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Almost every segment of the market is interesting in its own way to one or another entrepreneur. Thus, today there are very few industries that could be developed by someone. However, as practice shows, such segments still exist. But here it is worth mentioning that their development is carried out not because they bring small profits, but because entrepreneurs do not know the elementary basics of a particular business. After all, most of the businessmen are engaged in a business that quickly brings money. Long-term projects are of no interest to anyone. They can be seen only by a "hardened" businessman of the old school.

Indeed, such industries are characterized by a long period of "rocking". In other words, they will not immediately bring profit, since it takes a certain amount of time to promote such a segment, and not every person has enough of it. Also a characteristic feature is the sales market. It can be small or very large. Such instability scares people away.

All of the above features characterize unfamiliar entrepreneurial industries. One such industry is quail breeding. Studies by some experienced entrepreneurs have shown that the segment is not fully developed in other countries of the world either. A visit to European, American, Japanese and Chinese farms showed that the quail breeding business exists in the form of some representatives of small or medium-sized businesses. Therefore, the creation of a large enterprise that will specialize in the cultivation of quail is a paramount task for any entrepreneur who wants to "plunge" into this business area. But before? than to implement a factory, it is worth thinking about a small enterprise from which it will be possible to start thorny path to the stars. In process this enterprise you need to create a business plan for quail breeding in order to take into account all the nuances, investments and other characteristic features of the business.

Market description

No matter how regrettable it may sound, but the domestic market does not bring the proper amount of profit. This is due to a lot of factors. First of all, you need to consider the number of quail eggs produced per day. In Russia, this figure does not exceed 350,000 pieces, while in Japan, the same figure is 7,000,000 pieces, and in China - 70,000,000 pieces. All these exorbitant sums did not even dream of the domestic market. The second point is the demand for this product. Quail and quail eggs are exotic products. Therefore, many people are simply afraid to buy them.

All these factors negatively affect the popularity of this business. The payback periods are very long, as is the amount of investment required. Therefore, an experienced and established market player can “play” in quail breeding. Smaller entrepreneurs cannot afford to promote such a business. As mentioned earlier, quail breeding is a long-term project, so it requires maximum patience and time.

As for demand, according to many luminaries modern business, this negative factor can be overcome by marketing operations which must be carried out by experts in their field. Statistics prove this fact. Already after the first "volleys" towards the consumer, the demand for quail eggs increased several times. Therefore, the problem of consumption is no longer a problem at all.

What sells better: quail or eggs?

Quails are comparable to chickens because they exist in different types. Quails are meat and egg. The first species seems to be rather large individuals, which weigh up to 300 grams, but as for laying eggs, then they are very far behind their direct relatives. Egg quails weigh an order of magnitude less, however, they are able to produce about 350 eggs annually. Thus, the first species is used as food, and the second exclusively for laying eggs.

For domestic restaurants, quail carcasses are of absolutely no value. They are too large for one serving, so cooking them is not profitable. But almost everyone willingly buys eggs, from restaurants to ordinary merchants. Quail eggs are so popular due to their extremely useful properties. They contain a lot of nutrients, which makes them an excellent dietary food. The Japanese also brought out another property of quail eggs. After the Second World War, quail eggs were proven to have a positive effect on the health of people who were exposed to radiation. And this is not the whole list of those positive aspects that quail eggs provide to those who use them.

A couple of years ago, quails were something amazing in the modern market. But now it's a perfectly acceptable product. Moreover, many people began to breed these birds right on their farms along with other poultry. The entire Internet is practically crammed with information about diets using quail eggs and other wonderful properties of this product. All this indicates that the domestic market is quite ready to accept this segment, so you should not be afraid to master it.

The process of promoting a quail breeding business at home is quite long, but this does not mean that there are absolutely no positive aspects in it. Although an entrepreneur with sufficient funds should start such a business, a novice businessman can also try. The main thing is that he should not be too lazy to study the market and draw up a competent business plan for breeding quails.

As for the advantages, there are several that can be distinguished from the entire array. Firstly, quail breeding is characterized by high turnover. This factor develops due to the rapid growth of the chicks, which will later produce about 280 eggs. If you initially purchase no more than 500 chicks, then by the end of the year their number will increase ten or even fifteen times, depending on care and maintenance.

Secondly, a characteristic feature of the business is the compactness of production. This is due to the small size of the bird in question. On an area of ​​​​0.5 square meters, you can fit about a hundred quails. As we understand, such compactness allows to concentrate huge volumes of production in small rooms.

