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A game for a literary reading lesson for 2nd grade students based on the fairy tale by V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary school MKOU "Mikhailovskaya school" of Kikvidzensky district of the Volgograd region
Short description: This game is designed to conduct a literary reading lesson with 2nd grade students. The development can be used when carrying out extracurricular activities by subject.
Target: consolidation and generalization of knowledge on the tale of Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich".
- consolidate children's knowledge of the read work;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity, ingenuity, curiosity, outlook, logical thinking, memory;
- instill an interest in reading.

Game progress:

1. Crossword "Moroz Ivanovich"

All answers in the crossword puzzle must be written in such a way that the words name one object and answer the question “what?”
Working with a crossword in a presentation:
When you click on the arrow, a question appears. When you click on the same arrow again, the answer appears and the question disappears. You can open the questions for the crossword puzzle in any order.
- The needlewoman prepared a delicious dinner. But what was especially delicious was the one made by the old man himself. (ice cream)
- He sat in the oven and said that he was completely ready, browned. (pie)
- What actually turned out to be the silver ingot that the old man awarded Sloth? (mercury)
- Where did the Needlewoman get her water from? (well)

What did Moroz Ivanovich cover up with his snowy featherbed? (greens)
- When Moroz Ivanovich shook his head, what fell from his hair? (frost)
- What did the Needlewoman pour water into when she brought it home from the well? (jug)
- What did the Needlewoman pick up to take the pie out of the oven? (scapula)
- What is another name the old man called the well? (student)
- The cockerel shouted: “Kukureku-kukurekuku, Sloth has an icy one in her hands ...” (icicle)
What object did the girl drop into the water? (bucket)
What were the apples falling into when the girl went up to the tree and shook it? (apron)
- While preparing food for Frost Ivanovich, Sloth put greens, meat, fish, vinegar into the pan, poured kvass. What else did she put in the pot? (mustard)

2. Find an extra picture.

Remember who and what the Needlewoman met when she went down into the well for a bucket? Remove the excess.
(By clicking on the extra illustration on the slide, we see that it disappears.)
Illustrations: a stove with a ruddy pie, an apple tree with golden apples, a milky river with jelly banks, Moroz Ivanovich.
Extra: milky river with jelly banks.

3. Correspondence.

You need to connect the words of the first and second columns correctly and find out what words the apples said.
We are liquid apples, ripe; they ate the root of the tree, washed themselves with icy dew; whoever shakes us off the tree will take us for himself.

4. Get to know the hero.

Working with a presentation slide:
When you click on the "question" button, a question appears, by clicking on the "answer" button, an illustration and text of the answer appear. To make the question and answer disappear, click on the text of the question.
- He sat the Needlewoman next to him, and they had breakfast together with a pie, and ate golden apples. (Moroz Ivanovich)
- She was churning the snow on Moroz Ivanovich's bed, and at the same time her hands ossified and her fingers turned white. (Needlewoman)
- This girl, getting out of bed, sat down at the window of flies to count: how many flew in and how many flew away. (Sloth)
- “I made trouble myself, and correct it myself; she drowned the bucket herself, and get it out herself, ”she answered the Needlewoman when the girl told about her misfortune and misfortune. (nanny)
- He was the first to see the Needlewoman when the girl returned home with a whole handful of silver nickels and a diamond. (rooster)

5. What next?

Restore the order of what housework the Needlewoman did.

She kneaded bread, made a hut, stoked the stove, went to the well for water, fed the rooster.

Answer: she stoked the stove, kneaded the bread, chalked the hut, fed the rooster, went to the well for water.
- What work did the Needlewoman do after she made the bed and fluffed up the featherbed for Moroz Ivanovich? Restore the sequence.

The linen was darned; cleaned up everything in the house; mended the old man's dress; I went to the kitchen and prepared the meal.

Answer: cleaned up everything in the house; went to the kitchen, cooked food; mended the old man's dress; darned the linen.

Presentation on the topic: Literary game based on Odoevsky's fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

Municipal educational institution. Medium comprehensive school No. 48 Tver

Lesson on the topic "Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"".

Developed by: Solovieva O. I. Tver.

Theme: "Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"".

Lesson goals.

