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They are loved. We are talking only about white, not black bread. It should not be given to birds. In recent years, more and more often you can hear and read that even dry white bread is dangerous for birds and can lead to various diseases, up to blockage of the esophagus. This opinion is replicated on many sites. I decided to look into this issue, because. often I myself put dried crumbs or finely chopped pieces of white bread in the feeder. For woodpeckers, who also fly to the feeder, there is no better treat than a hardened loaf. Can this food harm the birds?

Not only sparrows, but also tits eat white bread in winter

Feed or feed?

White bread is not the most complete food for birds kept in captivity. However, this is not about them, but about sparrows and other birds that fly to the feeder in winter. We only feed them, which is very important, especially in bad weather. For example, during or after a snowfall. The rest of the time, the birds are busy searching for food on their own, flying to the feeders for a “snack”. That is, we are talking about top dressing, and not about full feeding. Many ornithologists do not advise putting food in the feeders in summer and autumn, when the birds themselves have to look for it. Otherwise, they lose the ability to get food and become completely dependent on humans.

The opinion of the Royal Society for the Conservation of Birds of Great Britain is interesting. The lack of a complete set of substances necessary for birds is called the disadvantages of white bread as a bird food. They fill the stomach and experience a temporary feeling of satiety. British experts suggest feeding birds with biscuit crumbs or pastries, and not “empty food”. It is recommended to give grated cheese, the remains of boiled potatoes in their skins, breakfast cereals and boiled rice.

Difficult and dangerous options

Reputable publications advise pouring raw sunflower and pumpkin seeds, corn grains, pearl barley, oatmeal, dried white bread crumbs into the feeders and putting unsalted lard. Some of them recommend giving the birds crushed watermelon pits, melon seeds, thistle, horse sorrel and quinoa. It is proposed to harvest the seeds in advance in the summer and make brooms from stems and branches with seeds to stick them in the snow near the feeders in winter.

Garden quinoa seeds with beet-colored leaves

There are always a lot of sparrows near the feeder

Feeding trough near our house

My version of feeding the birds cannot harm them. I try to put wheat bread with bran and inexpensive loose sunflower seeds in the feeder. Only raw. They are sold in Auchan at a price of 41 rubles. 71 kop. per kilogram (2016).

Raw Sunflower Seeds are Ideal Bird Food

I can’t harvest cones and tree seeds in the fall. Let the birds themselves get them on the site. There is a lot of food for a variety of birds. I sometimes put small pieces of bacon in feeders, I don’t hang them on tree branches.

Bird cones are not interested at all

Sparrows that constantly fly up to the feeder are reluctant to eat buckwheat. Raw rice is pecked, but without much pleasure. Birds like millet even less. I stopped putting oatmeal. Sparrows leave it, and the groats, wet during thaws, become moldy. Sparrows and tits often fight over food. They are driven away more large birds: and woodpeckers. There is no better food for jays than a loaf of bread. Woodpeckers, unfortunately, after a meal, switch from a hardened long loaf to a plum trunk that grows next to the feeder.

The woodpecker is patiently waiting for a dried loaf of white bread to be placed in the feeder specially for him.

You should not give wet food in winter, because. it freezes quickly. Even the fresh flesh of zucchini and pumpkins, which contains many seeds, soon becomes hard. Then the birds can't peck at it.

Dried white bread (preferably with bran) remains the food for most birds that many people who feed birds in the winter can afford. This is the case when the amount of feed is also important.

Five jays come to us to steal white bread crusts from the feeder. They first peck at the pulp, then fly away, taking the peels with them.

I noticed that sparrows like white bread more than cereals. In the feeder, sparrows first of all eat bread crumbs, even when there is another food nearby, which we consider a bird delicacy. Of course, sunflower seeds are in high demand.

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Feed the pigeons in the city with foods such as bread, candy, roasted sunflower seeds completely undesirable. Such food reduces their life to only 3 years instead of a possible 15. If everything is clear with sweets and fried foods, then the question arises: why is bread harmful to pigeons?

