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The key to the success of any small business is the presence of constant demand and repeatability of sales. These requirements are fully consistent with the production of various bakery products: citizens purchase such products daily and eat them with great pleasure. Moreover, many are not limited only to bread, adding muffins, pies and other sweets to the shopping list, so opening a bakery is current business today in Russia. The main thing is to draw up a competent business plan and properly organize the business.

Today's guest of the magazine Reconomica Anna Ezhova from Kazan decided to tell how she opened her mini-bakery and why, in the end, she sold an already profitable business.

My name is Ezhova Anna Vladimirovna, I live in Kazan. By the time I got the idea to start my own bakery, I already had a stationery business that brought stable income. I just graduated from university, I was 22 years old and had a lot of free time to implement my ideas.

The business was launched in 2012, when there was practically no market for hot baking in Kazan, straight from the oven to take away. I looked at the idea Nizhny Novgorod, there by this time such kiosks were located literally at every step.

Initially, I planned exactly a kiosk, as in Nizhny Novgorod, but there were no suitable places, and even then there was a policy - to remove existing kiosks, and not give permission to build new ones.

Premises for rent

It was because of the difficulties with renting that the idea with a kiosk selling pastries grew into the creation of a mini-bakery with pastries.

I rented a room right in the center of the city, with an area of ​​40 sq. m. I took such modest areas for lack of budgets for something more, on the first line, in the center. The room was not very good, a walk-through, with two entrances and a high rent, but for lack of a better one, I took it.

In essence, my mini-bakery did not need large areas, since pastries came to me twice a month from the Nizhny Novgorod plant in frozen form. As needed, the blanks were thawed and baked in a special convection oven.

Business plan

I was very tough on the business plan, because I had very modest budgets accumulated from the income of another business.

From the very beginning, I decided that I would do the decor of the room myself, and everything that could be taken for free from suppliers, I would take for free. I also took all the equipment and furniture for my bakery from my hands, while bargaining mercilessly.

My mini-bakery did not need large areas.

My expenses for opening a bakery

  1. Rent - 40,000 rubles.
  2. Advertising - 0 rub. If you cooperate with Coca-Cola and put a refrigerator with their products, they do advertising for free, only their soda will be drawn there and it will say “Together is tastier”. I had a huge banner and a light box from them. All iron structures, installation they produced themselves, at their own expense.
  3. The initial purchase of puff pastry blanks is 40,000 rubles. Lots of different types, boxes, the price of the blank was from 8 to 15 rubles, not cheap, but the pastries were very tasty.
  4. Two chest freezers for blanks. I took them from my hands for 4,000 rubles, total: 8,000.
  5. A confectionery refrigerated display case was also bought from hand for 7,000 rubles. Confectionery I got it from a local bakery.
  6. I also took the bar counter from my hands for 4,000 rubles.
  7. Work surface and various shelves. It had to be made to order, costing 12,000 rubles.
  8. The coffee machine was rented for free from Nescafe. In order for them to give their device for free, they had to take different types of coffee for the machine. The purchase cost 10,000 rubles. They used to only rent out powdered coffee machines, but now I see gas stations that sell coffee beans as well.
  9. Tables and chairs were brought from Ikea, costing 20,000 rubles.
  10. Elements of room decor - 5,000 rubles.
  11. A mixer for whipping cocktails cost 2,000 rubles, and the purchase of toppings - 1,000 rubles.
  12. I bought a new convection oven for baking for 20,000 rubles.

In total, the opening costs amounted to 169,000 rubles. At that time, it was all my money cleaned up, I was in a hurry to open it, because there was nothing corny to fill the car with. All income from other business was invested in this one.

In my opinion, I opened my mini-bakery on a very budget.

How much did I earn

On the first day, the revenue was more than 5,000 rubles. I worked by myself, without sleep and rest, behind the counter in a chef's hat, without days off.

In the future, the revenue remained at the level of 5,000-7,000 rubles, and it was not possible to raise it higher. It would be possible to introduce beer and snacks, but I categorically did not want to do this, the focus of my mini-bakery was strictly family.

After four months of work in splendid isolation, I took a woman, a retired technologist, to replace me, and life became more fun.

After four months of work in splendid isolation, I took a woman to replace me.

