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“The task of translation - writes A.V. Fedorov, - remains a stylistic task for any kind of translated material: it consists in such a selection of vocabulary and grammatical possibilities, which is determined, on the one hand, by the general purposefulness of the original and its genre affiliation, and, on the other hand, by compliance with the norms that exist for the corresponding varieties of texts in the target language” (Fedorov 1983:28).

The genres of official business documents include diplomatic documents, commercial correspondence, materials of public congresses and conferences, texts of contracts. There are special requirements for the translation of official business documents:

Translation accuracy. It is provided by an adequate transmission of the precise vocabulary contained in such texts. This concerns the transfer of proper names (surnames, first names, geographical and administrative realities, etc.): The Hague - The Hague; The English Channel - English Channel.

The accuracy of official business translation is also related to the correct transmission of digital data and the use of appropriate terminology, cf. English-language terms and abbreviations that have become international, denoting the basic terms of delivery that are used when concluding contracts: Ex-Factory, Ex-Mill, Ex-Work - from the supplier factory (ex-works - the buyer bears all costs associated with transporting goods from the factory -supplier), FCP - freight or other delivery paid to the destination ("to the name of the port / point").

The presence of numerous abbreviations creates difficulties for translation. In particular, the translator official business text must know such abbreviations as for example: z - zero, y, yr - year, yd - yard, d - date, xd - without dividends, xr - without rights, xw - without warrants, vou - voucher, TM - trade mark, TDY - temporary duty, qq - questions. R.P. - reply paid, pt - payment, pw - per week, p.a. - per annum, POD - port of destination, FOC - free of charge, FOB - free on board, FIO - free in and out.

Idiomatic translation. Official business speech is full of idioms, and the translator should strive to ensure that the idiomatic expressions used in the translation meet the criterion of semantic-stylistic adequacy and frequency of use (correspondence to the modern standard of speech, usus), cf .: top level talks - negotiations at the very high level, people of good will - people of good will, high contracting parties - high contracting parties, on behalf and instruction - on behalf of and on behalf of.

The translation of official documentation requires an exhaustive transmission of the information conveyed by one or another official document, and unconditional compliance with the speech norm adopted in the target language for official texts. The recipient of the translation must receive the translation in the usual language form. Therefore, it is important for a translator of official documentation to have an idea of ​​what are the features of its linguistic design in the target language. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the design of official business documents in European languages ​​there are certain linguistic universals, such as: neutral tone of presentation, high standardization of the language, saturation with language stamps (in response to your letter - in reply to your letter, come to an agreement - to reach an agreement,), clericalisms (attached to the letter ... - enclosed herewith, in relation to your letter - with reference to your letter, annexed instrument - attached document), archaisms (hereinafter, hereunto) and some. others

In the field of syntax formal business style prefers complex sentences that reflect the sequence of facts, their reasons, motives and circumstantial characteristics, cf .: In case the packing fails to secure safety of the goods while in transit and the fact is certified by a Commercial Inspection Report drawn up on Russia frontier, the Seller will make up for all the losses occurred for the Buyer because of undue packing. - In the event that the packaging does not ensure the safety of the goods, for which a commercial act will be drawn up at the border of Russia, the Seller will reimburse all losses to the Buyer caused by improper packaging.

It is the cliché official business speech can cause considerable difficulties for a novice translator, since best option translation, as a rule, is associated with the replacement (substitution) of the Russian stamp with the corresponding English stamp (and vice versa), as in the following examples: We will deal with your order immediately. - We shall attend to your order immediately. We are waiting for your invoice for work. - We await receipt of your invoice for the work done. This is especially evident in the design of beginnings and endings in translation. business correspondence, for example: In reference to our telephone conversation…- In accordance with our telephone conversation…, We look forward with interest to our continued cooperative efforts. - We sincerely look forward to continuing our joint efforts.

Translation of official business documentation requires a good knowledge of economic vocabulary from the field of transportation, warehousing, commercialization of goods, invoicing and payments (invoice - invoice, bill of lading - delivery note, terms of delivery - terms of delivery, freight - freight) as well as legal vocabulary (especially tax law terminology).

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the translation of official business documentation, due to the socio-cultural properties of the English language. In this case, we are talking about the functional difference between a foreign language and a native language and about the possession of those means of communication that are inseparable from the culture that gave birth to a particular language.

