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MOU "Dmitrievskaya secondary school"

Methodical development

« subject week the world around

in elementary grades"


Surnina Svetlana Alexandrovna,

teacher primary school

With. Dmitrievka, 2015

Subject week around the world for students elementary school

Motto of the week "Look how good the world you live in"

Purposes of the event:

    To develop students' interest in the lessons of the "World Around"; raise the educational level; carry out environmental education.

    To form the ability of students to perceive a holistic picture of the world, respect for nature.

    To create conditions for the development and implementation of the cognitive and creative abilities of students in the study of nature.

    Create conditions for the formation healthy lifestyle life.

    Develop the ability to work independently, present the result of individual activity.

Plan of the event:

    Opening of the week. Campaign "Plant a tree".

    Quiz "About green forests and forest wonders.

    Olympiad "Connoisseurs of Nature" in grades 1, 2, 3, 4.

    Competition "Breakfast on the grass" (menu from plants).

    Competition of editors-in-chief "The world around us" (crossword puzzles, rebuses).

    Drawing competition "Our world is a miracle."

    Photo contest "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

    Game-journey "In the realm of nature" (Thursday)

    Summing up (Saturday).

    Rewarding. Closing of the subject week (Monday).

We wish you creative success!

Stock "Plant a Tree"

A tree without leaves hangs on the wall in the hall. During the week, leaflets with the names of various trees are attached to it.


"About green forests and forest wonders."

For students in grades 1-4.

    What birds in the spring mutter "I'll buy a hoodie, I'll sell a fur coat"?

    Do mosquitoes have teeth?

    Grass for 99 diseases?

    Colored mushrooms?

    What is a squirrel's nest called?

    What cubs are born "naked", and after a few hours they have a coat?

"About green forests and forest wonders." (answers)

For students in grades 1-4.

    Why do pine lower branches die off, but spruce does not?(Pine is a light-loving tree)

    Which tree blooms the latest?(Linden - blooms in summer)

    What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?(Photo hunting)

    What is the most voracious predator on the planet?(Dragonfly, because in a day she eats several times more food than she weighs herself)

    What birds in the spring mutter "I'll buy a hoodie, I'll sell a fur coat"?(Kosachi, black grouse - males, words are similar in imitation of his song - muttering)

    What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal to us?(Bird nests are clearly visible)

    Are bunnies born sighted or blind?(Sighted)

    Who cuckoos at the cuckoo, a female or a male?(Male)

    What animal grows teeth every day?(For all rodents)

    Do mosquitoes have teeth?(Yes - 22)

    Which animal has 2 monuments?(to the frog)

    Are there rhinos in our forests?(Yes, rhinoceros beetle)

    What animal runs like a wolf, climbs like a cat, and looks like a bear?(Wolverine)

    Grass for 99 diseases?(St. John's wort)

    Colored mushrooms?(Russula)

    Is the tree a symbol of our Motherland?(Birch)

    What is a squirrel's nest called?(Gaino)

    What cubs are born “naked”, and after a few hours they have a coat?(Ezhata)

    What kind of insects clap their hands?(Mosquitoes, moths)

    What plants are insect predators?(Sundew)

    The name of which plant says where it lives?(Plantain)

Olympiad for class 1 around the world.

1. Riddle. Draw a clue.

White carrot grows in winter. ______________________

2. Write phone numbers emergency services:

Police - ___________, Ambulance- ___________, Fire Department - ____________

3. Underline with a pencil the names of the planets of the solar system:

Mercury, Pluto, Aldebaran, Moon, Earth, Mars, Sirius, Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Saturn.

4. Collect the names of animals from the letters:

BAR - ______________________ CUTTING - _______________________

WURDLEB - ___________________________ LEZOK - _____________________________

5. How many legs does a spider have? __________

6. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? _______________________

7. What is the name of the position of the head of state?_____________________

What is the name of the position of the head of the city?__________________________

8. Match the words from the first column with the words from the second column:

Animal dwelling

Bear Beehive

bee chicken coop

Kennel dog

Chicken Anthill

Fox Berloga

Ant Burrow

Olympiad for class 2 around the world.

Surname, name _____________________ Number of points ____________

1. Riddle. Write an answer.

Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for a hut. ______________________

2. What country do we live in?________________

3. Underline objects of inanimate nature with a pencil: the Sun, a stone, a bear, a cloud, a hut, a rock, a well, a tunnel, a horse, a bird, an airplane, lightning.

4. Collect the names of plants from the letters:

BUNCRSIA - ______________________ AIAMLN - _______________________

ZAREBE - ___________________________ LTPAYUN - _____________________________

5. What distinguishes fish from other animals?

___________________________________________________________________ __________

6. How are the plants arranged in the forest? Underline the correct answer:

Groups, tiers, families.

7. Write 3 symbols of any state. _______________________________________________

9. Who sleeps where? Ant -in an anthill , bear -in a lair ,

horses - _______________, pigs - ________________, bees - ____________________, foxes - _______________, cows - _________________, dogs - __________________.

Magpie Poured

Owl Gogochet

Nightingale Tenkaet

Sparrow Tweets

Tit chirping

goose hoots

Olympiad for grade 3 around the world.

Surname, name _____________________ Number of points ____________

1. Name the animals whose names have only 3 letters.

2. What sea does not exist? Emphasize.

Red Sea, White Sea, Black Sea, Blue Sea, Yellow Sea.

3. What body can be in a solid, liquid or gaseous state? _____________

4. Why is hunting strictly prohibited in spring? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What is the worst thing for birds in winter? ____________________________________________

6. Think about what parts of the plant are eaten:

Beets have ___________________, lettuce has ________________________, plums have ____________________, and roses have ____________________.

7. Three spoons were placed in hot water: iron, plastic and wooden. After 3 minutes they wanted to get it. Which spoon will be the hottest? ____________________

8. Guess the crossword:

1. An object that helps determine the cardinal points.

2. The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it.

3. Visually impaired animal.

4. And a cloud, and fog, and a river, and an ocean. I fly and run, and I can be glass.

5. Forest doctor (bird).

6. A bird that brings children.

7. Wintering bird.

Olympiad for grade 4 around the world.

Surname, name _____________________ Number of points ____________

1. Name the animals whose names have only 2 letters.


2. Match the names of countries and the names of capitals

Paris *

* Japan

Rome *

* France

Moscow *

* Germany


* Russia

London *

* Italy

Berlin *

* England

3. Remember what color the flag of Russia is and color it.

4. Solve puzzles:

5. Three spoons were placed in hot water: iron, plastic and wooden. After 3 minutes they wanted to get it. Which spoon will be the hottest? ____________________

7. What berry is black, red and white? _____________________________________

6. Write down the words for "rooms" in different institutions:

In hotel - ____________

In the monastery - _______________

In the clinic - __________________

On the train - _________________

In the museum - ____________________


Olympiad 1st class Okr. World

1. Icicle


3. Mercury, Pluto, Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn.

4. Badger, Camel, Dog, Goat

6. Cuckoo

7.President, Mayor

8. Bear-den, bee-hive, dog-kennel, chicken-coop, fox-burrow, ant-anthill.

Olympiad 2 class Surrounding world

1. Wind

2. Sochi

3. Sun, stone, cloud, rock, lightning.

4. Lingonberry, birch, raspberry, tulip

5. Gills, fins, scales


7. Coat of arms, flag, anthem

9. Horses - in a stable (in a stall), pigs - in a pigsty, bees - in a hive, foxes - in a hole, cows - in a barn, a dog - in a kennel.

10. The eagle owl hoots, the goose cackles, the nightingale floods, the sparrow chirps, the magpie chirps, the tit tinkles.

Olympiad 3 class Surrounding world

1.bull, ruff, catfish, ide, siskin, etc. sea


4.because the animals feed their young

5. hunger

6. beets have a root, a plum has a fruit, a lettuce has leaves, a rose has a flower


8. compass, horizon, mole, water, woodpecker, stork, bullfinch

Olympiad 4 class Surrounding world

1.yak, already, hedgehog, etc.

2. Paris - France, Rome - Italy, Moscow - Russia, Tokyo - Japan, London - England, Berlin - Germany




4. crossroads

traffic light

5. iron


6.Hotel - a room, a monastery - a cell, a polyclinic - an office, a train - a compartment, a museum - a hall.

Competition“Breakfast on the grass” (plant menu)

What do forests give to a person?
Raspberries, nuts, bird voices.
dewdrop leaf,
A bunch of mushrooms.
Each of us is ready for a miracle.

Competitioneditors-in-chief of The World Around Us (crosswords, puzzles)

Only you wake up in the morning
You will immediately encounter a rebus,
Don't give up, guess
And help nature!

The game is a journey "In the kingdom of nature."

1. Look, my young friend, what is around:
The sky is light blue, the sun shines golden,

2. The wind plays with leaves, a cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage,

3. Birds, animals and forests, thunder, fogs and dew,
Man and the season - it's all around nature!

4. Everything, everything, in the world we need each other
And midges are no less needed than elephants.

5. You can’t do without ridiculous monsters
And even without evil and ferocious predators.

6. We need everything in the world, we need everything in a row,
Who makes honey and who makes poison.

7. Bad deeds for a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat is no better off.

8. And if someone seems superfluous to us,
That, of course, would be a mistake.

9. Everyone in the world needs each other
And that's what you kids need to remember.

Chorus: So let's save

Our earthly natural home!

2 mixed teams of eight people are formed (3 from each class). Children determine the captain and the name of the team. After receiving the guide sheets, students travel through four stations. Time is regulated (5 min.).

At the end of the journey, the results are summed up: the total number of points scored by the team is calculated; the presentation by the students of their team is taken into account, the rating of the results is posted.

Sample travel guide.

Team name _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Station name

Number of points


Guess - draw.

Station of entertaining questions.

Pick up a proverb.



1) The first station "Guess - draw."

Participants guess riddles and collectively draw the resulting plot on a piece of paper.


We cry without him

and how it will appear

hiding from him. (Sun)

The gates went up

Beauty all over the world. (Rainbow)

Flowing, flowing

Won't leak

Runs, runs -

Won't run out. (River)

Cheerful in the spring

It's cold in summer

Feeds in autumn

Warms in winter. (Wood)

Who was born twice:

Smooth for the first time

The second time soft? (Bird)

yellow hostess

Came from the forest

counted all the chickens

and took it with her. (Fox)

Not a mouse, not a bird

frolicking in the forest,

Lives on trees

And chews nuts. (Squirrel)

She does not see herself

And points out to others. (Road)

2) Second – « Station of entertaining questions»

Children are given a card with questions to which they must answer.

Competition questions:

    The smallest bird (hummingbird)

    What bird is called a feathered cat? (owl)

    Which birds have scales on their wings? (penguin)

    What fish has a monkey tail? (sea Horse)

    Which animal carries its babies in a pouch? (kangaroo)

    Bunnies born in winter? (nastovik)

    hares born in summer (herbalists)

    Which animal goes the longest without food? (camel)

    Animal - gargle (raccoon)

    tallest animal (giraffe)

    The fastest animal (cheetah)

    Who has a tongue longer than the body? (chameleon)

    Forest orderly (wolf)

    Beast - builder (beavers)

    The world's largest snake (anaconda)

    The largest animal living on earth (elephant)

    The oldest insect on the planet (dragonfly)

    Domestic insect (bee)

    These mushrooms grow in a friendly family on a stump (honey mushrooms)

    The largest animal in Russia (moose)

    The most large bird. (ostrich)

    The thickest plant. (baobab)

    The smallest animal. (shrew)

    Who picks apples with his back? (Hedgehog. )

    Which birds breed chicks three times a summer? (Sparrows, oatmeal. )

    Which bird gets its food from under the ice? (Dipper. )

    Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile. )

    Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot. )

    Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird. )

    Which snow melts faster - clean or dirty? (Filthy. )

    What mushroom is called a forest predatory animal? (Chanterelle. )

    Which animal spends most of its time underground? (Mole. )

    1. The third station is "Collect a proverb."

Participants are offered 10 red and 10 yellow cards. The first part of the proverb is written on the red cards, and the second part is written on the yellow cards. Children are invited to collect a proverb. 1 point for each proverb.


The sun will rise clearly - goodbye, the moon is bright.

They take every mushroom in their hands, but not every one puts it in a box.

Spring and autumn - eight weather per day.

A moth flies on a good flower.

Don't be afraid of the cold, wash up to your waist.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with sheaves.

In the spring, rain soars, autumn wets.

A bad summer when there is no sun.

The berry is red, but it tastes bitter.

Snow in the fields - bread in the bins.

4) The fourth station "Erudite".

Each team is given sheets with the same crosswords. Teams solve them. Time - 5 minutes.










    The name of a group of animals to which the elephant, dolphin and bear (animals) belong.

    The name of the group of animals to which they belong grape snail, scallop and squid (shellfish).

    The name of the group of animals to which the eagle, crane and woodpecker (birds) belong.

    The name of a group of animals that includes the pond frog, toad, and newt (amphibians).

    The name of the group of animals that includes the shark, herring and pike (fish).