Thirdly, quails are not picky about caring for them. Two people can do this job just fine. The main condition is to maintain a temperature of +18 in the room and give special food to quails. It is very difficult to find ready-made food, since it is practically not available on domestic market. But still there is a way out of the situation. You can make your own food, you just need to mix certain ingredients, namely:

  • 30% wheat
  • 25% corn
  • 5% barley

And all this must be mixed with ground shells, fishmeal and cake (sunflower).

So, at this stage of the business plan, we can distinguish the main elements necessary for breeding quails:

  • To develop your farm, which will be 1000 birds, you will need about 1000 dollars.
  • $2,000 will be required to provide special blocks, which will consist of 12 cells.
  • A small household incubator will cost $200.
  • Every month you need to spend an amount of $ 200 on food.
  • The lighting and climate control system will cost $100, with installation included.

But the income can please the owner of a small business:

  • The sale of eggs will bring $ 800 per month.
  • The sale of quail meat will bring $ 300 per month.
  • In this way, net income will be $900.

The payback period of the economy will be 5 months.

These figures are quite attractive. They will increase as the economy grows. The larger the farm, the greater the profit itself.

The nuances of the quail business

In general, a quail breeding business at home can bring stable income if properly organized. Keeping quails is not difficult, everything depends solely on the care process itself, which needs to be organized. All subsequent actions will be related exclusively to marketing. A quail is a quail. They will lay eggs and multiply their number. But the ad itself will not appear. Therefore, products need to be promoted in the market. Then there will be customers, and if there are customers, there will be profits.

Many experts in the field of quail breeding advise starting a business with a few hundred heads. This will reduce the high costs at the very beginning of their activities.


The process of breeding quails is a whole science that needs to be studied for a single year. Therefore, many entrepreneurs do not want to engage in this business, because they do not want to waste their time. But given all the characteristic features of this business, we can conclude that it is able to bring big profits if you put all your strength into its development.

Breeding quails - by investing 35,000 rubles, in 2 months you will get a "plus". Introducing step by step guide, which will put everything on the shelves.

Capital investment in breeding: from 35,000 rubles.
Payback business on quail: 2-3 months.

Quail breeding at home can really be a great alternative to a chicken or geese business.

In addition to small investments in start-up, this idea also attracts with its simplicity of implementation.

At the same time, they can rush very actively: 50 females can bring up to 45 eggs per day!

As you can see, there are many advantages, although there are also disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look at the pitfalls of the business, how to organize the implementation of the idea and which breeding method to choose.

Important nuances of breeding quails at home

On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews about the quail breeding business.

Indeed, many entrepreneurs have established their own distribution channel and are successfully developing their business.

However, beginners should not be completely optimistic.

After all, this idea has several significant nuances, which he rarely talks about:

    Moreover, do not forget to take away at least ¼ of them that you send to the incubator.

    There is a myth that quails do not get sick.

    This is not so, it is simply easier for these birds to chop off problems at the root, to extinguish the epidemic in its infancy.

    In addition to diseases, the productivity of quails can be affected by ... yes, anything!

    Temperature fluctuations, stress, food changes, even noisy guests.

Under what conditions can quail breeding be arranged?

Interesting fact:
In Japan, students eat two quail eggs before class. This helps to improve memory, vision, strengthens the nervous system, and also helps the development of the whole organism as a whole.

The first thing you must learn is the correct temperature regime.

Quails are not the most picky birds.

But temperature deviations will cause some problems.

It will be too hot, the birds will start to lay less.

Too cold - they can die altogether.

How to choose a cage for quail breeding?

You can make a cage yourself or buy a ready-made one.

Anyhow, what kind of “home” is not suitable for quails.

Pay attention to the requirement for a bird house:

    In case you didn't know, quails rush straight to the bottom of the cage.

    Therefore, it is imperative to install an egg receiver that will prevent them from breaking.

  • The main material for cells is metal.
  • In this case, extra space can do more harm.

    Quails are prone to sharp upswings.

    So a height of more than 20 cm can be traumatic.

  • Devices for feeding and feed are installed on the front of the cage.
  • From the litter, you can make an effective fertilizer, the sale of which will bring additional income.
  • To reduce the risk of diseases and contamination of eggs, install a special tray for quail feces.
  • There is no mistake - statistics show that, unlike chickens, the tighter the birds sit, the better they rush.

What kind of personnel is needed for breeding quails?

Breeding quails, like any other bird, requires the employment of only a few people.

For those wishing to take everything exclusively into their own hands, we recall: there are no days off and holidays in the quail breeding business.