Her salary of 30,000 rubles hit me lightly in my pocket, but I began to enjoy life again.

My monthly income-expenses for 3 years

  1. Total income - 200,000 per month.
  2. Salary + taxes - 40,000 rubles per month.
  3. Rent + electricity - 44,000 rubles.
  4. Payment for expendable materials, including blanks, water, coffee, disposable tableware - 70,000 rubles.
  5. Taxes - 7,000 rubles.

I had about 40,000-50,000 thousand left clean, I could have earned them without having such a serious physical and moral load.

Realizing this, after a year and a half of the cafe, I began to introduce my own pastries, the blanks for which were made by my shift. The cost price for one position decreased to 3-4 rubles, and this increased my net profit.

Difficulties and problems encountered

  1. Constant breakdown of any equipment. After all, I bought everything from the hands, was in use. To save money on repairs, I found a grandfather with golden hands, who repaired everything quickly, at any time of the day and for little money. Still, it’s better to buy new refrigerators, because one day my refrigerators stopped working, and blanks for 30,000 rubles disappeared.
  2. SES. When registering, I registered as an individual entrepreneur, but later opened an LLC. For an LLC, there are a lot of various certificates and approvals, but for individual entrepreneurs there are practically none. By the way, according to the documents, my bakery was listed as a buffet.
  3. Problems with HOA. The chairman of the HOA in the house in which my bakery was located was constantly trying to snatch something from me. Sometimes it was necessary to pay for the fact that her janitor was sweeping near the porch, then give money for paint to paint over the graffiti, which my clients allegedly did. I endured for a long time and quarreled. From that moment on, complaints began to be regularly received against me in all instances, but I did not receive a single real fine.

Before renting a space for such a business, it is necessary to personally speak with management company at home or the chairman of the HOA, so as not to become a sponsor.

  1. Trouble with suppliers. This is an eternal headache, then they will bring cakes with an expiring shelf life, then the blanks stuck together on the way to me, and you need to prove your case everywhere, without it in any way.
  2. Employee dishonesty. The wonderful woman who worked for me was caught more than once taking products home, there were also small shortages, but she had a difficult fate, and I felt sorry for her as a human being, so I put up with these little things. In general, it suited me, and I was ready to forgive shortages and losses (about 2,000-3,000 per month), if only not to change anything.

I didn’t encounter any kind of lawlessness, no one ever came to me and said that I would have to pay someone there just the way it was, for example, in the 90s.

After a year and a half of work, I began to introduce my own pastries.

Business sale

In 2016, she came to our city large network bakeries, and in order to settle on an already developed base, they bought existing bakeries with solid traffic.

By that time, I was already very tired of the business, which brought a lot of hassle, but not enough, in my opinion, money, but nevertheless it would be a pity to close it myself, because after all it was profitable. I realized that this was my chance, and I set myself the goal of selling my bakery for the highest possible price.

I didn’t have a solid traffic, but I talked with the owner of the bakery, which this large chain had already bought out, and I knew in detail what they check, how and when.

The main criteria were the flow of customers and a large average check.

I contacted the development manager of this chain of bakeries and arranged for him to see my business. What was happening these days in my bakery can simply be called a circus. Acquaintances, friends, relatives created the necessary average check and traffic for me, and thanks to this, I was still able to sell my business for good money.

At the very last moment, I almost changed my mind, because, in general, the business was not bad, but it was at that time that both of my refrigerated chests suddenly broke down, and the preparations for a large amount turned into jelly. It undermined me morally, and the deal went through.

If the bakery had not been registered as an LLC, but would have remained an individual entrepreneur, then I would not have been able to sell it.

Therefore, if someone decides to build a business, it is still better to register an LLC so that you can sell it, in which case. In addition, an individual entrepreneur is liable for its obligations with all its property, and an LLC within its authorized capital, I have authorized capital amounted to 10,000 rubles.


When I sold my bakery, it became so easy for me to breathe that I decided to quit the business altogether.

In 2016, a large network of bakeries came to our city.

Unfortunately, I just closed the second business by selling commodity balances wholesale because exactly how ready business I couldn't sell it. I sold my car and, putting all the money in a pile, bought myself a new good foreign car, and I drive it to this day.

