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  • I. Financial management as a scientific direction and practical field of activity
  • II. Key performance indicators of medical institutions
  • III. Analysis of the results of psychological analysis of the 1st and 2nd periods of activity led to the following understanding of the generalized structure of the state of psychological readiness.
  • III. Cash flow from financing activities
  • Crises reflect their own rhythms of development of each individual organization, sometimes not coinciding with the rhythms of social development or the development of other organizations. Each organization has its own development potential and the conditions for its implementation, while it is subject to the laws of cyclic development.

    In accordance with the dialectic of development, any company is born, develops, achieves success, weakens and ceases to exist, or moves to a new stage of development. In order to predict the future behavior of the company, management must know at what stage of development it is. That is why more and more attention is paid to the concept life cycle companies.

    The life cycle of a company is divided into separate stages or phases. Currently, there is no single classification of such a division. So a number of authors distinguish such stages of the life cycle of a company as birth, development, maturity, aging. At each stage of the life cycle, factors contributing to the development of the company's crisis are identified. And, accordingly, an important task is the timely identification of the initial signs of a change in the existing state of the company.

    Thus, crisis situations can arise at any stage of a company's life cycle.

    Economic entity the concept of "crisis management" is directly related to the understanding of the company's crisis. The scientific world has not yet established a generally accepted idea of ​​the crises of the socio-economic system and individual companies. In practice, the manifestation of macroeconomic crises is often considered only as a systematic failure by the state, financial institutions and the real sector of the economy to fulfill their obligations. A crisis situation in individual companies is often perceived only as financial insolvency, and anti-crisis management measures are understood only as external reorganization and liquidation measures.

    Such a narrow interpretation of the concept of a crisis does not allow a comprehensive identification of the causes of crises and measures to eliminate them. The possibilities of preventing and averting crises at an early stage of their occurrence, of carrying out certain corrective measures to stabilize the situation, remain unattended. In addition, with a narrow understanding of the crisis, the possibility of using the positive aspects of this process, which can be considered as a transition of the company to another state, is excluded.

    The crisis of the enterprise develops under the influence of many factors. In relation to a particular company, it is advisable to subdivide them into external and internal. At the same time, external factors do not depend on the company, and it cannot influence them, while internal crisis factors arise as a result of the company's activities.

    The analysis of external factors includes the study macroeconomic environment- political situation, monetary, investment and tax policy of the state. Having received sufficiently broad information about the external environment, it is possible to synthesize it by creating scenarios, on which one or another anti-crisis strategy of the enterprise is then tested. As a result, scenarios provide an opportunity to identify the most important environmental factors that an organization needs to consider and adapt to.

    To external reasons the financial crisis of the enterprise can be attributed to: the operation of the law of value; the effect of competition; economic instability in the country; the effect of inflation.

    In turn, to internal crisis factors can be attributed to the life cycle of the industry, the duration production cycle, competitive position of the company, low level marketing policy and applied technologies, depreciation and obsolescence of fixed assets, unprofessionalism of the company's personnel, inadequate management structure and organization of production, lack of diversification of production, risky and overly aggressive development program, limited resources, underestimation of financial risks, irrational structure of assets and liabilities, uncompetitive prices, weak credit facilities, significant receivables.

    Also among the internal causes of the crisis of the enterprise, the following can be distinguished:

    ü a leadership style crisis, when a leader is required to have new knowledge, new approaches to management, and his ability to learn is limited or he fundamentally does not want to change his leadership style;

    ü The crisis of bureaucracy is typical for those enterprises where the subjective attitude of leading specialists and administration to the performance of their functions has developed - they do not want to change anything;

    ü a crisis of independence is observed in those enterprises that are at the stage of a sharp increase in production volumes, while their own funds are not enough, and therefore borrowed funds are attracted;

    ü A control crisis is observed in organizations where the control system cannot provide timely and high-quality identification of deviations from stable, normal development conditions due to the lack of management accounting.

    The combination of the above reasons leads to a general crisis of the commercial organization.

    The results of the onset of the crisis may be different. Properly organized management can weaken the impact of the crisis and restore the viability of the organization in order to preserve it.

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    Modern economic reality forces business leaders to constantly make decisions in the face of uncertainty. In the face of financial and political instability commercial activity subjected to various crises, the result of which may be insolvency or bankruptcy.

    One of the most significant factors, in our opinion, which can lead to a crisis in the enterprise is the lack of management.

    The quality of management of a modern enterprise significantly affects the results of its activities. Errors in production activities and management of the enterprise can lead to its unprofitability and insolvency (bankruptcy). Therefore, management inefficiency should be attributed to the most typical for modern enterprises problem that impedes their effective functioning in the current market relations. We have identified the following factors that most significantly affect the quality of management, these are: the lack of a strategy in the activities of the enterprise and focus on short-term results, which, in turn, negatively affects the medium and long-term; low qualification and inexperience of managers; evading the responsibility of the company's managers to the owners for the consequences of the decisions made, for the safety and effective use property of the enterprise, as well as for the financial and economic results of its activities.