If you do not agree to spend at the cage every day, hire helpers.

A small livestock can be served "from and to" by two people: remove droppings, monitor the condition of the birds, feed and water them, control indoor conditions, and prepare bait.

Do not forget about the process of selling products: meat will need to be cut, eggs packed, all this will also be delivered to customers.

This work is really “non-dusty”, but it takes a lot of time.

If you are trying to save money, you can ask your loved ones for help.

But if finances allow, hire the following people:

Search for distribution channels for quail meat and eggs

Finding sources of marketing for household products should be sought immediately.

After all, eggs cannot be stored for a long time, and birds will rush actively.

Part will go to the needs of the family, passed on to friends and relatives.

But when it comes to business, it is obvious that more serious clients will be required.

This is the only way to cover the costs of quail breeding, and in the future to receive income from this.

The market analysis algorithm looks like this:

    Find out which customers close geographically could start buying products from you or become points of sale.

    It can be markets, fairs, shops, supermarkets, cafes.

    Refer to their guide to indicate the amount of demand for yourself.

    Based on these data, it is possible to determine the number of livestock for home breeding.

    An important point: what documentation is required for eggs and meat?

    At a minimum, you need to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    In addition, more serious partners may require quality certificates.

    Analyze your competitors - disguised as customers or by studying their websites.

    Determine their product prices, strengths and weaknesses.

    It is important to highlight competitive advantages that will make you stand out in the eyes of your customers.

    Yes, quail breeding at home is also worth promoting in order to increase profits.

    It is not necessary to use expensive advertising on TV.

    Available Methods guerrilla marketing with a skillful approach, they also bring worthy results.

How much money do you need to raise quails?

It has been mentioned more than once that breeding birds at home requires a very modest investment.

But what exactly is the amount?

Capital investments in quail breeding at home

Monthly investment in quail breeding

An entrepreneur should not forget that in addition to capital investments in quail breeding, monthly expenses will also be required.

This must be kept in mind and not be tempted by just a small amount of initial investment.

The income from quails will begin to compensate for these expenses only after a few months.

The video below shows the main features of quail breeding:

Conclusion on the profitability of quail breeding

The dispute about the profitability of breeding quails at home is not closed.

Some were able to turn it into a large-scale profitable business.

Others complain about the low income.

To draw a conclusion for yourself, you need in which you can calculate your performance.

Be sure to use the methods to improve business efficiency:

    Purchase and add mineral feed for quails to food.

    This is good for the health of the birds and the quality of their egg production.

    Watch the width of the holes between the bars.

    Ideally, only the head should go there so that the quail can eat.

    These birds react very poorly to bright light.

    It causes excitability, aggression and even a decrease in egg production in them!

  • If you do not give vitamins to quails during the change of seasons, their feather cover may completely fall out.

How could you make sure quail breeding at home will require not big investments that can pay off in just a couple of months.

But you should not count on a large income in the future.

To grow profits, the business will definitely need to scale.

But there is potential for this, because poultry meat and eggs always remain in the “grocery basket”!

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The main idea or concept of the quail farm business is that quail eggs and meat have a large sales market (second place after chicken eggs), and in every Russian city or village you can see quail eggs for sale.

Quail farm perspective like profitable business project, is based on:

  • Quail eggs are a valuable immunomodulatory food product and contain a whole range of vital vitamins (A, P and K, B1, B2, iron, cobalt) and other trace elements necessary for the human body. This is particularly confirmed by the fact that in biopharmaceuticals, especially in the field of gerontology and life extension technologies (anti-ageing), quail egg protein is massively used.
  • Meat and semi-finished meat products from quails are considered a delicacy and dietary food product, especially in the restaurant business.
  • The unique egg production of quails allows you to get the first eggs from a bird already at 6 weeks of age. On average, an egg-bearing quail brings 280-330 eggs per year. This allows us to have almost uninterrupted quail eggs and meat, to ensure stable supplies of farm products to the market of any capacity.
  • To create or start a business does not require large investments, complex equipment, technologies. Also, the farmer does not need to obtain a license to grow quails and sell products.
  • The market for quail eggs, as well as for meat, in the Russian commercial and consumer sector has had a constant positive trend for over 20 years. This indicates the stability of demand and the future expansion of the market.

The payback period for a quail farm project is 24 month.

The initial investment will be 2 445 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 5 month of work of the quail farm.

monthly net profit - RUB 105,555.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The project of the quail farm provides for its specialization in the production and supply of quail eggs to the commercial and consumer markets. This is the main product of the farm and its output will be approximately 98%.

