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September 01-10, 2017 in Moscow International Exhibition calligraphy 2017. This is the sixth exposition that allows you to get acquainted with modern calligraphic works from all over the world - the works of 150 calligraphers from 65 countries came to Moscow. The slogan of this year's exhibition is "For life".

Calligraphy is a word that entered the Russian language from Greek (καλλιγραφία). It consists of the adjective "calli-" - beautiful, good, and the noun "graphics" - writing, handwriting, that is, it literally means "beautiful writing." Calligraphy is directly related to the alphabet, its forms vary in Latin, Greek, Slavic, Arabic and other writing traditions. Although with the advent of typewriters and computers, calligraphers and scribes left everyday life and official documents, but modern calligraphy is an important element of congratulations, design, logos, etc.

The International Exhibition of Calligraphy was founded in 2008. For the first time it was organized in St. Petersburg, after that it was successfully held in Veliky Novgorod, and only then began to be held in Moscow. During this time, visitors were able to get acquainted with modern calligraphic art, which absorbed both traditional and modern elements. Every time new accents appear here - for example, in Novgorod, where many birch bark letters were found, valuable scrolls were shown as part of the exhibition.

The guest of 2017 is British calligrapher Tomothy Noad, who fulfills orders from the English royal court. He told the readers of the cultural and political magazine "E-Vesti" about his rare occupation.

EV: Where did you learn calligraphy?

Timothy Nod : When I was a child, I was interested in heraldry. It all started with an interest in coats of arms, and in connection with them I became interested in calligraphy. I studied calligraphy for 2 years.

EV: Tell me, please, are you still passionate about calligraphy, or has it become just a profession for you now?

Timothy Nod A: I'm still in love with her. In addition to paid work, I find the opportunity to create my own things, for myself, and this brings me satisfaction.

EV: What plots, ideas do you implement for yourself?

Timothy Nod A: That's what comes out of me. Poetry, music. The exhibition features several works inspired by musical images. The sound that prompted me to create calligraphic images. Music is a lot like calligraphy. For example, how it is extracted when singing.

EV: Is calligraphy still taught in schools in England?

Timothy Nod : No, there is very little of it in schools. Children who are attracted to calligraphy do it on their own.

EV: Are there many schools of calligraphy in England?

Timothy Nod : No, quite a bit, and for the most part they are intended for the older generation, students. There are several courses for students, but they are not enough.

EV: How would you describe your style of calligraphy?

Timothy Nod : I believe that this is the traditional style most accepted in the official documentation. It developed in England in the Middle Ages. But I don't copy old patterns, my style is more modern.

EV: How did it happen that you received an order from the queen?

Timothy Nod : I worked on heraldry, traditional ceremonial for other people. One of them, probably a member of the secret council, recommended me to the queen. She, in turn, gave them a grant and an order for me, I did the job. Initially, I did not communicate directly with the queen.

EV: Do you already have orders from Russia, from our government?

Timothy Nod : Not.

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The exhibition will be held from 1 to 10 September 2017. in Moscow on the territory of the Sokolniki park. It promises to become one of the largest and most versatile calligraphy events in Europe.

Present their vision of life 150 calligraphers from over 60 countries, which will set a new record for scale and reach. To date, more than 350 calligraphic works have already been sent to participate in the exhibition.

Each of the Masters participating in the exhibition works in his own unique, inimitable manner of painting. For the first time, the exhibition will present such topical modern trends as lettering and calligraffiti performed by both beginners and experienced craftsmen from Russia and other countries. Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Tatar calligraphy, the secrets of working with historical fonts, uncial and Gothic writing. This is not a complete list of topics that will be available at the Exhibition.

The VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be attended by both permanent and familiar authors of projects, as well as new ones, not yet known to the Russian audience. Among them official calligrapher of Her Majesty Queen ElizabethII and unsurpassed master of heraldry and illumination - Timothy Node.

Another eminent guest from the UK will be Donald Jackson, a world-famous master of calligraphy and illumination, historian and popularizer of the art of beautiful writing, who will talk about his project "St. John's Bible" - a handwritten bible that took 11 years to create. Within the framework of the exhibition, as in previous years, there will be many master classes. One of the most interesting will be Marina Khankova. The master will present his "Russian alphabet in drawings", talk about the work and conduct a calligraphy lesson for children.

