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T.V. Sachuk introduces the concept of "territorial product", which is a set of use values ​​that exist in the form of specific products and services that are produced and available in this moment for consumption in a particular natural and social environment. Territory marketing as the main object of research highlights the territorial product, which exists as a complex set of interrelated components, including: a basic product that complements the product and a complex product.

The basic product of the territory includes products and services of tourist, hotel and sanatorium enterprises that satisfy tourist and recreational demand (accommodation, food, treatment, recreation). The additional product of the territory includes products, goods and services of related industries (trade, Catering, transport, leisure, sports, excursion service etc.). The complex product of the territory is a combination of basic and additional products, formed on the basis of the free choice of consumers.

The territorial product includes the resources of the territory that are of interest to consumers, their diversity, quantity and quality. These may include, for example, raw materials, human resources, infrastructure, attractions, the level of business activity, the level of development of the business support sector, the level of investment attractiveness, etc.

Table 5. Complex 4P according to T.V. Sachuk

Element 4P

Definition according to T.V. Sachuk

Territorial product

The set of use values ​​that exist in the form of specific products and services that are produced and available at a given moment for consumption in a specific natural and social environment

Territorial product price

The costs that the consumer bears by “acquiring” this territorial product, that is, the costs that the consumer will bear while living and / or carrying out activities in this territory.

Localization of the territorial product in space

Geo-economic location of the region itself, taking into account neighboring regions, placement, as well as distribution certain types resources within the analyzed territory

Promotion of a territorial product

Using different tools marketing communications for the purpose of "informing about the territorial product, persuading decision makers to purchase the territorial product in the preference of the proposed product, as well as reminding buyers of the need to purchase the territorial product

It should be noted that the tourist territory acts in several guises: firstly, it is a product that needs to be promoted in the wide and local markets of tourist services; secondly, it is an administrative unit (subject) functioning within the framework of national (federal) and local (regional) laws; thirdly, it is a geographical unit (space) with a certain resource, economic and production potential; fourthly, it is a place where tourists rest and the local population lives permanently.

All this characterizes the tourist area as a complex multi-component complex, the effective functioning of which depends on the ability to combine various interests and subjugate them. main goal- stable and sustainable development based on the successful functioning of the tourism and recreational sector and related industries, subject to the preservation of social, environmental, economic balance in the region.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to define a territorial tourism product as a set of use values ​​that exist in the form of specific tourism products and services that are produced and available at the moment for consumption in a certain natural and social environment.

The price of a territorial tourist product is one of the elements of marketing of tourist territories, or the monetary value of the cost of goods and services provided by enterprises in the region to meet tourist and recreational demand. The price performs an extremely important function, since the achievement of a complex result depends on it - the successful socio-economic development of the region, and the correctly chosen regional pricing strategy has a long-term and decisive significance for the competitiveness of the entire region and the competitiveness of tourism and recreation enterprises. Tourism and hotel business has a number of characteristic features that affect the formation of prices in this area.

J. Kaczmarek proposes to identify the territorial tourism product with the totality of tourism values ​​and services that tourists staying in this territory can purchase. He proposes to introduce the concept of "tourist product-place" - a special, geographically determined product, consisting of some elements of the tourism potential of a given territory, united by a higher idea that predetermines its originality, uniqueness and market attractiveness. A tourist product-place is a combination of a product, for the formation and management of each element of which it is necessary to make certain efforts.

Territorial marketing in tourism has a certain set of tools (See Table 6)

Table 6. Territorial marketing tools in tourism

Territorial marketing tool


Transcription for tourism


Dividing the market into groups of buyers with similar characteristics in order to study their reaction to a particular product / service and choose target segments market

The entire tourist flow can be divided into categories, depending on the purpose of the visit: business tourists, pilgrims, extreme athletes, fans and fans

Complex 4P

Marketing theory based on four main "coordinates" of marketing planning: product (product or service), price (price), promotion (promotion, advertising, PR), place (location)

To form a new tourist product, it is necessary to plan the characteristics of the future product, its price, measures to promote it and the territory of sale.