The remaining insignificant part of the supply will be in the form of selling quails in live weight for restaurants that have quail meat dishes in their menu. This part of the production is episodic and very insignificant in the scope of the entire farm business.

The project starts with 2,000 quails, reaches 4,500 quails by the end of the year, after which it stabilizes. Taking into account the egg production of quails capable of laying 300 days a year, on average, each bird is expected to produce 20-25 eggs per month. Moreover, the quail begins to bring the first eggs already at 5-6 weeks of age. The total gross flow of eggs from the farm to the market will be from 2,500 dozen at the first stage to 10,000 dozen by the time the number of birds is optimal and sales are established.

The most egg-laying breeds of birds - Japanese quail, English black quail and Manchurian golden quail - will be chosen as the main type of quail.

All these breeds are well adapted to keeping in small farms and Russian climatic conditions.

The average selling price of a dozen quail eggs is 60 rubles.

The main sales channel will be focused on the commercial sector - culinary, bakery and confectionery companies, enterprises producing dietary and baby food, mayonnaise, creams and other semi-finished food products. A small part, about 15%-20%, of products is planned to be delivered to retail chains and shops.

It is also planned to work with various medical institutions and sanatoriums of the state or municipal sector under contracts concluded in the course of participation in special electronic auctions for the supply of goods and services for state and municipal needs.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • relatively constant demand for quail eggs from private and corporate clients
  • variety of sales channels and product supply;
  • quick adaptation to the rapidly changing market for poultry products;
  • individual approach to customer requests for the range and volume of supplies of quail eggs, as well as supplies of poultry in live weight
  • competition from suppliers of quail eggs, primarily large specialized agricultural holdings;
  • poor quality work of staff
  • risks of frequent damage and failure of equipment
  • risks associated with the epidemiological situation, the spread of avian influenza infection

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • expansion of business by increasing the number of quails, incubation and sale of chickens of special breeding breeds of quails;
  • the possibility of working with state and municipal consumers of quail eggs;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business for the processing of quail meat, egg shells and substandard products;
  • high competition in the poultry market, especially from agricultural holdings;
  • Increasing feed prices in the domestic market
  • Rent increase / termination of the lease agreement;
  • A decrease in the purchasing power of the commercial sector and a decrease in demand for farm products from food retailers, shops, and markets.

3. Description of the market

For a qualitative assessment of the market for quail eggs and calculation economic efficiency of this business project, the following important market parameters should be taken into account.

Quail egg market volume and dynamics. Despite the fact that quail farming in Russia has relatively recently begun to acquire an industrial scale (only in the early 90s did the first quail farms appear). full cycle production), only for the period from 2010 to 2016. The market for quail eggs has almost tripled. However, these rates are still quite far from the world average. So, for example, in Japan (considered the birthplace of quail breeding), in physical terms, the market for quail livestock is growing annually by 8 million units. and in China - no less than 25 million pieces. The average annual growth rate of quail egg production is at the level of 4%, as well as the entire Russian market eggs in shell. The total volume of the egg market in Russia is about 5.5 billion dollars, where the main share is occupied by chicken eggs (80%), followed by quail eggs (at least 15%) and eggs of other birds.

The structure of demand for quail eggs in Russia differs little from most European countries, and the main share goes to industrial processing (for example, the production of mayonnaise), as well as to restaurants and confectionery business. Also, a quail egg is used to prepare diet food and even for medical purposes (special creams, vaccines).

As for the use of quail meat, this segment of the consumer market occupies a very small share in overall structure demand. Basically, quail meat is used in the restaurant business for preparing exotic dishes (earlier in Russia, quail meat was served exclusively at the table of royal persons and the nobility close to them).

Taking into account the brief analysis, the following important conclusions can be drawn:

  • The Russian market of quail breeding and, in particular, egg production, is still far from being saturated, and the average annual growth rate of 4-5% consumption of quail eggs (to a lesser extent, meat) allows us to count on a long investment horizon, at least 10-15 years.
  • Measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation to protect the domestic agricultural market from competition from imported suppliers guarantee comfortable conditions for the development of both large agricultural holdings and small farms.

In addition, it should be noted that the gradual familiarization of the majority of Russians with a healthy lifestyle, the use of dietary products (where quail eggs are not the last) gives prospects for increasing demand for quail farm products, even within a separate municipal district or urban settlement.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To solve the organizational problem and legal registration business of a quail farm, the form of IP is chosen ( individual entrepreneur), as the most suitable for the start of production at an enterprise with a small number of poultry.