Considerable attention at the exhibition will be paid to the problem of teaching writing in schools, its history and current state. Now children start typing on the computer much earlier than writing. People's handwriting has deteriorated markedly over the past 20 years. The situation can be corrected only by the introduction of calligraphy or calligraphy lessons in schools. Thus, an expert doctor of the highest category, a monogram calligrapher, writer and public figure from Yaroslavl will present his program for the introduction of calligraphy in schools. Yuri Ivanovich Arutsev.

It has long been proven that calligraphy has not only an aesthetic function, but also has a fruitful effect on the development of certain parts of the brain. The art of beautiful writing helps in the development of fine motor skills, optical control, attention, accuracy, perseverance. It helps to concentrate, improve short-term and figurative memory. Calligraphy disciplines and, at the same time, develops creativity. In the process of writing, unique neural connections are activated.

It is about this huge and undeniable influence of calligraphy on the development of the human brain that Sergei Vyacheslavovich Saveliev. As part of the lecture "Calligraphy and the Brain" a popular scientist, a specialist in brain morphology and evolution with 30 years of experience, will explain how the acquisition by mankind of objective ways of transferring knowledge and skills has become a tool of evolution. Sergey Vyacheslavovich will describe in detail the importance of written speech and its graphic design for the brain. He will talk about the need to develop calligraphy and calligraphic skills in children as one of the key pedagogical techniques for differentiating specialized centers of the brain.

Perhaps everyone will agree that the basis of any culture is a letter that can convey the essence of the life experience of generations. The holding of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy allows you to see the unique works of outstanding calligraphers of our time and, thanks to their work, to understand the national and cultural characteristics of peoples. The mission of the exhibition is to unite representatives of different generations, views, cultures and beliefs in the name of beauty and humanism.

About the exhibition:

The International Exhibition of Calligraphy is the flagship project of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy, aimed at attracting both professionals and the public to the art of beautiful writing. The exhibition is the largest exhibition project in Russia dedicated to the art of calligraphy.

The project was launched on September 16, 2008 in St. Petersburg, where the 1st International Exhibition of Calligraphy was held with great success in the building of the Russian Academy of Arts. Over the years, more than 200 craftsmen from more than 60 countries have taken part in the exhibition. 2900 works were presented to visitors. There are three learning formats at the Enline online school: individual lessons via Skype, an online conversation club, as well as self-study of grammar. of English language. School website

". It promises to become one of the largest and most versatile calligraphy events in Europe.

150 calligraphers from more than 60 countries of the world will present their vision of life, which will become a new record in terms of scale and scope. To date, more than 350 calligraphic works have already been sent to participate in the exhibition.

Each of the Masters participating in the exhibition works in his own unique, inimitable manner of painting. For the first time, the exhibition will present such topical modern trends as lettering and calligraffiti performed by both beginners and experienced craftsmen from Russia and other countries. Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Tatar calligraphy, the secrets of working with historical fonts, uncial and Gothic writing. This is not a complete list of topics that will be available at the Exhibition.

The VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be attended by both permanent and familiar authors of projects, as well as new ones, not yet known to the Russian audience. Among them are the official calligrapher of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the unsurpassed master of heraldry and illumination - Timothy Noad.

Another eminent guest from the UK will be Donald Jackson, the world-famous master of calligraphy and illumination, historian and popularizer of the art of beautiful writing, who will talk about his project " St. John's Bible"- a handwritten bible, which was created over 11 years. Within the framework of the exhibition, as in previous years, there will be many master classes. One of the most interesting will be the occupation of Marina Khankova. The master will present his Russian alphabet in drawings”, will talk about the work and hold a calligraphy lesson for children.

Considerable attention at the exhibition will be paid to the problem of teaching writing in schools, its history and current state. Now children start typing on the computer much earlier than writing. People's handwriting has deteriorated markedly over the past 20 years. The situation can be corrected only by the introduction of calligraphy or calligraphy lessons in schools. Thus, Yuri Arutsev, an expert doctor of the highest category, monogram calligrapher, writer and public figure from Yaroslavl, will present his program for the introduction of calligraphy in schools.