Pigeons can be carriers of infectious diseases, so hand-feeding is undesirable.

White wheat bread is less harmful to birds due to its "pomp" and less acidity. But it is also undesirable to give it to pigeons in large quantities.

Black (rye) bread is much more harmful to the health of birds than wheat. Rye bread swells after entering the digestive tract of pigeons. This can lead to blockage or volvulus. Black bread has a high acidity, which leads to fermentation in the stomach and, possibly, to dysbacteriosis. Starch and salt, which are contained in black bread, are very difficult for birds to digest. The accumulation of salt in the body will eventually lead to poisoning of the body. Therefore, the consumption of black bread by pigeons leads to a complete deterioration in health. And instead of being warmed by the energy released, the birds begin to get sick and freeze.

Pigeons need to be fed in winter, because at this time of the year they cannot find food for themselves.
In summer, birds only need to be fed a little with grain mixtures, because. in the city there is often a shortage of natural fodder.

Healthy food

So what to feed the pigeons in the city park so that they will please you and your children with their presence for a long time?

Pigeon lovers often keep birds at home, studying their habits and monitoring their health. Therefore, pigeons can be safely called pets.

Wild pigeons feed mainly on plant seeds, young tree branches, small bugs and insects. But in the city, usually the grass is mowed, and young bushes are cut down. Therefore, even in summer, you can feed the pigeons a little. They can be given grain mixtures that include barley, barley or wheat.

Pigeons always recognize the person who brings them food. Therefore, they, having mixed up, can “pounce” on a completely stranger.

Oatmeal can be included in the diet of pigeons. Only you need to choose those that cook for a long time (not instant ones). Sometimes birds can be fed with seeds, but not fried. But even they are better not to overdo it, because they are quite fatty.

In winter, calls to feed the birds with bread begin to appear actively on social networks. But it is very harmful to birds. Therefore, birdwatcher Maria Bakhareva, based on authoritative sources (National Geographic Birdwatcher’s Bible, The Ultimate Bird Feeder Handbook and RSPB’s Birdfeeder Guide), compiled a selection of scientific advice on feeding birds.

Why You Shouldn't Feed Birds Bread

It is very difficult for birds to digest, plus there is too much protein and fat in the bread, it fills the stomach, but does not provide enough energy.

What else can not feed the birds

Nothing salty. It is not necessary to feed spoiled (rancid, etc.) cereals to the birds. No need to treat the birds with cookies, buns, potato chips.

What can you feed

Sunflower seeds (raw, unsalted), crushed peanuts, raw unsalted bacon, oats, millet. wheat. There is one good domestic brand of feed for wild birds, it can be bought in the online store at the Zoological Museum and OBI stores. You can put slices of apples in the feeder, many birds peck them very willingly. If you are not lazy (and especially if you have children), make a nutritious muffin for titmouse. To do this, you need raw lard (beef or pork). It must be cut into pieces and melted over low heat. Then take a silicone mold for a cake, pour the seeds into it and pour it with melted lard. Let it harden, take it out of the mold and hang it on a string on a tree or balcony. Tits, nuthatches and even woodpeckers will be very pleased.

Don't overfeed the birds

You must help them survive, and not take them on allowance, making them helpless. Fill the feeder once a day and resist the urge to add just a little more to the poor hungry birds.

Keep clean

The feeder can become a breeding ground for infection, so remove uneaten food daily, and once a month, be sure to wash the feeder with hot water and some kind of disinfectant.

The article will tell you how to properly prepare food for wintering birds in the feeders.

A person often feels a desire to take care of "our smaller brothers." If you can't afford to volunteer at animal shelters or send monthly donations to voluntary animal welfare organizations, then you can feed the local birds during the winter season. By creating a feeder in your yard or on your balcony, you not only give food to small feathered creatures, you give them a chance to survive, extending their lives for several days, weeks, and a harsh winter.

