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How to get an EDS in a certification center? Where to buy electronic digital signature? What regulates the law on electronic signature?

The weather is useless: rain and snow, piercing wind. Moreover, this process in the Arbitration Court, for which it is required to urgently submit additional documents. I wish I could send them there without leaving home... Is something similar familiar to you?

Now the electronic signature is used by both legal entities and individuals. It is recognized by the courts, regulatory authorities and government agencies.

The material of the publication will allow you to get a clear idea of ​​the process of registration and use of EDS.

1. What is an electronic digital signature

Let's start with the main concept of the article.

Electronic digital signature(EDS) - an analogue of a personal signature, provides an opportunity to endorse electronic documentation. Serves as a guarantor of its integrity and authenticity.

Electronic signature(EP) allows you to:

  • authenticate the source of the message;
  • control the immutability of the departure;
  • make it impossible to refuse the fact of approval of the message.

The ES scheme includes two processes: a signature generation algorithm and a verification algorithm.

To better represent this process, I depicted it schematically.

Often there is a question about the legitimacy of such sighting. On this occasion, there is a large judicial practice confirming the legality of the EDS.


The decision of the Volga-Vyatka court in one of the cases considered in 2010 is indicative.

Company "A" filed a claim against its partner company "B" for the return of funds for the delivered, but unpaid goods. During the transaction, electronic documents certified by EDS were used.

The defendant explained the lack of payment by the fact that the submitted documents, certified in this way, are invalid, and therefore cannot serve as a basis for making settlements.

The court did not accept the defendant's explanation, since earlier an additional agreement was signed between the former partners, allowing them to apply within these contractual relations documentation endorsed by ES.

And, therefore, all documents are properly drawn up and have a visa of an authorized person. The court satisfied the claim in full.

ES regulation is carried out within the framework of the Federal Law No. 63 "On Electronic Signature".

It regulates its use:

  • in civil law transactions;
  • provision of public services;
  • provision of municipal services;
  • performance of state functions, etc.

There are some requirements for EP.

The main ones are:

  • ease of authentication;
  • high difficulty of its forgery.

2. What are the types of EDS - TOP-3 main types

Varieties of EDS are prescribed by law. Article 5 of the Federal Law-63 mentions: simple and reinforced. Reinforced, in turn, is unskilled (UNEP) and qualified (UKEP).

Let's get to know them better!

View 1. Simple electronic signature

So, a simple electronic "signature", formed with the help of special codes (passwords), indicates the sighting of the messages being sent.

He has no other powers.

Type 2. Enhanced unqualified electronic signature

This option is formed in the process of cryptographic transformation of information using the ES key.

Such sighting makes it possible not only to identify the author, but also to identify unauthorized corrections to the message being sent.

Type 3. Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature

This is the most protected type.

It has all the features of UNEP and some additional qualities:

  • the verification key is contained in the qualified certificate;
  • created and verified by the UKEP using tools approved by the FSB.

3. Where an electronic signature is used - an overview of the main options

An electronic signature, depending on the type, is used in various fields.

Possible areas of application of the electronic signature:

Let's consider each of the use cases in more detail.

Option 1. Internal and external document flow

ES is especially in demand in internal and external document management. The company's documentation endorsed in this way is considered approved and becomes protected from adjustments.

With electronic document management between counterparties, documents signed with an EDS receive a legal status. Both contracts and primary accounting documents (invoices, etc.) can be certified.

Option 2. Arbitration Court

Often, when considering cases in the Arbitration Court, additional evidence may be required, which is allowed to be submitted in electronic form.

Certification of such ES documents is required by law. Then they have legal force and are equated to written evidence on paper.

Today arbitration courts The Russian Federation accepts for consideration the following documents certified by EDS:

  • statements;
  • petitions;
  • reviews.

Option 3. Document flow with individuals

It is still rare for individuals to digitally sign any documents, although this practice is becoming more and more popular every year, especially among those who work remotely.

An electronic digital signature allows them to exchange acts of acceptance and delivery of their services in electronic form. With the help of ES, natural persons-inventors have the right to file a patent application on the website of Rospatent. Its owners can write an application for state registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity directly on the website of the tax department.

Option 4. Public services

The public services portal makes life easier for Russians. If you want to get full access to the portal services without any problems, issue an EDS.

With its help, you can interact with the traffic police, apply for a passport, the registry office, etc.

Option 5. Supervisory authorities

Electronic reporting, certified with a qualified electronic signature, has legal force and is recognized by regulatory agencies.

With its help, they submit reports not only to the tax office, but also to the FIU, FSS, Rosstat, etc.

Option 6. Electronic trading

Electronic auctions are specialized sites, places where suppliers and buyers meet, transactions for the purchase / sale of services, works and goods are concluded.

To participate in them, you must purchase an EDS. Documents signed in this way confirm the reality of the proposals and become legal.

4. How to get an electronic signature - 6 easy steps

You have heard that EDS allows its holders to perform various legally significant actions without leaving their office or home.

Have a burning desire to get such a signature and join the ranks of its happy owners, but do not know how to do it right?

You have come to the right address! In my mini-instruction, I will tell you how to get an EP quickly and correctly.

Step 1. Decide on the type of electronic signature

Before ordering an electronic signature certificate, I recommend once again answering the question: “Why do I need it?”.

If you plan to use it only for your company's internal electronic document management, then a simple or unqualified digital signature will suit you. legal entity.

If you use a signature in an external electronic exchange, then a qualified electronic signature is already needed here.

Step 2. Choose a certification authority

Certification center (CA) - a legal entity, one of the statutory activities of which is the formation and issuance of an EDS.

Choose the CA that is closest to your location. Also pay attention to the cost of services and the timing of the production of EP.

Perhaps you are interested in the "Exit clearance" service, then choose a center offering this service.

Step 3. Fill out and send the application

The type of signature has been determined, the certification authority has been selected, and the turn of the application has come.

You can submit it in two ways:

  • make a personal visit to the office;
  • fill out the form on the website of the center.

It contains only the most necessary information: full name, contact details (phone, e-mail).