  1. Continue working with the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich".
  2. Teach children to divide a fairy tale into parts; characterize the characters develop the ability to transfer visual information into verbal; develop speech, memory, imagination.


Interactive board;
- a computer.

During the classes

Organizing time

About something the floorboard creaks,
And the needle does not sleep again.
Sitting on the bed, pillows
Ears pricked up already.
And suddenly the faces change
Sounds and colors change.
The floorboard creaks softly
A fairy tale walks around the room ...

2. Setting the goal of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will continue to work with the fairy tale of Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich". We will try to draw up a quotation plan that will help retell the whole tale. Let's describe the characters.

Slide 2. Lesson topic: " Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"


3. Verification homework Slide 3.

Test. slide 4.
- Speech workout. Slides 5, 6.
- A question about a fairy tale. Ask the questions you have prepared for your classmates.

4. Physical education

Slide 7.

Let's take a break and do exercises for the eyes. Keep your head straight, look up, left, right, down. Draw a circle, a triangle, a square with your eyes. Close your eyes. And now we open our eyes and continue to work.

5. Drawing up a quotation plan for a fairy tale. slide 8, 9.

Today in the lesson we will try to make a quotation plan that will help us retell the whole fairy tale.

The plan is the title of the parts of the text.

A quotation is a verbatim excerpt (sentence) from a text.

So, we will determine the sequence of events in the fairy tale, taking the necessary lines from the text of the fairy tale.

Page 196. Look where the fairy tale begins. What did the author want to say at the beginning of the story?

Find the corresponding lines in the text.

Retelling the story according to plan.

  • “Two girls lived in the same house - the Needlewoman and Lenivitsa, and with them a nanny.”
  • “If you are smart, you are better off; If you're lazy, it's worse for you."
  • "I will not be in your debt."
  • "Go to the old man and serve him, work."
  • "What is your work, such will be your reward."

Needlewoman and Sloth (comparison of the two main characters of the tale).

There are two main characters in this story. Who is it?

Recall the general description of girls. Tell about the Needlewoman and Sloth. Picture and description.

Let's compare their attitude to work, the requests of others, their curiosity, intelligence, modesty.

Let's fill in the table. slide 10.

What does this tale teach? What is her wisdom?

How is Moroz Ivanovich shown in the fairy tale? Explain. Slide 11.

(If incorrect, the word is output, if correct, the size is changed.)

Summary of the lesson. Slide 12 - 17.

Work on proverbs.

Collect proverb:

  • Whatever you sow... ...that's the reward.
  • What a job... ...that's what you reap.
  • It is not enough to want ... ... do not expect good.
  • Having done badly ... ... one must be able to.

At all times they were valued in people ...

  • What did you like and remember most from the lesson?
  • Putting marks.

Story Moroz Ivanovich

Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky

Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky

1803 – 1869

Odoevsky Vladimir Fedorovich - Russian writer, philosopher and music critic

  • Interest in literature manifested itself in Vladimir in early childhood. He firmly knew that his vocation was to write. In 1882 he successfully graduated from the Moscow University Noble Boarding School. It is customary for historians to divide the work of Vladimir Odoevsky into three periods - Moscow, St. Petersburg and again Moscow. The second period of Odoevsky's work began in 1826.
  • In St. Petersburg, Vladimir found himself a wife, Olga Stepanovna Lanskaya, and entered the service of the imperial office. He wrote romantic novels, various articles for magazines known at that time. In 1833 he published a collection of satirical tales. After that, for more than ten years, he regularly published fairy tales for adults and children. The period of 30-40s is considered to be the brightest period in Odoevsky's literary activity.

Fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

1841 collection of tales

V. F. Odoevsky

" Tales of grandfather Iriney " .


To us for free, without difficulty

nothing is given,

No wonder the proverb has been carried on from time immemorial”

Characteristics of heroes

  • Where does the hero live?
  • What actions does he do?
  • What is the character of the hero?
  • Your attitude towards the hero.

The main idea of ​​the work

  • "Evil and laziness must be punished, and diligence, modesty, kindness are rewarded"

Today in class

  • I was surprised...
  • Made an impression...
  • I like it…
  • It amazes me...
  • I admire...
  • I liked…
  • I remembered...
  • I think that…

Municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 48 in Tver


on this topic "Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky

"Moroz Ivanovich"».

