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A significant part of wintering birds die because they cannot get food, which remains under the icy crust of snow. From what do birds suffer more in winter: from hunger or cold?

We decided to help the birds! Make feeders for them

PURPOSE creation of conditions for the formation in the child of elements of ecological culture, environmentally competent behavior in nature, humane attitude towards living objects of the fauna; to convince adult family members to take part in the manufacture of bird feeders, to take part in the work on the feeder, to choose the location of the feeder on the site of the preschool educational institution; creation of optimal conditions for the development of creative activity and a positive emotional state in a child through the organization of joint cognitive and productive work activities.

Tasks formation and development of children's imagination, creative imagination; encouragement original ideas; fostering a sense of responsiveness and responsibility, a humane attitude towards birds, a desire to help small and weak creatures in a difficult life situation; educating children to be able to rejoice in their success and the success of friends; arouse in children a desire to convince adult family members of the need to help wintering birds, to take a direct practical part in the manufacture of feeders.

We made feeders, we opened a canteen

Scatter crumbs, and even semolina ... And the poor things will come to life! You fill them with food, do not be sorry! The menu is simple: bread, cereals, grains…

If you started to feed the birds, don't quit! And you don’t leave an empty feeder for them! They are so gullible, They believe us like children. Remember - you tamed them, You are responsible for them!

And in gratitude to all for kind hearts, You will admire their song When the warm spring comes!

Thank you for your attention!

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slide presentation

Slide text: Master class on making a feeder MOU Afanasievskaya average comprehensive school teacher primary school Veretennikova Natalya Mitrofanovna

Slide text: Theme of the master class "Making feeders for wintering birds"

Slide text: The objectives of the master class: to acquaint the participants of the master class with various types bird feeders: to increase the number of volunteers to help birds in the winter; to teach the participants of the master class to design their own models of feeders.

Slide text: The idea of ​​a master class: A form of effective professional influence both on teachers who are active in finding ways to improve their own teaching skills, and on those teachers who are passive about their own professional development.

Slide text: The following techniques were used in the lesson: problem posing; extraction of semantic information; group communication; conclusion on this issue.

Slide text: Feed the birds in winter! Feed the birds in winter! Let from all over To you flock, as home, Flocks on the porch. How many of them die - do not count, It's hard to see. But in our heart there is warmth And for the birds. Teach the birds in the cold To your window, So that we don't have to meet spring without songs.

Slide text: Winter is a difficult time for birds. They die not from cold, but from hunger. At this time, it can be difficult for them to get food. But it is especially difficult for birds when thaws alternate with frosts and everything around is covered with an ice crust. Birds do not have time to find enough food in a short winter day. To help wintering birds, it is necessary to feed them during the winter. But winter feeding of birds must be systematic, without interruptions, otherwise it will be harmful. Accustomed to finding food in a certain place every day, the birds, suddenly not finding it, will not immediately fly to another place, but will wait, waste time and energy, and may die on frosty days.

Slide text: Type of food Species of birds Sunflower seeds Titmouse, nuthatch, bullfinch, sparrows Watermelon seeds Titmouse, nuthatch Hemp Universal food for all birds Millet Sparrows, siskin, tap dance, oatmeal Oats Sparrows, oatmeal, bullfinch, tits Pumpkin seeds (not fried) Titmouse , nuthatch Melon seeds All-purpose food Pine nuts Nuthatch, woodpecker Quinoa Many granivorous birds Nettle Bullfinch, siskin, tap dance Burdock Goldfinch Raw (unsalted) tits, woodpeckers, nuthatch Bread Sparrows, nuthatch Rowan berries Bullfinch, waxwing, field thrush

Slide text: Food, of course, should be in the feeders. Bird feeders can be of various designs. But a prerequisite is the protection of the feed in them from wind, snow, rain. So, on top of the feeder, you need to make a wide roof, and along the perimeter of the base - sides.

Slide #10

Slide text: In order not to scare the birds away from the feeders, they are not recommended to be decorated with additional details and brightly colored. But experience has shown that an aesthetically designed feeder not only does not scare away birds, but also pleases the human eye and serves as a decoration of the territory.

Slide #11

Slide text: An automatic feeder in which food is poured out gradually as it is consumed. To do this, the feed mixture is poured into a bottle, which is then turned upside down, or a conical "bunker" is made from boards with a narrow slot at the bottom.

Slide #12

Slide text: A feeder from an empty juice or milk bag. Two or three holes are cut in the bottom of the bag. They can be either round or rectangular.

Slide #13

Slide text: Even from an old construction helmet, you can also make an excellent feeder if you provide it with a plywood roof. Such a feeder can be hung on the branches of trees near your house or in the park.

Slide #14

Slide text: A feeder of two empty plastic bottles of different sizes. This feeder can work automatically. As the birds eat the food, it spills out of the bottle again. Millet, oats, wheat and other loose feed can be poured into such a feeder.