The process of building a brand image over a long period through the formation of added value, emotional or rational "promise" trademark or a non-branded product that makes it more attractive to the end consumer, as well as brand promotion on the market

Creation and promotion of the brand of the city, region and country contributes to a significant increase in the tourist flow to this territory


Method strategic planning, which consists in identifying the factors of the internal and external environment of the organization and dividing them into four categories: Strengths ( strengths), Weaknesses (weaknesses), Opportunities (opportunities) and Threats (threats).

To draw up a program for the development of tourism in the region, it is necessary to use SWOT_analysis to carry out an initial assessment of the current situation in the tourism market in the world, country and region

Analysis of the external and internal environment

The process of identifying critical elements of the external and internal environment that can affect a firm's ability to achieve its goals.

The activities of tourism companies are influenced by various factors of external (political, cultural, socio-economic) and internal (image, work experience, financial opportunities) environments

Marketing strategy development

It is a set of long-term decisions about how to meet the needs of existing and potential clients company through the use of its internal resources and external capabilities

Through development tourism strategy it is easier for the region to achieve target and priority indicators in terms of the size of the tourist flow, income from tourism activities

One of the tools of tourist territorial marketing is event tourism. Currently, interest in the concept of event marketing in tourism is due to the fact that in modern conditions it is becoming increasingly difficult for territories to capture the attention of tourists; and since the old marketing tools lose their effectiveness over time, cities, regions and countries are forced to invent new concepts that fully meet the requirements of the modern target audience.

Event Marketing- a tool that allows you to retain and attract visitors and investors. Many cities and regions abroad have been successfully using this tool for a long time. Events are the most important motivating factor in tourism. They have a significant impact on the development marketing plans and competitiveness of most tourist areas.

Event marketing in tourism is the use of an ongoing event to promote a certain area and attract consumers who do not find a tourist place attractive enough to visit it without a reason.

The term "event tourism", which cemented the link between events and tourism, was first used by the New Zealand Department of Tourism and Public Affairs in 1987. In foreign literature this term are interpreted as an important alternative for the destination by local entrepreneurs, as well as the main activity of government bodies that want to increase the flow of tourists.

Despite the similarity of the terms "event tourism" and "event marketing" - these are still different concepts. Event marketing in tourism is the use of an ongoing event to promote a certain area and attract consumers who do not find a tourist destination attractive enough to visit without a reason. Event marketing and event tourism are partner and related sectors.

Hosting major events important role in the revival of cities and makes a significant contribution to increasing the attractiveness of the tourist area, but often become the beginning of a branding campaign. If the city already has a strong brand (cultural, tourism), it can attract events that in turn will strengthen it.

Event tourism can be classified according to the scale of the event (national or international) and the theme of the event. There are several thematic types of event tourism. (See Figure 3)

Figure 3. Types of event tourism

To form a positive image (image) of any territory as one of the tools of territorial marketing, several factors are necessary, for example, the degree of economic development, the formation of infrastructures, the service sector, transport, the environmental component, the presence of recreational resources, and the overall investment attractiveness of the region are important.

The degree of development of infrastructure, economy, as well as the service sector is more important for creating a positive image of the territory. The exception is countries intended for a full-fledged beach holiday, that is, those countries in which travel business is the main source of replenishment of the state budget, for example, Tunisia, Turkey, Egypt.

State authorities, together with travel agencies and tour operators, are trying to the maximum extent to “promote” their territory for tourists. They organize exhibitions and conferences abroad to attract the attention of potential tourists.

Territory marketing and tourism are interconnected. As a result of territory marketing, the attractiveness of this territory increases, as well as the prestige of the country in the eyes of tourists.

There are two types of territory promotion: general; targeted. Tourist territories should have a well-thought-out communication strategy and be able to maintain relationships with client groups, contact audiences and the general public. Communication processes must be continuous and efficient. Modern enterprise The tourism and hospitality industries operate a complex communications network that must first and foremost be based on a well-thought-out marketing communications program.

It should also be noted that an important stage in the promotion of the tourist region is form style. In some cases, the term "branding" (from the English "brand" - brand) is used to denote this concept, which very accurately defines the role of branding as a personal brand of the master. Corporate identity is a kind of instrumental basis for forming the image of the country and its individual regions, creating a certain image of the territory in the minds of consumers. A well-thought-out corporate identity will help create and consolidate a positive image of the territory, improve its status, attract more consumers and partners, which in turn will lead to an increase in sales.