A network bakery was opened on the site of my bakery and, having worked for less than a year, vacated the premises. All the fault was a huge rent and a bad passage room.

I am very happy that I got rid of this business in this way, because I would not have raised my hand to close it.

I am currently working on a major industrial enterprise and I remember my business as a good life experience. I consider my main mistake to be the wrong choice of a room with a huge rent for such a bad room.

A mini-bakery is an enterprise that makes bakery products and retail sales.

The concept of the mini-bakery is baking fresh bread according to unique recipes, as well as creating a homely and warm atmosphere in which visitors can eat without leaving the cash register.

The target audience of the bakery is residents of neighboring houses, as well as people who take care of their health and prefer bread without artificial additives.

Main competitive advantage bakeries is a prime location that covers two residential areas with a population of approximately 30,000 people.

The assortment of the mini-bakery includes three main areas: standard products, exclusive bread, as well as French croissants. Each direction consists of three product names. This structure allows you to meet the demand of the entire target audience, as well as to get by with a minimum amount of production equipment.

The average check of a mini-bakery is 100 rubles. Permeability during the day can be up to 1000 people, which guarantees access to full production capacity within 3 months of work.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The obvious advantage of opening a bakery is that despite the general decline in household spending on goods and services, the demand for bread remains stable. In addition, similar imported products increase in price, and products of domestic bakeries are not able to compete with bakery products in terms of taste.

In the production of baked goods, we focus on the quality of the products used and the preservation of the unique recipe of each product.

Bread sold in large stores is usually tasteless and contains a lot of vegetable fat and sugar. As for similar bakeries, they focus on making pies and practically do not have dietary products in their assortment.

The assortment is presented in three areas of baking: French pastries, branded bread for those who adhere to a healthy diet, Russian bread. In each direction, we produce three types of products.

3. Description of the market

The target audience of the project is divided into two segments:

  • residents of nearby houses who find it convenient to buy fresh pastries in our bakery;
  • people who follow a healthy diet, watch their figure and are interested in buying branded bread according to unique recipes.

The bakery competes with similar companies in the following ways:

  • Product quality: it is necessary to use high-quality ingredients and a unique recipe for cooking.
  • Price of products: typical products are sold at the average market price.
  • The assortment is presented in three areas of baking: French pastries, branded bread for those who adhere to a healthy diet, native Russian bread.
  • Location: residential quarter (yard type bakery), convenient parking (possible access from the main street).
  • The presence of a window in the workshop, which allows the consumer to observe the process of preparing products

SWOT analysis of a mini-bakery

Strengths of the project

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Product quality
  • Range
  • Package
  • Location
  • The ability to change the product range, respond flexibly to demand
  • Single dot, unrecognizable brand
  • Lack of wholesale discounts from suppliers due to low production volumes
  • Lack of mature supply channels

Opportunities and prospects

Threats of the external environment

  • The settlement of the area will provide an increase in the level of demand
  • The size of the leased premises allows in the future to increase the volume of production, to purchase additional equipment, as well as enter the tasting room
  • Lack of sustainable relationships with regulatory authorities
  • Increase in prices for raw materials and primary products

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

The sale of goods is carried out in the trading floor. Delivery of goods at the project launch stage is not provided.

6. Organizational structure

At the stage of launching the bakery, as well as at the first initial stage operation can be done with a minimum number of personnel.

Manager monitors the organization of the process of production and sale of products, is responsible for the continuous operation of the bakery and timely troubleshooting. In addition, he performs the functions of a freight forwarder, maintains document management, accepts cash every day, and determines the company's development strategy. Since the turnover of the bakery at the initial stage will be relatively small, it can be assumed that the combination of these duties is possible within the same position. This position assumes a 6-day work schedule from 10.00 - 19.00 with a lunch break of 1 hour.

Seller-cashier in charge of customer service and cash handling. Every evening, the salesperson-cashier fills out a special journal in which he registers cash, and also keeps a record of all transactions supported by the presence of checks. In addition, the seller-cashier accepts finished products from the workshop, puts the goods on the shelves, and keeps order on the trading floor. The working day of the seller-cashier coincides with the opening hours of the bakery and lasts from 8.00 - 20.00. Lunch break in the work of the seller-cashier is not provided, but since the flow of customers is not uniform, he has time to rest. Work schedule - 2 days of work alternate with 2 days of rest.

