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Dove - Bird of the Year 2019

The Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia for the twenty-fourth time (since 1996) has chosen the bird of the year. In 2019, the bird of the year was common dove . Until recently, this bird was the most numerous in the south of Russia. But at the end of the 20th century in the European part of Russia, the number of the common turtledove began to fall sharply, and by the beginning of the 21st century it had decreased by almost 100 times. The reasons for such a catastrophic decrease in numbers have not yet been fully elucidated, but the salvation of the species will largely depend on the organization of its protection.
The common dove belongs to the Pigeon family and looks very similar to the dove, but is more elegant and smaller in size. The dove differs from the city pigeon not only in its miniature, but also in its slenderness, rounded tail, and red paws. The body length of the common dove is from 26 to 29 cm, weight is about 120-300 g. Its head is small, its wings and tail are long.
On the sides of the neck of the common dove there are "mirrors" of black and white feathers; brownish-brown upperparts with a dark scaly pattern, light brownish-gray underparts, with a darker, slightly pinkish chest, the lower surface of the tail is black with a white stripe at the end.
There are practically no differences in the coloration of males and females. Young birds are more dull in color, uniformly gray, there are no “mirrors” on the neck.
Range and habitat
Doves are widespread in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, in the steppe and forest-steppe. These birds are migratory, spend the winter in Africa (south of the Sahara). They arrive from their wintering grounds in May and stay until September.
Turtle doves feed on seeds of various plants, trees (pine, spruce, birch, alder), as well as berries, small mollusks and insects. In spring and summer they look for food in meadows, pastures, river banks, and after the ripening of bread - in the fields of wheat, hemp, buckwheat, and millet.
Common doves peck out seeds from sunflower fields, but they do not peck out grains from ears and panicles - they collect them on the ground. Common doves cannot be considered harmful birds, since they are much more beneficial by destroying weed seeds.
Nest building and brood care

Doves nest on forest edges, in parks, forest belts. Favorite place for nesting - branches of trees and shrubs. But the nest of the turtle dove can also be found on lampposts and electric poles, roof slopes, cornices, balconies, power line poles.
The turtledove's nest is flat, small and untidy, it is unevenly filled with small twigs and leaves, because of this there are gaps in the structure. The depth of the nest is 4 cm, the width is 19 cm. This is enough for incubation of 2 eggs 2 by 3 cm in size.
The nesting season is extended, while some birds already have chicks, while others are just starting to build a nest.
The clutch consists of two white or cream-colored eggs, which are incubated by both birds alternately for 13-16 days.
Chicks appear on the 14th day after laying. They are born blind, helpless, with sparse plumage, but grow very quickly.
Twenty days are spent on feathering and rising to the wing.
Until this time, teenagers get out to sit on the branches and, sometimes, fall. While still helpless, the birds die. Given that there are only 2 chicks in the brood, the loss is palpable. Therefore, turtle doves make 2-3 clutches per season.
Parents are very attached to the chicks and do not leave the nest even in case of danger.
On the 21st day, the chicks already fly well, become independent and, having left the nesting site, gather in independent flocks of 7-10 individuals.
Parents feed offspring for some time after the chicks leave the nest. At the age of one month, turtledoves are already able to eat on their own.
Interesting bird features
Doves are a symbol of fidelity. Like swans, doves are faithful to one partner all their lives and, even in the event of his death, they do not choose a new one.
These birds get along well with other birds, are peaceful and not prone to aggression.
Doves have no defense mechanisms against predators.
Turtle doves easily get used to living conditions in captivity.
AT wild nature doves live 5-7 years, and at home and in zoos (with good care) they live up to 20 years.
Caring for turtledoves is not particularly difficult, since these birds are unpretentious in food, easily get used to and even become attached to people, and rarely get sick.
Doves are big "talkers". They laugh, chirp, coo, sigh, mumble, walk - they make a variety of sounds loudly. Therefore, for people with unstable sleep or insomnia, as well as for those who cannot tolerate constant background noise, it is not recommended to start turtledoves in an apartment with a small area and poor soundproofing of rooms.
Turtle Dove Enemies
During nesting time (especially in the middle lane), the nests of the turtledove are most often destroyed by the marten, squirrel and ermine. Adult birds and chicks beginning to fly are caught by hawks - goshawk and sparrowhawk, as well as kite and buzzard.
During migrations, turtle doves are hunted by almost all types of large and medium falcons.
Bird protection
Until relatively recently, the common turtledove was widespread in the forest and steppe zone of Europe, and now its future causes serious concern among ornithologists.
Ornithologists admit that the reasons for this remain unclear.
At present, the common turtledove has been included in the Red Data Books by nine subjects Russian Federation, but ornithologists propose to include it in the Red Book of Russia. It is now listed as Vulnerable (VU) on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List.

