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  • Makhova N.P., Filatov V.A. Professional and ethical foundations of social work (Document)
  • Schukina N.P. Social Work Technology Part 2 (Document)
  • Schukina N.P. Social Work Technology Part 1 (Document)
  • Guslova M.N. Theory and methods of social work (Document)
  • Zainyshev I.G. Theory and methodology of social work. Part 1 (Document)
  • Filatova E.V. Social Work Theory (Document)
  • Hare O.V. Social Work Technology (Document)
  • Kachan G.A. Social Work Theory (Document)
  • Kholostova E.I. Social Work Technology (Document)
  • Pavlenok P.D. Methodology and Theory of Social Work (Document)
  • Medvedeva G.P. Professional and ethical foundations of social work (course of lectures) (Document)
  • n1.doc

    Topic 3. Typology of social work technologies

    3.1. Essence of typology as a scientific method.
    Factors driving technology diversity
    social work

    The variety of social technologies, according to I.G. Zainyshev, due to: the vastness social relations and types of social action; systemic, complex nature of objects of social technologies; variety of means, methods and forms used in the process of social action; different levels of professionalism of developers and performers of social technologies . In addition to those indicated, the factors that determine the diversity of technologies social work, include: the interdisciplinary nature of social work; hierarchy of the management system, etc. To streamline the accumulated knowledge about the technologies of social work, to identify similarities and differences, connections and relationships between various types technologies allows typological analysis.

    Typology is one of the scientific methods, which is based on the division of objects and their grouping using a generalized model or type. The essence of this method is the classification of objects or phenomena according to the commonality of any signs. The need to use this method arises in all sciences that deal with objects and processes that are extremely heterogeneous in composition. Typology can be based on the concept of type as the main logical unit of division of the studied reality, or use other logical forms: classification, systematics or taxonomy.

    3.2. Typologies of technologies used in social work

    The question of the typology of social work technologies is debatable. The typology is produced on various grounds.

    E.I. Kholostova, V.I. Kurbatov and P.D. Peacock emit: technologies of social work as a science- ways of applying theoretical conclusions in solving practical problems of social work; social work technologies academic discipline - have an educational, informational character; technologies of social work as a special type of activity- a set of techniques, methods and influences of state, public and private organizations, specialists and activists aimed at providing vulnerable layers and groups of the population with assistance, support and protection [See. 5; With. 27–28; 6; With. 18–19].

    P.D. Pavlenok notes that social work is an integral system. Each of its elements: object, subject, content, purpose, means, functions, management - can serve as the basis for a typology of social work technologies. For example, according to the object of social work, there are: technologies of social work with youth, technologies of social work with the disabled, technologies of social work with the elderly, technologies of social work with families, technologies of social work with internally displaced persons, technologies of social work with persons without a fixed place of residence and classes, technologies of social work with military personnel, etc. According to the level of qualification of the subject of social work: simple (accessible to non-specialists), complex (requiring qualifications from a specialist) and complex (requiring qualifications from specialists in different fields) technologies. Depending on the level of management: state technologies, regional, local government, labor collective .

    IN AND. Kurbatov, identifies the following types of social work technologies: functional technologies (social adaptation, social diagnostics, social prevention, social correction, social mediation, social guardianship and guardianship, etc.) and private technologies(technologies of social work with the family, with the unemployed, with youth, children, etc.). In addition, they are allocated socionomic technologies(informational, legal support, political, etc.).

    E.I. Kholostova divides social work technologies into three groups: diagnostic technologies; technologies for designing and designing the development of certain social facilities and implementation technologies social projects, programs, introduction of social innovations. These scientists note that it is possible to single out technologies whose purpose is to restore the ability of individuals to social functioning (technologies of social rehabilitation and adaptation). Each of these technologies can be used in working with a specific category of clients (families, military personnel, maladjusted children and adolescents, etc.). As a separate type, technologies of activity in specific circumstances (in conditions of interethnic conflict, upcoming divorce of spouses, etc.) are distinguished.

    Technologies of social work can be classified according to the degree of novelty : innovative and routine. By scope: educational, medical, informational, managerial, etc. The most common is the division of social work technologies into the following groups: general (basic, functional): social diagnostics, social therapy, social adaptation, social counseling, social prevention, social rehabilitation, social design, social forecasting, etc. (the content of these technologies will be discussed in subsequent topics) and specific (private)– technologies of social work with the family, with the elderly, with maladjusted children and adolescents, with the disabled, with youth, etc. (studied within other disciplines). Separately : interdisciplinary technologies of social work- psychological, organizational and managerial, medical and social, sociological, socio-economic, socio-pedagogical, etc. (they will be studied in detail within other disciplines) [See. 5].