Baker starts at 6:00 am and ends at 4:00 pm. The baker fully controls the production cycle: from keeping records of raw materials in stock to the production of finished products. His responsibilities also include maintaining cleanliness in the workshop, timely write-off of spoiled products, as well as keeping logs for cleaning the hood. The baker's work schedule is 2 days of work alternating with 2 days of rest.

The salary of each employee consists of two parts: salary ( fixed amount) and piecework (percentage of revenue).

In the future, the possibility of introducing additional non-financial motivation for key personnel is being considered - additional training for cooks.

For reporting, we intend to use the services of an accountant on outsourcing.

With an increase in production, as well as the expansion of services provided, new vacancies will appear in the company: a driver, a cleaner, an administrator, a pastry chef.

A detailed payroll calculation, taking into account the bonus part and insurance contributions, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

Calculate the initial investment required to start a bakery. They amount to 1,589,811 rubles. Let's take a closer look at their composition.


Name Quantity Price for 1 piece total amount
Cash machine1 15 000 15 000
glass showcase1 25 000 25 000
Cabinets for GPU1 15 000 15 000
Safe1 3 000 3 000
Bake1 250 000 250 000
Fridge1 40 000 40 000
dough mixer1 50 000 50 000
proofing cabinet1 40 000 40 000
flour sifter1 25 000 25 000
Dough cutting table1 35 000 35 000
dough sheeter1 45 000 45 000
Baking trolley1 40 000 40 000
Table for visitors2 10 000 20 000
Chairs for visitors6 2 500 15 000
Fire-fighting equipment1 50 000 50 000
Other equipment1 50 000 50 000

718 000

7 Basic Step Guide

A mini-bakery is a small enterprise specializing in the production of bakery products. It can work both independently and as part of HoReCa establishments, super- and hypermarkets.


Moreover, in some cities there are entire networks of bakeries that sell products through mobile points, for example, trailers. However, start-up entrepreneurs most often open one enterprise, which is located in a separate room. And for this they need to take several steps.

Step #1 - Registration Procedures

It is necessary to start opening a mini-bakery with the registration of an enterprise. In the case of a mini-bakery, you should choose from 2 options: IP and LLC. If you are already individual entrepreneur, check if there is a code in the list of activities that were indicated in the application for registration of IP, allowing you to engage in this type of business. For example, 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes." This category involves the sale of baked goods at the place of production, i.e. if you are going to produce products and immediately sell them, then this option will be ideal for you. In addition, the list of codes should be added and retail, but production should be set as the main activity.

If you are not going to share the business with anyone, then the easiest way is to work as an individual entrepreneur, but if there are several founders, it is best to organize an LLC. However, the choice of organizational and legal form is far from the only issue to be resolved. Immediately after registration, you will have to choose a taxation system.

The best option- UTII, if applicable, of course. The fact is that this tax regime is introduced by municipalities and applies only to activities approved by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. If UTII is not available, it is better to choose STS 6% or 15%. The simplified tax system can be applied by all enterprises whose annual income does not exceed 60 million rubles. (clause 4.1. 346.13. Tax Code of the Russian Federation). An application for the transition to a simplified taxation system should be submitted immediately after the registration of the enterprise.

Note: You can keep records while under special taxation regimes on your own, using the My Business online service.

Step number 2 - Finding and preparing the premises

Since the products will be sold to the end consumer in the mini-bakery, it is desirable to place them in a passable place. AT major cities you can organize a business in the immediate vicinity of the metro, close to shopping and business centers. At the initial stage, it is better to rent a room, but it is advisable to immediately discuss the possibility of a subsequent purchase. The cost of rent directly depends on the city in which the bakery will be located and the attractiveness of the place. Prices may vary greatly. The monthly maintenance of a mini-bakery in Moscow varies from 250 to 1,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

As for the square itself, then just right it will be 150 square meters. m. This is enough for the organization of production and a small trading floor. Such a room can be found for 75 thousand rubles. per month. Separately, it is worth calculating the costs associated with repairs and other work on the organization of the enterprise.