It has long been proven that calligraphy has not only an aesthetic function, but also has a fruitful effect on the development of certain parts of the brain. The art of beautiful writing helps in the development of fine motor skills, optical control, attention, accuracy, perseverance. It helps to concentrate, improve short-term and figurative memory. Calligraphy disciplines and, at the same time, develops creativity. In the process of writing, unique neural connections are activated.

It is this huge and undeniable influence of calligraphy on the development of the human brain that Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev will tell. As part of the lecture Calligraphy and the brain» A popular scientist, a specialist in brain morphology and evolution with 30 years of experience, will explain how the acquisition by mankind of objective ways of transferring knowledge and skills has become a tool of evolution. Sergey Vyacheslavovich will describe in detail the importance of written speech and its graphic design for the brain. He will talk about the need to develop calligraphy and calligraphic skills in children as one of the key pedagogical techniques for differentiating specialized centers of the brain.

Perhaps everyone will agree that the basis of any culture is a letter that can convey the essence of the life experience of generations. The holding of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy allows you to see the unique works of outstanding calligraphers of our time and, thanks to their work, to understand the national and cultural characteristics of peoples. The mission of the exhibition is to unite representatives of different generations, views, cultures and beliefs in the name of beauty and humanism.

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VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy

VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy- Moscow

Theme of the exhibition: the statement "For life". The exhibition will be held from 1 to 10 September 2017 in Moscow on the territory of Sokolniki Park.
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An exhibition of calligraphy will be held in Sokolniki Park. For this, a huge pavilion (1500 sq.
09.08.2017 Sokolniki district of Eastern Administrative District of Moscow Elm will be taught to visitors of the master class, which will be held as part of the VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy, in Sokolniki.
03.08.2017 Sokolniki district of Eastern Administrative District of Moscow The international exhibition of calligraphy will start its work on September 1 in Sokolniki.
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The beginning of the autumn cultural season in Moscow was marked by the opening VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy. The event was a great success in Sokolniki Park from 1 to 10 September, in a pavilion specially built for this large-scale international project. The exhibition featured more than 350 works from 150 calligraphers from over 60 countries.

“The exhibition has become a new record in terms of scale and coverage. This year the selection of participants took place on competitive basis, more than 400 works were sent to us. It became a difficult choice, but unfortunately, even in our large pavilion, we could not accommodate everyone.” commented Alexey Shaburov, project manager of the International Exhibition of Calligraphy.

The exhibition was organized by Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy and Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center with the support of Sokolniki Park. During the entire existence of the project, 443 masters from 65 countries of the world presented their works. This year, visitors were able to get acquainted with a large number of new authors: more than half of the masters took part in the exhibition for the first time. For some of them, the 6th International Exhibition of Calligraphy became a debut in their professional creative career.

The exposition presented both traditional and unusual styles of calligraphy. This year, the sections of European, Slavic, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indian calligraphy were joined by Mongolian: for the first time, members of the International Association of Mongolian Calligraphy took part in the exhibition, whose works aroused great interest from amateurs and professionals. Another feature of the exposition was the variety of techniques presented: in addition to the usual paper, canvas and parchment, unusual, but already traditional birch bark, one could see sculptural compositions, carving and wood burning, and even calligraphic tapestries.

Among the exhibits were many handwritten books: from one of the main gems of the museum's collection, the handwritten Constitution Russian Federation, and author's artbooks - to the hand-made pages of the "Russian alphabet in the drawings of Marina Khankova" and the stunning richly decorated spreads of the handwritten Bible of St. John by Donald Jackson.

Saint John's Bible- one of the unique exhibits of the exhibition, which could be seen only for 10 days in September. This fully handwritten bible was created over the course of 11 years using medieval tools and techniques: it is written on parchment made from animal skins with handmade quills, inks and pigments. The original of 7 volumes is today kept at the Abbey and University of St. John in the USA. The specially made copies presented at the exhibition are the premiere of the project on the European continent. The organizers are proud that they were able to introduce it to all visitors of the exhibition.

A great impression on the guests of the grand opening was made by performance famous Korean master kim jung chil, who, with a huge brush, right on a large piece of matter spread on the floor, wrote out the hieroglyph "Light". He demonstrated to the audience the power and emotions that the artist puts into each character.