Of course, you should not expect gratitude from small creatures, they will help you at another time - in the summer, when they start eating harmful insects (mosquitoes, larvae, flies, ants, aphids and worms), which prevent you from growing decent crops. Yes, and you must admit that feeding the birds will not hit your pocketbook, but will bring a pleasant feeling of accomplishment.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to feed the birds in the winter season, when it is difficult for them to find food for themselves, it is important to know that their diet in winter is significantly different from summer. Birds need high-calorie food, but not harmful (otherwise you will simply kill them).

What can you feed:

Food: Peculiarities: Who eats:
Sunflower (seeds) Seeds should make up almost 70-75% of the total feed (they are nutritious and high in calories, they are high in fat) Tits, woodpeckers, sparrows, nuthatches and other granivorous birds
Millet Dry food (often sold as pet parrot food in pet stores) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
oats Raw or boiled cereals (without spices and oil) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
Wheat Raw or boiled cereals (without spices and oil) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
Rice Raw or boiled cereals (without spices and oil) Sparrows, carduelis, pigeons, greenfinches and other granivorous
Meat Pieces of raw or dried meat, finely crushed. Without any salt and spices!
Salo Raw lard without salt! It can be strung on a thread and hung Tits, nuthatches and other species (crows, jackdaws and magpies may arrive)
Beef fat or chicken It can be mixed with bread or put separately in the feeder. Fat should not be salty! Tits, nuthatches and other species (crows, jackdaws and magpies may arrive)
Dried rowan (viburnum, hawthorn) Berries should be prepared in advance and dried in the fall. They can be put in a feeder or hung with beads. Bullfinches, waxwings
Maple seeds (lionfish) They should be collected in the fall when they are sprinkled from the trees. In winter, such food is often inaccessible to birds, as it is covered with leaves. Mud and snow Bullfinches, waxwings
cones FROM various kinds coniferous trees, should be collected in the fall Woodpeckers, crossbills
nuts Any fresh nuts that are not salted (as store-bought peanuts are) or roasted Jay woodpeckers and other species
acorns Gathering in autumn Jays
Corn Dried
Grains of watermelon and melon Good source of fats and nutrients (harvested from summer, dried) Bullfinches, jays, woodpeckers
Pumpkin seeds Good source of fats and nutrients (harvested in autumn) All granivorous bird species
Chicken egg shell Serves as a good calcium supplement (you can put a piece of natural chalk in the feeder) For all kinds of birds

What not to feed the birds in the winter in the feeder: a list of products

What you need to know about unhealthy food for birds:

  • Of course, in winter, birds need fatty foods such as meat and lard. However in no case should it be salty foods, since such food can kill small creatures, provoking dehydration and intoxication in the excretory organs.
  • Meat, lard and fat should be given neat., you can mix these ingredients with other food (grains, boiled cereals or bread).
  • You can not give black bread - this product, prepared with rye flour, can cause upset and diarrhea in birds, which will lead to their death. There is a lot of salt in black bread, and it also leads to disruption of the kidneys and liver in birds.
  • Rye bread can ferment in the goiter of birds and kill them, since there is much more yeast in it than in wheat.

What can not be added to the feeder:

  • salty foods
  • fried food
  • spicy food
  • acidic foods
  • Citrus fruits (even the peel)
  • Peel and fruits of bananas
  • Milk
  • roasted nuts
  • Spicy products

Why can't you feed the birds with salted bacon, fried seeds?

Any disease that affects a bird in the winter season becomes much more dangerous for it than it would be in summer. Gastrointestinal diseases in birds occur quite often, since in harsh winters they can eat junk food in search of survival. This food is offered to them by a person who knows little about the peculiarities of animal nutrition.

INTERESTING: It turns out that chewing gum thrown by a person is often perceived by birds as a piece of bread. They peck it, but after that they die, as the chewing gum completely slows down and clogs their digestive tract.