    Today, issues related to the prevention of the emergence and development of crisis processes, as well as procedures for their timely and reliable diagnosis, are increasingly coming to the fore.

    Therefore, a well-organized and well-managed enterprise will be able to get out of a difficult situation, in contrast to an enterprise that is poorly managed, even if its current financial performance is good. As a result, the issues of building a high-quality enterprise management system are of particular relevance.

    From the point of view of the problems of preventing crises in the enterprise, the method of optimizing the quality of management allows you to timely determine the effectiveness of the functioning of the organization, identify problem areas and fundamental shortcomings in its activities, thereby preventing the development of crisis processes and unprofitable activities. Diagnostics of the management system not only allows you to determine the current state of affairs at the enterprise based on financial indicators and coefficients, but also allows you to evaluate the activities of the enterprise in the future.

    Anti-crisis management is proposed to be considered as a set of measures that allow timely prevention of the emergence and development of crisis processes in an enterprise, develop and implement the most correct option for an enterprise out of a crisis, and also effectively (with minimal damage to all subjects economic activity) eliminate the factors of manifestation of the crisis. In other words, anti-crisis management consists in developing directions for preventing and eliminating the origin, development and consequences of a crisis in an enterprise.

    Thus, we believe that the most optimal ways to resolve crisis processes in an enterprise based on improving management efficiency are as follows: studying the effectiveness of existing methods of enterprise solvency, preventing crises at various stages of development and ensuring competitiveness; identification of key areas for improving management efficiency and quality criteria for the management system at the enterprise; development of a practical methodology management process and optimization organizational structure enterprises; substantiation of a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the quality of management at the enterprise;

    The introduction of these solutions into the practice of anti-crisis management will improve the reliability of work and economic efficiency enterprises, as well as to improve the economy as a whole.

    Literature: Agafonova, N. N. Anti-crisis management [Text]: textbook. manual for universities / N. N. Agafonova, T. V. Bogacheva, L. I. Glushkova; under. total ed. A. G. Kalpina; ed. intro. Art. N. N. Polivaev; M-total and prof. education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. state Univer. – Ed. 3rd, revised. and additional – M. : Omega, 2008. – 542 p. Bakhvalov, N. S. Anti-crisis management of an enterprise [Text]: textbook. allowance for economic specialties of universities / N. S. Bakhvalov, N. P. Zhidkov, G. M. Kobelkov; under total ed. K. V. Baldina. - 4th ed. - M .: Gardariki; SPb. : Nev. dialect, 2008. - 438 p. Tooth A.T. Methodology of anti-crisis management of an enterprise [Text]: textbook. manual for universities / G. B. Yun; under. total ed. A. G. Kargina; ed. intro. Art. N. N. Podkopaev; M-total and prof. education of the Russian Federation, Moscow. state Univer. – Ed. 2nd, revised. and additional - M. : Delo, 2008. - 340 p.

    • Gavron Kristina Mikhailovna, student
    • Altai State University
    • Rudakova Oksana Yurievna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
    • Altai State University
    • A CRISIS

    An urgent and debatable issue at present is the management of an organization in an economic crisis. The article is devoted to the problems of preventive anti-crisis management. The authors offer recommendations on the organization of anti-crisis management in order to prevent a crisis situation.

    • Risk management system in construction organizations
    • Risks in anti-crisis management of construction complex organizations
    • Problems and Prospects for the Application of Management Consulting in the Innovation Sphere
    • Necessity and expediency of changes in the organization management system
    • Features of marketing in the organization's foreign economic activity

    In conditions of high political and economic instability, more and more attention is paid to crisis management, it becomes relevant to apply measures to prevent a crisis in an organization.

    Anti-crisis management - management aimed at preventing or stopping the danger of a crisis, including an analysis of the state and identification of measures aimed at reducing the level of the crisis and its further non-occurrence

    Timely prevention of a crisis is one of the goals of anti-crisis management. Therefore, it should be carried out constantly, regardless of what stage of the life cycle the enterprise is at, the problems in its activities are clearly expressed or remain invisible.

    Efficient Implementation anti-crisis measures are largely determined by human factor. Theoretical knowledge, accumulated practical experience, purposeful, conscious managerial activity makes it possible to search for alternative options and find the best solution to prevent and overcome emerging crisis situations. Having knowledge of crises and the cyclical nature of the development of the socio-economic system, the manager is able to anticipate the emergence of a crisis in a timely manner and prevent it until it worsens and covers the entire system.