Slide #15

Slide text: Hanging feeder with a flat roof. For its manufacture, four bars, two pieces of plywood and four slats are needed. From above, a rope or wire with a ring is attached to the roof, with the help of which the feeder is suspended from the branches of a tree.

Slide #16

Slide text: Psychological warm-up Determine your emotional condition at the beginning of our lesson

Slide #17

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Slide #18

Slide text: Making a feeder Materials: cardboard box, white paper, pieces of colored paper, cord, adhesive tape, watercolor paint Tools: scissors, ruler, pencil, marker, glue

Slide #19

Slide text: We make a house out of a small paper box: we lift one side of the box and bend it in the shape of a roof.

Slide #20

Slide text: Cut a large hole on one side of the box, and a smaller one on the opposite side.

Slide #21

Slide text: We connect the roof to the base of the box with adhesive tape.

Slide #22

Slide text: We seal the sides of the roof with white paper.

Slide #23

Slide text: We glue the entire blank of the future feeder with white paper.

Slide #24

Slide text: To make the feeder unusual, we place stencils of dried leaves on a white background.

Research topic

What are bird feeders for?

Pogudin Sergei. Guryev Alexander.

Head: Alekhin E.V.

TOGBOU "Znamenskaya boarding school for children with


  • Should we build bird feeders?


People build feeders to help the birds.

Target: find out the need for bird feeders.


Find out the types of feeders

  • Learn how to build a feeder
  • What to feed the birds
  • What is the best way to hang feeders?

  • Create a working group
  • Find out how and from what materials the feeder is built
  • Find out how birds help nature
  • Find out how good deeds educate us

DIY bird feeder!

Bird feeders from a milk carton or plastic bottle

You can take an empty milk bag, carton or plastic bottle(preferably a 5-liter one) and quickly build a feeder by cutting an entry hole just above the bottom. It is better to glue the edges with electrical tape so that the birds do not get hurt on the sharp edges of the bottle. As it turned out, birds prefer feeders where the holes are larger, they are afraid of closed spaces, so it is better to make 2 or 3 bird entrances. Meanwhile, making a real wooden bird feeder with your own hands is not at all difficult and it will serve for more than one season.

Wooden bird feeder

The easiest to make wooden feeder consists of a plywood bottom with sides and rigid supports on which the roof is attached. Let the sides be high enough so that gusts of autumn wind do not blow away bread crumbs or seeds. A roof in a homemade feeder is an essential element, it protects the food from rain and snow. Estimate the dimensions of the holes in the walls in advance. The larger they are, the larger the birds will fly to the feeder. Each with its own habits. Make such a simple feeder for birds for everyone.

Where to hang the feeder?

Ways of fastening the "bird dining room" are different. The bird feeder can be hung on a tree branch or mounted on the wall of the house. The main thing is to choose a place so that it is closed from the wind and inaccessible to cats.

Bird feeders are especially needed in winter, during severe frosts and snowfalls, when it is much more difficult for them to find food than in summer. The winter canteen will work in the spring as well, until the first greens hatch. Grains, seeds and nuts should be added regularly, otherwise, having found the feeder empty several times, the birds will fly away to another place.

What to feed the birds?

Traditional bird food in winter is oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat bread crumbs, millet, dried berries, fruit pieces and even unsalted bacon. But Rye bread, it is better not to give the peel of bananas and citrus fruits to birds - this is dangerous for their health. Each bird has its own preferences. The main thing is not to let them die of hunger in the winter cold. And they will be grateful to us for this and will clean our gardens from pests in the spring.

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TRIPLE SIEVE FOLK SIGNS Tricky Questions FEEDING RULES FOR BIRDS FEED THE BIRDS IN WINTER! Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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FROM THREE TIPS TO DETERMINE THE NAMES OF BIRDS Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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SPARROW WHO IS THIS? Small gray agile bird. As soon as this bird sees a handful of crumbs or a scattering of grain, it first of all issues the invocative "chiv..., chiv...", which serves as an invitation to dinner for all the surrounding brothers. In the cold season, the birds sit tightly pressed against each other, ruffled. Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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CROW WHO IS THIS? This bird has a large, elongated body, large strong legs. Walks with big steps. The beak is strong, large. The head, throat, wings are black, and the rest of the body is gray. Love shiny things. Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Woodpecker It differs from other birds in the variegated color of its plumage. The upper body is black and the underside is white. The crown and nape of the females are black, while the males have a red spot on the nape of the neck. There are many white spots on the wings. This bird is called the "forest doctor". WHO IS IT? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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SNEGIRI Inhabitants of taiga forests. At the beginning of winter, they appear in large numbers in the central regions of our country. The lower part of the body of males is brick pink, the back is ash gray; the top of the head, wings and tail are brilliant black. In females, the red color is replaced by brownish-gray. These birds have a snowy name. WHO IS IT? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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FORTY The head, wings, tail are black, and snow-white feathers on the sides. The tail is long, straight, like an arrow. The beak is strong and sharp. This bird is considered very talkative. Agile, mobile, fussy bird. WHO IS IT? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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TIT It is distinguished by extreme mobility and dexterity. The head, throat, stripe along the chest and undertail are black, the wings and tail are bluish, the back is yellow-green or bluish-gray, the abdomen is often yellow, and the cheeks and spot on the back of the head are white. On a sunny day, it sings loudly: “Xin-sin-sin!” WHO IS IT? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Nuthatch The coloration of the dorsal side of the body is bluish-gray, the ventral side is white with an admixture of reddish tones. A black stripe runs from the beak to the back of the head. There are white spots on the tail. It climbs trees better than other birds. This is the only bird that can move up the trunk upside down. WHO IS IT? Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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THE SPARROWS SMOOTHED TOGETHER - TO THE THAW. FINISH THE SENTENCE: Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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TIT TO THE HUT - WINTER IN THE YARD. FINISH THE SENTENCE: Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Whose footprints are these? CROW SPARROW Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Sparrow Vorona Sinitsa Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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WHO IS "EXTRA"? Knows how to crawl upside down Lazareva Lidia Andreevna, primary school teacher, Riga Primary School "PARDAUGAVA", Riga, 2009, e-mail: [email protected]