SES requirements

To open a mini-bakery in accordance with the law, the following requirements must be met:

  • availability of hot and cold water, sewerage;
  • the room should not be a basement;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • the necessary household and utility rooms must be present, incl. warehouse, toilet;
  • ceilings should be whitewashed and walls tiled.

Step #3 - Buying Equipment

For a small bakery full cycle 2 types of equipment will be required: production and trade.


  • oven (cost ~ 600 thousand rubles);
  • dough mixing machine (~ 250 thousand rubles);
  • proofing cabinet (~ 40 thousand rubles);
  • table for cutting dough (~ 40 thousand rubles);
  • dough sheeter (~ 20 thousand rubles);
  • cart for baking (~ 12 thousand rubles);
  • flour sifter (~ 9 thousand rubles).

To get started, you can purchase 1 unit of each type of equipment. On average, 1 oven per day is capable of baking 1 ton of flour. This is equivalent to 1600 kg of finished products.

Can arrange part-time production. In this case, you will save yourself from the need to knead the dough and focus solely on baking and selling finished products. The initial investment in equipment will be significantly reduced as all you need is an oven, a heat showcase and a freezer.

Shop equipment will cost no more than 150 thousand rubles. Need to buy:

  • showcase;
  • cash machine(it must be registered with tax office);
  • money box;
  • safe for storing cash and documents;
  • storage cabinets.

Also, one should not forget about furniture and household equipment, an average purchase will take 30 thousand rubles.

Step #4 - Staff search

The bakery must have technologist is a key figure in the organization of production. In addition to it, you need:

  • bakers who will be engaged in the preparation of products (4 people, 2 per shift);
  • cashiers (2 people);
  • cleaning lady (1 or 2 depending on the workload, hourly payment can be provided).

An accountant is optional, you can use the services of an outsourcing company, or involve a specialist on a part-time basis. In any case, it will be several times cheaper than maintaining another full-time employee.

Step number 5 - Registration of permits

Since a mini-bakery involves the production of food products, special permits are indispensable. Each employee must have a personal medical book, the execution of which, together with the necessary tests, will cost 600 rubles. In general, the cost of obtaining all permits should not exceed 60 thousand rubles.

To open a mini-bakery from scratch, the following documents are required:

  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production - is issued free of charge at Rospotrebnadzor, but for this it is necessary to provide the results of the examination;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products - issued by Rospotrebnadzor based on the results of the examination;
  • certificate of conformity - issued federal agency on technical regulation and metrology;
  • conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety requirements.

Step #6 - Purchase of raw materials

Baking is a perishable product, it does not keep for a long time. It is worth buying raw materials immediately before starting production. Of course, it is possible to negotiate with suppliers even before registering an enterprise with the tax office, but it is unacceptable to purchase their products “in reserve”. As soon as the premises are ready to start production, it's time to take care of what to bake bakery products from.

The main raw material is flour. For buns, only the highest grade is suitable. In extreme cases, you can use the 1st. When calculating the required amount of flour, it should be borne in mind that the weight of finished products will be more than raw materials by about 30%. Naturally, this is achieved through other ingredients that are mixed into the dough. The wholesale price of flour is about 10 rubles. for 1 kg.

The issue of finding suppliers can be particularly acute. It is worth considering intermediary firms that offer flexible terms of cooperation. Trying to contact flour mills directly is impractical. Firstly, they are not interested in the purchase volumes that a mini-bakery can afford, and it is stupid to agree to large batches: flour requires special storage conditions. Secondly, it will take a long time to achieve large enterprise worked with small directly. It doesn't benefit him. Thirdly, in the event of a disruption in the supply, most likely, a refusal to further cooperation will follow.

In addition to flour, pressed yeast, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, vanillin, baking powder, stabilizers, food additives, thickeners, etc. are needed. By the way, according to GOST for 1 ton white bread you will need 740 kg of premium flour, 9.6 kg of salt, 7.4 kg of pressed yeast, 1.2 kg of vegetable oil. As for buns, the final consumption of raw materials depends on the recipe compiled by the technologist.