The main advantage of this form legal registration is that the simplified taxation system (STS) is used with a maximum tax rate of 6%.

Also in favor of choosing the format of the IP farm is the fact that for accounting and tax reporting you can use the services of a financial specialist outside staffing enterprises (for example, in the form of outsourcing or remotely).

In addition to individual entrepreneurs, you can also use the option of registering a farm as a private household plot or a peasant farm (peasant farm). But this form contains restrictions on the use of tax benefits, which may further complicate the expansion of business through the creation of related types of production.

The general scheme for registering an individual entrepreneur has a standard form and is completed within a period of 3 working days by submitting an appropriate application to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service. Together with the payment of the state duty for registration and execution of other documents, the amount of organizational expenses will not exceed 10,000 rubles.

It should be borne in mind that when submitting an application, it is necessary to indicate the code entrepreneurial activity according to a special classifier - OKVED.

For a quail farm, this code looks like this:

OKVED 01.24 "Breeding of poultry».

In addition to registering a farm as a business, a package of permits should be issued, due to the very specifics of the quail farm. In the list of such binding documents includes:

  • resolution local administration(signed by the head of the city or district), authorizing the construction of a quail farm. This document has the form of a separate order on the official letterhead of the head of the administration or representative body (city or village council) of the municipality;
  • permits from divisions of Sanepidnadzor (veterinary supervision) for the operation of premises, equipment for keeping poultry - quails;
  • an agreement for the treatment or disposal of waste, as well as a permit for the disposal of biowaste, approved by the local Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Department;
  • a certificate for the compliance of workplaces with the requirements of SanPiN - is issued at the labor inspectorate at the location of the farm (in the municipal authorities).
  • Certificate of conformity (ROSTEST certificate according to the regulations TU 9846-036-23476484-04) for quail farm products and obtaining an individual barcode for a particular enterprise. These documents are issued in the regional divisions of Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, it will be necessary to conclude agreements with local water supply companies, utilities and electricity supply companies.

The final amount required to obtain all permits and register a business in the IP format will be no more than 70,000 rubles.

  • Conditions for keeping quails
  • What breeds are best to breed

Is it profitable to grow quails, how to build a profitable quail farm, what conditions are optimal, how much can you earn on quails? You will learn about everything in our article.

Is it really possible to make money on quail

Why are you going to breed quails: for yourself or for the purpose of making money? Why do I ask this question. Almost every farmer can start growing quails, but not everyone can make money on it. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to equip a room for quails, how to create conditions for keeping birds, where to buy cages and young animals, etc. But there is almost no information on how to profitably sell quail products, and this is the most important. Before you set up a house, spend money on cages and food, make sure you can sell whatever you are going to grow. As a consumer, have you ever bought quail meat or eggs? (and not everyone does this). For example, chicken meat is very popular and grown chickens can be sold even to acquaintances. But with quails, I'm afraid this number will not work. Your customers are likely to be restaurants, cafes (and exotics), grocery stores, and specialty markets. But keep in mind that not everywhere you will be expected with open arms. At first, you can’t even dream of retail chains, there are enough players even without you. So, do not be too lazy to first study the sales market, and only then you can proceed to the practical part of creating a farm.

What documents are needed to open a quail farm

Scroll required documents for doing business depends entirely on the format of the activity itself. If you plan to work as a household plot, then when selling products, you can limit yourself to only veterinary certificates. This will be enough to sell quail meat and eggs in small markets, from truck shops or to sell products to resellers. If you are going to do something more solid, for example, enter the regional market or organize sales through retail chains, then the list of documents will be completely different. What is required here first of all:

  • Business registration. IP is possible, but better ooo (entity). Taxation system - ESHN.
  • A certificate of conformity for products and an individual barcode are issued in Rostest and cost 20,000 rubles. (about).
  • Receipt specifications for products (TU) - these documents are purchased at research institutes. Specifications should be obtained for each type of product (separately for eggs and meat).

Conditions for keeping quails

If you do a full-cycle production, that is, from obtaining an egg to growing an adult bird, you will need to build the following departments:

  • Hatchery
  • Workshop for keeping young animals
  • slaughterhouse
  • Egg production shop
  • Utility room

The total area of ​​the premises for the full cycle is at least 50 sq. m. Well, or depending on the scale of production. If you simply engage in the cultivation of quails from young animals purchased on the side, then a room of 20 square meters is enough. m.