An illustrative example is the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl Region, where the creation of the Mouse Museum became the basis of the territorial brand. “Mice - toy - began to arrive from France, Germany, Japan. The collection was replenished with handicrafts of local craftsmen who made mice especially for the museum. Then Bulat Okudzhava and Dmitry Likhachev brought their exhibits here. And in 1996, declared the Year of the Mouse, the Mouse Festival was held in the city and the science of mouseology was invented. At the beginning of the third millennium, 4.5 thousand mice from all over the world were present at the museum’s exposition, and the town with a population of only 7 thousand people was talked about as a tourist phenomenon.” If in 1996 5,000 tourists visited the city, then in 2002 there were already 50,000 of them.

Concerning foreign experience, then at the end of the last twentieth century, the little-known Spanish city of Bilbao turned into one of the major tourist centers of the country. The city authorities decided to host part of the collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Contemporary Art and announced an international competition to design the building of the new museum. The creation of a gallery of works of art of the twentieth century gave impetus to the development of the city's infrastructure: the construction of a subway, an airport terminal, a glass bridge according to the author's architectural projects.

The global tourism business is actively developing thanks to marketing strategies. In terms of spending on marketing, the leading countries have been very popular with tourists for many years: Greece, Denmark, Malta, Austria, Cyprus, Ireland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Spain, Great Britain.

Leading countries use a wide range of marketing tools to win a new audience: they conduct creative advertising campaigns in target markets, participate in international tourism exhibitions, publish thematic programs on television, books, guides, booklets, organize promotional tours, produce souvenirs, create and develop websites.

During the global financial crisis marketing activities world tourist centers not only did not stop, but even intensified. Many countries used the crisis period to tell about themselves and attract tourists. Regions of the world such as the Caribbean, Alaska, Wales, Switzerland have developed new marketing campaigns or increased funding for existing programs to support the flow of tourists. For example, the UK Government has developed a 2009 'Visit Wales' marketing campaign to support tourism, for which an additional £2.2 million has been allocated. The Alaska Tourism Association has developed the Alaska Value Campaign marketing program to attract tourists.

Russia has a significant tourism potential, however, it lags far behind many countries in terms of investment in tourism marketing, scale and campaigns aimed at developing tourism. According to the WEF, Russia ranks only 122 out of 133 in terms of marketing effectiveness in tourism in the world. Other sources also confirm the lack of a favorable tourist image of Russia. Moreover, there is currently a negative information background around Russia: materials published by foreign media often contain warnings about the dangers of traveling to our country.

World experience shows that regional tourism marketing programs are an effective tool for tourism development. At the same time, only a few Russian regions have specially developed marketing programs and make efforts to promote their tourism opportunities in mass media. Below are the main aspects that should be taken into account when developing regional marketing programs. An important condition for the success of a marketing program is the presence of a strategic focus and the use of an integrated approach. First of all, the program should be focused on the development of the most attractive tourism products and their promotion in promising geographic markets that can provide a significant increase in the volume of tourist flows to the region, and not scatter resources.

Secondly, the development of projects and activities of the marketing program must necessarily be of a complex nature, i.e. affect several areas at once: measures for the tourist product: development and increase in the competitiveness of the tourist offer of the region; measures to improve the efficiency of the organization of the sales system: to promote the development of sales of the tourist product in the target markets; activities to create and promote the brand and improve the effectiveness of marketing communications in target markets; measures for the development of internal marketing infrastructure and marketing activity management system.

The first step in the development of any marketing program is the selection of priority types of tourism and the formation of a portfolio of priority products. The choice is made on the basis of an analysis of the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory for the development of various types of tourism. The next step is to select target markets. The key criteria for analysis are the availability or possibility of organizing transport links and the popularity of travel. When choosing target markets, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of competing offers in target markets, cultural characteristics, the cost of marketing communications, etc.