Step #7 - Getting Started

When the premises are completely ready, employees are hired, equipment is purchased, and all permits are in hand, you can start mass production. Separately, it is worth thinking about advertising and marketing. It is not at all necessary to invest a lot of money at the initial stage, you can get by with “little blood”. For example, a promoter will be a relatively inexpensive pleasure. It is enough to print leaflets and put a person for 100 rubles. in hour. distribute them near the bakery, somewhere in a passable place. Or on bulletin boards located at nearby bus stops public transport, hang a small flyer. And, of course, no one canceled word of mouth.

Many will probably be interested to know that opening a mini-bakery has a profitability of approximately 10-15%, although sometimes it can even reach 50%. One mini-bakery can bring in an income equal to two or more thousand dollars, every month. That's why if you decide to open your own bakery, you need to know that the profit in this business is determined only by you, as well as your abilities.

Just remember that, baked goods are the most hot commodity on the market, there is always a demand for it, even in a crisis. Just don’t rely on huge incomes, a bakery as a business is a very profitable and stable business, just don’t count on excess profits. "Although" if you open a network around the city or develop and sell a ready-made franchise system, you have a chance to earn a lot, a lot of money.

How to open a mini-bakery

Before starting production, you must first get your project approved by the SES, the environmental inspectorate, the fire service, and the agency for technical regulation and metrology.

Room selection- the size of the area for locating the production, where you will make the main product bread, is determined by the requirements of the SES for the premises, as well as the productivity of the bakery. The main requirements are to separate dirty and clean production ceilings. With a production volume of your bakery equal to two tons of bread daily, an area of ​​​​150-200 square meters will be quite enough.

Bakery and confectionery production

You can get the premises for the bakery in several ways, building, buying or renting. If we talk about rent, then most often premises for bakeries are rented, with the subsequent possibility of their redemption. The cost of renting a room with an area of ​​200 m2 will cost approximately $500-2000 per month.

The final cost of rent and purchase is its location and logistics, ease of access and delivery to the client from the point of departure. Every little thing is important, do not forget about competitors, it is better to pay experienced marketers- you need to carefully research the market so as not to incur losses later.

Do not forget about SES, when choosing a room, they must be clearly guided by their requirements:

  • the bakery should not be located in the basement or semi-basement, this is not acceptable;
  • from floor to ceiling 1.75 m. light ceramic tiles or paint must be present, everything else is whitewashed;
  • water supply is mandatory - hot and cold water, the floor must be permeable;
  • the room should be equipped with separate rooms for staff and food storage, as well as a sink, toilet, shower room;
  • ventilation is required, both natural and artificial hoods of good power

It is possible that you will have to make repairs, finish something, finish it along the way, and these are additional costs

Bakery Equipment

The minimum set of equipment that every bakery should have is a dough mixer, a proofing cabinet, a baking oven, dough sheeters, a planetary mixer, dough dividers will also speed up the process, again it all depends on your ambitions and investments in the business. The cost of all this equipment is approximately $30,000. In addition, you will have to fork out for the purchase of a car for the delivery of bread.

A start-up bakery can purchase ovens domestic production, the cost of which is usually much cheaper compared to imported ones, the disadvantage of domestic equipment can be ease of use and functionality and differ significantly from foreign ones. The next step is to right choice raw materials. The main raw material for bakeries is flour. For baking thousands of kilograms of bread in one shift, you need 600-700 kg of flour. The cost of one kilogram of flour is approximately 9-10 rubles.

Bakery staff

It needs staff to work. The technologist is the main specialist of this production. This person is responsible for installing the equipment, developing recipes, and training staff. In addition to the technologist, the baker and assistant baker are the main staff of the bakery, a technician and a cleaner are also needed. Their minimum number should be at least two people per shift.

In addition, you need to hire an accountant and a driver. Sales of products at the initial stage can be carried out by the director of the bakery or by you. Take workers with experience, your reputation and the final result of the finished product, important taste qualities of the product and high consumer appreciation depend on this.

Start of production

Starting a business and selling finished products is important point, before starting the launch, it is necessary to find customers to conclude contracts for the delivery of goods by transport. Alternatively, it is possible to establish cooperation with wholesalers, for this you do not have to buy or rent a truck, or hire a driver. Study the market, master marketing, for a mini-bakery this is the only chance to work among competitors. It is believed that even with a 10% profitability of the bakery, the business was a success, in the West 10% is considered good business. Expand your assortment and increase sales, increase the profitability of your mini-bakery.


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