What equipment to choose for keeping quails

Most effective method- maintenance of quails in cage batteries. With their help, you can save a lot on space and accommodate much more birds per 1 sq. m. Yes, and caring for a bird with this placement is much more convenient.

Cells can be designed independently, or you can buy ready-made ones. A cell battery in 2 tiers for keeping 100 quails will cost 10 - 12 thousand rubles. The cage is 1 meter long, 0.5 meters wide and 0.6 meters high. It turns out that in a small room of 20 square meters. m., you can place about 15 of these cages and contain up to 1500 birds. Such designs are also equipped with feeders and drinkers.

Quail growing technology

Quail breeding at home

It is not uncommon to see ideas for keeping quails on the balconies of apartments and even in the apartment itself. Of course, you can grow quails in this way, but keep in mind one important point- smell. The “stink” from the cages will be constant, even if the litter is removed on time. Okay, if you love birds so much and are willing to put up with the smell, but don't forget that you also have neighbors.

What breeds are best to breed

The choice of breed for breeding entirely depends on the direction of your farm. What is the priority for you to get eggs or meat? Or maybe both? The quails of the Japanese breed are considered the best in terms of egg production. Such birds rush all year round, bringing 300 eggs in 365 days. But the yield of meat from them is completely ridiculous. Another thing is the quail of the Pharaoh breed. They are twice as large as the Japanese breed, but rush at times worse. Pharaohs are bred exclusively for meat purposes. The Estonian breed is, in a sense, the "golden mean" of the two breeds listed above. “Estonians” are rushing well and it’s not a shame to sell such a bird for meat. Remember also that it is better to buy a young bird at the age of 1-1.5 months for breeding. The fact is that "youth" tolerates moving better and quickly gets used to a new place and new conditions of detention.

How much can you earn on quail breeding

Let's start with meat. Frozen quail meat costs from 350 rubles / kg. An adult weighs 95 grams. The bird reaches such a mass after 40-50 days of life. We translate into money and get 34 rubles from one quail for 1.5 months of cultivation. We sell 1000 quails, we get 34,000 rubles. Naturally, you also need to subtract the costs, but they will vary greatly, depending on the conditions of detention, type of feed, etc. Now about the income from the egg. If you create optimal conditions for keeping poultry, you can get up to 22 eggs from one head. The price of one egg is 4 rubles. A quail egg costs the same as a chicken egg with much less weight. Accordingly, from 1000 heads you can get up to 22,000 eggs per month, which in money equals 88,000 rubles. Not a bad result if you know to whom and how to sell so many eggs. It turns out that keeping quails for an egg is much more profitable than keeping the same bird for meat. Moreover, obtaining a quail egg is much easier than obtaining chicken egg(at the same retail price). If there were no problems with sales, then every second farmer would probably be engaged in quails ...

Video instruction for organizing a quail farm

A step-by-step plan for opening a quail farm

Quail breeding is currently sufficient profitable business, since there are not so many large farms for breeding this bird. The advantage of such an activity is that 2 people are quite capable of handling 300-500 birds. There are 2 business models - buying laying hens and males, or breeding poultry from buying hatching eggs. Consider the option of acquiring chicks.

  1. Finding suitable premises.
  2. Acquisition of poultry stock.
  3. Buying cages for keeping.
  4. Purchase of forage base.
  5. Procurement of equipment for lighting and space heating.
  6. Search for distribution channels for products.

The second method is more economical and practically does not differ from the first method. The difference is that the first step is to purchase an incubator and hatching eggs to hatch the first livestock, as well as a quail brooder. After the first offspring, you should immediately form a breeding stock - there are 3-4 laying hens per cockerel. After 2.5 months, you will have your first hatching eggs of your own, and there will be no need to buy such eggs. Then the cycle repeats.

How much money is needed for a quail farm

The financial costs of opening a quail farm based on the purchase of 500 birds are:

  1. Purchase of quail livestock - 3000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of feed - 5000 rubles.
  3. Equipment (cell batteries, incubator, feather remover) - 80,000 rubles.
  4. Heating, lighting of the room - 3000 rubles.

In total, we get the amount of 91,000 rubles. Payback will be approximately 6 months. The calculation was made without taking into account the cost of processing documents and certificates - 67,000 rubles.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a quail farm

Code for rearing quails according to OKVED 01.49.9

What taxation system to choose for registering a quail farming business

In this case, the simplified tax system is suitable, with the payment of tax in the amount of 6% of profits or 15% of net income.