    Thus, due to the diversity of social life, the technologies of social work are also diverse. The typology of social work technologies can be carried out by scope, by object, by subject, etc. It is based both on the differentiation of applied knowledge, methods, methods, and on the differentiation of objects of influence. A single, universal typology of social work technologies has not yet been developed.
    test questions

    1. What factors determine the diversity of social work technologies?

    2. What is the essence of typology as a scientific method?

    3. What grounds can be used as the basis for typologies of social work technologies?

    4. What technologies, according to the classification of V.I. Kurbatov, are they functional?

    5. E.I. Kholostova believes that “a single typology of social work technologies is fundamentally impossible, because any principle of classification is chosen arbitrarily, in accordance with the purposes social worker. It matters for scientific research, for educational purposes; in reality, the appeal to one or another type of technology depends on the essence social problem» . Is it possible, in your opinion, to create a unified typology of social work technologies?
    Seminar Plan

    1. Methodological principles of the typology of social work technologies.

    2. Basic approaches to the typology of social work technologies.

    The objectives of the seminar: firstly, based on the principles of the typology of social technologies identified by V.N. Ivanov and V.I. Patrushev, to formulate the methodological principles of the typology of social work technologies; secondly, to consider the main approaches to the typology of social work technologies (systemic, functional and structural) and to identify their differences. In addition, it is necessary to establish the difference in the typologies of social work technologies distinguished in Russia and abroad, and to determine the reasons for the differences. Studying the topic gives students an idea of ​​the variety of social work technologies and their main typologies. Key Concepts Keywords: typology, classification, general, specific and interdisciplinary technologies.
    Control questions and tasks

    1. What is the essence of the systemic, functional and structural approaches to the classification of social work technologies?

    2. How does S. Shardlow typify social work practices?

    3. Expand the content of the evolutionary model of social work practices by Yu. Griz.

    4. Develop your own typology of social work technologies.
    Essay topics

    1. The value of typology as a scientific method for social work.

    2. General technologies of social work.

    3. Private technologies of social work.

    4. Interdisciplinary technologies of social work.

    5. Foreign and domestic approaches to the typology of social work technologies: similarities and differences.

    Main literature

    1. Fundamentals of social work: textbook. allowance / N.F. Basov, V.M. Basova, O.N. Bessonova; ed. N.F. Basov. - 3rd ed., Rev. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 288 p.

    2. Pavlenok, P.D. Introduction to the profession "Social work": a course of lectures / P.D. Peacock. – M.: INFRA-M, 1998. – 174 p.

    3. Social work: textbook. allowance / V.I. Kurbatov, V.D. Alperovich, P.Ya. Tsitkilov, L.A. Kaigorodova; ed. IN AND. Kurbatov. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2003. - 480 p.

    4. Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. G.V. Osipov. - M.: INFRA M-NORMA, 1998. - 488 p.

    5. Technologies of social work: textbook / Ed. E.I. Single. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003. – 400 p.

    6. Technologies of social work in various spheres of life: textbook. allowance / Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Dashkov i K, 2006. – 596 p.

    7. Technology of social work: textbook. allowance / Ed. I.G. Zainyshev. - M.: VLADOS, 2000. - 240 p.

    8. Firsov, M.V. Technology of social work: textbook. allowance /
      M.V. Firsov. - M.: Academic Project, 2007. - 432 p.

    additional literature

    1. Grigoriev, S.I. Social work with youth: textbook /
      S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, S.A. Gusov. – M.: Gardariki, 2006. – 204 p.

    2. Ivanov, V.N. Social technologies: a course of lectures / V.N. Ivanov, V.I. Patrushev. – M.: Soyuz, 1999. – 432 p.

    3. Solnyshkina, M.G. The role of social technologies in the formation and development of the theory and practice of social work / M.G. Solnyshkina // Domestic Journal of Social Work. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 30–33.

    4. Kholostova, E.I. Social work: textbook. allowance / E.I. Kholostov. – 5th ed. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2007. – 668 p.

    Any social technology, being specifically aimed at solving a particular social problem, always has certain modifications. This is due to the specific conditions for its implementation: the state of material, political, financial and human resources, historical conditions, traditions, etc.

    All this taken together determines the content of social technology, gives it unambiguity and determines the manifestation general requirements to technological process. Technologization of any process is possible under the following conditions: firstly, the process must have a certain complexity structure that allows it to be divided into relatively separate parts; secondly, there must be means to optimize the actions of a social worker in such a way that the maximum effect is achieved with a minimum of effort and time.

