, although he is forced to make harsh decisions, regards the fate of the Snow Maiden as tragic, sad, unambiguously evokes positive emotions; such a king is easy to sympathize with.

At the same time, in the Berendey kingdom, justice is observed in everything: even after the death of the Snow Maiden, as a result of her acceptance of love, Yarila's anger and argument disappear, and the Berendey people can again enjoy the sun and warmth. Harmony prevails.

The play "The Snow Maiden" was written by A.N. Ostrovsky "on the occasion" and stands out against the background of his characteristic satirical works. The prehistory of its creation is as follows: in 1873, the Maly Theater moved to the Bolshoi Theater due to repairs, and the commission that dealt with all the imperial theaters in Moscow decided to put on a special performance that would involve both ballet, opera and drama troupes. Not only Ostrovsky was asked to take on the realization of this idea, but also Tchaikovsky, who was responsible for the musical part. Both were carried away by their work so much that the extravaganza was ready very quickly.

Ostrovsky's The Snow Maiden is based on folk tale, which combines Slavic rituals and songs, and also adds a mythological component. Thanks to this, a work that has long been considered frivolous for such a serious playwright becomes multilayered and ambiguous. Thus, his nature resembles not so much a landscape as a portrait. If you download this work for free or read it online, you can easily notice that the natural and human principles are mixed in it. The duality of the play is easy to notice if the "Snow Maiden" is read in full for a literature lesson. On the one hand, the spectator is presented with a utopian Berendey kingdom, where even the king believes that all living things must be loved, on the other hand, the human greed of Bobyl and Bobylikha appears, who see in the adopted daughter only a means for their own enrichment. The love that the heart of the Snow Maiden so longs for, she finds in Mizgir, who, even being the groom of Kupava, still could not resist and also fell in love with the beauty. The story about this ends sadly - the Snow Maiden melts, succumbing to human feelings, and her fiancé drowns in the lake.

At the same time, the author, although sad, is sad lightly. He shows the viewer that in fact his work tells about the fearlessness and freedom that every person has, about love and true light that overcomes the fear of death. The play shows that loyalty, love and beauty of the soul are more important material assets, the desire for which is embodied in the images of the foster parents of the Snow Maiden and who still do not receive their dubious "happiness". Thus, the playwright demonstrates the victory of the spiritual over the physical, the triumph of true feelings.


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