    The name of the animal group that includes the bumblebee, grasshopper, and ladybug (insects).

Closing of the week. Summarizing.

Finishing the week of nature connoisseurs,
We are happy to sum up:

Don't be afraid to have breakfast in the woods now.
You will be able to feed and drink each other.
And how many interesting tasty dishes
It was invented from herbs, berries, nuts.

Have any of you been an editor?

These are guys with a strong character.

Crosswords and puzzles can compose
They will not leave nature in trouble!

We found those in the school
Who knows about nature
Glory to the "Connoisseurs of Nature"!

(Winner's reward ceremony)

Examples of tokens for competitions.

"Bird Class"

General quiz lesson (8th grade)

(It is carried out according to the principle of the “Lucky Chance” TV game. 2 teams of 5 students each take part in the quiz. In addition, assistants are selected from among the students who count the points, writing them down on the board. The rest of the students play the role of fans - they participate in warm-up and answer questions in case the teams find it difficult to answer.)

Warm up

Before the start of the quiz, team members and fans are invited to repeat the taxonomy of birds. The host calls the bird, and the participants - the squad to which it belongs.

1. Swallow - order Passerines.

2. Swan - detachment Anseriformes (Lamellar-beaked).

3. Owls - detachment of Owls (Night predators).

4. Capercaillie - order Galliformes.

5. Heron - squad Ankle (Stork-like).

6. Crane - detachment Cranes.

7. Turtle dove - Dove-shaped squad.

8. Tit - order Passerines.

9. Hawk - order Falconiformes (Daytime birds of prey).

10. Crow - order Passerines.

11. Woodpecker - Woodpecker order.

I round

Questions for the 1st team

1. Why do domestic ducks and geese suddenly start screaming wistfully and become very excited in the spring? (The ancestors of our domestic geese and ducks were migratory birds. In the spring, during the migration of wild ducks and geese, domestic ones are also drawn to fly somewhere.)

2. What kind of birds "herd" flocks in South Africa? How? (Ostriches. They see predators from afar and warn the shepherd about them by their behavior.)

Questions for the 2nd team

1. Do all birds hatch chicks once a summer? (No. Finches, carduelis, warblers, tits, pigeons - twice; sparrows, buntings - two or three times.)

2. When does the bird sing louder - in flight or sitting on a branch? Why? (In flight. When the wings flap, the air sacs are stretched and the air enters the vocal apparatus with greater force.)

Game with spectators

Which of our large forest birds, with the onset of spring, mutters as if it says “I will buy a hoodie, I will sell a fur coat”, and with the onset of autumn it mutters “I will sell a hoodie, I will buy a fur coat”? (Teterev).

II round

For a certain period of time, the team should try to answer as best as possible more questions.

Questions for the 1st team

1. What bird that lives in the taiga and in the tundra changes the color of its plumage twice a year? (White partridge.)

2. What is the smallest bird in our country? (King.)

3. Who flies to us earlier - swifts or swallows? (Swallows.)

4. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Black grouse, hazel grouse.)

5. What is the largest bird on earth? (African ostrich.)

6. What cities are named after birds? (Eagle, Goose-Crystal.)

7. Where do starlings nest, except for birdhouses? (In hollows.)

8. Why do starlings and jackdaws sit on cows, sheep and horses? (They choose insects from their wool.)

9. Which bird, because of the shape of its tail, bears the name of an ancient musical instrument? (Bird-lyre or lyrebird.)

10. Who is called a feathered cat? (Owl.)

Questions for the 2nd team

1. Which songbirds have red males and greenish or yellowish females? (Klesty, schura, lentils).

2. Which bird's cry resembles a cat's? (Oriole.)

3. Which bird has two toes? (Ostrich.)

4. What bird bears the name of the writer? (Gogol.)

5. Which birds have females larger and stronger than males? (In carnivores.)

6. When is the sparrow's body temperature higher - in winter or summer? (Always the same.)

7. What birds breed chicks in winter? (Klesty.)

8. Which birds do not sit on the ground, or on the water, or on the branches? (Swifts.)

9. Which bird makes a bedding of fish bones in the nest? (Kingfisher.)

10. What birds are tamed for catching fish and where? (Baklanov in China.)

Question for viewers

In the 60s. A new direction appeared in science - bionics. The purpose of this science is the solution of engineering and technical problems based on the study of the structure and vital activity of living organisms.

Today, we all use a zipper in everyday life. What natural analogue of this fastener is in the "black box"? (A contour feather, the fan of which consists of many thin and narrow plates clinging to each other.)

III round

In 10 seconds, you need to find an error in the proposed statement.

1. Birds belonging to the order of diurnal predators: eagle, vulture, falcon, crow, kite. (Crow.)

2. Birds belonging to the order of owls: owl, owl, owl, osprey. (Osprey.)

3. Corvidae: crow, dove, jackdaw, rook. (Pigeon.)

IV round

Each team is given a card with the name of the animal written on it. It is necessary to depict it in such a way that the other team will name this animal.

In conclusion, the jury summarizes the results of the game.

JULY - the crown of summer - does not know tired, cleans everything. Rzhitsa-mother orders to bow to the ground. The oats are already in a caftan, but there is no shirt on the buckwheat.

Green plants have made their body out of sunlight. We store the golden ocean of ripe rye and wheat for ourselves for the whole year. We store hay for the cattle: the forests of grasses have already fallen, mountains of haystacks have risen.

Birdies begin to fall silent: they are no longer up to songs. All nests have chicks. They are born naked mole rats and need the care of their parents for a long time. But land, water, forest, even air - everything is now full of food for the little ones, they will get it for everyone!

The forests are full of small juicy fruits everywhere: strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants; in the north - golden cloudberries ... The meadows changed their golden dress to chamomile: the white color of the petals reflects the hot sun rays. The creator of life - Yarilo-sun does not joke at this time: his caresses can burn.



A young moose cow lives in a large forest outside the city of Lomonosov. She had one calf born this year.

The white-tailed eagle has a nest in the same forest. There are two eagles in the nest.

Siskin, chaffinch, oatmeal have five chicks each.

The vertigo has eight. The polovnichka (long-tailed tit) has twelve.

The gray partridge has twenty. In the nest of a stickleback, each egg hatched a fry, a total of a hundred sticklebacks. The bream has hundreds of thousands. There are countless codfish: probably a million fry.


Bream and cod do not care about their children at all. They spawned and left. And let the kids themselves, as they know, hatch, live and feed. But what about if you have hundreds of thousands of children? You can't look after everyone.

The frog has only one thousand children - and even then it does not think about them.

Of course, the homeless have a hard time. There are many voracious monsters under water, and all of them are greedy for tasty fish and frog caviar, for fish and frogs.

How many fish fry and tadpoles perish, how many dangers threaten them until they grow into big fish and frogs - it's just scary to think!


Elk and all mother birds are truly caring parents.

Elk is ready to give her life for her only cub. Try to attack her even if the bear itself: she will start kicking with both her front and hind legs, so finish him with her hooves that another time the bear will not stick close to the calf.

Our correspondents were caught in the field by a partridge's son: from under their very feet he jumped out and rushed to hide in the grass.

They caught him, and how he squeaks! Out of nowhere - mother partridge. She saw her son in the hands of people - she rushed about, clucked, crouched on the ground, dragging her wing.

Correspondents thought she was wounded. The partridge was abandoned, they chased after her.

Partridge hobbles along the ground - you are about to grab it with your hand; but just stretch out your hand - it is to the side. They were chasing and chasing a partridge like that, suddenly it flapped its wings, rose above the ground - and flew away as if nothing had happened.

Our correspondents returned back, for the partridge, and he was gone. It was on purpose that the mother pretended to be wounded, took her away from her son in order to save him. She stands up for each of her cubs so much: after all, she has only twenty of them.


On the sandbar of the island, small gulls live in the country.

At night they sleep in sandy holes (holes) - three in a hole. The whole shallow in the holes is such a large colony of gulls.

During the day they learn to fly, swim and catch small fish under the guidance of their elders.

Old seagulls teach and vigilantly guard their children.

When the enemy approaches, they fly in a flock and rush at him with such a cry and uproar that everyone will be afraid.

Even the huge white-tailed sea eagle is in a hurry to get away from them.


Here is a portrait of a little hawk just hatched from an egg. He has a white bump on his nose. This is the egg tooth. It is for them that the chick breaks the shell when it is time for him to come out of the egg.

The Little Little Sarychonok will grow up and be a bloodthirsty predator - a thunderstorm of rodents.

And now he is a funny kid, all in fluff, half-blind.

He is so helpless, such a sissy: he cannot take a step without mom and dad. He would have starved to death if they had not fed him.

And there are fighting guys among the chicks: as soon as they hatch out of the egg, they will jump on their legs now - and please: they get food for themselves, and they are not afraid of water, and they themselves hide from enemies.

Here sit two snipes. They are only a day like from an egg, and they have already left their nest and are looking for worms for themselves.

That is why the snipe had such large eggs that the snipe can grow in them. (See Forest Newspaper No. 4.)

Kuropatkin's son, whom we have just talked about, is also fighting. Just born, and already running like hell.

Here is another wild duckling - merganser.

As soon as he was born, he immediately hobbled to the river, flopping into the water - and began to bathe. He already knows how to dive and stretches, rising on the water - just like a big one.

And the pika's daughter is a terrible sissy. She sat in the nest for two whole weeks, now she flew out and sits on a stump.

That's how she pouted: she was unhappy that her mother did not fly with food for a long time.

She is almost three weeks old and still squeaks and demands that her mother stuff caterpillars and other treats into her mouth.


From different places in our vast country, we are written about meetings with an amazing bird. We saw her this month near Moscow and in Altai, on the Kama and on the Baltic Sea, in Yakutia and in Kazakhstan.

A very cute and elegant bird, similar to those bright floats that are sold in the cities to young anglers. And so trusting that if you come even five steps away, it will swim in front of you near the shore, it is not at all afraid.

All other birds now sit on nests or lead chicks, and these will gather in flocks and travel all over the country.

It is surprising that these bright beautiful birds are females. In all other birds, the males are brighter, more beautiful than the females, while these have the opposite: the males are gray, and the females are mottled.

It is even more surprising that these females do not care about their children at all. Far to the north, in the tundra, they laid their testicles in a hole - and goodbye! And the males stayed there to incubate eggs, feed and protect the chicks.

Everything topsy-turvy!

This bird is called a round-nosed phalarope.

You can meet her everywhere: today here, tomorrow there.


Thin, tender wagtails in the nest hatched six tiny naked chicks. Five are chicks like chicks, and the sixth is a freak: all kind of rough, wiry, big-headed, bulging eyes closed with a film, and the beak will open - you will recoil: there the whole mouth will open - an abyss.

The first day he lay quietly in the nest. Only when the wagtails flew up with food did he raise his heavy, fat head with difficulty, squeak weakly and open his mouth: feed!

The next day, in the chill of the morning, when the parents flew off to get food, he stirred. He lowered his head, rested it on the floor of the nest, spread his legs wide and began to back away.

He ran backwards on his little brother-chick and began to dig under him. He threw back his bare crooked stumps-wings, grabbed his little brother with them, squeezed them like claws, and with the chick on the backs, he began to move backwards towards the wall.

In the hole at the end of his back, the baby brother, small, weak, blind, floundered as if in a spoon. And the freak, resting his head and legs, raised him higher and higher until the chick was at the very edge.

Then, all tensed, the freak suddenly threw up his backside sharply - and the chick flew out of the nest.

The nest of wagtails was in a cliff above the bank of the river.

A tiny naked wagtail flopped down on the pebbles - and crashed to death.

And the evil freak, almost falling out of the nest himself, swayed, swayed on its edge, but his thick head outweighed it - and he fell back into the nest.

The whole thing lasted two or three minutes.

Then the freak, exhausted, lay motionless in the nest for a quarter of an hour.

Parents arrived. He raised his heavy blind head on his sinewy neck and, as if nothing had happened, opened his mouth, squealed - feed!

I ate, rested - and began to drive up under another brother.

He could not cope with this so easily: the chick floundered violently and rolled off his back. But the freak did not let up.

And five days later, when his eyes were cut through, he saw that he was lying alone in the nest: he threw all five chicks-brothers away and killed them.

Only on the twelfth day of his birth did he finally become covered with feathers - and then it became clear that the wagtails on the mountain had fed themselves a foundling - a cuckoo.

But he squeaked so pitifully, so like their own dead children, so touchingly, trembling with his wings, asked for food, that thin, tender birds could not refuse him, could not leave him to die of hunger.

Living from hand to mouth, in the hassle of not having time to eat their fill, from sunrise to sunset they dragged him fat caterpillars and, diving headlong into his wide mouth, thrust food into his gluttonous abyssal throat.

By autumn they had fed him. He flew away from them and never met them again in his life.


Many different berries ripened. Raspberries, red and black currants and gooseberries are harvested in the gardens.

