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Which adult did not like to play with sand in childhood? You can often meet kids in the yard playing with each other in the sandbox. Yes, and you probably built those sand castles as a child. Many young children enjoy this activity. Already with early years You can learn a lot about a child by watching him play in the sand. And sand painting on light tables for kids can be very an exciting activity.

In this article, we will talk about the sand tablet. What is this thing? And why is sand painting so important for kids?

This is not a technical device. We are talking about a table with a variety of illumination of the work surface. Thanks to them, you can freely draw using sand as the main tool. By the way, there is a separate place for him too. It is difficult to find fasteners on a tablet table. Some details are very well hidden, while others are perfectly glued together. Since the surface of the table is illuminated, accordingly, the object needs to be powered from somewhere. To do this, the table has a special connector, as in the phone. This entertainment item has the necessary certificate, which confirms the safety of operation.

Remember, the safety of children should always come first!

What's the use?

Absolutely all children love to draw, even if it doesn’t quite come out beautifully. This way of self-expression at such a young age works well on a sand tablet. Teaching sand painting to children is quite easy. To see the benefits of this technique, consider the following perspectives:

  • If a child plays on a sand playground in the yard, he is exposed to external factors. For example, bad weather can spoil his holiday. There are children who do not always know how to share even a sandy playground. Using a sand tablet, your child does not risk anything.
  • Drawing in the sand, the child easily gets rid of emotional ailments and becomes morally more stable. He seems to be reborn. So it will be easier for him to avoid any stressful situations. Perception changes completely.
  • The child can draw not only with the index finger. To do this, he can use a variety of forms of his hand. For example, at first the drawing was drawn with the index finger, and then the little personality moved to the side of the palm to give some effect. The imagination of children is limitless. They can draw some lines, objects and much more. And most importantly, for this type of development, neither special equipment nor any auxiliary items are needed.
  • Children who are preparing to go to school can also take part in this. During their creative activity, you can follow the working person. Determine what kind of character the child has, how accurate he is in movements, whether he has perseverance and diligence. Already from the preschool period, you can find a sea of ​​\u200b\u200btalents in most children.
  • As you know, colors have a very strong effect on the human subconscious. Our psychology is arranged in such a way that we always follow our favorite color. This may be caused by light dependent hormones. Colors also work very well with apathy and irritability. If you notice something similar in your child, be sure to go through color therapy with him.

How to properly handle the sand tablet?

The game on the sand table should be exciting and as convenient as possible. But there are a number of certain rules that are very important to follow. The surface of the sand table is made of glass so that the entire area is illuminated in different colors. And glass, as you know, does not like sharp or too heavy objects. Therefore, if you do not want to damage the playing surface, avoid the presence of unnecessary unnecessary items that can harm not only the table, but also the children playing at it. Of course, you can leave the toys. But be aware that some of them can still cause light scratches or clog the glass surface. However, the games can continue on, because this does not affect the drawing in any way.

By its nature, sand can be electrified, and the current is dangerous for both an adult and a small child. Wipe the table with antistatic from time to time, and everything will be in order. In addition to the table, the sand itself can become contaminated. For drawing on a sand tablet, hygiene is very important. If the sand is dirty, various insects and other insects that are harmful to the human body may appear on the table. To avoid such harmful effects, sometimes sift the sand through a sieve. You can entrust such a task even to children. Discard the remaining dirt on the surface, of course.

It is important that the sand is of high quality, because lumps of different sizes can form over time. The main reason for their appearance is antistatic. To keep the sand in good shape, wash it or bake it in the oven.

The role of color therapy

Why are colors important when painting in sand? The bottom line is that each color can have a specific effect on a child. Some even shape his psychology. For example, some soothe, while others irritate, some sow joy, while others awaken a feeling of anger.

Before allowing children to draw freely in the sand, think about table lighting in advance. If such a mechanism is this moment is missing, then drawing with colored sand for children can fix this.

  • By choosing red, you awaken strength in a small character and develop leadership traits in him, however, excessive red activity can awaken others. negative sides. Sometimes this is expressed in nervous irritation and even aggression. Try to make the child avoid such a long contact with this color.
  • Orange shades have always promoted optimism and joy. Such qualities very well help to get rid of various unpredictable nervous breakdowns, depressions and other emotional moments. In addition, the orange tint awakens the appetite well, which is especially useful at this age.
  • At a young age, children often lack concentration. And to learn this, focus on yellow. It will help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts and focus on more important things. This color plays a particularly tangible role when a child enters school. During this period, a young person may feel some kind of experience within himself. And yellow just helps to overcome uncertainty at such an early stage in a child’s life.
  • Green color is pleasant not only for the eyes, but also for the soul. Thanks to him, sleep will be pleasant, and irritability will soon go away.
  • Blue colors are responsible for the note of relationships within the family or in the external community, that is, the child learns to get along with the family and adapt to the team.
  • Purple is the color of creativity. It helps to cope with their psychological problems and stabilize the emotional state.

As you can see, color therapy has the most positive effect on any child if it is properly managed with colors. The method is really effective, as it helps to find out the current state young man and, if necessary, direct it in the right direction for further development.

How to conduct sand therapy for young children?

Before hosting a sand painting workshop for children, all participants must have a complete set of tools. Of course, without a light table and colored sand, no therapy will succeed. But if you have these materials, then only a very small number of items remain: brushes, a tray, a plastic container, a sieve, all kinds of toys and gloves. According to age restrictions, children from one year old or those who are already in first grade can take part in such an event.