Developed by:

Solovieva O. I.


Theme: "Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"".

Lesson goals.

Continue working with the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich".

Teach children to divide a fairy tale into parts; characterize the characters develop the ability to transfer visual information into verbal; develop speech, memory, imagination.


Interactive board;

A computer.

During the classes

    Organizing time

About something the floorboard creaks,

And the needle does not sleep again.

Sitting on the bed, pillows

Ears pricked up already.

And suddenly the faces change

Sounds and colors change.

The floorboard creaks softly

A fairy tale walks around the room ...

2. Setting the goal of the lesson

Today in the lesson we will continue to work with the fairy tale of Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich". We will try to draw up a quotation plan that will help retell the whole tale. Let's describe the characters.

Slide 2. Lesson topic: « Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich"


3. Checking homework Slide 3.

Let's remember the content of the story. So what was your homework?

Test. slide 4.

Speech workout. Slides 5, 6.

Fairy tale question. Ask the questions you have prepared for your classmates.

4. Physical education

Slide 7.

Let's take a break and do exercises for the eyes. Keep your head straight, look up, left, right, down. Draw a circle, a triangle, a square with your eyes. Close your eyes. And now we open our eyes and continue to work.

5. Drawing up a quotation plan for a fairy tale. slide 8, 9.

Today in the lesson we will try to make a quotation plan that will help us retell the whole fairy tale.

    The plan is the title of the parts of the text.

    A quotation is a verbatim excerpt (sentence) from a text.

So, we will determine the sequence of events in the fairy tale, taking the necessary lines from the text of the fairy tale.

Page 196. Look where the fairy tale begins. What did the author want to say at the beginning of the story?

Find the corresponding lines in the text.

Retelling the story according to plan.

    “Two girls lived in the same house - the Needlewoman and Lenivitsa, and with them a nanny.”

    “If you are smart, you are better off; If you're lazy, it's worse for you."

    "I will not be in your debt."

    "Go to the old man and serve him, work."

    "What is your work, such will be your reward."

    Needlewoman and Sloth (comparison of the two main characters of the tale).

There are two main characters in this story. Who is it?

Recall the general description of girls. Tell about the Needlewoman and Sloth. Picture and description.

Let's compare their attitude to work, the requests of others, their curiosity, intelligence, modesty.

Let's fill in the table. slide 10.

Needleworker (what?)

Sloth (what?)





What does this tale teach? What is her wisdom?

How is Moroz Ivanovich shown in the fairy tale? Explain.Slide 11.

(If incorrect, the word is output, if correct, the size is changed.)

    Summary of the lesson. Slide 12 - 17.

Work on proverbs.

Collect proverb:

Whatever you sow... ...that's the reward.

What a job... ...that's what you reap.

It is not enough to want ... ... do not expect good.

Having done badly ... ... one must be able to.

At all times they were valued in people ...

What did you like and remember most from the lesson?

Putting marks.

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Slides captions:

1803 - 1869 V.F. Odoevsky

A fairy tale is an oral story about something unusual, fantastic, wonderful. A literary fairy tale is a fairy tale written by a writer or several writers.

literary folk tale 1. The author is the people. 1. The author is a specific person. 2. Exists in oral form 2. Created in writing 3. Each fairy tale exists in several versions. (The creator can make changes) 3. Changes are not allowed 4. It is impossible to determine the time of creation. 4. The time of creation of the fairy tale is known. 5. folk tale limited to a certain genre: Magic Household - Animals 5. Not limited to a certain genre; includes features of both household fairy tales, and fairy tales, and fairy tales about animals, and even fantasy.

Epigraph “Nothing is given to us for nothing, without labor, - It is not for nothing that the proverb has been kept from time immemorial”

Characteristics of heroes Where does the hero live? What actions does he do? What is the character of the hero? Your attitude towards the hero.

The main idea of ​​the work "Evil and laziness must be punished, and diligence, modesty, kindness are awarded"

Today at the lesson I was surprised I was impressed I liked It admires me I admire I liked it I remember it I think that

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Scenario of the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" for staging in elementary school

Scenario based on Odoevsky's fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" for New Year's or other productions in grades 1-4 elementary school. Can be used both in the classroom and in extracurricular, extracurricular work, for school ...


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