After receiving the application, the manager of the CA will contact you and clarify all the data necessary for issuing an EDS, consult on prices and conditions.

Step 4. Paying the bill

After processing the application by the specialists of the center, you will receive an invoice for payment. As you know, services are usually paid according to the principle Money in the evening, chairs in the morning, that is, on the terms of 100% prepayment.

The cost of EP on average is 5-7 thousand rubles, the minimum price is 1.5 thousand rubles.

It includes:

  • generating a signature key certificate;
  • necessary software;
  • technical support.

You can pay the bill both non-cash and in cash.

Step 5. We provide documents

The list of documents depends on the status of the applicant: legal entity, individual entrepreneur, individual.

The table shows Required documents according to the status of the applicant:

Applicant StatusRequired documents
1 EntityCopies: certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service, confirmation of the authority of the head of the legal entity, applicant's passport, SNILS of the certificate holder, power of attorney confirming the authority of the certificate holder, power of attorney to receive a certificate (if not received by the owner)

Original: application for the issuance of a certificate

2 IPCopies: certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, passport, SNILS

Originals: an application for the production of a certificate, a notarized power of attorney confirming the authority of the certificate holder acting on behalf of the individual entrepreneur (if the owner of the Certificate is not an individual entrepreneur), a notarized power of attorney to receive a certificate (if the certificate is received by a representative of the individual entrepreneur)

3 IndividualCopies: SNILS, passport

original: statement

Step 6. Get EDS

You can get a signature at the points of issue, of which there are now many. Their addresses can be found on the website of the selected center.

An electronic signature is usually produced in 2-3 days. Some CAs provide a service for its urgent clearance and issuance (within an hour). Having visited the point at the appointed time, providing the original documents (for verification), you will receive your EDS.

Remember! The electronic signature is valid for a year, then it needs to be renewed or reissued.

5. Where to get an EDS - an overview of the TOP-3 certification centers

Traditionally, I present to you a selection of companies providing digital signature services to help you.

Today I bring to your attention 3 specialized centers.

The company offers its clients the execution of various certificates of ES keys.

State portals, electronic auction, tenders, public procurements will become available to owners of an EDS issued by highly qualified Alfa-Service specialists. The company is ready to urgently produce any EDS, and then the procedure for obtaining it will take no more than 10 minutes.

Flexible prices and permanent promotions within the company's loyalty program make EDS available to everyone.

Taxcom UC has been operating in the field of electronic document management since 2000. During its existence, the company has established permanent cooperation with various organizations, enterprises and government agencies.

Partners and clients are:

  • various ministries and departments (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Tax Service, etc.);
  • well-known brands (Nokia, Svyaznoy, HeadHunter, etc.):
  • credit organizations (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, etc.);
  • Russian Post, etc.

Clients are attracted by the reliability and impeccable reputation of the company and the undeniable advantages that Taxcom has.

Job benefits:

  • there is accreditation;
  • a wide range of ES for various purposes (request for quotations, construction tenders, etc.);
  • experienced professionals;
  • a new generation of secure information carriers.

The Center for Paperless Technologies was founded in 2016 by separating the direction of paperless technologies from Garant-Park LLC into a separate company.

The center provides a wide range of services in 2 major areas:

  • paperless technologies in document circulation;
  • electronic trading.

The company offers its customers an increase in sales thanks to the Center's online service for selecting an auction according to the parameters they set.

It allows:

  • find a suitable tender or procurement;
  • track trades in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • win more auctions.

6. How to store an electronic digital signature - 3 proven ways

In the modern world, the problem of protection is becoming more and more urgent. various information, including the electronic signature.

For its safety, the owners use various methods. I will briefly tell you about the most common ones.

Method 1: Local storage

A very common storage method is local. In this case, the electronic signature is placed on the computer, for example, in the registry.

Cons of the local method:

  • no key mobility;
  • there is no way to constantly control the key by its owner.

Method 2: Cloud storage

This method involves storing the key on a remote secure service.

To use it, you need to go through a strong multi-stage authentication, which greatly increases the security of this vault.

Method 3. Storage on tokens

And finally, the third way - tokens.

A token is a device capable of generating a key pair and an EDS. The main purpose of this device is to store electronic keys.

By entrusting your electronic digital signature to a token, you will reliably protect it from intruders.

To use it, you must enter a PIN code. It's almost impossible to pick it up. In addition, 3 unsuccessful attempts and the token will be blocked.

Benefits of storing ES on a token:

  • highly reliable storage method;
  • PIN code access;
  • The PIN code is not transmitted over the network, which means that it cannot be intercepted;
  • long term of use (5-20 years);
  • does not require wiring, power supply, special readers.

For some more information, watch the video.

7. Conclusion

Summarize! In times of continuous computerization, an electronic signature is necessary for both organizations and individuals. It saves time, expands the possibilities!

An electronic digital signature (EDS) gives its holders access from any convenient place where the Internet is available to a wide range of public services, electronic trading, auctions, electronic reporting etc.

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An electronic signature is such a phenomenon in modern life, which is easier to tell how it works than to describe it. At least, the legislator's attempt to give the concept of an electronic signature can hardly be called successful.

"Electronic signature - information in electronic form that is attached to other information in electronic form (signed information) or is otherwise associated with such information and which is used to identify the person signing the information" (Article 2 of the Law of 06.04.2011 N 63-FZ ).

And yet, from this description, we can conclude that an electronic signature, like a regular one, identifies the person to whom it belongs and expresses his agreement with the content of the signed document.

To be widely adopted, an electronic signature must have advantages that a personal signature on paper documents does not have. EP does have such advantages, and we will consider them below.

Legal regulation of electronic signature

The first law on electronic signature was adopted in January 2002 (No. 1-FZ of 10.01.02). True, the signature was called not just an electronic, but an electronic digital signature or EDS. Such an abbreviation is still found, although it is correct to use another combination - ES (electronic signature).

Now the use of electronic signature regulates new law- dated 06.04.2011 No. 63-FZ. ES is also mentioned in other regulatory legal acts, for example, in the law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, where it is called an analogue of a handwritten signature individual.