Raspberries are also found in the forest. It grows in a bush. You will not make your way without breaking its fragile stems. Everything crackles underfoot. But for raspberries, this is not a loss. These stalks, on which the berries now hang, will live only until winter. And here is their change. That's how much came out of the ground from the rhizomes of young stems. Furry, all dotted with thorns. Next summer it will be their turn to bloom and grow berries.

In bushes and hummocks, on clearings near stumps, lingonberries ripen, berries already with a red barrel.

They are in lingonberries in bunches on the tops of the stems. On some bushes, these heaps are so large, dense, heavy, bent down and lie on the moss.

I would like to dig up such a bush, transplant it to myself and take care of it - will the berries become even larger? But so far lingonberries "in captivity" are not successful. And she is an interesting berry. Its berries can be stored for food all winter, just pour boiled water or ceiling so that the juice comes out.

Why doesn't she rot? She preserved herself. It contains benzoic acid. And benzoic acid prevents the berries from rotting.

N. Pavlova


Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two funny bear cubs and a pestun - her one-year-old son, a bear nanny.

The bear sat down.

Pestun grabbed one bear cub with his teeth by the scruff of the neck and let's dip him into the river.

The little bear squealed and floundered, but the pestun did not let him out until he rinsed him well in the water.

Another cub was frightened of a cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

The pestun caught up with him, gave him slaps, and then - into the water, like the first.

I rinsed it, rinsed it, and accidentally dropped it into the water. How the teddy bear screams! Then, in an instant, a bear jumped up, dragged her little son ashore, and gave the pestun such a splash that he, poor, howled.

Once again on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with the bath: the day was hot and they were very hot in thick, shaggy coats. The water refreshed them well.

After bathing, the bears again hid in the forest, and the hunter got down from the tree and went home.


Our cat had kittens in the spring, but they were taken away from her. Just that day we caught a little hare in the forest.

We took it and put it on the cat. The cat had a lot of milk, and she willingly began to feed the hare.

So the hare grew up on cat's milk. They became very good friends and even sleep always together.

The funniest thing is that the cat taught the foster hare how to fight dogs. As soon as the dog runs into our yard, the cat rushes at him and scratches furiously. And after her, a hare runs up and drums with its front paws so that the dog's hair flies in clumps. All the dogs around are afraid of our cat and her hare fosterling.


Our cat saw a hollow in a tree and thought that there was a bird's nest there. She wanted to eat the chicks, climbed a tree, stuck her head into the hollow and saw: at the bottom of the hollow the vipers were swarming and wriggling. Yes, how they hiss! The cat got scared, jumped from a tree, just to carry its legs!

And in the hollow, there were not vipers at all, but chicks of the spiny head (verticillary). It is their trick to defend themselves from enemies: they turn their heads, turn their necks - their necks wriggle like snakes. Yes, at the same time they also hiss like a viper. Everyone is afraid of poisonous vipers. Here are the little spinnerheads and imitate the viper to scare the enemies.


A big buzzard spotted a black grouse with a whole brood of yellow fluffy grouse.

“Here,” he thinks, “I’ll have lunch.”

He was already aiming to hit them from above, but then the grouse noticed him.

She shouted - and all the cubs disappeared in an instant. Sarych looked and looked - there was not a single one, how they fell through the ground! He flew off to look for other prey for dinner.

Then the grouse called out again - and all around her fluffy yellow grouse jumped up on their legs. They did not fall anywhere, but immediately lay, tightly clinging to the ground. Come on, distinguish them from above from leaves, grass and clods of earth!


The mosquito flew and flew in the forest above the swamp - and he was tired, he wanted to drink. Sees: flower; the stalk is green, above - small white bells, below - round crimson leaves with a rosette around the stem. On the leaves - cilia, on the cilia light dew drops shine.

The mosquito sat down on a leaf, dipped his nose into a drop, and the drop was sticky, sticky, a mosquito nose got stuck.

Suddenly, the cilia all stirred, stretched out like tentacles, grabbed the mosquito. The round leaf is closed - and there is no mosquito.

And when then the leaf opened again, an empty mosquito skin fell to the ground: the flower drank all the mosquito blood.

This is a terrible flower, a predatory flower - a sundew. He catches small insects and eats them.



1. When do birds have a tooth?

2. At what time of the year do predatory animals and birds live most satisfyingly?

3. Who is born twice, dies once?

4. Who will be born three times before becoming an adult?

5. Why do they say: "water off a duck's back"?

6. Which bird's chicks do not know their mother?

7. Which bird's chicks hiss from a hollow like snakes?

8. What kind of fish takes care of their children until they grow up?

9. Where is the “face” of the sunflower head at noon?

10. Do we have carnivorous plants?

11. There is a tour in the mountains, and a turikha along the borders; the tour will shout, and the turikha will blink.

12. In the morning the field is blue, in the afternoon it is green.

13. Old red hats are standing. Whoever approaches, he will bow.

14. Sits on a stick in a red shirt, the belly is light, stuffed with stones.

15. Sleeps on the ground, and disappears in the morning.

16. Who builds a hut without corners in the forest without axes?

17. Eyes on the horns, and the house on the back.

18. Angelic flowers and devilish claws.


Sun enters Virgo


August is a bully. At night, fast lightnings silently illuminate the forests.

For the last time in summer, the meadows change their outfit: now it is motley, the flowers on it are more and more dark - blue, purple. The sun-Yarilo begins to weaken, it is necessary to collect, store its farewell rays.

Large fruits ripen: vegetables, fruits. Late berries also ripen: lingonberries; cranberries ripen in the swamp, rowan on the tree.

Old men are born - those that do not like the hot sun, those that hide from it in the cool shade - mushrooms. And the trees stop growing and getting fat.


The forest children grew up and crawled out of the nests.

The birds that each couple lived in their own area in the spring now roam with the children throughout the forest.

Forest dwellers visit each other.

Even predatory animals and birds do not guard their hunting grounds so strictly. There are a lot of game everywhere. Enough for everyone.

A marten, a ferret, an ermine roam all over the forest - and everywhere they have easy prey: stupid chicks, inexperienced hares, careless mice.

Songbirds gather in flocks, wander through the bushes and trees.

The pack has its own custom.

The custom is this:


Whoever saw the enemy first should squeak or whistle - warn everyone so that the flock has time to rush in all directions. If one is in trouble, the flock raises a cry and din to fear the enemies.

A hundred pairs of eyes and a hundred pairs of ears guard the enemy, a hundred beaks are ready to repel an attack. The more broods adjoining the flock, the better.

For the guys in the flock there is a law: imitate the elders in everything. The elders calmly peck at the grains - and you peck. The elders raised their heads and do not move - and you freeze. The elders ran away - and you ran away.


And the cranes and black grouse have real training grounds for young people.

Black grouse - in the forest. Young mowers will gather and see what the old tokovik will do.

Tokovik will mutter, and the young will mutter. Tokovik will chuff, and the young will chuff - in thin voices.

Only now the tokovik doesn’t mumble as much as in the spring. In the spring he muttered: "I'll sell a fur coat, I'll buy a hoodie." And now: "I will sell a hoodie, I will sell a hoodie, I will buy a fur coat."

Young cranes arrive at the site in groups. They learn to fly in the correct formation - a triangle. This must be learned in order to conserve strength when flying over long distances.

The strongest old crane flies first in the triangle. It is more difficult for him, as a leader, to cut through the air.

When he gets tired, he moves to the tail of the detachment, and another one with fresh forces takes his place.

Behind the advanced ones, head to tail, head to tail, the young ones fly in time, waving their wings. Who is stronger - in front, weaker - behind. Waves of air run from the corner of the triangle, as if a boat cuts the water with its bow.


There are no wings - how can you fly?

But (you have to manage it!) Some spiders turned into aeronautical pilots.

A spider from the abdomen will release a thin cobweb, hook it on a bush, the wind will pick it up, tear it back and forth, but cannot break it: it is strong, like silk.

The spider sits on the ground. A cobweb between the ground and a branch winds in the air. The spider sits and winds the cobweb. It will get tangled up on its own - all over like in a silk ball - and let go of the cobweb more and more.

The web becomes longer and longer - the wind tears it more.

The spider is holding on to the ground with its feet, clinging tightly.

One two Three! - the spider went against the wind. Bit off the hooked end. It exploded in a rush, tore the spider off the ground. We flew. Live unwind the cobweb!

A balloon rises ... It flies high above the grass, above the bushes.

The pilot looks from above: where to go down?

Here is some courtyard, flies hover over a pile of manure. Stop! Way down!

The pilot winds the cobweb under himself, rolls it with his paws into a ball. The balloon is lower and lower... Done: landing!

The tip of the cobweb caught on the grass - landed!

Here you can safely live your home.

When many such spiders and their cobwebs fly through the air - and this happens in autumn in good dry weather - they say in the villages: Indian summer has come. Silver gray hair of autumn ...


Yellow warblers roamed the forest in a flock. From tree to tree, bush to bush. Every tree, every bush will be climbed, ransacked from top to bottom. Where is the worm, where is the bug, the butterfly will be found under the leaf, on the bark, in the well - they will pick everything up, pull it out.

“Thuit! Tuit! one of the birds squeaked anxiously. Everyone immediately became alert and saw: below, hiding between the roots of trees, now flickering with a dark back, now disappearing in deadwood, a predatory ermine is sneaking. Its narrow body coils like a snake, its evil eyes sparkle in the shadows like sparks.

“Thuit! Tuit! - squeaked from all sides, and the whole flock hastily removed from the tree.

It's good when it's light. Someone will notice the enemy, and everyone will be saved. And at night the birds crouch under the branches, sleep. But the enemies do not sleep. Silently pushing the air apart with soft wings, an owl will fly up, look out - and chop! Frightened sleepy babies splash in all directions, and two or three of them fight in the robber's iron hooks. It's bad when it's dark!

From tree to tree, from bush to bush, a flock makes its way farther and farther into the depths of the forest. Light birds scurry all over the foliage, climb into the most mysterious corners.

In the middle of the thicket is a thick stump. On the stump is an ugly tree fungus.

One warbler flew very close to him: are there any snails here?

Suddenly, the mushroom's gray eyelids slowly lifted. Two round eyes lit up underneath them.

Only then did she see a chiffchaff round, like a cat's face, and on it a predatory curved beak.

Frightened, she jumped to the side. “Thuit! Tuit! - the flock was alarmed. But no one is leaving. Everyone gathers around the terrible stump:

"Owl! Owl! Owl! For help! For help!"

The owl just angrily clicked its beak: “We found it! You won't get a good night's sleep!"

And from all sides small birds flock to the alarming signal of warblers.

The thief has been caught!

Tiny yellow-headed beetles descended from the tall firs. Lively tits jumped out of the bushes and boldly rushed to the attack; so they curl, and so they circle in front of the very nose of the owl, mockingly shouting to her:

“Come on, touch it, come on, catch it, catch it, grab it! Try it in the sun, you vile night robber!

The owl only clicks with its beak and bats its eyes: during the day, what can it do?

And the birds keep coming and coming. The squeak and noise of warblers and tits attracted a whole flock of bold and strong forest crows - blue-winged jays - into the thicket.

The owl got scared, flapped its wings - and ran away! Take off your legs while you are whole; kill the jays with their beaks.

Jays follow her. They chased, chased, until they were completely driven out of the forest.

The warblers will sleep peacefully this night: after such a beating, the owl will not soon decide to return to its old place.


Late in the evening the hunter returned from the forest to the village. He reached the oat field, looking: what is there, in the oats, dark tossing and turning?

Did the beast wander where it shouldn't?

I took a closer look - fathers, a bear in oats! He lies on his belly, with his front paws he rakes the ears into an armful, tucks him under himself and sucks. Has collapsed, snores from pleasure; Apparently, he likes oatmeal milk.

The hunter did not have a bullet with him. The fraction is one small (I went to the bird). Yes, the guy was brave.

“Eh,” he thinks, “was not there: I shoot in the air. Do not let Toptygin ruin the collective farmers. If you don't hurt, he won't touch you."

He kissed - how it will bang over the very ear of the beast!

The bear jumps in surprise! There was a bunch of brushwood at the edge of the strip, so the bear jumped over it like a bird.

Head over heels, over my head, back on my feet - and into the woods without looking back.

The hunter laughed at the bear's courage and went home.

And in the morning he thinks: “Let me see if Toptygin has mashed a lot of oats on the strip?” He came to the place and sees: with a fright, the bear's stomach was upset - so the trail stretches into the forest.


Yesterday we had a blizzard over the lake. Light white flakes floated in the air, descended to the water, rose again, swirled, and fell from a height. The sky was clear. The sun was hot. The hot air flowed softly under its incandescent rays; there was no wind at all. But a blizzard was raging over the lake.

And in the morning today the whole lake and its shores are strewn with flakes of dry dead snow.

This snow is strange: it does not melt under the hot sun, does not sparkle with sparks under its rays; he is warm and fragile.

We went to see it, and when we approached the shore, we saw that it was not snow at all, but thousands, thousands of small winged insects - mayflies.

Yesterday they flew out of the lake. For three whole years they lived in the dark depths. They were then ugly little larvae and swarming in the mud at the bottom of the lake.