    Despite the fact that in social technologies the range of differences, differentiation can be quite large, which is determined both by the complexity of the individual object of social work and its creative nature, in fact, these differences do not affect the general algorithm that fixes the limiting boundaries of differentiation, the transition beyond which is fraught with ignoring experience, consistency, patterns and rules, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of social action.

    Social technology, as a rule, is a response to some urgent social need, so the creation of new social technologies acts as an objective and natural process.

    In the process of implementing social technologies, the object of influence may change, which, in turn, predetermines the need for a constant search for new technologies. The social impact on the same object in different conditions, depending on its state and the goal, objectively requires the development and application of new technologies.

    The complication of social relations predetermines not only the diversity of social technologies, but also the dialectical unity of stereotypical repetitive and creative actions. This ratio depends on the types of social technologies. If the stereotype of procedures is preferable in production technologies, then in social technologies it is applicable mainly only at the organizational level, while in private technologies, in specific conditions, it is impossible and even harmful.

    Social technologies are very diverse, which is due to the diversity of the social world, social life, its relationship with natural phenomena.

    The classification of social technologies can be carried out on various grounds: types, levels, areas of application, etc. By the scale of the object that is affected, one can single out global social technologies, social technologies in relation to society as a whole, various spheres of public life, social structure, social institutions, processes, phenomena.

    Specialists-managers single out technologies for searching for management strategies, personal management, social modeling and forecasting. It is possible to single out technologies of information and implementation, training, innovation, technologies of past experience. By the nature of the tasks to be solved, technologies are universal and particular. It is also worth highlighting technologies social development individual countries, regions, territories, labor associations; there are technologies for teaching, implementation, self-realization and self-development of the individual, etc.

    In other words, the classification of social technologies is based on the differentiation of both the applied knowledge, methods, methods, and objects (phenomena, processes, groups of people, their communities, etc.), since certain methods of influence can be applied to each of them in order to achieve their optimal functioning, development and improvement.

    Naturally, social technologies differ significantly in their content. Let us briefly define the content of the most important social technologies - this will help to consider in more detail and in detail the specifics of technologies in social work.

    In terms of scale, there are global social technologies, the purpose of which is the solution of universal human problems. These technologies mean such tasks, methods, methods that contribute to understanding and solving not only internal, but also global development trends, the connection between society and nature. Consequently, their implementation directly or indirectly has a positive impact on people's livelihoods, increases their social security.

    One of their varieties is the technology of global modeling (research and solution of issues of preserving the world, nature, providing the growing population of the Earth with food, energy, material resources, etc.).

    Regional social technologies study and implement the patterns of territorial social life and its planned changes.

    Local social technologies are used to solve local problems, which may contain both typical and unique features.

    Technologies can also be classified according to the degree of novelty. Innovative social technologies - are methods and techniques innovation activities aimed at the creation and materialization of innovations in society, the implementation of innovations that lead to qualitative changes in different areas social life to rational use material and other resources in society.

    Example innovative technologies– innovative social technologies vocational training the unemployed as a system for organizing their vocational training, the basis of which is the active use of the achievements of science in order to obtain a new quality of knowledge of trainees, its means and characteristics.

    Unlike innovative routine social technologies characterized by such methods of influencing social processes that are based on past experience, are characterized by low science intensity, do not motivate the social object, social system to change, change.

    Information social technologies represent the optimization of the information process itself, its reproduction and functioning. Intelligent Social Technologies aimed at developing and stimulating the mental activity of people, the development of their creative abilities. Historical technologies presuppose comprehension of historical experience according to the laws of social technologization, i.e. technologization of historical knowledge as a condition for political, economic, spiritual and social diagnosis (experience of reforms). Demographic Technologies study and develop methods for the mechanism of population reproduction, changes in its size, composition and distribution, etc.

    Social technologies of consent are methods of obtaining the consent of the majority of the population regarding the decision of the most topical issues social life, their mutual action. This type of technology includes social conflict resolution technologies, in particular socio-ethnic. In the latter case, it is important to take into account the internal structuring of these technologies used as figurative ways to relieve tension and solve problems:

    1) positional confrontation; counterclaims to resolve trade-offs while maintaining the status quo;

    2) demarcation of borders due to changes in administrative status;

    3) compromise, mutual concessions;

    4) unilateral concessions, satisfaction of all claims;

    compensation (financial, economic, etc.);

    5) liquidation of the object or subject of the conflict in national-territorial formations.

    Political technologies as a type of social technologies, they are methods for solving political problems, developing policies, implementing them, and carrying out political activities.

    With good reason, one can also single out social technologies in the actual social sphere, spiritual and economic areas.

