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The group of companies "Balkom" offers for sale high-quality rails P8, P11, P18 and P24. Metal products of these grades can be used for the needs of mining and engineering enterprises that have a need to move goods by narrow gauge railway. We can supply in any required quantity as new products, and used (dismantled rails).
All products that can be ordered through our company fully comply with the parameters of GOSTs (in terms of technical indicators, allowable deviations in size). Long term contractual relationship with manufacturing plants allow us to deliver the range on a planned basis, including narrow-gauge rails of types P8, P11, P18, P24. We guarantee the quality and long-term safe operation of products (all consignments undergo internal quality control at our company).

R-8 rails

They are made of high-carbon steel obtained in open-hearth furnaces. Used for laying crane tracks, trolley tracks, various technical lines. AT modern industry brand R-8 is almost never produced. Most often, this is dismantling (BU). However, you can order these products from us and get them on time in the right amount. Note that in the designation in the name of the rail, the figure always shows the conditional weight of one linear meter. The measured length of the rail type P8 is 5, 6 and 7 meters. Random - from 3 to 7 meters. There are also leftovers - rails of random length up to 15% of the mass of the batch.

R-11 rails

R11 straight rails are designed for laying railways with a narrow gauge, used for household needs of industrial factories, coal mines, etc. The raw material for the production of products is steel T60, H50 and PT70. Measured length of products is 5, 6 and 7 meters. An indicator of unmeasured length is 3-7 meters. Separate sections of the canvas allow curvature (no more than 3 mm per meter and 2 mm as the highest indicator for end curvature). The Balkom company offers the supply of P-11 marking rails, both new and old, dismantled, stale and removed from the state reserve.

R-18 rails

Products of this brand are in demand in the construction of narrow-gauge railways, the load of which does not exceed 0.5 tkm/km. It is economically expedient to use rails in order to create access roads to factories, connecting railway lines between warehouses, in ore, mine production facilities, when laying railway communication underground, in tunnels, etc. The R-18 brand is produced in lengths of 8 meters (measured) and from 3 to 12 meters (unmeasured). In addition, there are shortened measuring curves with a length of 7.87 meters. Permissible length deviations are not more than 6 mm for products with milled ends, and for unmilled ones - it can be more or less by 20.

R-24 rails

This type of rail is the most commonly used among narrow-gauge rails, including as a replacement for the crane rail KR-50, which is not produced today, as well as solid squares 50 * 50 st3 SP. Suitable for repairing a worn-out railway and new laying of tracks. The basic scope of application is underground mine tracks, trolley lines, overhead crane tracks. Just like the R-18 brand, it has a measured length of 8 meters and an unmeasured length of 3-12 meters. In the industrial production of rails, dimensional deviations described by GOST 5876-82 are permissible. Balkom will also supply the required quantity of butt bolts, linings, thrust-clamping strips for laying and restoring narrow-gauge railway tracks.

GOST 6368-82

Group B42



Design and dimensions

Type R8, R11, R18 and R24 narrow-gauge railway rails.
Design and dimensions

Valid from 01.01.84
until 01.01.94*
* Expiry date removed
according to protocol N 3-93 of the Interstate Council
on standardization, metrology and certification.
(IUS N 5-6 1993).
Note "CODE"


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministries of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR


N.M.Vorontsov, I.S.Grin, L.F.Kuznetsov, L.D.Drozd, L.I.Ivanisenko, L.V.Klimova

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 07.09.82 N 3527

3. The term of the check is 1992.

4. REPLACE GOST 6368-52


6. Reissue (January 1993) with Amendment No. 1 approved in May 1988 (IUS 8-88)

7. Validity period extended until 01/01/94 (Resolution of the State Standard of the USSR of 05/20/88 N 1415)

1. This standard applies to rails of types P8, P11, P18 and P24 (hereinafter referred to as rails) intended for laying on railways ah narrow gauge.

2. The cross-sectional dimensions of the rails, as well as the location and dimensions of the holes for the bolts, must correspond to those indicated in Fig. 1-4.

Type P8

Type P11

Type P18

Type P24

The design values, the cross-sectional area of ​​the rails, the mass and distribution of metal over the section of the profile are indicated in appendices 1 and 2.