They ate rotten, smelly mud and never saw the sun.

So three years passed - a whole thousand days.

And yesterday, the larvae crawled out onto the shore, threw off their disgusting masks, spread their light wings, spread their tails - three thin long strings - and rose into the air.

Only one day is given to the mayflies to rejoice and dance in the air. Therefore, they are also called one-day-olds.

All day long they danced in the rays of the sun, darted and whirled in the air like light flakes of snow. The females sank into the water and dropped their tiny testicles into the water.

Then, when the sun went down and night fell, the dead bodies of one-day-olds littered the shore and water.

The eggs of the mayflies will hatch into larvae. And again a thousand days will pass in the muddy depths of the lake, until cheerful winged ephemera take off above the water.


After the rains, the mushrooms came back.

The best mushroom is white, which grew in the forest.

Porcini mushrooms - mushrooms - plump, dense strong men. Their hats are dark brown. And they smell especially nice.

On the forest roads, among the low grass, sometimes right in the rut, butter plants grow. They are good when they are still young, they look like a ball. They are good, but very slimy, and something will always stick to them: either a dry leaf, or a blade of grass.

In the same forest on the lawns - mushrooms. Very red, these upland mushrooms, you will see from afar. And there are a lot of them here! Almost the size of a saucer, the caps are pierced with worms, the plates have turned green. Best of all are medium, a little more than a penny. These are strong, their hat is concave in the middle, and tucked along the edges.

There are many mushrooms in the spruce forest. And porcini mushrooms grow under the trees, and mushrooms, but here they are different than in the forest. In porcini mushrooms, the cap is light, yellowish, the stem is thinner and higher. And the mushrooms are already painted in a completely different way than in the forest - not a red hat on top of them, but a bluish-greenish one and mugs on it, like on a stump.

Under birches, aspens - their own mushrooms. So they are called - birch and boletus. But the birch will grow far from the birch, and the boletus is firmly connected with the aspen. A beautiful boletus mushroom, slender, neat.

N. Pavlova


Toadstools, too, after the rains divorced a lot. In edible mushrooms, the main one is white. Toadstools have a pale toadstool. Beware of her! It contains the strongest of all mushroom poisons. An eaten piece of pale toadstool is stronger than a snake bite. He is deadly. Rarely did anyone recover from poisoning with this mushroom.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to recognize the pale grebe. It differs from all edible mushrooms in that its leg seems to crawl out of the neck of a wide pot. They say that a pale toadstool can be confused with champignon (both have white caps), but champignon has a leg like a leg - no one will think that it is inserted into a pot.

Most of all, the pale grebe resembles a fly agaric. It is even sometimes called the white fly agaric.

And if you draw it with a pencil - you can’t guess if it’s a fly agaric or it. Just like a fly agaric, there are white scraps on the hat, and a collar on the leg.

There are two more dangerous grebes, they can be mistaken for white fungus. These poisonous mushrooms are called: bile and satanic.

They differ from the porcini mushroom in that their underside of the cap is not white or yellowish, like that of the porcini mushroom, but pink or even red. And then, if you break the hat of the porcini mushroom, it will remain white, and the broken hats of the bile and satanic mushrooms will first turn red, then turn black.

N. Pavlova


A flock of mallard ducks descended into the middle of the lake.

Watching them from the shore, I was surprised to notice among the drakes and ducks, uniformly gray in summer, one conspicuous light color. She stayed in the middle of the pack.

Raising the binoculars, I took a good look at it in every detail. She was pale fawn all over from beak to tail. When the bright morning sun came out from behind the clouds, she suddenly flashed intolerably bright whiteness, standing out sharply among her dark gray companions. In all other respects, she was no different from them.

In fifty years of hunting, for the first time I saw an albino duck in front of me, or, as the people call albino birds and animals, a prince. These animals do not have enough pigment - a coloring matter in the blood; they are born and remain for the rest of their lives completely white or only slightly colored, devoid of such a saving nature in nature, the so-called protective or protective, coloring, which makes them hardly noticeable where they live.

Of course, I passionately wanted to get this the rarest bird, miraculously surviving from the claws of predators. But now it was simply impossible: for this, a flock of ducks sit down to rest in the middle of the lake, so that it would be impossible to get close to them for a shot. And I completely lost my peace: I had to wait for the chance when the prince would come across to me somewhere near the shore.

And such a case turned up sooner than I expected.

I walked along the shore of Uzmen - a narrow bay of the lake. Suddenly, several mallards burst out of the grass, and among them - a princeling. I shot him head on. But at the very moment of the shot, one of the gray ducks blocked the white one. And fell, struck by my shot. And the prince sped away with the rest.

Was it an accident? Undoubtedly! But I saw this prince that summer several more times in the middle of the lake and in the bays, but always accompanied by several ducks, as if under their escort. And it is natural that ordinary gray ducks involuntarily took on the hunter's shot, and the prince, under their protection, flew away safe and sound.

At least I haven't been able to get it.

It was on Lake Piros - on the very border of Novgorod and Kalinin (now Tver. - Note. ed.) areas.



1. What animals fly?

2. What do small birds do when they spot an owl during the day?

3. When and how do spiders fly?

4. What insect (adult) does not have a mouth?

5. Why do swifts and swallows fly high in good weather, and above the ground in wet weather?

6. How to find out about the approach of rain by watching an anthill?

7. What terrible predatory beast is greedy for raspberries?

8. Where is the best place to watch bird tracks in summer?

9. What is "damn tobacco"?

10. Heart in the yard, head on the table, feet on the field.

11. A peasant in a golden caftan is lying, girded with a belt, he cannot stand up - people raise him.

1. No one scares, but everything trembles.

2. What is the herb that the blind know?

3. Bulging eyes sits, does not speak Russian; was born in water, but lives on earth.

Targets and goals:

  • Contribute to the formation of a careful attitude to the nature of the native land;
  • To develop students' interest in the lessons of the "World Around";
  • Raise the educational level; carry out environmental education;
  • Create conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Develop the ability to work independently, present the result of individual activity.

Planned Student Achievements :
To learn that everyone needs to learn how to take care of our Earth, to live in peace among themselves, not to litter the Earth, to use it carefully.
Develop individuality in the process of creative and intellectual tasks.

Equipment : audio recording of bird heads; exhibition of books “Nature is your home”; individual creative tasks; questionnaires; colour pencils; multimedia presentation on the topic “Journey along the ecological path”.

1 day. Opening of the week. (Invitation of the workers of the reserve) Professor Alekhine. Each class received a plan - a task to participate in the subject week around the world. Exhibition of drawings. "How can we not love this land."

2 day. Intellectual and ecological game "Secrets of the forest path" (presentation: Quiz "About green forests and forest miracles".

3 day. Olympiad "Connoisseurs of nature" (1-4 cells).

Day 4. Competition of reciters of poems about nature. Qualifying round.

Day 5. Craft competition "Amazing is near."

Results of the week. Closing.

Before the opening of the subject week around the world, students received tasks:
- Prepare crafts from natural materials.
- Pupils of grades 1-2 make drawings, and students of grades 3-4 make a poster from the class on the topic “How can we not love this land”.
- Prepare a poem about nature for the competition (author, title).

A week around the world.
1 day. Opening of the week.
Opening of the exhibition of drawings "How can we not love this Earth"

Scenario of the opening of the subject week around the world.

Look, my young friend, what is around:
The sky is light blue, the sun shines golden,
The wind plays with leaves, a cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass, mountains, air and foliage,
Birds, animals and forests, thunder, fogs and dew,
Man and the season - it's all around nature! ( Music about nature)

Leading: We are part of nature. We study it in the lessons of the world around us, at extracurricular activities. Let's go with you to the forest.

The floor is given to our guest, an employee of the Central Church. reserve them. Professor Alekhin __________________, together we will make an absentee trip to the forest of the Central Church Reserve named after. Professor Alekhin ( word to the worker of the reserve).

The forest is not only for our fun,
He is the wealth of our country.
All the trees in it, berries, herbs
For our benefit, friends, raised.

Five students of the 2nd grade come out:

1 student: Everything, everything, in the world we need each other
And midges are no less needed than elephants.

2 student: You can not do without ridiculous monsters
And even without evil and ferocious predators.

3 student: We need everything in the world, we need everything in a row,
Who makes honey and who makes poison.

4 student: Bad deeds for a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat is no better off.

5 student: And if someone seems superfluous to us,
That, of course, would be a mistake.

Leading: Everyone in the world needs each other
And that's what you kids need to remember.

Chorus: So let's save our earthly natural home!

2 day . Intellectual and ecological game "Secrets of the Living Path" (presentation).
Answer the questions of the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”.

Quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”. ( For students in grades 1-4).
- What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting).
Are bunnies born sighted or blind? (Sighted).
- Why do the lower branches of the pine die off, while the spruce does not? (Pine is a light-loving tree).
Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden - blooms in summer).
- What is the most voracious predator of the planet? (Dragonfly, because in a day it eats several times more food than it weighs itself).
- What birds in the spring mutter "I'll buy a hoodie, I'll sell a fur coat"? (Kosachi, black grouse are males, the words are similar in imitation of his song - mumbling).
- What bird secrets does the fall of leaves reveal to us? (Bird nests are clearly visible).
- Who is cuckooing at the cuckoo, a female or a male? (Male).
What animal grows teeth every day? (In all rodents).
Do mosquitoes have teeth? (There are - 22).
- Which animal has 2 monuments? (To the frog).
- What animal runs like a wolf, climbs like a cat, and looks like a bear? (Wolverine).
What plants are insect predators? (Sundew).
– Grass from 99 diseases? (St. John's wort).
- Colored mushrooms? (Russula).
- Is the tree a symbol of our Motherland? (Birch).
What is the name of a squirrel's nest? (Gaino).
- What cubs are born “naked”, and after a few hours they have a coat? (Ezhata).
What kind of insects clap their hands? (Mosquitoes, moths).

3 day . Olympiad around the world 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes.
Let's test our knowledge, shall we?

Grade 4 Olympiad tasks "Connoisseurs of the forest"
1. In the above list of words, objects and natural phenomena are named. Write out from these words those that make up groups. Name each group.
Chernozem, mouth, island, wolf, red earth, channel, snow, podzol, bend, source, volcano.

2. It has been established that reptiles (tortoise, lizards) lay several times more eggs in nests than birds. Explain why._________________________

3. Make a correct statement:
a) If it is autumn in Europe, then in Australia _____________________
b) If it is winter in Europe, then in Asia __________________________

4. The laboratory mouse that ate the experimental pill and became invisible escaped from the cage. Scientists know it's still in the lab, but how do you find it?

5. What changes will occur with the nature of the Earth if its axis becomes vertical from an inclined one?

Answer options:

  • I will plant a tree;
  • I will not pick primroses;
  • I will make a birdhouse;

Grade 3 Olympiad tasks "Connoisseurs of the forest"
F.I. ________________________________________
1. Guess what we are talking about? The peasant treated her with respect, appreciated, kept and even fed her, tried not to hurt her. A person has always lived in unity with her, called her mother-nurse, a rare gift of nature.________________________________

2. Write down as many options for grouping these animals as possible. Give a name to each group.
Tiger, camel, woodpecker, goose, cow, golden eagle, titmouse, starling, hedgehog, sheep, dog, chicken.

3. Guess the riddles and think about how you can carry water in a sieve?
1) In the morning, the beads sparkled,
All the grass was tucked in.
And let's go look for them during the day -
We are looking for, we are looking for - we will not find. ___________________________

2) When all the flowers withered,
We flew from above.
And like silver bees
Sat on a thorny tree. _________________-___

4. There are huge mineral deposits in the tundra. When laying gas pipelines in this natural area, people make "crossings" in the form of the letter "P". For what?________________________________________________________

5. Are there such edges on the globe:
a) Where is winter not? _____________ b) where is there no night?________________

Continue the sentence: "When spring comes, I will..."
Answer options:

  • I will plant a tree;
  • I will not pick primroses;
  • I will make a birdhouse;
  • I will not take the fallen chicks;

Grade 2 Olympiad tasks "Connoisseurs of the forest"
F.I.___________________________________ 1. Find and highlight with a colored pencil the words - the names of parts of plants.

at P c in e t about to e
and l e n P about sh l a
d about P R and h n I l
I d to about R e n b d
R and n h s m and t X
in about P a t P a With P
With about l about m a R and G
at to a R t P and l a
m With t e b e l b h

2. Highlight an extra word in each line, explain your choice:
carrots, cucumber, barley, beets;
spider, butterfly, ladybug, ant;
fox, elk, cow, bear;
linden, birch, larch, oak.

3. Collect as many names of Russian rivers from letters as possible (letters can be used several times)

4. What allows the grasshopper to escape from enemies in the meadow?
a) It emits a caustic liquid.
b) He has a sting.
c) Its body is shaped like the leaves of plants.
d) His body is painted the color of grass.

