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Rostelecom is the largest telecommunications service provider in Russia. The company also acts as an Internet provider, connects the services of analog and interactive TV, landline phones. To solve customer problems in all these areas, a service was created technical support.

To get on the customer service line, you need to dial Rostelecom's phone number - 8 800 100 08 00, and then wait for a connection with one of the operators.

If the operator cannot help, he will redirect you to another operator or connect you to the department that is more competent in solving the subscriber's problem. In other words, this is the starting point in any situation.

The Internet is buggy, the phone does not work, the TV from Rostelecom does not show - we call here. If they can’t decide there, they will redirect to where they can. Most of the problems - disconnect, connect the tariff, check the status of the account, balance, etc., can be solved thanks to a call to this one number.

What to expect from technical support, its pros and cons

It’s worth starting with a good thing, you can call support from a mobile and landline phone absolutely free of charge from anywhere in Russia. And it also works in roaming. In addition, you can call at any time of the day - those. support works around the clock.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the shortcomings of the Rostelecom support service.

  • To connect with necessary department, more precisely, by its operator, can be problematic, which is facilitated by long periods of waiting and connecting.
  • Rostelecom technical support is the least likely to provide you with the necessary technical assistance without calling a wizard. In most cases, you will receive template responses, such as: reboot the router, follow the instructions described in that section, and so on. Unless you come across an operator who understands this, and there are very few of them.
  • Often they can switch from operator to operator, if it is impossible to solve the problem, which also takes a lot of time and does not help to solve the problem.

Information that can be obtained if necessary in the help desk

By contacting the technical support of the operator, you have the right to receive information:

  • about the performance of a particular service,
  • setting up the subscriber's office,
  • leave a request for line repair if damage to the network or equipment is detected.

You can also order, refuse the services and tariffs of mobile communications, the Internet, TV and entire service packages during a conversation with a Rostelecom employee.

There are separate rooms for legal entities- offices and physical - ordinary users.

Don't know the hotline number for your city or region? Then call the national

It works for all cities, if anything, they will simply tell you the number you can call in those. support for your region.

For St. Petersburg there is a separate number of free reference Rostelecom -

for fixed phones.

In the Moscow region you can dial from your mobile or get technical support after dialing a short number. CDMA users - .

By these numbers you can get general information, change the tariff, etc.:

  • Find out the reason for crediting and debiting funds.
  • Get information on errors that occur during connection.
  • Find out why the Internet speed has decreased, TV does not show, there is no telephone connection, this or that site does not load.
  • Solve some problems with setting up various equipment.
  • Order additional services.

Reference numbers for legal entities

For legal entities that are interested in connecting any Rostelecom service, the hotline is available at

Businesses need quality communication services – telephone line multi-channel, high-speed broadband internet with the protection of transmitted confidential data. Rostelecom has established itself as an affordable and reliable provider, and provides services not only to the public, but also to legal entities. Corporate clients are served at a high level, tariff plans have many additional options, which are provided by agreement with the customer firm when concluding a contract. In the article we will talk about Rostelecom's tariffs for legal entities for telephone and Internet, connection methods, as well as cooperation with the operator's technical support.

Rostelecom: servicing legal entities

Business service today is provided by a variety of company tools and tools. In many cities and regions, the RTK has already extended the backbone network of the Internet. This ensures uninterrupted access and high level signal, which is most important for corporate clients. High speed allows not only to provide data transfer, but also makes it possible to conduct online conferences.

Rostelecom tariff plans for legal entities (for small and medium-sized businesses) are very diverse - packages have been developed for various purposes and needs. For big business and the public sector plans are negotiated separately at the conclusion of the contract and depend on the requirements of the client.

An important component that the provider offers for corporate clients is a private network. With its help, users can exchange data from different parts of the country and the world, while all transmitted information maximally protected. In addition, it is the ability to create separate network channels for communication with customers.

Internet tariffs

Find out the cost and connect the necessary package of Rostelecom services for legal entities. persons (Internet or telephone) can be done in three ways: by visiting the company's sales office, by calling the support service, or by going to the website and leaving a request. The monthly cost is calculated by the provider's operator and will depend on the total amount of Internet traffic consumed and the number of services included in the package. Rostelecom's tariff grid for legal entities is very diverse: Internet at speeds up to 10 Gb / s, up to 10 telephone lines, the possibility of renting equipment.

For each region, the included options, internet connection speed and package price may differ.

In addition to tariff plans, additional options are also offered, which are very necessary for many client firms. Among them are protection against DDoS attacks, and the creation of virtual offices and data centers (in the "clouds" of the provider).

Rostelecom jur. faces: telephone

Phone tariffs for legal entities persons from Rostelecom are also represented by a wide range - from time-limited and inexpensive connections to more expensive and unlimited ones.

Modern technologies are developing at a tremendous speed. Rostelecom keeps up with innovations, offering customers a variety of business tools. Today, cloud computing is gaining popularity. RTK offers telephony in its own virtual cloud. In addition to standard calls, there are other functions here: the ability to record and process conversations between your operator and the client, automated calls to the client base, internal telephone network with short numbers. The service is managed via the Internet.

Rostelecom standard telephony for legal entities includes local, long-distance and international communications.

Rostelecom support for legal entities

For corporate clients, a separate division of employees is provided, which provides support to legal entities - Rostelecom's clients. The department includes technical workers, managers, and a telephone support service. When choosing services, employees find out the necessary communication requirements for your business, qualified technicians carry out the connection.