A territory's marketing strategy cannot be planned from start to finish. The main task of planning in this case is not to compile a detailed list of interrelated goals and activities and strictly implement it, but to correctly determine the directions of action, to predict which of options solutions are most likely to be effective. With this approach, the plan should be as flexible as possible, ready for quick and sudden adjustments, able to adapt to changing circumstances and use them.

The marketing of Bulgarian Varna in the late 1990s was aimed at family tourists who liked to relax on the Black Sea coast. The first activities of the project were completed, and it turned out that they opened a different, more attractive niche for the city - specialization in holding conferences, seminars and other large-scale business meetings. As a result, Varna's marketing strategy has been radically changed.

The planning algorithm consists of nine steps:

  • - definition of the problem, setting goals;
  • - stakeholder analysis;
  • - definition of criteria for the success of the project;
  • - segmentation of the market, determination of target audiences;
  • - selection / refinement of the marketing strategy;
  • - selection of marketing communication tools;
  • - determination of indicators of success of the marketing project, planning of monitoring and evaluation of the project;
  • - definition of project participants;
  • - formation of the project.

According to D.V. Vizgalov, marketing organizers must clearly understand what desired behavior they want to achieve from the target audience.

The marketing strategy is divided into two successive stages, which can be called city positioning and marketing? communications? (or promotion of the city). First? stage - formulating a coded message about the city to target audiences. Second? - bringing this message to target audiences?. At the first stage, it is determined which the city will advance, on the second - how it will advance.

An integrated approach to the marketing of the region involves, in addition to creating a product and promoting it in target markets, the development of the internal marketing infrastructure of the territory.

Most important tools creation of a tourist information support system are: the creation of tourist information centers, the creation of a web portal that provides complete information on different languages, the creation of a round-the-clock contact center, as well as the creation of a road infrastructure for tourist cities, which is equipped with signs and signs.

Many states actively use these marketing tools to attract tourists. For example, in Scotland every year about 10-20% of tourists turn to local TICs and most of the tourists (91%) are satisfied with the services provided. In Japan, at Narita and Kansai international airports, about 140,000 foreign tourists annually use the services of local TICs; 20 thousand tourists also order accommodation services through the TIC. The main functions of the TIC are providing information, booking seats, selling tickets, souvenirs, and some advertising and information products (photo albums). To additional services includes support for the work of the contact center, the collection and processing of information, the implementation of some tourism promotion programs.

management tourism marketing in world practice, as a rule, organizations specially created for this purpose are involved, which are able to effectively solve the widest range of tasks and take a comprehensive approach to solving problems.

The status of special organizations involved in the marketing of tourism potential in the structure of bodies state power high enough. For example, the Canadian Tourism Commission is one of the royal corporations and reports directly to the Minister of Industry. The Australian Tourism Commission is an organization separate from the federal government with enhanced decision-making powers.

In Spain, the Secretary General for Tourism is responsible to the Minister of Trade and Tourism and is CEO Turespana. The status of organizations confirms high level priority of the task of tourism development in many countries.

  • 1. A territorial product is a set of use values ​​that exist in the form of specific products and services that are produced and available at a given moment for consumption in a certain natural and social environment.
  • 2. One of the tools of tourism territorial marketing is event tourism.
  • 3. World experience shows that regional tourism marketing programs are an effective tool for tourism development.
  • 4. Management of tourism marketing in world practice, as a rule, is carried out by organizations specially created for this purpose, which are able to effectively solve the widest range of tasks and take a comprehensive approach to solving problems.

Marketing of regions and tourist centers

As in the previous question, marketing of regions and tourist centers means, first of all, the fact that the goal of the overall marketing strategy is to attract tourists to this region or tourist center.

It should also be noted that a tourist region is understood as a separate territorial unit based on the commonality of natural, cultural or historical and architectural resources, united by a common tourist infrastructure and perceived as an integral object. A tourist region is an intra-national category that may correspond to a specific administrative-territorial division, occupy part of an administrative-territorial division, or represent a territory located on several administrative-territorial units.

Tourist center - a set of tourist facilities compactly located on the same territory, united by a common infrastructure and serving for the purpose of serving tourists. Sometimes the marketing of regions and tourist centers is called "place marketing".