5. Mice, cockroaches are found in people's homes. Can they be considered pets? Why?________________________________________________________________________________________

Continue the sentence: "When spring comes, I will..."
Answer options:

  • I will plant a tree;
  • I will not pick primroses;
  • I will make a birdhouse;
  • I will not take the fallen chicks;
  • I will not leave a burning fire in the forest.

1 class Olympiad around the world
F.I. ___________________________________________
1. How many wings does a beetle have?__________
2. Beauty of the Russian forest ____________
3. Animals have hair, and birds have ____________
4. The leaves are yellow, the birds fly away, when does this happen? _____________
5. Who picks apples with their backs? ___________
6. How many fingers does a person have? __________
7. How many months in a year? _______________
8. Write the name of your country ___________
9. Write the name of your village ____________
10. What is the shape of the planet Earth? ___________

1. Which of these words is the name of a flower?
A. tumbler B. unwasher C. forget-me-not

2. What tools are used in the garden?
A. with a broom B. with a shovel C. with a planer

3. Which of these products is not made from milk?
A. bread B. cheese C. cottage cheese

5. What animals are found in our forests?
A. polar bears B. crocodiles C. Hares

Continue the sentence: "When spring comes, I will..."
Answer options:

    • I will plant a tree;
    • I will not pick primroses;
    • I will make a birdhouse;
    • I will not take the fallen chicks;
    • I will not leave a burning fire in the forest.

Day 4 Competition of poems about nature (grades 1-4)
(children prepare their own poems)

Leading. The remarkable writer and great lover of nature Mikhail Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest and mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.”

Our state cares about nature and does a lot to protect it: planting new forests, organizing reserves, preserving many species of animals and plants from complete destruction. Man owes much to nature, to the forest. What exactly is the forest dear to us? ( Student statements).

Leading. To summarize: Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it?

2 student. The forest is our wealth!

3 student. The forest is the green dress of our Earth. Where there is a forest, there is always clean air.

4 student. The forest is a home for animals and birds.

5 student. The forest is our friend: by retaining moisture, it helps a person to grow a good crop.

6 student. The forest is a pantry that generously gives its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms.

Leading. Listen to the sounds of the forest (recording with the voices of birds, forest noises is included). Isn't it true, beautiful creations of nature! Let's think together, will it be worse for nature if, while collecting nuts, we break a few branches? Or we'll break 2-3 beautiful flower? Or catch an unusual butterfly? (children's answers)

Leading. Yes, nature will be worse. Every twig broken in vain, every plucked flower, every butterfly caught is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if you inflict one wound, your friend inflicts another, 3, 4, 5 - someone else - will it become the same with her? Let's think: how to behave in nature? (children name the rules of behavior in nature)

Leading. You know how to behave in the temple of nature, but you also need to know nature itself. (children's answers)

Leading. We start the game. Now let's have a qualifying round. Everyone participates in the qualifying round. For each correct answer, you get a token, 6 students who received the most tokens go to 1 round, i.e. become part of the game. Be careful.

Questions of the qualifying round:
What time of day do beavers build their dwelling? ( At night)
Who can drink with their feet? ( Frog)
What mushrooms does the hedgehog eat? ( Doesn't eat)
- What does "The feet feed the wolf" mean? ( Wolf chasing prey)
What bird can hiss like a snake? ( Vertineck, vertigo)
Who sees with their ears? ( Bat )
Who can hear with their feet? ( Grasshopper)
What kind of cow do ants milk? ( Aphid ladybug)
- What mushroom is called a predatory beast? ( Chanterelle)
“A herb that even the blind can recognize by touch?” ( Nettle)
What flower blooms without leaves? ( stepmother)
What wood is the piano made of? (From spruce)
What wood is used to make skis? (Birch)
Which tree blooms first? (Alder)
What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)
What plant heals wounds? (Plantain)

Questions for round 2:
- The cubs of which animal are called leaf fallers? (hare)
What predator's footprint is similar to a human's? (bear)
- Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare)
- What kind of animal can easily run through the swamps? (Elk)
“The bloodthirsty predator of our forests?” (Wolf)
– What cubs are born “naked”? (Ezhata)

Questions for round 3:
- Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (Starling)
What bird has the longest tongue? (Woodpecker - 15 cm)
What bird builds its nests in the cliffs above the river? (Martin)
Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift)
Leading. Summing up

Day 5Results of the week. Closing.
All the guys gather in the assembly hall, which is decorated. Music sounds

Presenter: Hello guys. So ended our subject week on the world around us. A lot of interesting things happened this week, a lot of discoveries, but how much is still ahead of the unknown, unexplored. Today we will sum up the results of our work.
The children took part in the intellectual and ecological game "Secrets of the Forest Path". Here are the winners awards, gifts)

In parting, we would like to tell you.
Protect the green forest, do not offend anyone,
Do not destroy the trees, save the flowers in the forest!

Presenter: Thank you. Almost all the children took part in the quiz “About green forests and forest wonders”. Here are the winners of this quiz (reward).

And the winners of the Connoisseurs of Nature Olympiad were ( Winner's reward ceremony). Behind the qualifying round. Here are our top nature experts.

All that is needed, from year to year, nature itself gives us,
And so we all cannot live without water,
Without plants and animals, without beautiful high mountains,
Man cannot live without forests, fields and rivers.
So let's save our earthly natural home!

Leading : How difficult it was for the members of the commission who chose the best crafts, drawings, posters! But we did it and here are the winners (awarding in different nominations).
And so our meeting came to an end.

You, man, loving nature,
Feel sorry for her sometimes.
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields.
In the station hustle of the century
You hurry to evaluate it:
She is your old good doctor,


In the Monthly Book there are a lot of signs related to nature, animals and plants. A number of dates are dedicated to the phenomena and objects of nature. Let's highlight and comment on the most (in our opinion) interesting of them in calendar sequence.

CHRISTMAS AND BAPTISM. SVATKI(January 7-19, new style).
From Christmas to Epiphany, it is forbidden to hunt animals and birds - it is a sin. The hunter will be in trouble. These days can be devoted to the promotion of humane treatment of animals, anti-hunting or anti-poaching actions.
These days (December 20 - January 20) bird lovers conduct Christmas bird counts. This is a new tradition. Thanks to the program "Euro-Asian Christmas Registration", which has been operating since 1992, circles of stations of young naturalists and environmental centers have joined in the winter bird counts. The purpose of the Christmas census program is to organize long-term large-scale monitoring of the state of wintering bird populations in Eurasia - primarily changes in their species composition and relative abundance. There is a special methodical development under this program.

TATYANA KRESHENSKAYA(The 25th of January).
The sun will peep at Tatyana - to the early arrival of birds. At this time, you can hear the very first bird songs of the year - tits and nuthatches are still timidly singing.

HOLY TRIFON, MOUSE DAY(The 14th of February).
The Holy Martyr Tryphon was born in one of the regions of Asia Minor - Phrygia, not far from the city of Apamea in the village of Kampsada (now the city of Diner in Turkey). From a young age, the Lord gave him the power to cast out demons and heal various diseases. Once the inhabitants of his native village were saved by him from starvation: Saint Tryphon, by the power of his prayer, forced away harmful insects that exterminated cereals and devastated the fields.
So the mouse tribe during the winter caused such damage in the peasant bins that, when the appointed day came, the whole family rose up against harmful animals. This day fell at the end of winter, when a noticeable decrease in grain stocks was discovered. Why the day of the death of the Phrygian martyr Tryphon was called "mouse day" is unknown. No one has ever been able to completely exterminate domestic rodents. Mice remained habitual companions of peasant life. The ubiquitous animals could predict a lot. If the mice eat the uncleaned leftovers of dinner, the hostess or owner will have a toothache. This is how mice "educate" sluts. When the baby's milk teeth fell out, the grandmother ordered them to be thrown under the stove with the words: "On you, mouse, a burdock tooth, but give me a bone tooth." In general, in any peasant family with mice they lived in harmony and mutual tolerance - before Tryphon they tried not to take sin into their souls. And they fought thoroughly with rodents only once a year.
In addition to the house mouse Mus musculus, several other species of the Mouse family live in our region: the field mouse Apodemus agrarius, the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus (according to recent studies, this species has been divided into several new ones), the yellow-throated mouse Apodemus flavicollis and the baby mouse Mycromys minutus. The gray and black rats Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus also belong to this family. Mice and rats play a big role in ecosystems and the human economy, deserving a special day when you can tell children about them in detail.
From century to century, Russian falconers revere St. Tryphon as their patron and turn to him in moments of joy and grief that befall them on the hunt. So, February 14 is also a holiday for lovers of birds of prey and falconers - hunters with birds of prey. Saint Tryphon is the only saint depicted in Russian iconography with a bird (falcon) on his hand. Only in Russia, and only from the XIV century, Saint Tryphon began to be depicted on icons with a bird on his right hand, on a horse, on foot or waist-high. In addition, at that time coins were minted with the image of a horseman with a bird on his right hand, and his image almost becomes the coat of arms of Moscow, instead of the now well-known George the Victorious.
Everyone who is interested in hunting with birds of prey will sooner or later learn from fellow hobbyists the story of the falconer Tryphon. Is this a fairy tale or a true story?
Given the centuries-old history of retelling, this is already a legend. She tells that a young falconer of the well-known family of the Patrikeyevs, the brave fellow Tryphon, was on the royal hunt. He was the king's favorite and entrusted to him was the king's favorite falcon. Once again, the sovereign hunted in the vicinity of the village of Naprudnoe (today it is a district of Moscow - "Maryina Grove"). These lands with numerous lakes were famous in those days for the abundance of water game. The hunt was already over. Birds of prey in such a hunt were allowed to hunt game only at the direction of the king, and on that day the highest did not see game worthy of the beloved gyrfalcon.
The falconer, however, was impatient to admire the hunting of his pupil, and Tryphon, seeing a flying heron, began to beg the king to allow him to release a gyrfalcon on it. He strongly doubted such a need, but yielded to the requests of Patrikeyev. Gyrfalcon went after the receding prey, and soon both birds disappeared from sight. The falconers rushed after them to look for the gyrfalcon. The king was terribly annoyed that he heeded a stupid request. And when a little later it turned out that the gyrfalcon was not found, he fell into a rage and ordered Patrikeev to find the bird in three days. And if he does not find her, he will lose his head for his stupidity and inappropriate impatience. After hearing the verdict, Tryphon at first consistently and more than once hurriedly searches the forest, lakes, glades, but to no avail. By the third of the days allotted to him in search of, he had already despaired of finding a bird and was exhausted. Clearly realizing his helplessness and doomed to execution, he turned with a prayer to his heavenly protector, the Holy Martyr Tryphon.
He prayed zealously and for a long time, asking for help. So with the words of a prayer, the exhausted falconer sprawled on the ground at the feet of his horse and forgot himself in a heavy sleep. In a dream, Saint Tryphon appeared to him on a white horse with a missing gyrfalcon on his right hand and told the falconer where to find the bird. Waking up from a dream, Tryphon rushed to the indicated place, where he found the gyrfalcon. Happy, he returned to Moscow and immediately to the king. He told him about everything that had happened and about the miraculous help of Saint Tryphon. He said that in gratitude for deliverance from inevitable death, he decided to build the temple of St. Tryphon in those places. The king rejoiced at the return of the bird, marveled at the miracle created by the heavenly patron of the falconer and promised to assist in the construction of the temple ...
This is how the legend says, which in itself, having survived centuries and many human generations, is a monument to the history of Tryphon the Falconer. Trifon Patrikeyev - did he really live? Was he a royal falconer? It is not known, but there was a family of nobles, the Patrikeevs, and they served more than one Russian tsar. So among them could be a noble son, a brave fellow, a favorite of the king, falconer Trifon Patrikeyev. Unfortunately, we have not been able to verify this.
There is Trifonovskaya street in Moscow, and the Church of St. Tryphon in Naprudny stands on it, this place is a ten-minute walk from the Rizhskaya metro station. Here are two more monuments that have come down to us through the centuries. Unfortunately, from the temple, which was the second largest in Moscow and could accommodate up to three and a half thousand parishioners at the same time, only one of its chapels has survived to this day. It works and you can visit it.
The temple itself was blown up in parts in the twentieth century, sharing the fate of many temples in those years. The fresco depicting Saint Tryphon on a white horse and with a bird on his right hand was separated from the wall of the temple and transferred to the storerooms of the Tretyakov Gallery for storage. There is no unequivocal information about the exact dating of the construction of the temple. This issue was studied specifically by researchers, and it turned out that various parts of the temple building were built and completed in different centuries. The earliest foundation under one of the aisles is attributed to the reign of Ivan Kalita.