Rostelecom hotline for legal entities and technical support

List of company phone numbers:

  • 8 800 100 25 25 - Rostelecom's unified hotline (for legal entities and individuals);
  • 8 800 200 53 35 – servicing corporate and VIP clients;
  • 8 800 302 08 10 - Internet technical support for legal entities.

Connecting services on the Rostelecom website

The most convenient and affordable method of choosing and connecting a tariff plan for legal entities cooperating with Rostelecom is ordering a service through the operator's web page.

In a special form (“For business” tab), you will be asked to fill in the fields where the available options are indicated. Here you also need to leave your contact phone number, after which an employee of the company will analyze the application and contact you to discuss the offer.

The provider is rapidly developing its own capabilities and services for customers. It has become one of the leading providers of communication services, operating not only in Russia, but also in European countries. The company's goal is to provide high-quality and maximum functional communication. Therefore, Rostelecom services for legal entities are becoming increasingly popular in the Russian business environment.

Legal entities, like no other, need high-quality communication and good internet. Indeed, sometimes the conclusion of a profitable deal, and in some cases even the existence of a business, can depend on one call made on time. Fortunately, now there are companies that can guarantee the quality of their services. Furthermore, in a good way manage connected services and tariffs is Rostelecom for legal entities, whose personal account allows you to optimize spending and save on unnecessary and unused options.

Entrepreneurs who apply to Rostelecom can count on the widest package of services. The company can order almost everything that is required to maintain High Quality communication and ensuring the effective functioning of the enterprise.

Applicants can choose from the following options:

  • rent of modern network equipment;
  • telephone communication (including mobile);
  • internet and managed wi-fi;
  • virtual storage and remote virtual office;
  • CCTV;
  • virtual server;
  • protection against virus attacks;
  • TV;
  • conference calls of any kind;
  • free number for clients;
  • virtual network of the organization;
  • purchase of technology.

The choice of the final set depends only on the desires and capabilities of the client. At the same time, in order not to be mistaken with the final decision, you can always consult with a specialist who will help you choose the perfect option. In addition, it is possible to stop at one of the ready-made packages, each of which is available on the official website of Rostelecom.

Another rather interesting way to get to know the services offered by the company a little closer are the webinars available on its official portal.

Telephone communication from Rostelecom

At the moment, each organization has the opportunity to choose any type of telephone communication that interests it. To verify this, just look at Rostelecom for legal entities, whose official website offers a number of different options.

  1. New telephony.
  2. Classic telephony.
  3. Connecting a toll-free number for customers.
  4. Favorable international calls.

Each of these services has its own strengths that will definitely help your business grow. It is worth choosing between them, based on the needs of your company.

The new telephony is notable for its availability. It can be connected anywhere where there is internet. In addition, this system is distinguished by the flexibility of settings that can be changed in your personal account.

Classic telephony is more familiar and requires more attention to detail. But on its basis, you can organize a convenient corporate connection, which is a set of short numbers for communication between employees of the same office.

It is important to remember that the easiest way to choose the right option is to call 88002003000, and then Rostelecom specialists will personally help you choose the best type of telephony.

Rostelecom Internet tariffs for legal entities

The next type of service that you cannot do without modern business, is qualitative, high speed internet. Rostelecom offers a range of options to make the worldwide network as accessible as possible. Two proposals stand out in particular:

  • standard internet connection;
  • use of wi-fi.

In the first case, Rostelecom offers a number of tariffs, each of which should correspond to the current goals and scale of the enterprise. The company offers different conditions for small business, large organizations and state corporations.

But, whatever the choice is, each client can count on a stable connection, the speed of which will reach up to 10 Gbps.

Mobile communication for business

Deserves special attention mobile connection, because it is it that allows you to maintain business contacts and make timely calls to partners and employees of the company.

Rostelecom offers 4 different packages for this communication, which differ primarily in their volumes.

  1. Internet for business. This package has no limits and limits, and the cost of paying for services is calculated based on the actual traffic used and the calls made.
  2. Business 500 includes 500 SMS, minutes of calls and 5 GB of internet.
  3. Business 1500, respectively, consists of 1500 SMS and minutes of calls, and 10 GB of traffic is available to connect to the network.
  4. Business 3000 is calculated similarly to the previous ones (3000 minutes and SMS, 15 GB).

At the same time, Business 500,1500 and 3000 will require a monthly fee of 350, 600 and 900 rubles. It is important that these prices are relevant for Moscow, and in other regions they may well be different.

In addition to the above, it is worth mentioning that the company's customers can connect additional packages the Internet, if needed.

Rostelecom legal entities: technical support hotline phone

If you have any questions or difficulties while using the services, the company's customers can contact the support service at any time. For legal entities, a separate line has been allocated, which you can call at 88002003000.

In addition to this number, you can contact for help on others:

  • 88001811880– free call to the support center;
  • 1880– short service number;
  • +74955395539- for customers in roaming (free of charge if you call from Rostelecom SIM cards).

In addition, the persons responsible for communication or company managers have the possibility to manage the connected services online. To do this, you need to enter your personal account on the company's website, after which all the main features and information about the applicable tariffs will be available to the person who has entered.

It should be mentioned that each company can leave an application for connecting the next service directly on the Rostelecom website. To do this, you need to fill out a short questionnaire and wait for a call from the company's employees. But if you wish, you can call on your own, or, if you have time, even visit one of the offices.


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