    In the structure of management technologies, a special place is occupied by administrative and management technologies as ways of direct (direct) operational impact on the controlled object. It is clear that the latter type of technology (like many others) is closely related to the implementation of social work tasks. Such technologies can also include psychological technologies as ways of influencing psychological processes, properties, phenomena, relationships, attitudes, character, reactions, the will of the individual, interpersonal relationships.

    In addition, for the classification of social technologies, the most valuable are their systematization, based on the knowledge of significant links between certain types technologies.

    Starting to consider the classification of social technologies, it should be noted that even the simplest of them have a complex external and internal structure (micro and macro levels, etc.), as a result of which any of their classification cannot be unilinear and is a complex branching.

    The following features can become the basis of the typology of social technologies:

    - the degree of association of the object of influence (personality, society, social groups, labor collective);

    – scale and hierarchy of impact (global, continental, regional, etc.);

    - the sphere of socialization and life of people (industrial, political, social, spiritual spheres);

    - the degree of maturity of social objects;

    - tools, methods and means of influence used to solve the tasks;

    – area of ​​public life: economics, education, healthcare, scientific activity;

    - the level of development of social technologies (theoretical, concrete-applied);

    Mastering technology in any field of activity, its consistent application in practice is the most important

    a requirement for a professional, therefore, the training program for a specialist with a higher professional education in the field of social work includes the technology of social work as one of the main academic disciplines.

    What is invested in the concepts of "social technology" and "technology of social work" and how do these concepts relate to each other?

    Technology (from the Greek.techne - art, craftsmanship, skill +logos - doctrine)- a system of knowledge about the methods and means of processing and qualitative transformation of an object. Initially, the definition of technology was focused mainly on activities in the manufacturing sector, when the object of technology was natural materials. In the modern language, the semantic space of the concept of technology has expanded significantly, and the content of the concept has been significantly enriched due to the inclusion of technologies in the object. social processes.

    If in the sphere of material production the concept of technology was firmly established, and its centuries-old traditions did not cause any doubts on the part of theorists and practitioners, then the technologization of the social sphere, the concept of "social technology" was not immediately established. Back in the mid-70s, the very possibility of technologization of the social sphere was questioned.

    For a long time, the subject space of social technology in Russia also remained debatable, although it is worth noting that the priority in the development of issues of social engineering and technology belongs to Russian scientists, namely the staff of the Central Institute of Labor (CIT), created under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions in 1920 by A.K. Gastev. Social engineering, "labor technology" was understood by the Tsitovites as a technical activity aimed at improving and conjugating the organization of production and social factors in order to increase labor productivity, facilitate and improve its conditions.

    One of the first works in which the concept of “social technology” was considered in detail was the monograph “Social Sciences and Social Technology” by the Bulgarian scientist Nikola Stefanov, published in Russian in 1976. activities that the meaning of social technologies is reduced to the transformation of knowledge, experience and skills of a person into practical actions to transform social relations and processes.

    The reflections of N. Stefanov evoked a wide response from domestic social scientists and intensified research into the problems of technologization social sphere. In particular, technology issues began to be developed by specialists in the field of social management. So, already in 1977, the book by V.G. Afanasiev "Man in the management of society", in which social technology appears as an important element of the management mechanism, and its essence is understood as a translation of the requirements of objective laws into the language of the practice of social management: "This is a translation of the abstract language of science, reflecting the objective laws of the development of society, into a specific language of decisions , standards, regulations, regulating, stimulating people, each individual person for the best achievement of their goals” 2 .

    Starting from the second half of the 1970s and actually up to the present, intensive scientific development of problems related to social technologies has been going on. An analysis of publications on these issues shows that social technologies are in the center of attention of a wide range of scientific community. Naturally, the starting point of the scientific study of the problems of social technology is the definition of its essence.

    At the same time, the complexity and versatility of social technologies, the variety of approaches to their analysis could not but give rise to many definitions of the essence of social technologies. Among them, the most characteristic are the interpretations of social technology as “a way of managing, regulating and planning social processes” 3 , as “the end product of social design necessary to ensure the processes of reproduction and improvement of activities” 4 , as “a set of techniques, methods and influences used to achievement of goals” 5 ,

    as a sociological category that designates and characterizes a way to purposefully solve a social problem in the form of a certain set of procedures and operations and as a means of practical achievement of the goals set 6 .

    The above definitions once again confirm that any attempt to give an accurate and complete definition of the essence of a complex social phenomenon (namely, this is what social technology is) will be incomplete and will be of a relative nature. At the same time, any claim to the possession of absolute truth about dynamic systems, such as social processes and relations, is unjustified. Each of the above definitions of social technologies reflects a certain essential aspect that is important for characterizing social technology and social work technologies.