In particular, when working with a translation into English, it is necessary to remember those politeness strategies that are accepted in English speech. For example, English business speech is characterized by the desire to avoid excessive categorical statements. When a native Russian speaker says "I think you're wrong", an Englishman remarks "I don't think you're right". Let's compare the design of the same conceptual content in Russian and English: We think that the goods were stored in adverse conditions - We don't think the goods were appropriately kept.

A characteristic feature of business English is reduced categoricalness. This is especially true for documents containing a request, demand or complaint. For example, a typical request form is interrogative: Could you send us a detailed technical description? - Send us also a detailed technical description. Subjunctive forms are widely used in complaints: We should be very much obliged if you would rectify this error and send us replacements at your earliest convenience. - We will be grateful if you correct this error and replace the defective product as soon as possible.

To achieve success in their work, the translator of official documentation must use up-to-date terminology. It should be noted that important role in mastering such terminology, not existing dictionaries will play, but the acquisition of experience based on the study of authentic documents in the native and foreign languages.

When working with official business documentation, a translator often has to not only translate existing official papers, but also compose them himself, performing the duties of an assistant secretary. Writing a business letter in English requires knowledge of a set of rules and standards for business letters.

To illustrate, here are two versions of the translation of the final wording of the letter, which is widespread in English:

Assuring you that we shall appreciate a word in reply from you (lit.: I assure you that we highly appreciate the word of reply from you) - We are waiting for an answer. Sincerely…

In the first case, the translator preferred a literal translation, in the second case he adapted the ending of the letter according to the usage of the target language. The first version of the translation looks somewhat archaic, the second one is focused on modern standards of business correspondence.

The second version of the translation is more in line with the social attitude to the standardization of speech when it displays typical situations of business communication.

For speech clichés of business letters compiled in English, some nuances are typical, which may seem insignificant to a native Russian speaker.

In fact, ignoring them can lead to serious socio-cultural errors in translation. This, above all, concerns the observance of the norms of political correctness.

For example: A typical top manager spends about four hours of his time every day in various meetings. - False: A typical top-manager spends four hours of his day in meetings.

Must: Most top-managers spend four hours a day in meetings.

A typical shortcoming is also the use of "camouflaged" verbs in translation into English, i.e. nouns expressing action, to which the official Russian language gravitates: Checking the shipment of creatures is carried out weekly. - False: Verification of the shipments is done weekly. Needed: Shipments are verified weekly.

Compliance with the language of translation is one of the most important requirements for a translator of official documentation. Ignoring the usual speech norms will inevitably lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of business interaction.

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In its commercial activities, almost any company is faced with the need for competent translation of business documentation, for example, when negotiating with foreign partners, concluding foreign economic transactions or participating in international exhibitions, competitions, conferences.

The following describes the features of the translation of business texts, and what our company can offer to those customers who need to receive a high-quality professional translation of an important business document.

Specificity of business translation

Professional business translation has a number of features. First of all, it is complicated by strict observance of the form, the rules for processing such documents, taking into account special language expressions, special vocabulary, and style of presentation. Therefore, the success of negotiations, mutual understanding and relations between business partners, and, of course, the success of the transaction often depend on the translator, among other things.

Competent, high-quality texts, of course, are integral part positive image, authority of the company and the key to successful communication in the business environment.

What documents are business

Most often, business documents that require translation include presentations, business plans, business correspondence, advertising and marketing materials, financial and economic reports, etc.

In general, these are any documents that are involved, in particular in cases of:

  • negotiating with foreign contractors,
  • making deals,
  • expansion of business activities abroad,
  • hiring foreign employees, or vice versa, sending their staff for training and internships in other countries,
  • participation in competitions and tenders,
  • obtaining loans and credits from international banks.

Features of the translation of business documents

For business translation, it is important that the linguist not only has a professional command of a foreign language, but also is well aware of the business vocabulary, ethics, mentality of the country of the target language, can adapt a complex text, maintaining its strict form and not losing the meaning of each speech turnover.

The final text should be as close as possible to the original, clear, accurate. At the same time, it should be neutral, often formal. In some cases, any emotional coloring of business documents is not allowed. Even a slight distortion of the meaning of the original document can be fraught with undesirable consequences: termination of the contract, termination of negotiations, misunderstanding of partners, which is completely unacceptable in business, and, moreover, undermines the image of your company and can bring financial losses.