The Day of Finding brought the first news of the approach of spring. Peasants associated this day with the behavior of birds. They especially waited for the return of the starlings, corrected the old birdhouses, made new ones. They also tried to help the tits - they arranged bird feeders under the windows.
On the day of the Finding, a migratory bird flies from warm places.
Bird sweating - finding nests.
The timely arrival of migratory birds in spring promises a good harvest of bread.
The tit begins to sing drawlingly, complains of starvation: "It glows in the puna, it glows in the puna." Oatmeal, echoing the complaints of the titmouse, sing: "And you, man, carry hay, but don't be afraid!"
The tit sang - it tells fortunes warmly. “Forge, blacksmith, lemyashi!”, otherwise he scolds the sloven peasant for his inept handling of food: “Tilyalyuy, tilyalyuy!”.
The black grouse also begins to mutter his spring melody: "I will sell a fur coat, I will sell a fur coat - I will buy a hoodie."
Who was born twice: the first time smooth, and the second time soft? (Bird).

Snow settled on the fields, “flattened”, a crust formed. What is Evdokey, such is the summer. If the rook arrived before March 14, the summer will be wet, and the snow will melt early. According to signs, the groundhog wakes up on Evdokia and whistles. This is the first sign of spring. Here is the Russian analogue of the famous American holiday "Groundhog Day"!
Evdokia Vesnovka was considered by the people a great holiday, they celebrated it cheerfully and solemnly. In many villages on this day, girls and children began to “click for spring”, for which they climbed onto the roofs of buildings or gathered on hillocks and shouted stoneflies.
In the old days, Evdokia's day was considered the last day when logging was allowed: "Forest felling is prohibited because it happens here in the juice." And now they cut down both in spring and summer ... It is on Evdokia that you can spend the Day of the Forest.


According to signs, it is on this day that the first spring bird, the rook, arrives. Indeed, usually in mid-March there is a massive arrival of rooks. According to the old style, this date falls on March 4, when the first rooks arrive. "I saw a rook - meet spring", "Rook pecked winter". On Gerasim the rooker they bake bread in the form of rooks. Rooks are the first companions and helpers of the plowman. The peasant noted with satisfaction the rook invasion. “If a rook sits on its nose,” that is, it feeds fatly on fresh arable land, it means that more larvae of various grain pests will be destroyed. For the conservation of future crops, the peasants revered this bird.
This day is convenient for celebrating the Day of Birds in that you can hang titmouses and birdhouses quite early, before the birds start nesting. Therefore, it is more likely that they will be occupied by tits and starlings, and not by sparrows. As we know, the day of Gerasim the rooker is celebrated annually in Akshuatskaya high school Baryshsky district of the Ulyanovsk region (teacher V.P. Fomina).

Gerasim the rooker brought the rooks.
The rook sits on the nose (on arable land).
Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard.
Rooks flew in, began to crush the winter, drink milk from the snow.
If the rooks fly right to the nest - friendly spring.
If the rooks sat in the nests, then after three weeks you can go out for sowing.

FORTY, FORTY MARTYRS (March 22). In every Orthodox family in the old days, on this day they baked larks from unleavened dough - forty pieces, according to the number of Christian soldiers tortured by the Romans in Lake Sebastia in 313. Forty dead in popular belief were embodied in larks. On this day in Russia, the dead soldiers and all the deceased relatives are commemorated.
This is the day of "calling" of birds. The main "bird" holiday of the national calendar. It can be combined with international day birds, modified in accordance with folk traditions. If you want to do this, then you need to take care of making birdhouses, titmouses and other artificial nests in advance. By the way, the traditional wooden birdhouse is a Russian invention. It was not known in Western Europe until the middle of the 19th century. From ancient times in Russia it was customary to attract starlings to the house, the ruin of whose nests was considered a crime. Practical Germans made clay nests in order to later collect eggs or small chicks for making delicacies.
A little about the essence of the holiday.
Russians everywhere had a belief that on this day forty different birds fly from warm countries, and the first of them is a lark. "How many thawed patches - so many larks." Therefore, in some places the holiday is remembered under the name "Larks". Indeed, the first larks appear in central Russia around these days.

On forty martyrs, forty birds fly.
Forty pichugs make their way to Russia.
Forty forty birds fly to Magpies.
On the Forty Martyrs, forty forty birds carry spring.
I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
On Magpie, the magpie puts forty sticks in the nest.
The lark is the first - to heat, the chaffinch - to the cold.
A crane on its tail brought a wagtail-icebreaker.
A rook to a thawed patch, a starling to a clearing.
A sandpiper flew in from overseas, brought spring (water) from captivity.
On Soroka, rural boys run out early barefoot into the yard and try to throw forty wood chips over the roof.

On Magpies, housewives baked special lean buns - "larks", in most cases with outstretched wings, as if flying and with tufts. The birds were handed out to the children, and with a cry and ringing laughter, they ran to call for the larks, and with them the spring. Baked larks were impaled on long sticks, poles and ran out with them to the hillocks and elevated places and, huddled together, shouted “calls” with all their strength - short songs-chants designed to speed up the arrival of the messengers of spring:

Larks, come
Take away the winter to the student,
Bring the warmth of spring:
We are tired of winter
We ate all the bread.
There is no bread
No potatoes
The samovar is on the window.
I drank tea
Ate the sugar
I put the samovar on a stake.

Lark, come
Bring the red spring!
We are tired of winter
We ate all the bread.
Winter, winter, go beyond the seas!
They bake donuts there,
They cook kissel - they beckon winter.
Kshi, fly!

Winter is on you
And we are summer!
Sleigh on you
And we have a cart!

Oh, you little larks,
Fly, call.
Spring is red, what did you come for?
- On a bipod, on a harrow,
On a horse's head
On an oatmeal sheaf
On a rye spikelet
On a grain of wheat-oo-oo!

Fly to us and bring us
We are spring-red and red flying.
We are tired of winter, we ate a lot of bread,
And she drank water and three wells,
They spun the whole tow, rewound it into skeins,
They dragged it to the bazaar, sold it for a penny,
They sold for a penny, bought bread for children.

You are already a bird
You are flying!
you fly
On the blue sea
You take the spring keys
Lock up the winter
Unlock summer!

red spring
Winter is cold
Take away!
Jackdaws, jackdaws,
Bring a stick!
Bring me a ball!
Cuckoos, cuckoos,
On the fly!
Tits, tits,
Bring on the needle!
Bring on the sewing!
tap dance,
tap dance,
Bring on the brush!
Then, ducks
Blow into the pipes
Cockroaches -
To the drums!

So the children ran with the larks, called for spring, jumped from the roofs into the snowdrifts, planted buns on apple trees in the gardens, on willows, mountain ash, tall bushes, on wattle sticks, on thawed patches on hills and mounds. Then the birds were usually eaten, and the head was given to the mother with the words: “Like a lark, it flew high, so that your flax was tall.
In some villages, adults used to read baked larks: a ring, a coin, a chip, an ember, etc., were baked into birds, according to whoever gets it, they “learned” about the upcoming fate: a ring - for a wedding, a chip - a coffin, a coin - wealth ... On this day, the Novgorodians prepared birds from the dough according to the number of persons that make up the family. A small coin was baked into one of them. During dinner, everyone took a bird, and the one who got it with a coin was considered the happiest for the whole year. The coin was kept on the shrine or carried with them for happiness. In a number of places, a family sower was also chosen - whoever drew lots scattered the first handfuls of grains during the start of sowing.
The origins of the holiday originate in ancient times, when the Slavs celebrated New Year on the day of the vernal equinox, meeting spring and new life. It was a big public holiday. With the advent of Christianity, it became childish, and now it has been completely forgotten. But in Japan there is an official holiday - the Day of the spring equinox.
This day is marked in the Japanese calendar. The day of the spring equinox is the first spring holiday in Japan, which, surprisingly, the Japanese associate not with the unique astronomical phenomenon of the equality of the lengths of day and night, but with the Buddhist ritual holiday Higan, which goes into the depths of history. Legislatively, the day for the celebration was established in 1948. The exact date of the vernal equinox for the next year is determined by the National Observatory on February 1 current year, making appropriate celestial measurements and calculations. Until 2025, the vernal equinox will fall on March 21, but in leap years and in the year following a leap year, the vernal equinox will fall on March 20. The accuracy of astronomical calculations and the shift of the holiday by a day back and forth, in general, does not cause any confusion or questions among the Japanese - it is important that the day will be a holiday, and, therefore, a day off. According to the "Law on National Holidays", the corresponding "natural" meaning is also embedded on the Spring Equinox: "To exalt nature, to cherish living beings."
It is impossible not to say that at the end of the days of spring Higan, the season of luxurious and indescribably beautiful flowering of the Japanese cherry-sakura immediately comes. The white-pink wave will be unstoppable. And the Japanese, young and old, and foreigners living in Japan, and tourists coming from all over the world to look at an unforgettable picture, will continue to noisily celebrate spring.

The recipe for "larks"

Dilute yeast in warm water, add flour, granulated sugar, vegetable oil, vanillin and a little carrot juice for color. Flaxseed or hempseed can be added to the dough. Divide the dough into strips and roll out each. Get a small roller. We will tie each roller in a knot, make a head with a pinched beak from one end, and cut the other end with a knife to make a bird's tail. Insert two raisins-eyes, sprinkle with sugar and put in the oven.

March 22 can also be considered Pumpkin Day. Women on this day prepared pumpkin seeds. They began to take care of the upcoming affairs on the melon (“beginning”). Pumpkin was considered a thorough, reliable and unpretentious vegetable. In the south of Russia, the peasants fed themselves with pumpkins, like potatoes, and fed livestock.

NIKON (April 5).

On the day of remembrance of the Monk Martyr Nikon in Russia, it was supposed to regale arriving finches with flaxseed.


Spring overcame winter. Third meeting of spring. Previously, on the Annunciation, they observed the rite of releasing the birds into the wild.

Annunciation - release of birds.
A cuckoo without a nest for curling it for the annunciation.

Titmouse sisters,
Tap dance aunts,
red-throated snowmen,
Goldfinches, well done,
Sparrow thieves!
Fly at will
You live in freedom
Bring spring to us soon!

If you decide to use this custom to educate the humane attitude towards birds, never release wild birds They usually die within the first few days. It is possible to release the release of domestic pigeons. Birds should not be released under adverse weather conditions. Please note that unauthorized (without the permission of environmental authorities) capture of birds is a violation of the Law on Wildlife.

Lapwings fly to Matryona. The lapwing flew in, brought water on its tail. On Matryona, the oatmeal sings its song "Leave the sleigh, take the cart!"

On Good Friday, "Forgiveness Day", women in many places in Russia at worship in churches bowed before the image of the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Life-Giving Spring". On this day, women drank water from a newly found spring, consecrated on Epiphany days. Everywhere the icon was known as the miraculous patroness of the life-bearing nature of women. It was not only near Constantinople that a spring with special healing properties gushed out of the ground - and miraculous springs began to be found on Russian soil.
This day can be called the Day of the Holy Spring, the Day of Water, remembering the purity of the springs and their protection.


Joseph the song-singer in the popular consciousness justifies his definition by the fact that from that day the voice of the cricket begins to sound and the crane gives its voice for the first time. In central Russia, there was a belief: in order for the back not to hurt from field work, it is necessary, when you see cranes flying for the first time in the spring, lie down on the grass and roll over your head seven times or roll over from side to side, saying:
crane, crane,
Your neck is a stake
And my back is a wheel,
Not a hook."

The back during field work will be "spring".
Children, seeing cranes flying to their native lands, echoing their voices, greet:

Iki, iki, iki, iki -
Screams! Screams! Screams!
Ikli, ikli, ikli -
These are cranes! These are cranes!
Kurli, Kurli, Kurli,
Flying, flying cranes!
Curly-si, curly-si,
By Russia! By Russia!
You are armor, you are armor
From high! From high!
That's you, that's you
The cranes are coming home!

Although in our country the common crane is still quite common, in many regions of Russia there are fewer and fewer cranes nesting. Therefore, this species is listed in the relevant Red Books. Usually the first crane wedge in the sky can be seen around April 10th. It would be interesting to hold a competition - who will be the first to see the cranes. We can offer this holiday to be celebrated as the Spring Crane Day. For its implementation, special methodological developments will be made.


Hunters went out on this day to “fox” - they arranged a race for foxes with greyhounds or canine dogs. That is why they called the day of memory of St. Martin "Martyn the fox hunter." It was noted that “on Martyn, the raven bathes and releases the children to the department” (that is, separates the chicks). Around this time, the very first crow chicks leave the nests (earlier than any of our other birds). This is due to the fact that they hatch at a time when the snow melts and carrion is exposed - the corpses of animals that died during the winter, with which the crows feed their offspring. The raven was considered an unkind bird, its neighborhood was undesirable. The reason for this is the black color of the bird and its harsh, gloomy character. By the way, the name Martyn is also associated with the bird world - “Martyn” was called a seagull.
From Martyn's Day in the southern provinces of Russia, they went to the field - early plowing began, harrowing the fall, sowing early bread.


This day can be celebrated as the Day of the bee, the Day of the beekeeper.
The bee was called "God's servant", which "works for people's needs, for God's sake." Tireless honey workers were especially honored by the peasants. Bees were protected, the art of breeding bees was highly valued. And, of course, the worker bee needed constant heavenly protection, like any living creature in a peasant economy. The Russian peasants chose St. Zosima, hegumen of Solovetsky, the founder of the monastery of the same name, as a trustee of the bees. His name appeared in sayings and signs associated with bees, for example: "The swarm is swarming - Zosima is having fun." Zosima, having founded the monastery, took care of the economic arrangement of the monastery. He was one of the practitioners who raised bees in the northern islands. Honey was one of the staple foods of the hermits.