Many distinguished guests attended the opening of the exhibition. Among them are Vladimir Filippov, Deputy Head of the Department of Culture of the City of Moscow; Lyubov Dukhanina, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science; Albir Krganov, mufti of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia, and many others. In their speeches, the guests of honor unanimously noted the importance of the work of the founder of the project, Alexei Shaburov, to preserve the art of calligraphy for future generations.

International embassies and cultural delegations also paid attention to this intercultural festival. The opening was attended by representatives of several foreign missions: Japan, China, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Georgia, Poland, representatives of the Mongolian Association of Calligraphers and cultural figures from other countries. All of them stressed the importance of events such as the International Exhibition of Calligraphy, as they help maintain cultural dialogue and preserve peace and friendship on the planet.

There was no lack of visitors to the exhibition either. During 10 days of work, several thousand people were able to join the art of beautiful writing, and the master class area could hardly accommodate everyone who wanted to try their hand at calligraphy in practice.

It is also interesting that the program of the exhibition was not only aesthetic and cultural, but also educational. Every day, modern masters of calligraphy held master classes and lectures in a special area dedicated to various types this art.

The highlight was the participation in the exhibition project of the official calligrapher and illuminator of the Central Office of the High Court of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the unsurpassed master of heraldry and illumination - Timothy Nouda. He is known for his finely crafted Royal Letters, as well as for designing commemorative coins.

At the opening, Timothy Noad talked about his calligraphic career. For 30 years he has been serving in Her Majesty's Heraldic Chamber. Work on each project is hard, painstaking, and usually takes from 6 weeks to two months. As a sign of respect, Timothy presented the museum with the work "Salamander", skillfully made in the technique of illumination.

Also on the opening day, the famous Chinese master Lo Lei told and demonstrated the history of the development of Chinese writing. The participants of the master class were able to learn from the master the secrets of writing hieroglyphs.

Another calligraphy lesson, now with children, Marina Khankova. "A letter in the "Bilibino" style": that was the name of the master class. Within a few hours, the children were able to get acquainted with the technique of the outstanding Soviet artist and try their hand at writing letters. The guys were just delighted.

In general, a lot of attention was paid to the topic of developing and teaching writing at the exhibition. After all, it has long been known that calligraphy has not only an aesthetic function, but also has a fruitful effect on the activity of many parts of the brain. The art of beautiful writing helps in the development of fine motor skills, optical control, attention, accuracy, perseverance. It helps to concentrate, improve short-term and figurative memory. Calligraphy disciplines and, at the same time, develops creativity.

From September 1 to September 10, the 6th International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be held at the Festival Square in Sokolniki Park. This is a unique project that brings together under one roof the works of contemporary calligraphy masters from all over the world. The theme of the exhibition this year will be the slogan "For Life".

150 calligraphers from more than 60 countries of the world will present their vision of life, which will become a new record in terms of scale and scope. To date, more than 350 calligraphic works have already been sent to participate in the exhibition.

Each of the Masters participating in the exhibition works in his own unique, inimitable manner of painting. For the first time, the exhibition will present such topical modern trends as lettering and calligraffiti performed by both beginners and experienced craftsmen from Russia and other countries.

Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Tatar calligraphy, the secrets of working with historical fonts, uncial and Gothic writing. This is not a complete list of topics that can be found at the exhibition.

The VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be attended by both permanent and familiar authors of projects, as well as new, not yet known to the Russian audience. Among them are the official calligrapher of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the unsurpassed master of heraldry and illumination - Timothy Noad.

Another eminent guest from the UK will be Donald Jackson, a world-famous master of calligraphy and illumination, historian and popularizer of the art of beautiful writing, who will talk about his project "St. John's Bible" - a handwritten bible that has been created over 11 years.

Within the framework of the exhibition, as in previous years, there will be many master classes. One of the most interesting will be the occupation of Marina Khankova. The master will present his “Russian alphabet in drawings”, talk about his work and give a lesson in calligraphy for children.

Considerable attention at the exhibition will be paid to the problem of teaching writing in schools, its history and current state. Now children start typing on the computer much earlier than writing. People's handwriting has deteriorated markedly over the past 20 years. The situation can be corrected only by the introduction of calligraphy or calligraphy lessons in schools. Thus, Yuri Arutsev, an expert doctor of the highest category, monogram calligrapher, writer and public figure from Yaroslavl, will present his program for the introduction of calligraphy in schools.


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