    The object of both social technology and social work technology are social processes, but these are processes of different levels. However, the general object of research determines and conditions the presence of organic deep internal interdisciplinary relationships between social technologies and social work technologies.

    To understand the relationship between social technologies and the technology of social work, let's give our definition of these concepts.

    Social technologies- it is a system of knowledge about the best ways to transform and regulate social relations and processes in people's life, as well as the very practice of algorithmic application of the best ways to transform and regulate social relations and processes.

    social work technology- this is one of the branches of social technologies focused on social services, assistance and support for citizens in difficult life situations.

    Among scientists dealing with the problems of social technologies, there is sometimes a desire to expand its subject area, including in it the issues of social design, forecasting and management. It seems that such a broad interpretation of social technologies leads to its confusion with social engineering and social management, and, as a result, to the blurring of its own subject of research, with all the negative consequences both for science and for practice.

    When it comes to the technology of social work, one can often meet a skeptical attitude towards the possibility and necessity of its technologization. These doubts come primarily from those who believe that social work is exclusively creative, and its results depend on the individual skill, art, intuition and personal charm of social workers. Without a doubt, not all actions of a specialist, even in a rather complex social sphere, lend themselves to technologization. Supporters of this position underestimate the role of theoretical knowledge, theoretical training of social work specialists, forgetting that social work is a synthesis of theory and practice, science and art of working with people.

    Specialists in the field of social technologies have developed the following necessary conditions for the technologization of practical activities in the social sphere:

    The object of influence must have a certain degree of complexity, i.e. have signs of a social system;

    Elements of the system of the object of social impact, features of its structure (structure) and functioning should be identified;

    Possibility of formalization of actually occurring processes and their representation in the form of certain operations, procedures, indicators;

    The possibility of reproduction and repeatability of operations, procedures or indicators in new conditions.

    Social work as a specific professional activity and as an independent system of scientific knowledge with its own subject of research in all respects meets the specified basic conditions of technologization. Consequently, the problem lies not so much in the possibility of a technological approach to social work, but in the development and improvement of its technology, methodology, tools, in learning the experience of their application in practice.

    The technology of social work can be considered in two aspects. Firstly, in a broad sense - as a system of theoretical knowledge and practice, which is an organization, algorithm and the totality of means, methods and techniques of influencing various objects of social work. Such an approach to technological problems is characteristic primarily of the administrative bodies and organizers of the implementation of social policy at the federal and regional levels. Secondly, as a set of private technologies, the specificity of which is determined by a specific subject and object of social work. This approach to the problems of social work technology is inherent primarily to the direct organizers of social work with clients. social institutions, with different categories of the population by place of residence or work.

    The development of technology for solving social problems is a complex process that requires both scientific justification and practical testing of theoretical conclusions and recommendations. There are three main stages in the development of social work technology: theoretical, methodical and procedural. Their totality is a system.

    Theoretical the stage is associated with the formulation of the target setting, the definition of the subject of technologization, the allocation of structural elements and the identification of cause-and-effect relationships and relationships in which the object of social policy or the client of social work is included.

    Methodical the stage is characterized by solving the problems of choosing sources, ways and means of obtaining information about the state of an object of social policy or a client of social work, determining the methods and means of processing and analyzing this information and the principles for transforming conclusions into specific recommendations for transformative activities.

    Procedural the stage involves solving problems related to the organization of practical activities to test and eliminate the shortcomings of the recommendations, and to draw up an algorithm of actions.

    The content of the technology of social work is to substantiate the project, the program of activities, a certain algorithm and logical sequence of actions in the process of solving the tasks set, the standard or norm of the prescribed procedural actions, objective criteria for assessing the organization, the progress and results of activities. The technology of social work is characterized by:

    - dynamism, consisting in a constant change in the content and forms of work of a specialist with a client and in the heuristic nature of the activity;

    - continuity, due to the need to constantly maintain direct or indirect contact with the client and influence him;

    - cyclicity, manifested in a stereotypical, stable repetition of stages, stages and procedures when working with clients;

    - discreteness technological process, which consists in the uneven impact on customers from the moment the goal is determined to the execution of the solution.

    Thus, the technology of social work reflects its applied, practical aspect. Deep penetration and assimilation of the essence, content and specifics of technological processes is the basis for the professionalism of personnel in the social sphere of activity and specialists in social services.

    Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ................3

    Chapter 1. Social technologies in social work.......................................................6

    1.1. The concept and essence of social technologies .............................................................. ..6

    1.2. The specifics of social technologies in social work .............................................. 9

    Chapter 2

    2.1. The essence of scientific methods and their role in the practice of social work ................................................. ...........................19

    2.2. Classification of social methods ............................................................... ............23

    Chapter 3 ................................................. ...........33

    3.1. The target program of the rehabilitation center “Nadezhda” in the city of Moscow.................................................................. ................................................. ................................33

    3.2. The main social technologies of the Rehabilitation Center............................................... ................................................. .......................34

    3.3. Adaptation, acquiring labor skills and results of working with children with disabilities ............................................................. ................................................. ...................37

    Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ..........40

    Bibliography................................................ ...................................................43


    Social technologies are very diverse, which is due to the diversity of the social world, social life.

    The classification of social technologies can be carried out on various grounds: types, levels, areas of application, etc.

    According to the scale of the object that is exposed, one can distinguish technologies of a global nature, social technologies in relation to society as a whole, various spheres of public life, social structure, social institutions, processes, phenomena.

    According to the areas of application, social technologies are divided into specific social technologies of regulation, solving problems in the sphere of production, economic, socio-political, spiritual, cultural and social relations. In statistics, sectors (areas) of the national economy are usually distinguished - transport, agriculture, science, healthcare, communications, education, etc. This also differentiates social technologies, first of all, of course, technologies for management, control, regulation of economic and economic relations.

    Abroad, and in recent years in Russia, such a variant of spheral division of social technologies into various types has become widespread: the specifics of social technologies used mainly in such areas as business, public administration and the third sector, i.e. area of ​​activity of non-profit non-governmental organizations. The interpretation of the diversity of social technologies, differentiated by subject and object, the result obtained with the help of certain social technologies, is widely spread. For example, technologies for obtaining new information, cultural values, individual household services, etc.

    No less characteristic and useful is the division of social technologies on the basis of the characteristic properties of the development and functioning of society.

    Particularly important and valuable is the differentiation of social technologies according to the most important tasks, problems of social protection, differing in the ways of providing assistance to those in need. In essence, the entire practice of social assistance is differentiated according to special models of social work, combining various ways of helping those in need.

    Finally, we can talk about the differentiation of social technologies that are formed under the influence of various theories of social work, primarily psychological and sociologically oriented, as well as complex. This grouping of social work concepts stimulates the development of social technologies of various types.

    By the nature of the tasks to be solved, universal and private social technologies are distinguished. It is also advisable to highlight the technologies of social development of individual countries, regions, territories, labor associations. There are technologies for teaching, implementation, self-realization and self-development of the individual, etc.

    It can be concluded that the classification of social technologies is based on the differentiation of both applied knowledge, methods of methods, and objects (phenomena, processes, groups of people, and communities, etc.), since certain methods of influence can be applied to each of them in order to optimal functioning, development and improvement.

    The object of this course work are the types of social technologies.

    The subject is the characteristic features of social technologies.

    The purpose of this work is to study the features of social technologies and their role in social work.

    1. Define the concept of social technologies

    2. Highlight the essence and features.

    3. Describe the main methods and technologies of social work with youth.

    4. Analyze the use of technology on the example of the Nadezhda rehabilitation center.

    The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, each of which contains two paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

    The methods of system analysis and generalization were used in the work; a study of scientific literature was carried out, an analysis of existing legal documents in the field of youth policy was carried out.

    Chapter 1. Social technologies in social work

    1.1. The concept and essence of social technologies

    Social technologies in the broad sense of the word is a special area of ​​scientific knowledge that raises and substantiates the question of how and in what sequence specific operations with the results of cognitive activity are possible.

    In the narrow sense of the word, the concept of "social technologies" has two meanings.

    First, social technologies are, first of all, the process of purposeful influence on a social object, due to the need and need to obtain a given result. In this regard, the manufacturability of the impact is filled with such concepts as stages, procedurality, operationality 1 . Based on this vision, social technologies can be characterized as a certain pragmatics, lining up in one row: 1) goal, 2) means, 3) result. Coordination and subordination of goals, means, results involve variability and taking into account many factors, modeling and design, a system of criteria and assessments, meaningful versions and scenarios, diagnostic methods, etc.

    Secondly, social technologies are a theory that studies the processes of purposeful impact on social objects, develops and substantiates effective ways and methods of such influence. It does not matter what is meant by a social object. It can be social relations, social interaction, social group, social institution, social organization.

    The nature of the impact, its manufacturability are determined by the system of targeted impact operations, which is based on the social and sociological knowledge of the object - this is the first level of technological impact.