3. Limit deviations of the dimensions of the rails must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Note. The dimensions of the rails, for which the maximum deviations are not indicated, are controlled by the gauges in the rolls during their boring.

4. The asymmetry of the cross-section of the head and sole of rails of types P18 and P24 relative to the vertical axis of the neck should not exceed half the sum of the maximum deviations of the dimensions of the corresponding profile elements.

5. Depending on the purpose, the rails are made:

measured length;

multiple measured length;

measured length with the remainder;

shortened measured length for curved track sections;

unmeasured length.

6. The length of the rails must be specified in the order in accordance with Table 2.

table 2


1. At the request of the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture rails of types P18 and P24 with a specific length of other sizes not listed in the table.

2. For forestry and coal industry rails of types P18 and P24 must be of the correct length.

7. Limit deviations along the length of rails of fixed length should not exceed:

±6 mm - for rails with milled ends;

±20 mm - for rails without end milling (by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer);

Note. For timber industry enterprises, rails of types P18 and P24 must be manufactured with maximum deviations along the length of ± 6 mm - from 01.01.91.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

8. Two bolt holes are made at both ends of the rail.

At the request of the customer, the rails can be made without holes for bolts at one or both ends.

9. The height of the neck of rails of types P18 and P24 is checked using a template along the inclined surfaces of the rail sinus.

10. When piercing holes for bolts, dimensional control is carried out from the side of the punch inlet.

11. Technical requirements to rails of types P18 and P24 - according to GOST 5876, to rails of types P8 and P11 - according to specifications agreed between the manufacturer and the consumer.

APPENDIX 1 (informative)


Rail types

Cross-sectional area, cm

Distance from the center of gravity to the top of the head, cm

Distance from the center of gravity to the bottom of the sole, cm

Moment of inertia relative to the horizontal axis, cm

Moment of inertia relative to the vertical axis, cm

Moment of resistance at the top of the head, cm

Moment of resistance along the bottom of the sole, cm

Moment of resistance along the side edge of the sole, cm


Estimated values

Note. When calculating the mass, the nominal dimensions of the cross-section of the rails and the steel density equal to 7830 kg/cm were taken.

APPENDIX 2 (informative)




GOST 5876-82

Technical requirements

Type R18 and R24 narrow-gauge railway rails. technical requirements

Introduction date 1984-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR


V.F. Kovalenko, S.I. Rudyuk, N.F. Levchenko, Yu.M. Taptygin, L.F. Kuznetsov, L.D. Drozd

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards of 07.09.82 N 3526

3. Term of verification - 1992


Item number

GOST 1497-84

GOST 6368-82

GOST 7565-81

GOST 7566-81

2.1, 2.11, 3.1, 4.1

GOST 9012-59

GOST 10243-75

GOST 17745-72

GOST 22536.0-87

GOST 22536.1-77

GOST 22536.2-87

GOST 22536.3-77

GOST 22536.4-77

GOST 22536.5-87

GOST 22536.6-77

GOST 22536.13-77

GOST 22761-77

6. REPUBLICATION (May 1988) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1984, May 1988 (IUS 8-84, 8-88).

7. The validity period has been extended until 01/01/94* (Resolution of the State Standard of the USSR dated 05/23/88 N 1429).


This standard applies to rails of types P18 and P24 (hereinafter referred to as rails) intended for laying on narrow gauge railways.


1.1. Rails shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard from carbon steel or semi-quiet steel.

1.2. The design and dimensions of the rails are in accordance with GOST 6368-82.

1.3. Rails are divided into three categories depending on the carbon content:

H - normal hardness;

T - solid;

PT - increased hardness.

Rails made of semi-quiet steel are designed for underground transport in the mining and coal industries.

1.6. Steel grades, chemical composition of steel (according to a ladle test), tensile strength and hardness must comply with Table. one.