Concerned about the regulation of electronic signature and federal Service security, which, by Order No. 796 dated December 27, 2011, approved the Requirements for Electronic Signature Tools and Certification Center Tools.

Everyone can get acquainted with the primary sources (frankly, not easy to understand) via the links, and in this article we will answer practical questions: why do we need an electronic signature, and how to get it.

Why do you need an electronic signature?

First of all, such a signature to a much greater extent confirms the fact of signing a document (in this case, only an electronic document) by a certain person. The usual personal signature on paper, with the current development of technology, is quite easy to fake.

The tax authorities also like to announce that documents have been signed by an unidentified person, and this often entails an increase in the tax base, fines and other sanctions. An independent examination of a personal signature under significant documents cannot always help, because. not in all situations allows you to confirm or deny the fact of authenticity due to the small number of characters in the signature. If the document is signed with an electronic signature, then there is no longer any doubt about its authorship.

Please note that only handwritten signatures are recognized as equivalent enhanced qualified electronic signature.

The second advantage of using ES is the protection of an electronic document from unauthorized changes. Paper documents, even if they have a genuine signature, can be forged or supplemented. In addition, they can be accidentally damaged, lost, stolen, etc., and the absence of paper documents will not allow you to confirm any significant fact, because you can’t sew a word into action.

The third reason why the use of electronic signatures will continue to develop is the ability to perform actions or receive information without leaving home. EP allows:

  • apply for or;
  • make civil law transactions;
  • receive government and municipal services;
  • maintain a secure document flow;
  • hand over;
  • work with bank documents and manage funds on the current account;
  • participate in, bidding and;
  • carry out other legally significant actions.

Finally, while leading entrepreneurial activity in some cases, an electronic signature is no longer enough. So, reporting on and on employees (if there are more than 25 people) is now accepted only in electronic form.

Submission of reports in electronic form will only continue to develop, because this method reduces the labor and time costs of those who accept and submit reports; reduces the number of technical errors when filling out forms; protects reporting from unauthorized editing or viewing.

Where can I get an electronic signature?

It is impossible to invent and create an electronic signature yourself, specialized organizations are engaged in its issuance - certification centers. The requirements for them are established by Article 16 of Law No. 63-FZ, and among them:

  • price net assets organizations must be at least one million rubles;
  • financial security for liability for losses caused to third parties must be at least one and a half million rubles;
  • the number of qualified employees directly involved in the creation and issuance of certificates of electronic signature verification keys must be at least two.

Certification centers must be accredited by the Ministry of Communications. You can find a suitable regional certification authority or check its accreditation here:

By clicking on the name of the selected certification authority, you will be taken to a page with brief information about him, and from there - to the website of the organization itself.

For some time, it was possible to obtain an electronic signature in some branches of Rostelecom, but now its certification center reports that for technical reasons it has temporarily suspended the provision of this service.

Types of electronic signatures

Article 5 of Law N 63-FZ distinguishes three types of electronic signature: simple, enhanced unqualified and enhanced qualified.

A simple signature is a combination of characters, codes and passwords that allow you to establish the fact of the formation of an electronic signature by a certain person. Such a signature is quite easy to crack.

An enhanced signature (unqualified and qualified) is generated using an external medium - a flash drive or a floppy disk. Additional protection of the enhanced qualified signature is the ES verification key specified in the qualified certificate. Reporting and legally significant documents must be signed only with an enhanced qualified signature.

Certification centers offer different electronic signatures depending on the ability to access various resources. So, an ES for an ordinary individual for only 450 rubles allows you to maintain a secure legally significant document flow, receive state and municipal services online, and pay taxes through your personal account.

Universal electronic signatures provide maximum opportunities, including participation in and.

How to get an electronic signature?

Usually, all certification centers provide detailed advice on their websites to everyone who wants to receive an electronic signature. We briefly describe this process here:

1. Select a certification authority from organizations accredited by the Ministry of Communications.

2. Submit the necessary package of documents along with the application, which will vary depending on the type of ES owner - an ordinary individual, individual entrepreneur or organization. The minimum package of documents will be for an ordinary individual - a copy of the passport, SNILS and a certificate of TIN. You should familiarize yourself with the requirements for paperwork in the center itself, because some of them only accept notarized copies, while others request original documents for verification.

3. To identify the identity of the applicant - by appearing in person at the certification center or by sending a certified telegram through the Russian Post.

4. At the agreed time, come to the point of issue of the ES to obtain a qualified certificate and electronic signature keys.

How to check the authenticity of an electronic signature?

A special service has been created on the State Services portal that allows you to verify the authenticity of the ES. For verification, it is necessary to upload an electronic document, the authenticity of the signature of which must be confirmed, and the file of the electronic signature itself.

If the signature is authentic and the document remains unchanged, the service will issue a message about the verification, as well as information about the owner and publisher of the ES and its validity period.

Good afternoon, dear readers! This article is dedicated to business owners, regardless of its size and organizational form and ordinary citizens of our country. It will be equally useful and interesting, both for simple individual entrepreneurs and for the owners of large enterprises. commercial enterprises. What do they have in common? The answer is simple - document flow and the need to interact with various government agencies! Therefore, let's talk about a tool that will greatly simplify the movement of documentation, both within the enterprise and beyond! Today we will consider in detail how to obtain an electronic signature (EDS)!

Let's start with the essence of the electronic signature and the mechanism of its functioning, then we will consider the scope and unconditional usefulness, after which we will discuss how to obtain it for individual entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, and also talk about the necessary documents. We have collected the most complete information on how to get an EDS! By the way, if necessary, with its help you can close the IP. The article describes how to do it!

What is an electronic digital signature: the simple essence of a complex concept!

Each document at the enterprise must be signed by an authorized person. The signature gives it legal force. Modern technologies have transferred the document flow to an electronic format. Which turned out to be extremely convenient! Firstly, electronic documents have simplified and accelerated the exchange of data in the enterprise (especially with international cooperation). Secondly, the expense associated with their turnover has been reduced. Thirdly, the security of commercial information has been significantly improved. Despite the electronic format, each document must be signed, so the EDS was developed.