    The problem of preventing a crisis situation is quite extensive. In our opinion, the main problems of effective crisis prevention include:

    1. the absence of specialized departments or officials who would be responsible for constantly diagnosing the occurrence of crisis phenomena at the enterprise. The leaders of most enterprises consider this to be superfluous if the company is not at the stage of bankruptcy.
    2. failure financial resources to implement crisis prevention measures. The implementation of regular measures to prevent the crisis and improve the organization in the early stages of the crisis process requires financial resources. Even if there are such, the management of most companies prefer to distribute free cash in favor of other activities.
    3. the difficulty of obtaining information about the emergence of a crisis situation. It is rather problematic to see the manifestation of the first symptoms of the crisis in a timely manner and correctly determine the initial causes of its occurrence. The choice of further action to prevent a crisis and build an anti-crisis strategy, and then an organization development strategy. If the causes are incorrectly identified, this threatens to miscalculate the choice of anti-crisis measures, and can lead to an aggravation of the crisis, its prolongation, an increase in the risk of bankruptcy of the enterprise, and undesirable results for the organization and its owners.
    4. in most cases, if a crisis is diagnosed, then, as a rule, it is focused on identifying a financial crisis, but not a managerial one. In our opinion, managerial mistakes and miscalculations in the short term can lead to the wrong choice of tactical anti-crisis actions, in the long term - deterioration financial position organization until its bankruptcy.

    All problems are interrelated, therefore, their solution requires complex and interrelated actions.

    We believe that it is necessary and expedient to create analytical departments to ensure effective anti-crisis management, whose competence will be diagnostics and prevention of crisis situations. At the same time, specialists in such departments must be required to have higher education, knowledge about crises, its symptoms and causes, the ability to identify, understand and distinguish them.

    Despite the fact that most organizations point to the lack of financial resources in explaining their insolvency, in our opinion, the lack of financial resources as a temporary or permanent phenomenon is nothing but the result of managerial actions for planning, organization, motivation and control. Engaging a specialist in the field of anti-crisis management during the onset of a liquidity crisis, as a rule, can cost more than the same action implemented as a preventive management measure.

    A striking example of the presence of the problems of preventive anti-crisis management identified by the authors is the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gorelectrotrans" in Barnaul, which provides services for the transportation of passengers by electric transport. In particular, the organization does not take measures to diagnose potential crises, and there are not enough financial resources to overcome them. In relation to MUP "Gorelectrotrans" over the past 10 years, 3 bankruptcy cases have been initiated. For the first time the company was declared bankrupt in 2005, the second time in 2011. In both cases, the initiator of the procedure was OJSC Barnaulskaya Gorelektroset. The debt to it in 2011 amounted to 40 million rubles. In 2012, the third bankruptcy petition was filed by the debtor itself - MUP "Gorelectrotrans", the total debt to creditors was estimated at 267 million rubles.

    The organization's cost structure is dominated by:

    1. staff salaries;
    2. electricity - more than 170 million rubles are spent on its payment;
    3. the cost of concession tickets.

    In order to restore the solvency of the organization, measures were taken to reduce the number of personnel, collect receivables, sell non-core property, optimize the schedule and routes of electric transport, which allowed to increase passenger traffic and reduce costs. To update the transport fleet, support was received from the regional administration within the framework of the targeted program.

    According to the results of 2015, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gorelectrotrans" managed to receive an income in the amount of 1 billion 126 million 466 thousand rubles, which allowed it to get out of the crisis situation. But at the same time, the share of labor and electricity costs to this day remains quite large.

    In our opinion, in the case of early implementation of measures to predict and prevent a crisis situation in the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gorelectrotrans", constant monitoring financial condition and diagnosing the crisis process, with a probability of more than 50%, the organization would have been able to avoid bankruptcy procedures and achieve improvement in its performance at an earlier date.


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    2. Barnaul "Gorelectrotrans" still cannot get out of the debt hole [Electronic resource]: electronic journal./ – Electronic article. - 2013. - Access mode to the article: - Zagl. from the screen.
    3. Trouble, S.Yu. Causes of bankruptcy of enterprises and ways to prevent crisis situations [Electronic resource]: subject scientific source./ - Electronic article. - 2015. - Access mode to the article: - Zagl. from the screen.
    4. Evgrafova, I.Yu. Crisis management. Crib / I.Yu. Evgrafova, E.O. Krasnikov. - M .: Okay - Book, 2013. - 32 p.
    5. Zyuzin S. To bankruptcy on rails [Electronic resource]: electronic journal./ - Electronic article. - 2012. - Access mode to the article: - Zagl. from the screen.
    6. Makhnachev Ya. There are improvements, but there is still a lot of work [Electronic resource]: electronic journal./ - Electronic article. - 2013. - Access mode to the article: - Zagl. from the screen.
    7. Rudakova O.Yu., Rudakova T.A. The concept of anti-crisis management in the context of scientific thought.// Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. - 2010. - No. 4. - With. 75-78.
    8. Filipova A.A. The head of the Barnaul Gorelektrotrans told why the future lies with trams [Electronic resource]: electronic journal./ - Electronic article. – 2016. – Mode of access to the article: - Zagl. from the screen.
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