Table 1

steel grade

Deacidification degree

Rail categories

Mass fraction of elements, %

Tensile strength, N/mm (kgf/mm), not less than

Hardness, HB, not less

manganese, not less

Not less than 0.13

Not more than 0.13

Not less than 0.13

Not less than 0.13


1. In steel smelted on the basis of Kerch ores, the mass fraction of sulfur and phosphorus is allowed up to 0.050%.

2. The mass fraction of manganese in steel should not exceed 1.4%.

3. When mass fraction carbon is higher than 0.80%, the mass fraction of manganese in PT70 steel should not exceed 1.05%.

Examples of symbols:

narrow gauge rail type P18, normal hardness, semi-calm steel

The same, type P24, increased hardness, made of calm steel:

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

1.7. Permissible deviations in chemical composition in finished rolled products from the norms indicated in Table. 1, - according to the table. 2.

table 2

Permissible deviations,%, for steel






1.8. The manufacturing technology of the rails must guarantee the absence of flocks in them.

1.9. The rails must be straight. Local curvature on any section of the rail should not exceed 3 mm per 1 m; end curvature should not exceed 2 mm when measured with a ruler 1 m long.

1.10. Twisting is not allowed. The rails are considered twisted if, when measured on a control rack, there are gaps at the ends between the rail sole and the rack (diagonally) exceeding 3 mm.

1.11. The ends of the rails must be cut at right angles to its longitudinal axis. The misalignment of raw ends should not exceed 2 mm, and milled ends - 1 mm when measured in any direction. Burrs larger than 2 mm are not allowed. The ends of the rails must not show signs of shrinkage in the form of delamination and cracks.

1.12. The surface of the rails must be free of captivity, flaws and cracks. Rolled bubbles and rolled cracks with a depth of more than 1 mm are not allowed. It is allowed to remove defects from the rail surface up to 1.5 mm deep.

Protrusions up to 5 mm are allowed on the neck of the rail (outside the linings). Within the overlays, the protrusions must be removed.

1.13. The axes of the holes must be perpendicular to the side faces of the rail neck.

Burrs on the edges of holes more than 2 mm are not allowed.

1.14. The first grade includes rails that meet all the requirements of this standard.

The second grade includes rails with the following deviations:

according to the chemical composition from the norms indicated in the table. 1: ±0.05% for carbon; -0.1% for manganese; +0.005% for phosphorus; +0.005% for sulfur;

in terms of tensile strength up to 10% relative to that indicated in table 1;

for surface defects and dimensions, with the exception of the width of the sole, limit deviations not exceeding twice the tolerances established for rails of the first grade;

limit deviations in the width of the sole of the rails of the second grade up to mm.


2.1. General rules acceptance - according to GOST 7566-81 *.


2.2. For acceptance, the rails are presented in batches. The batch must consist of rails of the same type, one heat (ladle) and one category of hardness. Prefabricated batches weighing up to 100 tons are allowed. The prefabricated batch may include rails of the same type, one category of hardness, one degree of deoxidation. The difference in the carbon content in the rails of the combined batch should not exceed 0.03%, manganese 0.15%.

The rails of the combined batch are assigned a conditional heat number.

2.3. Sampling for chemical analysis is carried out according to GOST 7565-81.

2.4. The control of the macrostructure for the presence of flocs is carried out according to GOST 10243-75. It is allowed to control the macrostructure by non-destructive control methods according to the methods approved in in due course.

2.5. Chemical analysis rail steel carried out according to GOST 22536.0-87, GOST 22536.1-77*, GOST 22536.2-87, GOST 22536.3-77*, GOST 22536.4-77*, GOST 22536.5-87, GOST 22536.6-77*, GOST 22536.13-77, GOST 17745-75 * or according to the methods approved in the established order, providing the necessary accuracy.


* GOST 22536.1-88, GOST 22536.3-88, GOST 22536.4-88, GOST 22536.6-88, GOST 17745-90, respectively, apply.

2.6. The dimensions of the rails are checked with a measuring tool of appropriate accuracy and templates.

2.7. The presence and depth of surface defects during external examination is checked by test cutting.

2.8. The manufacture of samples and tensile testing is carried out in accordance with GOST 1497-84.

The tensile test shall be carried out on one specimen from each heat.

For the tensile test, a section of the rail is selected, from which a round sample with a diameter of 10 mm is made with 5 times the estimated length; the segment is branded with the melting number.

The sample is machined from the upper corner of the rail head closer to the tread surface.

The tensile test may be omitted if the manufacturer uses statistical methods of control.

2.9. To test the rails for impact under the impact from one of the rail strips of each tenth heat, at the choice of the quality control department, selects one test segment 1.3-1.5 m long, which is branded with the heat number. The test piece is placed with its head up on supports with a radius of curvature of 125 mm and a distance between them of 1000-1050 mm and is subjected to a blow by a "woman" weighing 500 kg from a height:

2.7 m - for rails of the R18 type;

4.2 m - for rails of the R24 type.