What is an electronic digital signature? This is an analogue of traditional painting in digital format, which is used to give legal force to documents on electronic media. The word "analogue" should be understood as a sequence of cryptographic symbols generated randomly using special software. It is stored electronically. Usually flash drives are used.

There are two important concepts associated with ES: a certificate and a key. A certificate is a document that certifies that an electronic signature belongs to a specific person. It comes in regular and enhanced. The latter is issued only by some accredited certification centers or directly by the FSB.

The electronic signature key is the same sequence of characters. The keys are used in pairs. The first is the signature, and the second is the verification key that certifies its authenticity. For each new signed document, a new one is generated. unique key. It is important to understand that the information received on a flash drive in a certification center is not an ES, it is just a means for creating it.

An electronic signature has the same legal weight and effect as a paper document. Of course, if there were no violations during the application of this parameter. If a discrepancy or any deviation from the norm is detected, the document will not become valid. The use of EDS is regulated by the state with the help of two laws FZ-No. 1 and FZ-No. 63. They affect all areas of application of the signature: in civil law relations, in interaction with municipal and state bodies.

How did the idea of ​​using the EPC come about: let's remember the past!

In 1976, two American cryptographers Diffie and Hellman suggested that electronic digital signatures could be created. It was just a theory, but it resonated with the public. As a result, already in 1977, the RSA cryptographic algorithm was released, which made it possible to create the first electronic signatures. Compared to the present, they were very primitive, but it was at this moment that the foundation was laid for the future rapid development of the industry and the widespread spread of electronic document management.

The millennium brought significant changes. In the United States, a law was passed according to which a signature on paper was equal in legal force to an electronic one. Thus, a new rapidly growing segment of the market appeared, the volume of which, according to the forecasts of American analysts, by 2020 will amount to $30 billion.

In Russia, the first EPs began to be used only in 1994. The first law that regulated their application was adopted in 2002. However, it was distinguished by extreme vagueness of wording and ambiguity in the interpretation of terms. The law did not give an unambiguous answer to the question of how to obtain an electronic signature and use it.

In 2010, a large-scale project was developed to create a virtual environment to provide public services in electronic format, which in August of the same year was submitted for consideration to the President of the Russian Federation. One of the key areas of the project is the possibility of using EDS. The regions were obliged to create conditions for free access of individuals and legal entities to the possibilities of electronic document management, so that everyone could receive an ES. Since then, the “electronic state” has been actively developing in Russia.

In 2011, the President ordered the executive authorities to switch to electronic document management within the structures. By June of the same year, all officials were provided with EDS. The program was financed from the federal budget. In 2012, electronic document management began to work in all executive authorities of the Russian Federation without exception.

After these transformations, two questions were acute. First, EP was not universal. For each goal, a new signature had to be obtained. Secondly, some crypto providers were not compatible with others, which put their clients in a difficult position. Therefore, since 2012, a global process of unification in the field of electronic document management has begun. Thanks to this, we have modern universal signatures and software.

EDS Signature: 5 Benefits and 6 Uses!

Many entrepreneurs do not yet apply in their economic activity EPC. In many ways, the reason for this is elementary ignorance of all its capabilities and advantages. Using an electronic format for signing documents, business entities (IE, LE) receive the following benefits:

  1. Documents are maximally protected from falsification.

Since the computer is very difficult to deceive. In this case, it is completely excluded human factor. After all, you can simply not notice that the signature under the document is different from the original. An electronic signature cannot be forged. This requires very large computing power, which is almost impossible to implement at the current level of development of devices, and a lot of time.

  1. Optimization, acceleration and simplification of workflow.

Complete exclusion of the possibility of data leakage or loss of important papers. Any copy certified by an electronic identifier is guaranteed to be received by the addressee in the sent form: no extraordinary circumstances can cause damage to it.

  1. Reduction of costs due to refusal of paper carriers.

For small firms keeping records in paper form was not burdensome, which cannot be said about large enterprises. Many of them had to rent separate premises, warehouses for storing documents for 5 years. In addition to the cost of paper, printers, ink, stationery, rent was added! In addition, depending on the field of activity, some companies could reduce costs by reducing the number of employees who were involved in documents: receiving, processing, etc. The need to recycle paper has also disappeared: for certain types organizations whose activities are related to confidential information, even this line of expenses turned out to be significant. The process of destroying documents under the EDS is a few clicks with a computer mouse.

  1. The format of papers signed by ES fully complies with international requirements.
  2. There is no need to obtain a separate signature to participate in bidding or submit reports to regulatory authorities.

You can get an ES, which will allow you to use it at all necessary sites.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the question of how to obtain an electronic signature, we list all possible options its use:

  1. Internal document flow. It implies the transfer of commercial information, orders, instructions, etc. inside the company.
  2. External document flow. We are talking about the exchange of documents between two organizations partners in the B2B system or between an enterprise and a B2C client.
  3. Submission of reports to regulatory authorities:
  • Federal Tax Service,
  • Pension Fund,
  • social insurance fund,
  • customs service,
  • Rosalkogolregulirovanie,
  • Rosfinmonitoring and others.
  1. To gain access to the "Client-Bank" system.
  2. To participate in auctions and bidding.
  3. For public services:
  • Website of the State Service,
  • RosPatent,
  • Rosreestr.

How to get an electronic signature: step by step instructions!

Having appreciated all the advantages of using an electronic signature, you have decided to get it. And, of course, faced with a natural question: how to do it? We will answer this question with a detailed step by step instructions which will help you quickly and easily get EDS signature!

There are 6 steps in total.

Step 1. Selecting the type of ES.

Step 2. Choosing a certification authority.

Step 3. Filling out the application.

Step 4. Payment of the invoice.

Step 5. Collecting a package of documents.

Step 6. Obtaining an EDS.

Now let's talk about each step in more detail!

Step 1. Choice of view: to each his own!