One of the specific features of the marketing of regions and tourist centers, in contrast to the national level, is to attract tourists not only from abroad, but also within the country. Therefore, speaking of tourism product, represented by a region or a tourist center, one can distinguish two of its varieties, where marketing efforts in the external market are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with national strategies and coordinated by the NTA, and work in the domestic market is carried out independently. Another specific feature is that marketing serves not only to attract tourists, but also to regulate tourist flows to a particular region or tourist center. Such marketing strategies are deterrent in nature and may arise due to an overload of the ecological system or a negative reaction of the local population to a high flow of tourists.

In order to promote the tourist region or tourist center in most states, administrations of these objects are created, as a rule, on the principle public organizations starring local authorities authorities. Such examples include the so-called tourist offices available in many countries of the world.

Marketing of hotels, restaurants, transport organizations

Service establishments (hotels, catering establishments, transport companies) act in the tourism market as producers of services that make up the tourism product. Thus, these enterprises face a kind of twofold task. On the one hand, providing customers with quality service and strengthening their own image, i.e. successful and effective work in the consumer market, on the other hand, no less effective work in the enterprise market. And, if the concept of marketing in the consumer market is practically no different from the concept of marketing tourist enterprise, then the concept of tourism marketing in the enterprise market has its own specific features associated with the nature of this market.

The enterprise market (according to F. Kotler, the market for industrial goods) is a set of individuals and organizations that purchase goods and services that are used in the production of other goods or services. Based on this, tourism marketing of places of residence, catering and transport is directed primarily to the market of tourism product manufacturers.

This market, unlike the consumer market, is characterized by:

§ fewer buyers;

§ professionalism of buyers;

§ inelastic demand;

§ Demand is determined by the demand for the tourism product.

Proceeding from this specificity, tourism service providers build the concept of tourism marketing.

As in the previous question, speaking about the marketing of regions and tourist centers, we mean, first of all, the fact that the goal of the overall marketing strategy is to attract tourists to a given region or tourist center. It should also be noted that we understand a tourist region as a separate territorial unit based on a commonality of natural, cultural or historical and architectural resources, united by a common tourist infrastructure and perceived as an integral object. Tourist region - an intra-national category that may correspond to a specific administrative-territorial division (for example: the Polotsk region), occupy a part of an administrative-territorial division or represent a territory located on several administrative-territorial divisions ("Belovezhskaya Pushcha") - Tourist center-set tourist facilities compactly located on the same territory, united by a common infrastructure and serving for the purpose of serving tourists. Sometimes the marketing of regions and tourist centers is called "place marketing".
One of the specific features of the marketing of regions and tourist centers, in contrast to the national level, is to attract tourists not only from abroad, but also within the country. Therefore, speaking about a tourist product represented by a region or a tourist center, we can talk about its two varieties, where marketing efforts in the external market are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with national strategies and coordinated by the NTA, and work in the domestic market is carried out independently. Another specific feature is that marketing serves not only to attract tourists, but also to regulate tourist flows to a particular region or tourist center. Such marketing strategies are of a deterrent nature and may arise due to an overload of the ecological system or

negative reaction of the local population to the high flow of tourists.
To promote a tourist region or a tourist center in most states, administrations of these objects are created, as a rule, on the basis of public organizations with the participation of local authorities. Such examples include the so-called tourist offices available in many countries of the world.

Tourist center - a set of tourist facilities, compactly located on the same territory, united by a common infrastructure and serving for the purpose of serving tourists. Sometimes the marketing of regions and tourist centers is called "place marketing".

One of the specific features of the marketing of regions and tourist centers, in contrast to the national level, is to attract tourists not only from abroad, but also within the country. Therefore, speaking about the tourist product represented by a region or a tourist center, we can distinguish two of its varieties, where marketing efforts in the external market are carried out, as a rule, in accordance with national strategies and under the coordination of NTA, and work in the domestic market is carried out independently. Another specific feature is that marketing serves not only to attract tourists, but also to regulate tourist flows to a particular region or tourist center. Such marketing strategies are of a deterrent nature and may arise due to the overload of the ecological system or the negative reaction of the local population to the high flow of tourists.

To promote a tourist region or a tourist center in most states, administrations of these objects are created, as a rule, on the basis of public organizations with the participation of local authorities. Such examples include the so-called tourist offices available in many countries of the world.