The Union for the Protection of Birds of Russia (SOPR) has chosen the bird of the year 2017
brown-headed nut.
This bird is also called the puffball,
for the manner of strongly fluffing plumage in cold weather.

The titmouse is the most numerous type of tit, after the great tit. This is a small bird with a wingspan of 16-22 cm and a weight of 9-14 g.

Contrary to the name of the bird, her head is not brown, but black, although duller than that of the black-headed, or marsh, tit. Black color occupies the entire upper part of the head and even slightly captures the neck. The rest of the plumage of the upper body, as well as the wings and tail, are gray, while the cheeks, chest and belly are white.

Since autumn, these tits are often kept in common flocks with other tits, pikas and nuthatches. They examine both coniferous and deciduous trees and, more often than other tits, jump to the ground to look for food among fallen leaves in autumn, and in winter - snow surfaces.

It is very easy to see the traces of gaitches jumping in the snow. The size of its paw print is noticeably smaller than that of the great tit, and slightly larger than that of our other tits - blue tit, grenadier and Muscovy. Moving through the snow, she lowers her paw not from above, but slightly dragging it along the surface, with a drag. Therefore, the length of the imprint on the snow often turns out to be slightly longer than the supporting surface of the foot.

In summer, you will not find powdery powder near a human dwelling.Until July, young titmouses are tied to the nest, later they will unite in noisy, cheerful flocks with kinglets and other small birds. Until winter, they roam from place to place. In winter, when there is not enough food for the birds, they can be seen in city parks, gardens, near water bodies. The food of the brown-headed tit is very diverse - these are mainly caterpillars, weevils and spiders.

Like some other types of tits, chickadees store food in summer and early autumn. The tendency to store food in puffs is very pronounced. Throughout the year, they hide part of the food they find. Food storage can be observed even in winter, it would seem, under the most unfavorable feeding conditions. Young plums begin to hide food as early as July.

Powder puffs hide their reserves in a wide variety of places: on coniferous and deciduous trees, less often on bushes, stumps, and even on the ground at the base of the trunks. Hidden food is sometimes covered with a piece of bark or lichen. In a day, one pichuga can equip and fill up to two thousand of these pantries!

However, the chickadees apparently do not remember the location of the stocks and find the hidden food by chance. The use of reserves sometimes begins almost immediately after they are stockpiled. Part of the stocks found by the birds are eaten, part is hidden again. Due to this constant re-hiding, the food is distributed more or less evenly over the area of ​​​​the plot.

Every year, the Russian Bird Conservation Union chooses the bird of the year. The main criteria for selection are: the distribution of the bird in most of the country, recognition and the need for human help.

The brown-headed tit, with the Latin name Parus cinereus montanus, was first described in 1827 by the Swedish naturalist Thomas Konrad von Baldenstein.

For some time, the puff was attributed to the genus of tits. But in 2005, after a study of the DNA of chickadees, the American Society of Ornithologists took the initiative to return Poecile to the rank of genus, as was customary at the end of the 19th century, and to call the powder Poecile montanus.

The brown-headed chickadee is a typical inhabitant of forests; it can be found in forest parks if there are dry trees. Cutting down dry trees leads to a sharp reduction in the population of chickadees, as they lose their nesting sites.
Unlike other types of tits brown-headed tit can itself hollow out a hollow in trees with soft, easily rotting wood in natural conditions (aspen, alder, birch). Sometimes it occupies empty nests of other hollow-nesters. In artificial nesting places, puffs settle very rarely.

The titmouse is the most numerous type of tit after the great tit. It is a small bird with a dark brown cap on its head. Length 12-14 cm, weight 9-14 g, wingspan 16-22 cm. Scientists have calculated that out of every 1000 hatched chicks, two-thirds die.
The population size is maintained due to the large number of eggs laid (up to 9 in one pair). Longest duration life up to 9 years. Leads a sedentary lifestyle. Rarely found in populated areas.

The nut has interesting feature: immediately after feeding the chicks, she begins to stock up on food. These can be different seeds, for example, spruce and pine seeds, various spiders and insects. Moreover, in its nesting territory, the bird can hide stocks several times.

The brown-headed tit is of great benefit by eating pests of pine and spruce. This fragile bird preys on insects that are inaccessible to woodpeckers, because. can safely balance on thin twigs.

There are several species in the genus Gaichka. When using photos from the Internet to design presentations or booklets, it is necessary to distinguish the brown-headed tit from its relatives: black-headed and gray-headed.