St. George's Day was considered the holiday of the shepherds. On this day, cattle were driven out for the first time (it should be remembered that before the revolution it was celebrated according to the old style - April 23). Before being driven to the green meadows, the shepherds were honored by the whole world - they were fed, presented with clothes and household items. The night before, they caroled around the yards - they called Yegori.
On all icons, George the Victorious is depicted as an armed rider on a white horse. Egory was considered the first patron of horses. On this day they were cleaned, bathed, sprinkled with holy water. The horse was above all revered and valued animals in every peasant household.
St. George was perceived not only as a protector of livestock, but also as the owner of forest animals ("Every animal is at Egory's hand").
The arrival of swallows was also associated with the day of May 6.
The killer whale, as it is also called, has been revered by the Slavs since ancient times, along with the rock dove, as a bird beloved by God. It was impossible to destroy the swallow's nest. There was a sign "who destroys the swallow's nest, he will have freckles." They believed that a swallow offended by people could take revenge on them. Those houses where killer whales sculpted their nests were reputed to be happy: "Under which the roof doves and swallows are found, that one does not burn." The Russians believed that if swallows disappear from some area, then this threatens people with troubles. Therefore, peasants have long nailed special strips on the walls of the house for their nests. According to the Belarusian legend, the swallow, trying to alleviate the suffering of Christ, dragged away the nails and tried to remove the crown of thorns from his head. According to Muslim beliefs, the swallow sings surahs from the Koran. The barn swallow has been chosen as the national symbol of Estonia. "Orca", like "swallow", often sounds like an affectionate appeal to loved ones, once again indicates how warmly a person treats this bird.

An awl in front, a ball in the middle, scissors in the back.
In front of the awl, behind the wilze, he himself is small, but he has been overseas.
A welcome guest from a distant land lives under the window.
An awl-motoshilo without corners wrecked the hut.
The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends.
Who at the first swallow will wash himself with milk - he will be white.
Swallows dart low - into the rain, fly high - to the bucket.

When attracting killer whales to nest, care should be taken to ensure that during the entire nesting season they can freely enter outbuildings or attics. You can build supports for nests. Often swallow nests are destroyed or attacked by predators. If you find lost chicks, place them in a shoebox, tin can, or box and attach it to the place of the fallen nest. If the chicks are still very small, then they can be planted in the nests of other swallows. It is very difficult to feed the chicks on your own.
In general, the townspeople can rarely observe the killer whale, as it lives in villages, towns, infrequently - on the outskirts of cities. But in countryside- This is one of the most common birds. In the city, it is replaced by the city swallow (funnel). In our region, in addition to the barn swallow and the vornet, the sand martin also nests (in the countryside it is often called the "swift").

Even on Egoriev's Day, the cuckoo begins to crow.
The cuckoo calls to Yegory - the cattle will fall.
Cuckoo to Yegorye - to crop failure and loss of livestock.
If the cuckoo calls when the forest has not yet dressed, there will be a hungry year.
If you hear the cuckoo before the nightingale, you will spend the summer unhappily - you will crow.
At the first cuckoo, bang with money, so that they are carried.
The cuckoo cuckooed in the left ear - a good omen.

Don't cuckoo, cuckoo, here
There is frustration without you.
without your voice
Anguish came to the heart.

A very rich date, to which you can coincide with the Day of the Swallow, and the Day of the Shepherd, and the Day of the Horse, and the Day of Forest Animals. They require special development.

On Mark - the arrival of songbirds in flocks. The phenomenon itself is observed two weeks earlier due to the transfer of dates from the old style to the new one.
Having completed their work in the field, lovers of songbirds devoted themselves these days to their passion: catching feathered singers. Previously, at this time, bird hunting began with nets and snares. On the day of the holy apostle and evangelist Mark, the season for catching siskins opened. A kind of Songbird Lovers' Day. It should be taken into account that in our time the season of catching songbirds, on the contrary, ends by the beginning of May - the birds build nests and it is forbidden to catch them at this time.
Poultry in many provinces of Russia was a common trade among peasants. Songbirds were caught for sale - they were in great demand everywhere in the cities, especially in Moscow.

Now almost no one remembers that Yeremeev's Day was celebrated on May 1 in the pre-revolutionary years. It was a bright, noisy and cheerful, national holiday of spring. Maya in Roman mythology was considered the goddess of nature, the revival of her fertile forces and fragrant beauty. And the first day of the month named after her was celebrated with popular rejoicing in all provinces of the Roman Empire. In Moscow, for the first time, May Day holidays began to be celebrated by foreigners, "Germans" who had lived on Kukui since the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. And soon May Day "Russified".
Daytime festivities "in nature" continued in the evening and ended only by midnight. Fires were lit everywhere outside the city or in forest clearings, which were a symbol of the onset of the hot sun.
Now the name of Yeremey the prophet is forgotten, and his day is not celebrated in any way, because it falls inopportunely on May 1 (14).

The day of Boris and Gleb is called nightingale, because from that time on, according to the folk calendar, nightingales begin to sing. In fact, they start singing earlier, but this day is celebrated on May 15th due to the shift in dates. It should be noted that during the transition from the old style to the new one, the day itself moved with its name and the properties and definitions previously attributed to it, but the timing of natural phenomena essentially remained the same. In fact, in our region, nightingales begin to sing around May 2. The Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia annually conducts national counts of nightingales in the city of Moscow on the 20th of May.

If you hear the nightingale before the cuckoo, you will have a happy summer.
If the nightingale sang on bare trees, then crop failure on the garden.
Whoever throws off his shirt at the first nightingale, that flea will not bite.
The nightingale sings all night - it will be a sunny day.
The nightingale sang - the water has subsided, sowing can begin.

Usually, before sowing, a short prayer or sentence was said (“God grant, for every share - to me and the birds”), and during the sowing itself they were silent.

In Christian Russia, the apostle Simon the Zealot began to be considered the "steward" over the entire green cover of the earth. On the day of memory of the Apostle Simon, the earth was considered a birthday girl. Plowing on Simon's day was considered a great sin. Even stakes were not driven in so as not to disturb the peace of the earth. Popular belief claimed that on Simon's day the most useful and healing herbs “come out” in the meadows, that Simon on this day gives the herbs miraculous power. The villagers went out for the first time to collect medicinal herbs. Here is Earth Day and Botanist Day!

According to the folk calendar, swifts fly to Sidor - they bring warmth. In fact, the mass arrival of swifts is observed earlier - in the middle lane around May 10-15, when this day was celebrated according to the old style.

ASCENSION (does not have its own fixed date and falls on the fortieth day after EASTER).
In a number of places, some rituals and signs associated with the cuckoo were timed to coincide with this holiday.
As a rule, near the Ascension, the corn begins to ear and the cuckoo falls silent, which is why the people say: “The cuckoo choked on a corn ear”, “And it would be nice to have spring in Russia for centuries, and Ascension Day will come, it will cuckoo with a cuckoo, it will flood like a nightingale, it will be removed in the bosom by summer ". On Ascension, the ceremony of "baptism and burial" of the cuckoo was performed, which lasted from one to three days. It was a purely girlish rite, performed secretly, no outsider was supposed to know the places of "baptism" and "burial" of the cuckoo. They made a cuckoo from a bunch of grass "cuckoo's tears" (orchis), giving it a humanoid appearance, sometimes just a bouquet, a wreath, a rag doll acted in this role. "Cuckoo" dressed up in a girl's outfit (dress, shirt, scarf), decorated with ribbons, colored shreds, beads.
The "baptism" of the cuckoo took place under a birch, the doll was put in a cradle on a branch or placed under a tree, covered with a scarf and crossed three times. The latter was far from necessary, in fact, the “baptism of the cuckoo” was understood to mean the merging of girls: the girls stood in pairs in front of each other over the connected branches, kissed three times, exchanged crosses, rings, beads, scarves, supporting a common round dance song. Then the eggs were eaten, and the shells were sometimes hung on the branches of trees and bushes. Kumlenie was accompanied by special "kumite" songs:

Kuma with Kuma
Let's have fun!
To us all year
Don't scold.
Let's scold -
We will be wrong
It will get boring!

You are a cuckoo,
Who are you godmother?
Let's have a bite, cuckoo
Let's have fun, dove,
So that we do not quarrel with you!

gray bird
Who are you godfather
Who's a gossip?"
"Red girls
And the young ones!"
Ide the girls were red,
There is thick rye,
And the supper
And pitiful!
Where the women have gone
There the rye is empty,
And nezhinista
And relentless!

They buried the cuckoo either on the same day after kumleniya, or the next, or even a day later. If the grass cuckoo was buried in the ground, then one or two chosen girls did it in a secret place; if the cuckoo was left on a tree, then here all the participants in the ceremony arranged a joint meal, sang funny songs, after which they went home. Those who died were considered relatives for a year, or even for life. Ten days later, the peasant women were going to the forest - to "resurrect" the cuckoo. The scarecrow was taken out of the ground, seated on branches, singing:

Ryabushka cuckoo,
weeping bird,
Spring has come to us
Spring is red
She brought us grain.

To the tune they exchanged gifts, gave nuts, beads, etc. Then they began a feast, to which men were invited. The grass was left on the branches or carried home. According to its roots, young women tried to find out who they would have - a boy or a girl: a long root foreshadowed a boy, a round one - a girl. The grass was kept at home for good luck and in case of a disagreement between the spouses.

TRINITY (May 24 - June 26).
Trinity Sunday, the main day of the holiday, was preceded by "Semik". It was called so because it was celebrated in the seventh week after Easter, on Thursday. In the days of Semik, the green world surrounding us was famous. Semik was called "green Christmas time" - so it was filled with various ceremonies, like Christmas Christmas time (they broke a birch, "baptized" a cuckoo, kumilis).
On the day of the Trinity, the temples were decorated with greenery. People were heading to mass with bouquets of flowers, green branches. The upper rooms were decorated with flowers and grass. They cut down a birch, brought it home, dressed it up with ribbons and put it in the front corner like a Christmas tree.

BASILISK. Nightingale's Day, Cornflower (June 4).
Since the day of Basilisk, in central Russia, numerous hunters have come out to catch nightingales. It was a whole trade, fascinating and well-practiced. In big cities, especially in Moscow, there were many lovers of nightingale singing. It's Nightingale Day! It is not necessary to catch the big-eyed singer - go out in the evening to the bushes by the river, on the edge, in the park and listen to wonderful trills.

Dew contributed to the development of a powerful herbage in the meadows. Therefore, at the time of the Ivanovs, a mowing of grasses for hay unfolded everywhere. But from time immemorial it has been noticed that by this day sticky dew with a sweet "honey" taste appeared everywhere on the green vegetation. She killed the plants future harvest. When honeydew appeared, it was perceived as a real disaster, God's wrath or devilish instigation. The peasants were powerless before this scourge and turned to John the Baptist, asking for his intercession. Already in the old days, they tried to fight pests using biological methods of plant protection - they sprayed plants with decoctions of herbs, accompanied by spells and conspiracies.

The Day of Remembrance of St. Isaac has become a calendar mark of one of the usual natural phenomena in the animal world. “Snakes gather on Isaac, they go by train to the snake wedding.” It is believed that on this day, snakes walk in villages through the forests. In our region, such aggregations of snakes are observed earlier - in early May. Several herbs have traditionally been used to treat snake bites. Veronica grass from the Norichnikov family was considered the surest remedy against snakes. Saint Isaac himself had nothing to do with the snake tribe.

On Methodius the Feast of the Sparrowhawks. From this day on, hunters live in anticipation of an early easy quail hunt. Quails were caught not so much as exquisite game for gourmet tables, but as songbirds. On Nefedov's day, quail hunters lay in the field in the evening and, hiding, lay until dawn, and at dawn they began to beckon the birds with special pipes. The quail flew towards the sounds and fell into the nets. Particularly sought to catch the white "prince-quail". The most interesting was considered hunting for quails with the help of a dog and a tamed hawk. Nefyodov's day was always catchy, and the hunters, returning with prominent prey, arranged a festive meal. This day should be dedicated to promoting the protection of quail - the smallest wild chicken.
Also these days, many signs are associated with frogs and toads.

Eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, Ivan's night. The day of Agrafena Kupalnitsa, as it were, merges with Ivan's day, and since ancient times they have been a single ritual holiday. On the day of Agrafena, peasant girls at dawn were “sprinkled with dew” - naked ran through the tall dewy grass in the nearest meadow. According to popular beliefs, "Agrafenina dew" strengthened the health and fruitful power of a woman. After the morning service in the church, the village women went to the forest in search of medicinal herbs that were gaining their highest maturity by that day. They were looking mainly for a bathing suit - a rather rare plant from the ranunculus family. The first bathing in the "free" water was solemnly opened (according to the old calendar, it was June 23). A bath before going to bed with a broom of medicinal herbs was arranged without fail. The holiday was filled with good feelings, general goodness and kindness.