The first step to obtaining an electronic signature is choosing its type. According to federal laws distinguish the following types of EDS:

  1. Simple. It encodes data about the owner of the signature, so that the recipient of the paper is convinced who the sender is. It does not protect against forgery.
  2. Reinforced:
  • unqualified - confirms not only the identity of the sender, but also the fact that no changes were made to the document after signing.
  • qualified - the most secure signature, the legal force of which is 100% equivalent to that of an ordinary signature! It is issued only in those centers that are accredited by the FSB.

Recently, more and more customers want to get an enhanced qualified signature, which is quite reasonable. Like any other “keys” that provide access to private information or financial transactions, fraudsters of various categories hunt for EDS. Analysts believe that over the next 10 years, the first two species will simply become obsolete. The choice depends on the use of the EDS. To make it easier to make a decision, we have drawn up the data in a table, it will help you make a choice and stop at a specific necessary and sufficient form.

Scope of application Simple Unskilled qualified
Internal document flow + + +
External document flow + + +
Court of Arbitration + + +
Website of the State Services + - +
Supervisory authorities - - +
Electronic auctions - - +

If you are going to get an EDS signature for the convenience of reporting, you will have to apply for a qualified one. If the goal is document flow at the enterprise, then it is enough to get a simple or unqualified signature.

Step 2. Certification Authority: TOP-7 largest and most reliable companies!

A certification authority is an organization whose purpose of functioning is to generate and issue electronic digital signatures. A CA is a legal entity whose charter specifies the relevant type of activity. Their functions include:

  • issuance of EDS;
  • providing a public key to everyone;
  • blocking the electronic signature, in the event that there is a suspicion of its unreliability;
  • confirmation of the authenticity of the signature;
  • mediation in case of conflict situations;
  • provision of all necessary software for clients;
  • technical support.

On the this moment within the territory of Russian Federation there are about a hundred such centers. But only seven are industry leaders:

  1. EETP is the market leader electronic trading RF. The company's activities are highly diversified, which does not prevent it from occupying leading positions in each segment. In addition to organizing and conducting auctions, he is engaged in the sale of property that is not selling well, teaches the features of participation in auctions, forms and sells EDS.
  2. Electronic Express is the official operator of the electronic document management of the Federal Tax Service. It has a full set of licenses (including the FSB license).
  3. Taxnet - develops software for electronic document management. Including is engaged in the creation and implementation of EDS.
  4. Sertum-Pro Kontur - the company deals with certificates of electronic signatures. In addition, it offers many convenient additional services for its customers, which will significantly expand the possibilities of ES.
  5. Taxcom - the company specializes in external and internal document management of companies and reporting to various regulatory authorities. For this, appropriate software is being developed and electronic signatures are being created. It is on the list of official data operators from cash registers.
  6. Tenzor is a giant in the world of document management in telecommunications networks. It provides a full range of services: from the development of complexes for automating the workflow at enterprises to the creation and implementation of electronic signatures.
  7. National certification center - develops and sells various EDS certificates, offers customers software for generating and submitting reports to all government agencies.

Choose a CA depending on your capabilities and location. It is important to check whether there is a point of issue of ready-made electronic signatures in your city. This is fairly easy to find out by visiting the official websites of the companies.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the centers from our TOP-7 list, then you can use the services of other companies. A complete list of accredited CAs can be found on the website in the "Important" section.

Step 3. How to get an electronic signature: fill out an application!

The choice is made, now you know exactly what you want, so it's time to apply to the certification center. This can be done in two ways: by visiting the company's office or by filling out an application on its website.

Sending an application remotely will save you from a personal visit. The application contains a minimum of information: full name, contact phone number and e-mail. Within an hour after sending, an employee of the CA will call you back and clarify the necessary data. In addition, he will answer all the questions that interest you and advise which type of EDS to choose for your case.

Step 4. Paying the bill: money in advance!

You will have to pay for the service before you receive it. That is, immediately after the application is accepted and the details are agreed with the client, an invoice will be issued in his name. The cost of an EDS varies depending on the company you applied to, the region of residence and the type of signature. It includes:

  • generating a signature key certificate,
  • software necessary for creating, signing and sending documents,
  • customer technical support.

The minimum price is about 1500 rubles. The average is 5,000 - 7,000 rubles. The cost of one ES may be lower than 1,500 rubles, only if signatures are ordered for a large number of employees of one enterprise.

Step 5. Documents for obtaining an EDS: we form a package!

When forming a package of documents, it is essential which subject of civil law acts as a customer: an individual, a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, we will consider documents for obtaining an EDS separately for each category.

Individuals must provide:

  • statement,
  • passport plus copies
  • individual taxpayer number,
  • SNILS.
  • Receipt of payment.

An authorized representative of the recipient of the electronic signature can submit documents to the CA. To do this, you need to issue a power of attorney.

To obtain an EDS, a legal entity will have to prepare:

  1. Statement.
  2. Two certificates of state registration: with OGRN and TIN.
  3. Extract from the register of legal entities. Important! The extract must be "fresh". Each certification authority has its own requirements for this.
  4. Passport plus a copy of the person who will use the ES.
  5. SNILS of the employee who will use the EDS.
  6. If the signature is issued for the director, then you need to attach an order of appointment.
  7. For employees who are lower in the hierarchical ladder of the company, you will have to issue a power of attorney for the right to use the EPC.
  8. Receipt of payment.

Documents for obtaining an EDS by individual entrepreneurs:

  1. Statement.
  2. Registration certificate with OGRNIP number.
  3. Certificate with TIN.
  4. Extract from the register of entrepreneurs, issued no earlier than 6 months ago, or a copy certified by a notary.
  5. The passport.
  6. SNILS.
  7. Receipt of payment.

Confidant individual entrepreneur can pick up an electronic digital signature in the presence of a power of attorney and a passport. When submitting an application in electronic form, documents are sent to the CA by mail, and during a personal visit, they are submitted simultaneously with the application.

Step 6. Getting a digital signature: the finish line!

Documents can be obtained at numerous points of issue, which are located throughout the country. Information about them can be found on the official website of the UC. Usually, the term for obtaining a signature does not exceed two to three days.