Do I need permits to open a quail farm

The most important permits in this business is the Veterinary License. To enter large distribution channels, such as retail chains, the following list of documents and permits is required:

  1. ROSTEST certificate - 10,000 rubles.
  2. TU 9846-036-23476484-04 for food quail eggs. The cost is 18000 rubles.
  3. TU 92l1-367-23476484-06 use of quail meat for children's food. The cost is 42,000 rubles.
  4. TU 92l3-183-23476484-09 sale of smoked poultry carcasses. Cost 22000 rubles
  5. TU 92ll-062-23476484-2004 sale of domestic quail meat. Cost 24000 rubles
  6. TU 9846-16l-23476484-09 marinated quail eggs. Cost 27000 rubles
  7. Barcode. The cost is 10,000 rubles + an annual fee of 5,000 rubles.

The required specifications are selected depending on the type of implementation.

AT modern life a person, in order to ensure a tolerable existence of his family, has to use and apply various forms earnings, since in most cases (if we talk about Russia) the salary received is clearly not enough. Someone is trying to get another job, someone is renting an apartment or giving lessons in the evenings of English language. There are many who want to do their own thing and are looking for options where to start. One of these win-win options is farming, including using small farms.
A promising direction in farming is breeding poultry including quail breeding. It doesn't take much to start a quail business, the payback period looks attractive, and there are many examples of how people managed to build a big business with high profitability.

business concept

The basic concept of the quail business is that quail eggs and meat have a fairly large market and you can see them for sale in almost every city or town.

Quail eggs and meat are in demand because of their qualities. Here are their main advantages of quail breeding:

  1. Quail eggs are a valuable immunomodulatory food product, they contain a whole range of important vitamins: A, P and K, B1, B2, as well as iron, cobalt and other trace elements necessary for the human body.
  2. Quail meat and semi-finished meat products are considered a delicacy and dietary food product, especially in the restaurant business.
  3. The unique egg production of quails allows you to get an average of 300 eggs per year from these birds. Moreover, each quail hatched from an egg becomes an adult bird in 5–6 weeks. This allows us to have almost uninterrupted production and ensure its stable supply to any market.
  4. Quail egg market Russian Federation has a steady growth, and, as can be seen from the table above, in six years the production of quail eggs has increased almost three times.
  5. Creation of a small quail farm, bird care does not require the involvement of any special technologies, large investments. It is enough to provide the birds with a stable temperature regime, a balanced diet.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about the target groups of consumers of quail eggs and meat products:

  1. Buyers for medical reasons. Often doctors recommend eating quail eggs, and this fact allowed the formation target group consumers in the market. This group is characterized by its constancy in the purchase and consumption of quail eggs.
  2. Consumers who are fans healthy lifestyle life, are fond of various diets, including sports ones. Approximately 30% of all consumers can be attributed to this group.
  3. Consumers buying quail eggs for incentive baby food. Quail eggs are in stable demand for children of preschool and primary school age.
  4. Consumers belonging to the middle class, that is, they are wealthy people who can afford to buy such a rather expensive product as quail eggs.
  5. commercial users. These are, as a rule, various bakeries, small restaurants, pastry shops, where it is necessary to use quail eggs and meat for the production of dishes or food products.

Thus, breeding quails, both for selling eggs on the market and for industrial production, is very promising.

What is required for implementation?

Before deciding what to buy or build to start a quail farming business, there are a few important things to consider.

  1. If there is a goal to create not a small home business, but a fairly large-scale production of eggs or quail meat, you need to think about registering either an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or private household plot (personal subsidiary plot). It is inexpensive, about 3000 rubles, and all this can be arranged in tax office in several days. This is necessary in order to work later both with feed suppliers and with buyers - commercial companies for which reporting is required. Naturally, they will only work with those who have official registration.
  2. The second point is related to the definition of which market or its segment your work will be concentrated on. To do this, you need to try to think over and write a business plan for a quail breeding farm with all the calculations. This will allow you to evaluate the profitability of the enterprise. In addition, a well-written business plan will be needed to obtain a loan from a bank, which will consider an application for a loan only if there is a real business plan.
  3. Another point is related to who and how will do business. If it is supposed to personally manage all the affairs, then you should decide whether there will be enough time for this or you will have to change jobs, hire a person.

Important: Agricultural producers, including quail farms, can apply for state subsidies.

Taking into account all these factors, we can talk about what exactly is needed to organize quail breeding as a business.