When offering titmouse and other birds with lard, make sure you cut it out of the non-salted part. Salt is poison for birds. Their kidneys and liver cannot digest and excrete it, and therefore such a product will be certain death for a small creature.

It would seem that sunflower seeds are the most useful food for birds. But only if the seeds are raw. Roasted seeds absorb too much fat and the gastrointestinal tract of birds cannot absorb it, causing poisoning, diarrhea and indigestion, which is very detrimental to most species.

What birds fly to the feeder in winter, and what bird will not appear at the feeder in winter?

When installing a feeder, you should be aware that it is always a source of debris. Therefore, there is no place for feeders on windowsills and balconies of houses (your neighbors may complain). It is best to install it on trees at a height where they will not be accessible to children who want to misbehave and knock it down (or add junk food).

It is possible that along with the "good-natured" birds, you will be able to notice "arrogant" thieves like crows, pigeons, magpies and jackdaws. However, most often they still eat in the feeders:

  • sparrows
  • Bullfinches
  • titmouse
  • Nuthatch
  • Jays
  • Goldfinch
  • Crossbill
  • pika
  • waxwing

What is the best way to feed sparrows, titmice, bullfinches, woodpeckers, waxwings in the winter in the feeder?

If you can afford to buy bird food, then periodically do it in a pet store. There you can easily pick up food from a mixture of millet, oats, wheat and sunflower seeds. This food can be combined with dried rowan berries, slices of white bread (or breadcrumbs), animal fat and lard.

IMPORTANT: The feeder should be updated as the food is eaten. Do not pour too much food at once, because the birds very often empty themselves right during the meal and this spoils some of the food.

What birds eat mountain ash in winter?

The bright red rowan berries often attract birds. These berries, dried by a person and sprinkled in a feeder or left hanging on a tree, serve as food for:

  • Ryabinnikov
  • Drozdov
  • bullfinch
  • Waxwings

What cereal can be given to birds in the winter in the feeder? Is it possible to feed birds in the winter feeder with millet, corn, wheat, pearl barley, barley groats, buckwheat, oats, oatmeal, rice, oatmeal?

Groats are a satisfying, nutritious and healthy food for all granivorous birds. It can be sprinkled in raw and dry form, boiled, brought to half-cooked. It is important not to add salt to porridge during cooking, not to add sugar and spices, not to pour in oil (the exception is a small amount of natural animal fat: beef or chicken).

What cereal can be given to wintering birds:

  • Buckwheat
  • Millet
  • Oatmeal (hercules, cereal)
  • Perlovka
  • corn
  • Wheat

Is it possible to feed birds in the winter feeder with pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower seeds?

Saving melon seeds from summer is far from difficult when you eat watermelons, melons and pumpkins. To do this, they should be washed well with running water and dried in the sun from moisture. Such seeds are an excellent nutritious and healthy food for all wintering birds, because they contain dietary fiber and oils. It is easily digested and gives the birds a boost of energy for the winter.

Is it possible to feed birds in the winter in the feeder with crackers, bread, fresh lard?

As already mentioned, bread is not ideal food for birds, but acceptable. However, we are talking only about white and unleavened bread. It should be dried or crushed. It is also allowed to add white bread crackers to the feeder, hanging them on dense threads.

IMPORTANT: If you put pieces of raw, non-salted fat and meat in the feeders, it is also recommended to string them with beads so that the birds do not lose this food, do not drop it from the feeder, do not try to swallow whole, but pinch off piece by piece.

Video: "Wintering Birds"

The main food for chickens is grain, which they are fed in poultry farms and in household. But they can consume not only it, but also other products. Let's see if it is possible to give chickens and hens bread and bakery products and if so, when and how much.

Bread itself is not a natural food for chickens, so they should not be fed to them alone. Although it is baked from flour derived from grain, it does not contain all the substances that birds need and that are found in fresh whole grains.