Delay is possible only on the part of the customer, who did not pay for the services of the certification center on time or did not collect all the necessary documents. Please note that you need to get an extract from the unified state register Individual entrepreneur or legal entity, as this process takes 5 working days! Some CAs provide the service of urgent issuance of EDS. Then the whole procedure takes about one hour. Now you know how to get an electronic signature.

Important! The EP is valid for one year from the date of its receipt. After this period, it will need to be renewed or a new one obtained.

Do-it-yourself digital signature: the impossible is possible!

In fact, creating an electronic signature on your own is quite realistic. If you have the appropriate education, you can thoroughly understand what an electronic digital signature is and stock up with invincible enthusiasm. True, we should not forget that we will not only have to generate a cryptographic sequence, we also need to develop and write the appropriate software. A natural question arises: why do this? Moreover, the market is replete with ready-made solutions! For large companies, it is also not profitable to “mess around” with the independent development of electronic signatures, since they will have to hire new staff in the IT department. And in the article

The use is becoming more common in Russia. And this is not at all surprising, since the digital signature is in many cases more secure than the corresponding props affixed with a ballpoint pen or a seal. How is an electronic signature produced for a legal entity? How to get the appropriate tool?

EDS definition

To begin with, let's define the essence of the EDS. digital signature? It is understood as the details of the document, similar to that which is affixed with a ballpoint pen on paper, but only made using special computer algorithms.

The main purpose of the digital signature is to confirm that the document is signed by a specific person. Among others useful properties, which an electronic digital signature has, is a certificate of the integrity of the document, the absence of any changes in it on the way between the sender and the recipient.

Use of digital signatures

In what areas are EDS used? Almost the same as a regular signature: in businesses and government agencies, in communications with the participation of individuals. Compliant with everything you need legal requirements An EDS is legally equivalent to a signature, which is done with a ballpoint pen, and in some cases, a seal, if we are talking about legal entities.

The use of an electronic signature is widespread in the banking sector: for example, when authorizing in systems of the “bank-client” type, the corresponding mechanisms for the user of a financial product are activated. Using the algorithms adopted in the financial and credit organization, the client signs payment orders, makes various applications and requests.

In some cases, an EDS is regarded as even more reliable requisite than a signature made with a ballpoint pen. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to fake it, as well as the fact that using the EDS, as we noted above, you can check whether changes have been made to the files being sent.

In the Russian Federation, universal electronic cards. With their help, citizens can perform a large number of different actions. Among them is the signing of documents on the Internet. How is this possible? In order to use this UEC function, you need to purchase a card reader - a device that can read data from a card and transfer it via special online channels. It is necessary to use a device that supports the PC / SC standard.

EDS structure

How is the EDS structured? How does the document authentication mechanism work? Very simple. An electronic signature in itself is a document attribute that can only be affixed by one person (or organization). The corresponding document flow subject has a single copy of the tool with which the EDS is set - this is the private key of the electronic signature. As a rule, no one else has it, as is the case with a unique example of a person's autograph, which he makes with a ballpoint pen. Keys are issued by specialized organizations - certification centers. They may also be accredited by the Ministry of Communications.

The EDS can be read using the public key, which, in turn, can be at the disposal of any number of people. Using this tool, the recipient of the document makes sure that it was sent and signed by a specific sender. If the public key does not recognize the digital signature, then it is affixed by the wrong person from whom the document should come.

Signing key certificate

An important element of the workflow is the certificate of the electronic signature key. It is, as a rule, an electronic data source that contains information about the sender of the files. The certificate certifies that the key owned by the person is valid. Also this document contains basic information about the sender. The certificate is valid, as a rule, for 1 year from the date of issue. The corresponding element of the signature can also be revoked at the initiative of its owner, for example, if he loses control over the key or suspects that it has fallen into the wrong hands. Those documents that will be signed without a valid certificate have no legal force.

From a technological point of view, the mechanism for exchanging files when using an EDS is usually implemented within a certain software environment. That is, files are sent and received in a special format using the interface of specialized software. It can be adapted, for example, for workflow in the field of tax reporting or to share files between different companies.

A universal system for receiving and sending documents has not yet been created in the Russian Federation, but such work is underway. Its successful completion will make it possible to create a software environment that, theoretically, will be able to completely replace paper document management, since every citizen, along with a personal autograph, will also be able to put an electronic signature on any documents. Actually, the development of UEC is one of the first steps in this direction.

But for now, you can set up an EDS using this card on a limited number of resources. Therefore, electronic signature verification is now carried out in different programs, and their use is carried out by agreement between the sender and recipient of documents.

It is also possible to exchange files outside the corresponding interfaces. In this case, each document can be supplemented with a text insert with a unique cipher, which is created using the private key and read by the recipient of the file using the public key. The document will be recognized if the corresponding algorithms match, and also if the certificate we mentioned above is valid.

However, the cipher in question will be created one way or another by a special program. Theoretically, of course, users can develop their own - and this will formally also be considered an EDS, but in this case there is no need to talk about a sufficient level of document management security. AT large firms it usually has special requirements. Just like in government agencies. Let us study the aspect that reflects the types of EDS depending on the level of security in more detail.

EDS security levels

It can be noted that sending documents via e-mail is also one of the options for using EDS. In this case, we are talking about using a simple electronic signature. Its "key" is the password that the sender enters. The Electronic Signature Act allows that this species EDS can be legally significant, but law enforcement practice is not always accompanied by the implementation of this scenario. And this is understandable: the password - purely theoretically - can be entered by anyone who knows it, and pretend to be the sender.

Therefore, the same law on electronic signature determines that much more secure EDS options can be involved in the workflow. Among them is an enhanced and qualified EDS. They assume that their owners have in their hands reliable electronic keys that are very difficult to forge. They can be made in the form of a special eToken keychain - in a single copy. Using this tool and a special program, a person can send signed documents to the addressee, who then, using the public key for verifying the electronic signature, will be able to verify the correct origin of the files.