When tested under a headframe with a "woman" mass of 1 t, the lifting height is halved.

The trial section of the rail must withstand the impact test at temperatures from 0 to plus 40 ° C in accordance with the requirements of this standard, and it must not show signs of destruction. A crack in the surface and a puncture of the sole, both in the span and on the supports, are considered signs of failure.

2.10. Brinell hardness control - according to GOST 22761-77 or GOST 9012-59.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

2.11. If the result of any test is unsatisfactory, further control of the rails is carried out in accordance with GOST 7566-81.


3.1. Marking, packaging and paperwork must comply with the requirements of GOST 7566-81.

3.2. On the neck of each rail in a hot state, letters and numbers with a height of at least 8 mm are rolled out, indicating:

type of rails (P18 or P24);

the last two digits of the year of manufacture of the rails;

symbol or trademark manufacturer;

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

3.3. In addition to the indicated signs on the neck or end of each rail, the number or cipher of the heat is stuffed.

Labels must be legible.

3.4. The ends of rails of the second grade must be painted with indelible red paint.

3.5. Accepted batches of rails are packed in bundles.

3.6. Two labels are attached to each bundle of rails, which must indicate:

a) the brand of the quality control department of the manufacturer;

b) name or symbol of the manufacturer;

c) steel grade;

d) number (code) of the heat;

e) type and grade of rails (the grade of rails is indicated only for rails of the second grade);

f) rail length and bundle mass.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

3.7. Each batch of rails accepted for shipment is accompanied by a quality document containing:

name and/or symbol of the manufacturer;

Name of product;

designation of this standard;

grade and type of rail;

Order number;

name and address of the consumer;

shipment date;

wagon number;

melt number;

the number of rails in a bundle, indicating their length and weight;

steel grade;

chemical composition;

mechanical properties;

image of the State Quality Mark, if it is assigned to the product.

The quality document must be signed by the manufacturer.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).


4.1. Transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 7566-81.

By rail, rails are transported on platforms and gondola cars.

Sec. 4. (Introduced additionally, Rev. N 2).

Our company unites more than 10 enterprises in Russia manufacturing materials for the upper track of railways. We ourselves produce, store, transport and sell everything that is needed for construction and repair railway tracks, both highways and secondary ones. In this regard, our prices are by far the most competitive and attractive to our competitors. Delivery of our goods is carried out anywhere in Russia, while transportation costs for our customers will be minimal because in every region of Russia there are warehouses with our goods. The delivery time of the goods is from 2 to 10 working days.

Welcome to our company website. You can buy rails from us at competitive prices using the convenient management interface of our online resource. Favorable prices, competent specialists, the opportunity to come and see everything for yourself - these are the criteria for cooperation that you will receive today.

Actually, the rails are steel beams that are used for the construction of roads, through which special-purpose vehicles and equipment will move. Thanks to our rails, you can build tracks in production halls and hangars, factories and warehouses. This will allow to establish conveyor production, to implement the delivery of goods and raw materials, to organize the arrangement of workplaces inside the premises.

The rolling stock, which will move along a two-line track, consisting of rails, will be a good money saver. This is due to the fact that the electric locomotives of the trains are powered by electrical energy, which makes the process economical and gives the technique a large traction force. The latter circumstance makes it possible to lay entire tracks between production sites and state railway tracks, which makes it possible for freight trains to come here for loading. By the way, instead of production shops there may be a sawmill and a place for storing bulk materials, since, for example, crushed granite is delivered in this way.

The sale of rails from our company is made openly and with a guarantee of quality for our own products. This happens thanks to great experience work and selection of quality raw materials. We guarantee that we will provide our products with straightness in horizontal and vertical planes, calculate the exact chemical and raw material composition of the metal, and, if necessary, produce rails according to your technical specifications.

We manufacture various types of rails, among which we should highlight heat-strengthened rails, which makes it possible to use these products both in severe frosts and in cases of high overheating due to excessive friction during frequent use. Quality control of rail production allows us to exclude defects, carry out flaw detection, and organize branding of metal surfaces. All this gives you the opportunity to get rails in stock or on order, completely ready for use.


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