  1. First of all, to create your own poultry farm, you need a room - well-ventilated, dry, warm and spacious enough. The selection of the required area can be carried out taking into account the approximate standard, which requires about 20–25 square meters for 500–600 quails. meters. Plus, there should be a small department where quails will be kept.
  2. Cells. In some types of farms, cages are used to breed quails. On the one hand, this is very convenient, but at the same time, each cell will have to be constantly cleaned and disinfected.
  3. Incubator. For breeding chickens, you will need an incubator. You can purchase a regular homemade chicken incubator for 20-30 cells,
  4. Lighting. The illumination rate for quails is at least 17–18 hours a day, which will require the organization of both natural light, and electrical.
  5. In order to ensure a constant temperature regime in the room where quails are kept, it is not necessary to use special equipment. You can use air conditioners with automatic temperature control or conventional water systems. The main thing is a stable temperature regime within 18–20 degrees, without sudden changes.
  6. Stern. To feed quails, a vegetable and cereal mixture is used, as well as fresh grass, if possible. Dishes and containers are needed to store feed and prepare food mixtures.

In addition to these basic technical points, it is also necessary to provide for how the eggs will be delivered from the farmer to the consumer. If you deliver them yourself, you will need vehicles, which means that you need to provide for logistics costs.

It would also not be superfluous to make your own website so that potential buyers can get acquainted with how quails are grown, in what conditions they are kept and what products are available, so that you can place an order directly on the site. This form of marketing not only helps to attract new customers and sell the product, but also creates trust, which is very important for the development of a food production business.

Basic calculations for starting a business

Start-up capital

The basis of all financial calculations of an entrepreneur when planning a business should be, first of all, the capacity of the market. This gives a visual idea of ​​how many quails need to be bred, what quality the product should be, and who will be its consumers. To determine the market capacity, we can roughly take into account that 30% of consumers of dietary chicken meat or eggs tend to replace them with quail ones. This kind of calculation and research can be done if you look at the nearest stores and supermarkets - how many chicken eggs are put up for sale, and by this amount you can determine the approximate market capacity.

The main costs of creating a quail farm as own business are given in the table. In addition, you need to take into account the cost of registering a business - 3000 rubles, as well as the cost of creating an Internet site (10 thousand rubles).

Total: the total cost of setting up a business is 60-70 thousand rubles based on livestock content 600 pieces of quail.

Monthly expenses

When determining the composition and volume of monthly expenses, it is necessary to proceed not only from current needs. A reserve of funds should be provided in case of any emergency situations(e.g. veterinary services for bird diseases).

The monthly expenses include the following items:

  1. Quail food costs - 6 000 rubles.
  2. Heating and lighting costs - 3 000 rubles.
  3. Logistics - product delivery - 3000 rubles.
  4. Premises for rent - 20 000 rubles.

Total: on average, the monthly expense will be about 30 000 rubles.

It may also be necessary to hire a worker to care for quails, which must be foreseen in advance in your business plan.

How much can you earn, and payback periods

The income of a quail breeding farm largely depends on what prices exist on the local market, and how much products can be supplied to it.

Important: Income can be generated by the sale of semi-finished products or finished products from quails: smoked carcasses, grill, etc. But this will require optional equipment and permissions.

If we take as an example the calculation for the city of Moscow, then on average a dozen quail eggs cost 160 rubles, or 16 rubles one egg. The meat carcass (processed) of one quail is valued on the market at 95 rubles.

Thus, if we take as an example a herd of 600 quails, there will be an output of approximately 450 eggs per day, or, taking into account the total egg production, - 400 pieces.

Taking this figure as a further calculation base, we get gross revenue: 400 pieces x 16 rubles = 6400 rubles per day, or monthly revenue will be 192,000.

From the amount of gross revenue, monthly expenses should be deducted, which amount to 30 000 rubles. Plus, do not forget about taxes, which, when using the simplified tax system for the IP business registration form, amount to 6% of income (income - expenses).

Total: net profit per month can be a maximum of: 162,000 rubles.

But here it must be taken into account that there will not always be a uniform demand for quail eggs: there will be some kind of seasonal decline, as well as a period of reduction in the egg production of a part of the quail herd. For a more correct assessment of the total profit, a correction factor of 30% should be applied. Its use allows you to realistically assess the profitability of this business. The final figure of income that can be obtained from a quail farm of 600 heads is 110 000 rubles per month.

Taking into account all the main figures according to the business plan, the payback period for a quail farm is only two to three months, subject to reaching 80% load. In practice, the payback period for small-format quail farms is no more than 3–5 months. From this we can conclude that, with proper organization, this species business is highly profitable and promises good prospects.


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