Qualified Signature Specifics

What is the difference between an enhanced EDS and a qualified one? Technologically, they can be very similar and use generally similar encryption algorithms. But in the case of a qualified EDS, a certificate for it is issued by a certification center (from among those accredited by the Ministry of Communications). This type of electronic signature is considered the most secure and in most cases is equated in legal terms with the corresponding details of the document, which is put manually on paper.

In most cases, a qualified digital signature is required during the interaction of businesses and individuals with government agencies, so the requirements for identifying documents in such communication scenarios can be very strict. An enhanced EDS in this case may not always satisfy them, not to mention, of course, a simple electronic signature. Accredited certifying centers, as a rule, recommend to their clients the best type of software, with the help of which document management is carried out using EDS.

Types of electronic signatures

So, a universal EDS capable of replacing a paper signature at any time has not yet been developed in Russia. Therefore, the tools we are considering are presented in a wide range of varieties adapted to one or another purpose of file exchange. Consider the most common types of communications that use the electronic signature of documents.

EDS required for participation are popular commercial organizations in various auctions ("Sberbank-AST", "RTS-Tender"), as well as to attend trading floors, for example, those that are members of the ETP Association. There is an EDS adapted to work with databases on bankruptcies of legal entities and facts relating to their activities.

On the portal, all registered persons are also issued an electronic signature. Thus, public services can then be ordered online - there is no need to refer a paper document to one or another department. A wide range of services opens up to a citizen, you can even apply for a passport online. One of the options for the hardware implementation of the EDS for use on the portal is the UEC, which we mentioned above.

How to get an EDS

Due to the lack of a unified structure in the Russian Federation for issuing universal EDS, there are a large number of private firms involved in issuing electronic signatures. They are called, as we noted above, certification centers. These organizations perform the following main functions:

Register users as legally authorized subjects of work with documents when using the EDS;

Issue an electronic signature certificate;

In some cases, they provide sending and verification of documents with EDS.

Thus, if a citizen or organization needs a digital signature, they will have to go to the appropriate certification center.

Documents for obtaining an EDS

How is an electronic signature issued for a legal entity? How to get such a useful tool for business? So, the first step is to choose a certification authority. It is advisable to apply to those structures that are accredited government agencies. A list of these organizations can be found on the website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation -

The following main documents must be submitted to the certification center:

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

Certificates: on registration of a legal entity, on registration with the Federal Tax Service.

If we are talking about obtaining a personal signature for the head of the organization, the mentioned set of documents must be supplemented with a copy of the protocol on the appointment of the general director to the position. If the EDS is received by an employee who is not a member of the company's supreme management bodies, then a copy of the order for his employment, as well as a power of attorney, is needed. Naturally, you will need a passport and SNILS specialist.

As we can see, the process within which an electronic signature is issued for a legal entity is not at all complicated. How to get an EDS for an individual entrepreneur?

Very simple. You will need the following basic documents:

Extract from the USRIP;

Certificates: on registration as an individual entrepreneur and on registration with the Federal Tax Service;

The passport;

If a person who is not in the status of an individual entrepreneur, owner or representative of an LLC wants to receive an EDS, then all he needs to bring to the certification center is the TIN, passport, and also SNILS.

Obtaining an electronic signature is usually not a very long process. Many certifying centers are ready to provide an eToken key or its equivalent, as well as a guide to using an EDS within a few hours after the relevant application is made.

Practical nuances of working with EDS

We studied how an electronic signature is issued for a legal entity, how to get this tool. Let us now consider some remarkable nuances of the practical use of EDS.

So, when organizing a document flow between two or more companies, it is advisable to turn to the services of intermediary structures that will help companies avoid errors in file exchange, and also guarantee compliance with all legal requirements regarding these communications. In list best options execution of such agreements - the conclusion of accession agreements, which are provided for by Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

When organizing document flow between different organizations, it is also recommended to approve the procedure for working with files in cases where the authenticity of the EDS cannot be determined. For example, this is possible if the certificate of the electronic signature key has expired.

At the beginning of the article, we considered the classification of EDS according to the degree of security. What are the mechanisms for the correct use of simple, enhanced and qualified electronic signatures?

If a company decides to use a simple EDS when exchanging documents with another organization, then it needs to conclude additional agreements that establish such a mechanism. The relevant agreements should reflect the rules for determining who exactly sent the document via e-mail and thereby put a simple EDS.

If it's about electronic auction, then the signature must be enhanced (at least) and meet the criteria adopted at the level of a particular online platform where such communications are carried out.

Reporting to state structures should be carried out only when using a qualified electronic signature. If we are talking about establishing labor relations at a distance (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation has recently allowed this type of communication), then a qualified signature should be used in this process.

Hello! In this article we will talk about electronic digital signature.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is an EDS and in what areas can it be applied;
  2. On the legal force of a signature of this format;
  3. About the benefits that its presence provides.

EDS has been a tool for some time, thanks to which the movement of documentation is simplified. And this happens not only within the company, but also outside it. How to become its owner, consider today.

EDS - what is it in simple words

Everyone knows that any document is signed by a person who has such authority. This is done in order to give the document legal force. Thanks to modern technologies, the entire workflow goes into electronic form. And it turned out to be extremely convenient!

What is EDS in simple terms?

EDS this is an analogy to a conventional signature, which is used to give legal effect to documentation located on an electronic medium.

It is usually stored on a flash drive.


  1. Simplifies and speeds up the process of data exchange (when there is cooperation with foreign companies);
  2. Reducing the costs associated with document management;
  3. Increasing the level of security for information of a commercial nature.

Terms related to EDS

Two other concepts are closely related to this concept: key and electronic signature certificate.The certificate confirms that the ES belongs to a specific person. It is strong and ordinary. An enhanced certificate is issued either by a certification authority or by the FSB.

The key is the characters in the sequence. They are usually used in pairs. The first is the signature itself, the other confirms that it is genuine. To sign each newly created document, a new key is generated.

The information that is received at the CA is not a digital signature, it is a means to create it.

A bit of history

The first EPs began to be used in Russia in 1994. And the law to regulate their use was adopted in 2002. It was extremely vague and ambiguous in its terminology. The issue of obtaining a signature was also practically not covered in it.