    The second level of technological impact is predetermined by the fact that this social object is inextricably linked with other social objects, moreover, it is part of the social system, organically integrated into the social whole. And any change in this social object inevitably entails a chain of changes in other objects. In such a social scenario, social technology must take into account all possible changes.

    In accordance with the above, it makes sense to distinguish between basic and private social technologies.

    Basic - technologies of strategic (long-term) design of a social facility. The meaning of basic technologies is 2:

    1) harmonization of individual, personal and social;

    2) putting forward such goals of social technologies that are humanistic in nature;

    3) development of creative abilities and activity of the social subject.

    Private - a variety of forms of tactical and operational (short-term) impact on a social object. This is social construction, practical-subject settlement of relations and operations, optimization of social interaction at different levels.

    Thus, social technologies personify different hypostases of social self-organization.

    Today it is possible to formulate two main points of view on the essence of social technologies.

    The first point of view (J. Thomas) is that social technologies make sense only if they introduce social innovations in various directions. social practice. The number of innovations, according to this point of view, includes social research, the development of research programs, the development of models, social experiment, the creation of new methods, technologies for developing criteria for evaluating effectiveness. Innovations include special tools to make them a reality. The implementation of social technology is 3:

    1) analysis of social reality, social object;

    2) development of social technology for changing the object;

    3) distribution (implementation) of social technology;

    4) study of the development of the object of technological impact;

    5) evaluation of the results obtained during the impact.

    The need to use social technologies is due to the fact that practical action always preceded by some model, layout, project of this action, i.e. possible implementation. Social technology rationalizes the sequence of possible practical actions, streamlines them. The essence of social technology is not what to do, but in what sequence. Finally, according to this point of view, the essence of social technologies also lies in the fact that it is necessary to design and predict not only the practical actions themselves, but also their possible consequences. Thus, according to this point of view, social technologies are necessary as a tool for introducing social innovations in various areas of social practice.

    The second point of view (N.S. Danakin) is that the existence of social technologies is connected with the very social reality (reality). The fact is that social technologies determine the flow of social processes, because if we consider social technologies as a sequence of operations, then they are a social process. However, the identification of these concepts would be wrong. The essence of social technology, according to this point of view, is to design the optimal development of the social process, taking into account all objective and subjective conditions. To do this, the process is analyzed from the point of view of its type, type, characteristic features, internal mechanism, accompanying conditions, intensity, direction. Thus, through social technologies, an exhaustive "registry" of social processes is formed.

    In the analysis of social processes, their carriers are subjects, and in connection with this, subjective and objective prerequisites. Organizational forms of social processes are also subject to establishment. The solution of these issues directly raises the problem of the need for design, since any social technology that aims to design and implement is focused on the technologization of the corresponding process. At the same time, the meaning of the technologization of social processes is as follows.

    The main purpose of social technologies is the regulation of social processes in various communities with the help of specific means. The diversity of social processes, and, consequently, the technologies for their regulation, is due to a wide range of social activities in general and social service, differing in purposes, functions, nature and results.
    For each type of social activity, a special technology is created. Social technologies for various areas of the social sphere - medical care, pensions, social insurance, education and social services - have their own specifics.
    Therefore, we cannot talk about some kind of universal technology, but about a variety of technologies, each of which is consistent with a specific activity, with the goals that the social worker has set for himself and which he seeks to achieve.
    1. Variety of social technologies
    Any social technology, being specifically aimed at solving a particular social problem, always has certain modifications. This is due to the specific conditions for its implementation: the state of material, political, financial and human resources, historical conditions, traditions, etc.
    All this taken together determines the content of social technology, gives it unambiguity and determines the manifestation of general requirements for the technological process. Technologization of any process is possible under the following conditions: firstly, the process must have a certain complexity structure that allows it to be divided into relatively separate parts; secondly, there must be means to optimize the actions of a social worker in such a way that the maximum effect is achieved with a minimum of effort and time.
    Despite the fact that in social technologies the range of differences, differentiation can be quite large, which is determined both by the complexity of the individual object of social work and its creative nature, in fact, these differences do not affect the general algorithm that fixes the limiting boundaries of differentiation, the transition beyond which is fraught with ignoring experience, consistency, patterns and rules, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of social action.
    Social technology, as a rule, is a response to some urgent social need, so the creation of new social technologies acts as an objective and natural process.
    In the process of implementing social technologies, the object of influence may change, which, in turn, predetermines the need for a constant search for new technologies. The social impact on the same object in different conditions, depending on its state and the goal, objectively requires the development and application of new technologies.
    The complication of social relations predetermines not only the diversity of social technologies, but also the dialectical unity of stereotypical repetitive and creative actions. This ratio depends on the types of social technologies. If the stereotype of procedures is preferable in production technologies, then in social technologies it is applicable mainly only at the organizational level, while in private technologies, under specific conditions, it is impossible and even harmful.
    Any social technology is used targeted and is accompanied by certain nuances. It cannot be designed or implemented without taking into account the characteristics of both objects and subjects of social activity. To solve even the same social problem, it is not only possible, but also necessary to develop and implement a “set” of social technologies. An example is the variety of technologies for medical care for the population, due to the specifics of medical institutions. This is a state and municipal system medical institutions, this is insurance and private, in terms of funding sources for medical institutions, this is a technology for providing urgent medical care, medical rehabilitation, treatment of various diseases, their prevention, etc. In addition, the diversity of medical care technologies is due to the fact that each patient has his own technology for solving his health problems.
    Even more concretely and visually, we can present the specifics of social technologies in the following example. To solve a problem social protection families with disabled children, certain objective and subjective prerequisites and conditions are necessary. We are talking about such cases and prerequisites, without which it is impossible to either pose or solve the problem. If we imagine three families with disabled children, then each of them has its own special conditions: the incidence of the child, his age, the degree of housing provision, material level, the completeness or incompleteness of the family, the psychological climate, the help of other relatives, etc.
    All such families have a common problem - the child's disability, but the conditions are different for everyone, so the process of working with these families cannot be the same. In one case, psychotherapy is needed, in another - medical and social rehabilitation, in the third - material assistance.
    Thus, not only technologies designed to solve the same problem are highly significant, but also those that provide a solution to the problem of each particular family.
    The next factor that determines the diversity of social technologies is the different levels of qualifications, professionalism, experience and many other qualities that specialists in the development and implementation of social technologies should possess.
    So, the variety of social technologies is due to:

    • the vastness of social relations and types of social action;
    • systemic, complex nature of objects of social technologies;
    • variety of means, methods and forms used in the process of social action;
    • different levels of professionalism of developers and performers of social technologies.

    2. Classification of social technologies
    The diversity of social technologies necessitates their classification and typification.
    Typology as a scientific method, which is based on the division of systems of objects and their grouping with the help of a generalized model or type, performs an important methodological function. The main logical forms used by typology are type, classification, systematics.
    Typology in social work:
    a) acts as a form of scientific substantiation and programming of social technologies;
    b) performs a prognostic function (based on the creative processing of the tools used in practice, it opens up the possibility of predicting the result of applying certain technologies in various conditions);
    c) performs an orientation function.
    The classification and typification of social technologies are based on the same principles that are used in any other practical activity.
    As a rule, the features that are most significant for the objects of classification are chosen as the bases in the classifications. In this sense, classification reveals significant similarities and differences between phenomena and is of great cognitive importance.
    For the classification of social technologies, the most valuable is their systematization, based on the knowledge of significant links between individual types of technologies.
    Starting to consider the classification of social technologies, it should be noted that even the simplest of them have a complex external and internal structure (micro and macro levels, etc.), as a result of which any of their classification cannot be unilinear and is a complex branching.
    The following features can become the basis of the typology of social technologies:

    • the degree of association of the object of influence (personality, society, social groups, labor collective);
    • scale and hierarchy of impact (global, continental, regional, etc.);
    • the sphere of socialization and life of people (industrial, political, social, spiritual spheres);
    • degree of maturity of social objects;
    • tools, methods and means of influence used to solve the tasks;
    • area of ​​public life: economics, education, healthcare, scientific activity;
    • the level of development of social technologies (theoretical, concrete applied);
    • the goal realized as a result of the application of this technology.

    The question of the classification of social technologies is complex and debatable. There are different approaches to the development and typification of social technologies. They are dictated not only by the different views of scientists involved in research in this area, but also by various parameters chosen as the basis for classification.
    For example, V.V. Bogdan and V.N. Ivanov offer the following classification of social technologies:

    • management strategy search technologies;
    • social modeling and forecasting technologies;
    • Information Technology;
    • innovative technologies;
    • educational innovative technologies;
    • technologies of the past.

    Academician of the MAI V.I. Banerushev, taking the level of social space in which technologies are applied as the basis for classification, proposes the following classification:

    • global technologies;
    • demographic;
    • economic;
    • military;
    • technologies of food crises, conflicts, catastrophes.

    Based on the scope of use, you can get the following classification of social technologies:

    • socio-economic;
    • socio-political;
    • social;
    • spiritual.

    The technology of social work as a form of special development of social reality is in close interaction not only with related theoretical systems but also with practical experience, traditions, rituals, customs, socio-psychological phenomena and facts.


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