New entries: (4)


Neverova N.F. - teacher of biology MBOU secondary school No. 17

city ​​of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.

Dear friends!

Happy New Year!

May all the most cherished desires come true this year, may the year be peaceful, successful and prosperous!

And if any trouble happens, let's wish each other not to lose heart, just as the puff never loses heart in the most severe winter frosts.

Happy New Year 2017, the year of the puff and the rooster!

Russian Bird Conservation Union

Brown-headed chickadee - bird of the year 2017

The year 2016 is over, and the title of the bird of the year is moving from a bright and catchy hoopoe to a modest brown-headed chickadee, or puff.

How did this little bird deserve such an honor

Despite its fragile constitution, it can be a symbol of successful resistance to difficulties: this little bird winters not only in central European Russia, but also in Yakutia, at the "pole of cold", where frosts down to minus 50 degrees are not uncommon. In severe winters, the brown-headed tit is saved by the food reserves created in the warm season. Ornithologists have calculated that from spring to autumn, one chickadee stores up to 15 kg of winter stock (mainly spruce seeds) in secluded places - about half a million food objects. To successfully winter, 300,000 such objects are enough, but instinct tells you to play it safe - part of the reserves cannot be found in winter.

This bird received the popular name "powder" for the fact that in the cold it fluffs up its plumage, turning into a plump, loose ball. The brown-headed tit is a typical forest inhabitant; in cities it can only be found in forest parks.

Relentless statistics show that in the first year of life, out of 1000 chickadees, only a third survive, about 50 birds manage to live up to 5 years, and only three - up to 6-7 years. The maximum known lifespan of a puff is 9 years.

The breeding season begins in April - May, in July the flying chicks appear. The nest is arranged in a rotten trunk or stump of a dead tree (usually birch, aspen, alder, larch) at a height of up to 3 m above the ground. Like the crested tit, the brown-headed tit prefers to hollow out (or rather pluck out) the nest on its own, however, in case of failure, it can use ready-made natural voids or old nests of khokhlushki, small spotted woodpecker or your own, having previously deepened and cleaned the hollow.


Basic construction material- pieces of bark, birch bark, strips of soaked bast, sometimes wool and a small amount of feathers. After the completion of construction, a break is made for 1-5 days. Clutch of 5-9 eggs, with rare exceptions once a year. The eggs are white with reddish-brown spots and speckles, often thicker at the blunt end. Egg sizes: (15-16) x (12-13) mm. The female incubates for 13-15 days, while the male feeds her and guards the territory. Sometimes the female will leave the nest and forage for herself.

Chicks hatch asynchronously, usually over two or three days.


It feeds on small invertebrates and their larvae, as well as seeds and fruits. In summer, the diet of adult birds is divided approximately equally between animal and vegetable food, and in winter, up to three quarters consists of food of plant origin, mainly seeds of coniferous trees - pine, spruce and juniper.

The fact is that the brown-headed titmouse reacts more sharply than all hollow-nesting birds to a picnic with fires (because in this situation, small dry trees are cut down first of all, which it needs for nesting). The brown-headed titmouse disappears from the forests in which sanitary cuttings were carried out, after drainage work, does not tolerate park improvement carried out in its habitats.

In 2017, declared in Russia the Year of Specially Protected Natural Territories and the Year of Ecology, caring for the brown tit will help us all not only form the ecological culture of the population, but also preserve the world for people and birds.




  • What does the brown-headed chickadee eat?
  • Why she deserves the title of "Bird of the Year"
  • Did you like brown-headed chickadee? What exactly?

Tit family (Paridae)

Other species in this family:

Black-headed tit

crested tit


Blue tit

great tit

Black-headed tit

The puffball is very similar to the black-headed tit, differs from it in voice and some color features: the “cap” on the back of the head goes further to the neck and is matte, not shiny; the black spot under the beak is wider and resembles a "bib", there is a light area on the wing, formed by the light edges of the secondary flight feathers. There is no sexual dimorphism.

The song of the puff is a repeating sequence of gentle and sad sounds, more characteristic is the sonorous, slightly nasal call (usually it is conveyed in syllables: “qiqi-jee-jee”), which the bird uses very often.


grayish brown plumage

"Hat" on the back of the head is matte black.

black spot under beak

Cheeks whitish. The sides of the neck are also whitish, but have a slight buffy tinge.

light area on the wing,

light edges of secondary flight feathers.

Name the bird under the number of the New Year's toy

brown-headed gadette



great tit


  • And source
  • http :// /
  • Wikipedia. brown-headed tit
  • Personal observations.
  • internet clip art


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