Since 2011, state structures have switched to electronic document management. And all officials received an EDS.

In 2012, this process took on a global scale, and thanks to this, we can now become the owners of universal modern signatures.

How to get an electronic digital signature

Consider a situation in which a person has evaluated all the advantages of this tool and a decision has been made to obtain an EDS. So, the question arose: what needs to be done for this? Let's talk about this in more detail.

To obtain an electronic digital signature, you need to go through several important steps:

  • Decide on the type of signature;
  • Select a certification authority;
  • Fill out an application;
  • Pay the invoice;
  • Collect the necessary documentation package;
  • Get an EDS.

Now we will discuss each step in detail.

Step 1. Choose the type of signature that best suits you.

Over the past period of time, the number of those who want to receive an enhanced electronic signature has increased. This is due to the fact that it can confirm not only the identity of the sender of the document, but is also protected to the maximum. According to a number of experts, simple EDS will soon cease to exist completely.

Let's present in the form of a table in which areas different types of signatures are used.

No. p / p Where apply simple view Unskilled Skilled
1 Maintaining internal paperwork in small companies meets Yes Yes
2 Maintaining external documents rare Yes Yes
3 At the Arbitration Court Yes Yes Yes
4 When accessing the State Services website Yes No Yes
5 In the regulatory authorities No No Yes
6 When conducting electronic trading No No Yes

Step 2 Select a certification authority.

If you need to get an EDS in order to submit reports, choose a qualified one, but if you just keep a document flow, then a simple one.

Let us clarify that the CA is a legal entity, the purpose of which is the formation and issuance of an EDS.

In addition, the UC carries out the following activities:

  • Verifies that the signature is valid;
  • If necessary, blocks the EDS;
  • Acts as a mediator if a conflict situation suddenly arises;
  • Provides technical support;
  • Provides required software to clients.

There are about 100 UTs in the Russian Federation. It is better to choose the one that suits your location and capabilities. You can first check if there are any in your city. It's easy to do: just look at the information on the official website.

Step 3. Making an application.

To do this, either visit the office of the center, or fill it out online. The remote method allows you to avoid a personal visit to the CA, that is, save a certain amount of time.

As soon as the submission of the application is completed, the CA specialist contacts the client to clarify the data specified in it. You can ask questions and get advice.

Step 4. We pay.

You will have to pay for the service in advance. As soon as the application is accepted, all the details are agreed, the client is billed. The cost may vary, as it depends on the region where the client lives, on the company itself and on what kind of EDS you want to receive.

Moreover, the price range is quite large - from 1500 to 8000 rubles.

Documents for EDS

When collecting documents important nuance is the following: an EDS is needed for an individual, an EDS for a legal entity or for an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, we will characterize the documentation separately.

To obtain a signature, individuals must collect the following set of documentation:

  • Completed application form;
  • Passport with photocopy;
  • SNILS;
  • Receipt confirming the payment of the invoice.

If the recipient has a trustee, they can handle the submission of documents. The only thing you need is a power of attorney to perform such actions.

Legal entities need to prepare:

  • Completed application;
  • Certificate of OGRN;
  • Certificate of TIN;
  • (not overdue);
  • Passport with a copy of the person who will use the EDS;
  • Payment receipt;
  • SNILS of the person who will use the EDS;
  • If the signature will be used by the director, an order must be provided on the basis of which he holds this position;
  • For other employees, powers of attorney are required so that they can use the EDS.

IP provide:

  • Completed application;
  • Certificate of OGRNIP;
  • Certificate of TIN;
  • An extract from the register of entrepreneurs, which is not more than 6 months old (a copy is possible);
  • Receipt confirming payment.

If the application was submitted remotely, required documents sent to the CA by mail, if personally, then along with the application.

Electronic signature for individuals

For individuals, there are 2 types of signatures: qualified and unqualified. The procedure for obtaining, when compared with legal entities, is much simpler.

Individuals usually use ES to sign certain papers.

Currently, such systems have been developed for its application, such as:

  • Unified portal of public services;
  • ESIA network, for various information.

For the ESIA, a simple type of ES is sufficient, but for the public services portal, a qualified one is used.

To obtain an EDS, a citizen also applies to the CA, with all the documents and an application. You also need to have a flash drive with you, on which the private part of the key, known only to the owner, will be written.

The procedure looks like this:

  • Apply to the CA for a certificate and to obtain an EDS key;
  • Choose a password;
  • Filling out forms for obtaining keys;
  • Submission of all documents;
  • Obtaining a certificate for keys.

Electronic signature for legal entities

The receipt algorithm is practically the same as obtaining a signature by an individual. In the same way, a CA is selected, all the necessary documents are collected, and the invoice is paid. The only thing to remember is that the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities must be received on time, since the process of its preparation takes about 5 days.

Hash function: why you need it

hash function is a unique number that is obtained from the document by converting it using an algorithm.

It has an increased sensitivity to various kinds of distortions of the document, if at least one character in the original document changes, most of the characters of the hash value will be distorted.

The hash function is designed in such a way that it is impossible to restore the original document by its value, and it is also impossible to find 2 different electronic documents, which have the same hash value.

To form an EDS, the sender calculates the hash function of the document and encrypts it using a secret key.

talking in simple words, it is designed to facilitate the exchange of data between users. It is a key data protection tool.

The file being signed goes through the hashing procedure. And the recipient will be able to verify the authenticity of the document.

Legal force of EDS

An EDS has the same legal force as an ordinary signature in a paper version of a document, if it was applied without violations. If deviations were found, the document is not valid. The state regulates the process of using EDS by the Federal legislation.

EDS validity period

The EDS is valid for 12 months from the day it was received. As soon as this period ends, it is extended or another one is received.

Summing up. The use of EDS brings the greatest benefit large companies and businesses. Thanks to it, the document flow becomes cheaper, wide horizons for business open up.

It is also beneficial for ordinary citizens to have it. No need to stand in lines, order the state. services without leaving home. EDS is a modern, convenient and profitable tool.


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