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Goals and hypothesis of the project

  • To consolidate ideas about wintering birds, and their way of life, about the connection with environment, the role of man in the life of birds.
  • Watching wild wintering birds, feeding them.

Project hypothesis:

  • if you constantly feed wintering birds, thereby helping them survive the cold period of the year, when it is difficult for birds to get food from under the snow, then their numbers can be preserved.

In the cold of winter, hungry and weakened birds freeze easily.
How can you help the birds?
We made a feeder
We opened a canteen.

slide 3

Project stages

  • Preparatory
  • Basic
  • Final
  • slide 4

    Preparatory stage

    • study of scientific and fiction literature
    • guessing riddles, reading poems about birds
    • collection of materials for the manufacture of feeders
    • production of feeders from different materials

    We learned:

    • what birds winter in our area;
    • what are the feeders;
    • what you can and can not feed birds in winter
  • slide 5

    We enjoyed making bird feeders at technology lessons


    • plastic bottles of different capacities;
    • paper bags for juice and milk;
    • cake packaging.
  • slide 6

    Slide 7

    Our parents helped us

    • Sergeeva Alena
    • Fedorenko Dima
  • Slide 8

    Chernyshov Sasha

  • Slide 9

    How to properly hang feeders

    Slide 10

    What is the table among the birches
    Open air?
    He treats in the cold
    Birds of grain and bread.

    slide 11

    main stage

    • during the month, daily feeding of birds;
    • observing their behavior;
    • the use of different feeds;
    • accounting for the number of birds, their species.

    We have learned that:

    • in our area, wintering birds are crow, bullfinch, woodpecker, tit, sparrow, dove and others.
  • slide 12

    Every day we added different food to the feeders.

    • millet
    • sunflower seeds
  • slide 13

    We also learned that

    • titmouse are very fond of unsalted bacon, sparrows eat any food, pigeons feed under feeders
    • birds prefer open feeders
  • Slide 14

    The bird canteen is open seven days a week

  • slide 15

    "Menu" in the bird's "cafe"

    Birds will thank you for:

    • unsalted fresh fat
    • beef fat, meat
    • melted butter
    • margarine
    • millet, rice, oats
    • sunflower seeds (unsalted and unroasted)
    • wheat
    • rowan berries, viburnum
    • hawthorn berries
    • bread crumbs

    Under no circumstances should you give:

    • black bread
    • crisps
    • sweet corn flakes
    • salty, sweet or fried foods

    Such a treat will cause indigestion in birds, and in winter any disease in birds will inevitably lead to their death.

  • slide 16

    Feeder designs

    • And we also learned whether the design of the feeder depends on the type of birds?
    • We crows are heavy and awkward. We like feeders that are "light" - with wide entrances or open sides - for easy access to the feed. This opinion and sparrows, bullfinches, pigeons. It is difficult for us to climb into swinging and bending feeders.
    • And for us, titmouses, nimble and dexterous, “difficult” feeders are suitable - with narrow notches, a deep bottom, on a swaying fishing line or from a bending material. We'll get food!
  • Slide 17

    The final stage

    We have learned:

    • make feeders of different models from different materials:
    • feed the birds with different food;
    • watch the birds
  • Slide 18

    We learned that

    • Birds become noticeable and more active with the advent of heat: the brighter the sun shines, the warmer, the more birds on the street, the more active they are.
    • Birds do not fly on windy days.
    • Of the feed, pigeons and sparrows prefer crumbs from a loaf, and tits prefer lard. Millet is eaten the longest.
    • Sparrows and pigeons arrive in flocks, and titmouse - 2-3 each.
    • The feeder was visited by 3 species of birds. These are sparrows, tits, pigeons.
    • Birds prefer open feeders or those with 2 or more entrances.
    • The birds arrive at the feeders in the morning.
    • More often, birds visit those feeders that are away from the footpaths.
    • During the life of the project, the birds have become accustomed to receiving food, so feeding should be continued.

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