This is the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist. In memory of the rite of baptism, the custom of bathing on Ivanov's day arose. Water acquired miraculous properties that cleansed the body of all filth. In the days of Ivan Kupala, the sun, the ancient Yarila, was honored with special rites. From the evening of July 6 (June 23, O.S.), on the night of Ivan Kupala, girls and boys danced round dances, lit bonfires and jumped over the fire, clearing themselves of “bad misfortunes”.
A characteristic sign of Ivan Kupala is the numerous customs and legends associated with the plant world. Ivanov's day came - he went to collect grass. Botanists, pharmacists, "herbalists" should especially celebrate this day.
The girls wandered through the forest and collected medicinal herbs. Some set off at dawn in search of their happiness - the love herb Ivan da Marya. Those who are braver, in the dead of night, searched the wilds for the legendary fern flower. According to legend, the fern blooms with a fiery color only on Midsummer Day, and whoever manages to pick it and resist the ghosts guarding the flower will find the treasure...
Everywhere there was a beautiful legend that whoever finds a blossoming fern and manages to master it, “he acquires the power to command everyone. Powerful rulers will be powerless before him, and unclean spirits will be at his complete disposal; he may know where the treasures are hidden; in any treasury, no matter what locks it may be locked, he will enter as a master, for the doors themselves dissolve in front of him - one has only to attach a wonderful flower to the lock. Invisible, its owner makes his way to any beauty - and there is nothing that would be impossible for him. Such is the power and power of this flower.” But we know that the fern never blooms ... What a pity!

After Peter's day, the cuckoo stops cuckooing.
The cuckoo on Peter's day choked on a mandryka (cheesecake).
The cuckoo chokes on a barley ear - it falls silent when the zhitar (barley) stings.
The nightingale sings until Peter's day.
The girls went to the forest, the last time they listened to the nightingale singing. They danced round dances, "baptized" the cuckoo - like on the Trinity. They spent the whole night in the forest - "guarding the sun" - and until sunrise they burned bonfires and had fun around them.
It is also a holiday of fishermen - after all, the apostle Peter was a fisherman.

It's Apple Day. They treat each other with these fruits. It was considered a sin to eat apples before the Second Savior.
Meeting of autumn, autumn. See off the sunset in the field with songs. In some places they celebrated "Pea Day" - they went to the pea field and treated each other.
The cranes are starting to fly. Whoever wants it, but the crane from the Savior. Rather, these days, cranes begin to fly out to the fields to feed - to fatten up fat before flying away. Such pre-migratory concentrations of cranes can be seen in fields located near large forests and marshes until the end of September. In some places, hundreds and even thousands of birds gather, which walk through the harvested fields and winter crops, collecting carrion, various small animals.

APOSTLE TITUS (September 7).
Mushroom Day. In the economic affairs of the Russian peasant, the Apostle Titus was appointed according to the worries that fell at this time of the year: "Saint Titus grows the last mushroom." An Orthodox Christian fasts a total of about two hundred days during the year. And mushrooms were rightly considered vegetable "meat" - a replacement for natural meat. During the mushroom season, thousands of mushroom lovers flock to mushroom hunting. Without bowing down to the ground, you won't raise a fungus. Experienced mushroom pickers taught the ignorant: "They take every mushroom in their hands, but not every one puts it in a container." Without knowledgeable mentors, there is still nothing to do in the forest. By the mushroom day, rural craftsmen tried to weave baskets and baskets from willow and bast - the “bast trade” brought a good income. Specialists were famous - mushrooms, who knew how to properly dry mushrooms, mushroom pickers and mushroom cooks. Having prepared mushrooms for the winter, they said with satisfaction: “If it’s mushroom, so it’s bread.” Any mushroom summer was attributed to the grace of the Apostle Titus.

These are folk, somewhat familiar names for the church day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
Ivan the Baptist chases the bird far beyond the sea.
On Ivan the Baptist, the cranes went south - towards early winter.

KUPRIYAN (September 13).
Departure of cranes. On Kupriyanov's day, the cranes gather in the swamp to keep an agreement on which way to fly to warm waters. By this day, you can time excursions to the pre-migratory cluster of cranes in the fields, participate in the count of cranes, hold the autumn festival "Crane Day", "Crane Homeland". Special developments will be prepared for these events. In the Russian ecological calendar, Crane Day is timed to coincide with these days and is usually held on the second weekend of September.

The beginning of the Indian summer (until September 21). This day is associated with the flight of birds to the south.
If the geese fly away on Semyon-day - wait for early winter.
After Semyon, the cranes fly off to a warm land.
Swallows lie down on Semyon-Stylite in lakes and wells in strings.
On this day, the devil measures the sparrows with a yardstick: how much to take for yourself, and how much to release; for this, all the sparrows gather to him, and therefore on Semyon-day they cannot be seen anywhere.

They picked rowan berries and hung them under the roof with tassels. The collection of mountain ash turned into a great festive event. Mountain ash has been endowed with figurative and delicate poetic properties since ancient times. She is sung in folk songs. Used mountain ash for compotes and preparation of medicinal kvass. Rowan infusion was considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for winter colds.
Part of the mountain ash prudently left on the bush - thrushes, mountain ash, bullfinches, waxwings and any other bird. By this day, you can time the preparation of food for wintering birds.

EXCITATION (September 27).
The first winters. From Vozdvizhenya, a rapid onset of cold weather was noticed. Throughout Russia, it was a "cabbage day" - they chopped cabbage, three days before the holiday, cabbage was removed from all gardens.
According to a popular remark, on the feast of the Exaltation, reptiles, reptiles go to some unknown warm camps, which they call "vyryem" (vyreem, vyraem, viray, iryem). The swallows also fly there. The first to fly to the promised land and the last to return from there is the cuckoo, which is why it is called Viray's housekeeper. On this day, the bear lies in the den.
Exaltation - the last cart moved from the field, and the bird flew away.
With this holiday, you can link events related to the autumn migrations of birds, for example, Seeing Off Day migratory birds or Autumn Bird Day (our counterpart to the Western Birdwatching Days, which take place on the first weekend in October).

Since Nikitin's day, all the forest evil spirits have been falling asleep in a dead sleep ..., and with it, earthly reptiles have fallen asleep at the same time. They begin to cut turnips, beat domestic geese, while wild geese rise from our countries home for the winter. Geese fly - they drag a winter on their tail. Holiday goose hunters - wild geese hunters. Goose fights were organized in rural and urban areas. For such spectacles in Russia, a special breed of fighting geese was bred. They were bred in the Moscow region and the Upper Volga provinces. Newspapers even wrote about the "winners" and their owners. Goose Day can be devoted to promoting the protection of geese flying through our region.

It should be taken into account that the very phenomenon of nature - the mass flight of cranes - in our region is observed earlier (in the second or third decade of September) due to the transfer of dates from the old style to the new one, and may not coincide with the named day.
"Wheel road!" - they shout to the cranes to bring them back next year.
If the cranes fly to Arina, then the first frost must wait for Pokrov; and if they are not visible on this day, not a single frost will strike before Artemiev Day (November 2).

Day of the Holy Martyrs Zenobia and Zenobia.
Zinovy's day was called a hunting holiday. It became the first day of dog hunting. N. M. Karamzin in his “History of the Russian State” wrote that dog hunting for hares in Russia was introduced by the Grand Duke Vasily III, the father of Ivan the Terrible. And before that, dogs were never used for hunting, because they were abhorred as "unholy creatures." In central Russia, the first powder usually fell that day. And hunters with greyhounds went out to hunt hares. On the first day of the hunt, they spared neither themselves, nor horses, nor dogs. Having obtained a slanting one, they used to say: “The horse was laid down, but the hare left.” Truly, hunting is worse than bondage. The day can be devoted to anti-hunting propaganda, humane treatment of animals, if this corresponds to your ideas about nature conservation.
In Siberia, this day was considered a holiday of fishermen - from Zinovy ​​they went to catch red fish. A good catch was celebrated with a feast on the high bank of the river - "on the Jura". The holiday of the first catch was called Yurovaya.
This is also Sinichkin's holiday: wintering birds arrive - tits, goldfinches, bullfinches, tap dancers, waxwings, etc., which get closer to housing, where there is more food.

The titmouse bird is not great, and that one remembers its holiday.
Zinka does not eat and drink much, but lives happily.
Titmouse is a sister of a sparrow.
The tit is small, the voice is bright.
The tit boasted with its tail to light the sea. She made fame, but did not light the sea.

Across the sea, the titmouse did not live luxuriantly,
She did not live luxuriantly, she brewed beer:
I bought malt, I borrowed hops,
The blackbird was a brewer,
The gray eagle was known as a distiller.
Let us, God, brew beer,
Brew beer and smoke wine:
Let's call the guests - little birds!
Owl-widow uninvited came,
The bullfinch walks along the hay,
Stroking the little owl's head.
All the birds began to talk to each other:
"Why aren't you getting married, bullfinch?"
"I would be glad to marry, but there is no one to take:
I would take a feather - then my uterus,
I would take a tap dance - then my aunt,
I would take a titmouse - my sister,
I would take a magpie - scrupulous,
I would take a crow - long-nosed!
There is a quail beyond the sea,
That me neither aunt nor mother,
I love it and will take it for myself.

Who is the master of the sea,
And who is our rider on the sea,
Does he beat his white breasts?
We have an eagle, yes, here is the owner,
We have a falcon, but a rider,
He runs into every bird,
He beats with his chest.
Raven is our abbot,
And all he lives near the Humen;
In winter, a crow on the roads,
And in the summer a crow on the germs;
Our woodpecker is a carpenter,
Hitting every tree
And he wants to work at home;
And our owl is fat-headed,
Her eyes are ugly, after all,
Her conversations are ugly;
And our dove is a handsome man,
And that's some good dawns
And that's what beautiful conversations are;
Our crane is long-swallowed,
And that's just a long sip,
And wearing a French dress.
Our magpie is a dandy,
Without kalach, there is no sitting down,
And without a sweet friend, he does not go to bed.
And I am a poor little bird, a tit bird,
And I can't cut hay
There is no strength to walk in a herd,
I'm dying of hunger
And I collect all the worms.

In consonance with the names of the saints, the titmouse (in the old way "zinka") became the hero of this day. On the day of Zinovy ​​​​the titmouse, we recommend organizing the hanging of bird feeders and starting feeding them. To do this, you need to prepare food in advance: unroasted sunflower, pumpkin and watermelon seeds, unsalted fat, berries. Feeder designs are available in various sources, and we will not dwell on their description. It should be noted that if you already undertook to feed the birds, then you need to do this regularly - as the feed is consumed. Otherwise, you can destroy the birds accustomed to feeding. Separate developments are devoted to this holiday and feeding birds.

On Yegory autumn snake birthday girl. Yegory winter - the guardian of cattle, the lord of wolves. With Egory, the bear in the den falls asleep soundly, and the wolves huddle in the backyards of the village. Although the wolves caused a lot of harm to the peasant economy, the people spoke of the wolf condescendingly, and even with respect, and certainly associated the dependence of the wolf's "well-being" with the benevolence of his patron, Yegoriy. It happened that the wolf, along with the saints, decorated the church walls. AT folk tales the wolf is most often a good character. Wolf - Yurov's dog. Yegory gave his teeth to the wolf to feed himself. The hunt for wolves usually also began on Yegoriev's day.
Today, one can speak of the "Day of the Wolf" only as an irrevocable past. In many areas, wolves are almost exterminated, in the forests there is no or very little game that they can eat without competing with the “king of nature”. The wolf remained only in the animated series “Well, wait a minute!”, And in the half-forgotten fairy tales of our childhood.


If we look at the existing ecological calendar, we will notice that most of the dates in it come from Western Europe or the USA. This is not only Earth Day (April 22), but also Birds Day (April 1), and Protection Day environment(June 5), and Biodiversity Day (May 22), and Water Day (March 22) and many others. Meanwhile, there are indigenous, Russian analogues of these holidays, long forgotten. They have their own long history. Why not revive them and use them in environmental propaganda?
I hope that this work will help to convey to children the romance of the relationship between people and nature, which existed in ancient times.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the director of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center Vladimir Boreyko for his tireless work in promoting the ecological traditions of the Slavic and other peoples, for his books, quotations and excerpts from which are used in the introductory part of this methodological development.


Belov VF Folk calendar of Russian nature. - M., 1992. - 64 p.
Boreyko V.E. Ecological traditions, beliefs, religious beliefs of the Slavic and other peoples. - V. 1.- Series: environmental propaganda. Issue. 10. - Kyiv, 1998. - 224 p.
Groshev V.D. Calendar of the Russian farmer (folk customs and signs). - M., 1991. - 96 p.
All year round. Russian agricultural calendar / Comp. A. F. Nekrylova.- M., 1991. - 496 p.
Nadel-Chervinskaya M. A., Chervinsky P. P.


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