Once you've got your table ready, put on some relaxing music. If the table is near a window, close the curtains so that the daylight does not knock down the shades on the surface.

First, set the stage for setting the mood for the kids. Tell some interesting story, in which sand and other items necessary for work will be found. For example, start your story with the following words: “Once upon a time, sand, toys and other things gathered on the table. Sandy constantly grumbled that other objects and things are much more necessary than him, because they are often played with. And at this moment you kind of catch the attention of the kids, focusing on the privileges of the sand. Explain to everyone that you can do a variety of things with it: pour it from one pen to another, draw lines, sculpt different figures. You must unleash the full potential of the sand and encourage each kid to create something of their own.

For more productive activities, a sandbox is perfect. The beauty of it is that it is convenient in size and functionality. If you push the sand in it, you will get rivulets and lakes. So the kids can play. They will make mountains, paths, rivers and many other things with their own hands. Yungina sandbox allows children's eyes to look around and plan their sand project where the child desires. The sandbox is made of wood. Its blue bottom will remind children of the ocean and sky.

Game exercises

Exercise one.

Start using the Jungian sandbox. Since it also has a backlight, it is advisable to first place the sand on a tray or container in order to avoid unnecessary damage to the table surface. As you open the sand, let the kids hold it in their hands. Pour a little of it into everyone's hands so that the children have a little fun. They can pour it from place to place or from one hand to another. On the light table, kids can run their index fingers across the sand. Of course, the movements are elementary, but this can already affect the further development of speech and brain activity.

Exercise two.

In this exercise, sand must be poured with a spoon, sieve or rake. Let the children bury their own toys.

Exercise three.

Bury different buttons in a box filled with sand. Items must differ from each other in color, shape, size and other characteristics. Have the young participant feel the buttons and describe how they feel. Let the child describe his feelings.

Exercise four.

This time, bury a small rock deep in the sand, which is not exactly pleasant to the touch. The way all the players present will help you dig it out. And during the game, let everyone share their impressions. For example, you can encourage toddlers to talk about whether a stone is hard or unpleasant. Maybe it's cold, but if you pass it to each other every time, it becomes warm. Such actions contribute to the unification of the team.

Exercise five.

Choose any box or small chest. Place a variety of treasures in the chest - an image of the sun or a rainbow. Then fill with sand. Then pass around the circle. And let each kid, working with one finger, draw a circle and find his surprise.

Exercise six.

Again we start playing the game "take and guess". Give your child a container filled with sand. There is, of course, something hidden in it. The kid is allowed to put the handle inside, but not to peep and not pull out the thing right away. First, let him guess what exactly is hidden there and tell you. Based on touches, he can give detailed arguments for his guesses by various characteristics of the object.

After the kids have got used to the light table, rid the area of ​​unnecessary unnecessary items: leave only those toys that do not pose a threat to the surface of the table. It can be soft, smooth and other non-sharp, and not too heavy objects.

Natalia Timoshkina

But first I decided to try to learn on my own sand painting technique based on the book by the German psychologist Mariella Seitz "We write and draw on sand. Practical recommendations» . This book introduces various techniques for drawing on sand which open up wide opportunities for the development of creative abilities of both children and adults. I would like to show some image techniques.

1. Fist drawing

2. Palm painting

3. Thumb edge

4. Drawing with a pinch

5. Drawing with little fingers

6. Simultaneous use of multiple fingers

7. Symmetrically with two hands.

8. Cut off the excess

9. Sprinkling from the cam

10. Finger painting

We also have a box with various materials for drawing: strainers made from a yogurt jar, confectionery syringes, massage balls, stencils,

Here's how we use them with a pastry syringe.

Massage balls leave such a mark.

Using a strainer, we evenly distribute the sand over the surface for the future pattern.

And these are drawings using stencils.

Before I start drawing, I tell and show a fairy tale, and then I give children the opportunity to draw on their own. I will tell about one sand fairy tale next time.

Sand painting has recently become quite a popular art form. Artists create their paintings by adding or removing sand from a glass surface, using the contrast of light and dark areas of the work area. Now there are many schools and studios where you can learn how to paint with sand. However, it is quite possible to learn this type of drawing at home.

Sand painting supplies

Sand painting requires a certain set of accessories, the preparation of which must first be taken care of. You will need:

  • sand;
  • table with lighting;
  • antistatic agent.

Experienced Artists the best option volcanic sand is recognized for drawing, but it is very expensive, and it is not so easy to find it. Therefore, it is recommended to use quartz sand. The advantage of this sand is that its particle size distribution is uniform and the grains of sand are fine and well sifted. You can buy such sand even at a pet store.

Of course, some, in order to save money, also use ordinary river or sea sand, but in order for it to become somehow suitable for drawing and not to dust, it must be carefully sifted, washed in water, and then thoroughly ignited.

If you can’t find sand, don’t be discouraged: instead of it, artists sometimes use semolina, salt, and even ground coffee, although all these materials, of course, are inferior to sand in pliability for drawing.

Illuminated tablet tables are bought in specialty stores. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase equipment, you can make such a table with your own hands. How to do this, see the following video:

Or you can go even simpler: take a wooden box, put a piece of organic glass on it and stretch a light bulb under it in such a way as to get a light source directed at the glass surface.

An antistatic agent is necessary so that the grains of sand do not become electrified, do not cling to each other, and nothing interferes with drawing, therefore, before each lesson, you need to treat the glass with this agent.

Additional tools can also diversify sand drawing, for example, various brushes or a wand for a tablet.


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