Professionally built advertising and information activities play a special role in attracting tourists to a particular destination. Advertising plays a leading role, but is not the only marketing tool at all levels of tourist destinations. A significant role in their promotion is played by public relations activities, as well as direct marketing tools (personal sales), which take the form of various kinds of negotiations. Particularly important are the all-territorial constants that can be attributed to branding elements (coats of arms and state flags for states, coats of arms and generally accepted symbols of cities, logos, advertising slogans, myths, legends, legends, etc.). In many countries, great attention is paid to creating images of cities, regions, and the country as a whole that are attractive to tourists. For example, in the United States, which cannot boast of a centuries-old history, in all states, each place where this or that more or less well-known event took place is “untwisted” in order to attract tourists and a certain image is given to it: Texas is “the edge of cowboys", Tennessee - "the birthplace of country music", Georgia - "the heart of the American South", etc.

Logos and advertising slogans often act as identification codes in the promotion of tourist destinations. Yes, one of the most famous in the world trademarks is a tourist logo of Turkey - a tulip flower. It is an invariable attribute of advertising and promotional activities to promote Turkey as a country favorable for tourism, carried out using the slogans: “Feel the rhythm of life in Turkey!”, “Feel the rhythm of civilization in Turkey!”, “Feel the rhythm of life in Istanbul!” etc.

In the promotion of tourist destinations, the importance of product placement increases, that is, the representation of a particular destination in films and other works of art, which allows one to reproduce in sufficient detail certain features and competitive advantages of a particular tourist region.

Event marketing, major international events (for example, the Olympic Games), national, regional and local holidays, sports competitions, unique natural phenomena on specific territory in certain time, specially organized competitions in exotic sports (for example, streetball, extreme cycling), etc.

Ratings are also used as one of the tools for promoting tourist destinations. Wide coverage of the course and results of the rating in the press, excitement and a certain scandal when the results are announced become additional communications that positively affect the image of the destinations included in the rating.

At the macro level, individual countries act as objects of promotion in the international tourism market. A state entering the international tourism market enters into a system of competitive relations with other states, entire world regions. The tourism marketing strategy is reflected in the adoption of relevant legislation, state long-term programs and plans. The role and place of a particular state in the global tourism market depends on how correctly and effectively the strategy of tourism marketing is built and implemented.

Attraction marketing complements image marketing. The territory uses either natural attractions (river embankments, lakes, seas, mountains), or historical heritage (museums, architectural monuments, temples), or famous personalities, or cultural and recreational facilities (stadiums, cultural and shopping centers, parks).

The more individual and known the attractions are, the better. Attraction strategies, further, differ depending on whether there are many or few of them, how many days it usually takes to see them. But any landmark of the territory cannot be the only object of attention in regional marketing. The complex design of the territory as a whole increases its attractiveness and uniqueness, aesthetic merits. But if the region does not have its own attractions, they certainly need to be created. The most important component of the marketing of tourist areas is the marketing of attractions. It, in turn, is inextricably linked with image marketing, since sights are the components of a positive image of a tourist region. Unfortunately, this type of marketing is poorly studied, and the issues of the influence of the attractiveness of individual attractions on the image of the entire region are practically not studied. At the same time, there is no doubt that individual unique objects have an exceptional influence on the image of the territory, which sometimes become symbols of cities and tourist centers (the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Taj Mahal in India, the Tower Bridge in London).

Of course, the value and attractiveness of attractions depends primarily on their historical and cultural significance, which is indisputable for well-known objects, but this does not mean that new objects are not attractive to tourists.

Examples are the quite successful marketing of a relatively new tourist center in Russia - Veliky Ustyug, known as the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost, or a new attraction on the outskirts of St. Petersburg - the village of Shuvalovka, which is positioned as an ethnic village, a center of folk arts and crafts, combined with an extensive program recreation, entertainment and Russian folk amusements.

In fact, such an image policy forms new brands of territories, a complex of unique distinguishing features region. As you know, branding is the most important area of ​​marketing communications. Exist different kinds brands: product, service, personalities, organizations, events, as well as geographic.


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