There are few vitamins in it, but a lot of salt and carbohydrates, chemical additives and fillers are often present, which not only do not bring any benefit, but are also harmful. However, there are no categorical contraindications to the use of bread by chickens, therefore, in certain quantities, it can be added to the feed as a substitute for grain or as an ingredient in wet mash.

But, even having decided to give leftover bread to his birds, the poultry breeder must know when and how to do it right. For example, they cannot be fed with fresh bread, especially white, sweet rolls, with or without filling, cookies, muffins in general. Sweet bakery products can cause indigestion and diarrhea, poisoning. Fresh bread is also dangerous for chickens because, when it gets into the goiter, it swells in it, clumps into a large dense lump that can squeeze the throat and the bird will suffocate.

Of all types of bread, black is the most dangerous for chickens. It has a lot of salt, yeast and is sour. Because of this, black bread can begin to ferment in the chicken stomach, thereby spoiling other food. In addition, it quickly becomes moldy, which makes it doubly dangerous. In the soaked version or as part of wet mash, it turns sour and rotten, making food unfit for consumption. It is impossible to feed birds with brown bread, fresh, in crackers or spoiled, this can lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cause acute digestive disorders, poisoning, or, with frequent feeding, adversely affect metabolism.

Harm of moldy bread

Bread with mold is unsuitable for feeding any farm animals or poultry. The fungus penetrates inside the bread and poisons it with toxins released during its life. They do not disappear even after heat treatment. It is better to throw away such a product. It is forbidden to feed moldy bread to chickens, as you can poison them.

Product preparation and storage

Chickens cannot eat fresh bread, but you can give it dried or in the form of crackers. They are well stored, do not take up much space and are available at any time. The best way their use by chickens - in the form of small pieces that the bird can peck without choking, or crumbs. They can be sprinkled on food, mixed with cereals, chopped or whole grains, added to mixers along with vegetables, root crops, garden tops, greens, grass.

It is not difficult to prepare crackers for your pets: you need to collect the pieces left after eating, take stale bread and cut them into thin slices, dry them in the sun or in the oven. Then fold into spacious paper bags or cloth bags and put in a dark, dry place where to store. It is necessary to ensure that moths and other kitchen pests do not start in them. Before distribution to chickens, crackers need to be crushed or soaked in water and squeezed out.

How often, in what form and in what quantities can bread be given

The feeding of chickens of ordinary breeds and broilers is different, since the latter are grown for the sole purpose of obtaining meat quickly, and therefore they are fed to the full. Therefore, they can be given more food than ordinary chickens.

You can feed chickens with bread crumbs, starting from the 5th day of life, adding them to the mash along with cottage cheese, boiled or fresh chopped root crops, herbs. Their share in the composition of the feed should not be large. Broilers and ordinary chickens can be fed with bread and bread crumbs, for example, you can replace crushed grain in mashers in a ratio of 1 to 3.

You can also give breadcrumbs, soaking them and adding them to the mash at the rate of 1 to 2. Crumbs can be combined with compound feed and fed with such a mixture of grown chickens and adults. At the same time as giving dry food, the bird should always be given clean water so that it can drink it if necessary.

When determining the amount of bread that can be given daily to a bird, it is also important to consider its weight. For small chickens weighing up to 2 kg, it is recommended to feed a maximum of 1 small piece of cracker per day for about 120 g of feed, for individuals weighing over 2 kg - increase the rate by 0.5 times, for large chickens - by 2-2.5 times.

Laying hens, during preparation and during the laying period and chickens kept in cages without walking, should not be given a lot of bread so that they do not start to get fat. Egg production suffers from overfeeding, and in a bird forced to sit still, metabolism is disturbed, it begins to hurt. In winter, the proportion of the product in the feed can be increased, since it is carbohydrate and provides energy used by hens to warm in a cold room.


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