Most often everything business communications are held in English, in the modern world it is rightfully considered an international language. Also German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean are widely used in the business environment. Bureau "Alliance-Alpha" provides professional translation of business documentation into any of the listed languages, as well as into many other languages. In the field of business translation, many languages ​​of the world are in demand.

In terms of complexity, business translation is comparable to technical or legal translation due to the abundance of special terms and a special style of presentation. The staff of the Alliance-Alpha Bureau includes native speakers of foreign languages ​​who are engaged in both direct translation and proofreading of the finished text, so that the result of the work is of the highest quality and professional. Media services are indispensable in some cases - for example, when translating a company's website, translating promotional materials, etc. In addition, our company offers a service of translation layout to match the original one-on-one, as well as graphic work.

Benefits of cooperation with Alliance-Alpha Translation Agency:

  • we provide prompt and high-quality translation of business documentation of any complexity, regardless of the area of ​​commercial activity of the customer;
  • many years of experience, including with business documentation, enables us to translate business texts accurately, concisely and without losing the meaning of the original;
  • we have in our staff specialists, native speakers of the target languages;
  • we provide an individual approach to each client, taking into account his requirements and wishes, and also offer special conditions cooperation with regular customers;
  • adhere to democratic pricing policy, we keep affordable prices and have a system of discounts under special conditions;
  • we provide complete confidentiality when exchanging and working with information and documents of the client.

Please contact our office! Our experts will be happy to advise you on the necessary issues and help you choose the best set of services to get the desired result, without overpayments and surprises. Entrust your worries about getting a quality translation to us!

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    business- do business action develops change, business subject to do business action, indirect object to do business action, continue to do business action to do business action, indirect object to make business existence ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    business- Economic activity that gives profit; any type of income-generating activity that is a source of enrichment. [GOST R 53114 2008] business (ITIL Service Strategy) A corporate entity or an organization consisting of some ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    BUSINESS business, business, entrepreneurship economic activity aimed at achieving certain results (profit). deals, trading operations. business life, business circles, economic activity in general, unlike ... ... Financial vocabulary

    BUSINESS- [English] business] commercial activity giving profit; entrepreneurship, business. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. business (eng. business) economic activity that makes a profit; trans. any type of activity that brings ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    business- BUSINESS, a, m. Doubtful business, fraud. business in Russian (or business in ours) is obviously unprofitable, unprofitable business. See also Sharashkin's office... eng. business business… Dictionary of Russian Argo

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    BUSINESS- in Russian: they stole a box of vodka, sold it, and drank the money away. Jarg. they say Shuttle. iron. 1. About an unsuccessful, unprofitable business. 2. About absurdity. BSRZh, 61. Crap business. Jarg. they say Unapproved Unsuccessful purchase. Maximov, 34 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

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The profession of a business translator is extremely in demand now, we are ready to offer specialists of this profile high salary(from a thousand dollars), career prospects, interesting foreign trips. Countries develop, expand international relations, any firm, from small production to a large corporation seeks to increase the territory of its influence, presence.

And all contacts, agreements, internal and external processes related to globalization and foreign economic activity are closely related to oral and written translations. All this made the field of business translations relevant. And any modern company resorts to the services of a specialist in this profile.

The key requirements for employees are quite strict. In addition to perfect command of the required foreign language, the candidate must be competent in the area of ​​the business market, where his customer or employer is involved.

So, in pharmaceuticals, knowledge of specialized terms is required, the same situation is in construction, medicine, linguistics, engineering and other specific narrow areas. In addition, in order to be present at business negotiations, it is necessary to have business and cultural etiquette, an understanding of the traditions and characteristics of the country where partners, shareholders, and honored clients live. It will require tact, courtesy, tolerance, strict adherence to the protocol.

  • What specialties to study

    Fundamental education should be obtained at a university in a specific field, for example, at the Belarusian State Linguistic University or at the departments of foreign languages ​​of Belarusian State University, Belarusian State Economic University, etc.

    Many businessmen require applicants for a diploma in economics, management, medicine and other specializations in which the organization is involved. You can also get high-quality knowledge when studying to be a business translator in the format of a second higher education, including remotely, for example, in the specialties "Theory and Methods of Teaching English and the Cultures of English-speaking Countries".

  • Job responsibilities


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